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Food Heaven Podcast
1 年前
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Food Heaven Podcastwendy lopezjessica jones Join BFF’s and registered dietitian nutritionists Wendy Lopez and Jessica Jones as they talk to different health & nutrition experts about how we can live healthier, more balanced lives. Each week they deep dive
🔴 There Is HOPE For Modern Medicine! | Dr. David Unwin, MD
✅Join my PATREON for early releases, bonus content, and weekly Zoom meetings! https://www.patreon.com/AnthonyChaffeeMD ✅Sign up for our 30-day carnivore challenge and group here! https://www.howtocarnivore.com/ ✅Stockman Steaks, Australia Discount link for
Bright Line Living™ - The Official Bright Line Eating Podcast
Bright Line Living™ - The Official Bright Line Eating Podcast Welcome to Bright Line Living, the official Bright Line Eating Podcast channel. Created by Susan Peirce Thompson, Ph.D., a New York Times bestselling author and an expert in the psychology and n
On the Bright Line
1 週前
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On the Bright Line Tales from recovering food addicts from the perspective of a physician, a therapist and off-the-wall storyteller. https://onthebrightlinepodcast.podbean.com Mon, 15 Apr 2024 07:20:22 -0700 您的瀏覽器不支援音訊。 S2E16 - diet culture Bonny, Robin an
#eacytips 有留意我哋IG嘅朋友都會發現我哋成日推介馬莎嘅食品,除咗低脂肪外,味道亦都唔錯,好多客人食完都會再回購😋 #減重期間味覺享受都好重要‼️ 之前...
#eacytips 有留意我哋IG嘅朋友都會發現我哋成日推介馬莎嘅食品,除咗低脂肪外,味道亦都唔錯,好多客人食完都會再回購😋 #減重期間味覺享受都好重要‼️ 之前推介嘅食品某啲已經無貨或者轉咗新包裝,今次我哋推出咗🌟馬莎低脂食品推介2.0 ,update返最新嘅資訊俾大家參考🫶🏻 #記得save低啦🛒 ⁡ 👩🏻‍⚕️Eacy營養師推介 🔸朱古力米餅(黒朱古力/ 牛奶朱古力) 🔹Regina 意式芝士火腿蘑菇Pizza 🔸希臘式脫脂乳酪 (士多啤梨/ 雲呢拿/ 大黃根味) 🔹較低脂軟芝士(原味/香蒜香草) 🔸
Does Sleep Apnea cause Weight Gain? (Here's How to FIX it)
In this episode of The Dr. Ashley Show, I dive deep into the critical connection between sleep and health, focusing on the pervasive issue of sleep apnea and its profound impact on our well-being. With over 22 million Americans struggling with sleep apnea
3 週前
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活著就好-不焦慮媽媽的育兒日記 營養師-游艾書aka肉圓媽、有了一對姊弟之後, 從焦慮的育兒生活、到只要還活著就好的人生感悟; 加上溝通表達老師「奶舅」的插花, 分享育兒及親子、家庭溝通的心得分享,一起努力擁有不焦慮的人生。 肉圓媽經歷: 《台大生化科技系畢》 《國家高考合格營養師》 《知名瘦身機構營養師》 《基隆市各校營養午餐稽查輔導員》 《養護中心營養師》 《明星高中運動班營養顧問》 《Yahoo新聞專訪營養師》 《健康餐盒營養分析顧問》 贊助鏈結: https://pay.firstory.me/us
Čudesni prirodni lijek koji ozdravlja jetru i žučni mjehur!
Želite li znati tajnu zdrave jetre i žučnog mjehura? Otkrijte ovu čudesnu biljku koja će vam pomoći da održite ove vitalne organe u optimalnom stanju! 👉 MOJE KNJIGE KUPITI OVDJE ( BOOK BUY HERE,KAUFEN SIE DAS BUCH HIER,KUP KSIĄŻKĘ TUTAJ) : https://mariolab
「大人の給食室」shokumiの今日なに食べる? 栄養満点voice💖管理栄養士しょくみです。毎日食べても飽きない、記憶に残る懐かしい味こそ家庭料理✨そんな思いで配信中!シェフにならなくて良い!「あなたが楽しく作る」が1番です🥰 👇HP🍳✨ https://shokumi.com/ 🔶NEW ‼️初心者向けレシピ本 ハードル0cmエッヘン!はな歌ごはん https://amzn.asia/d/jg8zKVY 🔶 Kindle「食」のエッセイ🍎思い出のレシピ付 りんごは進化する https://amzn.as
Food Heals
1 個月前
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Food Heals Being hailed as “Sex and the City for Food,” The Food Heals Podcast brings together experts in the fields of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health to teach you the best-kept natural secrets to being a hotter, healthier, happier YOU! T
No-Bullsh!t Vegan
1 個月前
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No-Bullsh!t Vegan Myth-busting and evidence-based advice to help you kick butt with your health and fitness - on a vegan diet. Join our movement of No-Bullsh!t Vegans who value critical thinking and want to further our cause using scientific truths, not ma
Well-Fed Women
1 個月前
 • 321 次觀看
Well-Fed Women Radically improve your health, mindset, and relationship with food with Well-Fed Women, hosted by Nutritional Therapy Practitioner and Personal Trainer, Noelle Tarr of coconutsandkettlebells.com. Every week, you’ll get to hear authentic, unf
魷魚絲🦑的6大食法 小編🐨超鍾意食魷魚絲,鐘意Lvl.3 嘅食法🤤,你哋又喜歡邊一種食法? _dwarf_monster_ 插畫分享💕 快啲留言話我哋唔知&...
魷魚絲🦑的6大食法 小編🐨超鍾意食魷魚絲,鐘意Lvl.3 嘅食法🤤,你哋又喜歡邊一種食法? _dwarf_monster_ 插畫分享💕 快啲留言話我哋唔知&Tag你地嘅朋友仔一齊入嚟睇啦💫 Follow支持我哋🤓👉optical.online.hk ~ 🌟每日分享 潮流時尚 資訊🌟
1 個月前
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THE BODY IS A TEMPLE "The Body is a Temple" Podcast was born from my profound passion for inspiring everyone to live holistically and healthily. I aim to share wisdom and motivation on extending your lifespan and health span in all aspects of life: physica
Tribo Forte Podcast: Saúde. Boa Forma. Estilo De Vida!
Tribo Forte Podcast: Saúde. Boa Forma. Estilo De Vida! Apresentado por Rodrigo Polesso e com a presença de Dr. José Carlos Souto, esta é a mais respeitada referência nacional em emagrecimento, nutrição e alimentação saudável, revelando as reais verdades, s
Defiant Health Radio with Dr. William Davis
2 個月前
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Defiant Health Radio with Dr. William Davis William Davis, MD, cardiologist and author of the #1 New York Times bestselling Wheat Belly books, as well as Undoctored and, most recently, Super Gut, brings the unvarnished truth about many health conditions. S
OCOP Viet Nam – distinctive aroma of Longan Honey for export market
https://www.fao.org/one-country-one-priority-product/asia-pacific/vietnam/en (Viet Nam VDO) Description of the video (generic description for the 3 VDOs): One Country One Priority Product (OCOP) is FAO’s corporate flagship initiative aiming to transform na
Lose Weight with Meal Planning | Grocery Shopping Tips & Tricks For Busy Moms, Meal Prep, Easy Recipes
Lose Weight with Meal Planning | Grocery Shopping Tips & Tricks For Busy Moms, Meal Prep, Easy Recipes Hey Friends, Verona here, your Meal Prep Coach for Small business owners and EntrepeneursI know you're out there crushing it in your businesses, but when