
大點評 x 邦瀚斯亞洲舵主|高雅靈性的尼泊爾鎏金佛|The Review with Edward Wilkinson|Two Gilt Copper Nepalese Figures

6 年前
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鑑賞佛像,是否非得對佛教認識極深才行?「優美佛像散發出來的強烈精神和冥想意味,即使不懂佛教也能感受到」,Edward Wilkinson如是說。就讓這位邦瀚斯(Bonhams)亞洲舵主,帶領我們欣賞承傳千年的尼泊爾佛像之美。


The Value team has invited Edward Wilkinson, Executive Director of Bonhams Asia and Global head of the Indian, Himalayan, and Southeast Asian Art, to give a review on these two treasures.

Full article: http://bit.ly/2HkqPZS
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