Clear your energy after the eclipse to embark on a new cycle filled with abundance and prosperity

1 個月前
(基於 PinQueue 指標)
This Monday, April 8th, a powerful solar eclipse will occur, and it's important to clear your energy after the eclipse to embark on a new cycle filled with abundance and prosperity.

What you will do is very simple. On April 9th, grab a head of garlic. Garlic is known for its protective qualities, its ability to ward off negativity, and its ability to attract wealth.

First, cut the head of garlic in half. Then, rub the half shown in the video with cinnamon. The cinnamon will help you attract abundance. Next, tie the two halves back together using a red ribbon or thread.

Gently sweep it across your body, starting from your head down to your feet. As you do this, vocalize your intent to remove any financial barriers.

Finally, bury the garlic far from your home while saying the following words: "Today I bury all my economic problems and begin a new cycle in abundance and prosperity." So mote it be.

Perform this ritual with faith, and you will witness favorable changes in your economy. After this eclipse, a new cycle begins, which you will kick-start by opening your paths.
(基於 PinQueue 指標)
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