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US, UK strike Houthi targets in Yemen in response to Red Sea attacks
The U.S. and U.K. have begun carrying strikes on Houthi-related targets in Yemen on Thursday, in response to months of attacks on international shipping in the Red Sea. #Yemen #RedSea #US #UK #Houthi
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驚!北市某旅館枕頭爬出「臭蟲」 醫揭被咬症狀示警恐引發「這1病」
支持小編剪片剪到天亮❤️ : http://bit.ly/3DXfVYY 日前傳出歐洲以及南韓等國都有臭蟲(床蝨)肆虐,而這一波蟲蟲危機似乎已經燒到台灣,有旅客入住台北市某旅館,床上出現疑似臭蟲的昆蟲,觀傳局也表示將派人前往調查,不過有昆蟲系教授就提出警告,如果真的是臭蟲的話,那代表台灣也有可能會大流行,對此,皮膚科醫師趙昭明接受採訪時,也特別提醒民眾千萬要注意! #臭蟲 #床蝨 #旅館 #台北市 中時新聞網FB粉絲專頁👉http://bit.ly/2FIAjBe 中時新聞網官網👉http://bit.ly
Arm’s IPO Orders Already Oversubscribed by 10 Times
The initial public offering of Arm Holdings Ltd., the chip designer owned by SoftBank Group Corp., is already oversubscribed by 10 times, and bankers plan to stop taking orders by Tuesday afternoon, according to people familiar with the matter. Amy Or repo
Maze|在英國倫敦血拚一週 戰利品總花費到底多驚人?隨便買都破萬?!差點回不了家?|Feat.TRUU
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King Charles Gets Pissy Over Pens | The Daily Show
King Charles throws a hissy fit over pens on his first day on the throne, but it turns out these privileged outbursts are nothing new for the heir. #DailyShow #Comedy #TrevorNoah Subscribe to The Daily Show: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwWhs_6x42T
Conservatives Obsessed With SCOTUS Leak & U.K. Man Grows Arm Penis | The Daily Show
Conservatives speculate who leaked the SCOTUS draft, hundred-year-old abortion laws may go back into effect in red and blue states, companies offer to reimburse employees who need to travel for abortions, and doctors stop at nothing to save a penis. #Dai
Ultimate Beastmaster: Survival Of The Fittest | Official Trailer #2 [HD] | Netflix
Super-athletes from nine countries meet to take on the Beast, the world’s most physically-demanding obstacle course. And this season, everything has changed. More countries. More obstacles. More epic. Ultimate Beastmaster: Survival of the Fittest is now st
《終極獸王》適者生存 | 正式預告 #2 [HD] | Netflix
九個國家的超級運動員聚首一堂,要跟全世界最消耗體能的障礙賽「魔獸」一較高下。本季節目充滿全新氣象:更多國家、更多種障礙、絕對精彩刺激。《終極獸王》適者生存,Netflix 現正熱播。
Ultimate Beastmaster: Survival Of The Fittest | Official Trailer | Netflix
A new group of competitors with impressive athleticism and inspiring stories face the world's toughest obstacle course. Tiki Barber and CM Punk host. Ultimate Beastmaster: Survival Of The Fittest comes to Netflix on August 31
《終極獸王》適者生存 | 正式預告 | Netflix
新一群的參賽者有令人讚嘆的運動細胞,以及鼓舞人心的故事,他們一同面對世界上最嚴峻的障礙賽考驗。本節目由 Tiki Barber 和 CM Punk 主持。《終極獸王》最新季〈適者生存〉即將於 8 月 31 日在 Netflix 上線。