@Torres Pit托哥

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揭發馬來西亞不可告人的「營商方法」外國人在首都吉隆坡能賺錢嗎? ft. Insta360 X4 | How Do Foreigners Get Rich In Malaysia?
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World’s RICHEST people give me spending advice… | 「便宜但你買不起!」我竟然被中東土豪嘲笑….
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African Man Confesses Love To Taiwan Girl - Tough Interracial Relationship! (非洲男生告白) 台灣女生和非洲男生的愛情故事?
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I Challenged Oxford Students With SIMPLE Questions | 英國最強大學? 挑戰牛津學生簡單問題!! 他們真的有實力嗎?
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Salaries of Top Silicon Valley Companies! | 了瞭解頂尖華人在美國的待遇! 走進矽谷辦公室訪問員工年薪! 23年各大科技公司福利待遇如何?
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200 USD Business Class Ticket in China, What Does It Get You? | 我坐上了大陸的高鐵商務艙….我受不住了?? 這價錢值得嗎??
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(時隔四年)抵達西安發現機場都是空的! 2023年的中國大陸... 老百姓如何堅持下去? 如何用不同方法某生?? | How Are People Surviving in China?
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(嚇壞了) 我為拍影片被以色列軍人盯上...我在邊境過了驚心動魄的一晚! | What Not To Do In Palestine
(由零開始)如何10個月得到10萬YouTube觀眾:https://attentionwhaleacademy.teachable.com/p/product My Bilibili: https://space.bilibili.com/386327632?spm_id_from=333.1007.0.0 My IG: https://www.instagram.com/torres_pit/?hl=en I started a media company to help content creator
我要住在巴勒斯坦了… 這裏的生活適合華人嗎?| Living in Palestine...Great Place for Chinese People?
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旅行變炮灰!! 我在戰亂的以色列邊境當了一天兵! | I Became An Israeli Soldier For A Day |
我的創作者商業秘密課程: https://attentionwhaleacademy.teachable.com/p/product My Bilibili: https://space.bilibili.com/386327632?spm_id_from=333.1007.0.0 My IG: https://www.instagram.com/torres_pit/?hl=en I started a media company to help content creators & companies
地球最高智商的國家, 但每天被飛彈炸!! 為什麼華人還要移民到以色列? | Why Do Chinese People Choose to Live in Israel?
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Visiting the Weirdest Nightclub in Berlin |「我們立即發生關係吧!」走入德國最開放的「多人運動」夜總會
老外真會玩~ ================ My Bilibili: https://space.bilibili.com/386327632?spm_id_from=333.1007.0.0 My IG: https://www.instagram.com/torres_pit/?hl=en I started a media company to help content creators & companies build their channels from ZERO to
(直擊2022世界盃) 我是怎樣能親手頒獎給世界足球先生的?? | Presenting a Trophy to Luka Modrić in Qatar!!
這麼努力做創作就是為了這一天!! ================ My IG: https://www.instagram.com/torres_pit/?hl=en My Bilibili: https://space.bilibili.com/386327632?spm_id_from=333.1007.0.0 I started a media company to help content creators & companies build their channels from ZERO to
未婚妻在墨西哥瘋狂消費! 我還應該繼續娶她嗎?| Fiancée’s Spending Is Out of Control, Should I Still Marry Her?
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Why I HAD TO Go Back to Sri Lanka?? | 為什麼我必須回到斯里蘭卡??
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I LOVE This Country, But The Girls Are Rude…| 除了沒禮貌的女生外, 我超愛這個東歐國家...
WHAT A COUNTRY! WHAT A TRIP 這個國家真是太漂亮了 (風景)! Bilibili (很多內容):https://space.bilibili.com/386327632?spm_id_from=333.1007.0.0
I Spent a Night in Bankrupt Sri Lanka (Harsh Reality) | 剛破產! 全國示威! 我在這崩潰的國家過了一晚
Good Luck Sri Lanka, You treated me so well 願當地的人平安 緊貼我的旅程可到IG: torres_pit
Nightlife in Mexico City! | (視覺衝擊)墨西哥的夜生活有多開放?!
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Exploring Red Light District with Mexican Police | 不小心闖進墨西哥紅燈區 警察竟叫我「就地解決」
感謝大家的觀看!訂閱支持下我喔~ 更多墨西哥Always Exploring影片:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8NTy1hiqfIA&t=3s&ab_channel=TorresPit%E6%89%98%E5%93%A5