
跟威士忌達人Gwhisky一起逛台北國際烈酒暨調酒展2022 Taipei BarShow and Whisky LIVE! By:麥芽奶爸

1 年前
(基於 PinQueue 指標)
今天就是分享我還沒去過的酒展. 這個Taipei Barshow and Whisky Live 因為疫情的關係三年沒有辦了! 最好的事情就是我有跟一位威士忌達人名字叫Geoff. 他也有自己的威士忌Youtube頻道叫 @Gwhisky , 而且他住在台灣然後也很喜歡住這裡. 喜歡看英文語言的威士忌分享影片可以去看他的頻道.
Today I'm going to share my experience with the one Whisky show that I have not yet attended. It is called Taipei Barshow and Whisky Live. Due to the pandemic it skipped the last 3 years but now it is back! Most importantly, I was able to attend this show with Geoff who is another whisky tuber who hosts Gwhisky. If you like quick and concise whisky reviews you should check his channel out.


Dreams — Nico Anuch
Track: Dreams — Nico Anuch [Audio Library Release]
Music provided by Audio Library Plus
Watch: https://youtu.be/aU0WLBeypVQ
Free Download / Stream: https://alplus.io/dreams
(基於 PinQueue 指標)
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