The Make A Statement Podcast

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The Make A Statement Podcast
Welcome to The Make A Statement Podcast. This podcast is about current politics and other relevant topics near and dear to my heart. My goal is to provide you with the hottest topics with a common sense approach, which is missing from many other outlets today.
Tue, 19 Mar 2024 16:46:37 -0500
The Media Spins Continue

Like nobody expected this. Once again as we are midway through another election year for the office of President, the media spins have begun and continue. Listen in to this hot topic as well as other things that are playing a role in our everyday lives as well as how we live or may continue to live in the future.

Tue, 19 Mar 2024 16:46:37 -0500
A Major Poo Show Is Fixin' To Happen

Everything from a sham of a State of The Union, more stupidity coming from Leticia James, Trump winning GOP ticket, and Tik-Tok going on the chopping block.

This is certainly an episode you will not want to miss. Grab your favorite beverage and turn up the volume because it's fixing to get real right here on the Make A Statement Podcast.

Thu, 14 Mar 2024 00:20:52 -0500
We're Fixin' To Go Hot - Buckle It Up & Gear Up

You read the title right. We're fixin' to go hot! It's time for everyone to start getting their goods in order and buckle up because we're gonna be in for a wild ride.

I know people hear me say this all the time, but we are so close to the Doomsday clock striking straight up Midnight, that there are just seconds until that event becomes a reality. You need to listen in and make sure and share this with someone you love or care about.

Thu, 07 Mar 2024 13:20:01 -0600
Oh, It's Fixin' To Blow Folks - Latest In Geopolitics

Welcome back, everyone.

Man o man, I can assuredly tell you that things are fixin' to blow and it's not going to be pretty. Everything from our current geopolitical issues currently taking place in the U.S.A, as well as what is shaping up around the world could very well find us in the middle of a direct conflict with any one of our adversaries. Crank up that volume, because this is one episode you are not going to want to miss out on.

Mon, 04 Mar 2024 23:46:54 -0600
It's Time For A Change - Where Do We Start?

Things are just off of the rails. Whether it be in our current geopolitical issues around the world, an ever-increasing crisis at our Southern border, an upcoming election, and hacks abroad that are attempting to bring down our networks.

It's a lot to cover in one episode, but I'll give my two-cent opinion on what's going on around our world. Come on in and have a listen.

Tue, 27 Feb 2024 14:25:34 -0600
Fizzle Fizzle It's Going To Sizzle

Oh my, what a show I have for you this evening. We're on the brink of an all-out global event with one of our largest enemies, the crisis continues to grow at our Southern border, civilization is on the brink of falling apart, and more. Grab your favorite listening devices and turn up the volume, because this is one episode you are not going to want to miss out on.

Get ready, because it's all about to start right here on the Make A Statement Podcast

Thu, 15 Feb 2024 21:26:14 -0600
It's Time To Get Prepared - It's Going To Be A Roller Coaster of A Ride

Just when you thought things really couldn't take a turn for the worse, then this!

Folks, it's time for everyone to prepare for what is in store for us just around the corner. Oh, and I'm saving the huge news for last. So listen in and be sure and spread this broadcast.

Thu, 08 Feb 2024 10:07:41 -0600
The Drums of War Begin Beating

Man, with the passing of every day The Drums of War Begin Beating even harder.

Join me in this episode and discover what's been going on and how I see some things in the future unfolding.

Tue, 06 Feb 2024 22:20:23 -0600
Buckle Up Buttercup - It's All Going Down

Buckle Up Buttercup

I'm here to tell you that at no other point in American History has been as pivotal as what we are seeing to take place at our Southern border.

Everything from 25 various state Governor's standing with Texas to 700 hundred thousand trucks having a convoy to stand against our open border policy, to even our former president telling Republican Governors to aid in the support of Texas.

This and a bit more on today's episode of Make A Statement

Mon, 29 Jan 2024 14:47:30 -0600
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