
👑 高顏值CP 👑《神醫小萌妻》第1集 灰姑娘跌落深淵命懸一線,神醫少年起死回生!| Divine Doctor's Darling Wife EP1 #趙露思 #李宏毅 #楊洋 #肖戰 #劉亦菲

8 個月前
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👑 高顏值CP 👑《神醫小萌妻》第1集 灰姑娘跌落深淵命懸一線,神醫少年起死回生!| Divine Doctor's Darling Wife EP1 #趙露思 #李宏毅 #楊洋 #肖戰 #劉亦菲

📺 劇名:神醫小萌妻
🌈 主演:#李宏毅 #趙露思 #張瑤 #崔雅涵 #謝君豪 #呂頌賢 #唐寧 #馬麗
🎬 集數:36集

💌 劇情簡介:
世代研究醫術的神木族少年木星塵(李宏毅 飾),救下誤闖領地的醫藥世家之女葉雲裳(趙露思 飾),為逃避皇族內鬥而隨她一起來到民國亂世,卻遇上罕見瘟疫,木星塵憑藉青囊術拯救了眾生和本族,經歷各類誘惑與愛情的考驗,最終成為一代醫尊,最後他放棄王位,和愛人葉雲裳雲遊人間,濟世眾生。

📺 Drama Name:Divine Doctor's Darling Wife
🎬 Episodes: 36
🌈 Starring:
Zhao Lusi as Ye Yunshang
Li Hongyi as Mu Xingchen

💌 Synopsis:
Mu Xingchen, a young member of the divine Mu clan dedicated to the study of medical arts across generations, saves Ye Yunshang, the daughter of a prestigious medical family who accidentally trespasses into their territory. They escape the internal conflicts of the royal family and venture into the chaotic era of the Republic of China together. However, they encounter a rare epidemic, and Mu Xingchen uses his skills in Qingnang technique to save both lives and his own people. Throughout various temptations and trials of love, Mu Xingchen ultimately becomes a revered medical sage. In the end, he forsakes the throne and embarks on a journey through the mortal realm with his beloved Ye Yunshang, bringing aid and salvation to all sentient beings.

🌟 古偶甜劇推薦 🌟

💎 霸道總裁愛上我 💎
《我的人間暖陽》從校園到婚紗 💒 富二代 × 灰姑娘:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCeeTbyUddM-AivFbiQ7ghtRNPvE5lD2R

🌺 青澀の愛 🌺
《浮生渡》痞帥小霸王×戲班孤女 🌟 糾纏三世:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCeeTbyUddM-FiHlkymc8xj31ZEWFAa8N
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