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【台中】谷關+松鶴 2間超質感山林住宿!遊訪溫泉老街、在地人推薦美味部落火鍋!八仙山森林步道 輕鬆走一圈 聽松濤鳥鳴~獨棟Villa、木質調檜木房、療癒身心的溫泉旅行~#台中住宿|1000步的繽紛台灣
來谷關不要再只住溫泉飯店啦! 我們這次找了2間距離谷關溫泉景點大約10分鐘的住宿, 都有搭配住宿的玩法, 而且很有遠離塵囂的感覺唷~ 你會比較喜歡隱居在靜謐的八仙山木屋villa裡, 還是充滿人情味的松鶴部落呢? 記得留言跟我們分享唷~ -旅遊資訊分享- 📍八仙山莊📍 🏡住 直接入住八仙山森林遊樂園區 四人房有不同的格局, 房間空間舒適外, 客廳跟陽台也超級chill, 是villa等級的木屋體驗呀! 💯玩 八仙山森林遊樂區裏頭有非常多條步道可以探索, 想要拜訪谷關七雄的老大八仙山, 或是跟我們一樣走最最輕
Traditional nomadic transformation: demolishing the old kitchen to create a beautiful gazebo from
Dive into 'Transforming Traditions,' a documentary that unfolds the captivating journey of a nomadic family as they undertake the ambitious project of transforming their old kitchen into a stunning gazebo within their yard. This narrative delves into the e
TRI.BE (트라이비) 'Diamond' Performance Video
2 個月前
 • 14 次觀看
#트라이비 #TRI_BE #Diamond #performance ABOUT TRI.BE 🔺 Homepage: https://www.tri-be.kr/ 🔺 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tribedaloca/ 🔺 Twitter: https://twitter.com/tribedaloca 🔺 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tribedaloca 🔺 Tiktok: https://www.tiktok
TRI.BE (트라이비) 'Run' Performance Video
2 個月前
 • 8 次觀看
#트라이비 #TRI_BE #diamond https://tri-be.lnk.to/Diamond 본 영상은 경기콘텐츠진흥원의 제작지원을 받아 제작되었습니다. ABOUT TRI.BE 🔺 Homepage: https://www.tri-be.kr/ 🔺 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tribedaloca/ 🔺 Twitter: https://twitter.com/tribedaloca 🔺 Facebook: https://www.fa
Everyday Endeavors: Zainab's Journey Balancing Work and Life in Nomadland
Dive into the day-to-day experiences of a nomadic woman in 'Nomadic Chronicles', featuring 'Everyday Endeavors: Zainab's Journey Balancing Work and Life in Nomadland'. This episode sheds light on the modern nomadic lifestyle, blending traditional living wi
Be sure to watch Mahdi's story in the past
5 個月前
 • 37 次觀看
#MountainRescue #InsectBites #ScorpionStings #NomadicDoctor #NomadicChildren #NomadicChallenges #TraditionalMedicine #ModernMedicine #UrgentCare #NomadicResilience #NomadicResourcefulness #NomadicAdventures #NomadicTales #NomadicCulture #MountainLife #Noma
Lost in the Labyrinth: A Nomad's Quest for Family 🌆🌵
Embark on a poignant journey through bustling cities and desolate deserts in 'Lost in the Labyrinth: A Nomad's Quest for Family'. This evocative documentary follows an estranged ex-husband's relentless search for the children he left behind. 🎥💔 As the sun
트루 마음에 Beep Beep 🚨 #트라이비 #TRI_BE #미레 #MiRe #라이즈 #RIIZE #사이렌 #Siren #Dance
#트라이비 #TRI_BE #미레 #MiRe #라이즈 #RIIZE #사이렌 #Siren #Dance ABOUT TRI.BE 🔺 Homepage: https://www.tri-be.kr/ 🔺 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tribedaloca/ 🔺 Twitter: https://twitter.com/tribedaloca 🔺 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tribedaloca 🔺 Tiktok:
TRI.BE Digital Single 'WONDERLAND🌈 (English Ver.)' LYRICS VIDEO
TRI.BE Digital Single 'WONDERLAND🌈 (English Ver.)' LYRICS VIDEO #트라이비 #TRI_BE #원더랜드 #WONDERLAND ABOUT TRI.BE 🔺 Homepage: https://www.tri-be.kr/ 🔺 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tribedaloca/ 🔺 Twitter: https://twitter.com/tribedaloca 🔺 Facebook: https
I unlocked Archer Queen at 0 trophies
1 年前
 • 46 次觀看
Why ▶ Creator Code: BRAD ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Become a part of the community! ▶ Twitter: https://twitter.com/B_radCR ▶ Discord: https://discordapp.com/invite/b-rad ▶ Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r
シルクロードが1年間の禁止生活を全力で努めた結果炎上すらも経験した、 ジャンケン禁止生活を遂に解禁…。 この為に集まった精鋭15人VS1年間ジャンケンを溜めた男シルクロード たった1人の勝者だけを決める大会が今宵開催。 フィッシャーズがこの日の為に用意した賞金1000万円。賞金をを獲得し YouTuber最強となるのは果たして誰なのか? グーチョキパーで作ったのはとんでもない結末とドラマ 誰も予想できなかったこの展開 予想不可能大盛り上がりのジャンケン大会是非ご覧ください! 準備はいいかい? 最初 アデュー
Taitung/台東祕境!卑南鄉山里部落&山里車站 Shanli Station&Shanli Tribe 傳說中到不了的火車站!這裡的貓都到哪去了呢?/Taiwan Walking Tour台湾旅行
【4K】Taitung Walk | 秘境駅!傳說中到不了的火車站!TRA Shanli Station & Shanli Tribe (Kalito'od), Beinan Township | 台東山野祕境!山里車站真的在山裡面!山里部落就在山裡靜靜地持續它的日常~星期五午餐過後,從前往初鹿牧場途中的蜿蜒小道進入,騎車約6公里,經過「台東原生應用植物園」來到山里部落。山里部落位於臺東縣卑南鄉嘉豐村,居民以原住民阿美族卑南群為主。這裡有個傳說中到不了的火車站「山里車站」(其實僅在台東車站的往北一站),站裡
[4K] woo!ah! & TRI.BE & Billlie & CLASS:y - Cover Medley Band LIVE💗 [it’s KPOP LIVE 잇츠라이브]
여자아이돌 스페셜 콜라보 무대가 잇츠라이브에 떴다!!😍 다양한 곡을 재해석한 커버 무대 메들리부터, 함께 꾸민 단체 커버무대까지 지금 바로 만나보세요💗 Girl Groups Special Collabo -“Cover Medley + 음오아예 (Um Oh Ah Yeh by MAMAMOO)” #itsLive #wooah #
The Best Haka of all time?! #RWC2021
1 年前
 • 45 次觀看
RWC2021 hosts New Zealand opened the competition against rivals Australia, and the haka that followed is arguably the best haka of all time! #Rugby #Haka #NewZealand #Australia #RWC2021 SUBSCRIBE to World Rugby on YouTube: @World Rugby Abonnez-vous à World
[ENG] 《哈哈台街訪》花蓮在地體驗!太魯閣族部落上山下海還街訪之旅!Dive into Truku indigenous tribe. 清晨出海,抓到海懶覺,陷阱實測,竹筒飯實作。🎤|哈哈台
《#哈哈台街訪》這次前往花蓮縣的第二天,我們得到哈粉的引介,進到了崇德村,前進太魯閣族得吉利部落,由尤麗莫那老師帶我們體驗一日部落的日常,從清晨出海捕魚、投幣式KTV、果園農家種植、大會舞體驗、陷阱製作與實測、製作竹筒飯,當然還有部落族人的訪談,很感謝我們能記錄並體驗這一切生活的樣貌、先人的智慧、大自然的美。最後,牛奶咧~mhuway su balay(太魯閣語的謝謝) Today, on the second installment of our Hualien series, HahaTai follo
So They LIED To You About Food Prices
1 年前
 • 147 次觀看
Think food shortages and price hikes are the fault of globalist monopolies and inept, corrupt governments? You’re absolutely right. #billgates #food #babyformula References https://www.counterpunch.org/2022/06/21/how-corporate-food-monopolies-caused-the-
African Tribe tries Pizza for the First Time
2 年前
 • 120 次觀看
Hello everyone, this is YOUR Daily Dose of Internet. In this video, an African tribe tries pizza for the first time. Links To Sources: Pizza: https://www.tiktok.com/@maasaiboys/video/7079072150568684805 4 Ears Cat: https://www.instagram.com/midas_x24/
司馬庫斯櫻花季來了! 上帝的部落變身粉嫩天堂~ 部落上的2000棵櫻花林,熱情綻放中~ #Simacus, #JianshiTownship, #Hsinchu...
View this post on Instagram A post shared by D57travel|帶我去旅行 (@d57travel)
[最愛豆回顧] 2021年出道的韓國女團(上)
近幾年K-POP成為全世界的流行 韓國的各娛樂公司都推出了不少男女團 讓最愛豆的LETI &REENI為大家整理一下 2021年出道的新人男女團! 新人團眾多 會分成四集為大家介紹! 女團篇[上](排分不分先後) TRI.BE TRI.BE是由象徵完美的「Triangle」的縮寫「tri」和表示存在的