獨家專訪葛師科|天民樓藏瓷現身香港拍賣|S.F. Kot to Offer Tianminlou Blue & White Porcelain at Hong Kong Auction

5 年前
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「天民樓」,收藏界無人不識的殿堂。籍著「天民樓藏瓷」將再舉行展覽的機會,值點網(The Value)榮幸取得天民樓主 - 葛師科的獨家專訪。言談之間,得知少量藏瓷即將在蘇富比香港春拍登場,如此驚人消息,自然要立即與大家分享。

Full article: https://bit.ly/2Eqac01

Tianminlou, a prized collection that hailed by many Chinese ceramics lovers, is like a treasure trove of blue and white porcelain. It boasts the largest repository of Yuan blue and white porcelain in private hands. Rarely exhibited since its major exhibition in Shanghai in 1993, the collection has been kept out of the public eye for nearly three decades. Some of the fine pieces from the collection will go up for auction at Sotheby's in Hong Kong this spring.
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