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《拿破崙》影評,魔改歷史? 劇情破碎? 是高級諷刺還是走火入魔,為何還未上映就在法國炎上|影評不止 #拿破崙 #Napoleon #雷利史考特 #電影學電影
《拿破崙》影評,魔改歷史? 劇情破碎? 是高級諷刺還是走火入魔,為何還未上映就在法國炎上|影評不止 #拿破崙 #Napoleon #雷利史考特 #電影學電影 追蹤IG接收最新資訊呦👉https://www.instagram.com/moviexlearn/ 當聽聞他決定要將《拿破崙》 這位可謂法國近代最傳奇的軍事政治家搬上大螢幕 又是由奧斯卡影帝瓦昆菲尼克斯飾演時 不禁讓人期待他將會如何再現這位偉人英姿 與那個動盪時代的絕代風華 然而我們看完首映後卻感到大失所望 對於結果已定的傳記電影來說 最重要的就是建
Authentic and passionate, Joaquin Phoenix is #Napoleon. In theaters November 22. #Shorts
Directed by Ridley Scott from a screenplay by David Scarpa, “Napoleon” stars Joaquin Phoenix as the French emperor and military leader. The film is an original and personal look at Napoleon’s origins and his swift, ruthless climb to emperor, viewed through
大家最愛的白寡婦或將飾演 MCU 隱形女!? 來自漫威的「第一家庭」《驚奇4超人》,終於在版權回到迪士尼手上確定拍攝,在原作故事中極為重要的他們也將加入漫威電影...
大家最愛的白寡婦或將飾演 MCU 隱形女!? 來自漫威的「第一家庭」《驚奇4超人》,終於在版權回到迪士尼手上確定拍攝,在原作故事中極為重要的他們也將加入漫威電影宇宙(MCU)中,根據官方消息,本部作品將被安排在漫威電影宇宙:第六階段,並計畫在 2025 年 5 月 2 日上映。 近日經由外媒的可靠消息基本可確認,「隱形女/蘇·史東」的飾演者就是在《玩命關頭》系列、《不可能的任務》系列都有亮眼表現的凡妮莎·寇比(Vanessa Kirby)。
Mission Impossible Dead Reckoning Part 1 Review | Tom Cruise, Christopher McQuarrie | KaKis Talkies
#MissionImpossible #MissionImpossibleDeadReckoning #MI7 #MI7Review #MissionImpossibleReview #TomCruise #ChristopherMcQuarrie #RebeccaFerguson #HayleyAtwell #SimonPegg #VanessaKirby #KaKisTalkies India's no 1 movie review channel, Tamilnadu's no 1 movie rev
Review Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part One yang masih bikin tegang meski kepanjangan
Jadi investor kami yuk! Seikhlasnya aja, biar kami semangat terus bikin konten baru yang berkualitas buat kamu :) klik aja di sini: https://saweria.co/cinecrib Ethan Hunt balik lagi di Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part One buat menyelamatkan dunia
Mission: Impossible Dead Reckoning Director Christopher McQuarrie Interview
Director Christopher McQuarrie and Tom Cruise are a power duo in cinema, no doubt. Between collaborating together on last year’s blockbuster sequel, Top Gun: Maverick, and buzz about working on the first film to shoot in space, Mission: Impossible - Dead R
认识女邻居后,她不再和丈夫同房《打开心世界》| 看电影了没
两个互相慰藉的主妇,和她们的男人。 打开心世界 The World to Come (2020) #看电影了没
女人的破碎,是从生娃开始的吗?《女人的碎片》| 看电影了没
一个职场女性生娃之后。 女人的碎片 Pieces of a Woman (2020) #看电影了没
The World To Come Trailer #1 (2021) | Movieclips Indie
Check out the new trailer for The World to Come starring Katherine Waterston & Vanessa Kirby! Let us know what you think in the comments below. ► Visit https://www.fandango.com/the-world-to-come-2021-224090/movie-overview?cmp=Indie_YouTube_Desc Want
Pieces of a Woman Trailer #1 (2021) | Movieclips Trailers
Check out the official Pieces of a Woman Trailer starring Vanessa Kirby and Shia LaBeouf! Let us know what you think in the comments below. ► Visit: http://www.fandangonow.com/?cmp=MCYT_YouTube_Desc Want to be notified of all the latest movie traile
《心碎的女人》| 正式預告 | Netflix
3 年前
 • 47 次觀看
馬田史高西斯 (Martin Scorsese) 監製、曾憑《狗眼看人間》得獎的導演康奴門多佐 (Kornél Mundruczó) 又一力作。《心碎的女人》講述一個女人學習帶著喪親之痛努力生活的故事,錐心刺骨的濃烈情感令人動容。2020 威尼斯影后雲妮莎卻比 (Vanessa Kirby) 領銜主演。 本片將於 2021 年 1 月 7 日在 Netflix 全球上線。 2020 威尼斯影展 榮獲最佳電影獎 - 喬凡尼獎 榮獲最佳女主角獎 - 雲妮莎卻比 入圍最佳影片 - 金獅獎 2020 多倫多國際影展
Pieces of a Woman | Official Trailer | Netflix
3 年前
 • 70 次觀看
From award-winning director Kornél Mundruczó (WHITE GOD) and executive producer Martin Scorsese, PIECES OF A WOMAN is a deeply personal, searing, and ultimately transcendent story of a woman (Vanessa Kirby - Best Actress Winner, Venice Film Festival 2020)
Hobbs & Shaw Discussion (Spoilers) | Is the ‘Fast’ Spinoff Big, Dumb, and Fun Enough?
This week, our revved-up host Mark Ellis and a monster truck full of film-loving experts tackle the ‘Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw,’ the big, dumb, and – hopefully – super fun climax to summer movie season. Along for the ride are Sharronda W
🚘影評🚘玩命關頭特別行動:不輸本傳的精彩|超級大咖客串|角色完整解析|前情提要|劇透|Hobbs & Shaw|
🔥系列首部外傳大成功!不輸本傳的精彩! 🔥哈柏、戴克蕭戰力大解析?巨石強森力量只有A,那誰是S? 🔥反派組織是誰?薩摩亞在哪裡?兩大巨星客串的真實身份?新影片一次幫你解答! 這部電影的娛樂性非常足夠,以往在《玩命關頭》裡被觀眾喜愛的動作場面與飆車競速這次一樣
In Theaters Now: Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw | Weekend Ticket
In the most action-packed franchise in history, family means everything. Will you be taking the family to see 'Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw' in theaters this weekend? ► Buy Your Tickets Now: https://www.fandango.com?cmp=MCYT_YouTube_Desc Tu
Dwayne Johnson Explains the Importance of the Samoan Siva Tau Ritual | 'Hobbs & Shaw' Cast Interview
Dwayne Johnson, Vanessa Kirby, and Eiza Gonzalez join Fandango correspondent Nikki Novak to discuss larger-than-life action scenes, the Samoan Siva Tau war dance, and how Johnson mentally prepares to save the world in 'Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs &
Know Before You Go: Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw | Movieclips Trailers
Need a Fast & Furious recap? Check out this quick, fact-filled catchup that will get you up to speed before you go see 'Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw' in theaters August 2! ► Watch Hobbs & Shaw Full Movie: https://www.fandangonow.com/details/
《狂野時速:雙雄聯盟》首回預告 │FAST & FURIOUS: HOBBS & SHAW - 1st trailer
香港上映日期:2019月8月 環球影片 (香港) Facebook專頁: http://www.facebook.com/UPI.HK 環球影片 (香港) Instagram:UniversalPicturesHK 今年8月,《狂野時速》系列推出外傳 - 《狂野時速:雙雄聯盟》(Fast & Furious: Hobbs & Shaw)! 狄維莊遜(Dwayne Johnson) 繼續飾演忠心耿耿的美國外交安全局(DSS)資深探員路卡賀斯(Hobbs),積遜史達頓 (Jason Statham)再度飾演不受