
1 天內
1 週內
1 個月內
1 年內
This Isn't Just A Chatbot (OpenAI Should Be Scared...)
I heard nvidia was doing some chat bot stuff, but Chat With RTX ended up being much more interesting than I expected. Retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) is a fascinating new technique and I'm curious how we see it adopted over time. Compared to ChatGPT a
A Deeper Look at OpenAI's Sora
3 個月前
 • 14 次觀看
OpenAI is on a roll. From ChatGPT to Dall-E to...Sora? Interesting choice of name. Regardless, the quality of the video generation I'm seeing here is insane enough to genuinely scare me. Check out my Twitch, Twitter, Discord more at https://t3.gg SOURCES h
BREAKING: Figma Might Be Doomed
5 個月前
 • 21 次觀看
Figma's an incredibly important tool for all us web and app devs. The Adobe deal ending is very scary. Not just for Figma, but for the entire world of start ups. How do y'all feel about the EU jumping in on stuff like this? Check out my Twitch, Twitter, Di
I could NEVER have predicted the new OpenAI CEO...
6 個月前
 • 21 次觀看
Well, I guess Emmett is CEO of OpenAI now. I could never in a million years have predicted this, but at least I can be useful. My experience at Twitch has never felt more relevant. Nor has Candyland.
6 個月前
 • 33 次觀看
...I give up. Sam Altman is now a CEO at Microsoft. OpenAI will continue working with them. Greg is going there too. I have no idea what to expect. Well done, Satya, well done.
Why OpenAI Un-Fired Their CEO
6 個月前
 • 15 次觀看
I did NOT think OpenAI would flip this quickly. What a wild story. Sam Altman is clearly well loved by his team. ChatGPT, write me a Netflix script for a documentary about OpenAI's board firing their CEO Steve Jobs style, only to have him return days later
OpenAI Just Fired Their CEO
6 個月前
 • 15 次觀看
OpenAI and ChatGPT have changed the world in short time. It seems like that wasn't enough to keep them from canning Sam Altman :( Blog post: https://openai.com/blog/openai-announces-leadership-transition Check out my Twitch, Twitter, Discord more at https:
Github Is Changing
6 個月前
 • 20 次觀看
Github's new direction is...interesting. Getting weird vibes from their Github Universe announcements. As much as I love Copilot and AI stuff, I am not sure it's the right direction. Check out my Twitch, Twitter, Discord more at https://t3.gg S/O Ph4seOn3
The Unity Drama (A Dev's Perspective)
8 個月前
 • 42 次觀看
Unity is a decent game engine. It's a bit rougher as a company. I'm scared to think about how this will affect the industry ALL MY VIDEOS ARE POSTED EARLY ON PATREON https://www.patreon.com/t3dotgg Everything else (Twitch, Twitter, Discord & my blog): http
未來戰士2 影評
1 年前
 • 44 次觀看
Wild Wildy 38 電影影片 // T7 trailer都有,是時候溫書 // T3超垃圾 // T4變獨立電影 // T5終於有突破 // T6和T1-T2差得遠...
Using AI To Code Better? ChatGPT and Copilot change everything
ChatGPT, OpenAI, GPT4 and Copilot have stirred up a ton of excitement and concern in the dev world. It's clear these tools will help us move faster, but will they replace us? Artificial Intelligence and machine learning are improving fast, and Advent
Illuvium AMA︱Land Sale, Illuvitars w/Andrew Wall(Awall)︱3A遊戲最重要的事
這一集邀請到Illuvium團隊的Andrew來和我們談談這款3A遊戲大作,如何重新定位品牌,回歸遊戲的本質:好玩。讓玩家先愛上遊戲的體驗,再迎接遊戲中的數位資產。同時,我們也聊了illuvium在6月2日的第一次土地銷售、第四季即將推出的illuvitar、以及區塊鏈遊戲的未來。 我會和你們一起看首播,也歡迎告訴我,你最喜歡這部影片的哪一個部份。 購買土地官網: http://join.illuvium.io/mEy 加入Discord:http://join.illuvium.io/fWP 這是我的Di
illuvium 買土地之前先看這部才不會買貴了︱為什麼土地起標價這麼貴對大家都有好處︱land sale cc caption included
在這部影片中,你可以清楚的了解illuvium的兩種遊戲機制、土地拍賣和各級土地的特色。同時我也說明了為什麼這次的土地拍賣起始價格這麼高,但是標價高其實對大家都有好處的原因。希望想要買土地的人可以不必FOMO,運用聰明的方法節省購買成本。想要加入illuvium DAO的人,也可以了解ILV的質押和silv2的關連。 購買土地官網: http://join.illuvium.io/mEy 加入Discord:http://join.illuvium.io/fWP 什麼是illuvium 的DAO及ILV的質
The Airside - Delhi International Airport
11 年前
 • 32 次觀看
Never Seen before the Airside night traffic of the India's most busiest airport Indira Gandhi International Airport -T3. Wishing all the subscribers a very Happy New Year and all the aviator, pilots, crew, ground-staff and airport staff a prosperous and su