@Crying Oppa & Toxic Baby

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#淚之女王 Queen of Tears Kim Soo Hyun at Baeksang red carpet! 金秀賢走百想紅地毯😍
百想藝術大賞2024,金秀賢是壓軸出場,而且拍照時間最長的😍 #kimsoohyun #金秀賢
(EN)《歡迎來到王之國》花絮,李俊昊潤娥超肉麻對白,說完尷尬癌大發作🤣 KING THE LAND Lee Jun Ho Yoona behind the scenes ep 12
歡迎和Toxic Baby一起追韓劇,今集繼續看看《King the Land》的花絮, 第十二集,李俊昊在潤娥家,說了一連串肉麻的對白,李俊昊採排時,都忍不住尷尬大笑,一起看看 Welcome to Toxic Baby's "I love Kdramas" series. In this episode, I'll continue to share the making of "King the Land". In episode 12, Lee Junho is at Yoona's house.
(ENG) 金宣虎帥瘋演殺手!電影處女作《貴公子》預告來喇!Kim Seon Ho's first movie "The Childe" teaser! What a cool villain!!
金宣虎的第一部電影《貴公子》6月上映!電影的首個預告片亦公開了,這是金宣虎的大銀幕處女作,而且還是飾演反派,令人非常期待呢! Kim Seon Ho's first movie "The Childe" will be released in June 2023! The first trailer of the movie has also been released. This is Kim Seon Ho's big screen debut, and also his first time play
(EN) 玄彬《哈爾賓》海外拍攝,李棟旭爆這裏無人認出他們,玄彬快帶孫藝珍去旅遊😂Hyun Bin Lee Dong Wook in Latvia, no one recognized them?!
終於有一點玄彬的消息了,話說他1月底去了拉脫維亞拍新戲《哈爾賓》,同行的還有李楝旭、全汝彬等演員。李楝旭最近在一個YOUTUBE頻道的節目中,提到這次的拉脫維亞之行,他說在那裏,和玄彬走在街上也沒人認出他們呢,聽聽他怎麼說? Finally, there is some news about Hyun Bin. He went to Latvia to film the new movie "Harbin" at the end of January. Other co-actors like Lee Do
(EN)玄彬被黃政民整蠱嚇窒,是早就和孫藝珍拍拖了嗎?《交涉》發佈會Hyun Bin hit by question about Son Ye Jin. The Point Men Press con
玄彬新戲《交涉》1月18日在韓國上映,電影發佈會12月20日舉行了,TOXIC BABY今集就跟大家分享一些發佈會精華片段 Hyun Bin's new movie "The Point Men" will be released in Korea on Jan 18. Press call was held on Dec 20. I will share some highlights of the pre
(EN) 玄彬蒙古蹤影曝光,絕世好老公陪產又陪月,將和孫藝珍寶寶渡新年😍Hyun Bin rushing in Mongolia? He's with Son Ye Jin & baby
近日有很多玄彬的消息傳出呢!TOXIC BABY今集就續一講講 There have been a lot of news about Hyun Bin recently! I will talk about them one by one ______________________________________________________ 🙆 按這裏加入會員,看更多、更詳盡的玄彬影片 Please joi
(EN)南宮珉夢幻跪地求婚,讀結婚誓詞好甜蜜啊 Nam Goong Min wedding vows. He knelt down & proposed|One Dollar Lawyer 千元律師
韓星結婚片段就看得多,求婚片段真是第一次看呢!看看南宮珉跪地求婚,還有讀結婚誓詞也很動人! #南宮珉 #namgoongmin #남궁민 ______________________________________________________ 🙆🙆韓星代言產品專賣店: https://ilovehyunbin.com/shop/
(ENG) 玄彬孫藝珍婚禮近拍!孫藝珍叫玄彬「親愛的」,玄彬這細微舉動太甜了!Son Ye Jin called Hyun Bin "Dear" on wedding. Clip with a
Son Ye Jin called Hyun Bin "Dear"!!! And the background music when Hyun Bin enterws the venue is "I was born to love you"!!! ______________________________________________________ 🙆 按這裏加入會員,看更多、更詳盡的玄彬影片 Please join my Patreon for
(ENG) 玄彬孫藝珍世紀婚禮,玄彬帥爆孫藝珍拭淚,超甜蜜!超幸福!超夢幻!Hyun Bin Son Ye Jin wedding of the century!
玄彬孫藝珍的大婚日終於來了,由大家一直在猜度,四處找他們的戀愛㾗跡,到D社爆料後官宣,再到突如其來的結婚宣言,一切都非常夢幻呢 Hyun Bin and Son Ye-jin's big wedding day is finally here. From fans' speculation, to the official announcement after Dispatch b
【海岸村恰恰恰】金宣虎申敏兒被稱超甜「酒窩CP」,金宣虎一句搞笑回應Hometown Cha Cha Cha Kim Seon Ho respond to the name Dimple Co
被喻為2021年下半年「最強愛情劇」的《海岸村恰恰恰》,很快便會開播了,發佈會也已經進行! "Hometown Cha Cha Cha", hailed as the "strongest romantic drama" in the second half of 2021, "Hometown Cha Cha Cha" will soon be aired. Its press conference just finis
金宣虎申敏兒上演浪漫喜劇,光看預告就超期待 - 海岸村恰恰恰 Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha Kim Seon Ho Shin Min-A script reading &
近期大家在追哪套韓劇呢? 今次想跟大家一起看看《海岸村恰恰恰》 Which Korean dramas are you following recently? Now let's take a look at "Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha" in this episode. #海岸村恰恰恰 #金宣虎 #KimSeonHo