【藝術行旅 ARTREK】EP7 無邊際空間–涅普頓畫廊

2 年前
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藝術行旅 - 帶您走訪各大畫廊

TAGA 畫廊協會2021年開啟的特色企畫,讓你不用出門也能走遍全台畫廊,線上逛展!跟著藝術行旅的腳步一起了解台灣畫廊的經營故事、探索藝術家的創作脈絡、感受藝術之美~

EP7 向大家介紹無邊際的空間,涅普頓畫廊(Neptune Gallery)。涅普頓畫廊在2018年由台灣藝術家胡閔堯成立,以東京都核心位置作為業務據點,同時連接台灣藝術市場,並放眼國際。

畫廊名稱Nepturne為羅馬神話中的海神,統御大海,掌管1/3的宇宙。品牌意義取其對宇宙浩瀚無垠的影響力,以及海洋詭秘莫測含義,塑造出藝術表現介入空間的各種可能性。秉持著探索宇宙的精神; 發掘具有才能及潛力的藝術家; 持續籌辦當代藝術展覽,以連結國際間文化藝術交流。

畫廊的空間分為一樓的White Boarder,無邊際的空間與書籍閱覽室、2樓的Cloude Space,連動一樓的主題性策展,打造類於雲端的空間,呈現一樓無邊際的概念。3樓空間名為Show Box,營造劇場式的空間,希望成為藝術家創作靈感的培養皿。


ARTREK - Your Best Trek to amazing galleries in Taiwan. ARTREK is a brand-new project of Taiwan Art Gallery Association (TAGA) in 2021. Through this project, we are bringing you spectacular art scenes, artists' stories and gallerists' opinions in Taiwan.

EP7 introduces you to the boundless space, Neptune Gallery. Neptune Gallery was established in 2018 by Taiwanese artist Min Yao HU. It locates in the core of Tokyo and takes Tokyo as its business base. It connects the Taiwan and the international art market.

The name of the gallery is Nepturne, which is the god’s name who controls the ocean in Roman mythology. Neptune rules the sea and 1/3 of the universe. The brand meaning takes its influence on the vastness of the universe and the unpredictable meaning of the ocean, shaping various possibilities for artistic expression in the gallery space. Neptune Gallery upholds the spirit of exploring the universe; discovers talented and potential artists; and continues to organize contemporary art exhibitions to link international cultural and artistic exchanges.

Neptune Gallery’s representative artists: Akiko TOJO, Ai HAIBARA, Hirokazu ICHI, Emi KATSUTA, Hisanori KOJIMA, Yamamoto MASUMI, Mao HAMAGUCHI, Maria BARBAN

TAGA 畫廊協會官網:http://www.aga.org.tw/
TAGA 畫廊協會粉專:https://www.facebook.com/TAGA0608
TAGA 畫廊協會IG:https://www.instagram.com/arttaipei


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