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Tone-Talk.com Tone-Talk.com is a Youtube show about music, gear & guitars co-hosted by Marc Huzansky and David Friedman of Friedman Amplification. http://www.tone-talk.com 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 Ep. 148 - NOLLY! Multi-instrumentalist, Music Production, Product Design
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大内密谈 「大内密谈Midnightalks」是一档由“深夜谈谈Midnight Network”出品的播客节目。密而不宣,无所不谈。 http://www.lizhi.fm 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 vol.1178 那些从我生命中消失的男孩 1990年,英国数学家罗宾·邓巴提出了一个名为邓巴数的理论。该理论指出,人类能够维持紧密人际关系的人数上限大约是150人。此后邓巴数还进一步提出,在我们的一生中,能称之为熟人(记得名字、认出脸、有基本了解)的人只有100个,可以做到彼此足够了解对方的朋友只有25个,而
The Record Store Day Podcast with Paul Myers
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The Record Store Day Podcast with Paul Myers From the people who created Record Store Day, The Record Store Day Podcast with Paul Myers is an informative, record store-centric interview show featuring conversations with great guests talking about records,
The Tone Mob Podcast
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The Tone Mob Podcast The year was 2015. Show host Blake Wyland intended to start a podcast where he took a deep dive with his guests from the guitar world to explain their rigs. What happened was that, but also a whole lot more. The show quickly evolved in
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薩克斯風音樂演奏 Saxophone Music "下一首你想聽哪首歌? 請在下方留言!" 單曲教學影片已蝦皮上架,喜歡影片歡迎追蹤並開啟小鈴鐺🔔!也記得按讚留言分享給你家人朋友看喔! 手寫樂譜免費贈送 http://line.me/ti/g/_ee1WqbrJ0 專業製譜線上購買 https://shopee.tw/product/22950/82603… 線上教學課程報名 http://line.me/ti/g/_ee1WqbrJ0 薩克斯風線上教學 https://youtu.be/Pm7rKJsQ2
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唠嗑讲故事之三国演义 唠嗑讲故事之三国演义,播讲人:东北贼大王,坐下来听听我讲的三国。 https://www.ximalaya.com/album/81037286 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 唠嗑讲故事之三国演义,十常侍叛乱桃园三结义 唠嗑讲故事之三国演义,十常侍叛乱桃园三结义,播讲人:东北贼大王,欢迎分享、订阅、收藏、点赞、关注,听后续。如果想唠唠嗑,评论区见。 https://www.ximalaya.com/sound/716640137 Fri, 22 Mar 2024 12:54:21 GMT 您
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国家大剧院|聆听古典 聆听,让艺术改变生活!经典片段赏析、最新演出动态、独特文艺解读,歌剧、音乐、舞蹈、戏剧、戏曲,精彩轮番上演! https://www.ximalaya.com/album/2801256 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 【聆听古典】柴科夫斯基对逝者的纪念(上) 聆听古典,让音乐点亮你的生活~本期曲目:柴科夫斯基《a小调钢琴三重奏“对一位伟大艺术家的回忆”》第一乐章本期撰稿:建叔本期播音:微微 https://www.ximalaya.com/sound/720540854 Fri, 05 Ap
TV Central: One on One Podcast
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TV Central: One on One Podcast Aaron Ryan interviews Australian television talent Become a member at https://plus.acast.com/s/one-on-one-with-aaron-ry. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information. https://shows.acast.com/one-on-one-with-aar
ドイツ宮廷歌手 小森輝彦の「うた-Labo」
ドイツ宮廷歌手 小森輝彦の「うた-Labo」 「うた」を愛する全ての人のために。 声の解放によって、「うた」がより自由になり、それによって、心も解放されて自由になれるように。 呼吸法や、音程の操作、共鳴のつくりかたなどの、TIP、コツの断片を少しずつお伝えして行こうと思います。 ドイツ宮廷歌手という称号が、歴史と伝統の鎖の中での責務について、私に課すものがある、と言う事もあり、この名前に落ち着きましたが、私としては、声楽という芸術、歌う行為、この発展のために、自分が出来る事を探し続けています。その、現時点で
The Tone Control
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The Tone Control The Tone Control is a sometimes side-eyed look at the guitar world and making music! We talk about everything good, bad, smart, stupid, and weird about guitar gear and bring it to you every other Monday. You can join our Discord to talk wi
Gag Economy
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Gag Economy Giggery and Gaggery with the Gals https://sites.libsyn.com/459894 Sun, 10 Mar 2024 13:54:00 +0000 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 The Second Oscars One ft. Jason Beckmann GREETINGS PODIENCE! We come to you on the DAY OF THE ACADEMY AWARDS to share our takes on the
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MESCLA Coletivo e de periodicidade eventual, MESCLA é o podcast do Teatro Municipal do Porto, DDD - Festival Dias da Dança e CAMPUS Paulo Cunha e Silva com Rafaela Jacinto e identidade sonora de Mother Jupiter. Como, onde e porquê nos mesclamos? Quantos co
Audio Theatre Central
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Audio Theatre Central We explore family-friendly audio drama through news, reviews, and interviews with cast and crew.Audio drama critic, J.D. Sutter, and a rotating cast of co-hosts discuss new releases from series such as Lamplighter Theatre, Adventures
What Are We EVEN Doing?
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What Are We EVEN Doing? Two Pro Wrestlers. One is the teacher. One is the student. But, they both have opinions about Pro Wrestling. This podcast is about exploring Pro wrestling events from the past with one simple question in mind...What are we EVEN doin
Scary Stories & Rain
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Scary Stories & Rain TRUE scary stories and ambient rain sounds. Download the CHILLING app for more: http://chilling.app.link/chillingall Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/being-scared/support https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCr
Taylor Swift | The Eras Tour
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Taylor Swift | The Eras Tour Taylor Swift | The Eras Tour audio. 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 Midnights Era (Live from TS | The Eras Tour) Midnights Era (Live from TS | The Eras Tour)- Midnights Interlude- Lavender Haze- Anti-Hero- Midnight Rain- Vigilante Shit- Bejeweled-
Yowie Central
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Yowie Central Join Sarah, formerly of the Australian Yowie Research team, on her podcast, Yowie Central, for the latest on Yowie/bigfoot research in Australia and around the world. Yowie Central covers in depth conversations with yowie witnesses, field res
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巧言巧語 用心過日子 處處都有新鮮事 好玩・好笑・好有趣 週二【巧言巧語】 笑看人生百態・探索生活中各種大小主題 週五【巧遇達人】 訪談達人朋友們・在聊天中獲得新知 讓巧克力陪伴你 巧妙克服生活中的壓力 巧克力的傳送門 https://portaly.cc/chocolate Powered by Firstory Hosting https://choco.firstory.io Fri, 11 Jun 2021 04:06:06 GMT 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 EP139|過年玩什麼?南北過年大不同 f
2 個月前
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音楽のある南ドイツ生活【釣アンナ】 オペラ演出家兼指揮者、釣アンナ。NHKに小澤征爾と誘うウィーン国立歌劇場バックステージツアーコーナーなどで度々出演。ドイツの名門、国立音楽大学ハンスアイスラーのオペラ演出学科に日本人として初めて入学。これまでウィーン国立歌劇場、ニューヨークメトロポリタン歌劇場、パリ太陽劇団などで研修を重ねる。ニューヨークに本拠地のあるオペラ団体、オペラポムルージュの代表を務める。現在は南ドイツのミュンヘン在住。オペラの話、ダンスの話、ドイツ語の話、海外生活の話などお届けします。毎日日本時