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對唔住! Sor9ly!
2 週前
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曾經喺Fujifilm Xh2s嘅 review 入面講過叫大家死左條心 富士呢世都唔會俾返個 object tracking 俾你架喇 點知早兩日出嘅 firmware 6.0 就係加返俾你 對唔住囉.............. #Telegram攝影教學討論谷 https://t.me/joinchat/BE8H1xchYls6_ztVWGbNEA Signal Group https://signal.group/#CjQKIPeVeMiChlKwnlb738QxIK4mMgigXKQHj79aPNc
What to expect at Nvidia's GTC conference today
1 個月前
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Shares of Nvidia (NVDA) are trading higher Monday ahead of the tech giant's highly anticipated GTC conference. The event will focus on Nvidia's upcoming product lineup and the company's vision for advancing AI in the coming years. 1. 🚨 Message me any quest
(Sell now?) Get Ready For CPI Report Tomorrow!!!
1 個月前
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The Consumer Price Index (CPI) is a measure of the average change over time in the prices paid by urban consumers for a market basket of consumer goods and services. Indexes are available for the U.S. and various geographic areas. Average price data for se
What To Expect: Nvidia Q4 2023 Earnings
2 個月前
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what can be said about Nvidia (NVDA) that has not already been said? With year-to-date stock gains of close to 50%, crushing the 5% rise in the S&P 500 index, the market has run out of superlatives to describe the AI chip juggernaut. 1. 🚨 Message me any qu
(NEW) Why Is Nvidia Stock Dropping Before Reporting Earnings?
Nvidia’s stock heads for biggest drop in over a year and biggest market-cap loss ever. What will it report tomorrow? We shall see! 1. 🚨 Message me any questions: https://discord.gg/kwVQtmu 2.✅ LPP $250 OFF (Daily Live Trading): https://bit.ly/3CPGNLH 3. 📸
Söllner: "KI-Aus?!" Super Micro 1.000 %, Bitcoin, Nvidia, Quant-Verdoppler, Tesla, Rheinmetall, BYD
Florian Söllner, leitender Redakteur bei DER AKTIONÄR, blickt jede Woche auf die spannendsten Entwicklungen im Tech-Sektor. Heute geht es um folgende Werte: Nvidia, Microsoft, Super Micro Computer, D-Wave, Partec, Palantir, Rheinmetall, Hensoldt, Ceotronic
2 個月前
 • 27 次觀看
The Consumer Price Index (CPI) is a measure of the average change over time in the prices paid by urban consumers for a market basket of consumer goods and services. Indexes are available for the U.S. and various geographic areas. Average price data for se
(URGENT) Watch This Before CPI Data Inflation Report Tomorrow!!!
The Consumer Price Index (CPI) is a measure of the average change over time in the prices paid by urban consumers for a market basket of consumer goods and services. Indexes are available for the U.S. and various geographic areas. Average price data for se
美官員質疑TikTok執行長身分 周受資:我新加坡人|#鏡新聞
美國參議院近日(1/31)召開大型科技公司和線上兒童性剝削危機聽證會,社群媒體龍頭Meta、TikTok、Snap和Discord等高層領導人都有出席。其中TikTok執行長周受資就被共和黨籍參議員柯頓連連逼問,甚至質疑他與中國共產黨有關係,讓他哭笑不得,只能一直強調,他是新加坡人,沒有中國籍。 (鏡新聞已上架86台,若無法收看,請洽詢當地系統台) -- 鏡新聞YouTube👉https://reurl.cc/yrypNy 鏡新聞官方網站👉https://www.mnews.tw/ 鏡新聞Facebook👉
Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg & Other Social-Media CEOs Slammed In U.S. Senate Hearing | 10 News First
On an extraordinary day on Capitol Hill, CEOs of major social-media platforms including Mark Zuckerberg's Meta, X/Twitter, TikTok, Snap, and Discord were accused of having blood on their hands during a fiery U.S. Senate hearing about online child exploitat
TikTok, Snap, Meta, and X CEOs testify in Senate hearing – watch live
The CEOs of TikTok, Discord, Snap, Meta and X, formerly known as Twitter to testify before a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on online child sexual exploitation
[EN] Queendom Puzzle Nana and Wooyeon
10 個月前
 • 72 次觀看
woo!ah! members Nana and Wooyeon are participating in Mnet's new survival show Queendom Puzzle! This is a quick guide for our (hopefully soon to be) co-wow!s as we support and send love to both of the members during the whole show! Special thanks to @catch
The Future Marvel Snap Meta | Biggest Winners & Losers: April Patch | Snap Chat Ep 25 | Marvel Snap
Join Cozy and Alex Coccia as they chat about this and more on this episode of The Snap Chat and every week as they discuss all things Marvel Snap See Alex's Side of the Episode HERE: https://youtu.be/NxVSvkla8tQ ➡️We are now live in all podcast audio forma
Opening Bell: First Republic Bank, Gold, Öl WTI, Meta, Snap, Oracle, Baidu
Auch an der Wall Street waren die Sorgen um die Credit Suisse gestern eines der Top-Themen. Für den Dow Jones ging es um knapp 0,9 Prozent abwärts. Der Nasdaq 100 hingegen drehte zum Handelsende ins Plus und legte 0,4 Prozent zu. Bei den Einzelthemen geht
#美股 两天倒闭仨银行,市场仍显略恐慌。今天CPI数据能否帮助市场反攻?#美联储##标普##纳指##硅谷银行##第一共和银行##FRC##CPI##斐波那契#
当金融环境直线下降时,我很难给任何人提建议。我根本不知道硅谷银行是个意外,还是冰山一角,而冰山下面是什么,什么会浮出水面,没人能知道。出于这个原因,在事情平静之前,我会暂时停止做多仓位。我不会让自己冒险,第二天却因为银行倒闭而导致股票崩溃。 我希望这次银行的事情能尽快结束,就算暴跌一下也好。那样风险就得到了充分的释放。当然阿满的做空头寸也将大幅获利出场。但在那之前我会对看涨保持警惕。在目前的条件下,没有理由去逞英雄。 #美股##标普##纳指##硅谷银行##第一共和银行##FRC##CPI##斐波那契#纳指
☆おすすめ動画はこちら! ①絶対に笑ってはいけないアニ文字 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=28jAR_LDNJE ②デスマーチ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IY1J3FeCre0 ☆チャンネル登録よろしくね! ■https://goo.gl/lSy9St ☆サブチャンネルは「Fischer's-セカンダリ-」 ■https://goo.gl/QgBhjD ☆リーダーの個人チャンネル「ロードシルク」 ■https://onl.la/dQn3
MIRROR MASK Ver.2 之 你認識MIRROR嗎? - Jer & Anson Lo
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This NEW Toxic Meta Deck is ABSURD! | Evil Sera Miracle | Crazy Turn 6 Combos | Marvel Snap
A brand new Toxic deck has entered the meta and it is pure evil! Today ill walk you through Toxic Miracle and fully explain every card in the deck, the strategy and best tips to utilize a fantastic pool 3 deck! Deck code: # (1) Titania # (2) Luke Cage # (2
POV&Zine|手持一亿像素去扫街!Hasselblad X2D|原来这么拍 240集
哈苏X2D扫街能力到底怎么样?手持一亿像素拍出来会不会都是虚的?今天带着相机来到一个之前从未来过的街区,通过第一视角的扫街视频,一起手持Hasselblad X2D 走进街拍现场! #原来这么拍# 240集 2023年3月份线上摄影课程《街头摄影》:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/znRhtklbXslkJznEX0PJsg 《原来这么拍 超越构图》新书购买地址:https://item.jd.com/12847986.html#none 配套30集视频课程购买地址:https://m