Brown sugar rice cake Chinese street food

4 年前
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Hello everyone, I am a non-famous foodie-TT who can eat, love and eat.
Brown sugar rice cake is a traditional Chinese snack made with brown sugar and glutinous rice. Brown sugar is rich in nutrients, releases heat quickly, and has a high nutrient absorption rate. In addition to sucrose, it also contains a small amount of iron, calcium, carotene and other substances.
The origin of the rice cake (story):
According to legend, during the Spring and Autumn and Warring States period, Chu's courtier Wu Zixu fled to Wu for his father's revenge and wanted to borrow troops from Wu to fight against Chu. He came to Wu Kingdom to help Wu Wangchang and Lu sit down, and became Wu Guo's hero. The Guo Guo Gou Jian took the opportunity to lift his troops and cut down Wu, encircling the city of Wu. It was at the time of the year, the weather was freezing, the people in the city were fasting and starving, and the country and the people were in danger.
At the time of this crisis, people remembered Wu Zixu's instructions in his lifetime, and secretly demolished the city walls to dig the ground. People were surprised to find that the city foundations were all bricks made of cooked glutinous rice. It turned out that this was the raw food that Wu Zixu used as a cornerstone of the city wall after steaming and pressing a large number of glutinous rice into bricks and cooling it.
People couldn't help but sigh, Wu Zixu was really prescient! Everyone clumped up the glutinous rice bricks, crushed them, cooked them again, and divided them into food. Later, in the Chutian area, people would use glutinous rice to make rice dumplings like "cheng bricks" at the end of the Fengnian Festival in order to pay tribute to Wu Zixu.
Store address: Snack Street, Jiangjie Road, Ningguo Road, Hefei City, Anhui Province, China.
Business hours: 16:00 Beijing time-02:00 the next day (night market).

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#红糖糍粑 #糯米 #glutinousricecake
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