💖富商嘲諷灰姑娘不會跳舞,想不到灰姑娘一登台,驚艷全場! #庶女攻略

2 年前
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#小喬追劇 #皓鑭 #延禧攻略姊妹篇 #中國電視劇 #好看電視劇2020 #宮鬥劇 #古裝 #甜寵

【Eng Sub PlayList】https://tinyurl.com/sdxx5jba

【劇情簡介】該劇以戰國晚期為背景,故事圍繞秦趙兩國鬥爭而展開。趙國御史之女李皓鑭(吳謹言 飾)因家族鬥爭被迫為奴,被商人呂不韋(聶遠 飾)買下。後來與當時的秦國質子嬴異人(茅子俊 飾)幾經波折,發生感情。李皓鑭積極尋求改變命運、呂不韋一心想成為人中之王、嬴異人迫切需要返回秦國,三人為不同目的而結盟,聯手在戰國歷史洪流中追求各自理想。



一縷執念 | 沉香流年:https://tinyurl.com/yxgzqeb3
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【Welcome To Subscribe】Xiao Qiao Drama

【Drama Name】 ✨The Legend of Hao Lan✨(Nie Yuan,Wu Jinyan)(2021)

【Plot summary】📖During the Warring States Period, Li Hao Lan (Wu Jin Yan) is forced out of her own home and sold as a slave despite being the daughter of the Public Censor of Zhao.
Purchased by Lu Bu Wei (Nie Yuan), she is gifted to Ying Yi Ren (Mao Zi Jun) a Qin Royal who is serving as a hostage to guarantee the armistice between the Qin and Zhao states.
A dangerous battle begins in result of their arrival and they must rely on their wits to survive.
Will Hao Lan be able to rise to her own success to overcome the adversities in her life?
HLZ-3 2

【Subscribe For More Videos】
✨Ruyi's Royal Love : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLxHAua2gbiTVNrTICvD8G9OE2SNAzVXJ2
✨Ashes of Love : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YhHN-88RXuA&list=PLxHAua2gbiTXBbNlUwjnKutjU17VT1QBK
✨Love Red Dust :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KxSX4B8OTm0&list=PLxHAua2gbiTUaWYTQbcwEYVKx6Mds-gDB
✨The concubine『s Love : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wUrCPyTjDhQ&list=PLxHAua2gbiTWvOAIBF32lJbc4fjHT41Ss
✨The emperor's little maid : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=htd2n76yvHg&list=PLxHAua2gbiTX9pTGpuSpWZ1ebVcOFReEq&index=2&t=0s
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