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Romania 4K UHD - Scenic Relaxation Film With Calming Music - 4K Video Ultra HD
Romania 4K UHD - Scenic Relaxation Film With Calming Music - 4K Video Ultra HD Romania, a hidden gem in Eastern Europe, boasts a diverse tapestry of natural beauty. The Carpathian Mountains offer dramatic landscapes with lush forests, pristine lakes, and c
Peru 4K UHD - Scenic Relaxation Film With Calming Music - 4K Video Ultra HD
Peru 4K UHD - Scenic Relaxation Film With Calming Music - 4K Video Ultra HD Peru, a land of mesmerizing beauty, captivates with its diverse landscapes. The majestic Andes mountains offer breathtaking vistas, while the enigmatic Machu Picchu stands as a tes
ZEN - Relaxing Meditative Ambient Music - 禅 古典音樂 治愈心灵 深度放松 古琴 古筝 竹笛 Guqin Guzheng Flute
凡所有相,皆是虚妄;若见诸相非相,即见如来 All things are but a fleeting show, An illusion, mere empty flow; When one perceives this truth profound, The Buddha-nature is then found. Playlist: 飞升 月下流泉 相非相 清溪潺流 风雾菩提 细雨松涛 ----------------------------------------------------------
ZEN - Relaxing Meditative Ambient Music - 禅 古典音樂 治愈心灵 深度放松 古琴 古筝 竹笛 Guqin Guzheng Flute
古筝禅境幽,静心观水流,山林绿翠处,情怀魂净收 Oh zither, in solitude serene, Watching water flow with heart serene, Amidst verdant forests' leaves aglow, My spirit pure and emotions know. Playlist: 古筝禅境 太极 江上清风游 空山寂寂 禅房花木深 莲心不染 --------------------------------------------------
古箏音樂 安靜音樂 冥想音樂 睡眠音樂 - Música Traditional Chinese-Música flauta de bamboo -Relaxation Ep.84
古箏音樂 安靜音樂 冥想音樂 睡眠音樂 - Música Traditional Chinese-Música flauta de bamboo -Relaxation Ep.84 ====================================================== Welcome to the channel Soothing Relaxation. We create music for introspection, meditation, healing and relaxat
古箏音樂 安靜音樂 冥想音樂 睡眠音樂 - Música Traditional Chinese-Música flauta de bamboo -Relaxation Ep.81
古箏音樂 安靜音樂 冥想音樂 睡眠音樂 - Música Traditional Chinese-Música flauta de bamboo -Relaxation Ep.81 ====================================================== Welcome to the channel Soothing Relaxation. We create music for introspection, meditation, healing and relaxat
古箏音樂 安靜音樂 冥想音樂 睡眠音樂 - Música Traditional Chinese-Música flauta de bamboo -Relaxation Ep.82
古箏音樂 安靜音樂 冥想音樂 睡眠音樂 - Música Traditional Chinese-Música flauta de bamboo -Relaxation Ep.82 ====================================================== Welcome to the channel Soothing Relaxation. We create music for introspection, meditation, healing and relaxat
古箏音樂 安靜音樂 冥想音樂 睡眠音樂 - Música Traditional Chinese-Música flauta de bamboo -Relaxation Ep.77
古箏音樂 安靜音樂 冥想音樂 睡眠音樂 - Música Traditional Chinese-Música flauta de bamboo -Relaxation Ep.77 ====================================================== Welcome to the channel Soothing Relaxation. We create music for introspection, meditation
FLYING OVER PATAGONIA (4K UHD) - Relaxing Music Along With Beautiful Nature Videos - 4K Video HD
Patagonia is a geographical region that covers the southernmost part of South America. This region is located in Argentina and Chile, including the southern part of the Andes mountain range running southwest to the Pacific Ocean and running southeast ac
放松舒缓的睡眠音乐,优美的钢琴曲,冥想音乐、背景音乐,享受音乐。 正在努力打造一个能够在睡眠、冥想、瑜伽等生活中营造出一种轻松氛围的音乐频道。 希望您在舒缓的音乐和美丽的背景中,能够获得放松、缓解压力、深度睡眠。 如果您能喜欢我的视频,并且订阅我的频道,我会感
在安静舒缓的放松音乐中入睡,睡眠音乐、冥想音乐、背景音乐。 正在努力打造一个能够在睡眠、冥想、瑜伽等生活中营造出一种轻松氛围的音乐频道。 希望您在舒缓的音乐和美丽的背景中,能够获得放松、缓解压力、深度睡眠。 如果您能喜欢我的视频,并且订阅我的频道,我会感到特别
Расслабляющая музыка снимает стресс, тревогу и депрессию 🌿 Успокаивающая музыка лечит разум
🍀 Отвлекитесь и расслабьтесь под этот плейлист с песнями для сна, учебы, медитации или массажа. Если вам нужно расслабиться после долгого дн
Color Analysis 🌈 ASMR 🌈 Soft Spokenish
2 年前
 • 139 次觀看
Hello friends :) today we'll be taking a closer look at what colors suit my dear husband Darryl best. I hope you enjoy this different type of a video from this channel ♥ Color analysis is a tool designed to help us figure out the colors that are synergy
Bali 4K - Relaxing Music Along With Beautiful Nature Videos
Bali is the name of an island and a province of Indonesia. The province includes the main island of Bali and a few neighboring islets, notably Nusa Penida, Nusa Lembongan, and Nusa Ceningan. It is located at the western end of the small Sunda archipelago,
日本愛染明王的靈言愛染明王真言潛意識音樂639 Hertz music聽的人會引發真正的奇蹟請對愛染明王表達感謝 愛情實現,願望實現,好運,金錢運氣和工作運氣就會上升!縁結び・良縁・結婚運
記得訂閱(開啟小鈴鐺)+點讚+分享唷~~ 請務必用上妳的聽音設備(耳機或音箱),只有好的聽音設備,才能還原音樂真相! 聲音與振動頻率療愈 “這是壹個無法否認的現實,未來的療愈科學將會是屬於振動頻率式的,聲音將成為主要被認可的壹部分,屆時妳、我以及這個多元學科的世界
慵懶咖啡館氛圍.放鬆輕爵士與巴莎諾瓦.紓緩壓力及焦慮的音樂 / Positive Jazz & Bossa Nova Music - Relaxing In Starbucks
Once clicking the "Play" button, you will be surrounded by the high quality music and feel just like in a boutique cafe. This collection includes several bossa nova and jazz songs. Bask in a serene,French therapeutic atmosphere to help you relax and let go
Hey Bear Sensory - Funky Veggies EXTENDED! - Fun Animation with Music! - Dance Video
Hey Bear Sensory - Funky Veggies EXTENDED! - Fun Animation with Music! - Dance Video Welcome to Hey Bear Sensory! As a special thank you to our super audience, here's the EXTENDED version of Funky Veggies! Key features of this video: - Bright music with lo
Relaxing Music & Rain Sounds - Beautiful Piano Music, Background Music, Sleep Music • You & Me
Relaxing music and rain sounds (10 hours) by Soothing Relaxation. Beautiful piano music ("You & Me") in a 10 hours long version composed by Peder B. Helland. Stream or download music from Soothing Relaxation: https://soothingrelaxation.lnk.to/listenYL 💿 Tr