
[ENG]《哈哈台地區的街訪》上班時間的「桃園市」閒人!People in Taoyuan City, Taiwan. 中壢是不是桃園的一部份?🎤|哈哈台

3 年前
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因應許多觀眾敲碗,加上我們也想暫離雙北,到外縣市吸取新氣象,#哈哈台街訪 #上班時間的閒人 前進「#桃園市」,本次走訪了桃園、中壢火車站周邊、龍岡、中原大學等地,桃園是不是美食沙漠?桃園與中壢到底在戰什麼?這邊又有哪些奇人呢?來聽聽他們怎麼說!

This is the first episode outside the Greater Taipei area. Taoyuan City was upgraded into a special municipality in 2014. Compared to the housing prices in Taipei City and New Taipei City, Taoyuan City has become a perfect place for real estate in Taiwan. Over 2.25 million people moved to Taoyuan in the past 5 years. It has the largest airport in Taiwan, Taoyuan International Airport. Due to the city’s industrial structure, the fusion of various cultures is one of Taoyuan’s attributes. In this episode of HahaTai’s Street Interviews, we present The Leisurely People of Daytime Taoyuan.

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【傳送門 Chapters】
00:00 桃園市介紹 Taoyuan info
00:40 中壢龍岡大操場四仙女 Dancing Beauty 4
01:11 當地人怎麼看越南餐廳 How the locals think about Vietnamese diner
01:49 土木系新鮮人 How the freshmen think about Taoyuan
02:22 土木系學長 Not many girls in Civil Engineering dep.
03:11 桃壢鬥爭 Battle between Taoyuan and Zhongli
03:31 交通關係影響桃壢之分 Transportation matters
04:46 中壢人很兇 People from Zhongli are feisty
05:20 中壢滑板店老闆 Zhongli is more cultured
06:21 老闆朋友的故事時間 Long scar accident
06:45 桃園潮流哥 Zhongli is part of Taoyuan
07:39 桃園吃冰哥 There’s nothing here in Taoyuan


#桃園 #中壢 #龍岡 #青埔 #中原大學 #米干節

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