周星馳【鹿鼎記2神龍教Royal Tramp II 1992】Part 1/2粵語中字Stephen Chow Bluray 720P English Subtitle【邱淑貞/林青霞/陳百祥

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【Royal Tramp II 鹿鼎記2神龍教1992】粵語中字English Sub香港喜劇電影完整版(中文字幕請按"CC" / English Sub please turn on "CC")
Part 1: http://dai.ly/x6abzxu
Part 2: http://dai.ly/x6aegav(韋小寶與龍兒交合後開始)
【Royal Tramp鹿鼎記1992】粵語中字English Sub香港喜劇電影完整版
Part 1: http://dai.ly/x6a7ir2
Part 2: http://dai.ly/x6a9ekm(皇上命令海大富教韋小寶功夫開始)
Part 3: http://dai.ly/x6afrf3(韋小寶抄鰲拜家產開始)

《鹿鼎記2神龍教》(英文:Royal Tramp II)是周星驰拍摄于1992年的电影,是影片《鹿鼎記》的续集。該作品也是林青霞和周星馳唯一一次合作的電影。1992年,周星馳到台灣宣傳鹿鼎記時,台灣記者問林青霞為什麼要出演王晶的電影(王晶素有爛片之王和三級片之王的稱號),林青霞趕忙解釋說:“和王晶無關,我只為周星馳而來!”記者又問周星馳怎麼看林青霞,周星馳回答:“台灣第一美人!”

《鹿鼎记Ⅱ:神龙教》是改编自金庸小说的一部武侠喜剧。影片由王晶执导,周星驰、林青霞 、 李嘉欣、袁洁莹、邱淑贞、陈德容等联合出演。影片描写韦小宝与神龙教主之间从敌对变大被同眠的有趣经过和奉命护送建宁公主出嫁并想尽办法阻挠这宗婚事。最后由于韦小宝身份过于复杂并得到了《四十二章经》的启示,为皇上除掉了坏人,荣归故里。

Royal Tramp II is a 1992 Hong Kong film based on Louis Cha's novel The Deer and the Cauldron. The film is a sequel to Royal Tramp, which was released earlier in the same year.

该片承接上集假太后潜入宫中谋夺皇位计划失败后,逃脱返回神龙教坛向教主请罪,及后教主道出自己已时日无多,下令假太后现身变回龙皇接杖神龙教主之位及辅助平西王吴三桂登上皇位。宫庭内康熙皇帝设宴款待平西世子,怎料韦小宝被发现是丽春院的小子,及后皇上宣布赐婚其妹建宁公主给吴应熊,下令小宝与众臣护送出嫁。驿馆中,多隆哭诉小宝被奸人害死,怎知小宝出现,吓至多隆面容失色,逼他出街大叫“反清复明”找出反贼陈近南,怎料双皇一早设计使多隆闯入平西王府遇见吴三桂,多隆以为吴三桂是陈近南而大叫口号,被王府众侍卫狂打。 众人骑马逃走时,怎被皇上及大批官兵追上包围,最后康熙亦念旧日之友情及建宁公主,而放过所有人。

Following on from the Royal Tramp, after being exposed, Lung-er is bent on eliminating the person who disclosed her true identity - Wai Siu-bo. But complications ensue when Lung-er is assigned to protect Ng Ying-hung who is betrothed to Princess Kin-ning and Wai Siu-bo is assigned to be her escort by the Emperor. During an assassination attempt on the Emperor, Ying-hung and Wai Siu-bo are taken hostage. When Lung-er and her gang members go to rescue Ying-hung and Siu-bo, Ah Ko betrays her master - the one-armed Divine nun - by helping Ying-hung to escape. Lung-er manages to rescue Siu-bo but gets separated from her members. At the Dragon Sect camp, Lung-er is betrayed by Ying-hung and Fung Sek-fan. After being poisoned, she escapes with Siu-bo. In order to be saved, she has to lose her virginity by dawn which in turn will cause her to lose eight tenth of her martial arts' power. Recalling what Siu-bo has told her about Ying-hung and Sam-kwai, she chooses to sacrifice her virginity to Siu-bo and passing eight tenth of her power to him. At Sam-kwai's place, Fung Sek-fan captures Siu-bo's master - Chan Kan-nam - and sends him to the Emperor. In order to save his master, Siu-bo defeats Fung in a duel with his newly acquired martial arts' power and help from Lung-er; gets Fung executed in place of his master. While trying to escape with his master and his five wives (Lung-er, the twins, Princess Kin-ning, and Ah Ko), they are met by the Emperor and his men. But Siu-bo manages to convince the Emperor into letting them go.

周星驰 韦小宝
林青霞 龙儿/神龍教主 龍寶鈿
邱淑贞 建宁公主 何錦華
李嘉欣 阿珂 鄭麗麗
陈百祥 多隆
吳君如 韦春花 陸惠玲
刘松仁 陈近南
温兆伦 康熙帝
秦 沛 吴三桂
汤镇业 吴應熊 張炳強
陈德容 双儿(双胞胎之一) 鄭麗麗
袁洁莹 双儿(双胞胎之一) 鄭麗麗
任世官 馮錫範
馬海倫 獨臂神尼 陸惠玲
张 敏 龙儿(易容) 龍寶鈿
羅 蘭 神龍教主
楊菁菁 神龍教教徒
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