
(車神傳說)(Dart仔重臨石澳)🇭🇰 新巴 NWFB #2503 VD7383 @ 9 石澳 至 筲箕灣 Shek O to Shau Kei Wan

3 年前
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#出城廿分鐘都唔洗 #打風員工專車以後 #首派歐六E200 #同E400差唔多長就唔怕發尾啦 #第四代飛鏢 #同石澳總站世紀合照 #好人車長 #好彩有得出片 #停雨了 #更多巴迷追捕 #又見6389生肖巴可惜冇時間坐 #小巴跑山風情 #狂奔 #用左腳架都仲係好震sad #好有特色嘅落客鐘
**跳過路線介紹和車輛特寫: 由04:35 開始觀看。Travelling scene starts at 04:35 **
乘坐了像旅遊巴式服務的#2600 進入石澳後,便是時候乘坐下一班的#2503 回家。10.7米的歐六Enviro200 相比起11.7米的Youngman自然駕駛起來得心應手,過彎不怕過了火位。亞歷山大出品,抓地力更強,即使是濕滑的路面仍可極速駕駛劈住去。
After riding a coach-like service Youngman #2600 getting into Shek O, it is time to ride the next departure, ADL EuroVI Enviro200 Dart #2503 back to Shau Kei Wan. This 10.7M Dart is much easier to handle than the Youngman. Shorter, younger, and a foreigner. Fully trust on the ADL branding, the bus driver drove at extreme speed throughout the journey. Pleased.
What breaks the tranquility of Shek O so suddenly? Oh, here comes the ADL E200 Dart. Full of the sense of the next generation, this sophisticated single-decker bus got a chance to visit the historic building: Shek O bus terminus. After all these years, we could have Darts coming to Shek O. This day was the first day having E200 Darts and Youngman servicing route 9 after the typhoon signal No.8 was off. Seems the single deck bus fleets are finally allowed to service beyond route 14 during the aftermath of typhoon service resume in the future.
The driver allowed me to film the journey but also reminded me that I shall ask for permission the next time. Respect. Photos of the Dart driving along Cape D'Aguilar were said to be full of sense of foreign countries, I would the truth that in England the driver won't drive that fast and the weather and traffic wouldn't be that good lol.
Backed Shau Kei Wan in less than 20 minutes. Crazy enough. Meeting the Year Of Rat bus #6389 on 608 again, but got no time to film it as I had to produce these two route 9 films and prepare the Katso Live at night. Having said so, I was quite lucky to witness and ride route 9 sending single-decker buses, comparing to those who have already come out to work. Some of you asked if I filmed route 14 also, the answer is no as I have no spare time for that already. Using my limited body to seize the unlimited special rides simultaneously, it would be a bad ending!🌚

NWFB #2503 VD7383 (ADL Enviro 200 Dart 4 MMC Facelift Euro VI Voith DIWA854.6 10.7M)
Bus First Reg. Date: 4/12/2017
Film Date: Wednesday 19/8/2020 15:18-15:37
Route: NWFB 9 石澳 至 筲箕灣 Shek O to Shau Kei Wan
Bus Fare: HKD 7.2
Total Travel Distance: 11.7km

*實際行車抵站時間 Actual Bus stop arrival time*
(總行車時間 Journey Time: 19分鐘 mins)
15:18 1.石澳 Shek O
15:20 2.石澳警署 Shek O Police Station
15:21 3.石澳道21號 21 Shek O Road
15:22 4.石澳道1號 1 Shek O Road
15:23 5.石澳道4號 4 Shek O Road
15:24 6.鶴咀 Cape D'Aguilar
15:24 7.石礦場 Quarry
15:25 8.土地灣、龍脊 To Tei Wan, Dragon's Back
**行車抵站時間資料實屬Anthony Hong所有,請尊重版權,引用時請註明出處。** **Such bus stop arrival time data belongs to Anthony Hong, please respect intellectual property rights, indicate the source.**
15:27 9.爛泥灣 Lan Nai Wan
15:28 10.蓮鶴仙觀 Lin Hok Sin Koon
15:29 11.歌連臣角 Cape Collinson
15:30 12.大潭道 Tai Tam Road
15:33 13.女童軍訓練中心 Girl Guides Cecilia Mar Venture House
15:34 14.山翠苑 Shan Tsui Court
15:35 15.筲箕灣東官立中學 Shau Kei Wan East Government Secondary School
15:36 16.阿公岩道 A Kung Ngam Road
15:37 17.筲箕灣 Shau Kei Wan

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