
獨家專訪葛師科|天民樓主暢談「青花瓷」的前世今生|Owner of Tianminlou Collection Chronicles History of Blue & White Porcelain

5 年前
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青花瓷器源遠流長,典雅美麗,遍行世界,對後世工藝、審美影響深遠。「天民樓」是瓷器界的泰山北斗,尤其是青花瓷,可謂冠絕私人收藏。天民樓主 - 葛師科研究青花多年,認識深厚,上回專訪淺說永樂、宣德青花,大家只覺意猶未盡。今回,就請樓主暢談「青花瓷」的起源、發展,讓你我探索這種美麗瓷器的前世今生。

Full article: https://bit.ly/2Fn3jNS
Blue and white porcelain is praised for its simple yet elegant design. It has profound impact in shaping the aesthetic and development of Chinese works of art. To explore the fascinating history of Chinese blue and white porcelain, we have invited See-for Kot (S.F. Kot), who owns the largest repository of Yuan blue and white porcelain in private hands with his prize Tianminlou collection.
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