
恐龍策展花絮大公開 Curation behind the Dinosaurs

1 年前
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“The Hong Kong Jockey Club Series: The Big Eight – Dinosaur Revelation” showcases eight of the most iconic fossil skeletons. This making-of video shows how the exhibition production team overcame the difficulties under the pandemic, and worked together to assemble the skeletons and re-create the prehistoric world with diverse dinosaurs, providing the immersive experiences along with some dynamic skeletal mounts.


展覽詳情Exhibition details: big8dinosaurs.hk
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hkscm
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hkscm

#香港賽馬會呈獻系列八大尋龍記 #康文署 #香港科學館 #領賢慈善基金 #香港賽馬會 #big8dinosaurs #LCSD #HKScM #HKJC #FirstInitiativeFoundation #DinoManiaHK #MyDateWithDinos
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