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"40年"終於有人攻破俄羅斯方塊! 美國13歲少年殺進157關讓遊戲"崩潰" 遊戲創辦人震驚:人類不可能...|非凡財經新聞|20240105
史上第一人!美國1名13歲少年,攻破經典電玩遊戲俄羅斯方塊,成為第一個打敗俄羅斯方塊的人類玩家。破紀錄成就,也讓電玩專家又驚又喜,大呼不可能! #非凡新聞#俄羅斯方塊被人類打爆了 更多內容 敬請鎖定 【非凡新聞台】【非凡商業台】 非凡電視台YouTube頻道 https://www.youtube.com/user/ustv 非凡電視台IG https://instagram.com/ustvnews 非凡電視台粉絲團 https://www.facebook.com/ustv.fans 非凡電視台官網 h
俄羅斯方塊︱美國13歲少年成首名打爆機人類 需時僅……︳星島頭條︳俄羅斯方塊︱美國︳Willis Gibson︳爆機
美國13歲少年威里斯.吉布生(Willis Gibson)日前擊敗經典電動遊戲「俄羅斯方塊」(Tetris),迫使遊戲陷入死機狀態,成為史上首名Tetris打爆機人類玩家,此前只有人工智能(AI)才能達到這個成就。 ……………………………………… 詳細報導 ▹https://www.stheadline.com/tv/tv-news/3305291 緊貼新聞資訊 ▹ https://www.stheadline.com/tv 《星島頭條》APP盡睇各項精采內容 本地飲食▹ https://bit.ly/3P
Oklahoma 13-year-old becomes first person to beat Tetris
Willis Gibson is believed to be the first person ever to beat Tetris since the game’s release more than three decades ago. “Oh my God! Yes! I’m going to pass out. I can’t feel my hands," he said as the game freezed. Subscribe to Guardian News on YouTube ►
WATCH: 13-year-old is first gamer ever to beat Tetris
A 13-year-old in Oklahoma became the first player to beat the original 1988 Nintendo version of the game Tetris, During a live-stream on Dec. 21, Willis Gibson, who goes by the screen name “blue scuti,” shocked viewers by triggering a never-before-document
Willis Gibson is the 1st Human to Beat Tetris. New World Record.
After 35 years, Willis Gibson is the first human to have beaten the original Tetris. A.I. is the only other entity to have beaten the game. This is a World Record that is close to our hearts. Tetris put the original Gameboy on the map and is still a game b
The Boy Who Beat Tetris | Vantage with Palki Sharma | Subscribe to Firstpost
13-year-old Becomes First Human to Beat Tetris: All You Need to Know | Vantage with Palki Sharma A 13-year-old boy from Oklahoma has finally defeated the "impossible" game. Willis Gibson became the first human to beat Tetris. Tetris video game has been a w
‘Extraordinary accomplishment’: Teen gamer believed to be first to ‘beat’ Tetris — after 40 years
A 13-year-old gamer is thought to be the first person to ever beat Tetris – 40 years after it was invented. “Oh my god … I’m gonna pass out!” Willis Gibson gasped on a Dec. 21 livestream as he realized he’d reached level 157, crashing the classic game that