
Lean With Plants

9 個月前
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Lean With Plants
Calling all overweight plant based women! This is a podcast for FRUSTRATED vegan gal's who can’t shift the fat, all while eating a healthy vegan diet! (Yes we exist.) Weight loss doesn’t have to be a mystery, but with all the pseudo science and outright quackery online it’s hard to understand the true WHY and HOW. I’m Chelsea Cullen and I’ve lost 18kg (nearly 40 pounds) as a vegan ONCE I understood the science of weight loss, which has nothing to do with counting calories or celery juice by the way.I’m here to simplify the TRUTH about fat burning, what foods to eat for the most effective weight loss, the mindset tools to get you to your goal, and how to make it stick FOR LIFE. To connect with me check out my Instagram: Chelseamaecullen or find me at www.chelseamae.com
How to become the hero of your own story

No one is coming to save you.

No one is going to pick up a fork and put broccoli in your mouth or say no your mother in law for you.

Change is HARD, so we MUST be the hero of our own story and face the fight head on if we want to succeed in weight loss, habit change, fitness, or really anything.

Unfortunately we’ve been condition to be passive victims… mere side characters rather than the protagonist we were destined to be.

All this can change when we adopt a heroes mindset and know how to keep moving forward even when challenges inevitably come. (There’s no good story without some conflict!)

In this episode go over what to expect, how to embrace struggle, and ultimate transform into the hero that gets the prize.

The hero you are destined to be.

I mentioned a book called — Raising girls who like themselves by Kasey Edwards. So far I’m loving it!! You can find it here:


📚 Join the FREE mini course to kickstart your weight loss 👇 https://www.chelseamae.com/lean-with-plants-kickstarter-framework

📆 Get a FREE 1:1 Weight Loss Consult to see how we can help you smash those goals https://link.localbestgyms.com/widget/form/pOZDvwcJQoWbQ5KPeiGv

🤙 Find me on:

My Website ➔ https://www.chelseamae.com

Instagram ➔ https://www.instagram.com/chelseamaecullen/

Youtube ➔ https://www.youtube.com/ChelseaMae

Subscribe and see you next week.

Tue, 29 Aug 2023 07:00:00 +1200
How Joanna lost 30lbs, transformed her habits and found food freedom after decades of yo yo dieting

As we mark Joanna’s one-year milestone with Lean with Plants, I wanted to share how she’s lost the 30lbs and now can KEEP it off after starting dieting at just 7 years old.
In this episode we dive into escaping decades of yo yo diets and fads, gaining confidence and building habits and becoming yourself again after motherhood and weight gain

It is truly an honour to see someone transform before you eyes like Joanna has, and her story is sure to encourage you too.

📚 Join the FREE mini course to kickstart your weight loss 👇 https://www.chelseamae.com/lean-with-plants-kickstarter-framework

🤙 Find me on:

My Website ➔ https://www.chelseamae.com

Instagram ➔ https://www.instagram.com/chelseamaecullen/

Youtube ➔ https://www.youtube.com/ChelseaMae

Subscribe and see you next week.

Tue, 22 Aug 2023 12:00:00 +1200
How to Gamify Habits and Make Dieting Fun

Isn’t it weird how kids learn so fast while having FUN, and yet adults try and struggle while HATING the process? It’s time we explore a new way of learning and building habits. The formula for success is always repetition and play makes it easier to get your reps in because it’s fun and rewarding.

Tune in to learn about gamifying your habit building.

📚 Join the FREE mini course to kickstart your weight loss 👇 https://www.chelseamae.com/lean-with-plants-kickstarter-framework

📆 Get a FREE 1:1 Weight Loss Consult to see how we can help you smash those goals https://link.localbestgyms.com/widget/form/pOZDvwcJQoWbQ5KPeiGv

🤙 Find me on:

My Website ➔ https://www.chelseamae.com

Instagram ➔ https://www.instagram.com/chelseamaecullen/

Youtube ➔ https://www.youtube.com/ChelseaMae

Subscribe and see you next week.

Tue, 15 Aug 2023 07:00:00 +1200
Dieting and stress - how to keep going life get’s too hard

My life get’s really darn hard. There are so many days I don’t feel like I can cope and yet somehow I’ve maintained 40lbs of weight loss, while running a business, being a busy mama and having a husband with a disability.

10 years ago I did NOT have the toolkit to make that happen and it’s been trial and error and many books on behavioural science later that I have a toolkit of 6 habits/mindsets that keep me going on my worst days.

They are:

  • I know that 100% effort isn’t required to see results, but SOME consistent effort is always needed.
  • Consistent minimal effort beats intensity EVERY time. You don’t need to sprint, but you do need to put 1 foot in front of the other. Ask yourself what that looks like everyday. It changes.
  • I don’t pendulum swing. Your circumstances aren’t binary, behaviour doesn’t need to be either. I’m looking for the best I can do even on my worst days
  • I set minimum targets rather than big goals.
  • I have a level of external support and accountability even when I’m feeling like I can’t do things.
  • I make my life easier so I’m more likely to follow through on good behaviour.
  • Simple tools but they truly work.

    If you’re needing more personal help and accountability to lose fat, jump on a free strategy call with our team to see how we can help you get lean 📆


    📚 Join the FREE mini course to kickstart your weight loss 👇 https://www.chelseamae.com/lean-with-plants-kickstarter-framework

    🤙 Find me on:

    My Website ➔ https://www.chelseamae.com

    Instagram ➔ https://www.instagram.com/chelseamaecullen/

    Youtube ➔ https://www.youtube.com/ChelseaMae

    Subscribe and see you next week.

    Mon, 31 Jul 2023 07:00:00 +1200
    Effort is the price of success

    At the beginning of the year, I said my goal for this year was to be mediocre, however even though I believe there are times when mediocrity can be helpful, it can also be a hinderance.

    Success requires effort and perseverance, for there is no gain without pain. Hard work serves as the key that unlocks the door to triumph. The things truly worth having in life are not obtained effortlessly; they demand dedication and resilience. Weight loss is one of those things, it doesn't come easy, it takes time, dedication and consistency to see great results. Success is not a mere gift bestowed upon us; it is earned through relentless commitment and determination.

    The more we invest in our endeavors, the more satisfying the victory becomes. The journey towards success is marked by a path paved with hard work, guiding us towards our aspirations.

    It's important to remember that if success were easily attainable, everyone would have it. Yet, it is the challenges we face and overcome that make it truly meaningful.

    📚 Join the FREE mini course to kickstart your weight loss 👇 https://www.chelseamae.com/lean-with-plants-kickstarter-framework

    📆 Get a FREE 1:1 Weight Loss Consult to see how we can help you smash those goals https://link.localbestgyms.com/widget/form/pOZDvwcJQoWbQ5KPeiGv

    🤙 Find me on:

    My Website ➔ https://www.chelseamae.com

    Instagram ➔ https://www.instagram.com/chelseamaecullen/

    Youtube ➔ https://www.youtube.com/ChelseaMae

    Subscribe and see you next week.

    Sat, 22 Jul 2023 04:00:00 +1200
    Weight loss rules to live by

    Let’s talk about the 3 weight loss rules to live by.

    We'll be exploring the concept of calorie density and three key principles to keep in mind as you’re choosing what foods are optimal (and harmful) for fat loss.

    So if you're looking for some practical tips and tricks to help you on your weight loss journey, stick around and let's get started!

    📚 Join the FREE mini course to kickstart your weight loss 👇 https://www.chelseamae.com/lean-with-plants-kickstarter-framework

    📆 Get a FREE 1:1 Weight Loss Consult to see how we can help you smash those goals https://link.localbestgyms.com/widget/form/pOZDvwcJQoWbQ5KPeiGv

    🤙 Find me on:

    My Website ➔ https://www.chelseamae.com

    Instagram ➔ https://www.instagram.com/chelseamaecullen/

    Youtube ➔ https://www.youtube.com/ChelseaMae

    Subscribe and see you next week.

    Wed, 05 Jul 2023 07:00:00 +1200
    You’ve got nothing to lose by going all in

    Take a leap, embrace the unknown, and ask yourself, "What's the worst that could happen if I don't try a new approach to weight loss?

    What have I got to lose by going all in?

    Inaction and fear means there's a real cost to our overall health and mindset. This week I dive into Callie's story, which is what inspired me to do this episode. It's important to remember the immediate benefits of consistent action, even without immediate results. Failure often stems from a lack of action, so remove barriers, confront obstacles, take risks, and do the thing anyway.

    Shift your focus from outcomes to the process of growth, let go of results, practice persistence, and understand that overnight success follows years of perceived failure. Measure progress, explore multiple indicators of success, and seek motivation through repetition, accountability, making action easier, rewarding progress, and fostering a community that normalizes the behaviors you want to cultivate.

    Shift your focus from outcomes to the process of growth.

    • Release your attachment to results.
    • Reflect on the person you could become by consistently doing 'the thing', even without immediate results. Will you be better off than before?
    • It's all about practice and staying in the game.

    🌟 Remember, overnight success often follows years of perceived failure.

    • Measure your progress, choose growth.
    • Keep track of your achievements.
    • Look beyond a single measure of success.
    • Find ways to stay motivated.

    Discover the processes that drive consistent action

    • Embrace repetition and routine, establishing structured habits within your daily life.
    • Seek accountability to stay on track and ensure follow-through on your commitments.
    • Make action feel effortless by simplifying tasks and finding ways to streamline your efforts.
    • Celebrate your progress through rewards and acknowledgments.
    • Surround yourself with a supportive community that normalizes the behaviors you aspire to cultivate.

    Episodes resources:

    Microwaves and safety (You’ll see citations attached to this video) https://nutritionfacts.org/video/Are-Microwaves-Safe/

    Essentialism - Greg Mckeown

    Atomic Habits - James Clear

    📚 Join the FREE mini course to kickstart your weight loss 👇 https://www.chelseamae.com/lean-with-plants-kickstarter-framework

    📆 Get a FREE 1:1 Weight Loss Consult to see how we can help you smash those goals https://link.localbestgyms.com/widget/form/pOZDvwcJQoWbQ5KPeiGv

    🤙 Find me on:

    My Website ➔ https://www.chelseamae.com

    Instagram ➔ https://www.instagram.com/chelseamaecullen/

    Youtube ➔ https://www.youtube.com/ChelseaMae

    Subscribe and see you next week.

    Tue, 27 Jun 2023 06:00:00 +1200
    How the diet industry lied to us

    Weight loss is often surrounded by a cloud of mystery and perceived complexity. There are many fad diets promoting quick weight loss and so much conflicting information online, it's hard to know what is true and what isn't.
    The diet industry thrives on exploiting people's desires to lose weight quickly and effortlessly, often resorting to misleading claims.

    Many people believe that there must be some secret formula to shedding pounds and getting in shape. They tend to think of themselves as unique individuals who require personalized advice or special attention in order to achieve their weight loss goals. Additionally, there is a prevalent belief that our metabolisms are somehow flawed or broken, making it even more difficult to lose weight as we age. This leads to the idea that we need specific diets tailored to our body types or blood types.

    However, the truth is far simpler. We are not as special as we think when it comes to weight loss. The fundamental principle remains the same for everyone: we need to create a calorie deficit. Our metabolisms don't actually break; the main difference lies in the fact that we tend to lead more sedentary lifestyles, resulting in fewer calories burned. Ageing also plays a role in weight gain, mainly due to decreased physical activity levels. Lifestyle factors also influence weight gain, but the basic strategy for weight loss remains unchanged.

    Weight loss is not a rapid process in most cases. Instead, a healthy and sustainable rate is around 1-2 pounds per week. Any additional weight loss beyond this can be considered a bonus, but it's important to focus on the non-scale victories and leading measures of progress such as long term habit change rather than solely fixating on the number on the scale.
    The foundation of successful weight loss lies in creating a calorie deficit. While our starting points may vary there is no need for complex and specific diets based on body type or blood. By understanding the true nature of weight loss, we can implement effective strategies and achieve our goals, regardless of our individual circumstances.

    📚 Join the FREE mini course to kickstart your weight loss 👇 https://www.chelseamae.com/lean-with-plants-kickstarter-framework

    📆 Get a FREE 1:1 Weight Loss Consult to see how we can help you smash those goals https://link.localbestgyms.com/widget/form/pOZDvwcJQoWbQ5KPeiGv

    🤙 Find me on:

    My Website ➔ https://www.chelseamae.com

    Instagram ➔ https://www.instagram.com/chelseamaecullen/

    Youtube ➔ https://www.youtube.com/ChelseaMae

    Subscribe and see you next week.

    Wed, 21 Jun 2023 07:00:00 +1200
    Cheat meals, cravings, and restriction

    Should you Incorporate cheat meals into your diet?

    Indulging in meals that deviate from your usual eating routine raises the question of whether it is a beneficial practice. The concept of "cheating" on your diet often carries negative connotations, suggesting that you are engaging in something forbidden or naughty. It can lead you to make choices that conflict with your long-term objectives.

    But what exactly is the ultimate goal? When faced with choices, what is the best option for you in the present moment? For me, personally, I don't believe in the concept of cheat meals or days. Experience has taught me that what starts as a cheat day can easily spiral into a cheat week.

    If you find yourself yearning for a break from your regular diet, it might be an indication that the current approach is not sustainable in the first place. The idea of cheat days fails to acknowledge that success can manifest differently in various situations.

    So, what should you do when perfection seems unattainable? Instead of an all-or-nothing mindset, strive for a "next best" mentality. Focus on doing something better than what you have previously done, rather than succumbing to extreme patterns.

    Rather than swinging between extremes, consider incorporating pauses into your routine. This means allowing yourself occasional indulgences while maintaining overall balance.

    Here are some practical examples of how to enhance your indulgent experiences:

    Elevating Takeout Meals:

  • Make them more filling.
  • Incorporate additional vegetables.
  • Opt for options with lower calorie density.
  • Alternate Choices:

  • Pair your pizza with a side of broccoli.
  • Enjoy a burger accompanied by homemade potato chips.
  • When visiting a place like Starbucks or Disney World, opt for a baked potato as a lighter option.
  • Comfort Meals:

  • Indulge in dishes like curry or creamy pasta that provide a sense of comfort.
  • These meals may be slightly heavier, but they can still be enjoyed in moderation.
  • Treats and Desserts:

  • Transform these moments into special occasions.
  • Take your time savoring each bite.
  • Choose single-serve portions to maintain control and avoid overindulgence.
  • In summary, the concept of cheat meals can be reimagined as an opportunity to explore indulgent choices in a mindful manner. By incorporating these strategies, you can strike a balance between enjoying occasional treats and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

    Thanks for listening

    📚 Join the FREE mini course to kickstart your weight loss 👇 https://www.chelseamae.com/lean-with-plants-kickstarter-framework

    📆 Get a FREE 1:1 Weight Loss Consult to see how we can help you smash those goals https://link.localbestgyms.com/widget/form/pOZDvwcJQoWbQ5KPeiGv

    🤙 Find me on:

    My Website ➔ https://www.chelseamae.com

    Instagram ➔ https://www.instagram.com/chelseamaecullen/

    Youtube ➔ https://www.youtube.com/ChelseaMae

    Subscribe and see you next week.

    Tue, 13 Jun 2023 07:00:00 +1200
    Gaining weight and losing momentum: How to STOP the scale creeping up

    Weight gain and loss are responses to changes in calorie intake, which are not mystical occurrences but rather predictable outcomes. These changes can be influenced by internal and external factors related to our environment and behavior. Understanding these factors is attainable.

    To achieve desired changes in weight, it is important to modify both internal and external aspects of your current environment. The traditional approach, which relies solely on willpower and the belief that enduring pain will lead to different results, has proven ineffective in the past.

    Instead, adopt a new approach:

  • Make decisions that increase the likelihood of progress towards your goal, focusing on the direction rather than seeking a single right answer.
  • Implement internal systems that facilitate behavioral changes.
  • Establish external systems that promote desired behaviors.
  • Recognize that disciplined individuals are not inherently more disciplined but rather create environments that support discipline..
  • Consider the contents of a bodybuilder's pantry or a skateboarder's trunk as examples as to what your own pantry looks like.
  • I'll also be discussing my personal strategies, which involves:

  • Holding myself accountable for my actions.
  • Discovering enjoyable ways to incorporate exercise into my routine.
  • Creating commitment devices to reinforce my goals.
  • Modifying my external environment to enhance the likelihood of success.
  • Thanks for listening

    📚 Join the FREE mini course to kickstart your weight loss 👇 https://www.chelseamae.com/lean-with-plants-kickstarter-framework

    📆 Get a FREE 1:1 Weight Loss Consult to see how we can help you smash those goals https://link.localbestgyms.com/widget/form/pOZDvwcJQoWbQ5KPeiGv

    🤙 Find me on:

    My Website ➔ https://www.chelseamae.com

    Instagram ➔ https://www.instagram.com/chelseamaecullen/

    Youtube ➔ https://www.youtube.com/ChelseaMae

    Subscribe and see you next week.

    Thu, 08 Jun 2023 07:00:00 +1200
    How winners think differently

    Winners, often exhibit certain mindset traits and thinking patterns that contribute to their success. It's so important to cultivate a winners mindset because when it comes to losing weight you need to look past obstacles and see the opportunity for change so you can take action. Winners believe in their ability to overcome obstacles.
    They view setbacks and failures as learning opportunities rather than roadblocks. Instead of dwelling on problems, they actively seek solutions and stay optimistic about their chances of success.

    In this episode I'll go over the main ways I think winners think differently:

    • They make an Intentional effort be positive
    • They acknowledge and share wins and progress
    • They express what they are grateful for
    • They are disciplined about not being a victim in how they speak
    • They look for ways to solve problems
    • They recognise that emotions are not an absolute truth
    • They are data driven not emotionally drive.

    📚 Join the FREE mini course to kickstart your weight loss 👇 https://www.chelseamae.com/lean-with-plants-kickstarter-framework

    📆 Get a FREE 1:1 Weight Loss Consult to see how we can help you smash those goals https://link.localbestgyms.com/widget/form/pOZDvwcJQoWbQ5KPeiGv

    🤙 Find me on:

    My Website ➔ https://www.chelseamae.com

    Instagram ➔ https://www.instagram.com/chelseamaecullen/

    Youtube ➔ https://www.youtube.com/ChelseaMae

    Subscribe and see you next week

    Mon, 29 May 2023 21:00:00 +1200
    Character traits of successful dieters - Part 2

    People who lose weight and keep it off have 12 traits in common.

    In this episode we’ll go over the last 6 of these traits.

  • Keeping things simple and easy.
  • Understanding the power of tiny habits.
  • Seeking accountability.
  • Cultivating patience
  • Viewing success on a longer timeline
  • Focus on fast, messy action rather than perfectionism.
  • Tune in to hear how to becoming an action taker, not an excuse maker, and start seeing results.

    📚 Join the FREE mini course to kickstart your weight loss 👇 https://www.chelseamae.com/lean-with-plants-kickstarter-framework

    📆 Get a FREE 1:1 Weight Loss Consult to see how we can help you smash those goals https://link.localbestgyms.com/widget/form/pOZDvwcJQoWbQ5KPeiGv

    🤙 Find me on:

    My Website ➔ https://www.chelseamae.com

    Instagram ➔ https://www.instagram.com/chelseamaecullen/

    Youtube ➔ https://www.youtube.com/ChelseaMae

    Subscribe and see you next week

    Mon, 22 May 2023 07:00:00 +1200
    Character traits of successful dieters - Part 1

    In this episode I'm going to be talking about the character traits that makes people successful when it comes to dieting and losing weight. The attributes I will be talking about are shared by successful people everywhere, but they don’t happen by accident or luck. They originate in habits, built a day at a time. My team and I have identified 12 key traits that all successful dieters have in common. This is a 2 part episode, I will be talking about the first 6 in this episode, so don't forget to subscribe to the podcast so you don't miss out on part 2.

    📆 Get a FREE 1:1 Weight Loss Consult to see how we can help you smash those goals👇


    📚 Join the FREE mini course to kickstart your weight loss 👇


    🤙 Find me on:

    My Website ➔ https://www.chelseamae.com

    Instagram ➔ https://www.instagram.com/chelseamaecullen/

    Youtube ➔ https://www.youtube.com/ChelseaMae

    Subscribe and see you next week.

    Thu, 30 Mar 2023 06:00:00 +1300
    Overachievers and habits - why it’s so much harder to get consistent

    Consistency is harder for overachievers because they go from 100 miles an hour to zero very quickly as they rely on their willpower rather than creating habits.
    If we set ambitious goals that we can't reach, we often lose heart and abandon them altogether. However, the "1% better daily" principle advocates for making small daily improvements that can eventually result in substantial progress.

    By concentrating on making consistent 1% improvements every day, individuals who are overachievers can establish sustainable habits that will eventually help them get to their long term goals.

    Although minor changes may appear insignificant initially, they can result in significant progress and growth over time. By continuously making incremental improvements, those who aim for excellence can develop momentum and accomplish their objectives in a sustainable manner.

    James Clear, author of "Atomic Habits," suggests that relying solely on willpower is not a sustainable way to build habits. Instead, he recommends implementing a system of small, consistent actions that gradually become part of one's routine. For overachievers, this may mean setting lower expectations and focusing on the process rather than the outcome. By creating a habit of consistent, small actions, overachievers can avoid burnout and achieve their goals in a sustainable way.

    📆 Get a FREE 1:1 Weight Loss Consult to see how we can help you smash those goals👇


    📚 Join the FREE mini course to kickstart your weight loss 👇


    🤙 Find me on:

    My Website ➔ https://www.chelseamae.com

    Instagram ➔ https://www.instagram.com/chelseamaecullen/

    Youtube ➔ https://www.youtube.com/ChelseaMae

    Subscribe and see you next week.

    Tue, 21 Mar 2023 05:00:00 +1300
    Prioritizing Health During a Crisis: How to Stay Consistent in Survival Mode

    in this episode, we talks about how to prioritise health even when you’re going through a crisis and just surviving. We’ll talk about the benefits of losing weight in a healthy way, which includes gaining confidence and self-discipline, having more energy, and being equipped to deal with the stresses and difficulties of life.

    We also dive into practical ways to deal with a crisis, such as eliminating distractions and decision fatigue, accepting discomfort, saying "no" more often, and prioritizing sleep. This is all about shifting from a victim mentality to a victor mentality, taking ownership for what you want, and committing to small but regular actions to achieve your goals.

    If you liked the podcast, please leave me a review on apple podcasts!! It helps get the message out to more people.

    Want to kickstart your journey?

    📚 Join the FREE mini course to kickstart your weight loss 👇 https://www.chelseamae.com/lean-with-plants-kickstarter-framework

    🤙 Find me on:

    My Website ➔ https://www.chelseamae.com

    Instagram ➔ https://www.instagram.com/chelseamaecullen/

    Youtube ➔ https://www.youtube.com/ChelseaMae

    Subscribe and see you next week.

    Tue, 07 Mar 2023 07:00:00 +1300
    How AI will change the weight loss industry forever

    In this episode, we’ll discuss how artificial intelligence (AI) is set to change the weight loss industry forever.

    We explore the potential uses of AI in coaching, customising meal plans and workout routines, and making complex information more accessible to the public that has previously relied on industry ‘guru’s’ to translate.

    I predicts that as AI becomes more prevalent in diagnosis, health professions such as nutritionists, dieticians, and doctors will become less valued. Instead, accountability and behavioural tools will become the most important parts of success. (They already are!!)

    The biggest factor to success is implementation. Action beats knowledge every day.

    While AI will help with some of this and change how we implement, human connection, accountability and community will still continue to be a huge part of what makes habit change ‘sticky’ so that you ACTUALLY do it long term.

    Want to kickstart your journey?

    📚 Join the FREE mini course to kickstart your weight loss 👇 https://www.chelseamae.com/lean-with-plants-kickstarter-framework

    🤙 Find me on:

    My Website ➔ https://www.chelseamae.com

    Instagram ➔ https://www.instagram.com/chelseamaecullen/

    Youtube ➔ https://www.youtube.com/ChelseaMae

    Subscribe and see you next week.

    Tue, 28 Feb 2023 07:00:00 +1300
    Don't Let the Scale Determine Your Success: Understanding Weight Fluctuations

    When it comes to tracking your progress on a weight loss journey, the number on the scales can be both encouraging and demoralizing. While it's natural to want to see the number go down as you make progress, it's important to remember that there are many factors that can influence the number on the scale in the short term.

    In this episode I'll discuss why it's always important to focus on fat loss rather than just the number on the scales as there are many reasons why your weight can fluctuate such as the amount of food in your system, glycogen, water weight, and muscle weight can all influence the number in the short term.

    By paying attention to these factors and reprogramming your mind to see the scales as a tool for interpret data rather a measure of your own self worth and success, you can then start tracking progress your in a holistic way and get a more accurate picture of your progress on your weight loss journey.

    📚 Join the FREE mini course to kickstart your weight loss 👇 https://www.chelseamae.com/lean-with-plants-kickstarter-framework

    🤙 Find me on:

    My Website ➔ https://www.chelseamae.com

    Instagram ➔ https://www.instagram.com/chelseamaecullen/

    Youtube ➔ https://www.youtube.com/ChelseaMae

    Subscribe and see you next week.

    Wed, 15 Feb 2023 07:00:00 +1300
    5 Little-Known Consistency Killers & How to Beat Them

    In this podcast, I'll be sharing with you how systems and environment can change our behavior, and why even when we want it most, we still can’t seem to change!

    I'll be discussing 5 subtle changes in our systems that can greatly affect our behavior and prevent consistency, and sharing tips and strategies on how to combat these changes in order to develop unshakeable default behaviors that lead to long-term habit change, and ultimately, weight loss!!

    We’re constantly being pulled towards the path of least resistance and actively in battle with our current habits and environment. I'll be sharing my own struggles and what I have learned on how to create good habits, combat current ones, and understand the influences that affect them.

    Knowledge is power, so it’s vital we understand WHY we fail before creating strategies that ACTUALLY work.

    If we want long term change, we’ve got to create systems that are easy, obvious, attractive, and satisfying, so we can actually stick to them! Join me on this journey as we uncover the hidden roadblocks that prevent consistency and learn how to overcome them.

    📚 Join the FREE mini course to kickstart your weight loss 👇 https://www.chelseamae.com/lean-with-plants-kickstarter-framework

    🤙 Find me on:

    My Website ➔ https://www.chelseamae.com

    Instagram ➔ https://www.instagram.com/chelseamaecullen/

    Youtube ➔ https://www.youtube.com/ChelseaMae

    Subscribe and see you next week.

    Thu, 26 Jan 2023 07:00:00 +1300
    Mediocre Goals for the New Year: My plan to do less and achieve more

    Hey and Happy New Year!

    If you've been a long time listener of this podcast you will know I love James Clear and his book 'Atomic Habits'. It's been my bible of habit change for such a long time now.
    James Clear suggests that the most effective way to create lasting change and form new habits is to shift our identity and focus on becoming the type of person who embodies the habits we want to cultivate, as apposed to focusing on outcomes.

    Lately I've realized I have been extremely focused on outcome goals and whilst thinking about my new year goals I've decided that I need to be OK with being mediocre, so I can do less but achieve more.
    In this episode I'll be discussing 5 reasons mediocrity can help combat perfectionism and why setting mediocre goals for myself is helping me to fight all or nothing thinking and behavior and help me achieve success.

    Podcast Resources

    A lot of these concepts were also inspired by James Clear and Greg Mckeown and you can find the links to their books below👇

    Essentialism - Greg Mckeown


    Atomic Habits - James Clear


    This episode may also be useful to you

    How to break bad habits once and for all 👇

    📚 Join the FREE mini course to kickstart your weight loss 👇

    🤙 Find me on:

    My Website ➔ https://www.chelseamae.com

    Instagram ➔ https://www.instagram.com/chelseamaecullen/

    Youtube ➔ https://www.youtube.com/ChelseaMae

    Subscribe and see you next week.

    Wed, 18 Jan 2023 07:00:00 +1300
    How to develop discipline with your food choices

    This week I'm going to discuss how to create a system that helps develop discipline in your food choices. I’ll be explaining the 6 key things you can start today to help you develop more discipline and consistency over time.

    Self-discipline is the ability to push yourself forward, stay motivated, and take action, regardless of how you're feeling, physically or emotionally. Instead of thinking 'I am the problem’ or ‘ I have no self control' you need to start working on your system. Your system is SO important to your long term success.

    Podcast Resources

    How to break bad habits once and for all 👇

    📚 Join the FREE mini course to kickstart your weight loss 👇

    🤙 Find me on:

    My Website ➔ https://www.chelseamae.com

    Instagram ➔ https://www.instagram.com/chelseamaecullen/

    Youtube ➔ https://www.youtube.com/ChelseaMae

    Subscribe and see you next week.

    Tue, 06 Dec 2022 07:00:00 +1300
    How to break bad habits once and for all

    This week we’re talking how to break bad habits once and for all by getting clear on what’s ACTUALLY holding you back and then changing it, rather than saying it ‘shouldn’t’ be an issue.

    Ever heard the saying; 'If nothing changes, nothing changes'? - Lets change it!

    Listen now to learn how you can adopt this mindset and start breaking those bad habits for good.

    📚 Join the FREE mini course to kickstart your weight loss 👇 https://www.chelseamae.com/lean-with-plants-kickstarter-framework

    🤙 Find me on:

    My Website ➔ https://www.chelseamae.com

    Instagram ➔ https://www.instagram.com/chelseamaecullen/

    Youtube ➔ https://www.youtube.com/ChelseaMae

    Subscribe and see you next week.

    Wed, 23 Nov 2022 09:00:00 +1300
    5 weight loss myths that need to die

    Lets get into myth busting! There's so much information out there when it comes to health and wellness that it can get very confusing for us to understand. Many views are polarising, blown out of proportion, misunderstood and yet so many studies seem to back up every single opinion so you end up not being sure what to believe.
    This week I will be breaking down and discussing the 5 most common health and wellness myths that I hear on a daily basis when it comes to weight loss that I feel need putting to bed once and for all.

    Some of these myths include, that you need large amounts of protein, it's much harder to lose weight as you age, carbohydrates make you fat, fat makes you fat and willpower is the most important factor for weight loss.

    Episode Resources

    Interview with Dr Michael Greger - answering hard questions about weight loss

    Mastering Diabetes interview with Robby

    If you listened to last weeks episode, you'll know we’re launching a coaching program to help a few people make bigger changes faster, if you’re interested in learning more click below 👇


    📚 Join the FREE mini course to kickstart your weight loss 👇 https://www.chelseamae.com/lean-with-plants-kickstarter-framework

    🤙 Find me on:

    My Website ➔ https://www.chelseamae.com

    Instagram ➔ https://www.instagram.com/chelseamaecullen/

    Youtube ➔ https://www.youtube.com/ChelseaMae

    Subscribe and see you next week.

    Wed, 19 Oct 2022 07:00:00 +1300
    How to get big results FASTER (Science of motivation/action)

    I’ve talked a lot about tiny steps and how to make progress without oodles of motivation… but what do you do when you want big changes fast?? In this episode I share the 6 stages of creating HUGE change fast.

  • Motivation
  • Commitment
  • Plan
  • Accountability
  • Measuring progress
  • Following through
  • Every one of these is necessary for making big changes, and incredibly powerful!!

    We’re launching a coaching program that has all of these elements (and more) to help a few people make bigger changes faster, if you’re interested in learning more click below 👇


    📚 Join the FREE mini course to kickstart your weight loss 👇 https://www.chelseamae.com/lean-with-plants-kickstarter-framework

    🤙 Find me on:

    My Website ➔ https://www.chelseamae.com

    Instagram ➔ https://www.instagram.com/chelseamaecullen/

    Youtube ➔ https://www.youtube.com/ChelseaMae

    Subscribe and see you next week.

    Tue, 11 Oct 2022 07:00:00 +1300
    Mantra’s and mindsets

    This week we're talking about mindset, particularly challenging your thoughts by using positive affirmations and mantras. I'll dive deep in to how our default thought patterns and internal dialogue can sometimes be very negative. I hope this episode will give you some hope to believe change is possible, because even though we may not have control over the thoughts our brains are telling us, we can have 100% control and influence on how we respond them.

    7 Habits of highly effective people by Stephen R Covey
    Man’s search for meaning by Victor E Frankl
    Atomic Habits by James Clear

    If you like this episode please leave a review and let me know what you think.

    📚 Join the FREE mini course to kickstart your weight loss 👇 https://www.chelseamae.com/lean-with-plants-kickstarter-framework

    🤙 Find me on:

    My Website ➔ https://www.chelseamae.com

    Instagram ➔ https://www.instagram.com/chelseamaecullen/

    Youtube ➔ https://www.youtube.com/ChelseaMae

    Subscribe and see you next week.

    Tue, 27 Sep 2022 07:00:00 +1300
    What exercises should you be doing for fat loss

    If you want to lose weight, you may be wondering how much you should be exercising and what exercises you need to do to lose weight.

    Losing weight is all about being in calorie deficit, so it's understandable you think you need to exercise to lose weight as you'll burn more calories right? Whilst there is some truth to that it's more complex than you might think. There's a lot to unpack this week, so in this episode I'll be discussing what effect exercise has on your ability to lose weight, what exercises to do and most importantly when is the right time to include it.

    Podcast episode about NEAT:

    📚 Join the FREE mini course to kickstart your weight loss 👇 https://www.chelseamae.com/lean-with-plants-kickstarter-framework

    🤙 Find me on:

    My Website ➔ https://www.chelseamae.com

    Instagram ➔ https://www.instagram.com/chelseamaecullen/

    Youtube ➔ https://www.youtube.com/ChelseaMae

    Subscribe and see you next week.

    Tue, 20 Sep 2022 07:00:00 +1200
    Get comfortable being uncomfortable

    This week I thought I'd talk you about how to get comfortable, with being uncomfortable.
    Embracing discomfort definitely won't be pleasant but it's necessary if you want to experience personal growth.
    The thing is If you always stay in your comfort zone and avoid situations where you might fail or be uncomfortable, then there is little way for you to grow as an individual.

    A quote which I love and I have hanging on my wall is " fail faster" because it reminds me everyday that instead of striving to be perfect, to fail fast and often because you can achieve so much more by just getting started, giving it ago, being okay with failure and being uncomfortable.

    Link for the video game YouTube video I mention: https://youtu.be/s6tLGo9yij0

    📚 Join the FREE mini course to kickstart your weight loss 👇 https://www.chelseamae.com/lean-with-plants-kickstarter-framework

    🤙 Find me on:

    My Website ➔ https://www.chelseamae.com

    Instagram ➔ https://www.instagram.com/chelseamaecullen/

    Youtube ➔ https://www.youtube.com/ChelseaMae

    Subscribe and see you next week.

    Tue, 06 Sep 2022 07:00:00 +1200
    How to keep going when the goal feels too far away

    In this episode I share 4 key ways I keep going when my goals feel so far away! I talk a lot about not being perfect and why it's important to fail faster but this week I want to get a little more personal. The crux of it is; We don’t want to put our lives on hold until we reach a certain goal, because life is happening NOW, and the future is never a given. It's so important to focus on the present and put values, before beauty.

    I'll be talking about why this matters so much to me and how I create meaning in today.
    You can work towards being an improved version of yourself, but ultimately to keep yourself going it boils down to having contentment, joy and appreciation for today.
    We have to start living and be grateful for today before it’s too late.

    Episode resources:

    Books mentioned
    The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*** by Mark Manson
    The Seven Habits of highly effective people by Stephen R. Covey
    Essentialism by Greg Mckeown

    📚 Join the FREE mini course to kickstart your weight loss 👇 https://www.chelseamae.com/lean-with-plants-kickstarter-framework

    🤙 Find me on:

    My Website ➔ https://www.chelseamae.com

    Instagram ➔ https://www.instagram.com/chelseamaecullen/

    Youtube ➔ https://www.youtube.com/ChelseaMae

    Subscribe and see you next week.

    Wed, 24 Aug 2022 07:00:00 +1200
    Gateway habits to speed up fat loss

    Harness the power of gateway habits to boost your consistency with less effort.

    🎉 Win a goodie bag starter kit and a scholarship to the Lean with Plants program! 🎉

    Challenge runs from Friday the 5th ➡️ Monday 8th August 2022 (CST)

    My definition of “gateway habits” are small, easy habits that have a HUGE knock on affect to other behaviour.

    They’re like gateway drugs. Once you start, the harder stuff is the next step (although unlike taking drugs gateway habits make way for POSITIVE behaviour!!)

    Click below to get involved in the challenge👇


    📚 Join the FREE mini course to kickstart your weight loss 👇

    James Clear - Atomic Habits 📕


    📚 Get your FREE ebook!

    If you like this episode, please give me a review and a share!

    Send a screenshot of your review and Insta share (story, post, whatever!!) to info@chelseamae.com and I'll send you my mini-ebook!

    I love hearing from you guys! So, PLEASE DM me, email me or send me a message in a bottle so I can hear your thoughts.

    🤙 Find me on:

    My Website ➔ https://www.chelseamae.com

    Instagram ➔ https://www.instagram.com/chelseamaecullen/

    Youtube ➔ https://www.youtube.com/ChelseaMae

    Subscribe and see you next week.

    Wed, 03 Aug 2022 07:00:00 +1200
    How Kezia lost 50 lbs while spending less time and effort cooking!

    Kezia lost 50 lbs (and counting) while spending less time in the kitchen and making her system easy.

    Here’s what she said:

    “in January when the doors were open for LWP I wasn't quite ready to jump in, I felt like I had all of the knowledge and understanding and I could do it on my own. So I decided to give myself some time to try it alone. Alas, I was able to eat the right things but then weekends would come and my consistency would fly out the window. So here I am signed up for LWP this round and already just investing the money in it is giving me the push I need to practice my consistency and reach my goals!” (July 2021)

    Since then she’s focused on layering habits like her home habit, then weekends, then eating out.

    It’s crazy what can happen with small, consistent action and learning to trust yourself again.

    📚 Join the FREE mini course to kickstart your weight loss 👇

    📚 Get your FREE ebook!

    If you like this episode, please give me a review and a share!

    Send a screenshot of your review and Insta share (story, post, whatever!!) to info@chelseamae.com and I'll send you my mini-ebook!

    I love hearing from you guys! So, PLEASE DM me, email me or send me a message in a bottle so I can hear your thoughts.

    🤙 Find me on:

    My Website ➔ https://www.chelseamae.com

    Instagram ➔ https://www.instagram.com/chelseamaecullen/

    Youtube ➔ https://www.youtube.com/ChelseaMae

    Subscribe and see you next week.

    Tue, 26 Jul 2022 07:00:00 +1200
    How I’m getting back on track after travel and weight gain

    Those that have been following me for a while know that I recently went on a 3 month trip around the United States of America. Whilst traveling I haven't been keeping up with eating 100% healthy, as I would in my home environment. So in this episode I'm going to talk about several actionable positive behaviours I'm going to start doing to get my healthy eating habits back on track now that I'm back home in New Zealand.
    If you are someone that struggles with all in all out mindset when it comes to weight loss, hopefully these simple principals will be able help you to stay as consistent as possible, so you can get the desired results you want long term that are sustainable on your weight loss journey making it easier for you to succeed.

    📚 Join the FREE mini course to kickstart your weight loss 👇

    How i'm simplifying my cooking system video on YouTube 👇

    What running everyday for 70 days has taught me about habits 👇

    📚 Get your FREE ebook!

    If you like this episode, please give me a review and a share!

    Send a screenshot of your review and Insta share (story, post, whatever!!) to info@chelseamae.com and I'll send you my mini-ebook!

    I love hearing from you guys! So, PLEASE DM me, email me or send me a message in a bottle so I can hear your thoughts.

    🤙 Find me on:

    My Website ➔ https://www.chelseamae.com

    Instagram ➔ https://www.instagram.com/chelseamaecullen/

    Youtube ➔ https://www.youtube.com/ChelseaMae

    Subscribe and see you next week.

    Wed, 13 Jul 2022 09:00:00 +1200
    Using the tiny step method

    Making faster progress isn’t about stricter diets and more discipline, it’s about taking consistent action steps that move you closer to your goal.

    The problem is we get tired, bored, lose motivation or give up, or (insert excuse here) and progress stalls or goes out the window.

    This isn’t a flaw with YOU, it’s a human character trait that keeps us alive, we’re kinda designed to choose the path of least resistance to conserve energy and constantly innovate… BUT that’s not super helpful when we need to say no to oreos and YES to broccoli. 😭🥦

    The good news is instead of working against it, we can hack motivation by using tools like the next tiny step method to KEEP moving forward, even in our worst moments.

    In this episode I share exactly how to use the method to find your next tiny step, commit to when you’ll implement it, and use momentum to make your next actions easier and more likely. Yah!!

    This method was developed by Richard Ralston who is a mentor, friend, and amazing human, so check out more about him below 👇


    A lot of these concepts were also inspired by James Clear and Greg Mckeown and you can find the links to their books below👇

    Essentialism - Greg Mckeown


    Atomic Habits - James Clear


    We use this method in our Progress PODS in Lean with Plants and it’s helped our members see phenomenal results. If you’re not making the progress you want to on your weight loss journey, why not join our fam, and start taking leaps and bounds with the tools to make it easier and a community to support you a long the way.

    How Beth Lost 40lbs Podcast episode

    📚 Join the FREE mini course to kickstart your weight loss 👇

    📚 Get your FREE ebook!

    If you like this episode, please give me a review and a share!

    Send a screenshot of your review and Insta share (story, post, whatever!!) to info@chelseamae.com and I'll send you my mini-ebook!

    I love hearing from you guys! So, PLEASE DM me, email me or send me a message in a bottle so I can hear your thoughts.

    🤙 Find me on:

    My Website ➔ https://www.chelseamae.com

    Instagram ➔ https://www.instagram.com/chelseamaecullen/

    Youtube ➔ https://www.youtube.com/ChelseaMae

    Subscribe and see you next week.

    Thu, 07 Jul 2022 01:00:00 +1200
    Everything I’ve learned about eating healthy in America

    After traveling the United States for 2 months I’ve got some thoughts about eating healthy (and not) here and I wanted to share them with you!

    This episode is really just a conversation about processed foods, huge billboards that pull you off the highway, the price of cherry tomatoes and how to set up your environment to promote the behaviours you want to cultivate.

    There are some fascinating things about human psychology and behaviour that we can learn about shaping habits from McDonalds, as counter intuitive as that sounds!

    If you found this episode helpful and have a practical application, send me an email, dm, or message in a bottle so I can geek out about it too!

    See you next week for another episode.

    📚 Join the FREE mini course to kickstart your weight loss 👇

    📚 Get your FREE ebook!

    If you like this episode, please give me a review and a share!

    Send a screenshot of your review and Insta share (story, post, whatever!!) to info@chelseamae.com and I'll send you my mini-ebook!

    I love hearing from you guys! So, PLEASE DM me, email me or send me a message in a bottle so I can hear your thoughts.

    🤙 Find me on:

    My Website ➔ https://www.chelseamae.com

    Instagram ➔ https://www.instagram.com/chelseamaecullen/

    Youtube ➔ https://www.youtube.com/ChelseaMae

    Subscribe and see you next week.

    Tue, 31 May 2022 07:00:00 +1200
    How to make a weight loss system that is EASY, OBVIOUS, and ATTRACTIVE - Instagram LIVE Replay

    I struggled with my weight for almost 10 years. I was miserable and unhappy and after many failed diets, too many rules and too much restriction, I thought it was time to do something that was sustainable, easy, obvious and attractive! That's when I finally found a solution that worked for me. I was able to lose 40lbs and become the leanest I have ever been if my life even after having 2 kids! The method I'm going to be talking about is tried and tested across my course Lean with Plants where hundreds of women have managed to lose weight just by using the same systems.

    Learning about how weight loss works is a small piece of the puzzle. You may know what you should be doing, but it's implementing what you know that's the hardest part! The missing piece for a lot of women is building a strong habit foundation on a consistent basis that help you become the kind of person who is able to accomplish your weight loss goals.

    Do you struggle to stay on track even though you know what to eat? Do you feel you have an all or nothing mindset and once you fail, you revert back to old eating habits? In this episode I'm going to discuss why habits are so important, and how to use them to build systems that make your weight loss easy, obvious and attractive so you can become more consistent and finally start shedding those pounds!

    Remember this is not a bout willpower, it's not about someone else being better at it than you. It's about finding a system that works for for you! You are not broken and you are certainly not a failure. There are many different ways of implementing new systems and habits that can work for you. Listen to this episode so I can give you the kickstart you need to finally have the food freedom that I now have.

    I also take some questions at the end! I hope the Q&A is super helpful for you!

    If you want to watch the Instagram live replay video - go to my instagram page here:

    Plant based nutrition facts

    Info on Lean with Plants Course Membership

    I highly recommend the book by James Clear - 'Atomic Habits' if you're interested in habit change!

    📚 Join the FREE mini course to kickstart your weight loss 👇

    📚 Get your FREE ebook!

    If you like this episode, please give me a review and a share!

    Send a screenshot of your review and Insta share (story, post, whatever!!) to info@chelseamae.com and I'll send you my mini-ebook!

    I love hearing from you guys! So, PLEASE DM me, email me or send me a message in a bottle so I can hear your thoughts.

    🤙 Find me on:

    My Website ➔ https://www.chelseamae.com

    Instagram ➔ https://www.instagram.com/chelseamaecullen/

    Youtube ➔ https://www.youtube.com/ChelseaMae

    Subscribe and see you next week.

    Fri, 13 May 2022 07:00:00 +1200
    Answering questions about weight loss!! - Instagram LIVE Replay

    I recently did an Instagram live where I spoke to some of the amazing Lean with Plants members about their personal experiences on their weight loss journey and took some of your questions! There were some great questions and I loved answering them all, so I thought it would great to share this live episode with all of you, so that you can find the answers to some of my most commonly asked questions!

    In this episode, I answer questions about how to change your habits so you can start to master your life, how to use systems to get results rather than using motivation, plant based pregnancy and tips on how to stay consistent so you're finally able to to make steps towards getting food freedom!

    The Lean with Plants members also share their personal stories and tips about how they lost weight! They also give you an insight to into the Lean with Plants course and how the course has helped them change their lives.

    I hope this Q&A is super helpful for you!

    If you want to watch the Instagram live replay video - go to my instagram page here:

    Plant based nutrition facts

    Info on Lean with Plants Course Membership

    I highly recommend the book by James Clear - 'Atomic Habits' if you're interested in habit change!

    📚 Join the FREE mini course to kickstart your weight loss 👇

    📚 Get your FREE ebook!

    If you like this episode, please give me a review and a share!

    Send a screenshot of your review and Insta share (story, post, whatever!!) to info@chelseamae.com and I'll send you my mini-ebook!

    I love hearing from you guys! So, PLEASE DM me, email me or send me a message in a bottle so I can hear your thoughts.

    🤙 Find me on:

    My Website ➔ https://www.chelseamae.com

    Instagram ➔ https://www.instagram.com/chelseamaecullen/

    Youtube ➔ https://www.youtube.com/ChelseaMae

    Subscribe and see you next week.

    Thu, 05 May 2022 07:00:00 +1200
    How Beth lost 40 lbs and kept it off after 15 failed diets!

    I finally got the chance to do my first in person podcast and meet with the amazing Beth, who is a pod leader in the Lean with Plants course, and it was so exciting!!
    In this episode Beth shares her incredible story of how she was able to lose 40lbs and finally find the food freedom she desperately wanted after trying around 15 unsuccessful diets which she had done for most of her life.
    Beth discusses how she was able to use the skills she had taken from Lean with Plants course to create systems that enable her to be consistent with her eating habits, eat as much as she wants and finally lose the weight she always wanted, become her leanest in a long time and get to a place where she now feels comfortable in her own skin. We also talk about the benefit of celebrating wins no matter how small and how you important it is to celebrate wins and yourself!
    I got so much out of this episode! I hope Beth's story inspires you as much as it did me

    📚 Join the FREE mini course to kickstart your weight loss 👇

    📚 Get your FREE ebook!

    If you like this episode, please give me a review and a share!

    Send a screenshot of your review and Insta share (story, post, whatever!!) to info@chelseamae.com and I'll send you my mini-ebook!

    I love hearing from you guys! So, PLEASE DM me, email me or send me a message in a bottle so I can hear your thoughts.

    🤙 Find me on:

    My Website ➔ https://www.chelseamae.com

    Instagram ➔ https://www.instagram.com/chelseamaecullen/

    Youtube ➔ https://www.youtube.com/ChelseaMae

    Subscribe and see you next week.

    Tue, 26 Apr 2022 07:00:00 +1200
    What running everyday for 70 days has taught me about habits

    I started a challenge with some friends where I would commit to running 5km a day for 90 consecutive days. It's now day 77 of the challenge and I’ve managed to run 5km every single day for 77 days and counting.

    In this episode, I discuss what I’ve learnt about habit formation and the many behavioural hacks this challenge has taught me along the way. All of which, have made it possible for me to continue running for 70+ days, even when I was struggling and just wanted to give up.

    There are 4 important steps to how our brain forms habits; the cue, the craving, the response and the reward, all of which I will explain in this episode and how our behaviour is shaped by them.
    When you understand how habits are formed and you start to see the power of using behavioural tools to hack your habits, you will think about behaviour in a completely different way.
    I'm hoping you can starting using these ideas and hacks so you can begin designing a system that works for you. A system that enables you to follow through with doing those things that may seem too far out of your reach, because you'll equipped with the knowledge and tools to make it much easier for you to achieve success.

    I HIGHLY recommend reading the book Atomic Habits by James Clear to understand more about how you can hack your habits through behavioural change.

    📚 Join the FREE mini course to kickstart your weight loss 👇

    📚 Get your FREE ebook!

    If you like this episode, please give me a review and a share!

    Send a screenshot of your review and Insta share (story, post, whatever!!) to info@chelseamae.com and I'll send you my mini-ebook!

    I love hearing from you guys! So, PLEASE DM me, email me or send me a message in a bottle so I can hear your thoughts.

    🤙 Find me on:

    My Website ➔ https://www.chelseamae.com

    Instagram ➔ https://www.instagram.com/chelseamaecullen/

    Youtube ➔ https://www.youtube.com/ChelseaMae

    Subscribe and see you next week.

    Tue, 12 Apr 2022 07:00:00 +1200
    How Bree lost 37 pounds, transformed her habits, and ran 1250 kms!

    In this episode I have the privilege to talk to Bree who shares her amazing story about how she managed to transform her life, change her daily habits and lose 37lbs since beginning her weight loss journey. It was Bree who inspired me to run 5km a day, as she was able to run 5km a day for 250 consecutive days, which in total is 1250kms, that's absolutely incredible!

    In this episode Bree shares it all. How she managed to grow trust and confidence in herself to lose weight, how long it took her to get results and the small daily habit changes that helped lead her to massive results!

    Her story just blows me away because it is so powerful what can happen when you decide to look forward to the future, not look back at past failures that have been holding you back and continue to push forward making daily improvements that get you closer to that person you want to become. Bree has mastered the foundational habits that has enabled her to master her life and we both believe that it's possible for you too!

    📚 Join the FREE mini course to kickstart your weight loss 👇

    📚 Get your FREE ebook!

    If you like this episode, please give me a review and a share!

    Send a screenshot of your review and Insta share (story, post, whatever!!) to info@chelseamae.com and I'll send you my mini-ebook!

    I love hearing from you guys! So, PLEASE DM me, email me or send me a message in a bottle so I can hear your thoughts.

    🤙 Find me on:

    My Website ➔ https://www.chelseamae.com

    Instagram ➔ https://www.instagram.com/chelseamaecullen/

    Youtube ➔ https://www.youtube.com/ChelseaMae

    Subscribe and see you next week.

    Tue, 05 Apr 2022 06:00:00 +1200
    How I stopped the binge eating cycle

    Are you a self proclaimed binge eater? Maybe you’ve tried various diets, severely lowered your calorie intake, staved yourself, gone to bed hungry and yet no matter what you still just can’t seem to get out of the never ending binge eating cycle.

    In this episode I talk about my personal struggle with binge eating and how I was able to stop the cycle of binging on food, lose 40 lbs, and maintain the best figure I’ve had in my adult life.

    Now I have the freedom to eat as much as I want without the fear of binging. I hope this episode empowers you to take back control, so you can develop a better relationship with food and build the habits that are going to get you the weight loss results you want.

    📚 Join the FREE mini course to kickstart your weight loss 👇

    Some other podcast episodes you might find helpful:

    How to stop emotional eating👇 https://podcasts.apple.com/nz/podcast/how-to-stop-emotional-eating/id1502040576?i=1000507256964

    Getting in touch with hunger and fullness cues + intuitive eating👇https://podcasts.apple.com/nz/podcast/lean-with-plants/id1502040576?i=1000535360592

    How to use failure to 10x your results👇


    Who are you going to need to BECOME to get lean?👇


    📚Want a free recipe ebook?

    If you like this episode, please give me a review and a share!

    Send a screenshot of your review and Insta share (story, post, whatever!!) to info@chelseamae.com and I'll send you my mini-ebook!

    I love hearing from you guys! So, PLEASE DM me, email me or send me a message in a bottle so I can hear your thoughts.

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    Subscribe and see you next week.

    Mon, 28 Mar 2022 23:00:00 +1300
    How Katy overcame her eating disorder, found food freedom and lost 20 pounds sustainably!

    In this episode I talk to Katy who shares her incredible story about her battle with Bulimia and how she managed to overcome it, lose 20lbs and keep it off sustainably. Although this episode is an emotional one, Katy’s story has a happy ending! She is now confident about her eating habits, and she finally has food freedom and has lost the weight without starvation or restriction. I really hope Katy’s story encourages anyone who is experiencing difficulties that you can walk away with hope that change and healing is possible!!!

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    If you like this episode, please give me a review and a share!

    Send a screenshot of your review and Insta share (story, post, whatever!!) to info@chelseamae.com and I'll send you my mini-ebook!

    I love hearing from you guys! So, PLEASE DM me, email me or send me a message in a bottle so I can hear your thoughts.

    🤙 Find me on:

    My Website ➔ https://www.chelseamae.com

    Instagram ➔ https://www.instagram.com/chelseamaecullen/

    Youtube ➔ https://www.youtube.com/ChelseaMae

    Subscribe and see you next week.

    Tue, 22 Mar 2022 07:00:00 +1300
    The 5 steps that helped me kickstart my weight loss

    Understanding a calorie deficit in conjunction with calorie density and habit change is what really made a difference to me losing 40lbs. I recently put out a YouTube video with the 5 action steps that helped me on my weight loss journey to losing 40lbs, but I thought It would a be a great idea to delve into more depth on this topic, so that it can help you understand in more detail how fat loss works. In this episode I’ll be sharing with you the 5 core principals that helped me lose 40lbs and keep it off for years.

    You can watch that video version below!


    Podcast episode on calorie density 👇

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    If you like this episode, please give me a review and a share!

    Send a screenshot of your review and Insta share (story, post, whatever!!) to info@chelseamae.com and I'll send you my mini-ebook!

    I love hearing from you guys! So, PLEASE DM me, email me or send me a message in a bottle so I can hear your thoughts.

    🤙 Find me on:

    My Website ➔ https://www.chelseamae.com

    Instagram ➔ https://www.instagram.com/chelseamaecullen/

    Youtube ➔ https://www.youtube.com/ChelseaMae

    Subscribe and see you next week.

    Tue, 15 Mar 2022 07:00:00 +1300
    How I cope in survival mode & how to not let stress derail your progress

    With everything that's happening in the world right now, it can be very difficult to focus on the things that we used to see as 'important' but may now may seem 'less important'.
    The thing is, when you put all your focus on issues that are outside of your control, your overall influence on those issues ends up shrinking, as you become less focused on the things that also actually matter to you.

    I want to say, it's okay to not be okay sometimes and worry about things beyond our control because we are human with emotions, but we all know that when anxiety and stress they take over and influence our ability to cope, work, eat healthy then we need to have a strategy to deal with it.

    So in this episode, I'll be discussing a great way to help you cope with whats happening in the world and how to not let outside factors (such as stress, war, injustice) derail your progress, by explaining the 3 key things that have helped me deal with stressful times and still maintain a high level of consistency.

    The 7 habits of highly effective people book by Stephen Covey 👇

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    If you like this episode, please give me a review and a share!

    Send a screenshot of your review and Insta share (story, post, whatever!!) to info@chelseamae.com and I'll send you my mini-ebook!

    I love hearing from you guys! So, PLEASE DM me, email me or send me a message in a bottle so I can hear your thoughts.

    🤙 Find me on:

    My Website ➔ https://www.chelseamae.com

    Instagram ➔ https://www.instagram.com/chelseamaecullen/

    Youtube ➔ https://www.youtube.com/ChelseaMae

    Subscribe and see you next week.

    Tue, 08 Mar 2022 07:00:00 +1300
    How to make more progress with less effort, working smarter not harder

    When it comes to habit change (including weight loss) we are are hardwired to choose the path of least resistance. We rely so much on willpower and motivation to change our habits, but lack of motivation and willpower are not character flaws. They are a reaction to the systems we create.

    You can see increasingly better results by not working smarter NOT harder. Every single successful person who has maintained their weight loss in the long term has created a system that works for them, one that makes it as a easy as possible for them to maintain it long term. They do NOT have more willpower than you. They simple have a better system.

    The secret to success is understanding that you need remove any obstacles and friction in your path and make it simpler and easier for you to succeed!
    Listen to the full episode so you don't miss the 3 steps I outline on how to remove friction, so you can step into your power and achieve success without any extra effort at all!

    Here are some other podcast episodes mentioned:

    Your progress hinges on this👇


    How to make progress easier and faster👇


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    📚 Get your FREE ebook!

    If you like this episode, please give me a review and a share!

    Send a screenshot of your review and Insta share (story, post, whatever!!) to info@chelseamae.com and I'll send you my mini-ebook!

    I love hearing from you guys! So, PLEASE DM me, email me or send me a message in a bottle so I can hear your thoughts.

    🤙 Find me on:

    My Website ➔ https://www.chelseamae.com

    Instagram ➔ https://www.instagram.com/chelseamaecullen/

    Youtube ➔ https://www.youtube.com/ChelseaMae

    Subscribe and see you next week.

    Tue, 01 Mar 2022 07:00:00 +1300
    How to calculate your calories and understanding your BMR

    How many calories are you really burning? If you’ve ever felt confused about where you sit on the ‘bell curve’ of calorie burn and how to determine your base metabolic rate (BMR) then this episode is for you!

    There is so much confusion around calorie burn and finding those numbers, but the more important question is how to reduce and stay consistent from your unique starting point... whether that’s low or high!

    After taking a deep dive into understanding metabolic rates, overall calorie burn and average calorie numbers you’ll learn the 3 top action steps you need to start losing weight with or without finding an arbitrary number.

    Neat explained


    Calorie average requirements


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    If you like this episode, please give me a review and a share!

    Send a screenshot of your review and Insta share (story, post, whatever!!) to info@chelseamae.com and I'll send you my mini-ebook!

    I love hearing from you guys! So, PLEASE DM me, email me or send me a message in a bottle so I can hear your thoughts.

    🤙 Find me on:

    My Website ➔ https://www.chelseamae.com

    Instagram ➔ https://www.instagram.com/chelseamaecullen/

    Youtube ➔ https://www.youtube.com/ChelseaMae

    Subscribe and see you next week.

    Wed, 23 Feb 2022 07:00:00 +1300
    Why consistency is so key for long term fat loss and how to improve it

    Consistency is paramount for long term success in weight loss and really anything, but it's so hard to develop it!

    Most of us rely on motivation and willpower to 'white knuckle' something difficult until we inevitably slip up and then feel like garbage for failing.

    Fortunately there is a far better and easier way to become more consistent and we take a deep dive into that in this episode.

    You'll learn my 4 step framework for improving consistency which has been proven to work on myself and 100s of others.


    📚 Join the FREE mini course to kickstart your weight loss 👇

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    If you like this episode, please give me a review and a share!

    Send a screenshot of your review and Insta share (story, post, whatever!!) to info@chelseamae.com and I'll send you my mini-ebook!

    I love hearing from you guys! So, PLEASE DM me, email me or send me a message in a bottle so I can hear your thoughts.

    🤙 Find me on:

    My Website ➔ https://www.chelseamae.com

    Instagram ➔ https://www.instagram.com/chelseamaecullen/

    Youtube ➔ https://www.youtube.com/ChelseaMae

    Subscribe and see you next week.

    Thu, 10 Feb 2022 07:00:00 +1300
    The best foods for fat burning!! Plus a surprising game changer for consistency

    What are the best weight loss foods? Let me tell you right now, it’s not apple juice and olive oil!!

    In this episode we look at the 3 main elements in foods that influence a calorie deficit:

  • Calorie density
  • Satiety
  • Fibre content
  • Using these 3 categories you can make any meal awesome for weight loss or at least improve it, and rather than focus on either perfection or giving up all the time, you’ll find the middle ground you can actually sustain.

    When it comes to changing habits LONG term, think about what will you be able to do for the rest of your life? Then build on that.

    The podcast episode that had a HUGE impact on me this week was with Brene Brown and James Clear 👇


    References for the podcast are linked below:

    Satiety of different foods:https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/7498104/

    Okinawan diet (nutritionfacts.org)


    Slowing the insulin spike of refined bread with berries

    Törrönen R, Kolehmainen M, Sarkkinen E, Poutanen K, Mykkänen H, Niskanen L. Berries reduce postprandial insulin responses to wheat and rye breads in healthy women. J Nutr. 2013;143(4):430–6.

    Comparing combustible and metabolizable calories from a high fibre diet.

    Wisker E, Feldheim W. Metabolizable energy of diets low or high in dietary fiber from fruits and vegetables when consumed by humans. J Nutr. 1990;120(11):1331–7.

    The lentil effect:

    Mollard RC, Wong CL, Luhovyy BL, Anderson GH. First and second meal effects of pulses on blood glucose, appetite, and food intake at a later meal. Appl Physiol Nutr Metab. 2011;36(5):634–42.

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    If you like this episode, please give me a review and a share!

    Send a screenshot of your review and Insta share (story, post, whatever!!) to info@chelseamae.com and I'll send you my mini-ebook!

    I love hearing from you guys! So, PLEASE DM me, email me or send me a message in a bottle so I can hear your thoughts.

    🤙 Find me on:

    My Website ➔ https://www.chelseamae.com

    Instagram ➔ https://www.instagram.com/chelseamaecullen/

    Youtube ➔ https://www.youtube.com/ChelseaMae

    Subscribe and see you next week.

    Wed, 26 Jan 2022 07:00:00 +1300
    3 keys to set yourself up for success in 2022

    Resolutions fail and we stay in the same crap behaviour patterns because willpower is limited and motivation comes and goes like a fickle lover.

    Fortunately there’s a better way to set yourself up for success and gain momentum through gateway actions and tiny daily habits.

    In this episode I’m sharing my goals for 2022 and the 3 key things Im focusing on to improve this year and achieve my goals.

    If you’re wanting to learn more about how identity shapes behaviour, check out this episode👇

    Who you need to become to get lean


    A lot of this episode was inspired by James Clear and his book Atomic Habits which I’ve linked below👇


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    If you like this episode, please give me a review and a share!

    Send a screenshot of your review and Insta share (story, post, whatever!!) to info@chelseamae.com and I'll send you my mini-ebook!

    I love hearing from you guys! So, PLEASE DM me, email me or send me a message in a bottle so I can hear your thoughts.

    🤙 Find me on:

    My Website ➔ https://www.chelseamae.com

    Instagram ➔ https://www.instagram.com/chelseamaecullen/

    Youtube ➔ https://www.youtube.com/ChelseaMae

    Subscribe and see you next week.

    Wed, 19 Jan 2022 07:00:00 +1300
    The most important things I learnt in 2021

    2021 was a pretty eventful year, and rather than just make a ton of goals and resolutions for 2022 I think it’s important to sit back and review what did and didn’t work and take the lessons forward!

    My biggest lessons in 2021 were:

    Own your struggle.

    Look back at how far you’ve come and create milestones.

    You need to be part of community.

    Pause dont quit.

    If you want to know more about creating better goals and resolutions check out these episodes 👇

    Who you need to become to get lean


    The right way to set goals in the new year


    📚 Join the FREE mini course to kickstart your weight loss 👇

    📚 Get your FREE ebook!

    If you like this episode, please give me a review and a share!

    Send a screenshot of your review and Insta share (story, post, whatever!!) to info@chelseamae.com and I'll send you my mini-ebook!

    I love hearing from you guys! So, PLEASE DM me, email me or send me a message in a bottle so I can hear your thoughts.

    🤙 Find me on:

    My Website ➔ https://www.chelseamae.com

    Instagram ➔ https://www.instagram.com/chelseamaecullen/

    Youtube ➔ https://www.youtube.com/ChelseaMae

    Subscribe and see you next week.

    Tue, 11 Jan 2022 07:00:00 +1300
    Everyone struggles with not feeling good enough

    Everyone struggles with comparison and not feeling good enough. It happens to EVERYONE and what matters most is what you DO with that.

    Are you letting comparison derail your progress because it feels way to far off to achieve your goals?

    Are you loathing the journey because you can see your own failings so clearly?

    There's a better way, and in this podcast we'll talk about how to ditch the comparison, have grace for yourself, and enjoy the journey!!

    📚 Join the FREE mini course to kickstart your weight loss 👇

    I love hearing from you guys! So, PLEASE DM me, email me or send me a message in a bottle so I can hear your thoughts.

    🤙 Find me on:

    My Website ➔ https://www.chelseamae.com
    Instagram ➔ https://www.instagram.com/chelseamaecullen/
    Youtube ➔ https://www.youtube.com/ChelseaMae

    Subscribe and see you next week.

    Tue, 04 Jan 2022 07:00:00 +1300
    When you're doing everything right but the scales won't budge

    It's so incredibly frustrating to be doing everything 'right' without seeing results!!
    In this episode, we'll look at how to access whether you are making progress, what to do when you're not, and how to review whether it's working or not!

    You're not broken, and there is a way to break the plateau when you follow this process.

    📚 Join the FREE mini course to kickstart your weight loss 👇

    I love hearing from you guys! So, PLEASE DM me, email me or send me a message in a bottle so I can hear your thoughts.

    🤙 Find me on:
    My Website ➔ https://www.chelseamae.com
    Instagram ➔ https://www.instagram.com/chelseamaecullen/
    Youtube ➔ https://www.youtube.com/ChelseaMae
    Subscribe and see you next week.

    Wed, 22 Dec 2021 07:00:00 +1300
    How to use failure to 10x your results

    Ever felt like a failure because you keep eating the cake you said you wouldn't and failing hard and often?

    Yeah? Me too. Turns out failure is normal and you can actually use it to propel you forward.
    Listen in to learn how!

    📚 Join the FREE mini course to kickstart your weight loss 👇

    I love hearing from you guys! So, PLEASE DM me, email me or send me a message in a bottle so I can hear your thoughts.

    🤙 Find me on:

    My Website ➔ https://www.chelseamae.com
    Instagram ➔ https://www.instagram.com/chelseamaecullen/
    Youtube ➔ https://www.youtube.com/ChelseaMae
    Subscribe and see you next week.

    Tue, 14 Dec 2021 07:00:00 +1300
    How Nicola lost 50 pounds with metabolic syndrome and reversed her fatty liver disease

    Listen to how Nicola went from battling metabolic syndrome as a new mum to reversing her fatty liver disease diagnosis and dropping 50 pounds!

    Her story is one of hope for anyone struggling with hormonal issues as they try to lose weight and in this episode we talk about the practical and mindset shifts that made the change possible!

    You can find Nicola on Instagram here👇

    📚 Join the FREE mini course to kickstart your weight loss 👇

    I love hearing from you guys! So, PLEASE DM me, email me or send me a message in a bottle so I can hear your thoughts.

    🤙 Find me on:
    My Website ➔ https://www.chelseamae.com
    Instagram ➔ https://www.instagram.com/chelseamaecullen/
    Youtube ➔ https://www.youtube.com/ChelseaMae

    Subscribe and see you next week.

    Tue, 30 Nov 2021 07:00:00 +1300
    How to avoid holiday weight gain

    Have you ever gained 10 pounds in the month leading up to Christmas? I have!!

    It's so easy to 'give up trying' from November to Christmas and put off losing weight till the new year, but this can undo a lot of your hard work!

    In this episode, we'll talk about what goals to set coming into this busy season, how to confidently maintain your progress, and what to choose when eating with family and friends.

    There's a mix of practical and mindset tips to navigate the 'most wonderful time of the year' so if you're wanting to navigate the holidays confidently give it a listen!

    📚 Join the FREE mini course to kickstart your weight loss 👇

    I love hearing from you guys! So, PLEASE DM me, email me or send me a message in a bottle so I can hear your thoughts.

    🤙 Find me on:

    My Website ➔ https://www.chelseamae.com

    Instagram ➔ https://www.instagram.com/chelseamaecullen/

    Youtube ➔ https://www.youtube.com/ChelseaMae

    Subscribe and see you next week.

    Tue, 23 Nov 2021 07:00:00 +1300
    Why I went vegan (and will I ever go back)

    I'm spilling the beans on why I went vegan and if I’m ever going back!!

    I’m also sharing about how to know what to believe about health and veganism, interpreting bias’s and why some people ditch a plant-based diet in favor of steak. 🤷🏼‍♀️

    Let me know what you thought of this episode by sending me a message over on Instagram!
    Instagram ➔ https://www.instagram.com/chelseamaecullen/

    📚 Join the FREE mini course to kickstart your weight loss 👇

    I love hearing from you guys! So, PLEASE DM me, email me or send me a message in a bottle so I can hear your thoughts.

    🤙 Find me on:

    My Website ➔ https://www.chelseamae.com

    Tue, 16 Nov 2021 07:00:00 +1300
    How to handle criticism

    Wondering how to navigate criticism and judgment for your food choices? Listen up!!

    Criticism sucks, and we can't avoid it... but we can get better at dealing with it and even seeing it as a necessary and normal part of life.

    Here's how I've made peace with differing opinions and judgment and some practical hacks to make it easier for you too.

    📚 Join the FREE mini course to kickstart your weight loss 👇

    I love hearing from you guys! So, PLEASE DM me, email me or send me a message in a bottle so I can hear your thoughts.

    🤙 Find me on:

    My Website ➔ https://www.chelseamae.com

    Instagram ➔ https://www.instagram.com/chelseamaecullen/

    Youtube ➔ https://www.youtube.com/ChelseaMae

    Subscribe and see you next week.

    Tue, 09 Nov 2021 16:00:00 +1300
    Transitioning from weight loss to maintenance

    Ever wondered how to successfully transition from losing weight to maintaining? How much flexibility can you have and what changes?

    In this episode, we'll talk about what to expect as you transition and how to keep maintaining.

    The 3500 calorie rule is wrong:

    📚 Join the FREE mini course to kickstart your weight loss 👇

    I love hearing from you guys! So, PLEASE DM me, email me or send me a message in a bottle so I can hear your thoughts.

    🤙 Find me on:

    My Website ➔ https://www.chelseamae.com

    Instagram ➔ https://www.instagram.com/chelseamaecullen/

    Youtube ➔ https://www.youtube.com/ChelseaMae

    Subscribe and see you next week

    Tue, 26 Oct 2021 07:00:00 +1300
    Creating a 'normal' that speeds up your weight loss

    The biggest indicator of how quickly you lose weight is what your 'normal' looks like.

    Is that buying pizza every weekend? Or is that cooking potatoes every night?

    Wherever you are on your weight loss journey, defining the guidelines of the 'normal' you want to create is going to help you create routines and systems that make getting consistent easier.

    To learn more about the potato reset check out this podcast interview with Jeannine Elder
    You can find the link below 👉

    📚 Join the FREE mini course to kickstart your weight loss 👇

    I love hearing from you guys! So, PLEASE DM me, email me or send me a message in a bottle so I can hear your thoughts.

    🤙 Find me on:
    My Website ➔ https://www.chelseamae.com
    Instagram ➔ https://www.instagram.com/chelseamaecullen/
    Youtube ➔ https://www.youtube.com/ChelseaMae
    Subscribe and see you next week.

    Tue, 19 Oct 2021 07:00:00 +1300
    How Ruthanne lost 25lb and made eating healthy easy!

    How Ruthanne lost 25 pounds and went from unsustainable dieting to food freedom and creating a lifestyle she loves.

    📚 Join the FREE mini course to kickstart your weight loss 👇

    I love hearing from you guys! So, PLEASE DM me, email me or send me a message in a bottle so I can hear your thoughts.

    🤙 Find me on:

    My Website ➔ https://www.chelseamae.com

    Instagram ➔ https://www.instagram.com/chelseamaecullen/

    Youtube ➔ https://www.youtube.com/ChelseaMae

    Subscribe and see you next week.

    Tue, 12 Oct 2021 07:00:00 +1300
    Interview with Dr Michael Greger - answering hard questions about weight loss

    Michael Greger has have helped thousands if not millions of people become healthier through his two best selling books how not to die and how not to diet (among others) and his website www.nutritionfacts.org

    It was my absolute privilege to interview Dr. Greger on some of the topics that have stumped me for years!

    Some of the topics included in this episode are:

    - How much of a role do hormones play in weight loss?
    - Can you eat fats while losing weight?
    - What are some prevailing plant-based 'myths' that should die?

    If you liked this episode, please leave a review and tell me what you thought!!

    📚 Join the FREE mini course to kickstart your weight loss 👇

    I love hearing from you guys! So, PLEASE DM me, email me or send me a message in a bottle so I can hear your thoughts.

    🤙 Find me on:

    My Website ➔ https://www.chelseamae.com

    Instagram ➔ https://www.instagram.com/chelseamaecullen/

    Youtube ➔ https://www.youtube.com/ChelseaMae

    Subscribe and see you next week.

    Tue, 05 Oct 2021 07:00:00 +1300
    The formula for achieving anything

    This podcast was inspired by my business mentor, Richard Ralston (who is releasing his own podcast very soon.)

    The simple framework for achieving anything is defining WHAT and WHEN and then doing it.

    In this episode, we’ll also look at how to make it easier to follow through and what to do when the system fails.

    📚 Join the FREE mini course to kickstart your weight loss 👇

    I love hearing from you guys! So, PLEASE DM me, email me or send me a message in a bottle so I can hear your thoughts.

    🤙 Find me on:

    My Website ➔ https://www.chelseamae.com

    Instagram ➔ https://www.instagram.com/chelseamaecullen/

    Youtube ➔ https://www.youtube.com/ChelseaMae

    Subscribe and see you next week

    Tue, 28 Sep 2021 07:00:00 +1300
    Getting in touch with hunger and fullness cues + intuitive eating

    Do you feel out of touch with your hunger cues? Do you wonder if you are overeating or how to know when to stop?
    In this episode we’ll discuss getting in tune with your hunger and whether intuitive eating is right for you.

    To listen to the podcast ‘Good and bad weight loss foods’ 👇
    To listen to the podcast ‘Why dieting doesn’t help you lose weight and what to do instead’ 👇

    📚 Join the FREE mini course to kickstart your weight loss 👇

    I love hearing from you guys! So, PLEASE DM me, email me or send me a message in a bottle so I can hear your thoughts.

    🤙 Find me on:
    My Website ➔ https://www.chelseamae.com
    Instagram ➔ https://www.instagram.com/chelseamaecullen/
    Youtube ➔ https://www.youtube.com/ChelseaMae

    Subscribe and see you next week.

    Tue, 14 Sep 2021 14:00:00 +1200
    Lots to lose - How to stay motivated

    Feeling discouraged about lots to lose or wondering how to stay motivated?

    In this podcast, you’ll learn 6 habits that will help you stay motivated even when you’ve got a lot to lose.

    This podcast is a replay of a Lean with Plants member-hosted event with Amy Gish and Kirsten McGall.

    Amy’s Instagram:

    Kirsten's Instagram:


    Lean with Plants members you can watch the full replay in your member HUB


    📚 Join the FREE mini course to kickstart your weight loss 👇

    I love hearing from you guys! So, PLEASE DM me, email me or send me a message in a bottle so I can hear your thoughts.

    🤙 Find me on:

    My Website ➔ https://www.chelseamae.com

    Instagram ➔ https://www.instagram.com/chelseamaecullen/

    Youtube ➔ https://www.youtube.com/ChelseaMae

    Subscribe and see you next week.

    Tue, 07 Sep 2021 07:00:00 +1200
    How to make good habits easier with sequencing

    In this episode, we'll talk about how to use sequencing to make habits EASIER simply by changing the sequence of your actions.
    Studies have shown that about 45% of our actions are not because of conscious thought but are habitual.
    Habits are extremely powerful because they are our brain's way of putting repeatable tasks on autopilot.

    We want the result, the weight loss, the consistency, the ability to keep eating broccoli when you want bagels… so if you can put those good habits on autopilot you make changes STICK.

    The KEY here is making actions as EASY and EFFORTLESS as possible so that you can DO them often enough to form a habit. Sometimes all that takes is changing the order in which you do things.

    This podcast was inspired by the podcast episode, Sequencing on the Hacking your ADHD podcast.
    You can find the link below 👉

    📚 Join the FREE mini course to kickstart your weight loss 👇

    I love hearing from you guys! So, PLEASE DM me, email me or send me a message in a bottle so I can hear your thoughts.

    🤙 Find me on:
    My Website ➔ https://www.chelseamae.com
    Instagram ➔ https://www.instagram.com/chelseamaecullen/
    Youtube ➔ https://www.youtube.com/ChelseaMae

    Subscribe and see you next week.

    Sat, 28 Aug 2021 13:00:00 +1200
    How to get consistent as a busy person

    One of the biggest consistency blockers is time. The answer to most problems with consistency is ‘meal prep’ but what about when you don’t feel like you have time to do it?

    If consistency hinges on being able to make your own meals, are you destined to fail if you just don’t have time?

    The answer is no, we’re going to talk about why in this episode.

    Rather than constantly failing in any system that doesn't work for you, the key is finding ways to make consistency easier and more effortless. This is about removing obstacles rather than adding steps.

    This podcast was inspired by the book Effortless by Greg Mckeown. You can find the link below 👉

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    Tue, 24 Aug 2021 07:00:00 +1200
    Why I started eating processed food again

    In this episode, I'll be sharing why I started eating processed foods again and how it's affected me.

    Back in November I did an Interview with Chef AJ and decided I'd do a long stint of not eating processed foods. You can find that episode below:

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    Instagram ➔ https://www.instagram.com/chelseamaecullen/
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    Subscribe and see you next week.

    Tue, 17 Aug 2021 07:00:00 +1200
    How Mariah stopped bingeing and improved her performance as a professional dancer

    Mariah is a Lean with Plants member and POD leader with a story to tell. In this episode, we talk about how Mariah got food freedom, lost 20 pounds after her weight yoyoing and restriction, and what it was like being a professional dancer while struggling to stay slim.

    You can check out Mariah on Instagram at: https://www.instagram.com/mariahmovement/

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    I love hearing from you guys! So, PLEASE DM me, email me or send me a message in a bottle so I can hear your thoughts.

    🤙 Find me on:
    My Website ➔ https://www.chelseamae.com
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    Sat, 31 Jul 2021 22:00:00 +1200
    Meet yourself where you're at - making progress doable

    If you're constantly feeling discouraged by not being where you want to be, or feeling like you're never good enough, then give this podcast a listen!

    The only way to bridge the gap between where you are now and where you want to be is to make progress, no matter how small!!

    One of the biggest obstacles to progress is discouragement, so in this episode, we'll be looking at why it's so important to have self-compassion on your journey and 3 practical ways to get started and keep going from where you are now. Not where you WISH you were.

    Lean with Plants is opening for enrollment on the 27th of July 2021 (CST) so if you're ready to take your progress to the next level, then jump on in!!

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    I love hearing from you guys! So, PLEASE DM me, email me or send me a message in a bottle so I can hear your thoughts.

    🤙 Find me on:
    My Website ➔ https://www.chelseamae.com
    Instagram ➔ https://www.instagram.com/chelseamaecullen/
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    Mon, 26 Jul 2021 07:00:00 +1200
    PART 2: Can anyone get lean? Set point theory and other theories that explain weight regulation.

    Do you swim between the flags? Does your body? Does this make sense?

    Listen to the podcast to unpack more weight gain/loss theories. This is part 2, so make sure you listen to my ramblings on part one.

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    I love hearing from you guys! So, PLEASE DM me, email me or send me a message in a bottle so I can hear your thoughts.

    Mon, 12 Jul 2021 11:00:00 +1200
    PART 1: The truth about set point theory and can anyone get lean?

    Setpoint theory is a key theory to losing weight... or is it? Join me in the 2 part series where I discuss 4 key theories and how they impact modern practices on weight loss.

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    I love hearing from you guys! So, PLEASE DM me, email me or send me a message in a bottle so I can hear your thoughts.

    Tue, 29 Jun 2021 15:00:00 +1200
    Your progress hinges on THIS

    Your progress hinges on:

    A) A magic frequency wand
    B) Sleeping
    C) Kronk (The Emperor's New Groove... How is that move still good 21 years later)
    D) Science

    You'll have to listen to hear all these references and more...

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    I love hearing from you guys! So, PLEASE DM me, email me or send me a message in a bottle so I can hear your thoughts.

    Mon, 21 Jun 2021 07:00:00 +1200
    Is dieting making you miserable

    Let's make things fun. Get into a calorie deficit and ENJOY the journey following these steps.

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    I love hearing from you guys! So, PLEASE DM me, email me or send me a message in a bottle so I can hear your thoughts.

    Mon, 14 Jun 2021 07:00:00 +1200
    How Natalie got consistent and lost 40 pounds

    Natalie knew all about diets and science. Yet progress slipped through her fingers every time. So what made Lean With Plants different? Natalie learnt habit change. Simple.

    Habit change isn't an overnight epiphany but a step by step journey fueled by a supportive community and rediscovery of being-in-control.

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    I love hearing from you guys! So, PLEASE DM me, email me or send me a message in a bottle so I can hear your thoughts.

    🤙 Find me on:
    My Website ➔ https://www.chelseamae.com
    Instagram ➔ https://www.instagram.com/chelseamaecullen/
    Youtube ➔ https://www.youtube.com/ChelseaMae

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    Mon, 07 Jun 2021 07:00:00 +1200
    What I wish I knew about mindset

    Habits aren't formed at a Tony Robbins conference and motivation comes and goes. Let's talk about that.

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    I love hearing from you guys! So, PLEASE DM me, email me or send me a message in a bottle so I can hear your thoughts.

    🤙 Find me on:
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    Instagram ➔ https://www.instagram.com/chelseamaecullen/
    Youtube ➔ https://www.youtube.com/ChelseaMae

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    Mon, 24 May 2021 07:00:00 +1200
    3 ways to make progress easier and faster

    Progress can be hard. Let's talk about conserving energy and autopilot.

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    I love hearing from you guys! So, PLEASE DM me, email me or send me a message in a bottle so I can hear your thoughts.

    🤙 Find me on:
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    Instagram ➔ https://www.instagram.com/chelseamaecullen/
    Youtube ➔ https://www.youtube.com/ChelseaMae

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    Mon, 17 May 2021 07:00:00 +1200
    What I'd tell myself at the start of my weight loss journey

    Yo. Let's get inside my brain and pick apart what I'd say to myself. Hindsight is golden, right?

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    I love hearing from you guys! So, PLEASE DM me, email me or send me a message in a bottle so I can hear your thoughts.

    🤙 Find me on:
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    Instagram ➔ https://www.instagram.com/chelseamaecullen/
    Youtube ➔ https://www.youtube.com/ChelseaMae

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    Mon, 10 May 2021 19:00:00 +1200
    How to master habits that lead to results - live replay

    This week we listen to the live replay from IGTV on habit formation. Sit back, chill out and let's learn about habits that get results.

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    I love hearing from you guys! So, PLEASE DM me, email me or send me a message in a bottle so I can hear your thoughts.

    🤙 Find me on:
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    Instagram ➔ https://www.instagram.com/chelseamaecullen/
    Youtube ➔ https://www.youtube.com/ChelseaMae

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    Mon, 03 May 2021 07:00:00 +1200
    LWP + Mastering Diabetes interview with Robby

    Robby Robby Robby!

    Thanks to Robby Barbaro for unpacking a very complex and misunderstood subject. It's good to hear about diabetes relating to plant-based foods from a New York Times bestseller. Check out Mastering Diabetes here: https://www.masteringdiabetes.org/

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    I love hearing from you guys! So, PLEASE DM me, email me or send me a message in a bottle so I can hear your thoughts.

    🤙 Find me on:
    My Website ➔ https://www.chelseamae.com
    Instagram ➔ https://www.instagram.com/chelseamaecullen/
    Youtube ➔ https://www.youtube.com/ChelseaMae

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    Mon, 26 Apr 2021 07:00:00 +1200
    Cravings And How To Master Them

    Cravings are normal. Your body is looking for a fix. How you deal with them is key.

    In this episode, I discuss cats in cages, Gollum and smoking on horseback. Yep. Re-read that to ensure you got that.

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    I love hearing from you guys! So, PLEASE DM me, email me or send me a message in a bottle so I can hear your thoughts.

    🤙 Find me on:
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    Instagram ➔ https://www.instagram.com/chelseamaecullen/
    Youtube ➔ https://www.youtube.com/ChelseaMae

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    Mon, 19 Apr 2021 07:00:00 +1200
    How Andrew lost 120 pounds eating only potatoes! (Spudfit interview)

    Chelsea talks to Andrew Taylor who ate ONLY potatoes for 1 year.

    It sounds crazy and I suppose it is. Andrews's story has been featured on CNN, NBC, BBC, and countless others. Now Chelsea gets to talk with Andrew about the in's and out's of potatoes.

    To check out more on Andrew see: https://www.spudfit.com/

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    I love hearing from you guys! So, PLEASE DM me, email me or send me a message in a bottle so I can hear your thoughts.

    🤙 Find me on:
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    Instagram ➔ https://www.instagram.com/chelseamaecullen/
    Youtube ➔ https://www.youtube.com/ChelseaMae

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    Mon, 05 Apr 2021 07:00:00 +1200
    How meal timing affects fat loss (night snackers listen up!)

    Well... there are a few things that you need to hear in this episode:

    1) A truck outside my house on a Sunday afternoon
    2) Yup... Calorie deficit info.
    3) An interesting study into the science of eating at different meal times. This point is so profound the other two pale in comparison.

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    I love hearing from you guys! So, PLEASE DM me, email me or send me a message in a bottle so I can hear your thoughts.

    🤙 Find me on:
    My Website ➔ https://www.chelseamae.com
    Instagram ➔ https://www.instagram.com/chelseamaecullen/
    Youtube ➔ https://www.youtube.com/ChelseaMae

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    Mon, 29 Mar 2021 07:00:00 +1300
    Healthy eating with Sandy

    Sandy is a Lean With Plants member with a story to tell. In this episode we talk about Sandy's relationship with food.

    You'll get encouragement and insight from a Lean With Plants member who's seeing progress!

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    I love hearing from you guys! So, PLEASE DM me, email me or send me a message in a bottle so I can hear your thoughts.

    🤙 Find me on:
    My Website ➔ https://www.chelseamae.com
    Instagram ➔ https://www.instagram.com/chelseamaecullen/
    Youtube ➔ https://www.youtube.com/ChelseaMae

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    Mon, 22 Mar 2021 07:00:00 +1300
    Are you eating too little calories (LIVE Q&A)

    Too few calories lead to calorie overload. It's that simple. Well, it's not actually. Jump into this episode recorded at a live Q&A where I talk about the complexity of calories.

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    I love hearing from you guys! So, PLEASE DM me, email me or send me a message in a bottle so I can hear your thoughts.

    🤙 Find me on:
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    Instagram ➔ https://www.instagram.com/chelseamaecullen/
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    Mon, 15 Mar 2021 07:00:00 +1300
    What to do when weightloss feels so slow

    In a world that wants things fast, we’re not okay with slow progress. The key issue we face is expectations: no matter what weight loss scheme you jump on you'll have to face your expectations.

    Is it worth it? HECK YEAH!

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    I love hearing from you guys! So, PLEASE DM me, email me or send me a message in a bottle so I can hear your thoughts.

    🤙 Find me on:
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    Instagram ➔ https://www.instagram.com/chelseamaecullen/
    Youtube ➔ https://www.youtube.com/ChelseaMae

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    Mon, 08 Mar 2021 07:00:00 +1300
    How to get your family to eat healthy (FEAT. Mum)

    Well well well... meet mummy!

    In this episode, my mum and I (mom for ya'll Americans) discuss how to help your family eat healthy. My mum has been my inspiration. Much of what I do today is a credit to her way of raising me. When our family didn't have many coins floating around my mum made it a priority to source nutrient-rich foods.

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    I love hearing from you guys! So, PLEASE DM me, email me or send me a message in a bottle so I can hear your thoughts.

    🤙 Find me on:
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    Instagram ➔ https://www.instagram.com/chelseamaecullen/
    Youtube ➔ https://www.youtube.com/ChelseaMae

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    Mon, 01 Mar 2021 07:00:00 +1300
    What does healthy self-love look like?

    Welcome to episode 50! What a journey, thanks for the wonderful support.

    In this episode I discuss three key points:

    1) Define what you want and is it worth it?

    2) Understand change and growth are fulfilling!

    3) Stop trying to be perfect!

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    I love hearing from you guys! So, PLEASE DM me, email me or send me a message in a bottle so I can hear your thoughts.

    🤙 Find me on:
    My Website ➔ https://www.chelseamae.com
    Instagram ➔ https://www.instagram.com/chelseamaecullen/
    Youtube ➔ https://www.youtube.com/ChelseaMae

    Subscribe and see you next week.

    Mon, 22 Feb 2021 07:00:00 +1300
    Dieting is Hard

    Walking your dog? Sitting on the bus? Paragliding around the Mediterranean sea? Sounds like the perfect time for a podcast!

    Let's talk about how hard it is to diet. Let's shift our focus from how hard dieting is, to how much it's worth it!

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    I love hearing from you guys! So, PLEASE DM me, email me or send me a message in a bottle so I can hear your thoughts.

    🤙 Find me on:
    My Website ➔ https://www.chelseamae.com
    Instagram ➔ https://www.instagram.com/chelseamaecullen/
    Youtube ➔ https://www.youtube.com/ChelseaMae

    Subscribe and see you next week.

    Mon, 15 Feb 2021 07:00:00 +1300
    Why you plateau and what to do about it

    Ok. So things aren't changing for you as fast as they were. Or maybe you're going backward but you're doing everything right. Yes, this can happen to the best of us. It's not a failure or a mistake, it's a common hurdle that trips up many of us.

    So let's understand plateau's and how to overcome them in 3 simple steps.

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    I love hearing from you guys! So, PLEASE DM me, email me or send me a message in a bottle so I can hear your thoughts.

    🤙 Find me on:
    My Website ➔ https://www.chelseamae.com
    Instagram ➔ https://www.instagram.com/chelseamaecullen/
    Youtube ➔ https://www.youtube.com/ChelseaMae

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    Mon, 08 Feb 2021 07:00:00 +1300
    How to Stop Emotional Eating

    Emotions are fickle. One day you wanna cry yourself to sleep and the next you’re singing along to U2’s “IT’S A BEAUTIFUL DAY…” while hanging out the window of a limo with friends… too specific? Ok.

    Emotions aren’t bad, they’re just changeable. So let’s understand WHY we overeat.

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    I love hearing from you guys! So, PLEASE DM me, email me or send me a message in a bottle so I can hear your thoughts.

    🤙 Find me on:
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    Instagram ➔ https://www.instagram.com/chelseamaecullen/
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    Mon, 01 Feb 2021 07:00:00 +1300
    Robin and Chelsea talk habit change

    Yo-yo diets don't work and Robin is an expert on why. It's all about habit change and there's no fast fix! The good news is that long-term results are possible (no listener, you're not broken, you too can see breakthrough in your weight).

    Join Chelsea and Robin as they talk about the long road to long-term results that begin by changing your habits.

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    I love hearing from you guys! So, PLEASE DM me, email me or send me a message in a bottle so I can hear your thoughts.

    🤙 Find me on:
    My Website ➔ https://www.chelseamae.com
    Instagram ➔ https://www.instagram.com/chelseamaecullen/
    Youtube ➔ https://www.youtube.com/ChelseaMae

    Subscribe and see you next week.

    Mon, 25 Jan 2021 07:00:00 +1300
    Stop procrastinating and stick with it (Letting go of perfection)

    Procrastination begins when you stop. Let's talk about that.

    Why do you stop?

    In this episode we look at letting go of magic bullets and perfect plans to accept failure and learning. Getting things wrong is the pathway to getting things right.

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    I love hearing from you guys! So, PLEASE DM me, email me or send me a message in a bottle so I can hear your thoughts.

    🤙 Find me on:
    My Website ➔ https://www.chelseamae.com
    Instagram ➔ https://www.instagram.com/chelseamaecullen/
    Youtube ➔ https://www.youtube.com/ChelseaMae

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    Mon, 18 Jan 2021 07:00:00 +1300
    3 ways to have more motivation

    Motivation (/məʊtɪˈveɪʃ(ə)n/)

    1) A reason or reasons for acting or behaving in a particular way.
    "escape can be a strong motivation for travel"

    Yes. We all want it. So how do we get it?

    You already have it but let's talk about tapping into your natural motivation reserves in 2021.

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    I love hearing from you guys! So, PLEASE DM me, email me or send me a message in a bottle so I can hear your thoughts.

    🤙 Find me on:
    My Website ➔ https://www.chelseamae.com
    Instagram ➔ https://www.instagram.com/chelseamaecullen/
    Youtube ➔ https://www.youtube.com/ChelseaMae

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    Mon, 11 Jan 2021 13:00:00 +1300
    The right way to set goals in the New Year

    Typically, I set HUGE goals at the begging of the year. Everyone does, but big goals mean nothing if you’re not moving toward them.

    So let's pull this apart. Let's get good at crafting goals that work.

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    I love hearing from you guys! So, PLEASE DM me, email me or send me a message in a bottle so I can hear your thoughts.

    🤙 Find me on:
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    Mon, 04 Jan 2021 07:00:00 +1300
    Tips for holiday eating

    "The hardest thing about staying on a plan during December, or at least not going TOTALLY off-plan with your eating is talking with family, and dealing with failure.

    In this episode, I'm sharing my top tips for doing these well and coming into January without those extra pounds!!

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    I love hearing from you guys! So, PLEASE DM me, email me or send me a message in a bottle so I can hear your thoughts.

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    Subscribe and see you next week."

    Mon, 21 Dec 2020 07:00:00 +1300
    How I lost the last 10 pounds

    The key things that helped me lose the last 10 pounds.

    Here's what I did to get that extra bit leaner.
    It's definitely going to look different to you based on what stage of weight loss you are in!!

    The most important takeaway from this episode is to focus on the change that leads to the most result, not the tiny changes that you won't be able to maintain.

    Why weight loss

    Making continuous progress episode:

    Who are you going to need to become to get lean:

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    If you liked this episode don't forget to subscribe and share it!!

    I love hearing from you guys! So, PLEASE DM me, email me or send me a message in a bottle so I can hear your thoughts.

    🤙 Find me on:
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    Instagram ➔ https://www.instagram.com/chelseamaecullen/
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    Mon, 14 Dec 2020 07:00:00 +1300
    Who are you going to need to BECOME to get lean?

    You have to change if you want to get results.
    Not just what you do, but how you see yourself!
    If your identity is at odds with your actions you won't be able to stick to them for long, and to form a new habit you'll need to actually be able to keep it up even when motivation flies out the window!!
    There is a simple 2 step process to changing your identity and trusting in yourself to become the kind of person who gets the results you want.
    That's what we'll be talking about in this episode.

    This podcast was inspired by the book Atomic Habits by James Clear. You can find the link below 👉

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    I love hearing from you guys! So, PLEASE DM me, email me or send me a message in a bottle so I can hear your thoughts.

    🤙 Find me on:
    My Website ➔ https://www.chelseamae.com
    Instagram ➔ https://www.instagram.com/chelseamaecullen/
    Youtube ➔ https://www.youtube.com/ChelseaMae

    Subscribe and see you next week.

    Mon, 07 Dec 2020 07:00:00 +1300
    Calorie restriction vs a calorie deficit, what's the difference?

    Ever been scared by the term 'calorie restriction?'
    Is it something you need to be worried about when losing weight?
    In this episode, I'll be sharing the difference between calorie restriction and a calorie deficit and what to look out for while dieting!!

    Calorie averages for women:

    Does metabolism vary between two people:

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    I love hearing from you guys! So, PLEASE DM me, email me or send me a message in a bottle so I can hear your thoughts.

    🤙 Find me on:
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    Instagram ➔ https://www.instagram.com/chelseamaecullen/
    Youtube ➔ https://www.youtube.com/ChelseaMae

    Subscribe and see you next week.

    Mon, 30 Nov 2020 07:00:00 +1300
    How to make continuous progress to reach your goal

    If you're not making continuous progress you won't get to your goals.
    You might start strong, but then end up throwing in the towel.
    You'll probably have a great week or MAYBE a month, but will be back where you started or WORSE six months from now.

    This is why the Japanese philosophy of Kaizen is so so powerful.
    Kaizen is all about small incremental progress that will ACTUALLY get you to your goal with time because you are always improving.
    Changing my mindset to base success on improvement, not perfection is what has allowed me to lose 40 pounds and actually keep them off.
    This is truly life-changing!

    Understanding a calorie deficit:

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    I love hearing from you guys! So, PLEASE DM me, email me or send me a message in a bottle so I can hear your thoughts.

    🤙 Find me on:
    My Website ➔ https://www.chelseamae.com
    Instagram ➔ https://www.instagram.com/chelseamaecullen/
    Youtube ➔ https://www.youtube.com/ChelseaMae

    Subscribe and see you next week.

    Mon, 23 Nov 2020 07:00:00 +1300
    How I stayed patient while losing 40 pounds

    Having to wait for something you really want sucks.
    But I can tell you this, wanting it to speed up doesn't really make it happen!

    It took me nearly 2 years to lose 40 pounds, and here's what kept me going even when I wanted to give up.

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    I love hearing from you guys! So, PLEASE DM me, email me or send me a message in a bottle so I can hear your thoughts.

    🤙 Find me on:
    My Website ➔ https://www.chelseamae.com
    Instagram ➔ https://www.instagram.com/chelseamaecullen/
    Youtube ➔ https://www.youtube.com/ChelseaMae

    Subscribe and see you next week.

    Mon, 16 Nov 2020 07:00:00 +1300
    Here's a very NEAT fat loss hack you NEED to know

    Ok guys, in this episode I'm going to be breaking down ALL about how exercise won't help you lose weight, but also how NEAT will.

    Check out my podcast interview with Chef AJ

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    I'd love to hear from you!!

    🤙 Find me on:
    My Website ➔ https://www.chelseamae.com
    Instagram ➔ https://www.instagram.com/chelseamaecullen/
    Youtube ➔ https://www.youtube.com/ChelseaMae

    Subscribe and see you next week.

    Tue, 10 Nov 2020 07:00:00 +1300
    Interview with Chef AJ (Giving up processed foods!)

    How strong is the pull of processed foods? What really happens when you eat them and can you ever enjoy broccoli as much as Ben and Jerry's ice cream?

    In this interview, I talk with Chef AJ about processed foods and how to enjoy your meals more.
    She gives me advice on how to practically stop eating it and the benefits of that decision!!

    To check out Chef AJ's website click the link below

    To get her book, The Secret to Ultimate Weightloss check out this link

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    If you like this episode, please give me a review and a share!
    Send a screenshot of your review and Insta share (story, post, whatever!!) to info@chelseamae.com and I'll send you my mini-ebook!

    I love hearing from you guys! So, PLEASE DM me, email me or send me a message in a bottle so I can hear your thoughts.

    🤙 Find me on:
    My Website ➔ https://www.chelseamae.com
    Instagram ➔ https://www.instagram.com/chelseamaecullen/
    Youtube ➔ https://www.youtube.com/ChelseaMae

    Subscribe and see you next week.

    Tue, 03 Nov 2020 07:00:00 +1300
    Creating your staple meals - (Habit's that keep you sticking to it!)

    Hey guys!

    In this episode, I'm going to be walking you through creating your own staple meals based on your specific environment.

    Once you have these meals and plan them into you're week, everything starts to happen on autopilot!

    It takes about 90 days to form a habit, so it's vital to create a system to follow through on your new eating habits.

    The best news is that the doors to the Lean with Plant's membership open on the 28th of October!

    📚 Join the FREE mini course to kickstart your weight loss 👇

    My Website ➔ https://www.chelseamae.com
    Instagram ➔ https://www.instagram.com/chelseamaecullen/
    Youtube ➔ https://www.youtube.com/ChelseaMae

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    I love hearing from you guys! So, PLEASE DM me, email me or send me a message in a bottle so I can hear your thoughts.

    Subscribe and see you next week.

    Mon, 26 Oct 2020 07:00:00 +1300
    I'm struggling too, here's my plan

    I'm struggling, but I have a plan.

    Do you? In this episode, I'll be sharing the issues I've been experiencing recently with processed foods and weight loss, and my strategy to deal with them!!

    I want you to make progress, but you need to go from step to step, you don't get to skip the difficult messy bit's in between!!

    If you liked this episode, please help me out by giving me a rating and sharing on your social!!
    It tickles me pink to hear what you guys think.

    Link to the pleasure trap.


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    I love hearing from you guys! So, PLEASE DM me, email me or send me a message in a bottle so I can hear your thoughts.

    🤙 Find me on:
    My Website ➔ https://www.chelseamae.com
    Instagram ➔ https://www.instagram.com/chelseamaecullen/
    Youtube ➔ https://www.youtube.com/ChelseaMae

    Subscribe and see you next week.

    Mon, 19 Oct 2020 07:00:00 +1300
    Practical Hacks to Speed Up Fat Loss

    How to really speed up your weight loss while trying to burn fat as a vegan.⁣⁣
    In this episode, I'll be talking about a mixture of the 3 things you need to do to see faster fat loss, and also some practical tips for speeding up the journey.⁣⁣
    10 calorie rule:⁣⁣

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    If you like this episode, please give me a review and a share!⁣⁣
    Send a screenshot of your review and Insta share (story, post, whatever!!) to info@chelseamae.com and I'll send you my mini-ebook!⁣⁣
    I love hearing from you guys! So, PLEASE DM me, email me or send me a message in a bottle so I can hear your thoughts.⁣⁣
    🤙 Find me on:⁣⁣
    My Website ➔ https://www.chelseamae.com⁣⁣
    Instagram ➔ https://www.instagram.com/chelseamaecullen/⁣⁣
    Youtube ➔ https://www.youtube.com/ChelseaMae⁣⁣
    Subscribe and see you next week.

    Mon, 12 Oct 2020 07:00:00 +1300
    Should You Be Calorie Counting?

    Should you be calorie counting? Is it very effective? In this episode, I'll be breaking down HOW to know if calorie counting will help you and what to focus on at the weight loss stage you're at.

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    I love hearing from you guys! So, PLEASE DM me, email me or send me a message in a bottle so I can hear your thoughts.

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    Mon, 05 Oct 2020 07:00:00 +1300
    Feel Like Giving Up? Don't! What to Focus on to Make Progress

    Listen up, beautiful people.

    Losing fat is darn hard. Like looking at a glazed donut and feeling like you're missing the biggest moment of your life hard.

    When you're not seeing progress doing everything right, or stuck trying so hard, only to revert back to old habits, or you're overwhelmed by ALL the things you need to change and how long it's going to take getting to your 'goals' then this episode is for you!!

    My story of losing 40 pounds:

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    If you like this episode, please give me a review and a share!
    Send a screenshot of your review and Insta share (story, post, whatever!!) to info@chelseamae.com and I'll send you my mini-ebook!

    I love hearing from you guys! So, PLEASE DM me, email me or send me a message in a bottle so I can hear your thoughts.

    🤙 Find me on:
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    Mon, 28 Sep 2020 07:00:00 +1300
    Dealing with Period Cravings

    Period cravings can completely derail your progress, but they don't have to!

    In this episode, I talk about the strategies I've used to improve my eating around my period and also the different stages of weight loss and where you should be putting your focus. I'm also talking about why hunger and cravings increase leading up to your period and the best ways to minimise these effects.

    Link to my podcast episode with Cassi:

    Here are some of the studies I talk about:

    A clinical study of premenstrual tension

    Food intake and the menstrual cycle: A retrospective analysis, with implications for appetite research

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    I love hearing from you guys! So, PLEASE DM me, email me or send me a message in a bottle so I can hear your thoughts.

    🤙 Find me on:
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    Mon, 21 Sep 2020 07:00:00 +1200
    Good and Bad Weight Loss Foods

    Today, we're going to be talking today about good and bad weight loss foods and what that even means.

    What I've seen is that there is a very clear distinction between what is okay and what is good vs. what is not okay and what is not good. Because everything that you are eating and everything that you are choosing to put in your mouth is helpful or not as helpful as a comparison based on what else you have available or what else you could be eating and as well as your environment.

    If you're ready to learn about the good and bad weight loss foods, go ahead and press that PLAY button now! ⁣

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    I love hearing from you guys! So, PLEASE DM me, email me or send me a message in a bottle so I can hear your thoughts.

    🤙 Find me on:
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    Mon, 14 Sep 2020 07:00:00 +1200
    The 3 Things I Wish I Knew Before Losing 40 Pounds

    Today, I'm going to be talking about the 3 things that I wish I knew before I lost 40 pounds that I've lost over the course of the last two years.

    As you're listening, I want you to be thinking about how you could take this information and apply it to your own life. Because we can listen to as many stories and transformations as we want, but at the end of the day, the decision to achieve the results is in YOUR hands.

    I'm hoping that I can break that down for you guys. If you're ready to learn about these 3 things, go ahead and press that PLAY button now! ⁣

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    I love hearing from you guys! So, PLEASE DM me, email me or send me a message in a bottle so I can hear your thoughts.

    🤙 Find me on:
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    Mon, 07 Sep 2020 07:00:00 +1200
    Who The Heck Should You Believe?

    I'm so excited to be bringing this episode today because I know this is a super juicy topic. If you're my loyal listener (btw, thanks!!), this podcast episode is going to cover so many things.

    Have you ever wondered how to make decisions? Or, how do you know which girl to follow when it comes to the weight loss journey? If your thoughts revolve around the question "What's going to work for me?"; then this episode is just for YOU.

    I hope that I can really inspire you and challenge you about how you're going to make decisions. Go ahead and press that PLAY button now! ⁣

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    I love hearing from you guys! So, PLEASE DM me, email me or send me a message in a bottle so I can hear your thoughts.

    🤙 Find me on:
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    Mon, 31 Aug 2020 07:00:00 +1200
    How Cassi Lost 37 Pounds in 5 Months

    ANSWER THIS: Is yo-yo dieting a problem for you? Have you been losing weight and then...gain that weight back?

    In this episode, I am going to talk with Cassi who came from not being successful in losing weight with different diets (like the yo-yo diet) to losing a big amount of weight and now is a coach in Lean With Plants!

    If you want to know how she did it, just press that PLAY button now! ⁣

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    Send a screenshot of your review and Insta share (story, post, whatever!!) to info@chelseamae.com and I'll send you my mini-ebook!

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    I love hearing from you guys! So, PLEASE DM me, email me or send me a message in a bottle so I can hear your thoughts.

    🤙 Find me on:
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    Mon, 24 Aug 2020 07:00:00 +1200
    Does Eating Fat Make You Fat?

    QUICK QUESTION: Does eating fat make you fat? Does this question come to your mind consistently?

    Most people get stressed because they don't know exactly what is healthy and what is not. And this is such a common situation happening to everyone who's trying to lose weight.

    In today's episode, I am going to talk about this, and how you don't have to cut out overt fats completely. Also, I'll share which is the healthiest plant-based diet for losing weight.

    If you want to know if eating fat is going to make you fat (or not), press that PLAY button now! ⁣

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    I love hearing from you guys! So, PLEASE DM me, email me or send me a message in a bottle so I can hear your thoughts.

    🤙 Find me on:
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    Mon, 17 Aug 2020 07:00:00 +1200
    How To Burn Fat And Not Just Lose Weight

    Have you been struggling to drop some pounds even when you are on a plant-based vegan diet?

    Every time you're changing your diet, you need to keep in mind that losing weight is a process and it takes time.

    In this podcast, I'm going to share with you what to expect when you change diets and teach you what exactly are water retention and weight fluctuations. So, if you have been struggling with burning the fat and losing weight, this episode is going to be a huge help for you!

    If you want to know how to not just lose weight and instead, start to burn fat, just press that PLAY button now! ⁣

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    If you like this episode, please give me a review and a share!
    Send a screenshot of your review and Insta share (story, post, whatever!!) to info@chelseamae.com and I'll send you my mini-ebook!

    I love hearing from you guys! So, PLEASE DM me, email me or send me a message in a bottle so I can hear your thoughts.

    🤙 Find me on:
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    Mon, 10 Aug 2020 07:00:00 +1200
    How To Get Out Of Disordered Eating AND Lose Fat

    When you think of disordered eating, what do you think of it? I will be the first to say that so many people relate it to psychological issues, trauma, or something that is simply broken.

    But is it true or is it not?

    In today's podcast, I'm going to talk about how to overcome an eating disorder and what to do instead. In some typical situations, people get stuck on the disordered eating phase and have NO IDEA how to get out of it!

    If you want to know how to get out of disordered eating and lose fat, press that PLAY button now! ⁣

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    If you like this episode, please give me a review and a share!
    Send a screenshot of your review and Insta share (story, post, whatever!!) to info@chelseamae.com and I'll send you my mini-ebook!

    I love hearing from you guys! So, PLEASE DM me, email me or send me a message in a bottle so I can hear your thoughts.

    🤙 Find me on:
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    Youtube https://www.youtube.com/ChelseaMae

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    Mon, 03 Aug 2020 07:00:00 +1200
    Why A Plant Based Diet Is The Best For Weight Loss

    Have you been struggling with weight loss with a vegan diet?

    Check this out:

    Plant-based vegan weight loss explained ➔ It's ALWAYS a calorie deficit.

    In this episode, I'm going to talk about 3 things that massively help with weight loss on a vegan diet. You can put this into practice during your weight loss!!

    If you want to know why a plant-based diet is the best for weight loss, just press that PLAY button now! ⁣

    Link to calorie averages of over 600 people:
    Calorie averages - https://fitfolk.com/weight-loss-harder-for-women/

    The ego trap podcast episode which I found really helpful:

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    If you like this episode, please give me a review and a share!
    Send a screenshot of your review and Insta share (story, post, whatever!!) to info@chelseamae.com and I'll send you my mini-ebook!

    I love hearing from you guys! So, PLEASE DM me, email me or send me a message in a bottle so I can hear your thoughts.

    🤙 Find me on:
    My Websitehttps://www.chelseamae.com
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    Mon, 27 Jul 2020 07:00:00 +1200
    I Gained Weight and Here's Why

    Here's the reality: It's really common that most people who lose weight will gain it back after losing it.

    In this episode, I'm going to talk about the things you have to be aware of as you lose weight and what to do instead. When people lose weight and get to their desired goal, they stop doing whatever they did to lose that weight. But one thing you need to understand is that it's really important to continue to maintain those habits!

    If you want to know more about the reasons why you can gain the weight back after losing it, make sure you press that PLAY button now! ⁣

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    If you like this episode, please give me a review and a share!
    Send a screenshot of your review and Insta share (story, post, whatever!!) to info@chelseamae.com and I'll send you my mini-ebook!

    I love hearing from you guys! So, PLEASE DM me, email me or send me a message in a bottle so I can hear your thoughts.

    🤙 Find me on:
    My Websitehttps://www.chelseamae.com
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    Mon, 20 Jul 2020 07:00:00 +1200
    Interview with CHEF AJ (Setting yourself up for success)

    If you’ve been around the vegan community a while you will most likely have heard of Chef AJ.

    In this podcast, we're going to chat with her. She has been vegan for nearly 40 years! She’s lost a phenomenal amount of weight using calorie density and eating MORE food by focusing a lot of her diet on vegetables and whole-food carbohydrates which is how I’ve lost weight as well!

    She is a chef, professional speaker, and author of several books.

    If you want to know more about setting yourself up to success and about Chef AJ, you should press that PLAY button now! ⁣

    You can find Chef AJ on her website below:

    Or check out her book on Amazon, I highly recommend it!!

    Chef Aj's video about understanding calorie density:

    The other resources referenced in this podcast:

    Explaining the pleasure trap:

    The book "The Pleasure Trap":

    Tiny habits TED X talk by BJ Fogg:

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    If you like this episode, please give me a review and a share!
    Send a screenshot of your review and Insta share (story, post, whatever!!) to info@chelseamae.com and I'll send you my mini-ebook!

    I love hearing from you guys! So, PLEASE DM me, email me or send me a message in a bottle so I can hear your thoughts.

    🤙 Find me on:
    My Websitehttps://www.chelseamae.com
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    Mon, 13 Jul 2020 07:00:00 +1200
    Protein and Vegan Weight Loss

    Did you know: 97% of Americans get the recommended amount of protein.

    What is protein? How do you get enough while losing weight? How much IS enough?

    In this episode, I’m going to break down the 10 most common myths about protein and weight loss. I will also share my top 3 science-backed tips for optimizing your weight loss WHILE meeting your protein requirements.

    More info on the study: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23988511/

    If you want to know more about protein and vegan weight loss, make sure you press that PLAY button now! ⁣

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    I love hearing from you guys! So, PLEASE DM me, email me or send me a message in a bottle so I can hear your thoughts.

    🤙 Find me on:
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    Mon, 06 Jul 2020 07:00:00 +1200
    How to Lose Weight Quickly on a Vegan Diet

    One quick question for you: Do you know what quick weight loss even means?

    People have different theories about why weight loss occurs but to cut the story short, you must be in a calorie deficit for it to happen.

    In today’s episode, I talk about how to lose weight quickly on a vegan diet and some little hacks that you can make to speed up the process. By the end of this episode, I want you to understand that weight loss is not a linear, predictable thing but that long-term leanness IS achievable even though it isn't quick.

    Here's an interesting video on the topic:

    If you want to know how you can lose weight quickly and effectively on a vegan diet, it’s time for you to press that PLAY button now! ⁣

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    If you like this episode, please give me a review and a share!
    Send a screenshot of your review and Insta share (story, post, whatever!!) to info@chelseamae.com and I'll send you my mini-ebook!

    I love hearing from you guys! So, PLEASE DM me, email me or send me a message in a bottle so I can hear your thoughts.

    🤙 Find me on:
    My Websitehttps://www.chelseamae.com
    Youtube https://www.youtube.com/ChelseaMae

    Subscribe and see you soon!

    Mon, 29 Jun 2020 07:00:00 +1200
    If You Feel Like a Failure, Listen to This

    Do you feel like you're constantly failing at losing weight Maybe you're on track one week and off the next, maybe no matter how hard you try you can't resist processed foods.
    Do you feel like YOU are the issue and that you'll never reach your goal because you just can't make progress??

    📚 Join the FREE mini course to kickstart your weight loss 👇

    Listen up, friend!!

    📚Get your FREE ebook!
    If you like this episode, please give me a review and a share!!
    Send a screenshot of your review and Insta share (story, post, whatever!!) to info@chelseamae.com and I'll send you my mini-ebook!!

    I so love hearing from you guys so PLEASE dm me, email me or send me a message in a bottle so I can hear your thoughts.

    🤙Find me on:
    My Websitehttps://www.chelseamae.com

    Subscribe and see you soon!!

    Mon, 22 Jun 2020 07:00:00 +1200
    My story of losing 40 pounds

    Here is my full story of losing 40 pounds.
    I walk through my complete dieting history and how my mindset and diet changed so much when I finally found something that would stick for life, calorie density!

    You can follow me on Instagram at www.instagram.com/chelseamaecullen

    Or check out more about how to lose weight on a vegan diet at


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    Mon, 15 Jun 2020 09:00:00 +1200
    Having a healthy mindset around food while losing weight

    There is so much pressure to have a 'healthy and positive' mindset around food.
    To find food freedom and not obsess about calories or numbers or weight gain or loss or any of that stuff we love to worry about.
    This episode is a bit of a different spin on a popular topic and one I believe needs to be shared.
    If you've ever beaten yourself up over not having a completely healthy mindset about the food you eat, then this episode is for you!

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    Mon, 08 Jun 2020 07:00:00 +1200
    How many calories should you eat to lose weight?

    If you've ever asked yourself this question I got you covered in this episode!
    The answer is not short and easy to digest like my fitness pal would have you believe, but it is SO worth understanding this so that you can adjust your diet based on results, not fear.

    This isn't my article but I did find it super helpful to understand how varied calorie needs are, check it out:


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    Mon, 01 Jun 2020 07:00:00 +1200
    The Pro's and Con's of Intermittent Fasting for weight loss

    Lots of vegan influencers SWEAR by intermittent fasting for weight loss, so what's the deal?
    Whether you're eating in a time window or eating green eggs and ham on the moon you still need to be in a calorie deficit to lose weight.
    In this episode, I'm sharing the three biggest pros and cons of IF and whether it will help YOU get into that deficit and stay there.

    I hope this episode helps you make an informed choice about whether it's right for you!
    Yes, that last bit sounded cheese balls but we're going with it.

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    If you liked this episode, subscribe!

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    Mon, 25 May 2020 07:00:00 +1200
    Potatoes, Hormones, and Vegan Junk Food - Talking weight loss with Jeannine Elder from the Potato Reset

    I'm so excited to be interviewing Jeannine who wrote the Potato Reset ebook and has personally lost 100lbs with the help of potatoes!

    In this interview, we're talking about how potatoes are so amazing for weight loss, dealing with vegan junk food and creating new healthy habits, and how to lose weight with hormonal issues.

    I do recommend downloading the Potato Reset ebook, and Jeannine has generously given Lean With Plants listeners a 50% discount code to use.
    Just use LWP at the checkout.

    Here is the link to the potato reset website.

    You can follow Jeannine on Instagram by clicking Here.

    If you liked this episode, subscribe! Next week I'll be talking about Intermittent Fasting so be sure to check that out!

    📚 Join the FREE mini course to kickstart your weight loss 👇

    You can also reach me on Instagram Here.


    See you next week!

    Mon, 18 May 2020 07:00:00 +1200
    The three biggest dieting mistakes that will stop you losing weight

    Are you guilty of these three big weight loss mistakes?
    Hold up, yep that feeling is actually part of the problem.
    Guilt and shame don't really help you form better habits!!

    In this episode, I'm talking about the three biggest mistakes people make when trying to diet and lose fat, and what to do instead.

    Weight loss isn't complicated in concept, calories in have to be less than calories going out, but actually getting into that zone and STAYING there isn't easy.

    That's a big reason you NEED to be steering clear of these three big mistakes so you can make progress, reach your goals and MAINTAIN a lean body.

    I got you!!

    📚 Join the FREE mini course to kickstart your weight loss 👇

    If you liked this episode, subscribe!

    You can also reach me on Instagram at:



    Mon, 11 May 2020 07:00:00 +1200
    Why exercise doesn't help you to lose weight - and what you should do instead

    There is a massive misconception about the role of exercise in losing weight.
    Most Americans believe that lack of exercise rather than diet is the biggest contribution to the obesity epidemic.

    In reality, exercise plays a minor role in weight loss for the simple fact that it accounts for SO LITTLE of our calorie burn.
    Running for 2 hours might burn 1000 calories, which could be consumed in 5 minutes if you've got the right type of vegan ice cream!!

    In this episode I talk about the 3 main reasons that exercise doesn't help you lose weight, but what to do instead.

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    Mon, 04 May 2020 07:00:00 +1200
    Why vegan influencers are so skinny but you're not!

    Ever been absolutely confused as to why vegan influencers are so slim and #goals eating brownies and 1000 calorie smoothies???
    Yeah me too.... or rather I was so confused as to why me eating like them didn't produce the same six-pack abs.

    There are a few good reasons these guys look like they do, and why no matter how many YouTube videos you watch you can't look the same!!

    In this episode we'll go over how it's possible, and also why you aren't looking as slim as you want to, PLUS what to actually DO about it.
    I'll share my action tips for how to actually start losing weight on a plant-based diet and getting rid of that excess fat WHILE eating a ton of delicious food.
    You don't have to stay confused!!

    📚 Join the FREE mini course to kickstart your weight loss 👇

    If you like this episode, please take a couple of seconds to write me a review (come on, it really helps your girl out here.)
    Also, let's hang out on Instagram!!

    Also, check out my website:

    Mon, 27 Apr 2020 07:00:00 +1200
    Staying motivated: How to not give up before you reach your weight loss goals

    While trying to lose weight one of the hardest things is staying motivated.
    Anyone can do a diet for 3 days or a week, but can you keep doing it for LIFE?
    How do you keep motivated when you don't see quick results or when you DO see results and then start to get complacent and go backward again!!?

    In this episode, I talk about the mindset shifts you need to make to keep motivated over the LONG HAUL and some important action steps to help keep you on the path, and proven methods that keep you accountable EVEN when motivation doesn't stick around.

    📚 Join the FREE mini course to kickstart your weight loss 👇

    If you liked this episode, please leave me a review or rate the podcast, OR connect with me on Instagram!!

    I'd love to get to know you better.


    Mon, 20 Apr 2020 08:00:00 +1200
    The three reasons you're stuck in a cycle of self sabotage

    Are you stuck in a cycle of self-sabotage?
    Binging, restricting, overeating, rinse and repeat?
    If you're feeling like you just can't get out of this cycle and want to take steps to start getting some freedom and feeling in control of your journey again, listen to this episode!!
    Just a warning, I say dude way too much.
    Here are the three main reasons you're stuck in a cycle of self-sabotage, and WHAT to do to get out of it.

    📚 Join the FREE mini course to kickstart your weight loss 👇

    If you liked this episode, please leave me a review, it's a way of giving back and means so much to me!!

    Also please reach out!

    You can follow me on Instagram:

    Want to really get in control again and start losing weight FOR GOOD on a plant-based diet? Check out the Lean with Plants membership!!

    Mon, 13 Apr 2020 07:00:00 +1200
    Losing weight while you're in crisis mode and 3 easy changes you can implement to start losing weight without being overwhelmed.

    As this podcast goes to air we are in the midst of Corona virus crisis.
    In my little home country New Zealand I'm entering week 2 of complete nation wide lockdown.
    Worldwide people are panicking stressing the frick out!!

    So even though you might be stuck at home, or dealing with some other personal crisis, should you be trying to lose weight? Should you EVER priorities weight loss when life is stressful and you're dealing with daily overwhelm and hopelessness??

    I'm sharing my story of how weight loss played a big role in helping me get out of depression and how to change your mindset from victim to victor in the midst of stress.
    Plus if you are overwhelmed and don't have any clue where to begin to lose weight, here are my top 3 easy lifestyle changes you can implement NOW to start dropping the pounds and that will help you quit self sabotaging your dream.

    I have so much empathy and respect for anyone dealing with fear, hopelessness and stress right now and putting themselves on the back burner.
    It doesn't have to be one or the other, there is hope and I know when you have the tools you will be able to lose weight and gain confidence with coping in hard times.

    Blessings and stay safe fam.

    📚 Join the FREE mini course to kickstart your weight loss 👇

    Mon, 06 Apr 2020 07:00:00 +1200
    Is a damaged metabolism stopping you losing weight? Why starvation mode ISN'T the problem.

    You've probably heard about metabolic damage or being in 'starvation mode.'
    Search YouTube and you'll get hundreds of hits on how to 'heal' your damaged metabolism and start finally losing weight.

    As if it wasn't already hard enough, you've also got to wonder if all those quick-fix diets and fads you did in the past are slowing things down now!
    After all, why IS it so hard to lose weight??

    There must be something wrong with your body right??

    In this episode, we'll uncover the five ways your body DOES slow down with weight loss and demystify whether metabolic damages is stopping you from losing weight and WHAT to do about it!

    📚 Join the FREE mini course to kickstart your weight loss 👇

    Mon, 30 Mar 2020 07:00:00 +1300
    How to set yourself up NOW to start losing weight and be able to keep it off for life.

    Most people won't keep the weight off.
    That's pretty depressing.
    Losing weight isn't actually hard... wait, who am I kidding it was freaking hard for most of my life until I learned about calorie density!
    Keeping it off is statistically not probable but YOU can beat the odds when you shift your focus from results to habits.
    This isn't something you do when you reach your goal weight or fit into size 0 jeans.
    You have to start these habits NOW if you want this to be different from all the other weight loss attempts of the past!!
    Here are the 3 biggest successful habits for long-term weight loss and they're all things you can do TODAY!!

    If you liked this episode, please leave me a review, it would mean the world.
    Also, let's connect!!

    Find me at www.chelseamae.com or on insta:

    📚 Join the FREE mini course to kickstart your weight loss 👇

    Until next time!!

    Mon, 23 Mar 2020 07:00:00 +1300
    How to get into a calorie deficit without counting calories (understanding calorie density)

    To lose fat you need to get into a calorie deficit...period.
    There is NO other way to lose fat!!! (Except liposuction)
    But lowering your calories doesn't mean you have to count them!!
    You can easily lower your calories without counting by understanding and utilising calorie density, and this episode shows the action steps to make that happen... even when you don't know a starting number or calorie goal.
    If you liked this episode, please leave me a rating and review on apple podcasts. It would help me so much!!
    I'd love to connect with you! Find me on my website at www.chelseamae.com or on insta at chelseamaecullen.

    📚 Join the FREE mini course to kickstart your weight loss 👇

    Some resources:
    Coconut oil IS NOT healhty:

    Reducing energy density (calorie density) leads to sustained decrease in overall calorie consumption.

    The relationship between dietary energy density and energy intakehttps://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4182946/#R50

    Mon, 16 Mar 2020 07:00:00 +1300
    Overweight as a healthy vegan? How it’s possible!! - the TRUTH about fat loss explained.

    In this episode, I simplify the science of weight loss and explain how you can be eating exceptionally healthy and still not lose weight.
    It’s vital to have a solid grasp on this information to understand HOW to start losing weight and WHY different diets work, so if you’re new to the podcast I recommend starting here.

    I also share my story of struggling with disordered eating, food restriction, binge eating, massive weight fluctuations and never being able to get to a healthy lean weight or MAINTAIN it, all while being frustrated and confused as I was eating such a healthy plant-based diet.
    I explain what a calorie deficit is and how necessary it is for weight loss.
    For more information on how to get into a calorie deficit, WITHOUT counting calories, check out my Instagram:

    If you loved this episode PLEASE leave me a review or tag me on your IG stories, it would help me so much and I'd love to connect with you.

    📚 Join the FREE mini course to kickstart your weight loss 👇

    To learn how to work with me personally go to:

    Mon, 09 Mar 2020 11:00:00 +1300
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