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Inside the Titanic sub disaster
11 個月前
 • 39 次觀看
This week a submersible carrying passengers to the site of the wreck of the Titanic disappeared in the North Atlantic; all five aboard perished in a catastrophic implosion. Correspondent David Pogue, who rode in the same underwater vehicle last year, repor
#HR時事 #Titan 👉🏻前面已經有太多人警告過...😢 @ tag 會想去看鐵達尼號殘骸的朋友 👉🏻發生什麼事? 這週一艘載有 5 名乘客的 觀光潛...
#HR時事 #Titan 👉🏻前面已經有太多人警告過...😢 @ tag 會想去看鐵達尼號殘骸的朋友 👉🏻發生什麼事? 這週一艘載有 5 名乘客的 觀光潛艇 「泰坦號」(Titan) 潛入海裡要去尋找知名沉船「鐵達尼號」的殘骸 結果才下潛一個多小時就失聯 如今美國海岸防衛隊和潛艇公司 OceanGate 已發出聲明確認 5 人罹難 👉🏻冒險創新? 曾任 OceanGate 顧問的 Rob McCallum 也曾寫信給老闆 說泰坦號可能會讓乘客陷入險境 但創辦人說他: 「厭倦了業界的老屁股一直試圖 利用安全理
#今日熱門新聞 :https://bit.ly/2Srrrrs 訂閱新聞雲頻道:https://bit.ly/2FOmiBe 📢加入頻道會員:https://bit.ly/3cvq3Z2 影片授權:Jay Bloom Handout/路透社、OceanGate/路透社、ENGRO CORPORATION LIMITED/路透社、OCEANGATE EXPEDITIONS HANDOUT/路透社、路透社 【相關報導】 與死神擦肩!美國父子「差點搭上泰坦號」 讓票原因曝光 https://www.ettoday
鐵達尼觀光潛艇失蹤|美搜救隊:泰坦號發生內爆 船上5人料無一生還 鐵達尼號|Titanic|泰坦號|Titan|潛水艇|內爆|OceanGate|StocktonRush|HamishHarding
深潛大西洋海底參觀「鐵達尼號」(Titanic)殘骸的潛水器「泰坦號」(Titan)失蹤多日,美國海岸防衛隊在香港時間23日凌晨召開記者會表示,已經找到泰坦號的殘骸,潛水器上的五人因災難性的內爆死亡。 ……………………………………… 詳細報導 ▹ www.stheadline.com/tv/tv-news/3245785 緊貼新聞資訊 ▹ https://www.stheadline.com/tv 《星島頭條》APP盡睇各項精采內容 本地飲食▹ https://bit.ly/3PFC5E6 健康資訊▹ ht
OceanGate Titanic sub: Teen 'terrified' to go on trip, family says | LiveNOW from FOX
Family members of 19-year-old Suleman Dawood, who was onboard the Titan submersible headed for the wreckage of the Titanic, said Suleman did not want to go, but did it for his father, Shahzada, who was a Titanic enthusiast. The U.S. Coast Guard said both m
Titanic tourist submersible destroyed: How it happened | About That
Wreckage from the missing Titan submersible has been found near the site of the Titanic. All those who were on board are lost at sea. Andrew Chang explains what happened and how the Titan was destroyed. »»» Subscribe to CBC News to watch more videos: http:
අතුරුදහන් වූ සම්බැරීනය ගැන රහස් රැසක් එලියට | Oceangate Titan Submarine rescue |
අතුරුදහන් වූ සම්බැරීනය ගැන රහස් රැසක් එලියට | Oceangate Titan Submarine rescue | වටපිට Youtube Channel එක සමඟ එකතුවන ඔබට දැනුම, විනෝදය, තාක්ෂණය සහ අධ්‍යාපනය එකම තැනකින් නැරඹීමට හැකියි..තාමත් අප සමඟ එකතු වී නැතිනම් දැන්ම එකතුවන්න. --------------------------
Lake Forest man rode Titan submersible to Titanic wreckage with now-missing CEO
Two years ago, David Waud of Lake Forest went an OceanGate expedition to the Titanic wreckage on the Titan submersible with CEO Stockton Rush. FULL STORY: https://bit.ly/3Nl4kYj
Why it's so hard to find the missing Titanic submersible | About That
A submersible taking tourists to the wreck of the Titanic has disappeared. Andrew Chang breaks down what we know about the vessel, who's on board and what it’ll take to find it. »»» Subscribe to CBC News to watch more videos: http://bit.ly/1RreYWS Connect