
1 天內
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1 年內
That Vegan Teacher Has Officially Gone TOO FAR.. (t@rgetting kids now..)
That Vegan Teacher Has Officially Gone TOO FAR.. (t@rgetting kids now..) Well, well, well, who do we have here? Ugh, it's that weird vegan crusader AGAIN. I'm talking about Miss Kadie, AKA, That Vegan Teacher. Guys, what do you do when you're bored? Well,
Hailey Bieber Is UPSET With Justin Having A Baby With Kourtney Kardashian?! (it’s bad)
Hailey Bieber Is UPSET With Justin Having A Baby With Kourtney Kardashian?! (it’s bad) You guys, after years of whispers and rumors, Hailey Bieber finally dropped a bombshell that's got everyone's jaws on the floor. You won't believe what's been going on b
葡萄牙一座小鎮被超過 220 萬公升的紅酒淹成一條「紅酒河」,當地官員一度發布環境警報。 這起事件是在 9 月 10 日星期日,位於聖洛倫索-杜拜魯( São ...
葡萄牙一座小鎮被超過 220 萬公升的紅酒淹成一條「紅酒河」,當地官員一度發布環境警報。 這起事件是在 9 月 10 日星期日,位於聖洛倫索-杜拜魯( São Lourenço de Bairro)的萊維拉釀酒廠(Levira Distillery)的兩個大型酒桶爆裂後發生的。 從影片中可以看到,在不到一分鐘的時間內,大量的紅酒順著山坡流下,覆蓋了有 2 千名居民的小村莊,形成一條紅酒河。 溢出的紅酒量大到足以填滿一座奧運規格標準泳池,甚至觸發了環境警報。 目前已知無人受傷,但釀酒廠附近一名居民的地下室已被
Twitter's X Rebranding Is A FAIL #shorts
9 個月前
 • 54 次觀看
#twitter #elonmusk #technology #news #shorts Twitter's X Rebranding Is A FAIL #shorts Subscribe To Shorts: bit.ly/3RehPe7 Subscribe To Inform Overload: bit.ly/3XMMGAW
Elon Musk Seethes Over Mark Zuckerberg's Twitter Competitor ‘Threads,’ Threatens Lawsuit
Just one day after Meta launched its Twitter competitor 'Threads,' Elon Musk threatened them with a lawsuit and accused them of "cheating." He also seethed about Twitter's new competitor in multiple tweets. We break down his tantrum in this video. Sources
Ariana Grande’s Weight Loss Is CONCERNING.. (what’s going on?)
Ariana Grande’s Weight Loss Is CONCERNING.. (what’s going on?) For those of you who don’t know, people have been bullying Ariana Grande for losing a lot of weight? well, have gotten worse you guys, because not only are people now concerned for Ariana and h
🌐Twitter前員工推出新社媒平台Spill|採用區塊鏈技術獎勵創作者,已開放登記 在馬斯克大刀闊斧開除大量 Twitter 員工,近期傳出有前員工合作開發了...
🌐Twitter前員工推出新社媒平台Spill|採用區塊鏈技術獎勵創作者,已開放登記 在馬斯克大刀闊斧開除大量 Twitter 員工,近期傳出有前員工合作開發了一個新的社群媒體平台「Spill」。 Spill 除了使用區塊鏈技術來記錄貼文,以獎勵創作者外,同時也將為社群上較為弱勢的創作者發聲。 . . . 👥當前 Spill 已開放等候名單登記 私訊我們📩 索取登記連結 想看更多👀 底下留言索取文章全文
【產品評測】B&O Beosound Theatre:一體式極致音效外加時尚奢華設計!盡享強勁低頻、Dolby Atmos 立體環繞聲
丹麥音響名廠 B&O 最新推出的 Beosound Theatre 可算是其中一款設計和音效都最頂尖的一體式 Soundbar。內藏 12 組單元配備獨立放大,包括特製低音單元以及天花聲道單元,提供既震撼又包圍感十足的 3D 音效,更可配搭 B&O 其他喇叭進一步升級環繞聲效果。而且網絡音樂串流功能
BIG NEWS: Johnny Depp Lands First Major Movie Role After Trial!
BIG NEWS: Johnny Lands First Major Movie Role After Trial! The long wait is over. After the crazy series of events during the defamation trial against Amber Heard, Johnny Depp finally cleared his name - even though we aren’t even sure if he won or
The Exact Moment Amber Heard LOST Case Vs Johnny Depp
Fans have been constantly pointing out many vast inconsistencies as they pore over the information that’s been presented in court, especially that coming from Amber Heard, and it's very clear to any spectator of the case that Amber has messed up big time
Toilet Paper Roll me that Glass please! #Shorts
1 年前
 • 109 次觀看
Team Edge Merchandise! ➡ https://teamedge.store 🔽MORE LINKS BELOW 🔽 TE Instagram ➡ https://instagram.com/itsteamedge/ TE TikTok ➡ https://www.tiktok.com/@teamedge?lang=en TE Twitter ➡ https://twitter.com/its_teamedge?lang=en Buisness Inqui
1 年前
 • 144 次觀看
#metgala #metgala2022
Coachella was a HOT mess... and we're not surprised
Coachella was a HOT mess... and we're not surprised ✅ SUBSCRIBE FOR DRAMA: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8kJKPwTe6XopeSQHqz1YLg?sub_confirmation=1 #annaoop
The Most Disgusting Kid On Youtube
2 年前
 • 89 次觀看
✅ SUBSCRIBE FOR DRAMA: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8kJKPwTe6XopeSQHqz1YLg?sub_confirmation=1 #annaoop
Noah Beck LEAKS Secret Information About Dixie D’amelio?! *MET GALA*
Noah Beck LEAKS Secret Information About Dixie D’amelio?! *MET GALA* ✅ SUBSCRIBE FOR DRAMA: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8kJKPwTe6XopeSQHqz1YLg?sub_confirmation=1 #annaoop #noahbeck #dixiedamelio
WOAH! Danielle Cohn makes ANOTHER OnlyFans?!? (AT 15?!)
WOAH! Danielle Cohn makes ANOTHER OnlyFans?!? (AT 15?!) thoughts?! let me know in the comments! #DanielleCohn #SpillPlug