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NFT Morning, Decouvrez tous les projets NFT et Crypto-art
NFT Morning, Decouvrez tous les projets NFT et Crypto-art Decouvrez tous les projets NFT et Crypto-art sur Clubhouse, en newsletter et en podcast et rejoignez la french communauté. www.nftmorning.com https://www.nftmorning.com/podcast 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 #695 | NF
Good Food
1 天前
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Good Food Hosts Tom Kerridge, Samuel Goldsmith, Mallika Basu and Orlando Murrin chat to cooks, chefs and characters about their favourite dish - how they’ve made it their own, where it’s led them on their cooking journey in the food and drink world with li
8K影像展歷史文物,3D互動導覽引目光,4/2~7/28新媒體藝術展,故宮帶領「聲」歷其境! 訂閱【東森新聞】現在就加入》https://pse.is/396256 加入【東森新聞】會員,獨家影片搶先看》https://pse.is/39m9l8 #發現新大陸 #台北 #捕光抓影
1 天前
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台灣金鐘獎聲音電影院 臺灣金鐘獎常勝軍-灰姑娘之聲音電影院,讓你自己當畫面導演,不必出門、不必買票,每週上映,隨點隨聽,來吧!Just Listening Now! 廣告合作、冠名贊助、節目企劃、音樂製作,聯絡我們吧! 《prince.music@msa.hinet.net》 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn https://www.facebook.com/cinderellamelody/ 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 布亞苑聊聊天-臺灣靈異系列_EP47_厄運轉嫁 臺灣是個宗教多
Game of Owns - A Song of Ice and Fire/House of the Dragon/Game of Thrones podcast
Game of Owns - A Song of Ice and Fire/House of the Dragon/Game of Thrones podcast Podcasting through George R.R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire/House of the Dragon and HBO's Game Of Thrones. Episodes sorted chapter by chapter at gameofowns.com https://gam
Real Talk NFT
3 天前
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Real Talk NFT Dive deep into NFTs and Web 3.0 every week with Joe Chui and Brian McNutt. Joe flipped a six-figure debt into a $700,000 portfolio within a year. Brian, an early discoverer of CryptoPunks, has secured six-figure profits from a single NFT and
NFT Catcher Podcast
1 天前
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NFT Catcher Podcast w/ Jennifer Sutto & Michael Keen: NFTs are going mainstream. Jennifer & Michael keep their audience informed about all relevant projects as the industry continues to expand. With a focus on market dynamics and turning a profit, this pod
The Dave Chang Show
1 天前
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The Dave Chang Show Dave Chang has a few questions. Besides being the chef of the Momofuku restaurants and the creator and host of Netflix’s 'Ugly Delicious,' Dave is an avid student and fan of sports, music, art, film, and, of course, food. In ranging con
4 天前
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【 LION哥的投資世界|香港深圳風水輪流轉 】 以前香港周圍都係人,依家周圍靜曬! 反而深圳迫爆香港人? #香港 #lion哥的投資世界 #深圳 - 廣告時間 - Lion哥的投資世界正在準備擴展業務到台灣喇!開心開心!快點加入我們的大家庭吧! 招聘台灣全職員工兩名 1.⁠ ⁠台灣本地人(能說流利國語) 2.⁠ ⁠⁠移居台灣的香港人(能說流利國語及廣東話) 有興趣的,請將簡歷、照片、要求薪酬WhatsApp to +44 7946633168 #香港 #台灣 #招聘 #全職 #員工 【 其他資訊 】 -
6 天前
 • 190 次觀看
比特幣輕鬆聊 一個適合0~100歲收聽的節目,主持人用最簡單的語言,漫談比特幣與數位貨幣的入門以及趣事分享。 大家一起攜手穿越牛熊,小韭菜將來也能成為巨鯨! 還在等什麼?趕快訂閱收聽,一起來感受比特幣的魅力與威力!! 2.通往"比特幣輕鬆聊"所有社群平台的連結通道: https://linktr.ee/Bitcoinfreetalk 3.LINE群組連結: 您已被邀請加入「比特幣輕鬆聊」!請點選以下連結加入社群! https://line.me/ti/g2/xtK1szrVbzWEBSXz-xZb8g?ut
原來AI藝術展覽咁好睇 (廣東話中文字幕) [多謝支持! 請免費訂閱。] @kelvincomputer
@kelvincomputer 這段片主要介紹一個網上工具﹐透個這個工具﹐我們可以足不出戶欣賞AI藝術展﹐十分實用。 網址: https://arttech.ai/index.html 請免費訂閱: 老小孩與您活學活用電腦 頻度。謝謝 ! #老小孩與您活學活用電腦 #AI藝術展覽 #AI藝術 #展覽 #AI #藝術展覽 #藝術 #aitool #aiart #artshow #show #web
1 週前
 • 800 次觀看
日本文化ラジオ 日本文化は知れば知るほど面白い、最高のエンタメだっ!3つの番組でさまざまな日本文化の楽しみをお届けします。 ①『日本文化はロックだぜ』浮世絵は世界最高のコンテンツビジネス?、江戸のメディア王「蔦屋重三郎」とは?『源氏物語』は政治ドラマだった!知られざる日本の歴史、偉人、古典文学、芸術文化...etc幅広いテーマでお届けします。 ②『漆チャンネル』世界初!?漆滅亡への危機意識から始まった番組。縄文時代以降、日本の文化をさまざまな形で伝えてきた蒔絵の歴史、制作過程、材料など、漆にまつわる超ディー
ススキノ発 日本酒の世界
1 週前
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ススキノ発 日本酒の世界 日本酒大好き芸人しろっぷひろしが日本酒を勉強しながら魅力を広めるために、ススキノのど真ん中で放送&収録している番組です。 パーソナリティ:しろっぷ ひろし・根本酒店代表 根本さん他 https://x.com/syruphiroshi?s=21&t=Sze73l3oDbG8-3B65mE1ww 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 #011 特別純米酒 結ゆい 製造元 北海道東川町 三千櫻酒造 販売者 茨城県 結城酒造 原料米 きたしずく100% アルコール 16度 ・日本酒ニュース「あなたもM
Restaurant Unstoppable with Eric Cacciatore
1 週前
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Restaurant Unstoppable with Eric Cacciatore What do the most successful entrepreneurs know, that you don't? Today's most successful Restaurateurs and Restaurant Professionals sharing tips and insights 2-days weekly to help make your restaurant dreams unsto
The Modern Waiter Podcast
1 週前
 • 258 次觀看
The Modern Waiter Podcast The Podcast For People Interested in Restaurant Service industry.The Modern Waiter Restaurant Podcast fun discussions and interviews relating to the service industry that are relevant to both restaurant workers and guests. Have yo
Future of House Radio
1 週前
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Future of House Radio Future House Music presents: The Future of House Radio. Jam packed with the latest and greatest house music has to offer. New episode every month! http://www.futurehousemusic.com 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 Future Of House Radio #044 Dive into '
I'd Rather Be Reading
1 週前
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I'd Rather Be Reading A podcast about the best nonfiction books hitting shelves today, hosted by Marie Claire's Senior Celebrity and Royals Editor Rachel Burchfield. https://www.rachelburchfield.com/about-18 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 Linda Keir on the Royal Family Ficti
A Hot Dog Is a Sandwich
2 天前
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A Hot Dog Is a Sandwich Mythical Chefs Josh Scherer and Nicole Enayati discuss, debate, and dissect the web’s most hilariously controversial culinary quandaries. http://mythicalkitchen.com 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 What's the Best Sparkling Water? Today, Josh and Nicole
1 週前
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Tone-Talk.com Tone-Talk.com is a Youtube show about music, gear & guitars co-hosted by Marc Huzansky and David Friedman of Friedman Amplification. http://www.tone-talk.com 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 Ep. 148 - NOLLY! Multi-instrumentalist, Music Production, Product Design