
Under the Moon (月下) - winnie (张紫宁) | Truth or Dare OST |《花好月又圆》影视原声带

2 年前
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#ChocolateMusic #花好月又圆 #TruthOrDarer #ckdramaostworld

My Heart (我心) - Leaf (叶炫清) | Truth or Dare OST |《花好月又圆》影视原声带

Title: Truth or Dare
Chinese Title: 花好月又圆 / Hua Hao Yue You Yuan
Broadcast Website: Youku
Broadcast Date: June 8, 2021 - Premieres tomorrow!
Genre: Comedy, Historical, Romance
Language: Mandarin
Episodes: 34
Director: Chui Wai Hong
Production Company: Linekong Pictures
Executive Producer: Yan Yusong
Origin: China

Fun Facts
• It is Li Gengxi's first historical drama.
• Filming took place in Hengdian World Studios.
• Filming wrapped after 85 days on June 14, 2020.
• It is said to be a remake of the 2000 drama Wrong Carriage, Right Groom although much of the story seems different.

乐观机灵的小丸子自幼跟随父亲何一指在街头卖艺维生,靠 着一门绝活“胸口碎大石””行走江湖。如意楼的一场奇遇,让大字不识的小丸子突然变身知书达礼的郡主,嫁进梅府与 梅三少拜了堂,彻底改变了命运。而奉旨成婚的九王爷之女 陆英瑶却被土匪小宝爷误当成压寨夫人背回了青龙褰。抗拒这桩婚事的梅三少摆出一副拒人于千里之外的姿态,想 让郡主知难而退,而不得不假扮郡主的小丸子也对这个高冷 傲娇的梅家三少爷嫌弃不已。在斗智斗勇中,这对欢喜冤家 渐生情愫.......

Synopsis and Plot Summary
A story that follows two couples who mistakenly find themselves in a marriage they never expected and gradually grow in love and trust over time.

The cheerful and clever Xiao Wanzi (Li Gengxi) grew up as a street performer with her dad selling their special skill of breaking a big stone on the chest. An unexpected encounter utterly changes Xiao Wangzi's life. Xiao Wanzi who neither knew how to read nor write suddenly finds herself becoming a princess. Opposed to marrying the princess, Mei Sanshao (Huang Junjie) pushes Xiao Wanzi away in hopes that she'd willingly retreat. Meanwhile, the king has arranged a marriage for Lu Yingyao (Sun Anke), the daughter of the 9th prince. However, bandit Xiao Baoye (Ding Jiawen) mistakenly takes her as his wife.
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