
超好听的中国古典音乐 - 中国风纯音乐的独特魅力 - Relaxing Instrumental Chinese Music With Bamboo Flute, Guzheng, Erhu

3 週前
(基於 PinQueue 指標)
超好听的中国古典音乐 - 中国风纯音乐的独特魅力 - Relaxing Instrumental Chinese Music With Bamboo Flute, Guzheng, Erhu

00:00 Fairies descended - 仙女降臨
03:25 Night sky - 夜空
07:51 Bird sounds in the garden - 花園裡的鳥叫聲
11:44 Royal garden _ 皇家花園
16:19 Chessboard - 棋盤
19:44 Peony- 牡丹
23:45 My muse - 我的繆斯
26:48 The moon on the mountain top - 山頂上的月亮
30:48 Dreamy paradise - 夢幻天堂

準備好進入中國傳統音樂的迷人世界吧! 在這段引人入勝的影片中,讓自己沉浸在中國古典音樂和古箏音樂的迷人旋律中。 體驗只有中國傳統音樂才能提供的舒緩輕鬆的氛圍。 讓自己在這本優美的中國器樂作品集中放鬆身心並找到寧靜。 讓中國豐富的文化遺產帶您踏上與眾不同的音樂之旅。 盡情享受傳統瓷器的美麗,讓它永恆的魅力吸引您的感官。 今天就發現中國器樂的力量和優雅!
🔶Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/@ChineseGuzhengMusic

♫ Spotify: https://bom.so/O5xHxT
♫ Apple Music: https://bom.so/swYrOU
♫ Itunes: https://bom.so/swYrOU
♫ Deezer: https://bom.so/ffO5ZF
♫ Amazon Music: https://bom.so/sFD4cM
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古箏作為中國古典樂器的代表之一,其悠揚的音色勾勒出中國古代的神秘魅力。 溫暖的琵琶聲、悠遠的竹笛演奏、悠揚的二胡旋律,都在音樂中展現出中華文化的深厚底蘊。

這種音樂不僅具有深厚的文化內涵,也能觸動人心、引起共鳴。 超響亮的中國古典音樂不僅是一種聽覺享受,更是心靈之旅,帶領人們遠離喧囂,進入寧靜美好的境界。

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Guzheng, as one of the representatives of Chinese classical musical instruments, its melodious tone outlines the mysterious charm of ancient China. The warm sound of the pipa, the distant playing of the bamboo flute, and the melodious melody of the erhu all show the profound heritage of Chinese culture in the music.

This kind of music not only has profound cultural connotations, but can also touch people's hearts and arouse resonance. Super-sounding Chinese classical music is not only an auditory enjoyment, but also a spiritual journey, leading people away from the hustle and bustle and into a peaceful and beautiful realm.

Thank you for always being with the channel, if you want to hear more similar relaxing music, you can click on the link below to enjoy.
(基於 PinQueue 指標)
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