
The Greatest Music NFT Podcast Show

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The Greatest Music NFT Podcast Show
Welcome to The Greatest Music NFT Podcast Show, hosted by Billboard charting music producer Beeks Vybe! Every week, Beeks will discuss the latest trends in the web3 space and the music NFTs that are revolutionizing the music industry. He'll be joined by some of the biggest names in the music industry, as well as tech experts and blockchain professionals, to discuss the current and future implications of music NFTs. Beeks will also provide his own unique insights and opinions on the hottest topics in the web3 space. So, if you're a music fan, tech enthusiast, or blockchain enthusiast, this is the podcast for you! Tune in every week for the latest news and updates on music NFTs and the web3 space.
Free Speech or Free Market? The Twitter Ad Boycott That Divided America

Is Elon Musk's Twitter a haven for unfiltered expression or a walled garden for his own ideology? Dive into the advertiser boycott that's tearing America apart and ask: can you have free speech without a free market? Buckle up for a firestorm of controversy in this explosive episode.

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Mon, 18 Dec 2023 00:00:00 -0800
Doge Days are Back: How Meme Tokens are Fueling Crypto's High-Risk Momentum

Sit tight, crypto enthusiasts! Doge Days are back, and meme tokens are leading the charge in a high-risk, high-reward bull cycle. Join us as we explore the meteoric rise of these digital assets, analyze the potential for long-term growth, and delve into the inherent risks involved in chasing meme coin mania.

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Mon, 11 Dec 2023 06:00:00 -0800
The Altman Paradox: Was Sam Altman a Visionary or a Villain in the Race for AGI?

In a world grappling with the rapid advancement of artificial intelligence, Sam Altman, the co-founder of OpenAI, stands as a controversial figure. Was he a visionary leading the charge towards a brighter future, or a villain unleashing a technology that could potentially harm humanity? Join us as we delve into the Altman Paradox and explore the complex implications of AGI.

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Mon, 04 Dec 2023 06:00:00 -0800
Censored Speech, Sovereign Money: How Crypto is Breaking the Chains of Internet Control

As internet censorship continues to tighten its grip, cryptocurrencies are emerging as a beacon of hope for free speech and unfettered communication. Join us as we explore the growing connection between internet censorship and crypto adoption, and how this trend is shaping the future of the digital world.

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Mon, 27 Nov 2023 06:00:00 -0800
Sam Altman's Shocking Ouster: What Really Happened at OpenAI?

In this episode, we delve into the shocking events surrounding Sam Altman's sudden firing from OpenAI, exploring the potential causes and implications of this drastic move. Join us as we unravel the truth behind the headlines and analyze the impact of this leadership shakeup on the future of OpenAI and the AI industry as a whole.

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Mon, 20 Nov 2023 06:00:00 -0800
Spotify's 1,000 Stream Threshold: A Fair Deal for Artists, or a Scam?

In this episode, we investigate Spotify's controversial 1,000-stream threshold policy, examining its pros and cons and exploring its impact on emerging artists, established artists, and the music industry as a whole. Is it fair, or is it a scam?

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Mon, 13 Nov 2023 06:00:00 -0800
Spotify's Billion-Dollar Fraud Scandal: How Did It Happen?

In this episode, we explore Spotify's billion-dollar fraud scandal and how it's impacting the company and its users. We'll examine the scope of the problem, the methods used to commit the fraud, and Spotify's response to the scandal.

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Mon, 06 Nov 2023 06:00:00 -0800
Spotify's New Royalty Payouts: Will Artists Finally Get Their Fair Share?

Spotify's new update promises to pay artists more fairly and crack down on fraudulent streams. But will these changes really make a difference?

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Mon, 30 Oct 2023 06:00:00 -0700
From Static to Dynamic: Procedural Audio's Revolution in Interactive Storytelling

In this episode, we delve into the captivating world of procedural audio, exploring its potential to transform interactive storytelling. Discover how this innovative technique transcends the limitations of static sound design, enabling dynamic and responsive soundscapes that adapt to player choices and actions. Join us as we uncover the groundbreaking implications of procedural audio for the future of immersive experiences.

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Mon, 23 Oct 2023 06:00:00 -0700
The Secret to Making a Living as an Artist (Even If You're Not Famous)

Artists: do you want to make a living from your work? In this episode, we discuss why it's important to understand the business of art and how to make money from your creativity.

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Mon, 16 Oct 2023 06:00:00 -0700
Onboarding the Next Generation to Crypto, AI, and Music NFTs

In this episode, we'll dive into the technical hurdles of overcoming the onboarding of crypto, AI, and Music NFTs. We'll explore the challenges that need to be overcome in order to make these technologies more accessible to the general public.

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Mon, 09 Oct 2023 06:00:00 -0700
Music's Silent Gold Rush: Why Music Tech Thrives While Artists Struggle

In this episode, we delve into the intriguing phenomenon of music's silent gold rush, where vast sums are poured into cutting-edge music creation technology while the very artists driving these innovations often grapple with financial challenges and inequalities. Join us as we explore the complex dynamics of the music industry's tech-driven evolution and the critical questions it raises about supporting the creators at its heart.

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Mon, 02 Oct 2023 06:00:00 -0700
Writers and Actors Back, AI Voices on the Rise: What Strike's End Means For Entertainment

The writers and actors strike is over, and AI voice technology is on the rise. In this episode, we discuss the impact of these events on the future of entertainment, and we also share stories about AI voice scams.

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Mon, 25 Sep 2023 06:00:00 -0700
friend.tech: The Crypto Social App That's Worth $1 Billion

Friend.Tech is the crypto social app that's changing the way we connect. In this episode, we explore what makes Friend Tech so special, and discuss its potential to revolutionize the social media landscape.

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Mon, 18 Sep 2023 06:00:00 -0700
Web3 Music and the Power of Community with Jacob

In this episode, we discuss the future of music in the web3 era, with a focus on the role of community. We talk to Jacob, the community manager at SAN Sound, about how web3 can empower artists and fans, and how it can create a more sustainable and equitable music industry.

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Mon, 11 Sep 2023 06:00:00 -0700
How Ben Armstrong's Addiction and Infidelity Destroyed His Crypto Empire

In this episode, we explore the rise and fall of Ben Armstrong, a popular crypto influencer who was fired from his own company after his substance abuse and infidelity came to light. However, many are calling his bluff on the apology, feeling like this is all a storied setup for more fake news that he's known for, kinda like Alex Jones.

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Mon, 04 Sep 2023 06:00:00 -0700
The Fall of $PEPE: What Happened to the Meme Coin Everyone Was Talking About?

In this episode, we explore the rise and fall of $PEPE, a popular meme coin that was once worth billions of dollars. We'll talk about how Pauly0x, a degenerate crypto influencer, helped to pump the coin and how he eventually came to sabotage the own teams dev in a sudden and scumbag move. We'll also discuss the lessons that can be learned from this cautionary tale.

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Mon, 28 Aug 2023 06:00:00 -0700
Friend.tech: The Power of Tokenizing Your Social Network

In this episode, we discuss the power of tokenizing your social network using Friend.tech. We explore how tokenization can improve the way we connect with each other, the future of tokenized social media, and we also include an honorable mention to OpenSea who has dug their own grave by no longer enforcing creator royalties.

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Mon, 21 Aug 2023 06:00:00 -0700
The Crypto Mindset: How to Invest in Crypto Without Losing Your Mind

In this episode, we explore the mental health aspects of investing in cryptocurrency. We discuss how to set realistic expectations, manage your risk, and stay calm in the face of market volatility. So whether you're a beginner or a seasoned investor, this episode is for you.

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Mon, 14 Aug 2023 06:00:00 -0700
The Bald Truth: Did SBF Rug Pull $BALD on Coinbase's Base Network?

In this episode, we explore the rise and fall of the $BALD token, the evidence that suggests that SBF may have been involved in the rug pull, and the implications of the $BALD scam for the crypto community.

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Mon, 07 Aug 2023 06:00:00 -0700
Coinbase's Stealth Launch of Base: The L2 Network That Could Change Ethereum

In this episode, we discuss the stealth launch of Base, Coinbase's new L2 network for Ethereum. We explore how Base could change the Ethereum landscape and make it more scalable and affordable for users. Plus we discuss the meme coins that have been launching during its stealth launch and how they've been creating TVL for the network.

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Mon, 31 Jul 2023 06:00:00 -0700
XRP Wins, Artists Win: How the SEC's Defeat is a Victory for Creators

In this episode, we discuss how Sound.xyz and XRP are changing the music industry. These two technologies are opening up new opportunities for artists and democratizing the industry.

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Mon, 24 Jul 2023 06:00:00 -0700
The Strike That Changed Hollywood: What Can the Music Industry Learn?

In this episode, we talk about the current WGA strike in 2023 and how actors are supporting them. We also discuss how the music industry can learn to unionize to protect the creators that make up the industry.

The WGA strike is a major labor dispute between the Writers Guild of America and the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers. The strike began on May 2, 2023, and has resulted in the cancellation of many television shows and movies.

Actors have been supporting the WGA strike by refusing to cross picket lines. This has had a significant impact on the entertainment industry, as many actors are essential to the production of television shows and movies.

The music industry can learn from the WGA strike by forming unions to protect the rights of musicians. Musicians are often exploited by the music industry, and they need to have a strong voice to advocate for their interests.

By unionizing, musicians can negotiate better contracts, get paid more fairly, and have more control over their careers. They can also use their union to fight for issues such as copyright reform and fair compensation for streaming.

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Mon, 17 Jul 2023 06:00:00 -0700
The Threadening: Twitter vs. Decentralized Discussion

In this episode, we discuss the future of social media and the potential of threads to revolutionize the way we have conversations online. We also explore the implications of decentralization for the future of the internet.

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Mon, 10 Jul 2023 06:00:00 -0700
Onchain Music vs Music NFTs: The Pros and Cons

In this episode, we discuss the future of music ownership, exploring the pros and cons of onchain music and music NFTs. We also take a look at the new Warner Music Group (WMG) and Polygon partnership, and what it means for the future of the music industry.

Those with an innovative blockchain startup looking to get an extra little push, can apply via the associated web form.

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Mon, 03 Jul 2023 06:00:00 -0700
Web3's Dark Side: Social Token Scams Unveiled

In this episode, we shed light on the inherent risks of social token scams and delve into the downsides of financializing every aspect of our lives. As we explore the landscape of Web3, we uncover how these scams exploit trust, manipulate communities, and jeopardize investments. Join us as we dissect the implications of such practices, discussing the potential consequences and offering insights on how to navigate this complex terrain with caution and vigilance.

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Mon, 26 Jun 2023 06:00:00 -0700
DAO Dilemma: Ape Coin and the Pitfalls of Web3's Decentralized Governance

In this episode, we delve into the story of Ape Coin DAO, shedding light on the inherent challenges that plague Web3's decentralized governance models. Join us as we explore the pitfalls, failures, and valuable lessons learned from the DAO dilemma, offering insights into the delicate balance between autonomy and effective decision-making in the crypto space.

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Mon, 19 Jun 2023 06:00:00 -0700
AI Debunked: Unmasking the Job Apocalypse & Fake News Frenzy

In this episode, we dive into the fascinating realm of AI's disruption in music production while debunking the doomsday predictions around job loss. Join us for a conversation where we explore how AI is revolutionizing the music industry, offering new creative possibilities and reshaping the way we approach music-making.

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Mon, 12 Jun 2023 06:00:00 -0700
How Social Engineering is Ruining Web3

Web3 is a new and exciting technology, but it is also a target for scammers. In this episode, we discuss how social engineering is being used to scam people out of their money in web3.

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Mon, 05 Jun 2023 06:00:00 -0700
Spores, Endel, and Ushering in a New Era of Interactive Music Experiences

In this episode, we delve into the innovative world of Spores, a groundbreaking platform that gamifies music NFTs, unlocking new interactive experiences for music enthusiasts. Join us as we explore UMG's exciting partnership with Endel, a leading generative AI company, and discuss the future implications of this collaboration for the music industry.

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Mon, 29 May 2023 06:00:00 -0700
Music NFTs Moving to Layer 2 Blockchains

In this episode, we delve into the exciting realm of music NFTs as they migrate to layer 2 blockchains, revolutionizing the way artists and collectors engage with digital music assets. We also explore the current market climate of music NFTs, examining the trends, challenges, and opportunities that shape this dynamic and rapidly evolving landscape.

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Mon, 22 May 2023 06:00:00 -0700
Google's LM Music Model: The Future of Music?

Google's new LM Music Model is a powerful AI tool that could revolutionize the music industry. In this episode, we discuss how the LM Music Model could democratize the music industry and give artists more control over their music. We also discuss Warner Music Group's new CEO talking about restructuring the royalty payouts for artists, which could be a major step forward for the music industry.

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Mon, 15 May 2023 06:00:00 -0700
TikTok's AI Music App vs. Ad-Supported Streaming: A Battle for the Future of Music

In this episode, we explore the flaws of the ad-supported streaming model and how it has failed to support music creators and provide a sustainable revenue stream. We also discuss how TikTok's AI music app could revolutionize the music industry by significantly lowering the barrier to music creation and providing a new path to monetization.

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Mon, 08 May 2023 06:00:00 -0700
Universal Music Group vs. AI: The Copyright Battle of Generative Music

In this episode, we explore Universal Music Group's response to the growing use of AI in generative music and their claims of copyright infringement. We discuss the potential implications for the music industry and the future of music creation.

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Sun, 30 Apr 2023 06:00:00 -0700
AI Drake: The Future of Music or Computerized Clone?

In this episode, we dive into the world of AI-generated music with a focus on Drake's music. We explore the technology behind AI music production, its potential impact on the music industry, and the ethical considerations of creating music without human input.

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Mon, 24 Apr 2023 06:00:00 -0700
Are Music NFTs Losing Their Value?

In this episode, we take a critical look at the current state of the web3 music industry and ask whether it's losing its value in the eyes of investors and collectors. We analyze the trend of declining mint prices for music NFTs and explore what this could mean for the future of the market.

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Mon, 17 Apr 2023 06:00:00 -0700
Soulja Boy Scams The World of NFTs!

In this episode, we explore the controversial NFT project recently released by rapper Soulja Boy, which has faced criticism and skepticism from the public. We discuss the potential risks and implications of investing in the project, as well as the wider impact on the NFT market.

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Mon, 10 Apr 2023 06:00:00 -0700
From Layoffs to Web3: Warner Music Group's Next Move

In this episode, we delve into Warner Music Group's recent layoffs and their subsequent shift towards a Web3 strategy. We examine the potential implications of this move and what it means for the future of the music industry.

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Mon, 03 Apr 2023 06:00:00 -0700
How Generative AI is Revolutionizing the Music Industry

In this episode, we explore how generative AI is transforming the music industry by creating music that was previously impossible. We discuss the potential impact of AI-generated music on the creative process, the role of artists, and the future of the industry.

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Mon, 27 Mar 2023 06:00:00 -0700
Web3 Music's Value: Daniel Allan Secures $1M Seed Round

In this episode, we delve into the exciting news of Daniel Allan securing a $1 million seed round, led by none other than Coop Records! We explore the implications of this development for record labels looking to invest in up-and-coming artists, as well as the value that web3 music brings to the industry. Tune in to learn more about this game-changing moment in the music world!

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Mon, 20 Mar 2023 06:00:00 -0700
Building in Web3 Music with Music Dog NFTs

This episode is an interview with the team of Music Dog, where we explore all the different things they're building with their streaming platform and Music Dog NFTs project!


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Mon, 13 Mar 2023 06:00:00 -0700
February's Top Music NFTs & Spotify's Token-Gated Playlists

In this episode, we discuss Spotify's new web3 feature its testing as a pilot program, which allows users that hold certain NFTs to directly connect their wallets as well as reviewing the top 10 music NFT projects of February, based on trading volume courtesy of Billboard.


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Mon, 06 Mar 2023 06:00:00 -0800
Being a Music Producer in Web3

In this episode, we talk about the path of pursuing a career as a music producer in the music industry and what the blueprint for that looks like. Web3 is a new important facet of the music business that music producers should consider as a way of expanding their horizons of what is possible as a music producer.

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Mon, 27 Feb 2023 07:00:00 -0800
OpenSea, Creator Royalties, and Decentralization

In this episode, we cover the breaking news of OpenSea deciding to slash creator royalties, as well as ask whether decentralization truly matters in web3.

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Mon, 20 Feb 2023 06:00:00 -0800
How to Build a Web3 Audience Part 2

In this week's episode, Beeks Vybe explores the topic of how to build a web3 audience, with a focus on the theme of consistency of content. The episode provides valuable insights and tips on the key strategies for building a strong and engaged audience in the web3 space, emphasizing the importance of delivering quality content on a regular basis.

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Mon, 13 Feb 2023 06:00:00 -0800
How to Build a Web3 Audience Part 1

In "How to Build a Web3 Audience Part 1", we delve into finding where the web3 audience resides and explore the potential of social audio as a tool to engage and grow this community. The episode will provide actionable insights and tips to help you tap into the power of social audio to build a loyal and engaged web3 audience.

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Mon, 06 Feb 2023 06:00:00 -0800
The Truth About 3lau and Royal

In this episode, we talk about the success 3lau has had with music NFTs and their current view on web3 music today and whether or not they believe in music NFTs along with their newly launched company, Royal.

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Mon, 30 Jan 2023 06:00:00 -0800
A Fresh Perspective for Music NFTs

In this episode, we'll be talking all about Music NFTs in 2023! We'll be giving you a fresh perspective on how these digital assets are changing the way we think about music and ownership. We'll be discussing the new and exciting ways people are using NFTs in the music space, and how it's impacting the industry as a whole.

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Mon, 23 Jan 2023 06:00:00 -0800
CryptoLoops is Helping Music Producers in Web3

In this episode, we sit down with the team behind CryptoLoops and discuss how they are helping music producers in web3. From easing the process of uploading and collaborating with fellow creatives utilizing audio on the blockchain to in real life workshops and writing sessions around the country, CryptoLoops is striving to do a lot to help onboard new music creatives into web3 and simplify the on-chain music process.


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Mon, 16 Jan 2023 06:00:00 -0800
The History of Online Music

In this episode, we take a deep dive into the history of online music with a focus on the pioneering role of Winamp in the development of peer-to-peer file sharing technology. Join us as we trace the evolution of digital music from the early days of Napster to the present, exploring the major players and technologies that have shaped the way we consume and share music online.

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Mon, 09 Jan 2023 06:00:00 -0800
The Future of Live Music with NFTConcerts.com

In this episode, we will be featuring Jimmy Dendrinos, the founder of NFTConcerts.com. He will be discussing the company's token-gated concerts and the use of NFTs in the music industry. Tune in to learn about the benefits of these exclusive live events and the future of NFTs in music.


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Mon, 02 Jan 2023 06:00:00 -0800
Exploring the Future of AI: How Chat-GPT is Changing the Game

In this episode, we dive into the world of chat-GPT and how it's revolutionizing the field of AI. We'll discuss the capabilities of chat-GPT and how it's being used to enhance music production, as well as the potential future applications of this technology. Join us for our last episode of 2022 as we explore the exciting world of chat-GPT and its role in shaping the future of AI.

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Mon, 26 Dec 2022 06:00:00 -0800
Livestreaming in Web3 with Koop.xyz

In this episode, we explore Koop.xyz, a web3 livestreaming platform that is revolutionizing the way music creators and podcasts monetize their content. With features like tokenization and NFT integration, Koop.xyz allows creators to take control of their content and build a direct relationship with their audience. We'll talk to the team behind Koop.xyz and learn more about the exciting new possibilities this platform is opening up for creators.


Listen to more episodes here: https://tr.ee/TgQ4klcpKc

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Sat, 17 Dec 2022 06:00:00 -0800
DAOs Are the New Record Labels in Web3

In this episode, we explore how decentralized autonomous organizations, or DAOs, are becoming the new record labels for web3 music. We discuss the ways in which DAOs are enabling artists to take control of their own careers and create a more equitable and sustainable music industry.

Send your questions, suggestions, and comments to thevybehouse@gmail.com for a chance to get featured on the pod!

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Mon, 12 Dec 2022 06:00:00 -0800
Curating the Music of Web3 With Vibe Stream Network

Co-founders of Vibe Stream Network, Le Goat and Journey Meta join The Greatest Music NFT Podcast Show for the first interview to talk about building the future of web3 music, copyright policy, curating 10,000 hours of music, and much more!


Send your questions, suggestions, and comments to thevybehouse@gmail.com for a chance to get featured on the pod!

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Mon, 05 Dec 2022 06:00:00 -0800
Holiday Crypto Conversations

Let's address that awkward conversation we will all have over the holidays this year. We also talk about 360 deals in web3 and what contracts for web3 artists will look like, silent hikes, information diets, and more!

Send your questions, suggestions, and comments to thevybehouse@gmail.com for a chance to get featured on the pod!

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Mon, 28 Nov 2022 06:00:00 -0800
FTX and Regulation in Crypto

We talk about the sudden downfall of FTX and the aftermath it will have in crypto and music NFT's with regulations moving forward.

Send your questions, suggestions, and comments to thevybehouse@gmail.com for a chance to get featured on the pod!

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Mon, 21 Nov 2022 06:00:00 -0800
Creator Royalties Pt.2

The drama continues! OpenSea and Magic Eden make huge announcements regarding creator royalties and send shockwaves throughout the NFT community.

Send your questions, suggestions, and comments to thevybehouse@gmail.com for a chance to get featured on the pod!

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Mon, 14 Nov 2022 06:00:00 -0800
What are Music NFT's?

Episode 3 is all about music NFT's and what they entail. Are music NFT's simply audio with cover art or can they be more? We also discuss the importance of terminology when talking about web3 music.

Send your questions, suggestions, and comments to thevybehouse@gmail.com for a chance to get featured on the pod!

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Mon, 07 Nov 2022 06:00:00 -0800
Creator Royalties

Following controversial decisions made in the NFT scene, we discuss creator royalties and ask if they're necessary in web3 music.

Send your questions, suggestions, and comments to thevybehouse@gmail.com for a chance to get featured on the pod!

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Mon, 31 Oct 2022 06:00:00 -0700
The "Why"

Episode 1 is all about answering the "why" - why the pursuit of a future in web3 music and music NFT's, as well as why I decided to launch this podcast. Here's to many more!

Send your questions, suggestions, and comments to thevybehouse@gmail.com for a chance to get featured on the pod!

Thanks for listening! Follow the pod on Twitter and Youtube

Mon, 24 Oct 2022 06:00:00 -0700
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