甜點媽咪說故事學英文 learning English

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甜點媽咪說故事學英文 learning English
Love stories and share happiness.
電話的發明故事 #2-1 The story of telephones
圖書資訊:https://www.books.com.tw/products/F019243459?loc=P_0004_004 🍄Words & Phrases🍄 Deaf people聽障人士 A man with a mission 有使命感的人 travel移動 forehead 額頭 experiment with 對…做實驗 play a chord彈和弦 notes echo on a piano另一架鋼琴產生回音 exact確切的 his mind buzzed with ideas.他的腦中同時想很多不同的事情 telegraph 電報 electrical wire 電線 tap 輕觸、輕輕點擊 think long and hard about +O仔細思考… in excitement 很興奮的 electric current電流
Sat, 18 Nov 2023 03:55:20 GMT
壞蛋們第四集The Bad Guys Episode 4 #6
書籍資訊 https://www.books.com.tw/products/F014367492 🍄Words & Phrases🍄 awesome 超棒的 though然而 nude 沒有穿衣服的 weird 奇怪的 skinny-dipping 裸泳 get used to it 習慣它 I thought dolphins were meant to be smart.我以為海豚都很聰明 myth迷思 somehow不知怎麼地
Thu, 16 Nov 2023 13:28:50 GMT
廁所的發明故事 #1-3 The story of toilets
圖書資訊:https://www.books.com.tw/products/F019243459?loc=P_0004_004 🍄Words & Phrases🍄 mess 一團混亂 awful 很糟糕 have a brainwave 忽然有絕妙點子flush 沖(馬桶) invent發明 take ages花好久的時間 plumper水管工人 improve 使…改善 take charge of 負責 take for… granted 視…為理所當然ancestor 祖先 I am bursting.我很想上廁所/我尿急。
Mon, 13 Nov 2023 11:58:00 GMT
廁所的發明故事 #1-2 The story of toilets
圖書資訊:https://www.books.com.tw/products/F019243459?loc=P_0004_004 🍄Words & Phrases🍄 Banquet宴會 cushion 軟墊 empty使清空 fortress 堡壘 moat護城河 medieval中古世紀的 chamber pots小房間專用盆 passer-by路人 yucky 噁心的 drain 使排空,倒掉 it’s a wonder that somebody ever do something 令人驚訝,竟然有人… introduce 引進 forbid禁止 Announce 宣布 The problem was finally solved. 問題終於被解決了 lay pipes and drains underground 在底下放置水管和下水道 drains 下水道 glide away順利流走
Sun, 12 Nov 2023 02:59:43 GMT
壞蛋們第四集The Bad Guys Episode 4 #5
書籍資訊 https://www.books.com.tw/products/F014367492 🍄Words & Phrases🍄 donate 捐贈 appreciate 感謝 we /I appreciate我們很感謝 Clopper 重複重擊 frying pan由炸鍋 She’s completely insane.她完全瘋了。 love-struck buffoon 熱戀中的傻瓜 roast turkey烤雞 I can’t help myself.我忍不住沒辦法控制自己 Scratch 抓/搔/刮/刻字 lunatic瘋子 plonk重物掉落的聲音 It actually works.它的確有作用。one ball of wool毛線球 load up something把貨裝載上車Take him for a spin.載他繞繞
Sat, 11 Nov 2023 03:43:35 GMT
廁所的發明故事 #1-1 The story of toilets
🍄Words & Phrases🍄 roam the forest在森林漫遊 gather berries採集莓果 squat蹲 farm the land耕作 dig挖洞 run out of space用光空間 stone slab石板 trench溝渠 decorate A with B用B裝飾A marble 大理石 mosaic馬賽克 sit in a row坐一整排 politics 政治 wash something away把…沖走
Tue, 07 Nov 2023 14:19:43 GMT
壞蛋們第四集The Bad Guys Episode 4 #4
書籍資訊 https://www.books.com.tw/products/F014367492 🍄Words & Phrases🍄 change the angle 改變角度 dolphin 海豚 you are so good at the disguises 你非常擅長偽裝 naked 赤裸裸的 bare-butt沒穿褲子 build a bridge and get over it 想辦法彌補落差克服困難 regrade to do something後悔做某事 bowl碗 are you out of your mind你瘋了嗎? refuse to 拒絕做… put on 穿上衣服 we are running out of time.我們快要沒有時間了 humiliating丟臉的 get-up很不尋常的全套服裝
Tue, 07 Nov 2023 12:30:58 GMT
壞蛋們第四集The Bad Guys Episode 4 #3
書籍資訊 https://www.books.com.tw/products/F014367492 🍄Words & Phrases🍄 I’ll contact you.我會聯絡你 warehouse 倉庫 a little bit odd 有一點怪 make a ruckus發出噪音 grub幼獸 bless you. 有人打噴嚏的時候回應的話 S be allergic to 對…過敏 alligator短吻鱷 Hush your a mouth.閉嘴 I’m sorry to interrupt.抱歉打擾 marvelous 超棒 a pinch of 一撮
Sat, 04 Nov 2023 05:00:07 GMT
壞蛋們第四集The Bad Guys Episode 4 #2
書籍資訊 https://www.books.com.tw/products/F014367492 🍄Words & Phrases🍄 infectious有感染力的 Destination目的地 what a relief 鬆了一口氣 take the controls 接手操縱 antidote解藥 normal正常的 Tremendous 超棒的 track 追蹤 in secret秘密的進行 Keep an eye on something or somebody 留意某人或某事之recommend wear a disguise 偽裝 make up my day 使我開心 you seem troubled你似乎有麻煩了 freshwater fish 淡水魚 I’m not supposed to swim in the ocean.我不應該在海裡游泳 tummy肚子、胃 get something straight 試著搞清楚發生什麼事? gill鰓 for the record 鄭重聲明 whatever 隨便,我不在乎 that’s it 夠了 teach somebody a lesson 給某人教訓 at your service 任你差遣 S+ be in good hands.S受到很好的照顧
Thu, 02 Nov 2023 13:11:56 GMT
神奇的禮物 The Magic Gifts #5-8
🍄Words & Phrases🍄 A lonely, deserted temple與世隔絕廢棄的寺廟 mend修理 copy something out 謄寫/抄錄 an old straw mat舊草蓆 come in useful 有用的 spend the night 過夜 spread out of something 攤開 poke his head out of the window 把頭探出窗外 mattress 床墊 how odd 多奇怪啊! pile up 成堆的 plum 李子 suit成套服裝 if only S+ V-ed 但願 even richer than us 比我們有錢得多 amazed驚喜的 jealous 嫉妒的 no sign of something …的跡象trudge跋涉 selfish自私的
Sun, 29 Oct 2023 03:19:08 GMT
神奇的禮物 The Magic Gifts #1-4
🍄Words & Phrases🍄 make me a promise share my fortune equally agree grandly whine deserve a large share furniture move out rags pay their rent meanwhile make even more money dress in rags look familiar give away mysterious monk a wide stream dangle on my way back to my temple wade through the rushing water
Tue, 24 Oct 2023 13:52:11 GMT
壞蛋們第四集The Bad Guys Episode 4 #1
🍄Words & Phrases🍄 make a run for it 逃走 stopped moving around 不要再動來動去 paddling pool 淺水池 cut it out夠了 tiny flesh-eating monster 小小的吃肉怪物 we are surrounded我們被包圍了
Sun, 22 Oct 2023 14:04:16 GMT
壞蛋們第四集The Bad Guys Episode 4
unleash 發動 apocalypse大災難 absolutely肯定是 deadly致命的bell鈴鐺 survive存活 best defence最佳防禦 annoy 使惱怒 be distracted by 被…弄得分心 a ball of yarn 紗線球 come across 偶遇 toss投擲 encounter偶遇 a litter of 一整窩 set upon攻擊 take it from me相信我
Sun, 15 Oct 2023 05:42:53 GMT
The Minotaur #6 #7 #8
🍄Words & Phrases🍄 trail小路 swiftly快速地 on the voyage home 回家的旅程 revenge 報復 desert 拋棄/沙漠 declare 宣告 cast a spell 施魔法 boom發出低沈的聲音 nearly home 幾乎快到家 cliff懸崖峭壁 hear the dreadful news about+主題 聽說關於…主題的嚇人消息
Sun, 08 Oct 2023 05:45:40 GMT
The Minotaur #5
🍄Words & Phrases🍄 shake-shook-shaken震動/搖晃 mighty非常強大的 storm in/into/out怒氣沖沖地衝入/出 grip緊握 smelly breath臭臭的氣息 cloud雲狀物 nostril鼻孔 earsplitting震耳欲聾的/非常大聲的 charge進攻、索費、充電 swing his sword揮舞他的劍 wounded受傷的 dodge躲避 plunge his sword into把他的劍插入… blood-chilling非常嚇人的 thud重物掉落至地面嘣一聲
Sun, 08 Oct 2023 05:17:53 GMT
The Minotaur #3 #4
🍄Words & Phrases🍄 arrive at 到達 hide-hid-hidden躲藏 dock 停泊 at dawn黎明 fall in love愛上了 agree, 同意 entrance 入口 tie A to B, 把A繫於B string繩子 wind-wound -wound 繞/使捲繞
Tue, 03 Oct 2023 13:09:09 GMT
The Minotaur #1 #2
🍄Words & Phrases🍄 deadly demand致命的要求 receive 收到 a giant maze大型迷宮 at the heart of 在…中心 the best sword fighter 最棒的戰鬥者escape逃離 somehow 不論如何 confidently 有信心地 fly white sails揚白色的船帆
Wed, 27 Sep 2023 12:39:31 GMT
海盜的故事 Stories of Pirates #3-2 The Masked Pirate
🍄Words & Phrases🍄 feel terrible 感受很糟糕 calm down 冷靜下來 offer提供 reword 獎賞 track down 追蹤 confidence信心 describe 描述描寫 spot地點 particular特定的 rush out of the inn跑出小酒館 recognize 認得 fetch help 去找幫手來幫忙 leap跳躍
Tue, 26 Sep 2023 13:53:44 GMT
海盜的故事 Stories of Pirates #3-1 The Masked Pirate
🍄Words & Phrases🍄 sailor水手 be desperate to 很渴望做某事bloodthirsty 嗜血的 as soon as 一…就… cabin boy船上的僕人 peel削皮去皮 smelly socks臭襪子 ask for something 請求某物 proper 恰當的適當的 young shrimp 年輕小伙子 rather rude 非常粗魯無禮 swell with pride 覺得非常驕傲as he took the wheel當他在駕駛 clumsy笨手笨腳的 crash撞擊 guard看守 snore打呼 bunk上下鋪 exhausted精疲力竭的 dreaded令人畏懼的 masked 戴面具的 treasure寶藏
Sun, 24 Sep 2023 08:56:05 GMT
海盜的故事 Stories of Pirates #2-2 Captain Spike
🍄Words & Phrases🍄 take over接手 a laughing stock笑柄 sneer訕笑 plank木板 break one’s promise違背承諾 crewman船員 wheel方向盤 force o to VR強迫某人做… thud咚一聲 spring up突然冒出來 trick愚弄 lad年輕小伙子 port港口 behind bars入監 lighthouse燈塔 keeper管理人
Wed, 20 Sep 2023 04:14:38 GMT
海盜的故事 Stories of Pirates #2-1 Captain Spike
🍄Words & Phrases🍄 captain船長 spike刺 company陪伴 telescope望遠鏡 vase花瓶 china瓷器 chest箱子 drag…on board拖上船 mean惡劣卑鄙的 smash砸毀 a thick fog濃霧 steer駕駛
Mon, 18 Sep 2023 01:12:35 GMT
壞蛋們第三集The Bad Guys Episode 3 #9 Cute and cuddly no more
🍄Words & Phrases🍄 fair enough說的也對 it doesn’t matter 不重要/不要緊 it’s up to us to protect the world靠我們保護世界了 international league of heroes國際英雄聯盟 lame太廢了 slap甩巴掌 It sucks.爛透了 A bunch of 一大群that’s a relief 鬆了一口氣something weird 怪怪的 limp 跛腳 moan drool 流口水 an army of一整個軍團
Sun, 17 Sep 2023 06:11:11 GMT
海盜的故事 Stories of Pirates #1-2 惱人的鸚鵡 The pesky parrot
🍄Words & Phrases🍄 have a face like a thunder看起來很生氣 let something out 發出或是放出 never wreck很容易緊張 get rid of擺脫了 shoulder肩膀 miserable不高興的/悲慘的 creep悄悄移動 swipe偷 put …to good use好好利用… burglar入室竊賊 alarm警報
Tue, 12 Sep 2023 10:27:31 GMT
海盜的故事 Stories of Pirates #1-1 惱人的鸚鵡 The pesky parrot
🍄Words & Phrases🍄 pesky 惱人的 parrot鸚鵡 set sail 啟航 chest箱子 piratey海盜的 inherited 繼承 gear 裝備 go with和…相配 hunt獵捕 load 裝載 be in luck 很幸運 cabin 小屋子 stuff塞滿 disasters truck災難襲擊 a sneaky thief 偷偷摸摸的小偷 chase 追
Sun, 10 Sep 2023 12:53:41 GMT
壞蛋們第三集The Bad Guys Episode 3 #8 A little favor
🍄Words & Phrases🍄 heaven 天堂 trick you 騙你的 poop in my pants非常驚嚇(大便到褲子上 ) get sick of 厭倦 farewell 再見 ask somebody a favor 請求某人幫忙deal with 處理應付 any minute 隨時 out of one’s mind發瘋 rocket boots火箭靴 perk 因為工作得到的額外津貼或待遇reason原因理由
Sat, 09 Sep 2023 23:38:00 GMT
壞蛋們第三集The Bad Guys Episode 3 #7 Learning to ride a bike
🍄Words & Phrases🍄 a stroke of luck 意料外的好運 motorbike 摩托車 fit in 可容納 suppose 假設/假想 marvelous 超棒 peck 親吻 How hard can it be ?是會有多難?disappoint使失望 found it on purpose故意 Unusual 不尋常 impressive 印象深刻的 head for前往 awfully brave 非常勇敢 idiot 蠢蛋 No matter what happens.不論發生什麼事 Take cover找掩護
Sat, 09 Sep 2023 02:13:30 GMT
壞蛋們第三集The Bad Guys Episode 3 #6 The Secret Agent
🍄Words & Phrases🍄 Secret agent 特務 stumble into 偶然開始做某事 villain反派角色 On one’s tail緊緊跟隨 catch somebody in the act抓個正著league聯盟swear發誓做… never mind 算了,不要放在心上 at one’s service 任某人差遣 sit up 熬夜 out of one depth不能勝任
Tue, 05 Sep 2023 10:03:00 GMT
壞蛋們第三集The Bad Guys Episode 3 #5 Surprise, Surprise
🍄Words & Phrases🍄 nibble小口啃 samurai 武士 mention提及 adorable很可愛 unleash使爆發
Mon, 04 Sep 2023 09:06:05 GMT
十二個跳舞公主The Twelve Dancing Princesses #5 Ralph on the trail #6 A shock For the king
🍄Words & Phrases🍄 trail 小路小徑 be out of sight 看不見 click one’s fingers 彈指 vanish消失 tiptoe墊腳尖走路 catch up趕上 glisten閃爍 shadow陰影 the age of 邊緣 row (划)船 sore 痠痛的 limp 跛行 stroll散步
Sun, 03 Sep 2023 07:07:12 GMT
十二個跳舞公主The Twelve Dancing Princesses. #3 Taking the challenge #4 Ralph and Rascal
🍄Words & Phrases🍄 one small catch 小問題 snore 打呼 doubtful 懷疑的 be desperate to do something 很渴望做某事 ignore 忽略 pretended to do something 假裝做某事 put one’s feet up 休息一下 reveal 顯露 hinge 鉸鏈
Sun, 03 Sep 2023 04:40:37 GMT
壞蛋們第三集The Bad Guys Episode 3 #4 The Mind of a Monster
🍄Words & Phrases🍄 Attention注意力 Itty-bitty 很小的 cuddly可愛讓人想抱抱的 somehow 不知什麼? weapon 武器 now that 既然 out of one’s mind 發瘋了 cut it out夠了別鬧了 overgrown 成人但行為像小孩一般的 slug 蛞蝓 do your worst儘管使壞 dimwitted 愚蠢的 hero wannabe想成為英雄的
Tue, 29 Aug 2023 12:17:52 GMT
十二個跳舞公主The Twelve Dancing Princesses #1 Family trouble #2 The sisters’ secret
🍄Words & Phrases🍄 flowing hair 飄逸的頭髮 fiery temper 火爆的脾氣 argue about 爭論 disagree 不同意 anyway 無論如何 maid女僕 notice 注意 soggy 濕軟的 worn out磨損了 splutter嘟囔 be ashamed of 對…難為情 not …in the least 一點也不 escape 逃走 in a row 連續地 brilliant 絕妙的 posters go up海報被張貼 fed up with厭倦了 feel like 想要 drop in to+ place 拜訪某地 No time wasters please.無誠勿擾
Mon, 28 Aug 2023 15:15:50 GMT
壞蛋們第三集The Bad Guys Episode 3 #3 Do you see what I see?
🍄Words & Phrases🍄 millisecond 毫秒 the bowels of something某個部分的深處 trap 陷阱 deliberatively 故意地 Inc.=incorporated 公司 fishy可疑的 weird 奇怪的 cock-a-doodle-doo 公雞叫聲 somebody be out cold 不醒人事鞥exploding 爆炸的 hot rod改裝車 take a somebody straight to a place直接帶某人去某處
Fri, 25 Aug 2023 03:52:33 GMT
恐龍的故事Stories of Dragons #4 Victor Saves the Village
🍄Words & Phrases🍄 barrel桶子 straight直的 growl咆哮 skin and bone 非常瘦 pleased開心的 statue雕像
Thu, 24 Aug 2023 07:01:09 GMT
龍的故事 Stories of Dragons #3 The Wicked Worm
🍄Words & Phrases🍄 wicked邪惡的 instead of而不是 get rid of 擺脫 well井 chase追趕 menace危險的事物 ask for help 尋求幫忙 reply回覆 fierce 狂暴的 vegetarian素食者
Fri, 18 Aug 2023 12:52:26 GMT
龍的故事Stories of Dragons #2 Stan and the dragon
🍄Words & Phrases🍄 grant給予 afford負擔的得起 Feed 餵食 squeeze 擠壓 drip 滴下來 in the way 擋住去路 bash 重擊 sleeping like a log睡得很沉 astonished震驚的 bump腫塊 flea跳蚤
Fri, 18 Aug 2023 04:15:12 GMT
龍的故事Stories of Dragons #1 All about dragons
🍄Words & Phrases🍄 terror恐懼 breathe呼吸 blow out flam吹熄火焰 puff一小口煙霧 guard 看管 bolts of lightening 好幾道閃電 cross 憤怒的 knight 騎士 offer 提供 defeat 打敗 bumpy scales不平整的鱗片 flapping wings 可以拍打的翅膀 come in all shapes and sizes有各式各樣
Wed, 16 Aug 2023 07:24:44 GMT
壞蛋們第三集The #BadGuys Episode 3 #2 the Liar of Dr. Marmalade
🍄Words & Phrases🍄 tie up綁起來 notice注意到 hear of 聽說 billionaire億萬富翁 scientist科學家 suppose 假設、猜想 blow up 炸飛 monster 怪物 break into闖入 hang on 等一下 string somebody up 把…用繩子吊掛起來 the only reason 唯一的理由 obsession痴迷 all my fault 都是我的錯 you bet沒錯 I’ve had enough.我受夠了 button 鈕扣、按鈕 destroy 摧毀 take over the entire world接管全世界
Wed, 16 Aug 2023 03:57:52 GMT
壞蛋們第三集The Bad Guys Episode 3 #1 if you go down to the woods today
🍄Words & Phrases🍄 villan壞蛋 haunt揮之不去 re-enactment重演 claim宣稱 homemaker家庭主婦 chef主廚 inspire啟發 supreme court judge最高法院法官 deed行動 lurk潛伏 a bunch of一群 satellite衛星 bulldozer推土機 anonymous不知名的
Mon, 14 Aug 2023 13:12:54 GMT
壞蛋們第二集The Bad Guys Episode 2 #9 What a team
🍄Words & Phrases🍄 get the hang of something make a big deal out of something sure thing grouch fit monster truck jet engine don’t mind cramped modify put it back the way it was anytime squeak creepy somehow notice marmalade make them pay mess with mysterious神秘的
Thu, 10 Aug 2023 12:33:01 GMT
壞蛋們第二集The Bad Guys Episode 2 #8 Whole lotta chicken
🍄Words & Phrases🍄 lotta很多 wonder想知道 interrupt 打斷、干擾 on the run 在途中/在過程中 worst nightmare 最可怕的惡夢 barely幾乎不 recognize 認出 set off the alarm 啟動警報 we have to hurry.我們得快一點 I couldn’t help it. 我忍不住嘛!Terrified 很害怕 mayonnaise 美乃滋 have a deal 一言為定 marvelous/marvellous超棒
Tue, 08 Aug 2023 10:11:06 GMT
壞蛋們第二集The Bad Guys Episode 2 #7 Trust me, I am a snake.
🍄Words & Phrases🍄 get through通過 handle應付 absolutely 當然 wriggle蠕動 have a chicken feast吃雞肉大餐release 釋放 count on 依賴 just a little further 再走遠一點 take one’s time 慢慢來 be proud of 以…為榮 empty空的 my stars 天哪 freeze 不要動 ruin破壞 cough something up 咳出來 expect預期 fluffy 毛絨蓬鬆的 Are you feeling me?你懂我的意思吧?
Mon, 07 Aug 2023 13:30:00 GMT
壞蛋們第二集The Bad Guys Episode 2 #5-6 Mind the gap./Let’s start over.
🍄Words & Phrases🍄 mind the gap注意縫隙/裂縫 being a team is all about cooperation成為一個團隊就是合作 slip滑 annoying 惱怒人的 die死 go on a diet飲食控制 throw up嘔吐 get over克服 disguise偽裝 I have my moments.有些事我是很擅長的。 feather羽毛
Mon, 07 Aug 2023 07:03:36 GMT
壞蛋們第二集The Bad Guys Episode 2 #4 Down the hatch.
🍄Words & Phrases🍄 ridiculous可笑的 stupid suit很蠢的套裝 make you hard to spot使你很難被看見 jumpsuit連身服裝 gently輕輕的溫柔地 on the count of three數到三 reach伸手觸及 whitle吹口哨 abort終止任務 wiggle扭動 one-way ticket單程票 leave … behind遺留下來 snap out of it振作起來 sacrifice犧牲 adios再見
Sat, 05 Aug 2023 05:06:19 GMT
壞蛋們第二集The Bad Guys Episode 2 #3 Mission, like. totally impossible.
🍄Words & Phrases🍄 take one’s device 接納建議 furry毛茸茸的 cut it off 夠了 switch off 切掉電源 shut down 切掉電源 weird 怪異的 hatch 活板門 on the roof 在屋頂 get caught 被抓 air vent 通風口 tunnel 通道 flicker a switch切開關
Wed, 02 Aug 2023 13:45:47 GMT
壞蛋們第二集The Bad Guys Episode 2 #2 Freaky Geek
🍄Words & Phrases🍄 freaky怪異的 geek怪咖 tarantula巨型毒蜘蛛 breathe呼吸 freak out嚇壞 pull yourself together振作起來 be ashamed of感到慚愧難為情 pants褲子 geez天哪 access得以接近… system系統 tricky棘手的 lovable討喜的 hack into駭入 after all畢竟 by this time到了這個時候 trousers長褲
Wed, 02 Aug 2023 13:05:44 GMT
壞蛋們第二集The Bad Guys Episode 2 #1 Ok, let’s try that again.
🍄Words & Phrases🍄 ever曾經 cop警察 look for 尋找 awesome極度棒 sit up and take notice坐直且注意 break into闖入=burst in take a look看一下 awful非常糟糕 drool流口水🤤 delightful令人愉快的 thick 厚的 be heavily guarded被嚴密地監督 alarm警報 go off發出聲響 laser beams雷射光束 pull something off成功完成某事
Tue, 01 Aug 2023 13:48:03 GMT
壞蛋們第二集The Bad Guys Episode 2 #preface
🍄Words & Phrases🍄 panic驚慌 interrupt this program插播節目 breaking news突發新聞 reporter記者 on the scene在現場 shocking令人震驚的 burst in 闖入 smash down 砸碎 hot-rod car改裝車 in fright害怕地 describe描述 definitely肯定是 mean-looking看起來很惡劣的 exclusive footage獨家畫面 cranky易怒的 deadly致命的 gigantic極度巨大的 nasty危險暴力的 mutant 突變 on the loose逍遙法外 villain反派壞人
Mon, 31 Jul 2023 12:46:12 GMT
壞蛋們第一集The Bad Guys Episode 1 #8 So, How About It?
🍄Words & Phrases🍄 miss the point搞錯重點 Whatever隨便 Awesome超棒 comfortable 舒服的 tell me the truth 跟我說實話 wonderful 超美好 stick with 堅持下去 mistake A for B把A誤認成B only if 只要 I have your word.我得到你的保證 make my promise 我保證 get gassy脹氣
Thu, 27 Jul 2023 11:15:27 GMT
壞蛋們第一集The Bad Guys Episode 1 #7 The Pound
🍄Words & Phrases🍄 lass年輕女孩 once一旦 mess up搞砸 climb aboard爬上來 Never you mind.不干你的事不要問。 signal訊息 all you have to do is VR I have excellent aim.我很會瞄準 How confident I am!我超有信心 at once同時 since因為 survive存活下來 make it成功完成某事 hermona兄弟(西班牙文)
Wed, 26 Jul 2023 13:35:44 GMT
壞蛋們第一集The Bad Guys Episode 1 #6 The Plan
🍄Words & Phrases🍄 all ‘round=each one back off後退 Mr. Snuggles抱抱先生 mission任務 One way in. One way out.只有一個出入口 iron bars鐵欄杆 razor wire雷射鐵絲網 be trapped被困住 walls of stone石頭牆 bars of steel鋼條 bust out使逃獄 cage籠子 dress up like打扮成
Wed, 26 Jul 2023 12:58:31 GMT
女巫的故事#2-2 Stories of Witches
🍄Words & Phrases🍄 crystal ball水晶球 mutter咕噥 fetch去拿 mustard powder芥末粉 pound重擊 nail指甲 ketchup番茄醬 warts n all絲毫不隱瞞缺點 brew混合物 gently溫和地/溫柔地 fiercely激烈地 chant反覆念誦 tongue舌頭 flame火焰🔥 might力量 nasty不友善又危險的 cork軟木塞 shoot-shot-shot射出 chimney煙囪 creep悄悄靠近 Hurray!太棒了!(歡呼的意思)
Wed, 28 Jun 2023 13:57:06 GMT
女巫的故事 #2-1 Stories of Witches
🍄Words & Phrases🍄 basket籃子 barn穀倉 reach抵達 a strange sound一個奇怪的聲音 peek窺視 hay乾草 How dare you!你膽敢!你好大的膽子! teach you a lesson給你一個教訓 bark吠 crawl爬行 woof狗吠聲 chase (after)追趕 catch抓到 wizard巫師 frown皺眉
Sun, 25 Jun 2023 15:17:38 GMT
女巫的故事 #1-2 Stories of Witches
🍄Words & Phrases🍄 untie解開 in no time立刻 stable馬廄/穩定的/穩固的 pat輕拍 beast野獸 take off the rope把繩子取下來 pleased開心的 secret秘密/秘訣
Sun, 25 Jun 2023 02:16:15 GMT
壞蛋們第一集The Bad Guys Ep.1 #5 Here Kitty
🍄Words & Phrases🍄 pumped興奮的 freak out變得驚嚇且情緒失控 a heart attack心臟病 handle處理應付 shimmy使震動搖晃 bite咬 furry毛茸茸的 butt屁股 get on my nerves快把我搞瘋/讓我非常困擾 munch大聲吃東西
Sat, 24 Jun 2023 08:07:53 GMT
女巫的故事 #1-1 Stories of witches
女巫的故事 #1-1 Stories of witches 1-1 🍄Words & Phrases🍄 broomstick掃把 invitation邀請函 spare cauldron閒置的大鍋子 rope繩子 carry攜帶、運送 limp跛腳的 saddle馬鞍、坐墊 Giddy up!叫馬跑快一點的吆喝聲 crossly生氣惱怒地 pick up撿起來、接送 blacksmith鐵匠 worn out(物品)磨損了/(人)累壞了 cackle with laughter咯咯大笑 mind在意 skip蹦蹦跳跳、略過省略某事 cast spells on對…施魔法
Tue, 20 Jun 2023 06:32:47 GMT
壞蛋們第一集The Bad Guys Episode 1 #4 Cruising For Trouble
🍄Words & Phrases🍄 cruise巡邏 look dopey看起來很蠢 fuel-injected燃油噴射的 chico年輕人 strong man強壯的男子 strong wind強風 strong smell濃郁的氣味 fart放屁 big deal大事 let off gas放屁
Mon, 19 Jun 2023 07:19:55 GMT
壞蛋們第一集The Bad Guys Episode 1 #3 The Good Guys Club
🍄Words & Phrases🍄 typical典型的 be tired of 對…厭倦 villain反派角色 scream尖叫 fear恐懼 solution 解決方法 genius 天才 hero 英雄 awesome 超棒
Mon, 19 Jun 2023 06:41:20 GMT
國王的新衣 #5 The Emperor’s New Clothes
🍄Words & Phrases🍄 emerge出現、浮現 clever聰明的人 pattern圖案 successful成功的 add a spring to one’s step某人因為開心或自信走路充滿朝氣/走路抬頭挺胸非常威風 lift抬高 naked裸體的 blush臉紅 bright red鮮紅色 pack bags整理包包打包行李 flee逃跑 A toast to invisible clothes.為看不見的衣服敬一杯。 trick騙/愚弄 cackle大聲笑 glee快樂/興奮 years to come未來幾年
Sat, 17 Jun 2023 02:06:48 GMT
國王的新衣 #4 The Emperor’s New Clothes
4 🍄Words & Phrases🍄 Word quickly spread.消息很快傳出去。 amazing不可思議的 mysterious 神秘的 couldn’t wait a moment一刻都等不及 Your Excellence/Your Majesty陛下 I can’t see anything.我什麼也看不到。 magnificent非常漂亮壯麗的 in unison同時一起… clap loudly大聲鼓掌 a gold medal金牌 pretend假裝 Put on穿上 Pantaloons舊式男款緊身褲 undress脫掉衣服 train裙擺/衣物較會拖地的部分 cloak斗篷 shirt襯衫 It fits so well.超級合身 as if彷彿
Thu, 15 Jun 2023 06:40:25 GMT
國王的新衣 #3 The Emperor’s New Clothes
國王的新衣 #3 The Emperor’s New Clothes 3 🍄Words & Phrases🍄 loom織布機 instead相反地 fudge cake 奶油軟糖蛋糕 10 tubs of vanilla ice cream石頭香草冰淇淋 constant持續不斷的 supply供應 S+ be desperate to VR 某人極度渴望做某事 come along 出現 charming pattern迷人的圖案 Oh crumbs!我的老天爺啊! pleased開心的 fabulous非常棒的
Mon, 12 Jun 2023 07:21:01 GMT
國王的新衣 #2 The Emperor’s New Clothes
國王的新衣 #2 The Emperor’s New Clothes 2 1. Take us to the emperor at once.立刻帶我們去見皇上。 2. Out of my way.讓開。 3. He was busy choosing his afternoon coat and hated being interrupted.他正忙著挑選他下午的外套而且他很討厭被打擾。
Mon, 12 Jun 2023 06:31:28 GMT
國王的新衣 #1 The Emperor’s New Clothes
國王的新衣 #1 The Emperor’s New Clothes 1 1. He really didn‘t care about anything else.他完全不在乎其他事情。 2. You look amazing.你看起來很棒! 3. Don’t be ridiculous!別鬧了! 4. I mean it.我是認真的(在跟你說)。 5. It’s been a very tiring morning.這真是一個很累人的上午。
Mon, 12 Jun 2023 05:53:08 GMT
動物傳說 #3 Animal Legends The rabbits and the crocodile
There was once a time when crocodiles live on the land, not in the river. 長吻鱷曾經住在陸地上而不是河裡。 One grumpy old crocodile lived near a river and the lazed in the sun all day. 一隻年邁易怒的長吻鱷住在河邊,他整天懶洋洋的在太陽底下。
Fri, 09 Jun 2023 12:29:01 GMT
動物傳說 #2-2 Animal Legends
2-2 He climbed up the side of the barrel took another gulp of fire water and the ran off to the bushes,just as he’d done before. 他爬上桶子的邊緣,再喝一大口,然後跑到矮樹叢裡,就像他之前做的一樣。 There‘s a whole tribe of monkeys hiding in the bushes. 有整部落猴子躲在矮樹叢裡。
Fri, 09 Jun 2023 09:03:05 GMT
動物傳說 #2-1Animal Legends Why monkeys live in trees?
1. All the animals wanted to marry his daughter, but she didn’t know who to choose. 2.take a sip嚐一小口 3. Everyone wanted to try.每個人都想試試。 4. Out of my way. I’m first.全讓開別擋路,我要當第一個。 5. Even the smell of fire water made him feel sick.儘管只是fire Water的氣味都讓他覺得想吐。
Thu, 08 Jun 2023 07:08:45 GMT
動物傳說 #1-2 Animal Legends
There’s nothing to worry about! 沒有什麼好擔心的! What have I done? 我做了什麼好事?(後悔貌) This is all your fault. 都是你的錯。
Mon, 05 Jun 2023 08:09:01 GMT
動物傳說 #1 Animal Legend
There’s nothing to worry about! What have I done? This is all your fault.
Sun, 04 Jun 2023 14:16:23 GMT
特洛伊木馬 #6 #7 The Wooden Horse
Menelaus was finally back with his queen, whose beauty launched a thousand ships.
Wed, 31 May 2023 14:31:35 GMT
壞蛋們第一集The Bad Guys Episode 1 #2 The Gang
gang一幫壞蛋 knock敲(門) swallow吞嚥 joker小丑 Take it easy.放輕鬆 piranha食人魚 bad reputation壞名聲 tourist觀光客 extremely dangerous極度危險 I’ve come all the way from Bolivia.我千里迢迢從玻利維亞來。 These guys are killing me. 這幾個家伙快把我搞瘋了。 Okey Dokey.沒問題(俏皮的說法) literally不誇張,不是在嚇唬你的 ridiculously dangerous 超超超級危險 Sit down and I’ll explain.坐下,聽我解釋。
Fri, 26 May 2023 08:09:19 GMT
壞蛋們第一集The Bad Guys Episode 1 #1 Mr. Wolf
I’ve got big pointy teeth and razor sharp claws and I occasionally like to dress up like an old lady that doesn’t mean I am a bad guy. metropolitan police department大都會警察部 associate 同夥 criminal activity犯罪行為 impersonate 假扮 the same problem同樣的問題
Fri, 26 May 2023 07:25:42 GMT
特洛伊木馬 #5 The Wooden Horse
特洛伊木馬 #5 The Wooden Horse
Thu, 25 May 2023 06:58:57 GMT
特洛伊木馬 #3#4The Wooden Horse
特洛伊木馬 #3#4The Wooden Horse
Thu, 25 May 2023 01:18:37 GMT
特洛伊木馬 #2 The Wooden Horse
特洛伊木馬 #2 The Wooden Horse
Tue, 23 May 2023 13:38:55 GMT
特洛伊木馬 #1 The Wooden Horse
特洛伊木馬 #1 The Wooden Horse
Sat, 20 May 2023 05:37:21 GMT
水手辛巴達的冒險#7 The Adventures of Sinbad the Sailor
水手辛巴達的冒險#7 The Adventures of Sinbad the Sailor
Thu, 18 May 2023 03:26:18 GMT
水手辛巴達的冒險#6 The Adventures of Sinbad the Sailor
水手辛巴達的冒險#6 The Adventures of Sinbad the Sailor
Wed, 17 May 2023 12:57:14 GMT
水手辛巴達的冒險#5-2 The Adventures of Sinbad the Sailor
水手辛巴達的冒險#5-2 The Adventures of Sinbad the Sailor
Wed, 17 May 2023 12:41:46 GMT
水手辛巴達的冒險#5-1 The Adventures of Sinbad the Sailor
水手辛巴達的冒險#5-1 The Adventures of Sinbad the Sailor
Wed, 17 May 2023 12:10:15 GMT
水手辛巴達的冒險#4 The Adventures of Sinbad the Sailor
水手辛巴達的冒險#4 The Adventures of Sinbad the Sailor
Sat, 13 May 2023 03:32:23 GMT
水手辛巴達的冒險#3-2 The Adventures of Sinbad the Sailor
水手辛巴達的冒險#3-2 The Adventures of Sinbad the Sailor
Fri, 12 May 2023 05:33:31 GMT
水手辛巴達的冒險#3-1 The Adventures of Sinbad the Sailor
水手辛巴達的冒險#3-1 The Adventures of Sinbad the Sailor
Fri, 12 May 2023 04:13:30 GMT
長髮公主 #3 單字複習 Rapunzel
長髮公主 #3 單字複習 Rapunzel
Wed, 03 May 2023 12:34:43 GMT
長髮公主 #1-#2單字複習 Rapunzel
長髮公主 #1-#2單字複習 Rapunzel
Wed, 03 May 2023 12:27:48 GMT
水手辛巴達的冒險 #1-2 The Adventures of Sinbad the Sailor
水手辛巴達的冒險 #1-2 The Adventures of Sinbad the Sailor
Wed, 03 May 2023 06:43:32 GMT
水手辛巴達的冒險 #2 The Adventures of Sinbad the Sailor
水手辛巴達的冒險 #2 The Adventures of Sinbad the Sailor
Tue, 02 May 2023 03:09:19 GMT
小精靈和鞋匠 #8 The Elves and the Shoemaker
小精靈和鞋匠 #8 The Elves and the Shoemaker
Thu, 27 Apr 2023 07:17:47 GMT
小精靈和鞋匠 #7 The Elves and the Shoemaker
小精靈和鞋匠 #7 The Elves and the Shoemaker
Wed, 26 Apr 2023 06:55:43 GMT
水手辛巴達的冒險 #1-1 The Adventures of Sinbad the Sailor
水手辛巴達的冒險 #1-1 The Adventures of Sinbad the Sailor
Wed, 26 Apr 2023 06:47:06 GMT
小精靈和鞋匠 #6 The Elves and the Shoemaker
小精靈和鞋匠 #6 The Elves and the Shoemaker
Fri, 21 Apr 2023 07:01:59 GMT
小矮人和鞋匠 #5 The Elves and the Shoemaker
小矮人和鞋匠 #5 The Elves and the Shoemaker
Thu, 20 Apr 2023 01:16:20 GMT
小矮人和鞋匠 #4 The Elves and the Shoemaker
小矮人和鞋匠 #4 The Elves and the Shoemaker
Tue, 18 Apr 2023 14:57:11 GMT
小矮人和鞋匠 #3 The Elves and the Shoemaker
小矮人和鞋匠 #3 The Elves and the Shoemaker
Tue, 18 Apr 2023 08:52:57 GMT
長髮公主 #5-2 Rapunzel
長髮公主 #5-2 Rapunzel
Tue, 18 Apr 2023 08:31:36 GMT
長髮公主 #5-1 Rapunzel
長髮公主 #5-1 Rapunzel
Thu, 13 Apr 2023 13:26:31 GMT
長髮公主 #4 Rapunzel
長髮公主 #4 Rapunzel
Mon, 10 Apr 2023 01:14:08 GMT
The Elves and the Shoemaker #2 小矮人和鞋匠
The Elves and the Shoemaker #2 小矮人和鞋匠
Sat, 08 Apr 2023 15:31:50 GMT
The Elves and the Shoemaker #1 小矮人和鞋匠
The Elves and the Shoemaker #1 小矮人和鞋匠
Sat, 08 Apr 2023 15:20:42 GMT
長髮公主 #3 Rapunzel
長髮公主 #3 Rapunzel
Sat, 08 Apr 2023 07:23:06 GMT
長髮公主 #2 Rapunzel
長髮公主 #2 Rapunzel
Fri, 07 Apr 2023 04:16:45 GMT
長髮公主 #1 Repunzel
長髮公主 #1 Repunzel
Wed, 29 Mar 2023 08:44:10 GMT
小美人魚 #6 The Little Mermaid
小美人魚 #6 The Little Mermaid
Thu, 23 Mar 2023 07:11:48 GMT
小美人魚 #5 The Little Mermaid
小美人魚 #5 The Little Mermaid
Thu, 23 Mar 2023 02:02:13 GMT
小美人魚 #4 The Little Mermaid
小美人魚 #4 The Little Mermaid
Thu, 16 Mar 2023 07:17:44 GMT
小美人魚 #3 The Little Mermaid
小美人魚 #3 The Little Mermaid
Thu, 16 Mar 2023 07:08:33 GMT
小美人魚 #2 The Little Mermaid
小美人魚 #2 The Little Mermaid
Wed, 15 Mar 2023 06:33:16 GMT
小美人魚 #1 The Little Mermaid
小美人魚 #1 The Little Mermaid
Thu, 09 Mar 2023 02:09:16 GMT
公主和豌豆 #5-2 The Princess and the Pea
公主和豌豆 #5-2 The Princess and the Pea
Tue, 28 Feb 2023 14:28:21 GMT
公主和豌豆 #5-1 The Princess and the Pea
公主和豌豆 #5-1 The Princess and the Pea
Tue, 28 Feb 2023 14:01:56 GMT
公主和豌豆 #4 The Princess and the Pea
公主和豌豆 #4 The Princess and the Pea
Thu, 23 Feb 2023 12:26:15 GMT
公主和豌豆 #3 The Princess and the Pea
公主和豌豆 #3 The Princess and the Pea
Mon, 20 Feb 2023 13:06:35 GMT
公主和豌豆 #2-2 The Princess and the Pea
公主和豌豆 #2-2 The Princess and the Pea
Mon, 20 Feb 2023 04:12:07 GMT
公主和豌豆 #2-1 The Princess and the Pea
公主和豌豆 #2-1 The Princess and the Pea
Mon, 20 Feb 2023 03:57:30 GMT
公主和豌豆 #1 The Princess and the Pea
公主和豌豆 #1 The Princess and the Pea
Fri, 17 Feb 2023 12:20:05 GMT
糖果屋#6 Hansel and Gretel
糖果屋#6 Hansel and Gretel
Sat, 11 Feb 2023 03:49:48 GMT
糖果屋#5 Hansel and Gretel
糖果屋#5 Hansel and Gretel
Sat, 11 Feb 2023 03:12:20 GMT
糖果屋#4 Hansel and Gretel
糖果屋#4 Hansel and Gretel
Thu, 09 Feb 2023 09:13:26 GMT
糖果屋#3 Hansel and Gretel
糖果屋#3 Hansel and Gretel
Thu, 09 Feb 2023 08:51:40 GMT
糖果屋#2 Hansel and Gretel
糖果屋#2 Hansel and Gretel
Tue, 07 Feb 2023 02:54:48 GMT
糖果屋#1 Hansel and Gretel
糖果屋#1 Hansel and Gretel
Sun, 05 Feb 2023 14:16:57 GMT
灰姑娘 #5-2 Cinderella
灰姑娘 #5-2 Cinderella
Sun, 05 Feb 2023 03:44:50 GMT
灰姑娘 #5-1 Cinderella
灰姑娘 #5-1 Cinderella
Sat, 04 Feb 2023 10:50:30 GMT
灰姑娘 #4 Cinderella
灰姑娘 #4 Cinderella
Thu, 26 Jan 2023 03:31:38 GMT
灰姑娘 #3-2 Cinderella
灰姑娘 #3-2 Cinderella
Wed, 25 Jan 2023 06:16:57 GMT
灰姑娘 #3-1 Cinderella
灰姑娘 #3-1 Cinderella
Sun, 22 Jan 2023 10:41:59 GMT
灰姑娘 #2 Cinderella
灰姑娘 #2 Cinderella
Sat, 14 Jan 2023 06:23:33 GMT
灰姑娘 #1 Cinderella
灰姑娘 #1 Cinderella
Sat, 14 Jan 2023 02:49:05 GMT
阿里巴巴與四十大盜 #5-2 Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves
阿里巴巴與四十大盜 #5-2 Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves
Fri, 13 Jan 2023 12:40:41 GMT
阿里巴巴與四十大盜 #5-1 Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves
阿里巴巴與四十大盜 #5-1 Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves
Thu, 12 Jan 2023 01:04:48 GMT
阿里巴巴與四十大盜 #4 Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves
阿里巴巴與四十大盜 #4 Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves
Wed, 28 Dec 2022 12:53:29 GMT
阿里巴巴與四十大盜 #3 Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves
阿里巴巴與四十大盜 #3 Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves
Tue, 27 Dec 2022 11:05:03 GMT
阿里巴巴與四十大盜 # 2 Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves
阿里巴巴與四十大盜 # 2 Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves
Tue, 27 Dec 2022 10:43:10 GMT
阿里巴巴與四十大盜 #1 Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves
阿里巴巴與四十大盜 #1 Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves
Mon, 26 Dec 2022 01:00:15 GMT
古怪小矮人 #5 Rumpelstiltskin
古怪小矮人 #5 Rumpelstiltskin
Tue, 20 Dec 2022 10:47:36 GMT
古怪小矮人 #4 Rumpelstiltskin
4 1. A year later and I gave birth to a beautiful boy. 2. She loved him more than her own life. 3. One dark winter’s day, the queen heard a tapping noise at her window. 4. Give me the baby as you promised. 5. Take whatever you want. 6. You can have all my money and all my jewels. 7. Something alive means more to me than all the treasures in the world. 8. At last, the little man took pity on her. 9. If you can find out my name before then, you may keep the child.
Mon, 19 Dec 2022 02:35:09 GMT
古怪小矮人 #3-2 Rumpelstiltskin
7. He took Anna to another room , even larger than the one before. 8. That nigh, the little man appeared for the third time. 9. I have nothing left to give. 10. Anna thought for a while. 11. He might forget to his request. 12. The next morning, the King was dazzled by all the gold.
Mon, 19 Dec 2022 00:46:11 GMT
古怪小矮人 #3-1
3-1 1. Anna woke up at dawn to find the little man gone. 2. When the king came in, his eyes lit up in delight. 3. Anna sat on the stool and cried. 4. I’ll give you the ring on my finger. 5. The little man left as the sun rose. 6. When the king came in, he jumped for joy.
Fri, 16 Dec 2022 06:11:05 GMT
古怪小矮人 #2 Rumpelstiltskin
2 1. At last they reached a tiny room, stuffed with straw. 2. Then he went out and the locked the door. 3. Anna sat down ,put her head in her hands and sobbed. 4. There, by the window, was a little man ,riding on a wooden spoon. 5.With a trembling hand, Anna opened the window. 6.Anna was too shocked to speak.
Wed, 14 Dec 2022 08:57:06 GMT
古怪小矮人 #1 Rumpelstiltskin
1 1. Once upon a time there was a poor miller, who loved to show off. 2. He boasted about everything. 3.I have a pretty daughter. 4.Sometimes his boasts were true. 5.Suddenly, he stopped. 6.A beautiful girl was standing on the path. 7.She can spin straw into gold. 8. The castle walls were old and crumbling. 9.Windows were broken and doors were missing. 10. The king must be short of money.
Wed, 14 Dec 2022 08:39:46 GMT
胡桃鉗#5-2 The Nutcracker
5-2 1.After the feast, a band struck up and dancers from around the world performed for Clara. 2.Next came the exotic dance of coffee. 3.A beautiful Arabian princess danced with smooth, swirling movements in time to soft, soothing music. 4.The third group of dancers had cone all the way from China to entertain everyone with their tea dance. 5.A group of ballerinas, all dressed as flowers, performed a slow waltz for Clara. 6.Their arms unfolded gracefully like the petals of a flower. 7.Thank you for an amazing evening. 8.She was so tired that she fell asleep on his shoulder.
Mon, 05 Dec 2022 05:07:03 GMT
胡桃鉗#5-1The Nutcracker
5-1 1 Then Clara saw that the mountains were topped of melted chocolate and a milkshake rivers flowed down them. 2. At the top, the doors open and the fairy appeared, dressed from head to toe in pink. 3. I hope you have a sweet tooth. 4. She led them into a grand hall, where the tables were covered with chocolate cakes, cookies and candy swirls.
Sun, 04 Dec 2022 01:57:05 GMT
胡桃鉗#4 The Nutcracker
4 1. Are you alright? 2. After some time they came to a forest covered with crisp white snow. 3. Just then, a beautiful lady dressed in sparkling white appeared among the trees. 4. Inside, icicle chandeliers hung from every ceiling. 5. They twinkled like a snowflakes as they spun around. 6. It was time to leave. 7. Do we really have to go?
Fri, 02 Dec 2022 02:38:05 GMT
胡桃鉗#3-2The Nutcracker
3-2 1. Slowly, they crept closer. 2. Clara hid behind the prince. 3. Huge lumps of cheese flew from the cannons and struck down several mice. 4. A mouse wearing a crown and an eye patch appeared. 5. That can be arranged. 6. Then disaster struck. 7. The prince tripped on a lump of cheese and sprawled on the floor. 8. He fell in the heat on the floor.
Thu, 01 Dec 2022 01:11:58 GMT
胡桃鉗#3-1The Nutcracker
3-1 1.Clara woke up with a start, feeling very confused. 2.She couldn’t remember where she was and her doll had vanished. 3.She looked around. 4.She was shrinking. 5.She was as small as a mouse. 6. Out of the corner of her eye, Clara thought she saw something leaping around. 7. Frightened she started behind a present and heard the tree rustle behind her. 8. Don’t be afraid. 9.I won’t hurt you. 10. Her doll had to come to life. 11. I am here to protect you. 12.The kitchen mice are plotting to kidnap you. 13. The prince pulled out a whistle and gave a shrill blow. 14. And once, the lid of the toy box flew open and a long line of toy soldiers marched out. 15. Standing in rows, they saluted the prince.
Thu, 01 Dec 2022 00:53:37 GMT
胡桃鉗#1 &2The Nutcracker
1&2 1. A soft and fluffy layer of snow covered Clara’s house on Christmas Eve. 2. Inside, a party was in full swing, but one very special guest hadn’t arrived. 3. Suddenly, there was a loud knock on the door. 4. She gave him a big hug. 5. Something magical always happened when he was around. 6. I have a very special present for you this year. 7. He placed a package under the tree. 8. That night, Clara couldn’t sleep. 9. She lay in bed thinking about her present. 10. It can’t hurt if I just have a little peek. 11. Finally, Clara tiptoed downstairs. 12. Inside she found within nutcracker doll, dressed like a soldier. 13. Just name the clock struck midnight. 14. Clara get an enormous yawn. 15. In a few minutes, she was fast asleep under the tree.
Sat, 19 Nov 2022 14:21:18 GMT
聖喬治和龍 #5 Saint George and the Dragon
All I really wanted is another adventure.
Sat, 19 Nov 2022 13:50:39 GMT
聖喬治和龍 #4-2 Saint George and the Dragon
The dragon howled in pain.
Sat, 19 Nov 2022 13:18:39 GMT
聖喬治和龍 #4-1 Saint George and the Dragon
Flames shot out of its nose.
Sat, 19 Nov 2022 06:49:16 GMT
聖喬治和龍 #3 Saint George and the Dragon
3 1. When the king heard the dragon’s threat, he went white. 2. With a heart as heavy as lead, he ordered his grooms to get the princess’s horse ready. 3. He was fast asleep. The princesses saw its sharp, pointed teeth and shuddered with fear.
Mon, 07 Nov 2022 13:37:32 GMT
聖喬治和龍 #2 Saint George and the Dragon
2 1.They left two fat, juicy sheep for the dragon to eat. 2.We wii have to feed it cows instead. 3.Bring me something else to eat , or I ‘ll burn your kingdom to the ground.
Sat, 05 Nov 2022 04:46:58 GMT
聖喬治和龍 #1 Saint George and the Dragon
1 1. As he admired his kingdom and he saw a dark shape in the distance. 2. The dragon soared in the loop around the castle. 3. The guards stared in horror. 4. It’s going to burn us all to cinders. 5. Feed me once a day and I’ll leave you alone. 6. Bring food to the cave by the lake. 逃跑公主 #4-2The Runaway Princess 1 1.He lived with his queen and her little sister in the magnificent in mountain palace. 2. The palace was the filter was the treasures and wanders. 3. The king’s happiness didn’t last, for his dear queen fell ill. 4. The doctors said she didn’t have long to live. 5. Don’t marry again until you find a wife as good as me. 6. No the king’s heart grew cold.
Thu, 03 Nov 2022 13:33:39 GMT
逃跑公主 #4-2The Runaway Princess
4-2 11.Anna held out her hand.
Thu, 27 Oct 2022 15:24:35 GMT
逃跑公主 #4-1The Runaway Princess
4-1 1.The prince sent out messengers far and wide. 2.Hoping against hope, the prince rode back to the farm. 3.His heart leaped. 4.He knocked eagerly, then opened the door. 5.Quick as a flash, Anna hid, leaving a cake cooling on the table. 6.It smelled so good, the prince couldn’t help taking a bite. 7.He spat out a tiny gold ring. 8.It must have fallen off while she was cooking. 9.I ‘ll marry the girl whose finger fits this ring. 10.Anna stood at the back of the great hall, wrapped in her donkeyskin cloak.
Tue, 25 Oct 2022 15:14:47 GMT
逃跑公主 #3The Runaway Princess
3 1. If you are looking for work, we need a girl to look after the geese. 2. Sometimes, as she herded the geese, Anna heard hunting horns in the forest. 3. She gazed shyly at the prince.Then she looked sadly at her tattered cloak. 4. If only I could be a princess again. 5. One of the windows glowed with a mysterious blue light. 6. Inside, the prince saw a girl in a shimmering blue dress. 7. She’s as beautiful as the sky. 8. Suddenly, he felt too shy to knock.
Mon, 24 Oct 2022 01:08:44 GMT
逃跑公主 #2The Runaway Princess
2 1. Anna’s heart sank. 2.She couldn’t married is cruel old man but she was too afraid to tell him. 3.Then she had an idea. 4. I could never marry without a dress as beautiful as the sky. 5. The king snapped his fingers. 6. That night, the ling gave Anna a dress of shimmering blue ,embroidered on all over with silky clouds. 7. The next day there was a dress of a shiny silver trimmed with glowing moonstones.
Thu, 20 Oct 2022 04:08:39 GMT
逃跑公主 #1 The Runaway Princess
1 1.He lived with his queen and her little sister in the magnificent in mountain palace. 2. The palace was the filter was the treasures and wanders. 3. The king’s happiness didn’t last, for his dear queen fell ill. 4. The doctors said she didn’t have long to live. 5. Don’t marry again until you find a wife as good as me. 6. No the king’s heart grew cold.
Thu, 20 Oct 2022 01:31:44 GMT
傑克與魔豆 #5-2 Jack and the Beanstalk
5-2 14. The giant sat down, closed his eyes and began to snore. 15. The music stopped and the giant to woke up. 16.Jumping to the ground, Jack grabbed the saw. 17.The whole beanstalk toppled to the ground, flinging the giant over the distant hills.
Sat, 15 Oct 2022 09:18:33 GMT
傑克與魔豆 #5-1 Jack and the Beanstalk
5-1 1. When Jack‘s mother saw the hen, she licked her lips. 2. This hen lays gold eggs. She ‘looks make us rich. 3.Life was very comfortable, but also a little dull. 4. Maybe the giant has other treasures. 5. I think it’s time for another adventure. 6. When Jack touched the clouds, he was already puffing and panting. 7. He followed the smell of sausages to the castle kitchen and crept under the door. 8.The giant’s wife was whistling by the stove. 9. Gerald is still in a terrible temper. 10. If he finds you here, he’ll gobble you up. 11. Jack was munching on a mushroom, when a giant voice echoed around the room. 12. That will calm you. 13. It played the soft soothing tunes all on his own.
Thu, 13 Oct 2022 15:04:57 GMT
傑克與魔豆 #4 Jack and the Beanstalk
4 1.In no time, Jack was sitting on the kitchen table. 2. Each sausage was as long as him. 3. She hid Jack in an empty teapot. 4. Heavy footsteps shook the room. 5. He guzzled down every mouthful , then licked his plate clean. 6. Eggs piled up on his hand, glinting in the morning light. 7.He yawned. 8. He rested his chin on the table and nodded off. 9. Time to escape. 10. The little hen stood trembling by her gold eggs. 11. A giant dog barked loudly but Jack kept running. 12. He heard the giant’s angry roar and ran even faster. 13. At last the beanstalk was in sight.
Mon, 10 Oct 2022 15:03:10 GMT
傑克與魔豆 #3 Jack and the Beanstalk
3 1. At last, Jack’s hair brushed a soft fluffy cloud. 2. There, floating in the distance was an enormous castle. 3. A delicious smell of sizzling sausages drifted through the air. 4. Be careful. 5. Jack saw a tiny figure with wings and a wand. 6. I don’t believe in fairies. 7. He blinked hard ,but the fairy was still there. 8. A terrifying giant lived in the castle. 9. Did you were mother tell you? 10. One day, the greedy giant attacked a flock of sheep. 11. Your father rushed to protect them and the giant or ate him. 12. He wanted her to feel brave like his dad, but he just felt hungry. 13.Just then, a whiff of bacon made Jack’s nose twitch. 14.Jack hid behind a flowerpot. 15. A giant women appeared, carrying a giant watering can. 16. Then a giant a drop of water splashed on Jack’s head and drenched him.
Sun, 09 Oct 2022 10:43:54 GMT
傑克與魔豆 #2 Jack and the Beanstalk
2 1.On the way home, Jack looked closely at the beans. 2.Instead, he opened his fist and showed her the beans. 3.His mother was furious. 4.Finally, night came and he fell asleep. 5.When he woke up, his room was still dark. 6.He could hear birds chattering. 7.He looked closer and saw a massive plant, reaching up to the sky. 8.He raced downstairs and bumped into his mother. 10.What have you done to my garden?
Wed, 05 Oct 2022 14:33:37 GMT
傑克與魔豆 #1 Jack and the Beanstalk
1 1.He searched the house for something to eat. 2.He didn’t find anything, not even a bean. 3.The only thing they owned was a cow named Milky White. 4.Jack’s mother stopped sweeping and sat down. 5.At the first sign of dawn, he ran outside. 6.The old man reached deep into his pocket and took out five dried beans. 7.It’s a deal.
Wed, 05 Oct 2022 10:47:52 GMT
阿拉丁和他的神燈 #7 Aladdin & His Magical Lamp
7 1. Abanazar had an evil brother and he wanted revenge. 2. He stood outside Aladdin’s palace pretending to heal people. 3. Badr was very excited to see Fatima and invited to her inside. 4. The roc was an enormous bird which laid huge white eggs. 5. He asked Fatima to heal his headache. 6. They had all they could wish for, so the lamp and ring were left in the drawer.
Mon, 03 Oct 2022 08:28:04 GMT
阿拉丁和他的神燈 #6 Aladdin & His Magical Lamp
6 1. Far away in the desert, Abanazar learned of Aladdin’s good fortune. 2. Abarnazar ran to a quiet corner and rubbed the lamp. 3. Take me, the palace and the princess to the middle of the desert. 4. He thought Aladdin had tricked him and sent some soldiers to arrest him. 5. Aladdin clapped his hands together in despair and the genie of the ring appeared. 6. A wicked man tricked me. 7. I’ll sneak in with some poison and you can put it in his wine. 8. After one sip, he fell to the ground and died. 9. Aladdin searched the palace for his lamp.
Sun, 02 Oct 2022 02:47:16 GMT
阿拉丁和他的神燈 #5 Aladdin & His Magical Lamp
5 1.Before long, Aladdin’s mother went back to see the Sultan. 2. Tell your son to send me more jewels. 3. The Genie managed this easily. 4. Within an hour a long, a long procession was on its way. 5.The Sultan couldn’t believe his eyes. 6. At first, Aladdin wanted a home for Badr. 7. He described his perfect palace to the genie and the Genie built it overnight. 8. Aladdin’s rode to the Sultan’s palace dressed in his finest clothes. 9. The wedding day began with music and dancing and finished with feasting and the fireworks. 10. Aladdin was the most handsome man she’d ever seen and their palace was the best in the world.
Tue, 27 Sep 2022 08:50:02 GMT
阿拉丁和他的神燈 #4 Aladdin & His Magical Lamp
4 1. Two months later,Aladdin’s mother was in the city. 2. Everyone was talking about a royal wedding. 3.Aladdin’s mother rushed home to tell Aladdin the bad news. 4. He was very upset until he remembered the genie of the lamp. 5. He ordered the genie to disturb the couple that very night. 6.You look awful. 7. Your daughter’s wonderful but I can’t cope with these horrible nightmares.
Thu, 22 Sep 2022 03:15:02 GMT
阿拉丁和他的神燈 #3 Aladdin & His Magical Lamp
3 1.Everyone must stay at home. 2.He skipped home with starry eyes and a silly smile. 3.His mother laughed but Aladdin was serious. 4. Why do you keep coming to my palace?
Wed, 21 Sep 2022 14:29:59 GMT
阿拉丁和他的神燈 #2 Aladdin & His Magical Lamp
2 1.Aladdin was trapped. It was cold, dark and spooky. 2.He rubbed his hands to keep warm. 3. How can I do for you? 4. In a flash, he found himself outside on the grass. 5. He rushed home to tell his mother what had happened. 6. Now, what do you want for supper? 7. I’ll sell that old lamp to buy some food. 8. Your wish is my command. 9. In an instant, a huge feast appeared on silver plates. 10. The food and wine lasted for a week. 11. I’ll give you a good price. 12. He ran straight home.
Tue, 20 Sep 2022 13:39:32 GMT
阿拉丁和他的神燈 #1 Aladdin & His Magical Lamp
1.Aladdin’s mother was in despair. 2.I’ve been away for many years. 3.That evening, Aladdin’s new uncle invited Aladdin to supper. 3.When he learned that Aladdin didn’t have a job, he bought him a fancy store to run. 4.He lit a fire, threw some powder on it and said some strange words. 5.Aladdin was astonished. His uncle could do magic! 6.Take this ring. It will protect you. 7.The fruit sparkled like pieces of glasses. 8.He saw the lamp, stuffed it into his pocket, and then picked handfuls of the pretty fruit. 9.Hand me the lamp. 10.Before Aladdin could answer, there was a loud thud and everything went dark.
Sun, 18 Sep 2022 13:13:23 GMT
穿著靴子的貓 #6 Puss in Boots
6 1. By this time, the royal coach had the reached the ogre’s castle. 2. You mean you all lives splendid the castle as well as all that land? 3. Would you mind if I took a look around? 4. The table was crammed with pies meat, cheeses trifles and cakes. 5.Please join us for lunch. 6. The king was impressed with the duke’s wonderful castle. 7. He realized the duke would make a perfect a prince. 8. A wedding was arranged for the very next day. 9. As for Puss, he became a lord and never had to chase mice again except for fun.
Wed, 07 Sep 2022 08:01:23 GMT
穿著靴子的貓 #5 Puss in Boots
5 1.Finally, Puss reached a magnificent castle. 2.It was owned by a fierce ogre, but that didn’t stop Puss. 3.The ogre happened to be one of the richest ogres in the country. 4.The ogre greeted Puss, licking his lips and invited that cat inside. 5.He was about to try his biggest trick. 6.Could you really turn into an elephant or a lion? 7.It was true. 8.In seconds, the ogre turned into a huge lion. 9.Puss was terrified. 10.That was the most frightening thing I’ve ever seen. 11.As soon as Puss saw the tiny mouse scampering around , he leaped on him and gobbled him up.
Tue, 06 Sep 2022 08:53:54 GMT
穿著靴子的貓 #4 Puss in Boots
4 1.As the coach rumbled along, Puss raced ahead. 2.He still had lots to do. 3.When the king drives by, tell him this field belongs to the Duke of Carabas. 4.The men didn’t dare refuse. 5.The men had been so frightened by Puss’s threats, they all spoke together. 6.Tom was astonished to hear them tell the king this was his land, but he decided to play along. 7.In the next field he passed, some men were reaping grain. 8.Horrified, the men agreed. 9.This field was twice as big as the one before. 10.Who owns this field? 11.Puss made the same threat to everyone he met. 12.The king was astonished at how much land the duke owned.
Wed, 31 Aug 2022 13:37:37 GMT
穿著靴子的貓 #3 Puss in Boots
3 1. One day, Puss and Tom were walking by the river. 2. Take off your clothes and jump in the river. 3. Tom was puzzled, but he trusted Puss, so he jumped in. 4. Puss hid all his clothes under a large stone. 5. Please rescue my master. 6. As the royal coach came by, the king recognized Puss. 7. Guards, pull the duke out of the water at once. 8. Dreadful thieves attacked my master and the store his clothes. 9. He snapped his fingers and a servant ran up. 10. Go to the palace and the fetch some clothes for the duke.
Tue, 30 Aug 2022 14:40:31 GMT
穿著靴子的貓 #2 Puss in Boots
2 1. Opening the bag, he stretched out on the ground and pretended to be dead. 2. Just as he expected, a foolish young rabbit came bouncing along and the sniffed carrots. 3. Puss was delighted with his catch. 4.He marched straight to the palace and asked to see the king. 5. In front of the throne, Puss bowed low. 6. I have brought you a gift from my master. 7. Putt become a regular visitor to the palace. 8.Soon, the king began to wonder who the generous duke was.
Sat, 27 Aug 2022 03:40:20 GMT
穿著靴子的貓 #1 Puss in Boots
1 1. Once there was a poor me there who had a three sons. 2. When he died, he left them all he had it in the world. 3. Before anyone could blink, the eldest son took the mill. 4. Tom, the youngest, was left with the cat. 5. You two can work together and earn a living. 6. Later, when they were alone, Puss jumped onto Tom’s lap. 7. Don’t look so gloomy, Master. 8. Things are not as bad as they seem. 9. Find me a bag and a pair of boots and you’ll see. 10. Tom was astonished. 11. I have one amazing cat. 12. Tom found Puss a leather bag and a shiny pair of boots. 13. The cat filled the bag with carrots and strutted off into the fields.
Sat, 27 Aug 2022 03:12:42 GMT
和七個小矮人#5 Snow White and the seven dwarfs
5 1. At the palace, the Queen’s heart was eaten up with envy. 2. Angrily, she set to work on her worst spell yet. 3. Then she dressed up as a farmer’s wife and went to the cottage once more. 4. She held out a shiny red apple. 5. At last, I am the most beautiful woman in the world.
Thu, 25 Aug 2022 04:23:16 GMT
白雪公主和七個小矮人#4-2 Snow White and the seven dwarfs
4-2 8. Whipping out a knife, one of the dwarfs sliced through it. 9. Meanwhile, the wicked Queen had run all the way home and raced to her mirror. 10. Forgetting her promise, she opened the door. 11. Quicker than a bee, the Queen darted inside and the stuck the comb in Snow White’s hair.
Tue, 16 Aug 2022 14:02:17 GMT
白雪公主和七個小矮人#4-1 Snow White and the seven dwarfs
4-1 1. Smiling at her reflection, she asked her usual question. 2. That huntsman tricked me. 3. She was so angry she couldn’t eat or sleep. 4. Instead, she spent every second plotting how to kill Snow White. 5. At least, she disguised herself as an old pedlar. 6. Packing a basket with ribbons and the silks, she set up for the forest. 7. The woman kept pulling until Snow White collapsed.
Tue, 16 Aug 2022 13:44:36 GMT
白雪公主和七個小矮人#3-2 Snow White and the seven dwarfs
3-2 17. They each lit a candle and looked around in surprise. 18. Who drank my milk? 19. Who ate my bread ? 20. Who’s on my bed ? 21. Who tried my bed? 22. She jumped out of bed in a panic? 23. When she told them about the Queen, the dwarfs were disgusted.
Tue, 16 Aug 2022 07:24:49 GMT
白雪公主和七個小矮人#3-1 Snow White and the seven dwarfs
3-1 1. Soon, her black hair was tangled with leaves. 2. She ran until the sun sank and the forest grew dark. 3. Thorny branches like witches’ fingers reached out to catch her. 4. She ran until her legs could barely hold her and then she saw a cottage. 5. Maybe someone here can help me. 6. To her dismay, there was no one home. 7. She leaned against the door to catch a breast and it swung open. 8. Snow white stumbled inside. 9. The first thing she saw was a tiny table and seven tiny chairs. 10. Snow White smell the fresh grade and honey and her mouth watered. 11. After running all day,she was starving. 12. Sitting down, she helped herself to bread and honey and drank every drop of milk from all seven mugs. 13. She put down the Destin Mac and the yawned. 14. Running oh day was exhausting. 15. Seven tiny beds with fat pillows stood along one wall. 16. Snow White tried bed after bed.
Fri, 12 Aug 2022 01:03:17 GMT
白雪公主和七個小矮人#2 Snow White and the seven dwarfs
2 1. The Queen called for the royal huntsman, her heart is bursting with the jealousy. 2. I can’t stand her near me. 3. Bring me back her lungs and liver, so I know she’s dead. 4. The huntsman was horrified, but he had to obey. 5. Her dark eyes filled with tears and the huntsman took pity on her. 6. As he stood there, he spotted a wild pig in the distance. 7. Never returned to the palace.
Tue, 09 Aug 2022 12:12:11 GMT
白雪公主和七個小矮人#1 Snow White and the seven dwarfs
1 1. When winter’s day, a young Queen stood sewing by her window. 2. As she watched the feathery snowflakes fall, her needle slipped. 3. Three drops of ruby-red blood fell onto the snow. 4. I wish I had a child. 5. Her wish came true. 6. The Queen’s daughter had skin as white as snow, lips as red as blood and hair as black as ebony. 7. His joy was mixed with misery for the young Queen died. 8. Within a year, he had married again. 9. His new wife was proud and vain. 10. The only thing she wanted was to Be the most beautiful woman in the world. 11. Morning and night, she gazed into her magic mirror and asked the same question. 12. Mirror mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest of us all? 13. The Queen went pink with rage and her beautiful face scowled into the mirror. 14. Finally, she could bear it no longer.
Sun, 07 Aug 2022 10:10:14 GMT
睡美人#6-2 Sleeping Beauty
6-2 12. Florien’s heart fluttered like a bird when he saw her. 13. She was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. 14. Taking her hand, he kissed her soft lips. 15. Her eyes flickered open and Rose found herself face to face with the prince of her dreams. 16. As they walked through tunnels of roses, everyone else in the castle woke up too. 17. Rose and Florien were married the very next day. 18.They lived happily ever after and the prince always lost at chess.
Sun, 07 Aug 2022 09:44:30 GMT
睡美人#6-1 Sleeping Beauty
6-1 1. For one hundred years the castle stayed hidden. 2. Only the tops of the towers showed through the bushes. 3. Passers-by started to stare at the forgotten castle. 4. Princes from far and wide heard about the spell. 5. The thorns cut their skin and the roots wrapped around their legs like snakes. 6. One by one, they gave up. 7. He had dreamed of Sleeping Beauty and was determined to find her. 8. He pulled out his sword with a flourish and began to tackle the spiky bushes. 9. As for Florien’s sword touched a branch, something magical happened. 10. Each sharp thorn became a sweet-smelling rose. 11. A pass cleared before him.
Sun, 07 Aug 2022 03:46:08 GMT
睡美人#5-2 Sleeping Beauty
5-2 1. Inside, an woman sat hunched over a spinning wheel. 2. It’s amazing. 3.May I try? 4. Rose fell to the floor. 5. In the same instant, everyone in the castle fell asleep. 6. The king nodded off over his pudding and the court jester froze mid-leap. 7. Oh the clocks stopped. 8. The place was the silent and still except for the rose bushes. 9. The spread like Ivy covering everything in the path. 10. They grow so quickly that soon the entire caso was covered in sick roots and the sharp thorns.
Fri, 05 Aug 2022 11:36:10 GMT
睡美人#5-1 Sleeping Beauty
5-1 1. The night of the ball finally arrived. 2. Handsome princess and the pretty princesses flooded into the great Hall. 3. Rose pleaded for a game. 4. She shouted and the dashed off into the castle. 5. She raced up twisting stairs. 6. Soft singing floated Down the turret stairs. 7. In the trance, Rose followed the music. 8. At the top of the stairs, she found a heavy iron door.
Thu, 04 Aug 2022 15:21:36 GMT
睡美人#4 Sleeping Beauty
4 1. The years passed and Rode grew into a delightful girl. 2. Everyone she met adored her. 3. She danced, sang and played music as wonderfully as fairies had wished. 4. Rose loved playing hide-and-seek in the castle gardens. 5. Secretly, she liked to sketch the prince of her dreams. 6. The king and queen were planning a huge ball.
Thu, 04 Aug 2022 08:22:54 GMT
睡美人#3 Sleeping Beauty
1. As Jasmine hovered over the cradle, a blast of icy air swept through the Great Hall. 2. Then a chilling voice rang out of nowhere. 3. Haven’t you forgotten someone? 4. Suddenly, the meme fairy Nightshade appeared in a whirlwind of foul green smoke. 5. How dare you not invite me? 6. Nightshade screamed so fiercely the flames in the fireplace when out. 7. What should I wish for you? 8. Everyone in the palace held their breath. 9. Silent tears run down the queen’s face. 10. On your sixteenth birthday, you will prick your finger on spinning wheel and die. 11. I can’t undo the wicked spell, but I can try to change it. 12. You and everyone else in the castle well fall into a deep sleep. 13. Only a kiss from your true love will break the spell. 14. Burn every spinning wheel in the land at once. 15. That night, the flames from a massive bonfire could be seen for miles. 16. They licked the dark sky like serpents’ tongues.
Tue, 02 Aug 2022 14:04:51 GMT
睡美人#2-2 Sleeping Beauty
7. Rose will be the most beautiful girl in the kingdom. 8. She will dance to perfection, play every instrument and like an angel and Seem like a nightingale.
Tue, 02 Aug 2022 04:00:51 GMT
睡美人#2-1 Sleeping Beauty
2-1 1. The men wore cloaks of the finest velvet and the women she shimmered in silks. 2. Let the feast begin. 3. Merry music filled the room. 4. The tables were piled high with scrumptious food and everyone ate off golden plates. 5. The fairies gather did before the king and queen. 6. We have some wishes for Princess Rose.
Tue, 02 Aug 2022 03:32:09 GMT
睡美人#1 Sleeping Beauty
1.How many years ago, a king and queen lived in a magical castle. 2.They had the everything they could want to except a baby. 3. Year after year, the queen stitched and sewed tiny clothes. 4. The King made toys in his palace workshop. 5. True to the frog’s words, the queen gave birth to a lovely baby girl. 6. The king sent the invitations by the bluebird post-and everyone agreed to come. 7. Servants scrubbed and cleaned until the castle gleamed. 8. There had never been a party like it.
Sun, 31 Jul 2022 04:45:18 GMT
齊天大聖#3-3The Monkey King
3-3 15. You were in my hand all the time. 16. There I’m Buddha’s finger was a familiar message and the there was a funny smell. 17. That’s impossible. 18. His voice trailed off. 19. Time for a quick exit. 20. At his command, thunder roared and rocks rained down,burying Monkey under a huge mountain. 21. The peaches and potions had made him too strong. 22. There you will stay until you are ready to mend your ways.
Sat, 30 Jul 2022 05:19:07 GMT
齊天大聖#3-2The Monkey King
3-2 9. If you fail, you must accept your punishment. 10. Buddha’s hand looked don’t no bigger than a lotus leaf. 11. Can you leap this far? 12. I’ve better leave my mark here, in case Buddha tries to cheat. 13. The hair turned into a brush. 14. Before he left, he piddled on the pillars as well.
Tue, 26 Jul 2022 06:41:59 GMT
齊天大聖#3-1 The Monkey King
3-1 1.The banquet is ruined. 2. It’s all the monkey’s fault. 3. Every time I a soldier knocked him down he sprang up again unharmed. 4. What shall we do? 5. Let’s ask Buddha to help. 6. I want to you to behave yourself. 7. Why should I just sent to you? 8. What makes you so special?
Mon, 25 Jul 2022 15:36:23 GMT
齊天大聖 #2-2 The Monkey King
2-2 5.Monkey sniffed the air hungrily. 6. Inside, rows of bottles lined the shelves. 7. I wonder if the other bottles taste as good. 8.One by one, he drank them all. 9. Suddenly he heard voices. 10. The empress is very upset about the missing peaches. 11. Time to get out of here.
Sun, 24 Jul 2022 06:15:59 GMT
齊天大聖 #2-1 The Monkey King
2-1 1. She told the cook to prepare his finest the dishes. 2. She sent the Heavenly fairies to pick the magic of peaches. 3. Where is my invitation ? 4. He stormed off to complain to the empress.
Wed, 13 Jul 2022 15:37:21 GMT
齊天大聖 #1-3 The Monkey King
1-3 14. The orangey peaches ripen every 6000 years. 15. They help you to fly. 16. That sounds good. 17. The purple peaches take nine thousand years to ripen. 18. Eating one makes you live forever. 19. This is even better. 20. Monkey was thrilled to be in charge of such important trees. 21. He spent hours in the garden,bossing the gardeners around. 22. One day, he spotted a ripe of purple peach, high in the leaves. 23. He climbed through the branches and gobbled it up.
Wed, 13 Jul 2022 07:11:38 GMT
齊天大聖 #1-2 The Monkey King
1-2 7. I deserve better. 8. The emperor shoe that his fist when he heard the news. 9. Why don’t we give him a better job. 10. OK. I accept. 11. First, they showed him trees full of small yellow peaches. 12. The yellow peaches ripen every 3000 years. 13. Eating them makes you wise and clever.
Wed, 13 Jul 2022 06:26:47 GMT
青蛙王子 #5-2 The Frog Prince
5-2 7. I didn’t mean to hurt you. 8. There was a loud crash of thunder followed by a shower of sparks. 9. At last. I’m human again. 10. I could only become human again if a princess kissed me. 11. You could marry me. 12. That’s true. 13. Will you marry me?
Mon, 11 Jul 2022 08:52:15 GMT
青蛙王子 #5-1 The Frog Prince
5-1 1. You are the meanest, ugliest, most horrible frog I’ve ever met. 2. If you mention my promise one more time, I’ll throw you out of the window. 3. She strode over to the frog, picked him up and threw him out of her window. 4. There was a long silence followed by a loud splat. 5. Poppy picked him up, as gently as she could. 6. Are you all right?
Mon, 11 Jul 2022 08:34:51 GMT
齊天大聖 #1-1 The Monkey King
1-1 1.Monkey was the cleverest animal in China. 2. He was the king of the monkeys. 3. He was always stealing food and demanding presents. 4. What shall we do? 5. Let’s give him a job in Heaven where we can keep an eye on him. 6. My job is much more important than yours.
Sun, 10 Jul 2022 13:32:38 GMT
青蛙王子 #4-3 The Frog Prince
4-3 12. Princesses don’t break promises. 13. Poppy took a deep breath.
Sat, 09 Jul 2022 03:59:26 GMT
青蛙王子 #4-2 The Frog Prince
4-2 6. I think I might be allergic to frogs. 7.May I sit at the table too? 8.Don’t be so rude. 9.I’m starving. 10.Help yourself. 11. I don’t think I am hungry anymore.
Tue, 05 Jul 2022 07:28:58 GMT
青蛙王子 #4-1 The Frog Prince
4-1 1. Just then, there was a faint tapping sound. 2. Poppy had a sinking feeling. 3. She rushed to the door, opened it and peered outside. 4. Poppy slammed the door in his face. 5.You must keep your word. *peer(v)盯著看 podcast 裡口誤說成peep(v)偷看
Mon, 27 Jun 2022 08:33:37 GMT
青蛙王子 #3 The Frog Prince
1.The frog pushed down on his feet, leap up with his legs and plunged into the pond. 2. She snatched up the ball and the raced back to the palace. 3. What about your promise ? 4. Poppy was already too far away to hear. 5.He couldn’t catch up with Poppy.
Fri, 24 Jun 2022 07:38:28 GMT
青蛙王子 #2 The Frog Prince
1.Princess Poppy ran down the path to the palace pond, throwing and catching her ball as she went. 2.I am in big trouble. 3.Poppy stated in surprise. 4.Promise that you will let me live in your palace. 5.I want to eat from your plate, drink from your glass and sleep on your silken pillow.
Sat, 18 Jun 2022 08:23:14 GMT
青蛙王子 #1 The Frog Prince
1.Don’t be so rude. 2.You’ve be pampered by your mother, spoiled by your sisters. 3.My sisters got all the best princes.
Wed, 15 Jun 2022 13:01:08 GMT
皇帝和夜鷹 #4 The Emperor and the Nightingale
The emperor of China was a very proud man. He always wanted the best of everything. His palace was made of fine white bricks with the solid golden roof. His garden was full of bright flowers with silver bells. One day, he was reading a book about his wonderful palace. Great Quotes 1. The garden is full of bells that tinkle sweetly, but the nightingale’s song sounds sweeter than the bells. 2. My song sounds best out here, among the trees. 3. He was enchanted by her voice. 4. The emperor became sick. He lay in bed, staring sadly at his broken bird. 5. His room was full of silence and shadows. The doctors said he was close to death. 6. She sang so sweetly that the shadows seemed to fade.
Wed, 15 Jun 2022 12:11:01 GMT
皇帝和夜鷹 #3 The Emperor and the Nightingale
The emperor of China was a very proud man. He always wanted the best of everything. His palace was made of fine white bricks with the solid golden roof. His garden was full of bright flowers with silver bells. One day, he was reading a book about his wonderful palace. Great Quotes 1. The garden is full of bells that tinkle sweetly, but the nightingale’s song sounds sweeter than the bells. 2. My song sounds best out here, among the trees. 3. He was enchanted by her voice. 4. The emperor became sick. He lay in bed, staring sadly at his broken bird. 5. His room was full of silence and shadows. The doctors said he was close to death. 6. She sang so sweetly that the shadows seemed to fade.
Sun, 12 Jun 2022 04:50:38 GMT
皇帝和夜鷹 #2 The Emperor and the Nightingale
The emperor of China was a very proud man. He always wanted the best of everything. His palace was made of fine white bricks with the solid golden roof. His garden was full of bright flowers with silver bells. One day, he was reading a book about his wonderful palace. Great Quotes 1. The garden is full of bells that tinkle sweetly, but the nightingale’s song sounds sweeter than the bells. 2. My song sounds best out here, among the trees, but I will come. 3. He was enchanted by her voice. 4. The emperor became sick. He lay in bed, staring sadly at his broken bird. 5. His room was full of silence and shadows. The doctors said he was close to death. 6. She sang so sweetly that the shadows seemed to fade.
Sat, 11 Jun 2022 04:37:03 GMT
皇帝和夜鷹 #1 The Emperor and the Nightingale
The emperor of China was a very proud man. He always wanted the best of everything. His palace was made of fine white bricks with the solid golden roof. His garden was full of bright flowers with silver bells. One day, he was reading a book about his wonderful palace. 佳句 1. The garden is full of bells that tinkle sweetly, but the nightingale’s song sounds sweeter than the bells. 2. My song sounds best out here, among the trees, but I will come. 3. He was enchanted by her voice. 4. The emperor became sick. He lay in bed, staring sadly at his broken bird. 5. His room was full of silence and shadows. The doctors said he was close to death. 6. She sang so sweetly that the shadows seemed to fade.
Tue, 07 Jun 2022 06:09:33 GMT
會飛的女巫 #4 Baba Yaga The Flying Witch
Tasha’s mother gave her a magic doll before she died. A few years later, Tasha’s father married again. One day, Tasha’s new mother asked her to go to Baba Yaga’s hut and to ask for a needle and thread. The doll promised to protect Tasha.
Mon, 06 Jun 2022 13:06:45 GMT
會飛的女巫 #3 Baba Yaga The Flying Witch
Tasha’s mother gave her a magic doll before she died. A few years later, Tasha’s father married again. One day, Tasha’s new mother asked her to go to Baba Yaga’s hut and to ask for a needle and thread. The doll promised to protect Tasha.
Mon, 06 Jun 2022 12:23:26 GMT
會飛的女巫 #2 Baba Yaga The Flying Witch
Tasha’s mother gave her a magic doll before she died. A few years later, Tasha’s father married again. One day, Tasha’s new mother asked her to go to Baba Yaga’s hut and to ask for a needle and thread. The doll promised to protect Tasha.
Mon, 06 Jun 2022 10:54:47 GMT
會飛的女巫 #1 Baba Yaga The Flying Witch
Tasha’s mother gave her a magic doll before she died. A few years later, Tasha’s father married again. One day, Tasha’s new mother asked her to go to Baba Yaga’s hut and to ask for a needle and thread. The doll promised to protect Tasha.
Fri, 03 Jun 2022 11:16:05 GMT
ㄧ英吋王子 #5 The Inch Prince
Mr. and Mrs. Ping were a little old man and a little old woman. Mrs. Ping wanted to have a child, even a tiny one. A fairy gave them a one-inch -tall boy. Many years later, it was time for him to leave home. He got three presents from his parents- a bowl, a pair of chopsticks and a needle. His adventure would begin.
Mon, 30 May 2022 06:59:44 GMT
ㄧ英吋王子 #4 The Inch Prince
Mr. and Mrs. Ping were a little old man and a little old woman. Mrs. Ping wanted to have a child, even a tiny one. A fairy gave them a one-inch -tall boy. Many years later, it was time for him to leave home. He got three presents from his parents- a bowl, a pair of chopsticks and a needle. His adventure would begin.
Sun, 29 May 2022 04:56:09 GMT
ㄧ英吋王子 #3 The Inch Prince
Mr. and Mrs. Ping were a little old man and a little old woman. Mrs. Ping wanted to have a child, even a tiny one. A fairy gave them a one-inch -tall boy. Many years later, it was time for him to leave home. He got three presents from his parents- a bowl, a pair of chopsticks and a needle. His adventure would begin.
Sat, 28 May 2022 04:33:40 GMT
ㄧ英吋王子 #2 The Inch Prince
Mr. and Mrs. Ping were a little old man and a little old woman. Mrs. Ping wanted to have a child, even a tiny one. A fairy gave them a one-inch -tall boy. Many years later, it was time for him to leave home. He got three presents from his parents- a bowl, a pair of chopsticks and a needle. His adventure would begin.
Sat, 28 May 2022 04:21:58 GMT
ㄧ英吋王子 #1 The Inch Prince
Mr. and Mrs. Ping were a little old man and a little old woman. Mrs. Ping wanted to have a child, even a tiny one. A fairy gave them a one-inch -tall boy. Many years later, it was time for him to leave home. He got three presents from his parents- a bowl, a pair of chopsticks and a needle. His adventure would begin.
Fri, 27 May 2022 06:49:31 GMT
嘉蒂拉和三隻熊熊 #4 Goldilocks and the Three Bears
Goldilocks was a naughty girl. One day, she went into the woods where she found a cottage. There was a delicious smell coming from inside.
Thu, 26 May 2022 04:26:01 GMT
嘉蒂拉和三隻熊熊 #3 Goldilocks and the Three Bears
Goldilocks was a naughty girl. One day, she went into the woods where she found a cottage. There was a delicious smell coming from inside.
Tue, 24 May 2022 05:26:45 GMT
嘉蒂拉和三隻熊熊 #2 Goldilocks and the Three Bears
Goldilocks was a naughty girl. One day, she went into the woods where she found a cottage. There was a delicious smell coming from inside.
Mon, 16 May 2022 07:52:45 GMT
嘉蒂拉和三隻熊熊 #1 Goldilocks and the Three Bears
Goldilocks was a naughty girl. One day, she went into the woods where she found a cottage. There was a delicious smell coming from inside.
Sun, 15 May 2022 05:13:50 GMT
不情願的龍 #4 The Reluctant Dragon
A boy and a dragon were friends. All the villagers were afraid of the dragon, but the boy wasn’t. Saint George the Dragon Killer wanted to fight, but the Dragon didn’t. Therefore, they planned to have a pretend fight.
Fri, 13 May 2022 05:47:06 GMT
不情願的龍 #3 The Reluctant Dragon
A boy and a dragon were friends. All the villagers were afraid of the dragon, but the boy wasn’t. Saint George the Dragon Killer wanted to fight, but the Dragon didn’t. Therefore, they planned to have a pretend fight.
Thu, 12 May 2022 12:36:33 GMT
不情願的龍 #2 The Reluctant Dragon
A boy and a dragon were friends. All the villagers were afraid of the dragon, but the boy wasn’t. Saint George the Dragon Killer wanted to fight, but the Dragon didn’t. Therefore, they planned to have a pretend fight.
Thu, 12 May 2022 12:22:20 GMT
不情願的龍 #1 The Reluctant Dragon
A boy and a dragon were friends. All the villagers were afraid of the dragon, but the boy wasn’t. Saint George the Dragon Killer wanted to fight, but the Dragon didn’t. Therefore, they planned to have a pretend fight.
Thu, 12 May 2022 02:13:43 GMT
金色的地毯 #5 The Golden Carpet
Prince Aram went out hunting with his friends. They were thirsty. A girl called Ani gave them some water. Aram decided to marry her. He visited Ani’s home and found that Ani was good at weaving.
Sun, 08 May 2022 02:54:42 GMT
金色的地毯 #4 The Golden Carpet
Prince Aram went out hunting with his friends. They were thirsty. A girl called Ani gave them some water. Aram decided to marry her. He visited Ani’s home and found that Ani was good at weaving.
Sun, 08 May 2022 02:26:45 GMT
金色的地毯 #3 The Golden Carpet
Prince Aram went out hunting with his friends. They were thirsty. A girl called Ani gave them some water. Aram decided to marry her. He visited Ani’s home and found that Ani was good at weaving.
Sat, 07 May 2022 05:52:02 GMT
金色的地毯 #2 The Golden Carpet
Prince Aram went out hunting with his friends. They were thirsty. A girl called Ani gave them some water. Aram decided to marry her. He visited Ani’s home and found that Ani was good at weaving.
Sat, 07 May 2022 05:10:37 GMT
金色的地毯 #1 The Golden Carpet
Prince Aram went out hunting with his friends. They were thirsty. A girl called Ani gave them some water. Aram decided to marry her. He visited Ani’s home and found that Ani was good at weaving.
Fri, 06 May 2022 04:16:57 GMT
安納克里斯和獅子#5 Androcles and the Lion
Poor Androcles worked for a rich man. The man was mean and didn’t pay him. Androcles ran away. He ran into an enormous lion in the forest.
Fri, 29 Apr 2022 01:04:23 GMT
安納克里斯和獅子#4 Androcles and the Lion
Poor Androcles worked for a rich man. The man was mean and didn’t pay him. Androcles ran away. He ran into an enormous lion in the forest.
Fri, 29 Apr 2022 00:30:01 GMT
安納克里斯和獅子#3 Androcles and the Lion
Poor Androcles worked for a rich man. The man was mean and didn’t pay him. Androcles ran away. He ran into an enormous lion in the forest.
Wed, 27 Apr 2022 13:01:07 GMT
安納克里斯和獅子 #2 Androcles and the Lion
Poor Androcles worked for a rich man. The man was mean and didn’t pay him. Androcles ran away. He ran into an enormous lion in the forest.
Thu, 21 Apr 2022 06:22:42 GMT
安納克里斯和獅子 #1 Androcles and the Lion
Poor Androcles worked for a rich man. The man was mean and didn’t pay him. Androcles ran away. He ran into an enormous lion in the forest.
Wed, 20 Apr 2022 06:21:47 GMT
龜兔賽跑 #4 The Hare and the Tortoise
Harry Hare loved running and always boasted he was the fastest hare in the world. One day, Tom Tortoise wanted to race Harry Hare. Who would win the race?
Thu, 14 Apr 2022 01:00:35 GMT
龜兔賽跑 #3 The Hare and the Tortoise
Harry Hare loved running and always boasted he was the fastest hare in the world. One day, Tom Tortoise wanted to race Harry Hare. Who would win the race?
Wed, 13 Apr 2022 08:02:27 GMT
龜兔賽跑 #2 The Hare and the Tortoise
Harry Hare loved running and always boasted he was the fastest hare in the world. One day, Tom Tortoise wanted to race Harry Hare. Who would win the race?
Sun, 10 Apr 2022 02:06:48 GMT
龜兔賽跑 #1 The Hare and the Tortoise
Harry Hare loved running and always boasted he was the fastest hare in the world. One day, Tom Tortoise wanted to race Harry Hare. Who would win the race?
Sun, 10 Apr 2022 01:43:36 GMT
小紅帽 #5 Little Red Ridding Hood
Little Red Ridding Hood took a pot of vegetable soup to her granny. She had to go through the deep, dark woods. What would happen to her?
Mon, 04 Apr 2022 03:32:47 GMT
小紅帽 #3 Little Red Ridding Hood
Little Red Ridding Hood took a pot of vegetable soup to her granny. She had to go through the deep, dark woods. What would happen to her?
Thu, 31 Mar 2022 01:55:37 GMT
小紅帽 #2 Little Red Ridding Hood
Little Red Ridding Hood took a pot of vegetable soup to her granny. She had to go through the deep, dark woods. What would happen to her?
Mon, 28 Mar 2022 13:43:38 GMT
小紅帽 #1 Little Red Ridding Hood
Little Red Ridding Hood took a pot of vegetable soup to her granny. She had to go through the deep, dark woods. What would happen to her?
Mon, 28 Mar 2022 13:33:26 GMT
迪克男孩#7 Dick Whittington
Dick is a poor boy who lived on his own. He wanted to be rich so he looked for work, but he could find any. He decided to look for work in London. It was said that the big city was made of gold.
Sun, 27 Mar 2022 13:34:09 GMT
迪克男孩#6 Dick Whittington
Dick is a poor boy who lived on his own. He wanted to be rich so he looked for work, but he could find any. He decided to look for work in London. It was said that the big city was made of gold.
Wed, 23 Mar 2022 13:09:30 GMT
迪克男孩#5 Dick Whittington
Dick is a poor boy who lived on his own. He wanted to be rich so he looked for work, but he could find any. He decided to look for work in London. It was said that the big city was made of gold.
Wed, 23 Mar 2022 11:45:32 GMT
迪克男孩#4 Dick Whittington
Dick is a poor boy who lived on his own. He wanted to be rich so he looked for work, but he could find any. He decided to look for work in London. It was said that the big city was made of gold.
Mon, 21 Mar 2022 09:26:43 GMT
迪克男孩#1 Dick Whittington
Dick is a poor boy who lived on his own. He wanted to be rich so he looked for work, but he could find any. He decided to look for work in London. It was said that the big city was made of gold.
Wed, 16 Mar 2022 12:22:31 GMT
波妮公主和她的小馬兒 #4 Princess Polly and the Pony
Princess Polly loved galloping on her ponies, but the Queen and the King didn’t allow her to do so. Princess Polly felt very bored. She decided to join in Pony Games.
Wed, 09 Mar 2022 07:55:02 GMT
波妮公主和她的小馬兒 #3 Princess Polly and the Pony
Princess Polly loved galloping on her ponies, but the Queen and the King didn’t allow her to do so. Princess Polly felt very bored. She decided to join in Pony Games.
Thu, 03 Mar 2022 00:57:50 GMT
波妮公主和她的小馬兒 #2 Princess Polly and the Pony
Princess Polly loved galloping on her ponies, but the Queen and the King didn’t allow her to do so. Princess Polly felt very bored. She decided to join in Pony Games.
Mon, 14 Feb 2022 04:33:27 GMT
波妮公主和她的小馬兒 #1 Princess Polly and the Pony
Princess Polly loved galloping on her ponies, but the Queen and the King didn’t allow her to do so. Princess Polly felt very bored. She decided to join in Pony Games.
Wed, 09 Feb 2022 08:01:52 GMT
失去吼叫聲的恐龍 #A The Dinosaur Who Lost His ROAR p2-p25
Sid lived in the forest. He liked scaring other dinosaurs. One day, he lost his roar.
Sat, 29 Jan 2022 11:16:51 GMT
失去吼叫聲的恐龍 #2 The Dinosaur Who Lost His ROAR
Sid lived in the forest. He liked scaring other dinosaurs. One day, he lost his roar.
Fri, 28 Jan 2022 13:28:51 GMT
失去吼叫聲的恐龍 #1The Dinosaur Who Lost His ROAR
Sid lived in the forest. He liked scaring other dinosaurs. One day, he lost his roar.
Fri, 28 Jan 2022 12:59:02 GMT
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