どんたくのルーツ 博多松ばやし / Matsubayashi Festival: Dontaku 2023 - Kick-off event!

1 年前
(基於 PinQueue 指標)
Dontaku STARTS!!! 博多どんたくのルーツ「博多松ばやし」。博多どんたく港まつりのパレード幕開けを飾り、福神様・恵比須様・大黒様の三福神が市中を馬に乗って祝って廻ります。中世の民俗文化が色濃く残る博多松囃子を、Kyushu Liveでは5月3日の初日をライブでお届けします!This parade is the origin of the festival – it hasn’t changed much in 840 years! It departs at 8:50 from Kushida Shrine on May 3 (Fri.) and May 4 (Sat.). This colorful procession is led by three gods of fortune riding on horseback: Fukurokuju (god of long life), Ebisu (god of business) and Daikoku (god of wealth). They’re accompanied by a group of dancing children, who, in case the gods get above themselves, sing the special festival chant ‘iitate.’ In their wake follow thousands of local people in traditional dress, all performing the Matsubayashi custom of greeting each other through song and dance. This procession has remained unchanged since the Middle Ages and has been designated an Intangible Cultural Property by Fukuoka Prefecture. This group also leads the main Dontaku Parade on May 4.

Hakata Matsubayashi Parade
• 5/3 (Wed, hol.), 5/4 (Thu., hol.)
• 9:00~17:00
• Venue: Departs from Kushida Shrine (1-41 Kamikawabata-machi, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka)

About me
Nick Szasz, a Canadian who has lived in Japan for over thirty years. Mostly in Fukuoka and a few years in Tokyo and Osaka. I’m the founder and publisher of Fukuoka Now, a monthly printed bilingual magazine about Fukuoka and Kyushu for international residents and visitors from overseas https://www.fukuoka-now.com/ I live in Itoshima and post about that here: http://www.itoshima-now.com/

I reply to all comments, so leave one, and press the “like” button and “subscribe” so you’ll see the next episode.

Email: live@fukuoka-now.com

Kyushu Live(九州ライブ)について
福岡から発信する国際人向け多言語メディア「Fukuoka Now」編集長ニック・サーズが、福岡九州の「今」を英語と日本語でお届けします。Fukuoka Now webサイト、SNS、そして、YouTubeチャンネル「Kyushu Live」でのライブ配信と、多様な手法で福岡九州の魅力を配信中です。1998年から続く日々のメディア運営で培ったリサーチ&編集力で、地元の人にも人気の国際視点での情報をお楽しみに!

@KyushuLive をチャンネル登録、いいね!クリックで応援してね。コメントも楽しみにしています!

Kyushu Live(九州ライブ)はFukuoka Nowが行う動画メディアを使ったプロジェクトです。お仕事の話も大歓迎です。
(基於 PinQueue 指標)
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