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Stranger gives us his 4x4 to travel Australia - EP 103
This is a NEW continent on our WORLD TOUR JOURNEY: we have finally made it to Australia! Vegemite on toast, flies in the eyes, red dirt on the road sides, sleeping under the stars in an Aussie Swag… In this episode we go for the full Australian camp set up
Exploring a 53km Karst Cave ALONE | S2, EP58
3 個月前
 • 30 次觀看
I am on my way to explore a 53km karst cave, and I accidentally dropped my bike. Luckily, there was a very nice family around that helped me getting up my bike! Join me on this adventure in Guangxi Province 🎬 0:00 Intro 1:57 Preparing to visit the cave 6:2
On The Edge Of Death | S4 E3 | Full Episode | I Shouldn't Be Alive
An amateur hiker falls down the side of a mountain, only to be saved by a small ledge from where there is no escape... Experience the gripping tales of survival in the heart-pounding series I Shouldn't Be Alive. Witness incredible true stories of those who
MOROCCO TRAVEL DOCUMENTARY | The Grand Moroccan Roadtrip
► ITINERARY + GPS TRACKS - https://payhip.com/b/bYlxM ► SUPPORT - 'Buy us a refill of diesel' - https://www.buymeacoffee.com/lucastjahn Follow us on our Grand Moroccan Roadtrip! From sweeping sand dunes to desolate highways of emptiness, bustling cities, a
第302集 永不凋谢的贝隆夫人——阿根廷 | 冒险雷探长Lei's adventure
贝隆夫人是阿根廷人民尊敬爱戴的一位女性,33岁逝世后,她传奇的一生被改编成戏剧影视等众多文艺作品。阿根廷人为何至今视觉他为偶像,将她的形象印在城市的各个角落,这一集,雷探长寻找贝隆夫人的墓地,了解今天阿根廷百姓的民生与梦想! 🕵️關注雷探長的Facebook,精彩預
第301集 阿根廷美女汉服大改造 | 冒险雷探长Lei's adventure
拉丁美洲是离中华文化最遥远的地方,但这里却不乏中西文化的共情性,长江黄河链接着拉普拉塔河,阿根廷蓝与中国红齐飞,如今热情奔放的阿根廷女孩竞相身着中国传统服饰,如赛波花竞相开放。这集雷探长首次将中国汉服带上阿根廷首都的上空,感受中西文化在拉美的激情碰撞! 🕵
第300集 阿根廷女孩的探戈激情 | 冒险雷探长Lei's adventure
阿根廷的国粹之一,是一曲爱恨迷离的探戈,如果陷入爱情中的人们智商为零,那么跳一曲阿根廷探戈,则会让你读懂爱情的哲学。这一来自西班牙与非洲的绅士与野性之美,在拉丁的土地上融汇发扬,这一集,雷探长探索阿根廷探戈,走进阿根廷探戈的狂野与热情。 Tango music: Dramá
285集 探秘冒险者的禁区---饥饿的苏丹 | 冒险雷探长Lei's adventure
苏丹是一个人们熟悉而又陌生的国家,这里被联合国评为最不发达的地区之一,战乱 瘟疫 食不果腹是它的代名词,但是苏丹又成就着无数的战地记者和冒险家前往那里,这一集雷探长开启非洲苏丹的冒险之旅,为你揭开接的苏丹之谜。 ▶◀ 探險傳送門: 【黎巴嫩冒險之旅】Lebanon Adventure Tour https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrVKx-I9kvCSUhGyT-GZ6J_MbsYJQORaN 【敘利亞冒險之旅】Syria Adventure Tour https
237集 去白俄羅斯娶老婆?走進白俄女孩的跨國愛情生活!【無刪減版】 | 冒險雷探長Lei's adventure
全球美女比例最高?找個白俄女友是種怎樣的體驗 白俄羅斯作爲斯拉夫三兄弟之一,被認爲是血統最純正的俄羅斯人, 如今的白俄首都明斯克,不但充滿了前蘇聯的懷舊氣息,這裏的人民也親切自然, 俊男美女成了白俄羅斯的國際代名詞,可當地人又是怎樣理解當下的白俄羅斯的呢? 這一集雷探長將走進明斯克,帶你瞭解華人與斯拉夫民族的民間情誼。 ▶◀ 探險傳送門: 【黎巴嫩冒險之旅】 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrVKx-I9kvCSUhGyT-GZ6J_MbsYJQORaN 【敘
234集 造價78億美元?開往聖城麥加的中國高鐵—沙特阿拉伯 | 冒險雷探長Lei's adventure
造價78億美元?開往聖城麥加的中國高鐵—沙特阿拉伯 世界第二大清真寺先知寺的设计者——穆罕默德,和麦加/麦地那有着怎样的关系? 虔诚信徒为何久久徘徊在先知寺不肯离去? 古往今來,沙特阿拉伯一直是高溫地帶, 從麥地那到麥加要穿越茫茫沙海,朝覲者爲了出行付出了種種代價, 沙特78億美元的超級工程-哈拉曼高鐵,大大縮短了朝覲者的時間。 這一集雷探長將走進沙特聖城麥地那,帶你體驗神聖的朝覲之美。 ▶◀ 探險傳送門: 【黎巴嫩冒險之旅】 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL
Congo: A journey to the heart of Africa - Full documentary - BBC Africa
The Democratic Republic of the Congo is a vast, mineral rich country the size of Western Europe. Alastair Leithead takes an epic journey from the Atlantic Ocean to the far reaches of the Congo river to explore how history has shaped the Congo of today and
Australia The Ultimate Travel Guide | Best Places to Visit | Top Attractions
Australia is a wild and beautiful place, a land whose color palette of red outback sands and Technicolor reefs frames sophisticated cities and soulful Indigenous stories. Australia The Ultimate Travel Guide | Best Places to Visit | Top Attractions: Sydney