深圳!2日1夜!美食旅遊攻略!福田酒店238元/晚!福田皇庭中心!全是香港人!宵夜大排檔!現場火爆!全部坐滿人!生醃血蚶48元!椒鹽九肚魚48元!!Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou

2 週前
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#深圳 #旅遊 #酒店

GOOGLE MAP:https://maps.app.goo.gl/LbCpWAjs9JJiPEns7
BAIDU MAP:https://j.map.baidu.com/3f/B-r
餐廳消費:生醃血蚶 ¥48,椒鹽九肚魚 ¥48,蒜蓉番薯葉 ¥22
在上世紀三十年代,如今翻身村所處的區域是一片海灘,人煙稀少。 最早在翻身這片土地上紮根的是上個世紀初葉的第一批被戲稱為「水流柴」的蜑家人。 他們在南粵海岸線上點燃了第一盞漁火,搭棚造窩。
The name of this site comes from the nearby Fanshen Village.
In the 1930s, the area where Fanshen Village is now located was a beach and sparsely populated. The first people to take root in the land of Fanjian were the first group of people nicknamed "Liu Shui Chai" at the beginning of the last century. They lit the first fishing fire on the southern Guangdong coastline and built tents and nests.
After liberation, the fishermen washed their feet and went to the fields. With the help of the people's government, they built a new village and settled here. To commemorate the liberation of the poor, the village was named Fanmen.
潮州菜,簡稱潮菜,是獨立菜系,並非粵菜的其中一個分支,和粵菜烹調方式和用料分別很大。 潮州菜起源於中國廣東省潮汕地區。 潮州菜的特色有好用滷味、善烹海鮮、重湯輕油、注重養生等。
最早記述潮州菜的是819年被貶到潮州的韓愈,從其詩文《初南食貽元十八協律》可見當時潮州菜有鱟、蠔、蒲魚、蛤、章魚、江瑤柱等數十 種海鮮並且使用了鹽和醋,花椒與酸橙等助存及調和食物的佐料。 唐代詩人段成式之子段公路,鹹通年間曾於嶺南供職,記述當時潮州有長兩尺的紅蝦的食物。 可見潮州菜中海鮮由來已久。
Chaozhou cuisine, or Chaozhou cuisine for short, is an independent cuisine, not a branch of Cantonese cuisine. The cooking methods and ingredients are very different from Cantonese cuisine. Chaozhou cuisine originated from the Chaoshan region of Guangdong Province, China. The characteristics of Chaozhou cuisine are its ease of using braised meat, good at cooking seafood, emphasis on soup but light on oil, and emphasis on health preservation.
The earliest person to record Chaozhou cuisine was Han Yu, who was demoted to Chaozhou in 819. From his poem "Eighteen Association Rules of Chu Nan Shi Yi Yuan", it can be seen that Chaozhou cuisine at that time included horseshoe crab, oyster, catfish, clam, octopus, Jiang Yaozhu and dozens of other dishes. The seafood is grown and seasonings such as salt, vinegar, pepper and lime are used to help preserve and season the food. Duan Jiujiu, the son of Duan Chengshi, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, served in Lingnan during the Xiantong period. He recorded that there were red shrimps two feet long in Chaozhou as food at that time. It can be seen that seafood has a long history in Chaozhou cuisine.
Teochew Fish Egg Noodle Restaurant
Teochew cuisine is particularly good at using salt, brine and other seasonings to help preserve and blend food. Therefore, Teochew cuisine has developed and integrated overseas, especially in Southeast Asia.


★开平楼价 鵝城 白切鵝 煎豆腐角★

★台山廣海鎮 食足一日海鮮★

★中山美食一日遊 紅燒乳鴿★


★廣州最大海鮮市場 食海鮮必去★


00:00 Intro
00:52 深圳福田彩田村/酒店Room Tour
08:29 深圳寶安翻身村/宵夜一條街/新潮菜·海鮮·砂鍋粥/讀餐牌時間
16:17 生醃血蚶/椒鹽九肚魚/蒜蓉番薯葉
23:29 美食市集/打工人收工晚餐
41:15 皇庭中心/港人消費旺地
44:15 fufuland/商場排隊王
46:25 北海道牛乳/雪覆晴王
50:55 Ending
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