廣州美食!全部真心好吃!值得推薦!1988年老茶樓!午餐吃河鮮!河蝦44元!邊魚!路邊早餐!牛肉腸!石樓鎮市集逛早市!市集!蓮花山旅遊美食功略!#guangzhou #market #美食 #生活

3 個月前
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#廣州#guangzhou #market #美食 #cantonese
Google map:https://maps.app.goo.gl/B7nWj8v67uDZrq3r7
Baidu map:https://j.map.baidu.com/86/tCs

Google map:https://maps.app.goo.gl/uTSAykNQp1SzJVKR9
Baidu map:https://j.map.baidu.com/29/DhT

地址:中國廣東省廣州市番禺區沙浦路 郵遞區號: 511447
Google map:https://maps.app.goo.gl/xxubAEyzKqHCAsoH9
Baidu map:https://j.map.baidu.com/13/NJk

廣州黃沙海鮮市場! 買海鮮! 吃海鮮! 貴嗎? 看看200元可以買什麼? 爆糕羅氏蝦! 超美味! 蟶子王! 蟹! 粵菜酒樓! 加工費15元一公斤! 超好吃! 值得一試! 美食市集Guangzhou Seafood Market


7元一隻蟹! 廣州南沙十四湧! 吃海鮮功略! 海鮮一條街! 本地漁民海鮮市場! 更便宜! 超無敵美味! 味蕾饗宴! 廣州好去處! 美食! 生活! 街景Guangzhou Seafood Market! delicious


台山都斛海鮮一條街! 瀨尿蝦28元一斤! 太抵食了! 加工費5元一次! 糕蟹! 超美味! 櫻花蝦! 白貝海草湯! 台城飯店價錢! 田園風光! 海鮮市場! 物價如何? 生蠔! 蝦醬! Taishan Seafood Market


134元海鮮餐! 平,靚,正! 廣州平民海鮮大排檔! 超無敵大! 魚蝦蟹貝! 什麼都有得吃! #seafood restaurant #deliciousfood #guangzhou #cantonese

佛山最大海鮮餐廳! 上百餐桌! 千人用餐! 平,靚,正! 勁抵食! 140元海鮮美食! 難以置信! 全場爆滿! 一定要試! #市場 Incredible! Huge Seafood Restaurant! Must-Try

1廣州平民美食探店生活,西華路最老字號粵菜酒家:燒鵝28元,驚人出品,平靚,正酒樓。 35元酸菜魚 蒸牛腱Cantonese Roast Goose,Market, most famous street

哇! 超正體驗! 廣州水上茶居! 品嚐點心! 遊覽珠江! 超享受! 絕對值得一試! 廣州酒家! 點心精美! 高品質體驗! 旅遊推薦! 本地人市集! Guangzhou floating restaurant! market


營業時間:週一至週日,早上04:00-13:00,下午和晚上不營業,想吃要早上去。 一間廣州番禺經歷3代經營的老店,已經50年。 店家以前是漁民出生。 推薦:牛腩粉, 海鮮粥, 腸粉, 九肚魚, 蝦蟹粥, 牛腩撈麵, 蒸雲吞, 蒸雜魚, 炸雲吞, 乾蒸, 牛肉丸, 蝦蟹泥鰻粥, 泥鰻, 鳳爪拼雲吞

而影片介紹餐廳分別在蓮花山腳,蓮花路。 所拍攝的市場為:石樓鎮市場早市
Dazhong Restaurant:
Founded in 1988, it is an old Cantonese restaurant. Business hours: morning: 9.00-14.00; afternoon: 16.00-21.00
Recommended dishes: Special squab, fried milk with sweet and sour bones, ginger pork ribs, boiled shrimp, mung bean stuffed with lotus root, scallops with mixed mushrooms

Suji Restaurant:
Business hours: Monday to Sunday, 04:00-13:00 in the morning, closed in the afternoon and evening, so if you want to eat, go in the morning. An old store in Panyu, Guangzhou, has been run by three generations for 50 years. The store owner was born as a fisherman. Recommended: Beef brisket noodles, seafood porridge, rice rolls, nine tripe fish, shrimp and crab porridge, beef brisket noodles, steamed wontons, steamed miscellaneous fish, fried wontons, dry steamed, beef balls, shrimp, crab and mud eel porridge, mud eel, Chicken feet and wontons

Shilou Town, Panyu, Guangzhou, belongs to Panyu District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province. It is located in the eastern part of Panyu District, bordering Shiziyang to the east, Shawan Waterway to the south, Shiqi Town to the west, and Hualong Town to the north.
In the Qing Dynasty, Dalingbao and Shengtangbao belonged to Jiantang Division; in 1987, Shilou District was changed to Shilou Town; in March 2002, Lianhuashan Town was merged into Shilou Town.
The video introduces the restaurants at the foot of Lotus Mountain and Lotus Road. The market photographed is: Shilou Town Market Morning Market


00:00 大眾樓粵菜餐廳,吃河鮮
12:35 石樓鎮市場早市
23:15 蘇記小食,牛肉腸粉,炸雲吞
28:03 廣州市中心番禺蓮花山開車路線
34:32 明朝古廟,古井,石樓鎮歷史
39:30 中午蓮花路海鮮海味街
52:58 回程


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