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Foreign weavers ‘copycat mats’ profiting from Tongan treasure | The Pacific | ABC News
Tapa Cloth and fine mats. In Tonga this is Koloa, or treasure and it’s an important cultural responsibility for Tongan women to have these items. But now foreign knock offs are popping up online. Tongan weavers can make thousands of dollars selling these m
日櫻島火山爆炸噴發5000米「火山灰、雷電交加」!?全球火山帶蠢動…岩漿庫齊爆「致命碎屑流」世界末日將臨?【57爆新聞 萬象搜奇】 @57BreakingNews
00:00 印尼火山爆發如「現代龐貝」? 全球火山齊爆「末日」將臨?! 12:48 驚!環太平洋火地震帶蠢動 超級火山恐甦醒成未爆彈?! 24:43 東加火山海底兩萬哩「突襲」一炸小島從地球消失?! 36:38 雅典冰封、義大利火山爆發 異象狂噴人類逃出地球!? 每週一至週五2100 請鎖定57東森財經新聞台-《57爆新聞》 💥加入頻道會員【真相追擊隊】看更多→https://bit.ly/34zJY70 👉記得訂閱並開啟小鈴鐺🔔→https://bit.ly/2uBSbXv #57爆新聞 #印尼 #火山爆
甘肅6.2強震傷亡破千習近平「急派解放軍」! 12°C嚴寒「搶救黃金時刻」驟減 【57爆新聞 萬象搜奇】 @57BreakingNews
(00:00)甘肅強震死傷慘…民眾寒冬中避難! 揭台人「天冷心更冷」秘辛! 甘肅強震逾百人死!「低溫」成救災考驗…民眾續命「保暖」是關鍵! 強震瞬間「磚如雨下」? 民眾裹被竄逃…學生困宿舍「破窗」逃生! (02:21)強震前神秘「大自然預告」如聖經災難降臨 四川強震前異象 長江上空老鷹詭盤旋 地牛甦醒 青海罕見氂牛拔腿狂奔 大屯山爆發恐成真?沿岸魚屍曝311強震 7.8強震毀土國早異相? (25:52)全球地牛蠢動「東加」灰頭土臉曝光! 聖經災難降臨…美洲冰火五重天? 東加災後慘況「灰矇矇一片」! 兩島百人
All Blacks INCREDIBLE Rugby World Cup 2023 final haka
New Zealand perform the haka for the final time at RWC 2023, as they face up to South Africa in the grand final in Paris. #Rugby #RugbyWorldCup #RWC2023 #Haka #RWCFinal Subscribe to watch the best of the Rugby World Cup! Keep up-to-date on all things rugby
Springboks & All Blacks Legends Preview The Final | BOKS OFFICE
With just a few days to go until Rugby World Cup 2023 final between South Africa and New Zealand at the Stade de France in Paris, the Boks Office team reconvene for a very special episode. Host Hanyani Shimange is joined by Springbok legends Schalk Burger
Should the Springboks have won THAT scrum penalty? | Whistle Watch
Nigel Owens is back for a very special episode of Whistle Watch as this week it's Rugby World Cup Final week! On the streets of Paris, Nigel reviews all the major talking points from the two semi-finals at Rugby World Cup 2023. He discusses why All Black S
Powerful All Blacks haka in Rugby World Cup semi-final | New Zealand v Argentina
Watch as New Zealand perform one of their most powerful hakas of Rugby World Cup 2023 ahead of the All Blacks' semi-final against Argentina at the Stade de France, Paris. #Rugby #RugbyWorldCup #NewZealand #Haka #RWC2023 #ARGvNZL Subscribe to @WorldRugby Ke
Argentina advance after Japan epic! | Japan v Argentina | Rugby World Cup 2023 Highlights
Argentina qualified for the quarter-finals of Rugby World Cup 2023 after coming through an epic encounter against Japan to claim the runner-up spot in Pool D at Stade de la Beaujoire in Nantes! #Rugby #RugbyWorldCup #RWC2023 #Highlights #JPNvARG Subscribe
Powerful New Zealand haka as they look to secure knockout spot | Rugby World Cup 2023
Watch as New Zealand perform another incredible haka as they look to secure a knockout spot in Rugby World Cup 2023, in their match against Uruguay in Pool A at OL Stadium in Lyon. #Rugby #RugbyWorldCup #NewZealand #Haka #RWC2023 #NZLvURU Subscribe to @Wor
Samoa bring the passion with powerful Siva Tau! | Rugby World Cup 2023
In Samoa's first match at RWC 2023 against Chile, they opened with an incredible Siva Tau in Bordeaux. #Rugby #RugbyWorldCup #RWC2023 #SAMvCHI SUBSCRIBE to World Rugby on YouTube! Keep up-to-date on all things rugby by following World Rugby on social media
Argentina Shock New Zealand in Hamilton! | Day 2 Men's Highlights
Argentina shock host New Zealand to win the HSBC Sevens Series event in Hamilton and claim 22 valuable points in the overall standings. #Rugby #Sevens #Highlights SUBSCRIBE to World Rugby on YouTube: @World Rugby Abonnez-vous à World Rugby Franc
France Eliminate Series Leaders Samoa! | Hamilton Day 1 Men's Highlights
HSBC Sevens Series is back underway in Hamilton with Samoa leading the 2023 series so far but there's an upset on the cards when they are drawn in the same group as Fiji and France! Here are all the key highlights from Day 1. #Rugby #Sevens #Highlight
東加火山海底兩萬哩「突襲」一炸小島從地球消失?! 恐怖蕈狀雲2hr白天轉黑夜?!-江中博 徐俊相《57爆新聞》精選篇 網路獨播版-1900-4
電影「浩劫奇蹟」再次上演? 東加海底驚天一爆「太平洋」鄰國全打顫? 東加火山千顆原彈引爆太平洋衝擊? 恐怖蕈狀雲2小時白天轉黑夜!? 東加島民死命奔逃奧運猛男掌旗官求援? 火山一炸小島從地球消失? 東加火山一炸太平洋全遭殃? 厄瓜多驚悚海盜船…祕魯沿岸全淹了? 恐3
東加小島火山爆發「瞬間從地球消失」 炸沉威力等同千顆原子彈衛星圖曝光|鏡週刊
東加火山爆發襲「全太平洋」!? 爆小島「秒消失」巨浪襲美日!?-黃世聰 徐俊相《57爆新聞》網路獨播版-1900 2022.01.17
全球瘋「氫能」台積電EUV也用? 爆中、日拚日行千里「氫能車」?! 獨家照曝陸「055」再啟餃子潮! 台「增程雄三」逼中10秒定生死 O毒狂襲上海現「喪屍」逃亡潮! 「塞港」惡化爆當街搶貨丟包?! 海底兩萬哩「火山」突襲東加! 恐怖蕈狀雲2hr白天轉黑夜?! 全球瘋「氫能」台
衛星影片曝光!東加火山爆發炸出「蕈狀雲」 日本海嘯警報、民眾急逃 →→https://t.co/Vp0aSGAdpG
衛星影片曝光!東加火山爆發炸出「蕈狀雲」 日本海嘯警報、民眾急逃#東加王國 #Tonga #日本 #japan #蘋果國際 #海嘯 #Tsunami #火山爆發 #volcano #蘋果新聞網 #appledailytw #appledaily →→https://t.co/Vp0aSGAdpG pic.twitter.com/1mhGiM3qLs— 蘋果新聞網 Taiwan Ne
南太平洋海底火山爆發 紐西蘭、斐濟海嘯警報!大浪湧入東加民宅 →→https://t.co/qIjhmpfMJs
南太平洋海底火山爆發 紐西蘭、斐濟海嘯警報!大浪湧入東加民宅#蘋果新聞網 #appledailytw #appledaily #蘋果國際 #海底火山 #火山爆發 #東加王國 #Tonga #紐西蘭 #斐濟 #海嘯→→https://t.co/qIjhmpfMJs pic.twitter.com/yiKjQihD05— 蘋果新聞網 Taiwan News (@TW_nextm
大迫力!トンガ代表「シピタウ」 対 ニュージーランド代表「ハカ」【ラグビーワールドカップ】
ラグビーにはキックオフ前に、ウォークライ(戦いの雄叫び)と呼ばれる儀式を行うチームがあります。相手を威嚇し味方の士気を高める伝統的な民族舞踊です。 この映像では、トンガ代表イカレ・タヒの「シピタウ」がまず行われます。対戦相手のニュージーランド代表オールブラックスにも同様の「ハカ」があり、トンガ代表に対峙する形で披露しています。このウォークライ対決に、キックオフ直前の会場の盛り上がりは最高潮に達しました! こちらは、トンガ代表の「シピタウ」。 この映像では対戦相手のニュージーランド代表にも同様の「ハカ」があり
Cicada – 鯨 Whale Family《不在的你們都去了哪裡》White Forest
Cicada 最新專輯《不在的你們都去了哪裡》White Forest 【11/23 正式發行】 博客來:https://goo.gl/XbxyPu 誠品:https://goo.gl/4o3sRb Bandcamp:https://goo.gl/7Ep9Qi 佳佳唱片:https://goo.gl/WgxMgH 讀冊Taaze:https://goo.gl/Xea92d 玫瑰大眾:https://goo.gl/XdWn4M iTunes:https://goo.gl/FHBtnN 日本版 Japanese