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要坐上不老男神的寶座真是不容易 誰能一直維持顛峰狀態?
私房下流話podcast EP127:誰是永遠的男神? 歡迎關注: 臉書粉專:https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100064088833083 Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/private_dirtytalks/ 華語歌曲界創作歌手郭子郭蘅祈與同志頻道「跟老師上床」主持人Teacher Shen共同製作主持,兩個最有默契的大學同學分享私密故事,暢聊時下流行話題。延續「我愛崔苔菁」的幽默風趣談話方式,創造全新的節目內容。溫
[Eng Sub] 台灣同志性向探索的情境喜劇 演員本身是不是gay有關係嗎?#小菁與言言
Sleeping wIth Your Teacher EP256: "A Straight Actor Plays Gay" 跟老師上床第256集:直男演Gay像嗎? 歡迎欣賞小菁與言言:https://www.youtube.com/@SweetGA The purpose of the show is to compare the viewpoints of two generations of gay people. 有趣的同志談話性節目,比較兩個不同世代同志的看法。 This is a channe
健保給付的心理諮商? 台灣同志如何取得特殊醫療資源?
Sleeping wIth Your Teacher LIVE! 支持花蓮同志友善商家: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100092558181476 The purpose of the show is to compare the viewpoints of two generations of gay people. 有趣的同志談話性節目,比較兩個不同世代同志的看法。 This is a channel that has zero tolerance
同志藝人被迫用各種方式出櫃 這種惡劣的行為該停了吧?
Sleeping wIth Your Teacher LIVE! The purpose of the show is to compare the viewpoints of two generations of gay people. 有趣的同志談話性節目,比較兩個不同世代同志的看法。 This is a channel that has zero tolerance for internet gay bullying. Any comments that are unfriendly to the L
Sleeping wIth Your Teacher LIVE The purpose of the show is to compare the viewpoints of two generations of gay people. 有趣的同志談話性節目,比較兩個不同世代同志的看法。 This is a channel that has zero tolerance for internet gay bullying. Any comments that are unfriendly to the LG
從上班族到 go-go boy 自由教練 餐廳老闆 馬克的生活真精采
Sleeping wIth Your Teacher EP194: "Career Change of a Gay Man" 跟老師上床第194集:寫真明星的斜槓人生 Please follow Mark: https://instagram.com/mark.gucci?igshid=gmytaslo28pl 食光餐廳: https://instagram.com/food.light214?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= The purpose of the show is to compare
為了傳宗接代走上傳統婚姻的路 你有這樣的壓力嗎?努力扮演異性戀的結果是什麼?
Sleeping wIth Your Teacher EP193: "Gay Who Married a Woman" 跟老師上床第193集:和女生結婚的男同志 The purpose of the show is to compare the viewpoints of two generations of gay people. 有趣的同志談話性節目,比較兩個不同世代同志的看法。 This is a channel that has zero tolerance for internet gay bul
時尚編輯法力無邊 男模如何逃?真能飛上枝頭當鳳凰?
Sleeping wIth Your Teacher EP191: "The Hidden Rules" 跟老師上床第191集:時尚圈的潛規則 Please follow Duke: https://www.instagram.com/dukelinnn/?hl=zh-tw The purpose of the show is to compare the viewpoints of two generations of gay people. 有趣的同志談話性節目,比較兩個不同世代同志的看法。 This
Sleeping wIth Your Teacher EP186: "The Modeling Industry" 跟老師上床第186集:男模的異想世界 Please follow Tim: https://www.instagram.com/timting_71/?hl=zh-tw The purpose of the show is to compare the viewpoints of two generations of gay people. 有趣的同
可愛陽光的男同志寫真 尺度拿捏好困難 腳小但是那裡超大
Sleeping wIth Your Teacher EP153: "Stories Behind No. Gino" 跟老師上床第153集:性感寫真的幕後花絮 Please follow Gino: https://www.instagram.com/gino_bai/?hl=zh-tw The purpose of the show is to compare the viewpoints of two generations of gay people. 有