
APIs You Won't Hate

11 個月前
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APIs You Won't Hate
A no-nonsense (well, some-nonsense) podcast about API design & development, new features in the world of HTTP, service-orientated architecture, microservices, and probably bikes.
Sat, 01 Jul 2023 13:41:27 +0000
Creating world-class API devX with Sagar Batchu from Speakeasy
Sat, 01 Jul 2023 13:41:05 +0000
Rich data for every location on Earth, with Ed Freyfogle from OpenCage

Creators & Guests

  • Mike Bifulco - Host
  • Ed Freyfogle - Guest

Mon, 12 Jun 2023 06:00:00 +0000
Permissions are the gift that keep on giving, with Or Weis from Permit.io

  • Permit.io - Never Build Permissions Again
  • Opal - open-source project: Open Policy Administration Layer
  • Or Weis
  • Or's talk about onboarding and complexity - https://youtu.be/1_Iz0tRQCH4
  • Permit elements - ready-made UI components for user management and access control

Foaz - front-end only authorization

Fri, 02 Jun 2023 12:56:05 +0000
No-code APIs and Automation, with Constantin Schreiber from Fastgen

Creators & Guests

  • Mike Bifulco - Host
  • Constantin Schreiber - Guest

Mon, 08 May 2023 11:59:50 +0000
Analytics for your API, with Steve McDougall from Treblle

Phil and Mike sit down for a chat with Steve McDougall, who has just recently started working in Developer Relations at Treblle, a past sponsor of APIs You Won't Hate.

Interested in sponsoring APIs You Won't Hate? Get in touch!

Wed, 19 Apr 2023 06:00:00 +0000
Learnin' about webhooks, with Tom Haconen from Svix

Creators & Guests

  • Mike Bifulco - Host
  • Tom Hacohen - Guest

Wed, 05 Apr 2023 07:59:00 +0000
Jazzed about API client library codegen, with Danny Sheridan from Fern

Fern - Build APIs Twice as fast - https://buildwithfern.com/

Fern on GitHub - https://github.com/fern-api/fern

Fern's Profile with YCombinator - https://www.ycombinator.com/companies/fern

Danny Sheridan - CEO and cofounder of Fern danny@buildwithfern.com

buf.build - protobuf codegen utility - https://buf.build/

Creators & Guests

  • Mike Bifulco - Host
  • Danny Sheridan - Guest

Wed, 22 Mar 2023 17:33:32 +0000
Stigg: Infrastructure for pricing models with Anton Zagrebelny

Stigg: https://www.stigg.io/ - API-first pricing and packaging

Stigg is Hiring: https://jobs.lever.co/stigg

Find Anton Zagrebelny onlin: Linkedin - GitHub

Thanks for listening to APIs You Won't Hate

Creators & Guests

  • Mike Bifulco - Host
  • Anzon Zagrebelny - Guest
Tue, 07 Mar 2023 13:17:32 +0000
Don't roll your own API Management tools, with Josh Twist from Zuplo

Our guest this episode is Josh Twist, CEO and Co-founder of Zuplo. We chat about Zuplo's history, their developer products and audience, and the complexities of maintaining APIs in small and large companies.

We also discuss Zuplo's support for APIs You Won't Hate through their recent sponsorship of https://openapi.tools. Thanks so much to Zuplo for supporting our community!

Creators & Guests

  • Mike Bifulco - Host
  • Phil Sturgeon - Host
  • joshtwist.eth - Guest
Thu, 16 Feb 2023 15:55:23 +0000
Funding Open Source with Dudley Carr from Stack Aid
Mon, 23 Jan 2023 07:00:00 +0000
Note-taking tools for devs, with Drew White from Stashpad

Stashpad - https://stashpad.com/
Stashpad Discord - https://discord.gg/ScxPxcN9fK

Drew White - @drucial

Mon, 09 Jan 2023 07:00:00 +0000
API Environmentalism with Alexander Karan of Climate Clever

Mike chats with Alexander Karan, CTO of Climate Clever, where "You can't manage what you don't measure" is a mantra. Climate Clever is an API-first company helping businesses, schools, and homeowners in Australia manage and minimize their carbon footprints.

Thank you so much to our sponsors:

Tue, 02 Aug 2022 02:10:01 +0000
An API for APIs with Gil Feig from Merge

On this episode, Mike talks to cofounder of Merge, Gil Feig, about building a service that integrates with many APIs.

Thank you so much to our sponsors:

Wed, 01 Jun 2022 22:54:34 +0000
API Data Privacy with Sean Falconer from Skyflow

Mike speaks with Sean Falconer, head of Developer Relations at Skyflow

Thank you so much to our sponsors:

Sat, 30 Apr 2022 16:33:08 +0000
The road to OSS Nirvana

Thank you so much to our sponsors:

Sat, 26 Mar 2022 15:59:25 +0000
Sledgehammers on the job site

Links from today's show

Phil's reforestation charity

Posts on APIs You Won't Hate

API Tooling

Serverless functions in JAMstack frameworks

Thank you so much to our sponsors:

Mon, 28 Feb 2022 15:46:23 +0000
Seeing the forest and the trees in 2022

Thanks to Lob.com for sponsoring APIs You Won't hate - join the lobster pod at https://www.lob.com/careers 🦞

Mon, 03 Jan 2022 06:00:00 +0000
The State of the API Address

Matt and Phil are joined by Matthew Reinbold, director of API Ecosystems and Digital Transformations to discuss Postman's State of the API 2021 report, detailing various data points from around the API world from which specification people turn to, to how confident people feel deploying their APIs. They also discuss various topics around remote work, how APIs enable more remote work and what will happen in the next few years for APIs.

Matthew on twitter: https://twitter.com/libel_vox
Postman's State of the API

Wed, 01 Dec 2021 16:27:52 +0000
Webhook can't tell you nothin'

  • Should endpoints be named after the action, like
    • /getThing
    • /updateThing
    • or after the resource with different HTTP verbs, like
    • GET /things
    • POST /things?
    • What are the reasons to go with one or the other?
  • Async operations with REST APIs - how do you do it?
    • long callbacks, short callbacks
    • polling
    • pubsub
  • What's the point of a Webhook?
  • "Working with Webhooks" Lorna Mitchell @ PHP Barcelona 2019 link

Mon, 22 Nov 2021 06:00:00 +0000
We're back!

Matt, Mike and Phil get back together after a wild summer vacay of drinks, sand, trees and getting hit by a car while out on a bike. We catch up with Phil and Stoplights efforts to reshape API Documentation as well as responsible OSS Community Involvement.

Matt's photography site
Stoplight Elements
Stoplight Discord
APIs You Won't Hate Community

Thu, 23 Sep 2021 13:46:22 +0000
All About the API Specifications Conference

Matt is joined by Taylor (@taylor_atx) and Kin (@apievangelist) to talk about the API Specifications Conference (ASC). We talked about how the conference is shaping up, the kinds of talks they are hoping to put forward in the program, how it is organizing a conference under the Linux Foundation and how can you get involved with such an important, yet very niche, topic in our community.


@apispecs on twitter
ASC conference website
Call For Papers
Conference Sponsorship Information

Wed, 02 Jun 2021 13:30:16 +0000
The Swagger of OpenAPI

Sparked by this tweet, Matt and Mike have an informal chat about the whole Swagger to OpenAPI transition and why OpenAPI hasn't really been able to step away from the shadow of Swagger. We discuss ways communities members can help with pushing the OpenAPI naming over using Swagger, how SEO plays a fair bit into the whole thing and why naming things is just plain hard.

Wed, 05 May 2021 13:01:10 +0000
API Gateways, Service Meshes, oh my!

Matt and Phil are joined by API developer Hunter Skrasek, a friend of the pod, to talk about his experiences moving their APIs from a monolith to a microservices architecture and his team is utilizing API Gateways and Service Meshes

Hunter on Twitter
API Gateway
App Service Mesh

Fri, 12 Mar 2021 14:07:49 +0000
Sunsetting your API

Phil, Mike, and Matt get together for a discussion about how to safely sunset an API endpoint with the end goal being deprecation. We take a look at why its important to be overly communicative about it, what an appropriate length of time is from announcement to deprecation and how you can do it in a way that doesn't make your team or external consumers angry. We talk about the HTTP Sunset Header and the potential HTTP Deprecation Header and how those can make the process of knowing when APIs are being deprecated a lot smoother. We also looked at a few popular JS libraries and discuss how they deprecated themselves.

Show Notes
Request.js deprecation notice
Moment.js deprecation notice
IEFT HTTP Sunset Header Field RFC
IEFT HTTP Deprecation Header Draft
Facebook botching a feature deprecation

Interested in sponsoring this podcast to get the word out about your API product to our listeners? Drop us a line at @apisyouwonthate on twitter and lets get it set up!

Mon, 22 Feb 2021 17:55:46 +0000
Secure your APIs or why so much data was available from Parler.

Phil, Mike and Matt sit down to talk about Parler and why their APIs were so great for hacktivists who wanted to make sure that the data was never lost. We talk about degraded services and circuit breakers, two big things that probably could have kept the data from being exposed as well as stripping files of EXIF data from uploaded images. We also venture into the topic of what is the role of service providers and social media going forward.

Stoplight makes it possible for us to bring you this podcast while we nerd out about APIs. Check them out for their tooling around documentation with Studio, an app that makes API documentation an absolute joy to work with.

Show Notes:
Auto-incrementing IDs - Giving your data away
HTTP/REST API File Uploads
How Parler's Data Was Harvested

A transcript is currently being made and we will update the description as soon as we get them.

Wed, 20 Jan 2021 14:04:43 +0000
Developing platforms for developers - Harsha Reddy from Wayfair

Harsha Reddy, a Senior Software Engineer on Internal API Platforms for Wayfair, joins Matt and Phil to talk about what its like to build tools for developers that use a myriad of languages from PHP to C# to Python and some Java thrown in for a good time. We discuss how Wayfair empowers their developers to pick the right language for a job and then what kind of tools they employ to make their day to day lives at Wayfair easier.

Stoplight makes it possible for us to bring you this podcast while we nerd out about APIs. Check them out for their tooling around documentation with Studio, an app that makes API documentation an absolute joy to work with.


  • https://pactflow.io
  • https://eng.uber.com/microservice-architecture/
  • https://buildkite.com
  • Harsha on Twitter: https://twitter.com/stymied_sloth
Fri, 18 Sep 2020 12:40:02 +0000
Stoplight and Developer Mental Health

Phil, Mike and Matt get together before Phil leaves the UK in search of roads he can bike on. We talk about what is coming up for new Stoplight releases and then we take a sharp pivot to talk about mental health and how it affects Matt and what he is doing to take care of himself.

Stoplight makes it possible for us to bring you this podcast while we nerd out about APIs. Check them out for their tooling around documentation with Studio, an app that makes API documentation an absolute joy to work with.

Mon, 24 Aug 2020 13:02:57 +0000
Maybe GraphQL isn't so terrible? A conversation with Marc-Andre Giroux

A quick note before we get started: We recorded this episode back in April of 2020 when everyone was quarantining and making bread to post on instagram. Fast forward to now, in June, American cities, and cities around the world are joining in, protesting the systemic racism that has long been an issue in our societies. While our energy and focus turned to current events, editing this episode took a seat on the backburner. That said, we have it ready… but it couldn’t be released at a worse time. Three white dudes talking about APIs while our friends in other communities are fighting injustices that have long kept them down seems to be a bit tone deaf, and we know that, recognize that and commit ourselves to being involved. There are a lot of conversations we want to have around this topic both in the API world, and outside of it. We don’t want this episode to take away from the discussions going on around such important and heavy topics, but we hope this can serve as a way for you to take a break while you travel to and from a protest. If you are going to protest please be safe, drink as much water as you can to stay hydrated in the heat and know that things are changing for the better. To all the Black API developers out there: we see you, we're fighting with you, and we want you to know that we're listening. From all of us at APIs You Won't Hate: Black lives matter.

Recorded back in April, Matt and Phil are joined by Marc-Andre Giroux to talk about the APIs he works on at Github and his fascination of GraphQL. Marc-Andre recently released a book titled "Production Ready GraphQL" where he talks about schema design, tooling, architecture and more. We take a dive into knowing when GraphQL is the right tool for the job, versus when to use REST and talk a little about the whole quarantine thing that was happening.

Stoplight makes it possible for us to bring you this podcast while we nerd out about APIs. Check them out for their tooling around documentation with Studio, an app that makes API documentation an absolute joy to work with.

Twitter: https://twitter.com/__xuorig__
Book: Production Ready GraphQL
APIs You Wont Hate Jobs Board: https://apisyouwonthate.com/jobs
APIs You Wont Hate Slack: https://apisyouwonthate.com/community

Fri, 12 Jun 2020 08:00:00 +0000
The API Handyman Cometh

Phil and Matt, both in a loose definition of isolation, find time to talk to Arnaud Lauret (https://twitter.com/apihandyman) and talk about API Design and Review. We discuss why you should spend time designing and reviewing your API and the process of reviewing API Designs before the code is written. We also ask Arnaud what he looks for while reviewing, the tools he uses to review API design docs and then Phil starts dreaming up what the ideal API Review tooling looks like.

We also talk about life in quarantine, as France completely shut down and how Phil made it back in time to England before the lock downs took place.

Stoplight makes it possible for us to bring you this podcast while we nerd out about APIs. Check them out for their tooling around documentation with Studio, an app that makes API documentation an absolute joy to work with.


https://twitter.com/apihandyman - Arnaud's Twitter
https://bit.ly/designwebapis - The Design of Web APIs by Arnaud Lauret
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Design_of_Everyday_Things - The Design of Everyday Things by Don Norman
http://apihandyman.io/ - Arnaud's blog
http://apistylebook.com/ - API Stylebook, a collection of API style guides

Tue, 24 Mar 2020 23:00:00 +0000
200 OK Boomer

Phil, Mike and Matt talk about Matt's adventures with APIs returning 200 OK while having an error message in the body, causing extra work and frustration. We look at why this is a common thing in API development and what we can do to help people utilize the codes that are there instead of relying on 200 OK.

Mike brings up Microsoft and what they are doing with their push to not only go Carbon Neutral but also Carbon Negative to make up for their past. We wonder what that will look like, and also bring up what an individual person with a developers salary can do to start helping out more since we (developers) can generally afford it over a lot of other people.

Keeping on the environment, we also take look at some things a developer can do with code to help the environment, particularly around caching and responses.

Stoplight makes it possible for us to bring you this podcast while we nerd out about APIs. Check them out for their tooling around documentation with Studio, an app that makes API documentation an absolute joy to work with.


Fri, 14 Feb 2020 07:00:00 +0000
Ask Us Anything!

A while ago, we put out a call to Twitter to invite listeners to send us their questions and we would answer them. We received 4 really good questions, covering topics like supporting content negotiation, how to craft and and define an SLA for your API, why companies seem to disregard standards when it comes to their API SDKs and should you version hypermedia.

Stoplight makes it possible for us to bring you this podcast while we nerd out about APIs. Check them out for their tooling around documentation with Studio, an app that makes API documentation an absolute joy to work with.

Wed, 29 Jan 2020 09:00:00 +0000
GraphQL Monitoring and how to travel via Train

In this episode, Phil talks about how his trip across the United States via train went. We also talk about how to monitor APIs and what is the best APM solution for monitoring GraphQL endpoints. We also talk about the progress being made by the Stoplight team with both their tooling around Async APIs and also work being done on Studio.

Stoplight makes it possible for us to bring you this podcast while we nerd out about APIs. Check them out for their tooling around documentation with Studio, an app that makes API documentation an absolute joy to work with.


Article: GraphQL Performance Monitoring Is Hard

Why GraphQL Performance Monitoring is hard

Phil's repo of companies working to help save the earth

Awesome Earth --- Support this podcast:


Wed, 25 Sep 2019 13:14:31 +0000
New OSS Open API Tooling Abound!

Last time on APIs You Won't Hate, we laid the ground work for this podcast. This time (after a failed attempt when Phil didn't press record) Mike, Phil, and Matt talk about whats new with Stoplight, how front end developers like Mike can use the Stoplight suite of OSS products to make Front End Development better, and where they are with the books!

Stoplight makes it possible for us to bring you this podcast while we nerd out about APIs. Check them out for their tooling around documentation with Studio, an app that makes API documentation an absolute joy to work with.

Mon, 12 Aug 2019 11:49:00 +0000
APIs and Bikes Go Together Great

Welcome to our new podcast! Phil Sturgeon (@philsturgeon), Mike Bifulco (@irreverentmike) and Matt Trask (@matthewtrask) get started with the first episode where we talk about bikes, APIs and our goal for the podcast. We break down Phil's adventures in Europe, how his new books are going with the help of Mike, and some other nonsense.

Find us in the APIs You Wont Hate slack for questions, help, mentoring or other things!

Stoplight makes it possible for us to bring you this podcast while we nerd out about APIs. Check them out for their tooling around documentation with Studio, an app that makes API documentation an absolute joy to work with.

Sun, 23 Jun 2019 14:40:00 +0000
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