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NFT 365 Podcast with Fanzo
1 個月前
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NFT 365 Podcast with Fanzo The mantra of this podcast is simple: WE is greater than Me... NFTs 365 is a daily podcast hosted by Brian Fanzo, aka @iSocialFanz. Brian is a Digital Futurist and Web 3.0 Visionary with a passion for exploring the world of NFTs
Ethereum News - DeFi, Web3, Crypto
1 個月前
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Ethereum News - DeFi, Web3, Crypto A daily Ethereum news roundup. Follow us @ethdaily and subscribe to the newsletter at ethdaily.io. https://ethdaily.io Wed, 28 Feb 2024 00:08:00 +0000 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 Ethereum Mainnet Is Dencun-Ready The Ethereum Foundation a
貼地價玩內地線材結果係點?Exact Express 線材|國仁實試|cc字幕
Exact Express 線材售價可參閱以下連結 https://rambleaudio.com/search?q=Exact+Express&options%5Bprefix%5D=last 經銷商:Ambago Audio https://www.facebook.com/AmbagoAudio/ 電話:+852 68893332(試音請先預約) 地址:觀塘道 472 號觀塘工業中心 一期 8 樓 D 室 官方網站:待更新 Chapters 0:00 開始 1:58 開箱 3:06 單晶銅鍍厚身銀 5
新iPad Pro及iPad Air尺寸傳聞|Nothing Watch Pro智能錶及Buds Pro耳機開箱|Samsung Galaxy Fit3 抵玩推介|WhatsApp新文字編輯功能
今個星期《科技新G》有 表妹 為大家報道最新科技資訊! 先有新 iPad Pro 同 iPad Air 嘅新尺寸傳聞,再有 iPhone 濕水唔好放米缸嘅官方公告同埋 iPhone 16 傳聞。 另外有 Nothing 新推出嘅 Watch Pro 智能錶同 Buds Pro耳機,同埋Samsung Galaxy Fit3 介紹,仲有WhatsApp新文字編輯功能介紹及元範。 科技趣聞方面,有 Nvidia 8年前曾送 Open AI 超級電腦嘅消息重溫,馬斯克喺自己X貼咗相出嚟。 遊戲新聞就有Gundam
iPhone 16 Pro:你不能錯過的7大亮點|屏幕尺寸、電池續航、性能提升、相機升級|#彼得森 #iphone16pro #iPhone16ProMax
在這集影片中,彼得森將深入探討即將登場的 iPhone 16 Pro / iPhone 16 Pro Max,帶你預覽這款設備的7大亮點,讓你提前做到心中有數。下面是你絕不能錯過的7大亮點: ==================== 0:00 引言 0:44 屏幕尺寸變大 2:15 新的電池技術、充電速度提升 3:44 遊戲性能大幅提升 6:56 石墨烯散熱 8:21 相機系統升級 11:59 人工智慧計算性能大幅提升 12:54 固態按鈕」和「捕捉按鈕」 14:11 是否應該馬上入手 iPhone 15
2 個月前
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Appleるんるん くりらじ久々のアップル情報番組。ゆる~い感じでお届けします。 http://www.c-radio.net/link/apple.html Sun, 25 Feb 2024 04:52:15 +0900 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 Appleるんるん_20240225 ◯フライト中に赤ちゃんが生まれたら国籍はどうなる? https://tabizine.jp/2018/12/26/226994/ ◯Appleが「送信者の声でiMessageを読み上げる機能」の特許を出願 https://gi
🗳️ 寶博士 葛如鈞:國民黨不分區立委|帶領台灣走向奇點,用科技改變國會的夢想家【塞掐 Side Chat】E217
*有 CC 字幕,可以在畫面右下角選項開啟* 同步上架各大 Podcast 平台,趕快追蹤起來:https://bit.ly/3fcoZO7 本集邀請到國民黨不分區立委寶博士葛如鈞,我們將深入了解他在「奇點大學」看見未來科技的所見所聞,以及探討他本次進入國會的計畫。他也分享他對台糖豬肉事件的看法,揭露台灣肉品溯源系統的不足之處。最後,我們將聽取 OpenAI 宮鬥事件對他的啟發,以及他對 Vision Pro 的實測感想。 本集來聊: - 04:28 首位錄取進「奇點大學」的台灣人,把矽谷的所見所聞傳遞給募
Software Defined Talk
1 個月前
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Software Defined Talk Get ready for a weekly dose of all things Enterprise Software and Cloud Computing! Join us as we dive into topics including Kubernetes, DevOps, Serverless, Security and Coding. Plus, we’ll keep you entertained with plenty of off-topic
一、爆料客曝光iPhone 16 Pro渲染圖 相機排列設計變了 蘋果預計今年秋季發布iPhone 16系列,其中iPhone 16 Pro將增大至6.3吋,並提升電池續航至超過30小時。新機將改善內部結構與光學變焦,可能配備四稜鏡5倍長焦鏡頭...... 完整閱讀: https://www.technice.com.tw/techmanage/3c/97115/ 二、太空迷的夢幻工作來了!NASA招募火星體驗員 NASA尋找4人參與火星生活模擬任務「CHAPEA」,預計於「火星沙丘阿爾法」密閉艙內模擬火星
The BIG Tech Show - video
6 天前
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The BIG Tech Show - video The BIG Show – Video https://britishtechnetwork.com 您的瀏覽器不支援視頻。 Windows Needs An F*** Off Button This Week's Topics: Debris from ISS hits Florida home Microsoft considering ads in Windows 11 search bar EU rules against Meta's Pay
The BIG Tech Show
6 天前
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The BIG Tech Show The Tech show that looks at all the BIG Tech stories of the week…mostly https://britishtechnetwork.com 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 Windows Needs An F*** Off Button This Week's Topics: Debris from ISS hits Florida home Microsoft considering ads in Windows
胡聊科技 電動車新聞
2 個月前
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胡聊科技 電動車新聞 科技, 汽車, 電動車, 綠能源, 新聞, 新知識, Tesla, Apple, 3C, 遊戲, 軟體. 短短幾分鐘, 快速充實最新動態. 美國加州洛杉磯長大的台灣人. 每週一三更新. 我的Youtube頻道: http://bosshu.live/youtube 買杯咖啡支持我喔. http://buymeacoff.ee/bosshu IG: @master_bosshu FB: 胡老闆 Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotif
Apple Vision Pro 3️⃣大生活變革功能:從虛擬旅行到沈浸式辨公 I 彼得森科技評測 I #visionpro #apple #沈浸式體驗 #彼得森
🚀 在今天的視頻中,我們將深入探討Apple Vision Pro——一款被譽為「未來科技」的產品,並且聚焦於其三大功能如何可能改變我們的日常生活。 🌍 虛擬旅遊:帶你體驗身臨其境的3D環境,從家中探索世界各地。 💻 隨身攜帶的Mac大屏幕:將Vision Pro轉變為你的移動辦公室,享受前所未有的工作自由。 🎥 殺手級應用—電影體驗:在任何地方享受如同家庭影院的觀影品質,包括震撼的3D電影。 這些功能是否真的能夠改變日常生活?它們是否值得高昂的價格?讓我們一起來探索Apple Vision Pro的潛力和
EV News Daily
23 小時前
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EV News Daily Daily news about electric cars, plug-in vehicles, sustainable transport and how we power it all. http://www.ev.news Wed, 24 Apr 2024 13:00:00 +0000 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 Special: Meet The Mercedes-Benz G 580 EV - Iconic Design Meets Electrification Wel
Open AI
2 個月前
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Open AI Open AI is a cutting-edge podcast that dives into the latest advancements and trends in artificial intelligence technology. Each episode features expert insights, interviews with industry leaders, and discussions on how AI is shaping our future. ht
"Upstream" with Erik Torenberg
1 個月前
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"Upstream" with Erik Torenberg Upstream is where host Erik Torenberg goes deeper with the world's most interesting thinkers to map the constellation of ideas that matter across tech, culture, and politics. On this season of Upstream, you'll hear from Marc
AI Lawyer Talking Tech
2 個月前
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AI Lawyer Talking Tech This completely AI Generated Podcast talks about the latest news stories in legal tech. https://ailawyertalkingtech.wordpress.com/ 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 Reshaping the Legal Landscape: The Influence of Generative AI Welcome to "AI Lawyer Talkin
ThursdAI - The top AI news from the past week
2 個月前
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ThursdAI - The top AI news from the past week Every ThursdAI, Alex Volkov hosts a panel of experts, ai engineers, data scientists and prompt spellcasters on twitter spaces, as we discuss everything major and important that happened in the world of AI for t
This Day in AI Podcast
2 個月前
 • 22 次觀看
This Day in AI Podcast This Day in AI Podcast is a podcast all about AI. It's an hour-long conversation on the influence and rise of AI in technology and society. Hosted by Michael and Chris Sharkey. https://podcast.thisdayinai.com Thu, 15 Feb 2024 17:07:3