【 Binance 幣安 】所有人都能免費領錢!只要有看完影片!【小田博一】

1 年前
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↬ Binance 幣安交易所|全網最高優惠!終身20%交易手續費減免!超划算!

↬ Binance ALGO 活動解答:

Q1. Algorand has a Governance Program that allows the community to vote on measures that impact the future of the blockchain. True or false?

Answer: True

Q2. What is the total supply of ALGO tokens?

Answer: 10 billion

Q3. What is the minimum stake needed to run a validator node in Algorand’s PPOS consensus mechanism?

Answer: 0.1 ALGO

Q4. Silvio Micali, founder of Algorand, is famous for being the co-inventor of which of the following technologies?

Answer: All are correct

Q5. Which of the following companies are building NFT and Web3 projects on Algorand?

Answer: All are correct

Q6. For each round, the network selects:

Answer: The block proposal with the lowest VRF hash

Q7. How fast is an Algorand block?

Answer: 3.7 seconds

Q8. How much does it cost to send a transaction in Algorand?

Answer: 0.001 ALGO

Q9. How many transactions per second (TPS) can Algorand process?

Answer: 6,000

Q10. What is Algorand’s consensus mechanism?

Answer: Pure Proof-of-stake (PPoS)

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🐦 小田博一 Telegram:@tienboy0507

📷 小田博一 IG :https://www.instagram.com/tienboy0507

📖 小田博一 FB:https://www.facebook.com/TienBoy/

📪 小田博一 洽談合作:tienleo810507@gmail.com

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(基於 PinQueue 指標)
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