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What If Anakin Skywalker Turned Palpatine to the Light
Palpatine was the dark lord of the Sith Darth Sidious. What If Anakin was able to convince Darth Sidious to join the light? What would it take to get someone so evil and so vile to turn to the light? What would Anakin have to do to turn Palpatine to the li
What If Obi Wan Kenobi Saved Satine on Mandalore
5 個月前
 • 38 次觀看
In the final days of Mandalore's Age of Prosperity, Duchess Satine was killed by Darth Maul. What if she wasn't killed, and saved by Obi Wan? Would Kenobi be able to fend off Savage and Maul like he had on Florrum? Would Sidious arrive when Obi Wan was esc
What If Anakin Skywalker Turned During His Fight With Obi Wan
Anakin Skywalker engaged with Obi Wan on Mustafar with the intent of killing him and serving Palpatine. What would happen if he returned to the light during the fight? Would Anakin & Obi Wan be able to defeat Sidious? Would Anakin fully return to the light
有关星球大戰《曼達洛人》、《波巴·費特》、《阿索卡》的時間綫 | 一次性理解后三部曲的故事 | 部署《帝國傳承》 mandalorian #星球大戰 #Ashoka #星際大戰
既然《阿索卡》已經播完了 我就曾這個機會 重新編制了這個影片 集成了《曼達洛人》第一季、第二季、第三季、《波巴費特》影集和《阿索卡》影集的所有時間線 請繫好你的安全帶 讓我們飛入星球大戰後帝國時代的世界裏 🔴 如果喜歡這頻道請記得訂閱:: https://www.youtube.com/c/MrHashTagChannel ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#星戰 《阿蘇嘉 #Ahsoka》S1 鐵粉的感動vs淡友的吐槽 完食報告 美劇癮2023年10月
星戰 《阿蘇嘉 Ahsoka》 S1 淡友vs鐵粉 完食報告 美劇癮2023年10月 00:00 淡友vs鐵粉 | 創作背景 :Dave Filoni 之野望 ,動畫敗部復活 !索龍真主角回歸! 淡友“無感”吐槽,個 "#藍色肥佬 " 到底想點? D 人真係睇得明?無Jon Favreau平衡缺初心友善! 06:00 Anakin Skywalker 處理成本季MVP, EP5是神級案例! 鐵粉感動好評, 3對不同師徒情 , 而淡友“無感”嘅係... 10:45 Rosario Dawson / Ahsok
最新星球大戰《阿索卡》第七集《夢與狂》影片分析 | 武士·流放·起義·絕地 Star Wars:Ashoka #星球大戰 #Ashoka #星際大戰
《阿索卡》第七集的標題可以說是 這部影集最為貼切的形容詞 夢與狂 這也是取自貝蘭在第六集裡為裴裡迪亞描述 表示一直以來從小九學習到的傳說故事既然是真的 除此之外 我們將會在這一集看到索隆元帥的表現 🔴 如果喜歡這頻道請記得訂閱:: https://www.youtube.com/c/MrHashTagChannel -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
最新星球大戰第二部《阿索卡》預告片分析 | 武士·流放·起義·絕地 Star Wars:Ashoka #星球大戰 #Ashoka #星際大戰
阿索卡最新影集的預告片又發佈了 這一次有很多新的畫面 讓我們看到一些些到底這部影集將會講述一個怎樣的故事 所以今天我會逐幀分享這最新的預告片的片段還有當中的彩蛋 🔴 如果喜歡這頻道請記得訂閱:: https://www.youtube.com/c/MrHashTagChannel -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- - 請大家也不要忘記Fol
Land Exclusive Movie Clip - Yoda (2021) | Movieclips Coming Soon
Check out the new clip for Land starring Robin Wright! Let us know what you think in the comments below. ► Buy Tickets to Land: https://www.fandango.com/land-2021-224085/movie-overview?cmp=CSYT_YouTube_Desc Want to be notified of all the latest clips
The technology that’s replacing the green screen
The green screen is a Hollywood staple. Should it be? It’s easy to complain about overreliance on special effects, but for projects that require impossible-to-film environments or have incredibly expensive shots, how do you get the flexibility of green s
🍼劇評🍼曼達洛人:好看到想翻牆|比本傳還好看的外傳影集|星際大戰日|The Mandalorian|留言抽精美星戰票夾
🔥5/4星際大戰日即將來到,介紹星戰宇宙裡比本傳還受歡迎的外傳影集! 🔥全銀河系最強最萌的父子檔,讓你一看到就愛上!系列要角介紹! 🔥那隻人偶造價1.5億?鎧甲的意義?竟然有把黑色光劍?新影片一次告訴你! 🎁留言抽精美星戰票夾,詳情在影片最後! 每年的5月4號,對
🌔影評🌔星際大戰9:天行者的崛起|真話老實說|完整解析|原力實用排行榜|劇透|The Rise of Skywalker|留言抽星戰手錶潮T帽子組
🔥星戰9為什麼評價兩極?到底哪裡怪怪的?我們實話實說! 🔥Finn到底想說什麼?原力的二元是什麼?那個神秘人是誰?新影片一次告訴你! 🔥原力實在太好用了,追加後傳原力十大用途排行榜! 🎁留言抽星戰官方贈品,詳情在影片最後! 作為正傳的最後一部作品,《天行者的崛起
🌓無雷解析🌓天行者的崛起上映前必看回顧|3重點看懂42年劇情|星際大戰天行者傳奇|Star Wars Skywalker Saga|留言抽黑武士危機一發|無第九集雷
🔥九部曲天行者的崛起要上映了,快來重溫橫跨42年的八部史詩電影劇情! 🔥超龐大的故事量與世界觀,只需要從三個角度看就很容易懂! 🔥正片影評12/20上線,本影片不會爆第九集的雷! 🎁留言抽黑武士造型危機一發,活動辦法在影片最後! 提到《星際大戰》相信你一定不陌生,
Harrison Ford vs. Kevin Kline - Which Movie President Would You Vote For? Movie HD
Check out clips of HARRISON FORD: http://goo.gl/84ZGO Check out clips of KEVIN KLINE: http://goo.gl/H1miM Subscribe to TRAILERS: http://bit.ly/sxaw6h Subscribe to COMING SOON: http://bit.ly/H2vZUn Harrison Ford vs. Kevin Kline - Which Mo
Starwars Episode VII Movie Posters
11 年前
 • 30 次觀看
Special Thanks to Team Coco for these awesome posters: http://bit.ly/Tr13C2 Subscribe to TRAILERS: http://bit.ly/sxaw6h Subscribe to COMING SOON: http://bit.ly/H2vZUn Subscribe to MOVIE NEWS: http://bit.ly/1C3Ncd2 Like us on FACEBOOK: http:
Yoda Human Makeover
11 年前
 • 104 次觀看
Special thanks to Joey Paur for posting these pictures by Andrea Eusebi :http://geektyrant.com/news/2012/10/2/jedi-master-yoda-given-a-crazy-realistic-human-like-makeover.html Artist Page: http://andreaeusebi.blogspot.hu Check out more "First Look" vide