
Curious Neuron | Science of Parental Well-Being

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Curious Neuron | Science of Parental Well-Being

A space where parents can learn how to nurture their own psychological well-being. Neuroscientist, mom of 3 and entrepreneur, Dr. Cindy Hovington shares the science of well-being and nuggets of leaderships skills that help parents manage their stress, cope with emotions and build a strong relationship with themselves and their children. 

Past guests include Dr. Bruce Perry, Dr. Marc Brackett, Justin Baldoni, Amy Morin and Dr. Ramani Durvasula and Dr. Kristen Neff.

Follow Cindy on Instagram @curious_neuron and email her at  info@curiousneuron.com  (let her know if you leave a rating and review!)

Articles, Workbooks, Research and Speaking Engagements and more  at curiousneuron.com

Why we need to stop normalizing postpartum mental health issues with Dr. Tina Montreuil

Navigating the tender complexities of mental health as a parent can often feel like a solitary journey, but it doesn't have to be. Nathalie shares candidly from the heart about her postpartum experiences, while Dr. Tina Montreuil of McGill University blends these personal narratives with academic insights. Together, we unravel the challenges and celebrate the resilience of birthing parents, marking World Maternal Mental Health Day as a beacon of support and solidarity.

In the warm embrace of this episode, we create a safe space where the intricate dance of psychological and physiological changes in parenthood is not just acknowledged, but deeply understood. We delve into the critical role of self-care for mothers, often overshadowed by the baby's needs, and how midwifery and culturally sensitive care can lighten the load. The transformative power of empathy, the necessity of accessible mental health tools, and the importance of self-compassion stitch together a narrative that advocates for a holistic approach to parental well-being.

We round out our conversation with a contemplation of the barriers that many new parents face when seeking mental health support, emphasizing the urgency of action before reaching a crisis point. Our dialogue calls for an empowered community, where parents feel seen, heard, and cared for, and where reaching out for help is seen not as a weakness but as an act of profound love and caring. Thank you again to Nathalie and Dr. Montreuil for their vulnerability and expertise, and to you, our listeners, for joining us on this journey to foster kinder, more compassionate parenting experiences.

Livre Blanc
Quebec Alliance for Perinatal Mental Health
Réseau des Centres de ressources périnatales du Québec

Episode with Kristen Neff: Apple Podcast or Spotify

Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


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THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

Discounts for our community!

  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 29 Apr 2024 01:00:00 -0400
    What to do when you keep saying "I don't have time for myself"

    Hello my dear friend,

    I get it, I have said this over and over myself. However, today, I would like you to take a step back and really reflect on this thought "I don't have time for myself".

    I walk you through some reflection prompts and how you can view this problem a little differently and work through it.

    Making time for yourself doesn't need to be 2 hours every day. It is a little moment of connection, a little moment that reminds you that you are important.

    Don't skip this activity this week, take a moment to reflect on what your needs are and how you can start making space for them. You matter, lease don't forget that my dear friend.

    I hope you have a beautiful and lovely week,


    Join me in Palo Alto, California on April 25th:

    Purchase my Reflective Parent Journal:

    Ask a question for an upcoming podcast episode:

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


    Facebook group:

    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

    Discounts for our community!

  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 22 Apr 2024 03:00:00 -0400
    Embracing Self-Kindness: Dr. Kristen Neff on the Life-Changing Power of Self-Compassion

    Let's chat about self-compassion with the scientist that created the self-compassion scale herself!

    Today, I am joined by Dr. Kristen Neff, Tedx speaker and author of Self-Compassion: The proven power of being kind to yourself. Leading expert in self-compassion, Dr. Neff walks us through what it means to be self-compassion and how we can start with baby steps to be kinder to ourselves.

    I remember being a first time mom and how I had so much guilt around everything I did with my daughter. Our inner dialogue can be so tough on us, while on the other hand, we offer a nurturing hand to our friends. I know I am not alone in this because many moms and dads have shared these struggles with me.

    If you are ready to be kinder to yourself and to see this impact on your mental health and physical health, then take 47 min to listen to this powerful conversation! '

    Watch this in YouTube:



    Self-Compassion: The Proven Power of Being Kind to Yourself

    Visit her website or join her NEW Self-Compassion Community:


    Her Tedx Talk

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


    Facebook group:

    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

    Discounts for our community!

  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 15 Apr 2024 03:00:00 -0400
    Unpacking the Mental Load of Motherhood: Strategies for Balance and Self-Compassion

    Have you ever found yourself scrubbing baseboards and questioned why you place so much pressure on yourself? As I prepare for my trip to California at the end of the month, that exact introspection led to a profound realization about the 'shoulds' in my life, a topic I eagerly explore with Erica Djossa, therapist and author of "Releasing the Motherload," on our latest Curious Neuron podcast episode. Together, we scrutinize the mental load that mothers bear, addressing the invisible tasks and the ever-elusive balance between self-care and parenting.

    We offer you strategies for dealing with the intense emotional landscape that comes with parenting, ensuring that you feel seen, understood, and empowered to align your actions with your personal values. Wrapping up our conversation, we touch upon the cultural myth of the perfect mother, the critical importance of articulating boundaries, and how to advocate for yourself in an often overwhelming parenting journey. It's an episode for mothers and parents at any stage, tune in for a guiding light through the complexities of maternal mental health and well-being.

    Buy Erica's new book:
    Amazon in Canada

    Amazon in the US

    Visit her websites:


    Follow her on IG:

    Come to my talk in Palo Alto California on April 25th!

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


    Facebook group:

    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

    Discounts for our community!

  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 08 Apr 2024 03:00:00 -0400
    Was my child's misbehaviour due to my lack of emotional coping skills? Here is how I messed up last night.

    I really messed up last night and I want to share this with you so that you can learn from my mistake.

    When we are feeling stressed or overwhelmed, it can trickle down to our kids. If we don't notice this, then all we see if a child that is "misbehaving" when in reality it is a child that is dysregulated, doesn't feel connected, doesn't feel validated or seen.

    When we NOTICE this, it makes it easier for us to switch our own behaviour or thoughts with the goal of changing how it is impacting our child.

    In this episode, I share the bedtime story that would might be able to relate to and I share some reflection prompts to help you work through it the next time this happens to you.

    If you connect with this episode, please take a moment to rate it or review or. You can also email me to say hello!

    Join our Reflective Parenting Facebook group:

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


    Facebook group:

    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

    Discounts for our community!

  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 01 Apr 2024 02:00:00 -0400
    How building executive functions can support your child's motivation in school with Dr. Stephanie Carlson

    Let's talk about executive functions and how these skills support your child's academic performance!

    In today's episode, I chat with Dr. Stephanie Carlson, Tedx speaker and Distinguished McKnight University Professor in the Institute of Child Development at the University of Minnesota. She investigates basic developmental processes in executive function in children.

    If your child often gets stuck in their emotions, struggle with staying focused or struggles with getting organized or planning, this is a must-listen episode for you!

    We chat about emotions, sleep (I learned that total hours of sleep isn't as important as I thought!) and how you can support your child in their early years to help them build these important skills that create the foundation of their future emotional and physical health.

    Are you ready to become a reflective parent? Purchase my 100-page workbook! (send me a screenshot of your podcast review to get $10 off!)





    Study: Metacognitive processes and associations to executive function and motivation during a problem-solving task in 3–5 year olds

    Join her study!
    Dr. Carlson is currently conducting a fully online research study examining the predictors of career interests in children, as EF skills might be one overlooked predictor of the topics and jobs students are drawn to in high school and beyond. To be eligible for this study, you must live in the United States, and your child must be in 4th or 8th grade in the 2023-24 school year. Families will be contacted each year for 4 years. Compensation (wide selection of gift cards) depends on level of participation and ranges from $10-$50 per year.

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


    Facebook group:

    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

    Discounts for our community!

  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 25 Mar 2024 03:00:00 -0400
    How parental stress trickles down to our kids: The Spillover Theory explained

    Ever wondered how your stress levels could be painting the world for your little ones? I unpack the spillover theory and zero in on pivotal insights from current studies that reveal the depth of our influence on our kids’ behavior. It’s a journey of reflection—a look in the mirror at our own stress and parenting styles—and a step towards cultivating a nurturing and conscious home environment.

    Finally, I arm you with the strategies to manage stress effectively. From recognizing what you can control and influence to establishing vital boundaries, especially in your most intimate relationships. I dive into coping strategies that target the source of stress and ways to address tension in marriages, comprehending how these can reverberate through the family. By the end of this episode, you'll be equipped with a deeper understanding and practical solutions to enhance not only your well-being but also that of your family.

    Purchase the Reflective Parent Workbook (100 pages of reflection prompts that support your psychological well-being):

    (get a $10 coupon if you send me a screenshot of your review and rating for the podcast!)

    Work–Family Spillover and Subjective Well‐Being: The Moderating Role of Coping Strategies

    Linking family relationships with peer relationships based on spillover theory: A positive perspective

    Spillover in the Home: The Effects of Family Conflict on Parents' Behavior

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


    Facebook group:

    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

    Discounts for our community!

  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 18 Mar 2024 18:00:00 -0400
    Is the state of my relationship damaging my attachment with my child?

    Ever wonder how your earliest experiences of love and connection with caregivers are playing out in your adult relationships? Join me, along with couples therapist Vanessa Morgan, as we uncover how attachment styles developed in infancy can have a far-reaching influence on our interaction patterns with romantic partners and even our children. Vanessa guides us through understanding different attachment styles, the importance of self-reflection, and the powerful effect of establishing secure connections that can rewrite our relationship narratives for the better.

    We learn that expressing personal needs and understanding the physical sensations linked to emotions are essential skills for healthier interactions. Vanessa and I also tackle the delicacy of parental conflict, the necessity of a post-argument narrative for children's emotional security, and how these moments of repair can strengthen our bonds.

    Lastly, we highlight the importance of addressing personal traumas, the principles of secure functioning in partnerships, and how these steps can prevent negative cycles from repeating in future generations.

    Follow Vanessa:


    Listen to Similar Episodes:
    Dr. Tracy Dalgleish: How to maintain a healthy relationship after having kids

    Protecting yourself and healing from a narcissistic person with best selling author Dr. Ramani Durvasula

    Watch this episode on YouTube:

    Purchase the Reflective Parent Workbook ($29.99) or get $10 off if you leave a review for my podcast and send me a screenshot at info@curiousneuron.com

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


    Facebook group:

    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

    Discounts for our community!

  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 11 Mar 2024 03:00:00 -0400
    Empowering Dads to Express and Manage Emotions

    As a mom of three with a neuroscience background, I've come to understand that the emotional health of fathers is a critical but often overlooked topic. That's why I invited Dr. Matt Englar-Carlson, an expert in counseling and male psychology, onto the podcast. Our conversation offers an essential guide for anyone invested in the development of healthy boyhood and supportive environments for men as they embrace parenting, with insights into breaking cycles of anger and fostering emotional regulation.

    In our final thoughts, Dr. Englar-Carlson and I reflect on the significance of building healthy relationships for life success. We explore how being a positive force in the lives of children, partners, and friends can be the cornerstone of well-being. For fathers and all listeners seeking to enhance their mental health and emotional expression, this episode is an invitation to explore new pathways and embrace the journey toward more fulfilling personal connections.

    MENTAL App:

    Accentuating positive masculinity: A new foundation for the psychology of boys, men, and masculinity.

    The American psychological Association's practice guidelines for men and boys: Are they hurting rather than helping male mental wellness?

    Rate AND review the Curious Neuron podcast and send me a screenshot to get my Reflective Parent Workbook for FREE (offer valid until Sunday, March 11th, 2024)

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


    Facebook group:

    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

    Discounts for our community!

  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 04 Mar 2024 21:00:00 -0500
    These 3 leadership skills are important for parents

    As I dive into leadership and business books, I can't help make the link with parenting. I think leadership books are the best parenting books!

    I gave a workshop this week to a leadership team and realized how many of these tips applied to parenting so this week, I break down 3 aspects of this talk and give you some reflection prompts to apply this to your home.

    Want more reflection prompts that support your emotional health? Purchase my Reflective Parent Workbook below (send me a screenshot of the podcast rating and I will give you a $10 coupon for the workbook!)


    Listen to more Curious Neuron Podcast episodes similar to this one:

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


    Facebook group:

    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

    Discounts for our community!

  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 26 Feb 2024 03:00:00 -0500
    Protecting yourself and healing from a narcissistic person with best selling author Dr. Ramani Durvasula

    Dr. Ramani and I rigorously tackle the complexities that emerge when parenting with or alongside a narcissist, offering invaluable strategies for setting boundaries and cultivating a nurturing environment for both parents and children.

    We discuss the often-overlooked impact narcissistic parenting has on the developmental stages of children, from their tender infancy to their more independent years. We confront the harsh truth that parenthood doesn't magically reform a narcissist and discuss the imperative role of a supportive, responsive parent in mitigating a narcissist's unpredictable influence. Delving into the intricacies of equitable parenting and its significance on familial harmony, this episode sheds light on fostering a balanced family dynamic, even amidst the challenges posed by a narcissistic partner or parent.




    Read Dr. Ramani's new book It's Not You:

    Dr. Ramani's YouTube Channel:


    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


    Facebook group:

    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

    Discounts for our community!

  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 19 Feb 2024 03:00:00 -0500
    How my grandpa Roger taught be to be resilient

    My grandfather Roger always said that the true measure of character is found not in comfort, but in the face of challenge. In this episode, I share my story of a day I called my grandpa pretending to be sick when I was in high school.

    This story is a reminder that we need to place our children in uncomfortable situations to help them work on their inner dialogue and motivation. It also reminds, the parents, that we need to do the same.

    I hope you enjoy my story about my grandpa Roger, he was the world to me and taught me so much!

    Ready to start working on yourself? I've got you!
    Get The Reflective Parent workbook (100 pages!) and if you leave a review for the podcast, email me info@curiousneuron.com and I will give you a $10 coupon code!

    Watch this episode of YouTube:

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


    Facebook group:

    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

    Discounts for our community!

  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 12 Feb 2024 03:00:00 -0500
    Loneliness in early parenthood: What can we learn from research?

    Being a new parent can make you feel really alone. But don't worry, I talked to Dr. Kelly Elliott and Dr. Tracy Vozar, and we had a chat that might make you feel better.

    Today, we talk about the different ways people raise kids and how it can affect our feelings. We also look at how feeling anxious and trying to be the perfect parent can make us feel really lonely. We talk about how social media can help connect parents and make them feel less alone.

    We don't just talk about the problems, though. We also give you practical tips and resources to help you through the tough times of being a new parent. The Baby Steps lab at DU has a lot of useful stuff, and we share some simple self-care ideas to help you take care of yourself. Let's celebrate the small moments that make being a parent a bit easier, and work towards a future where parents' mental health is a big deal in our community.

    Resources mentioned during the conversation:
    Alexandra Sacks, M.D TED TALK
    Baby S.T.E.P.S. lab resources HERE
    We mentioned the term "good enough parenting" and cited Circle of Security
    Maternal Mortality and Morbidity article HERE
    Tracy and team's publication on P-PTSD HERE
    Infographic on intrusive thoughts HERE

    Curious Neuron Podcast Episodes for new parents:
    5 tips for new parents HERE
    Advice for new parents HERE
    What new parents should know about brain development HERE

    When should a tantrum become a concern? Article HERE
    Watch this episode of YouTube: https://youtu.be/H4xaY5Z5bFU

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


    Facebook group:

    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

    Discounts for our community!

  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 05 Feb 2024 03:00:00 -0500
    How to become a mentally strong couple with Amy Morin

    Have you ever wondered how to keep the spark alive in your relationship and fend off the threat of monotony that might edge you toward divorce? Join me, Cindy Hovington, along with Amy Morin, author of "13 Things Mentally Strong Couples Don't Do," as we uncover the secrets to a flourishing partnership that benefits not just you and your spouse, but your children as well.

    We discuss the delicate balance of setting boundaries in a relationship can feel like walking a tightrope, but it's a vital act for maintaining a healthy connection. We reveal how to introduce boundaries with sensitivity and strength, even in well-established relationships, and take a closer look at the underlying issues that trivial squabbles can mask. If you're ready to challenge the myth that your partner should be your everything, this episode is for you.

    Lastly, we tackle the pervasive challenge of martyrdom and how to foster a more equitable partnership through delegation and open dialogue. With these actionable insights, Amy and I guide you in strengthening your bond and renewing the joy in your journey together.

    Get Amy's Book Here:
    US: HERE
    Canada: https://amzn.to/3SilDvv

    Listen to my previous conversation with Amy about mentally strong kids:

    Listen to my conversation with therapist Dr. Tracy Dalgleish: How to maintain a healthy relationship after having kids

    Follow Amy on Instagram:

    Reflective Parent Workbook (Curious Neuron Academy):

    Watch on YouTube:

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


    Facebook group:

    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

    Discounts for our community!

  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 29 Jan 2024 03:00:00 -0500
    Why your own emotional intelligence matters as a parent with Genny Rumancik

    Hang tight for a cozy chat that's like catching up with your parent BFF – we're spilling the beans on emotions and parenting with Jenny from EQ School. No fancy talk, just a laid-back convo packed with aha moments.

    From decoding our emotions to setting real, self-care boundaries, we're giving you the inside scoop on the family feels. This isn't your typical podcast; it's your backstage pass to leveling up your connection game at home.

    Emotional intelligence isn't just for suits – it's a game-changer for your living room, especially in the parenting chaos. Join us as we spill secrets on handling emotional triggers, squeezing in some self-reflection, and calling in backup when needed.

    No cookie-cutter boundaries here – we're talking self-care magic that turns your family dynamic into a well-choreographed dance. Learn to speak your needs loud and clear while giving your emotional health a boost.

    This episode is all about reflection – your golden ticket to expressing emotions and parenting with sanity. We're dishing tips on building your emotional vocab, navigating the ups and downs of raising emotionally aware kids, and why it's okay to let those emotions flow.

    So, grab your drink of choice, kick back, and join us for a chat that's all about beefing up your emotional IQ and becoming the parent rockstar you were born to be. Let's do this!

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


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    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

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  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 22 Jan 2024 02:00:00 -0500
    What if the word "anxiety" didn't exist? How would we describe this feeling?

    Ever wonder why your heart races with anticipation or why a simple hug can calm your nerves? Prepare to unlock the mysteries of your emotional landscape with the theories of Dr. Lisa Feldman Barrett, author of How Emotions are Made, as we examine the complex world of constructed emotions. I am reading her book and I want to share some key concepts with you that will change your perspective on emotions.

    We delve into the nuances of emotional granularity, exploring how a keen awareness of our micro emotions can prevent the depletion of our mental and physical resources.

    If you want to rethink emotions, tune-in to today's episode!

    Purchase the Reflective Parent Workbook (100 pages) here:

    Email me a screenshot of your podcast review OR tag @curious_neuron on Instagram and share the podcast to get $10 off your order info@curiousneuron.com

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


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    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

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  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 15 Jan 2024 03:00:00 -0500
    The importance of giving our kid the permission to feel: Understanding emotional Intelligence with Dr. Marc Brackett

    Today is a very special episode on emotional intelligence with world renowned researcher Dr. Marc Brackett, director of the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence. As we navigate the intricate ties between emotions, parenting, and education, Dr. Brackett shares his profound expertise on the RULER approach and the pivotal role of emotions in shaping our lives.

    Our conversation extends beyond theory to offer tangible strategies that help us grant both ourselves and our children the 'permission to feel,' a crucial step in fostering mental health and well-being.

    We discuss how consistent role modeling across all environments—be it at home or school—is essential in teaching our young ones to navigate the complex world of emotions. This episode is an eye-opener for anyone looking to understand why emotional intelligence should not just be an add-on but a key component of our collective growth.

    Lastly, we reflect on the profound impact that emotional intelligence can have on leadership, relationships, and personal fulfillment.

    A special thank you to my guest co-host Karl Mercuri, Social and Emotional Learning Coordinator at The Priory Elementary School in Montreal.

    Get Dr. Brackett's app How We Feel for free:

    Get his book Permission to Feel:
    In Canada
    In the US

    Follow him on IG:

    Emotional Intelligence in the Classroom
    The Ability Model of Emotional Intelligence

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


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    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

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  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 08 Jan 2024 00:00:00 -0500
    Reflection prompts to help parents reflect on 2023 and prepare for 2024

    Welcome to Curious Neuron, where our sixth season reminds you to prioritize your emotional health. Join me as we unearth the power of journaling and reflection. I also announce the launch of my new workbook called The Reflective Parent

    You can purchase it here if you are looking for support in working on yourself this year and relflecting on your emotional and mental well-being.

    This season will be a great one with amazing interviews already lined up with Dr. Marc Brackett, Dr. Ramani and many more!

    Don't forgot to subscribe to the podcast not to miss any of our episodes this season!

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


    Facebook group:

    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

    Discounts for our community!

  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 01 Jan 2024 02:00:00 -0500
    Thriving During the Holidays: A Parent's Guide to Emotional Health and Boundary Setting

    Season five comes to a close, and what better way to bid adieu than with a heartfelt guide to steering through the festive frenzy as a parent? I'm Cindy Hevington, and this wrap-up is deeply personal as I share the trials my own family has faced, including my grandmother's recent diagnosis. But it's more than just a story; it's a treasure chest of strategies for setting boundaries and creating game plans with your children. These tactics are crucial, now more than ever, to safeguard our emotional health and preserve mental wellness amidst the holiday hubbub.

    As we eagerly look forward to season six, anticipated to be rich with wisdom from guests like Dr. Mark Brackett of Yale University, I extend a warm invitation for you to join the conversation. This episode is not just about overcoming the challenges but thriving with your family during the holidays. It's about respecting your children's personal space, upholding your unique parenting style despite the whirlwind of opinions, and approaching unsolicited advice with grace and assertiveness. Your narratives and experiences are the fabric of our shared journey, enhancing the tapestry of parenthood we continue to weave together.

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


    Facebook group:

    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

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  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 25 Dec 2023 00:00:00 -0500
    Is it "bad behaviour" or trauma response? My thoughts after my 91 year old grandma was tied down to a chair at the hospital

    Trapped in a hospital chair at 91, my grandmother's heartfelt story paints a vivid picture of an overlooked issue in our healthcare system. Her trauma-induced aggression, misinterpreted and mishandled, opened my eyes to the crying need for a more compassionate, trauma-informed approach. Together, let's challenge the conventional healthcare narrative and understand the profound links between the young and old, their reactions often misunderstood as misbehavior or aggression.

    While we journey through stories that highlight the power and importance of emotional health, we also unmask the haunting prevalence of trauma, with an alarming 60% of individuals having experienced trauma before the age of 15. How can we change our perspective and see these behaviors not as "misbehavior" but as echoes of an often silent struggle? Let's shift our mindset and approach by reframing discipline, focusing on understanding what has happened to an individual rather than labeling them as "bad".

    Finally, we tackle the issue of misbehavior in children. Digging deep into root causes, we converse on the importance of mindful parenting and the power of understanding.


    • Reflect on the reasons behind children's behavior and approach it with curiosity and understanding.
    • Advocate for trauma-informed care in all aspects of society, including healthcare, education, and parenting.
    • Recognize the impact of past trauma on individuals and provide support and empathy.
    • Challenge the use of labels like 'misbehavior' and strive to understand the underlying causes.

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


    Facebook group:

    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

    Discounts for our community!

  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 18 Dec 2023 00:00:00 -0500
    A parent's guide to understanding their child's emotional development with Dr. Amanda Sheffield Morris

    Ever wondered why your toddler's tantrums seem uncontrollable or why your teenager is always sulking? Is it a sign of underlying distress, or a normal part of growing up? These questions and more are answered in this episode where we welcome developmental psychologist, Dr. Amanda Sheffield Morris. She helps us unlock the mysteries of emotional regulation in children, emphasizing the crucial role it plays in their overall health and well-being. We also delve into the intricacies of the parent-child relationship, discussing how it changes as your child progresses through different stages of life. And to top it all off, Dr. Morris shares some practical nuggets from her new book, "Raising a Resilient Child."

    But it's not just about the kids. Parents, we're in this too! Our inner world affects our outer reactions, especially when it comes to managing our child's emotions. How we regulate our own emotions can significantly impact our children's emotional development. We're not perfect – and we're not expected to be – but understanding our emotional triggers can help us respond more effectively to our children's needs. In this episode, we also navigate the tumultuous waters of emotions like anger, sadness, worry, and anxiety. We provide tips on how parents can set routines and rituals that support emotional regulation and offer insights into the importance of patience and understanding, especially during the early stages of your child's life.

    Towards the end of our discussion, we dive deeper into the world of emotional well-being in parenting. Dr. Morris introduces the concept of "shark music" – the scripts and patterns we have in our minds when it comes to parenting – and how this affects our interactions with our children.

    Amanda's Book is out now! Raising a Resilient Child in a World of Adversity: Effective Parenting for Every Family
    Amazon US
    Amazon Canada

    Parents’ adverse childhood experiences and current relationships with their young children

    Parent and Peer Emotion Responsivity Styles: An Extension of Gottman’s Emotion S

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


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    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

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  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 11 Dec 2023 00:00:00 -0500
    How I taught my kids to take each others perspective during arguments

    From my personal encounters with teaching empathy to my six and eight-year-old to sparking young minds' curiosity for neuroscience, this episode has a lot to offer. I'll share how a Nintendo dispute became a perfect opportunity to teach my kids the power of perspective taking in arguments and the crucial role of empathy in conflict resolution. It's a lesson that goes beyond parenthood – it's fundamentally about understanding and communicating with each other.

    The importance of parental mental health is often underappreciated, and that's what we'll be delving into in the later half of our episode. As a community, we ought to acknowledge the emotional and mental toll parenting can take and work together to provide the support needed. I encourage you to help us understand better what parents need to maintain their mental and emotional wellbeing by providing your input. Let's wrap up the week with a meaningful discussion about empathy, perspective, and mental health. Here's to a positive end to the week and a wonderful week ahead!

    Please take 3-5 min to fill in this form on parental well-being. I am going to use it to apply for a research grant to study the impact of Curious Neuron!

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


    Facebook group:

    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

    Discounts for our community!

  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 04 Dec 2023 00:00:00 -0500
    Supporting social-emotional skills in neurodivergent children with Dr. Julie Scorah

    Many parents with neurodivergent children have told me that parenting advice they read early helps them support their child. With the help of renowned neuropsychologist Dr. Julie Scorah, explore the unique challenges often faced by neurodivergent children.

    We'll talk about the need to plan ahead to prevent stress, the significance of responding over reacting, and the importance of teaching your child coping skills in their calm moments. We'll also touch upon proactive strategies like relaxation techniques and utilizing sensory breaks and social stories. With Dr. Scorah's expertise and our collective experiences, we aim to navigate you through these troubled waters with patience and understanding.

    In this final section, we'll explore the impact of neurodiversity on children's social skills and behavior. We'll underline the importance of teaching neurodivergent children alternative means of communication, which can lead to a marked improvement in their behavior over time. Moreover, we'll discuss the societal pressure on children to be social and share some strategies to support their social development in a manageable and beneficial way. So, join us on this enlightening journey and let's learn together.

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


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    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

    Discounts for our community!

  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 27 Nov 2023 00:00:00 -0500
    77% of children who experience abuse or maltreatment are victimized by their parents

    Today, we unravel the profound effects of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and the potential consequences of parental burnout and stress. It's time to break intergenerational cycles for the well-being of future generations. I'll be sharing the latest eye-opening research and statistics.

    Neglect, abuse, divorce, parental incarceration, these adversities can lead to chronic illness and mental health issues later in life. It's crucial to scrutinize the negative impacts of spanking and shaming while cultivating a positive home environment. Remember, our children's well-being starts with us.

    Lastly, we'll dive into the essence of reflection and how it contributes to nurturing parental well-being.

    30-days of reflection prompts for parents:

    Parental well-being survey (3-5 min to answer):

    FREE e-book about kids emotions:





    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


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    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

    Discounts for our community!

  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 20 Nov 2023 00:00:00 -0500
    How to Love Your Kids Without Losing Yourself with Dr. Morgan Cutlip

    Ever felt like you're drowning in the deep end of parenthood, with the overwhelming demands of child-rearing overshadowing your own needs? I've got you! This week, I chatted with Dr. Morgan Cutlip. She sheds light on the delicate balance of meeting the needs of your family while honoring your own. We take a frank and honest look at the emotional milieu of motherhood, unpacking expectations, and the importance of self-care, all while discussing Dr. Cutlip's riveting new book "Love Your Kids Without Losing Yourself."

    We offer insights on overcoming defensiveness, different worldviews, and role expectations to help navigate the mental load of parenting with your partner. Join us!

    About our guest:
    Dr. Morgan Cutlip, PhD in Psychology and highly sought-after relationship expert, knows what it feels like to lose yourself in motherhood, and she’s determined to help mothers navigate it better.

    Her book: Love Your Kids Without Losing Yourself
    Canada Amazon
    US Amazon

    Dr. Cutlip's Instagram Page @drmorgancutlip

    Her website:

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


    Facebook group:

    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

    Discounts for our community!

  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 13 Nov 2023 00:00:00 -0500
    This is why we shouldn't discipline toddlers for not sharing

    Wondering why your two-year-old is not keen on sharing toys with their playmates? I have a reel that is about to hit 4 MILLION views...and it's about sharing. Many people don't agree with my post so today's episode is all about understanding child development and sharing - a concept that genuinely blossoms around the age of four. Let's unravel the misconceptions and shed light on the research behind this fascinating aspect of child growth.

    Developing pro-social behavior in children is an art. And the canvas - relationships! Yes, kids are more likely to share with people they're familiar with. But how can we, as parents and educators, encourage these skills? Let's get practical as we discuss everything from how to inspire your child to pass on their balloon to their best bud, to sharing a yummy cookie with grandma. We explore the importance of patience, understanding, and excellent guidance in nurturing these essential life skills.

    Play, the universal language of children, is our secret weapon. We dive into how play can teach children about sharing, mine vs. yours, patience, and even conflict resolution. The episode wraps up with some love for our wonderful listeners, emphasizing how much we appreciate your ratings and reviews. We hope to continue delivering insightful episodes and wish you a beautiful week ahead! Don't miss out on this enlightening journey into the world of child development and sharing.

    Get free weekly activity packs that teach your kids about emotions HERE



    Mine or Yours? Development of Sharing in Toddlers in Relation to Ownership Understanding HERE

    The development of recipient-dependent sharing behavior and sharing expectations in preschool children HERE

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


    Facebook group:

    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

    Discounts for our community!

  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 06 Nov 2023 00:00:00 -0500
    Why we shouldn't criticize our children

    Growing up, I was no stranger to criticism. Now, as an adult, I can't help but notice its lingering effects on my self-esteem, my internal narrative, and my motivation. For better or worse, that criticism has shaped me. In this episode, we explore how a critical environment can influence marriages and parenting. We unpack the early warning signs that criticism could signal in marriages, and draw parallels with our relationships with our children.

    Moving into the second half, we shift our focus to communication with our children. The weight of criticism is heavy on their growing shoulders. It can knock their self-esteem down, and shape their inner voice, sometimes in damaging ways. It's a balance we have to strike - maintaining firmness without sacrificing warmth and sensitivity. Listen in as we delve into the power and potential of language. We discuss how our words can inspire our children, rather than criticize them, and how we can foster their growth, instead of stifling it. This episode is not just about the impact of criticism; it's a conversation about resilience, nurturing positive relationships, and the immeasurable power we hold as parents.

    FREE weekly activities teaching kids about emotions:

    Curious Neuron Podcast Episode about negotiation:

    Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ by Daniel Goleman HERE

    Parental behavioural control in adolescence: How does it affect self-esteem and self-criticism? HERE

    How to Make Repair Attempts So Your Partner Feels Loved HERE

    Parents’ Use of Praise and Criticism in a Sample of Young Children Seeking Mental Health Services HERE

    Family Emotional Processes and Adolescents' Adjustment HERE

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


    Facebook group:

    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

    Discounts for our community!

  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 30 Oct 2023 00:00:00 -0400
    How to parent children with challenging temperaments to ensure you have a strong bond

    Everything you need to know about your child's temperament! Concetta Ferretti brings a unique perspective to parenting and child development. As we delve into the complexities of temperament, Concetta brilliantly dissects its genetic and environmental influences, and its transformative relationship with personality.

    As parents, it's crucial to understand how temperament impacts a child's sensitivity and overall growth. Concetta sheds light on why children with more challenging temperaments may be more susceptible to negative environments, and how they can truly flourish under positive parenting. With an exploration of the science of high brain plasticity, she reveals its evolutionary implications, its potential as both a strength and vulnerability, and the pivotal role parents play in shaping their child's brain development.

    This enlightening chat is a goldmine for parents grappling with the challenges of raising a highly sensitive child. The conversation traverses societal pressures to conform, the importance of acknowledging our children's inherent sensitivities, and valuable strategies to transition from survival mode to a thriving environment. Concetta also discusses the power of repair in relationships, offering hope that our mistakes don't define us, and reminding us that our actions shape our identities. So, tune in for a conversation that leaves you better equipped, inspired, and empowered to embrace the parenting journey.


    Concetta's Instagram: @the.stressed.species

    The influence of temperament and mothering on attachment and exploration: an experimental manipulation of sensitive responsiveness among lower-class mothers with irritable infants:


    Biological sensitivity to context: I. An evolutionary-developmental theory of the origins and functions of stress reactivity:


    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


    Facebook group:

    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

    Discounts for our community!

  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 23 Oct 2023 00:00:00 -0400
    Helping Children Face their Fears

    Relating to your child's fear or shyness can be disheartening and challenging. I vividly remember the time when my 3-year-old daughter was hesitant to join a community center due to fear. This episode shares the journey we embarked on to help her face her fears and build resilience.

    We break down strategies such as acknowledging the fear instead of dismissing it, breaking tasks into smaller manageable steps, and empowering children to explore their feelings. We touch on the valuable teachings from 'Emotional Agility' by Dr. Susan David that can help children gain emotional agility and learn to respond effectively to their fears.

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


    Facebook group:

    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

    Discounts for our community!

  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 16 Oct 2023 00:00:00 -0400
    The Power of Mindfulness in Everyday Life with Physiotherapist Tatianna

    Ever wondered how to weave mindfulness into the bustling tapestry of your everyday life? Prepare to discover new threads of wisdom with our special guest, Tatianna, an experienced physiotherapist with a particular knack for connecting the dots between mental and physical well-being. Together, we poke at the curious interplay of mindfulness and our bodies, unearthing the profound impacts of achievable daily practices.

    Fascinatingly, as Tatianna shines a light on mindful movement, it becomes evident that even amid the whirlwind of our lives, there's always room for a quick XYZ spine exercise to maximize the benefits of movement. Tatiana's expertise extends into the realm of self-awareness, painting a vivid picture of how mindfulness can recalibrate our nervous systems and dial down our stress levels. She champions the power of journaling as a tool for accountability, a testament to her commitment to nurturing a balance in both our mental and physical facets.

    As we drift into the calming realm of mindful breathing, Tatianna unveils the power behind this practice in stress reduction and regulation of our nervous systems. She shares valuable techniques, such as focusing on the three-part breath and using one hand on the heart and one hand on the belly.

    Download her free guide "Discover 3 Tips Women Can Use to Reduce Neck & Back Stiffness" below:

    About Tatianna:
    Tatianna is the founder of The Move With Ease Method, is a comprehensive 12-week transformational program that helps women overcome feeling stuck in their bodies, with pain, stress and tension, to feeling confident and free in their own bodies. She's passionate about helping women set themselves up for success in the second half of life so that they can enjoy all of life's activities and joys, and be able to show up the way they want as a mom, as a spouse, a boss, an athlete, an employee, a friend, a caregiver, and anything else! The Move With Ease Method helps women achieve this success all through the convenience of online coaching and content.

    Join her on Instagram:

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


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    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

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  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 09 Oct 2023 00:00:00 -0400
    From Neuroscientist to a Homeschooling mom of 3: A Personal Journey and Insights into Parenting

    Ever wondered what it takes to shift gears from pursuing a PhD in neuroscience to the demanding commitment of homeschooling? Well, today, your host Cindy Hovington opens up about her intriguing life journey, sharing the valuable lessons she's learned along the way. In this riveting conversation, I recount how I've learned to trust my gut, embrace failure, and never neglect self-care. We'll discuss my conscious decision to prioritize privacy by avoiding the exposure of my children's identities on social media.

    Delve deeper into the intricacies of mental health, as I share my personal insights about the profound impact emotional well-being can have on us and our parenting. Hear about my own experiences and learn how understanding our emotions can have a profound effect on our children's emotional and mental health. Also, I share my thoughts on the therapeutic benefits of journaling, and how making time for joy can positively influence our lives. We'll also go through some insightful questions about parenting from our online followers. Listen in for an enlightening exploration of my life lessons and join me in making joy a priority this week.

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


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    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

    Discounts for our community!

  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 02 Oct 2023 00:00:00 -0400
    Understanding and Managing Emotional Triggers for Mindful Parenting with Dr. Sarah Bren

    Ever wondered how your own thoughts, feelings, and behaviors impact your parenting? Prepare to gain a deeper understanding of your own emotional triggers and responses as we delve into the complexities of parenting with clinical psychologist Dr. Sarah Bren. This episode is a masterclass in mindful parenting, giving you insights and practical tools to help you respond better to your child's behavior.

    We tackle the all-important subject of parental triggers, exploring how understanding our vulnerabilities and personal history can help us better interpret our child's behavior. Learn to recognize your feelings and urges in the moment and practice the skills to manage them effectively. We assure you, this isn't about achieving parental perfection but gaining understanding and awareness that leads to a more effective response.

    By the end, you'll understand why following the 'rules' of parenting isn't enough. It's about understanding yourself to become a more mindful and effective parent. Join us and Dr. Sarah Bren on this insightful journey into the heart of parenting.

    Join Dr. Bren's FREE masterclass here:

    You can follow her on Instagram:

    Visit her website for more courses:

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


    Facebook group:

    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

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  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 25 Sep 2023 00:00:00 -0400
    5 Journaling and Reflective Parenting Questions to Ask Yourself

    Do you know the power of your own mind and how journaling can unlock that potential? Let's embark on a journey of self-discovery and growth. This episode is a deep dive into the transformative power of journaling, an instrumental tool in shaping thoughts and managing anxieties. We explore how journaling helps in understanding oneself better and how it can be used to tackle everyday issues. It is a candid conversation about the journey of self-reflection, learning and understanding propelled by journaling.

    But we don't stop there. We broaden the conversation to focus on the realm of parenting. We explore reflective parenting, asking hard questions about our roles as parents. We talk about how to communicate with kids effectively, teaching them to criticize constructively, and fostering an environment where they feel loved and valued. We delve into the significance of instilling our values in our kids and the importance of quality time. This episode wraps up with a thought-provoking discussion on the power of values in parenting and the impact of reflective journaling. Prepare to be inspired, challenged, and enlightened.

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


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    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

    Discounts for our community!

  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 18 Sep 2023 00:00:00 -0400
    Dr. Tracy Dalgleish: How to maintain a healthy relationship after having kids

    Why do some struggle so much with their relationship after having kids? Has your relationship changed? Tune in for some marriage advice in today's episode!

    As an experienced clinical psychologist and couples therapist, our guest Dr. Tracy Dalgleish shares marriage advice about the complexities of relationships post-parenthood. In her new book "I Didn't Sign Up for This", she uncovers the harsh reality that 67% of couples experience a decrease in relationship satisfaction after having a baby. We dig deep into this topic, exploring the negative cycles that trap partners and the strategies available to break free and foster healthier relationships.

    Drawing from the research of Drs John and Julie Gottman and Dr Sue Johnson, we identify four destructive communication patterns often seen in strained relationships. But knowing is only half the battle. How do we turn this knowledge into actionable steps? Dr. Dalgleish provides invaluable insights into recognizing our own attachment styles, understanding how our past experiences shape our coping mechanisms, and how to navigate the delicate balance of intimacy and autonomy in relationships.

    Finally, we tackle the tricky world of relationship labels, emotional regulation and the impact of parental disagreements on children. Dr. Dalgleish emphasizes the importance of respectful communication and the valuable role of repairing connections.

    Get her book I Didn't Sign Up for This (out on September 12th, 2023!):
    Amazon Canada
    Amazon US

    Visit her website and follow her on Instagram

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


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    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

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  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 11 Sep 2023 00:00:00 -0400
    Emotional Intelligence 101: What this should look like in your home

    Ever wondered how emotional intelligence impacts our lives? Can understanding your own emotions positively influence your relationships and success? This episode invites you on a journey of self-exploration, examining emotional intelligence and its profound effects on our well-being. With the guidance of two remarkable books - Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goldman and Emotional Agility by Dr. Susan David, we'll demystify this often misunderstood concept and how it shapes our every day.

    We delve into the significance of self-awareness, a vital aspect of emotional intelligence. Honing your emotional agility is all about 'showing up' - acknowledging, accepting, and being mindful of our emotions. We discuss the crucial 'step out' concept, inviting you to create a healthy distance between yourself and your emotions. This episode introduces the practice of journaling, a powerful tool to gain perspective and understanding of our emotions.

    As we navigate the path of emotional intelligence, we also spotlight the development of coping skills. We draw upon Dr. Susan David's concept of 'Walking Your Why', a strategy to align actions with core values and long-term goals, and how understanding these values can help manage emotional triggers. We conclude the episode with an invitation - to you, our listeners, to share your topic suggestions. If there's a particular topic you'd like us to discuss, we're all ears! Let's connect on Instagram at cures underscore neuron. Remember, emotional intelligence is not a destination, but a journey. So, let's begin this journey together. Tune in, learn, connect and grow with us.


    Amazon (Canada):
    Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman

    Emotional Agility by Susan David

    Permission to Feel by Marc Brackett

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


    Facebook group:

    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

    Discounts for our community!

  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 04 Sep 2023 00:00:00 -0400
    Exploring Diversity and Inclusion in Children's Media

    Get ready to discover how media shapes our children's perception of the world in our insightful conversation with Kim and Adriana, leading voices in children's media. We delve deeper into how children's media, while entertaining, can also be a powerful tool to support their learning and social skills. With these experts, we unpack the importance of diversity and inclusivity in children's media - from South Asian representation to Indigenous characters, and 2SLGBTQ characters - and the conscious efforts to bridge the gap between content creators and academia.

    Did you ever wonder how the process of creating kids' shows ensures that children's experiences are accurately represented on screen? Kim and Adriana reveal the fascinating behind-the-scenes look at the making of children's media. We touch on the importance of having diverse and authentic voices behind the scenes and the intricate process of creating content that resonates with kids. Plus, we examine the unconscious biases that may influence gender representation in STEM characters!

    As we navigate our way around the children's media landscape, Kim and Adriana share their tips on media literacy and how parents can initiate meaningful conversations with their children about inclusivity and difference. We learn about the powerful impact of media representation on children and how it shapes their understanding of the world around them. We wrap up by exploring the importance of testing in children's media, revealing how user testing helps create content that both kids and parents enjoy. Tune in to this enlightening conversation, and let's use media as a tool for education and sparking meaningful conversations with our children.

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


    Facebook group:

    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

    Discounts for our community!

  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 28 Aug 2023 00:00:00 -0400
    Will arguing in front of my child cause them harm?

    What if the arguments you have in front of your children are shaping their future emotional well-being? That's what we're tackling in today's episode with the help of some intriguing science and my background in neuroscience and parenting. We go beyond the surface-level understanding, exploring how even a young child's heart rate can increase and their fight or flight response can be triggered by loud, intense arguments. It's a fascinating discussion that uncovers the significant impact of our behaviors as parents.

    We don't just discuss the problem, but we also jump into the solution. We delve into three vital aspects: respect, emotion regulation, and repair, which can make a difference when disagreements happen. With a nod to the insightful work of Dr. Tracy Dalgleish, author of "I Didn't Sign Up for This," we share resources and tools to help you have healthier arguments and model positive behavior for your children. We emphasize the power of connection and the importance of seeking professional help if needed. This conversation is an essential one for every parent, offering valuable insights into our influence on our children's emotional health and our relationship with them.










    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


    Facebook group:

    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

    Discounts for our community!

  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 21 Aug 2023 00:00:00 -0400
    Is screen time messing up my child?

    A parent asked me "Is screen time messing up my child?" and I thought it would be important to address this in a podcast episode.

    We've all had those moments of guilt, especially around screen time. Well, it's time to say goodbye to that guilt! This episode encourages you to establish clear screen time boundaries and involve your kids in the process, whether it's by designing a visual schedule with Canva or deciding on activities to enjoy as a family. You'll learn how devoting intentional time to your kids, devoid of screens, can drastically improve your relationship.

    So, tune in and let's embark on this enlightening journey together!

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


    Facebook group:

    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

    Discounts for our community!

  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 14 Aug 2023 00:00:00 -0400
    How to respond rather than react to your child's behavior

    Ever wondered why your child's emotional outbursts seem to trigger your own? It's time to break free from this exhaustive cycle! We're unravelling the wisdom behind Dr. Susan David's 'Emotional Agility'. This episode shifts the focus from managing our children's emotions to assisting them in emotional regulation - it's all about creating a constructive pause or space between a child's action and our reaction.

    Let's dive into the heart of emotional agility and explore the profound impact our emotions have on our reactions to our children's behavior. Discover the power of validating our own feelings, reframing our limiting beliefs into facts, and the magic of engaging with our children through activities like storytelling. This journey is about empowering you to help your children feel seen, heard, and validated. Buckle up for an insightful episode that not only explores the science behind emotional agility but also equips you with practical tools to assist you on this extraordinary parenting voyage.

    Read the article and get the free PDF by clicking the link below:

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


    Facebook group:

    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

    Discounts for our community!

  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 07 Aug 2023 00:00:00 -0400
    5 regrets I don't want to have when I am 90: lessons from my grandmother

    Drawing from my grandmother's experiences wrangling with dementia, I share five crucial life lessons on being present, practicing self-care, speaking your truth, forgiveness, and generosity with time.

    These teachings provide a pathway towards a fulfilling life and a positive influence on our children. Through a thoughtful exploration of family dynamics, we delve into the often-ignored need to truly understand our children beyond the material gifts and the impact of childhood trauma lasting into old age.

    Don't miss these 5 important lessons!

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


    Facebook group:

    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

    Discounts for our community!

  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 31 Jul 2023 00:00:00 -0400
    A daily routine that has improved my child's "bad days"

    Welcome to a deeply personal journey, where I open the doors to my home and share a heartfelt practice that has transformed our lives.

    This episode is an open book, revealing how urging positive reflection in children can heighten their emotional articulation and deepen their connections.

    Listen to the steps I took to help my child shift his perspective from the "bad moments" to the brighter side of life. Discover the importance of mindful communication about our day and the art of turning a bad moment into a not-so-bad one. Join this enlightening conversation and absorb real-life, practical tips on bringing the tenets of science into your home and sprinkling positivity into your children's lives.

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


    Facebook group:

    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

    Discounts for our community!

  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 24 Jul 2023 00:00:00 -0400
    Empowerment and Personal Growth: A Deep Dive with Andrea Navedo

    Ready to embark on a journey of personal growth and self-discovery? Brace yourselves for a deep and insightful conversation with the esteemed Andrea Navedo, famed for her role as Jane's mother in the hit show Jane the Virgin and author of The Otherness Is Our Strength. Andrea and I delve into her values of connection and growth, and discuss how these principles have shaped her personal journey and acting career.

    Have you ever wondered about the struggles single moms face and how they cope with it? Hear, as Andrea candidly shares her experiences of becoming a single mother, redefining her parenting style, and using her personal growth to guide her children. Our discussion also touches upon the significance of setting boundaries and self-care, lessons she learnt from her own experiences with bullying and an abusive relationship.

    Andrea shares how Steven Pressfield's book, The War of Art, has been instrumental in her life, aiding her to conquer creative blocks and strive for excellence in all life facets. We also delve into the power of self-discipline, caring for oneself, and creativity in nurturing connection and growth. Through all these insights, Andrea Navedo's journey and experiences are sure to leave you feeling empowered and inspired. Don't miss out on this enlightening conversation!


    You can purchase her book The Otherness is our Strength:
    Amazon in the US
    Amazon in Canada

    Visit her website:

    Follow her on Instagram:

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


    Facebook group:

    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

    Discounts for our community!

  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 17 Jul 2023 00:00:00 -0400
    Risk factors for maltreating our children are different in moms and dads

    Join me on an eye-opening journey as we confront an issue that's often left in the shadows - parental child maltreatment, and the risks surrounding it. Promise me you won't shy away from this uncomfortable conversation, as we aim to shed light on the importance of emotional regulation. We're not pointing fingers here, but acknowledging the powerful role of our own emotions, and learning how to better regulate them to construct a secure and nurturing milieu for our children.

    We're diving headfirst into a recent Italian study that highlights the specific dimensions of emotion dysregulation among parents, and how they can predict maltreatment. It's no secret dads tend to struggle in identifying their emotions, while moms often find themselves suppressing their emotions. Remember, it's okay to feel, and it's essential to express. So, here's to starting conversations, to promoting emotional awareness, and to creating environments where our children can thrive. Join me, won't you?

    Read the article here:

    Books (links are for amazon.com):

    Permission to Feel by Mark Brackett

    Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman

    Self-compassion by Kristen Neff. Ph.D.

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


    Facebook group:

    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

    Discounts for our community!

  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 10 Jul 2023 00:00:00 -0400
    Decoding Couples: Surviving Parenthood without Losing Your Partner

    Do you ever feel like your relationship takes a backseat once kids come into the picture? I'm Cindy Hovington, and I promise you, by the end of this episode, you'll be equipped with the tools to ensure your relationship doesn't falter while you're navigating parenthood.

    With the insights shared by our esteemed guests,Rachel and Stacey, two licensed marriage and family therapists from Decoding Couples, you'll learn how to regulate emotions, handle heated conversations and model these behaviors for your children. We also discuss how to maintain a solid connection with your partner during challenging times like a pandemic.

    As the conversation unfolds, we journey into uncharted territories of relationship communication and emotional intelligence. Our experts share valuable advice on ensuring respect during disagreements, the pivotal role of accountability, and offer a lifeline to repair communication when it seems irreparable. But what about listening? Often overlooked, we discuss the power of effective listening and the benefits of nurturing a 'we' mindset in parenting.

    In the final part of our discussion, we tackle the tough stuff - unhealthy relationships, signs of an abusive relationship, dealing with narcissism, and navigating through a divorce. We provide strategies to ensure children aren't negatively affected by a divorce and wrap up with valuable advice on maintaining a healthy relationship, particularly when transitioning from a two-parent household to a single-parent home. So buckle up for an enlightening journey on striking the perfect equilibrium between parenting and keeping your relationship robust and healthy.

    Learn more from Rachel and Stacey:

    Follow Decoding Couples on Instagram:

    Listen to the Decoding Couples Podcast:

    Take their masterclass Stop Fighting, Start Talking:

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


    Facebook group:

    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

    Discounts for our community!

  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 03 Jul 2023 00:00:00 -0400
    Mastering Parent-Child Conversations with Negotiation Skills

    Can parenting advice be found in a book about negotiation? Surprisingly, the answer is yes! As I recently explored the book Never Split the Difference by Chris Voss, I discovered that the lessons I gained from this read not only improved my business negotiation skills but also offered valuable insights into parenting. Join me in this enlightening episode that will change your perspective on parenting conversations, arguments, and even interactions with your partner.

    Being attuned to emotions is essential in both negotiation and parenting. Today, we discuss the power of empathy, inspired by Dr. Marc Brackett's book Permission to Feel, and its role in understanding our children's emotions. Learn how emotional awareness and labelling emotions can lead to more effective communication and better parenting. This conversation will undoubtedly transform the way you approach communication in both your personal and professional life. Don't miss it!

    Never split the difference book:

    Permission to feel book:

    Research study:
    What to Teach Parents to Reduce Disruptive Child Behavior: Two Meta-Analyses of Parenting Program Components

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


    Facebook group:

    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

    Discounts for our community!

  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 26 Jun 2023 00:00:00 -0400
    Supporting Dads: Breaking the Stigma on Men's Mental Health in Prenatal and Postpartum Stages

    How can we better support dads in their crucial roles during prenatal and postpartum stages, and why is it so vital to address their mental health?

    Join us as we explore this essential topic with Dr. Deborah Da Costa, a researcher at McGill University, and my guest co-host, Travis Goodman, a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT) and returning guest and father. Together, we aim to break the stigma surrounding dads in mental health and shed light on the importance of open, compassionate conversations.

    We'll discuss the impact of men's mental health on the family dynamic and the potential benefits of engaging dads in mental health conversations. Our conversation also covers the importance of paternity leave, the varying policies across Canada and the US, and the effects of maternal gatekeeping on fathers' mental health. Dr. Da Costa shares her insights on the lack of resources available for fathers, while Travis provides his invaluable perspective as a dad and family therapist.

    You will also learn more about Dr. Da Costa's new research study, Fathers Matter, where scientists are trying to better understand fathers’ involvement in pregnancy and develop resources to help with the transition to parenthood. They are currently recruiting (please see the link below).

    In this eye-opening conversation, we advocate for greater acceptance and support for men's mental health issues, including tailored resources and community programs. We address the lack of funding for initiatives to support men's mental health and stress the importance of recognizing fathers in the prenatal and postpartum stages. By challenging the "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" mentality, we aim to dismantle the narrative of failure that may prevent men and fathers from seeking the help they need. Don't miss this vital discussion on the role of dads in parenting and mental health!

    The Da Costa Lab is currently recruiting couples having their first baby in order to learn more about fathers’ involvement in pregnancy and early parenthood.
    Learn more:

    Join Dr. Da Costa on Instagram:

    Learn more about Travis Goodman:

    Listen to Travis's podcast (Therapy4dads) on Apple Podcasts:

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


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  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 19 Jun 2023 00:00:00 -0400
    Evelyn Tribole: Raising Intuitive Eaters and Overcoming Diet Culture

    Are you unknowingly fostering unhealthy food relationships in your household? Join us as we chat with Evelyn Tribole, co-author of Intuitive Eating, to discover how to nurture a healthy relationship with food for ourselves and our kids, and break free from the detrimental diet culture that can creep into our homes.

    Unintentionally, parents may contribute to the restriction of their kids' eating, causing more harm than good. In this episode, we delve into the intuitive eating framework, which relies on our body's internal wisdom. Evelyn shares valuable insights on setting boundaries and fostering a safe space for teen food relationships, emphasizing the importance of mental health and making peace with food.

    Don't miss this enlightening conversation as we also discuss understanding our body's biology and its role in our eating behaviors. Learn how to create a loving environment at home and have respectful conversations about food with family members. Tune in and empower your family with a healthy and intuitive relationship with food.




    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


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    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

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  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 12 Jun 2023 01:00:00 -0400
    Navigating the "What-Ifs": Managing Anxiety in Children and Adults through Emotional Awareness

    Ever find yourself stuck in a spiral of what-if thoughts, unable to shake off the anxiety that accompanies them? I've been there, and so have my kids. Let me share with you a powerful conversation I had with them that helped us all better understand and manage our emotions. Listen in as we explore techniques for letting go of these thoughts, such as talking to someone or writing them down, to gain emotional awareness and keep our worries from taking over our lives.

    You're not alone if you've struggled with anxiety – I've personally experienced postpartum anxiety and learned the value of journaling and self-talk in processing my emotions. Join me as we discuss how to help our children identify and cope with their feelings, equipping them with the tools they need to navigate their emotions and foster emotional awareness. Don't miss this opportunity to learn from my experiences and adopt new strategies for managing anxiety in both yourself and your children.

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


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    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

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  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 05 Jun 2023 00:00:00 -0400
    Predicting Attachment Styles and Navigating Pregnancy: A Deep Dive with Drs. Shalaka and Alyson

    Can you predict your child's attachment style before they're even born? Join us as we unravel the fascinating world of pregnancy, attachment, and mental health with our special guests Drs. Shalaka and Allison. As Shalaka shares her research on predicting attachment through biological predictors and exposure to prenatal and postnatal stress, Allison offers her expertise as a doctor specializing in internal medicine, cardiology, nephrology, and obstetrical medicine.

    Together, we debunk myths surrounding pregnancy and gender predictions while emphasizing the importance of evidence-based information when it comes to lifestyle during pregnancy. We also discuss the uncomfortable experience of having strangers touch your belly while pregnant and explore the need for more conversations about pregnancy and childbirth in our society. Our guests also touch on the crucial role community support plays for new parents and the cultural expectations often placed on mothers.

    Don't miss out on this engaging discussion about the significance of reflection during pregnancy and the need to focus on both our children's individual needs and our own mental health and stability. Learn about the research surrounding attachment and the importance of recurrent interactions between children and their caregivers, and how Shalaka and Allison's Growing Facts Podcast is helping to create much-needed conversations around pregnancy and parenting.

    About our guests:

    Hosts of The Growing Facts Podcast:

    Shalaka earned her Ph.D. in child psychology at McGill University. Her thesis is on the influence of maternal prenatal stress, child genetics, and parenting on the development of attachment in children.

    She has completed her clinical residency in Victoria, B.C. She is a registered psychologist and sees children and families in her clinical practice in Montreal.

    During the course of this podcast, she shares her journey to successfully conceiving a child through IVF. She lives with her two cats, Tonks and Remus, and her husband.

    Alyson is an internal medicine specialist in Victoriaville, Quebec. She went to medical school at McGill and then did her residency at the Université de Montréal. She has a particular interest in obstetrical medecine, which focuses on illnesses in the pregnant woman, and is involved

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


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    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

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  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 29 May 2023 01:00:00 -0400
    The science of mom rage and finding euphoric moments in parenting

    Let's talk about both euphoric moments in parenting and rage moments.

    I did something very "out of the box" with my kids this weekend and I wanted to share it with you so that you can give it a try too.

    Also, I have been talking a lot about "mom rage" online these past 2 weeks but let's get into the science and create a game plan to help you out if this is something you are experiencing.

    I hope you enjoy this episode!

    Our partners:
    Get 50% off yearly membership for the Pok Pok app for kids:

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


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  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 22 May 2023 01:00:00 -0400
    Susie Allison: Kids don't learn social skills at school, they learn them at home

    In today’s episode we are joined for a second time by Susie Allison, M. Ed., a former teacher and creator of Busy Toddler.

    • What did Susie post that instigated this conversation?
    • Why did Susie make the reel?
    • What is the real definition of “social skills”
    • How exactly can a parent teach a child social skills?
    • How can parents intentionally model emotion regulation skills?
    • How and when can a parent teach conflict resolution to their child?
    • Are all social skills mostly learned in school?

    Follow Susie on Instagram.

    Our partners:
    Get 50% off a yearly membership for the Pok Pok app for kids:

    Development of social skills in children: neural and behavioral evidence for the elaboration of cognitive models

    Face it or hide it: parental socialization of reappraisal and response suppression

    The Role of the Family Context in the Development of Emotion Regulation

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


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    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

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  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 15 May 2023 07:00:00 -0400
    Tarah Schwartz: A long road to motherhood (miscarriage, IVF and Adoption)

    In today’s episode we are joined by Tarah Schwartz, Canadian journalist and author of Can’t Help Falling - A Long Road to Motherhood.

    • Why did Tarah write this book?
    • Should you mention anything when you know someone had a pregnancy loss?
    • When should you go back to work after a pregnancy loss?
    • Are there any local support groups that were helpful?
    • What can you do to support the non-pregnant parent after a pregnancy loss?
    • How does adoption actually work?
    • Was it hard writing the book or part of Tarah’s healing?
    • Has a community grown from the book?
    • Who’s the book for?

    You can join Tarah through her website: https://tarahschwartz.ca/

    Thank you to our supporter the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro. The Neuro is the first health sciences institution in the world to commit to Open Science, an approach to research that ensures scientific knowledge is shared widely and transparently.

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on iTunes!

    Join our community: Instagram: @curious_neuron Website: www.curiousneuron.com Podcast website: www.curiousneuron.com/curiousneuronpodcast

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    Get 50% off a yearly membership for the Pok Pok app for kids:

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  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 08 May 2023 00:00:00 -0400
    I can't express my frustrations with my parent: it always becomes about them being the victim

    In today's solo episode, I chat about a 3 day weekend I had my family and extended family.

    By the time it was over, I had some body discomfort and I couldn't figure out why. The weekend had gone fairly well but I did hold back from saying a few things to my mom. Whenever I do express frustration or anger, it almost ALWAYS becomes about her.

    The weekend I attended was a special occasion and I didn't want to get into an argument with her so I kept my feelings to myself...only to feel physically ill by the end of the weekend for the amount of bottled-up emotions I had.

    Can you relate? Listen to this episode to learn more!

    Want to join my Wondergrade Emotionally Aware Parent Challenge? Click the link below for your FREE 28-page PDF and a weekly Zoom call.

    Try the app for free below!

    Need help to support your child? Get our new Curious and Compassionate Parenting Bundle!

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


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    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

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  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 01 May 2023 00:00:00 -0400
    Karl Mercuri: Social Emotional Learning tips for schools and teachers

    In today’s episode we are joined by Karl Mercuri a Social-Emotional Learning Consultant and Coach based in Montreal, Canada

    3:56 - Who is Karl Mercuri?

    6:06 - The increase of complaints from school about child behavior changes since the pandemic, isn’t about behavior… it’s about missing social skills.

    8:53 - Do all schools implement social emotional learning programs?

    11:00 - What exactly is SEL: Social emotional learning?

    12:43 - What are the 5 competencies of SEL and how are they taught?

    16:40 - How can we implement discipline in schools keeping in mind SEL?

    19:19 - What are community circles?

    22:16 - What is a signature practices and how do you know if your school has them? How could a teacher or parent start SEL practices in their school?

    27:00 - What are some first steps educators can take with very young children without a full framework implemented in the classroom?

    35:50 - How can SEL help us in our adult relationships?

    38:48 - What language can teachers use to model SEL in the classroom?

    41:00 - Once a teacher knows how the students in the class are doing? How can they structure their activities?

    43:51 - What does Karl dream about when it comes to SEL in a classroom?

    Join Karl on Twitter or by e-mail: karl.a.mercuri@gmail.com

    Read the blog post by Karl: https://www.curiousneuron.com/blog/2023/2/6/the-ultimate-guide-to-choosing-a-school-that-nurtures-your-childs-social-emotional-well-being

    Watch the YouTube Live video with Karl: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=APTILnWzEg8

    CASEL: The Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning https://casel.org/

    Permission to Feel - Marc Brackett, explains RULER: https://www.marcbrackett.com/about/book-permission-to-feel/

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


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    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

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  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 24 Apr 2023 01:00:00 -0400
    Bethan O'Riordan: How to improve your self-compassion as a parent

    In today’s episode, we are joined by Bethan O’Riordan, psychotherapist and mom of 3.

    5:57 - What does Bethan do?

    7:50 - What is the number one thing I need to know before becoming a parent?

    9:31 - How do you deal with a partner who isn’t interested in doing the work themselves?

    11:57 - How can we make the shift from negative self-talk to having more self-compassion?

    17:01 - Is it possible to go forward in our emotional growth journey without learning more about our past?

    19:46 - What’s the key to raising a securely attached child?

    23:00 - Should parents be stressed about leaving their children alone to play throughout the day?

    31:04 - How can a parent start taking steps toward doing the work?

    36:10 - Why is Bethan’s #1 advice to hold your tongue in hard moments?

    39:51 - What is compassion-focused therapy?

    “The greatest therapist a child can ever have is their own parent” - Bethan O’Riordan

    Visit Bethan’s website

    Join Bethan’s group open to all parents here.

    Strange Situation: A Mother’s Journey Into The Science Of Attachment - Bethany Saltman

    Browse the Curious Neuron Academy here.

    Thank you to our supporter the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro. The Neuro is the first health sciences institution in the world to commit to Open Science, an approach to research that ensures scientific knowledge is shared widely and transparently.

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on iTunes!

    Join our community: Instagram: @curious_neuron Website: www.curiousneuron.com Podcast website: www.curiousneuron.com/curiousneuronpodcast

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


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    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

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  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 17 Apr 2023 00:00:00 -0400
    You are yelling at your child because you are dysregulated...here is how to change this

    Today, I want you to change your guilt around yelling to compassion for yourself for being dysregulated.

    Sometimes, we power through our days, weeks, months, and years without addressing our needs. Our brain and nervous system have needs too. If we don't address them, we can't nurture them.

    What needs does your nervous system have? What causes you to feel "off"? What makes you feel warm and connected inside?

    As a challenge this week, I would like you to start using the terms regualted or dysreguated. Listen to this episode to learn how to do this.

    If you want to yell less, recognize what triggers you and learn how to cope with your emotions so that you can model this for your children, join the FREE Wondergrade Emotionally Aware Parent challenge by filling in the form below.

    You will get a 28-page workbook and the zoom link to join our weekly support group (Monday nights at 8pm ET) where you can chat about events that triggered you and get some advice from me and my business partner Kristi (a nurse).

    See you there!


    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


    Facebook group:

    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

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  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 10 Apr 2023 00:00:00 -0400
    How to become an emotionally aware parent

    Hello friend! In today's solo episode, I discuss what it means to be an emotionally aware parent.

    We are having the Emotionally Aware Parent Challenge over at Wondergrade (I am the co-founder of this company). You can sign up with the link below:

    Many parents tell me they easily snap at their kids or often feel their emotions go from 0-100. Working on our emotional awareness helps us recognize aspects of our environment that lead to strong emotions (both positive or negative/uncomforable).

    I walk you through 2 questions you can ask yourself this week and 4 skills you can work on to become an emotionally aware parent.

    Here are the resources I mention in today's episode:

    Podcast episode about our inner voice:

    Podcast episode about mindfulness and self-compassion:

    Podcast episode: Why Am I yelling at my kids?

    Research Publication: The Structure of Emotional Experience and Its Relation to Trait Emotional Awareness: A Theoretical Review:

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


    Facebook group:

    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

    Discounts for our community!

  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 03 Apr 2023 00:00:00 -0400
    Why we should alleviate stress around breastfeeding and support all moms

    In today’s episode, we are joined by Kishanda Vyboh, MSc and seasoned breastfeeding support parent. We discuss ALL things beautiful and challenging about breastfeeding. We speak about the pressure parents are put under to feed their babies whether it should be by breast milk or formula. This is a judgment-free zone!

    5:16 - What is a breastfeeding support parent?

    7:27 - Is there other programs like Nourri-Source out there?

    8:30 - What is the best way to feed your child and why breastfeeding education is necessary

    12:30 - Do you have to follow all the rules that the pre-natal classes give you?

    14:56 - Why did Kishanda make her own FREE pre-natal workshop and who can access it?

    17:30 - Why are there mood changes during the breast-feeding weaning period

    21:42 - Why does the World Health Organization suggest breastfeeding exclusively until 6 months, and then continuing until 2 years? Why is Canada not meeting these milestones?

    25:49 - Should I breastfeed my baby every time they cry?

    28:03 - If I continue breastfeeding past 2 years, will I ruin my child?

    30:04 - What should I do if I don’t want my tongue-tied child to have surgery?

    33:40 - What are some common misconceptions Kishanda has seen throughout her years volunteering?

    37:30 - What topics are covered in Kishanda’s free course?


    Join Kishanda on Instagram: @kishanda_jesse

    Nourri-source: https://nourri-source.org/en/

    Access the free workshop here: https://linktr.ee/kishandajesse?fbclid=PAAaa0hfIrCKX4gNsta4JHbSHpubhuVxUAXr4GMvJcZQaZCXjWUIycRvzvkWk

    La leche league: https://www.lllc.ca/

    Study from Canadian Journal of Nursing Research

    Find an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant in Quebec

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


    Facebook group:

    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

    Discounts for our community!

  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 27 Mar 2023 00:00:00 -0400
    What you should know about screen time in kids younger than 2

    In today’s episode, we are joined by Tracie, a speech-language pathologist.

    • What a study found with regard to screen time and a child's cognitive abilities (link below)
    • What is Tracie’s take on Cocomelon and how the characters speak?
    • Why is screen time not recommended before the age of 18 months?
    • What can parents do if their child is already getting screen time under 2?
    • How does language actually develop?

    You can follow Tracie on Instagram @tracieb.slp

    Sources to help you make an informed decision for your family:

    Screen media exposure in the first 2 years of life and preschool cognitive development: a longitudinal study (here)

    Screen Time and Executive Function in Toddlerhood: A Longitudinal Study (here)

    Screen time and the development of emotion understanding from age 4 to age 8: A community study (here)

    Mobile Media Device Use is Associated with Expressive Language Delay in 18-Month-Old Children (here)

    Theory of Mind and Neurodevelopmental Disorders of Childhood (here)

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


    Facebook group:

    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

    Discounts for our community!

  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 20 Mar 2023 00:00:00 -0400
    Chelsea Conaboy & Dr. Jodi Pawluski: How our brain changes when we become parents

    In today’s episode, we are joined by Chelsea Conaboy & Dr. Jodi Pawluski. We discuss all things parent brain - if you’re not sure what that is, this episode is for you.

    • Why is it important to talk about the postpartum period and the brain?
    • Is “mommy brain” negative?
    • Does parenting keep you young?
    • Does a father or non-birthing parent’s brain change when their child is born?
    • Is parental leave adequate around the world?
    • What is the “perfect mother myth”
    • Do we really need the village to raise our children?
    • Is it normal to be stressed and depressed as a new parent?
    • What kind of support exists in the US and Canada for mothers and fathers?
    • What is “mom rage”?
    • Is it normal to have intrusive thoughts about how your child will get hurt?
    • What is the definition of the postpartum period?
    • #1 tips for new parents from Chelsea and Jodi


    Chelsea’s book: Mother Brain

    Jodi’s book (en Français): Le Mommy Brain Boot camp for new dads in the USA

    Postpartum support international

    After the Storm: Postnatal Depression and the Utter Weirdness of New Motherhood - Emma Jane Unsworth

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


    Facebook group:

    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

    Discounts for our community!

  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 13 Mar 2023 00:00:00 -0400
    What play looks like when you are traveling around the world with 4 kids

    In today’s episode, we are joined by Alanna Gallo, a former educator who sold all her stuff and travels with her 4 kids!

    3:30 - What did play look like when your children had a home base, compared to when you left to travel?

    8:00 - If you come back to living in one home would you re-create it the same way?

    10:23 - What is an open-ended toy? What are the most beneficial toys for independent play? What is a close-ended toy?

    16:08 - What is a truly educational toy?

    20:35 - Alanna and Cindy share what they think about the current schooling system

    30:13 - Why did Alanna start her business? Let’s normalize learning from our mistakes and changing our parenting approach.

    36:23 - How can parents keep their children occupied while they do daily tasks?

    43:11 - If you have to take time for yourself, and you feel guilty, try this!

    Follow Alanna @playlearnthrive on Instagram, Twitter and TikTok

    For more information visit her website https://playlearnthrive.com/

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


    Facebook group:

    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

    Discounts for our community!

  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 06 Mar 2023 00:00:00 -0500
    Can grandparents ruin how you are parenting your child?

    Hi friends! I received this question from a listener so I thought I would answer it in today's episode.

    This parent asked, "If my husband and I have been working hard to validate our 13-month-old feelings but our parents do not, will this be harmful to our child's development and emotions?"

    It is important to validate our child's feelings, however, if certain adults do not validate their emotions, it is not necessarily harmful.

    I discuss:

    • what validating emotions looked like when we were growing up and what it look like today
    • how to have this conversation with grandparents
    • whether grandparents can undo the work
    • what are some red flags with grandparents that can be harmful to your child
    • the role of emotions in mental health
    • how to monitor your child when they come back from their grandparent's house

    Don't forget to review the podcast if you are enjoying it! (and if you are not, feel free to email me to let me know why)

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


    Facebook group:

    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

    Discounts for our community!

  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 27 Feb 2023 23:00:00 -0500
    Ask yourself: Why am I yelling at my kids?

    We all yell because...we are human. We have moments when we lose our cool and our kids can also have these moments.

    However, in today's episode, I would like to walk you through a process I did to control my own yelling.

    If you are yelling more than you would like at your child, listen to today's episode for a few minutes. It will help you start the work. Are you yelling out of frustration? To control? Because of unmet needs? Because you feel triggered?

    Remember, we are all trying our best to parent our kids. Please don't be hard on yourself if you are struggling. Take moments to connect with yourself and remind yourself that you matter.

    Take time to connect with your child as well.

    I know you can do this, and I am honoured that you are listening to this podcast so that I can guide you.

    I hope you have a lovely week!

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


    Facebook group:

    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

    Discounts for our community!

  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 20 Feb 2023 00:00:00 -0500
    Dr. Abigail Gewirtz: Tips to help your worried or anxious child

    In today’s episode we are joined by Dr. Abigail Gewirtz child psychologist and author of When the World Feels Like a Scary Place.

    3:22 - Are being worried and being anxious the same thing? How do you know it’s a problem to bring up with your child’s doctor?

    6:26 - If I’m an anxious person, how can I teach my child to manage anxiety?

    9:36 - Should I hide my emotions from my child?

    13:05 - What is a parenting journal and why is it helpful?

    15:31 - If you and your partner have different temperaments, how do you deal with each other?

    17:10 - What’s the difference between a reaction and a response to your child?

    21:30 - Tips for getting through tough moments (i.e bath time)

    25:05 - What are cognitive distortions and do I have them? Can I get rid of them?

    29:54 - How do you navigate your children’s different temperaments?

    33:04 - How do you deal with your child being scared of common things (i.e the dark)?

    40:15 - Why can’t I tell my scared child that they’re going to the dentist once we’re already in the car going to the dentist?

    42:50 - What is re-appraisal and how is it useful to teach your child to deal with failure and big emotions?

    To learn more about Dr. Abigail’s work visit her website.

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


    Facebook group:

    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

    Discounts for our community!

  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 13 Feb 2023 01:00:00 -0500
    Melinda Wenner Moyer: Raising kind humans

    In today’s episode, we are joined by Melinda Wenner Moyer, award-winning science journalist and author of How to raise kids who aren’t assholes.

    Here’s what we talked about:

    5:19 - What inspired the book

    9:31 - Why is your main message “communication is key?”

    12:32 - How can we raise a kind human?

    15:48 - How can we foster our child’s emotions if we weren’t raised that way?

    21:25 - Should all kids be bullied to become resilient?

    27:16 - What are parenting styles and are they really important?

    31:36 - What is discipline really?

    34:14 - How do you teach your kids compassion and empathy: connecting the dots

    38:40 - If I get called into the principal’s office because my child is a bully, what can I do ?

    44:18 - How could you talk to your child about racism

    46:05 - Melinda’s takeaways

    Watch this episode on our YouTube Channel:

    You can join Melinda on Instagram or Twitter.

    She releases 2 newsletters a week on Substack.

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


    Facebook group:

    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

    Discounts for our community!

  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 06 Feb 2023 01:00:00 -0500
    This new habit has helped me appreciate the small things

    Hi friends! In today's solo episode, I talk about a new habit I have been doing this year that has really brought me tons of joy.

    It only takes me 5 min per day! I have noticed a change in how I perceive difficult moments with my kids and how mindful I am of small beautiful moments with my children.

    Listen to this short episode to learn more about my new habit and to listen to the story of my 7-year-old daughter and how she pitched an idea of hers at one of my business meetings last week!

    I hope you have a great week!

    5-minute Journal (this link is for the US):

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


    Facebook group:

    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

    Discounts for our community!

  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 30 Jan 2023 00:00:00 -0500
    Dr. Bruce Perry: How to raise resilient children, work on yourself and better understand the brain

    In today’s episode (100th!!!) we are joined by co-host Claudia Belliveau and guest Dr. Bruce D Perry.

    Here’s what we talked about in this episode:
    7:00 - How the brain is organized i.e. a layered cake

    13:23 - How to deal with after school - the sequence of engagement

    16:14 - How humans communicate: repair and rupture

    18:03 - How do we stop the cycle

    19:30 - How can we change the health system and classroom based on how the brain works

    22:40 - What parents need to know about being a parent: how useful are parent handbooks

    25:08 - Humans were not meant to live in the world the way it is, and neither were parents

    29:08 - How are single parents supposed to be successful? The caregiving challenge tool

    35:15 - If the research is so clear, why is the system still broken?

    45:37 - Why did Cindy and Claudia get into this line of work?

    48:40 - Are child psychiatrists really doing the best job they can do?

    52:37 - What can a parent do if they experienced childhood adversity themselves? Are they a lost cause?

    1:00:13 - Is my child’s development at risk if home life is heated?

    1:02:54 - How can we help our children build resilience?

    1:07:38 - What is Dr. Perry’s #1 tip for parents?

    1:11:54 - Summary of the episode and the most important takeaway points

    My favorite quotes from the episode

    “Curious Neuron is an example of positive change in the right direction” - Dr. Bruce D Perry

    “Be an advocate for yourself and your child. If you need a break, find a way to take it, don’t let anyone lead you to believe that it’s selfish.” Dr. Cindy Hovington

    Join Dr. Perry on twitter or on his website

    Check out this campaign run by Nike called Why So Sad? https://www.nikesb.com/whysosad

    Why So Sad? is an ongoing exploration into the nature of mental health initiated by John Rattray. After losing his sister to suicide and dealing with depression himself, Rattray developed the project starting in 2017.

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


    Facebook group:

    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

    Discounts for our community!

  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 23 Jan 2023 00:00:00 -0500
    Dr. Julie Scorah: Barriers to care for Autistic children

    In today’s episode, we’re joined by Dr. Julie Scorah a licensed neuropsychologist at McGill University. Julie practices as a clinician and is involved in research about how to make autism resources more accessible to the families that need them. Here’s a preview of what we talked about:

    11:21 - What should parents be looking for in terms of symptoms? When is the proper age to get a diagnosis and how is autism diagnosed?

    18:52 - What is the prevalence of autism?

    22:22 - Does autism present differently in girls than in boys?

    25:52 - What are the motions after your child receives an autism diagnosis? Is it all bad?

    37:22 - Is there DNA testing available to help diagnose autism and is it useful?

    39:38 - What are the differences in the brain of a child with autism compared to a typically developing brain

    42:53 - Are any birthing conditions (preeclampsia, pre-mature, etc) correlated with the likelihood of the child having autism?

    46:40 - Why do autistic individuals have sensory sensitivities and what are they?

    51:57 - Can being female be protective against developing autism?


    For more information visit the podcast summary page here.

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


    Facebook group:

    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

    Discounts for our community!

  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 16 Jan 2023 00:00:00 -0500
    Dr. Cheng Qian: Should my child see a therapist?

    In today’s episode we are joined by Dr. Cheng Qian, Stanford & Harvard trained Clinical Psychologist. We speak about all things difficult behaviors. Specifically Dr. Qian gives useful, effective and simple tips & tricks to deal with your child’s difficult behaviors. Here’s a preview of what we talked about:

    • 4:03 - When to seek professional help for tantrums
    • 6:47 - What can a parent expect in a therapist’s office
    • 10:32 - How do we teach our kids how to comply or listen
    • 13:25 - How to deal with a child who won’t clean up their playroom, ever
    • 16:51 - How to use praise and rewards in an effective way
    • 19:57 - How to deal with biting, hitting, yelling and throwing things depending on your child’s age
    • 27:19 - What to do after a child comes out of a tantrum
    • 28:39 - How do emotions and emotion regulation skills play into difficult situations
    • 33:54 - Once you notice a pattern in your child’s misbehaving, how do you implement change
    • 36:41 - Great tips for bedtime
    • 42:35 - How to choose a child therapist or psychologist
    • 49:40 - What if I’m doing the work, but my child’s tantrums are getting worse
    • 51:04 - What is my role as a parent in my child’s tantrums

    Find the podcast summary page here.

    Join Dr. Qian on Instagram here

    How to build a calming corner

    Watch this interview on YouTube:

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


    Facebook group:

    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

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  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 09 Jan 2023 01:00:00 -0500
    Reflecting on the holidays: Kids using screens, child meltdowns and family arguments

    Happy New Year Curious Neuron Parents!

    I hope you had a wonderful holiday. In today's episode, I reflect on some aspects of my holidays that you might have experienced and I share my 2023 goals.

    Here is what I chatted about:

    • Should kids use a screen the entire time they are with the family during family gatherings?
    • What my husband did when my 3-year-old didn't want to take turns with his brother
    • My thoughts about family arguments (political, religious, values, etc). How can we develop our critical thinking skills and conflict resolution skills in 2023?
    • My business and personal goals for 2023.

    Please take a moment to fill in this feedback form! (this is not a rating or review)

    Try my Wondergrade App for kids ages 3-8.

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


    Facebook group:

    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

    Discounts for our community!

  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 02 Jan 2023 00:00:00 -0500
    1 report of child sexual abuse every 2 weeks is reported in Quebec daycares

    Content warning: Sexual abuse

    We need to talk about this. We need to learn how to protect our children from sexual predictors.

    I reached out to author Jayneen Sanders to learn more about what we can do to protect our kids.

    Here is what we discussed:

  • Questions you should ask your daycare about how they teach kids body safety (all daycare should!)
  • We revisit parts of our last conversation about teaching our own kid's body safety
  • We discuss body safety programs in schools
  • We chat about signs a child is being sexually abused at home
  • How to create a safe space for your child to come to you if they have been sexually abused and how you can support them
  • Watch this episode on YouTube:

    Learn more from Jayneen Sanders:
    Visit her website for free printable body safety posters:

    Purchase her books:

    Article from CTV news Montreal:

    Scientific Articles:

    School-based child sexual abuse prevention programs: a review of effectiveness

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


    Facebook group:

    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

    Discounts for our community!

  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Thu, 22 Dec 2022 01:00:00 -0500
    How to select educational toys and apps for kids 0-5

    This is not your conventional toy and app review. I will name a few that I love (not sponsored), however, I want to give you a framework to help you choose them on your own!

    First, I review what play should look like in our homes. Open-ended and self-directed play is the best!

    I review some of our favorite toy companies and give you a list of TYPES of items and toys you can include in your home.

    Need more ideas? Visit my website below!

    If you need more help with this, I have my Play and Brain Development course. It has TONS of play ideas using everyday items and also explains how this is helping your child build cognitive skills.

    Until December 31st, 2022, use the code PODCAST30 to get $30 off this program!!!

    I also discussed apps we use in our homes and why we love them. I also give you some tips to help you select high-quality apps for your kids.

    Wondergrade for emotional learning (this is my app!) Get a 2-week free trial:

    Pok Pok for open-ended play:
    They were kind enough to offer you 50% off an annual subscription! Use code" Curious Neuron" and click the link below:

    Sago Mini School:

    Khan Academy Kids:

    Scientific Sources:
    Are educational preschool apps designed to teach? An analysis of the app market

    The Importance of Self-Directed Play

    How educational are “educational” apps for young children?

    Less-structured tim

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


    Facebook group:

    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

    Discounts for our community!

  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 19 Dec 2022 12:00:00 -0500
    Your child isn't misbehaving, they are dysregulated

    The word I would like you to remember today is "dysregulated". Is my child dysregulated? Am I dysregulated? How can I regulate my child? The reason why I am chatting about this in today's podcast is that I attended this outdoor event this week and as the night went on and the children around me clearly became dysregulated, they started acting out and parents started yelling at them and getting upset.

    If we can shift or think from "misbehaving" to dysregulated then it will help us support our child's needs at that moment.

    I explain the science of this and give you tips to help regulate yourself and your child.

    I hope you enjoy this episode! Don't forget to rate this podcast!

    Want some help with my Wondergrade app? Test it out using our free 2-week trial!

    Need more help understanding your child's emotions and behavior? Purchase this 90 min workshop from Curious Neuron Academy

    Visit the Academy:

    Understand more about the brain and trauma and stress with Dr. Bruce Perry's book:
    What happened to you

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


    Facebook group:

    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

    Discounts for our community!

  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Thu, 15 Dec 2022 00:00:00 -0500
    Why we need to talk to our kids about sex with Sarah Jones

    Content warning: sexual violence, sex industry, difficult conversations

    In today’s episode we are joined by Sarah Jones, Tony winner writer, performer and director of Sell Buy Date. Sarah and I had very important and uncomfortable conversations about sex, the sex industry, sex education, and gendered violence. You might be thinking, “what does this have to do with being a parent?!?” well, tune in and you’ll understand exactly how necessary these conversations are.

    Sarah discusses what she learned through making her unorthodoc (documentary) ranging from adultifying our young daughters, how Barbie is directly related to the sex industry, and how important it is to meet everyone you meet with compassion and curiosity.

    Questions we can ask ourselves as parents include: Am I forcing my kids to hug grandma even when they don’t want to? Am I telling my young boys they are so handsome that they’re going to be chased after by girls when they’re older? Am I scared to talk to my kids about sex? If so, then today’s episode is definitely for you!

    This episode is like nothing you’ve heard before on the Curious Neuron Podcast, so grab your partner and listen.

    Watch this episode on YouTube:

    Join Sarah Jones on Instagram here

    Organizations to look into

    You can watch Sell Buy Date on Amazon Prime or Apple TV.

    The deeply personal film is a witty documentary / narrative hybrid following Jones and her multicultural characters (she plays 5 characters in the film!) on a journey exploring our relationship to the sex industry via Sarah’s hilarious comedy and social justice lens. Sell/Buy/Date is written, and directed by Sarah Jones, and is executive produced by Meryl Streep with appearances by Ilana Glazer and Bryan Cranston. Watch the trailer here.

    Thank you to our supporter the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro. The Neuro is the first health sciences institution in the world to commit to Open Science, an approach to research that ensures scientific knowledge is shared widely and transparently.

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on iTunes!

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


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    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

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  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 12 Dec 2022 01:00:00 -0500
    Tips to help parents survive the holidays with Dr. Tamara Soles

    Perhaps you are looking forward to the holidays or perhaps you are not. Unwanted comments from family members judging how you are parenting your child, big emotions from your child because they are tired and overwhelmed, and hanging out with that family member that always drinks too much and says uncomfortable comments. (sigh)

    In today's episode, I chatted with child psychologist Dr. Tamara Soles (based in Montreal) and asked her all the questions you need answered to help you throughout this holiday season.

    Here is what we chatted about:

    • How to support your child's big emotions/tantrums during family gatherings
    • How to support neurodivergent children
    • How to set boundaries with family members that are racist, sexist or behave inappropriately
    • What to do when a family member tries to parent your child or judge the way you are parenting them
    • How to navigate the holidays with young kids if you just got divorced
    • What to say to your child when they don't say thank you and do not seem grateful for the gift they received
    • How to support a child with social anxiety during the holidays

    Watch this episode on YouTube:

    You can follow Dr. Tamara Soles on Instagram

    or reach her/learn from her through her website

    Listen to her podcast: This hour has 50 min

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


    Facebook group:

    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

    Discounts for our community!

  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Thu, 08 Dec 2022 00:00:00 -0500
    What does paid parental leave look like in the US vs Canada?

    In today's episode of the Curious Neuron podcast, I chatted with Amira Allen, Ph.D. and visiting professor at Drake University along with 3 parents (2 moms and 1 dad).

    We discuss the research behind paid leave and the benefits it brings to not only the parents but the children as well.

    However, we all know the benefits of paid leave, but do you know how many months many parents (moms or dads) get in Canada? Do you know how many weeks most parents (moms and dads) get in the United States?

    Watch this episode or listen to the podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts or Amazon Music! Subscribe today!

    Follow Curious Neuron on Instagram @curious_neuron for more science-backed parenting support.

    Subscribe to our YouTube channel for more science-backed parenting content.

    Watch on YouTube

    Racial/ethnic Variation in Residential Fathers’ Time in Childcare and Co-presence with Children

    Young Adult Parents’ Work–Family Conflict: The Roles of Parenting Stress and Parental Conflict

    Dr. Allen's Thesis

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


    Facebook group:

    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

    Discounts for our community!

  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 05 Dec 2022 00:00:00 -0500
    Rough night with my 3-year-old: here is how I survived and thrived!

    In today's episode, I share the tough night I had with my 3-year-old as a reminder that kids can actually learn how to regulate their emotions but that they need our guidance and it comes in baby steps.

    My son wasn't happy that he had to take his bath and go to bed. He was dancing and having fun. It took over an hour to regulate aka calm him down and guess what...I didn't lose my mind!

    I share my tips and story with you to help you next time this happens to you! I hope you enjoy today's episode.

    Need help teaching your child how to cope with emotions? Click the link below to try my app, Wondergrade for 2 weeks:

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


    Facebook group:

    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

    Discounts for our community!

  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Thu, 01 Dec 2022 23:00:00 -0500
    How to teach our kids to become mentally strong with Amy Morin

    In today’s episode, we’re joined by Amy Morin, psychologist and author of 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do.

    Today we focus on how we as parents can be mentally strong. Being a parent is really hard, and sometimes we can set ourselves up for success by realizing things we are and aren’t doing. Amy has a great way of putting things into perspective & she makes working on ourselves seem possible.

    We talk a lot about how we were raised in households where emotions other than happiness were not allowed to be expressed … if this sounds like you, tune in to understand what this means about your parenting style. Amy gives us actionable ways to talk to our kids about their emotions, mistakes and failures depending on their developmental stage. We also chat about how the pandemic has impacted our children and what it means for the future.

    Not only has Amy written books for people, parents and women - she also wrote a children’s book about things they CAN do to be strong.

    Take a look at what Amy is doing here:

    Very Well Mind

    The letter that started it all: https://amymorinlcsw.com/mentally-strong-people/

    Read her books here: https://amymorinlcsw.com/books/

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


    Facebook group:

    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

    Discounts for our community!

  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 28 Nov 2022 01:00:00 -0500
    Fatherhood: Positive parenting, staying at home and working on emotional triggers

    Hi friends! You don't want to miss this conversation I had with 2 dads.
    Both are following positive parenting and have been doing the work to do things differently than how they were raised.

    They touched on so many points that need to become conversations in our society. Whether you are a dad, mom, or grandparent, this episode will offer you lots to think of and conversations you can have with people around you.

    How can dads support their partners? How can they seek support themselves? How do they start the work to help minimize triggers or work on their emotions?

    Listen to find out!

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


    Facebook group:

    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

    Discounts for our community!

  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Thu, 24 Nov 2022 01:00:00 -0500
    Tips to foster your child's interest in science with Emily Calandrelli

    In today’s episode, we are joined by Emily Calandrelli from Emily’s Wonder Lab! Emily is an MIT engineer turned Emmy-nominated science TV host, producer, and Author. Like me, she was a first-generation university student, meaning she was the first in her family to get a degree. What I find most interesting is that Emily wasn’t particularly into science as a child - but being creative was really important. Join us to learn how you can help foster a love of science in your kids - hint: you don’t have to like science yourself!

    We speak about the issues we face as science communicators and the importance of having compassion and empathy when sharing with the public.

    Tune in to find out what the “What if/question wall” is and how you can use it in your home to nurture curiosity in your children.

    Follow Emily on Instagram.

    To foster interest in space for the whole family, follow Nasa on Instagram or YouTube.

    Ada Lace book

    Stay Curious and Keep Exploring: This book is for parents and children to enjoy and learn science together!

    Thank you to our supporter the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro. The Neuro is the first health sciences institution in the world to commit to Open Science, an approach to research that ensures scientific knowledge is shared widely and transparently.

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on iTunes!

    Join our community: Instagram: @curious_neuron Website: www.curiousneuron.com Podcast website: www.curiousneuron.com/curiousneuronpodcast

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


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    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

    Discounts for our community!

  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 21 Nov 2022 01:00:00 -0500
    If you often feel guilty and like you are messing up as a parent, listen to this!

    Parenting is hard…period.

    We all know this. We tell our friends too, yet when we are alone we are so hard on ourselves.

    Let’s bring back self-compassion. Maybe you messed up these past few years and yelled more than you would like. Maybe you said something you regret today. Maybe you haven’t been yourself and neglected your mental health. Or perhaps you missed the signs of your child needing to feel seen.

    There are plenty of reasons why we mess up or FEEL like we are messing up. But the problem isn’t making mistakes, it’s not learning from them. It’s not reevaluating how we are parenting and how we can improve.

    Focus on these 3 tips. Be kind to yourself and remember that you matter. Reconnect with your child. Sometimes just doing this can change their behavior. Lastly, forget what other people say about how you parent. Our kid's grandparents had their chance to parent before. They had chances to mess up too. Now it’s our turn to raise our kids our own way and mess up as well. Thank them for the advice and walk away. Focus on your family.

    You’ve got this.

    Thank you to our supporter the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro. The Neuro is the first health sciences institution in the world to commit to Open Science, an approach to research that ensures scientific knowledge is shared widely and transparently.

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


    Facebook group:

    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

    Discounts for our community!

  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Thu, 17 Nov 2022 08:00:00 -0500
    How to address your child's most difficult behaviours with Bryana Kappadakunnel

    In today’s episode, we meet with Bryana Kappadakunnel from @consciousmommy. We’re doing things a little differently this week: we’re covering the TOP 10 questions that parents ask me about their child’s behaviour. Tune in to hear how Bryana would deal with rudeness, hitting, whining, trouble sleeping, lying, ungratefulness and constant interrupting. I love how Bryana gives us a framework to deal with these difficult situations. Take your Curious Neuron Notebook out! You will understand how to connect, investigate, offer a boundary and teach your child after today's episode. Not only do we talk about how to deal with your own child, but we discuss how this might be implemented in the classroom.

    Here are my two favorite quotes from the episode:

    “We have to be the emotionally mature one in the relationship with our child.” - Bryana

    “Conscious parenting invites you to look at your own ego and own needs.” - Bryana

    Thank you to our supporter the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro. The Neuro is the first health sciences institution in the world to commit to Open Science, an approach to research that ensures scientific knowledge is shared widely and transparently.

    How to reach Bryana:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/consciousmommy/

    Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@consciousmommy?lang=en

    Website: https://www.consciousmommy.com/

    For workshops: https://learning.consciousmommy.com/

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on iTunes! You can listen to our podcast on iTunes, Spotify and Amazon Music.

    Join our community:
    Instagram: @curious_neuron
    Website: www.curiousneuron.com
    Podcast website: www.curiousneuron.com/curiousneuronpodcast

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


    Facebook group:

    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

    Discounts for our community!

  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 14 Nov 2022 02:00:00 -0500
    After becoming a parent, I started to fear dying...

    In today's solo episode, I discuss something I experienced after giving birth to my first child. I could not stop thinking about the fact that life isn't forever. Now that I had a baby and my life meant everything to me, I was faced with realizing that I will not live forever.

    I share a story about my grandfather and what he said on his deathbed and how this changed the way I was living.

    Perhaps there is someone out there that can relate to this. 81% of parents on Instagram said they experienced this as well!

    Thank you to our supporter the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro. The Neuro is the first health sciences institution in the world to commit to Open Science, an approach to research that ensures scientific knowledge is shared widely and transparently.

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on iTunes, Spotify and Amazon Music.

    Join our community: Instagram: @curious_neuron

    Website: www.curiousneuron.com

    Podcast website: www.curiousneuron.com/curiousneuronpodcast

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAMkWjtcMFVrOmFPtyLk1ow

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


    Facebook group:

    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

    Discounts for our community!

  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Thu, 10 Nov 2022 09:00:00 -0500
    How language, music and sleep change the brain with Dr. Emily Coffey

    In today’s episode, we are joined by Dr. Emily Coffey who researches music, language, sleep, and how it relates to neuroplasticity. Have you ever wondered if you should be signing your child up for music lessons? Or if your child should learn more than one language at a time? What about how your brain might be influenced by sleep? All of these common questions are discussed in today’s episode. Tune in and take out your Curious Neuron notebook because we get a bit technical talking about how research involving music, language, and sleep is being conducted. Importantly, we learn about music in noise tasks and how they may be able to help your child focus in class.

    You can read more about Dr. Coffey’s research here.

    If you’re interested in taking part in research about music, language, and the brain check out:

    CRBLM: Centre for Research on Brain, Language, and Music

    BRAMS: International Laboratory for BRAin, Music and Sound Research

    Thank you to our supporter the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro. The Neuro is the first health sciences institution in the world to commit to Open Science, an approach to research that ensures scientific knowledge is shared widely and transparently.

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on iTunes!

    Join our community: Instagram: @curious_neuron Website: www.curiousneuron.com Podcast website: www.curiousneuron.com/curiousneuronpodcast

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


    Facebook group:

    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

    Discounts for our community!

  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 07 Nov 2022 01:00:00 -0500
    Is my child a people-pleaser?

    Something happened with my 7-year that led me to re-evaluate what I was saying to her with regards to her needs and boundaries.

    I wanted to share this story with you in a quick podcast episode (it's about 10 min!). Perhaps you will be able to relate to this and readjust how you are approaching these situations.

    Especially if you have an older child that likes to keep their younger siblings happy, then this episode is for you!

    I mentioned the podcast episode about running your home like a company. The link to this episode is below!


    Please rate and review the Curious Neuron podcast, it would mean the world to me! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com and send me a screenshot of your review and I will send you a free PDF from our Academy (the one below)!

    You can listen to the Curious Neuron Podcast on iTunes, Spotify and Amazon Music!

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


    Facebook group:

    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

    Discounts for our community!

  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Thu, 03 Nov 2022 08:00:00 -0400
    5 important tips for new parents

    As new parents, we have tons of questions! My brother-in-law is expecting his new child and I asked him what his questions were. This podcast episode is dedicated to him and is for all parents expecting or with a child under 2 months old.

    When do you start tummy time? How often should you do skin-to-skin? What did my own labors look like for all 3 of my kids and what are the signs and symptoms of postpartum depression/anxiety in both moms and dads?

    Listen to this quick 30 min episode to learn everything you need to know about your baby.

    Join me LIVE this Wednesday, November 2nd at 9pm ET to ask me any question about newborns:

    Listen to the Curious Neuron Podcast on iTunes, Spotify or on Amazon Music (use the link below)

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


    Facebook group:

    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

    Discounts for our community!

  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 31 Oct 2022 02:00:00 -0400
    How to talk to your child about death

    Content warning: death, death of family members and pets, suicide

    In today’s episode, we are joined by Dr. Elena Lister and Dr. Michael Schwartzman authors of Giving Hope: Conversations with Children About Illness, Death and Loss. During this conversation, we approach many questions from the Curious Neuron community about death, and how to talk to your children about death.

    Dr. Lister & Schwartzman give us many tools & scripts we can use as parents. This episode was so insightful for my parenting journey, and I’m sure it will be for yours too. Not only do we cover grieving in children, but we also discuss how death can be something difficult for adults too. We cover so many great topics like pregnancy loss, suicide, and death of a grandparent or pet.

    Tune in to hear why every 4-year-old needs a goldfish, it’s more than just learning how to care for another life.

    Remember, you can now listen to the Curious Neuron Podcast on YouTube! Link below.

    Books discussed:

    Giving Hope: Conversations with Children About Illness, Death and Loss - Elena Lister & Michael Schwartzman

    We’re Going on a Bear Hunt - Michael Rosen and Helen Oxenbury

    The Anxious Parent - Michael Schwartzman

    Visit Dr. Schwartzman’s website to learn more about his work.

    Visit Dr. Lister’s website to learn more about her work.

    Thank you to our supporter the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro. The Neuro is the first health sciences institution in the world to commit to Open Science, an approach to research that ensures scientific knowledge is shared widely and transparently.

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on iTunes!

    Join our community: Instagram: @curious_neuron
    Website: www.curiousneuron.com
    Podcast website: www.curiousneuron.com/curiousneuronpodcast

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


    Facebook group:

    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

    Discounts for our community!

  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 24 Oct 2022 00:00:00 -0400
    How can parents work on self-compassion and mindfulness with Dr. Simón Guendelman

    In today’s episode, we are joined by Dr. Simón Guendelman. We discuss what emotional regulation actually is, how self compassion can change your brain and parenting, and how scientists are studying this. This episode is a bit research heavy - so take out your Curious Neuron notebooks! Simón shares with us some common myths about mindfulness and explains how even if you don’t have time to meditate for 1 hour a day, mindfulness can help equip you with the tools to get through a really chaotic situation - like your toddler throwing a tantrum. Tune in to get a research back definition and playbook of how to integrate self-compassion into your daily life. Simón compares being a parent to being a medical doctor - join us to find out why!

    “Only when we are aware and recognize which emotion we’re in is when we can respond compassionately.” - Simón Guendelman

    Visit Dr. Simón Guendelman on his website to read more about his research!

    Thank you to our supporter the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro. The Neuro is the first health sciences institution in the world to commit to Open Science, an approach to research that ensures scientific knowledge is shared widely and transparently.

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on iTunes!

    Join our community: Instagram: @curious_neuron Website: www.curiousneuron.com Podcast website: www.curiousneuron.com/curiousneuronpodcast

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


    Facebook group:

    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

    Discounts for our community!

  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 17 Oct 2022 01:00:00 -0400
    What can parents learn from a prison in Cyprus?

    In today's solo episode, we discuss discipline and parenting styles and compare this to prison in Cyprus. This prison changed from a punitive system to a person-centred approach which brought the re-offending rate from over 50% down to 15%.

    I don't want to discuss whether or not this should be the method used in prisons, I am comparing this to our discussion about parenting and discipline.

    I discuss the research around discipline, time outs, and parenting styles and give you 3 questions you can ask yourself this week to help you stay aligned with this research when you discipline your child.

    You can also watch this episode on YouTube:

    Thank you to our supporter the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro. The Neuro is the first health sciences institution in the world to commit to Open Science, an approach to research that ensures scientific knowledge is shared widely and transparently.

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on iTunes!

    Join our community:

    Instagram: @curious_neuron

    Website: www.curiousneuron.com

    Podcast website: www.curiousneuron.com/curiousneuronpodcast

    Cindy Hovington is the co-founder of Wondergrade, an app that helps both children and parents develop emotion regulation skills.
    Download the Wondergrade App:
    and follow us on Instagram here @wondergrade

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


    Facebook group:

    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

    Discounts for our community!

  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 10 Oct 2022 13:00:00 -0400
    I saw a child get spanked and kicked while on our family vacation: here are my thoughts

    In today's solo episode, I share what I saw on my family vacation at Walt Disney World. One child got spanked, one got kicked and one had water tossed onto their face.
    We need to rethink what discipline is as a society and more importantly, we need to re-learn emotion regulation skills.

    It is ok to have a moment when you lose control and yell, but physical aggression, verbal abuse, and emotional abuse should never be an option against a child or any human.

    I think parents need lots of tools and support, so technically these parents might not know how to replace their behavior and how to deal with their own big emotions.

    Let's chat about this, shall we?

    Join me at 9 pm ET on Monday, October 3rd for my first YouTube Live event where I will discuss what ACEs are and why I think we should avoid spanking. Click the link below and subscribe to our new YouTube Channel.


    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


    Facebook group:

    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

    Discounts for our community!

  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 03 Oct 2022 00:00:00 -0400
    How to set your child up for success in math with Jess & Nicole

    In today’s episode, we are joined by Jess and Nicole, early childhood educators who focus on the mindset around math. It is a very common problem that children and families struggle with both learning and teaching math.

    Join us to understand the most important skills you can prepare your child with before sending them to pre-K or kindergarten – hint, it’s not memorizing their numbers.

    Jess and Nicole share the importance of uninterrupted play in early life and how it can actually help your child in school. We learn about number sense and what that means for preschool-aged children. We discuss how, as a parent, you can help your child develop a true understanding of numbers and spatial reasoning. Sometimes, math isn’t just difficult, and you may need to consult a specialist about learning disorders. Jess and Nicole remind us that making mistakes and productive struggling are necessary skills for our children to learn as they can further develop problem-solving skills.

    Have you ever heard that you should not let your kid count on their fingers? Tune in to see what the math educators think about this.

    Join Jessica and Nicole on Instagram @tic__tac__two

    Wondergrade app: https://www.wondergrade.com/

    Thank you to our supporter the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro. The Neuro is the first health sciences institution in the world to commit to Open Science, an approach to research that ensures scientific knowledge is shared widely and transparently.

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on iTunes!

    Join our community:
    Instagram: @curious_neuron
    Website: www.curiousneuron.com
    Podcast website: www.curiousneuron.com/curiousneuronpodcast

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


    Facebook group:

    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

    Discounts for our community!

  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 26 Sep 2022 00:00:00 -0400
    Understanding the link between attachment and discipline with Dr. Sarah Bren

    In today’s episode we are joined by Dr. Sarah Bren, clinical psychologist and mom of 2. She gives us a whole new perspective on discipline, attachment and setting boundaries. Dr. Bren shows us the importance of disciplining a child – tune in to better understand what her definition of discipline really is – in order to build a secure attachment. She discusses how YOUR self-regulation can influence the way you parent and how secure your child feels. We also touch on tantrums and how we can deal with them, including coregulation. There is so much amazing content in this episode so take out your Curious Neuron notebooks!

    Visit Dr. Bren at her website: https://drsarahbren.com/ or on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drsarahbren/

    The Science of Tantrums: https://drsarahbren.com/tantrums

    Securely Attached Podcast: https://drsarahbren.com/podcast

    Upshur Bren Psychology Group: https://upshurbren.com/

    Thank you to our supporter the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro. The Neuro is the first health sciences institution in the world to commit to Open Science, an approach to research that ensures scientific knowledge is shared widely and transparently.

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on iTunes!

    Join our community:
    Instagram: @curious_neuron
    Website: www.curiousneuron.com
    Podcast website: www.curiousneuron.com/curiousneuronpodcast

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


    Facebook group:

    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

    Discounts for our community!

  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 19 Sep 2022 00:00:00 -0400
    Get a deeper understanding of your child's behavior with Dr. Mona Delahooke

    In today’s episode, we are joined by Dr. Mona Delahooke, Ph.D. child psychologist to discuss reframing how you understand your child’s behavior – with curiosity and compassion. Learn why Dr. Delahooke believes self-compassion and co-regulation is the proper response to a child’s tantrum. We discuss the loneliness of being a mother and how we can be mindful of the feelings, but not judgemental of them. Tune in to learn about interoception, prediction error, and challenge zones and how they play into dealing with children’s behavior. Dr. Delahooke dives into what the term Body Budget means and how to keep it balanced. She urges us to replace trauma-informed care by trauma-responsive care – pay attention to the nervous system of every child and caregiver to ensure that we have healthy, regulated homes.

    To learn more about Dr. Mona Delahooke check out her website and The Brain-Body Parenting Collective

    You can join her on Instagram or Facebook too!

    Read Mona’s books:

    Thank you to our supporter the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro. The Neuro is the first health sciences institution in the world to commit to Open Science, an approach to research that ensures scientific knowledge is shared widely and transparently.

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on iTunes!

    Join our community:
    Instagram: @curious_neuron
    Website: www.curiousneuron.com
    Podcast website: www.curiousneuron.com/curiousneuronpodcast

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


    Facebook group:

    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

    Discounts for our community!

  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 12 Sep 2022 00:00:00 -0400
    How to transition a child into daycare according to research

    Transitioning into daycare can be stressful for both the parents and the child. In today's episode (the final episode of season 3!), I discuss the research around daycare transitions also known as the adaptation phase.

    I discuss how to help a child build a connection with their new caregiver and what I believe should be the procedure in all daycares.

    If your daycare can't allow you to join your child at the daycare, I offer alternatives to help minimize the stress for your child on their first day. Whether you have a baby, toddler, preschooler or your child is starting daycare, preschool, or meeting a new nanny, this episode will be your guide!

    Subscribe to our new YouTube Channel to watch the podcast!

    Our sponsors:

    Cindy Hovington is the co-founder of Wondergrade, an app that helps both children and parents develop emotion regulation skills. Download the Wondergrade App HERE and follow us on Instagram here @wondergrade

    Thank you to our supporter the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro. The Neuro is the first health sciences institution in the world to commit to Open Science, an approach to research that ensures scientific knowledge is shared widely and transparently.

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on iTunes!

    Join our community:
    Instagram: @curious_neuron
    Website: www.curiousneuron.com
    Podcast website: www.curiousneuron.com/curiousneuronpodcast

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


    Facebook group:

    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

    Discounts for our community!

  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 29 Aug 2022 00:00:00 -0400
    Helping your child with transitions with guest host Anna Skates

    Anna Skates is taking over the Curious Neuron podcast!
    Anna shares her wisdom with us and teaches us 3 important tips that will help make transitions easier for our kids.

    Transitions are hard! When your child protests transitions, it can make it difficult for parents to see the reason behind it, the why. Zooming out, as we have mentioned before, doesn't seem to work during transitions but Anna explains how you can make it work and connect with your child during these challenging moments.

    Listen to this short 19 min podcast to get TONS of tips from Anna, then go follow her and show her some Curious Neuron Family love!

    Connect with Anna:




    Support Anna's mission:


    Our sponsors:

    Cindy Hovington is the co-founder of Wondergrade, an app that helps both children and parents develop emotion regulation skills. Download the Wondergrade App HERE and follow us on Instagram here @wondergrade

    Thank you to our supporter the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro. The Neuro is the first health sciences institution in the world to commit to Open Science, an approach to research that ensures scientific knowledge is shared widely and transparently.

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on iTunes!

    Join our community:
    Instagram: @curious_neuron
    Website: www.curiousneuron.com
    Podcast website: www.curiousneuron.com/curiousneuronpodcast

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


    Facebook group:

    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

    Discounts for our community!

  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 22 Aug 2022 00:00:00 -0400
    Is Screen Time Harmful For Children Under 2?

    The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends NO screen time younger than 18 months and very little screen time (<1hr/day) from 18-24 months unless it’s video-chatting with family members. Have you ever wondered why?

    The Curious Neuron team decided to dig deep into the research and see if certain claims about screen time in toddlers were true.

    You might be surprised by the results and what the research student concluded about screen time in toddlers.

    Listen to this short 20 min episode to learn more or read the full blog post on our website below:

    2020 meta-analysis also correlates evening screen time with poorer sleep outcomes in toddlers under 2 years old, but not preschoolers (Janssen 2020)

    Many people claim that can impact language development - this seems to be true when kids under the age of 2 watch too much television unsupervised (Alroqi 2022)

    Many studies show that increased screen time reduces sleep time and sometimes quality (Chindamo 2019)

    Our sponsors:

    Cindy Hovington is the co-founder of Wondergrade, an app that helps both children and parents develop emotion regulation skills. Download the Wondergrade App HERE and follow us on Instagram here @wondergrade

    Thank you to our supporter the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro. The Neuro is the first health sciences institution in the world to commit to Open Science, an approach to research that ensures scientific knowledge is shared widely and transparently.

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on iTunes!

    Join our community:
    Instagram: @curious_neuron
    Website: www.curiousneuron.com
    Podcast website: www.curiousneuron.com/curiousneuronpodcast

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


    Facebook group:

    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

    Discounts for our community!

  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 15 Aug 2022 00:00:00 -0400
    5 skills to work on before your child starts school

    Today's episode is a solo episode with Cindy Hovington, Ph.D. founder of Curious Neuron. With the new school year approaching, you might be wondering if your child is ready to either start school for the first time or to return.

    I walk you through 5 important skills you work on with your child (through play or conversation). These 5 skills have been suggested by research to be important for a child's academic success.

    Listen to this short episode and take your notepad out!

    Our sponsors:

    Cindy Hovington is the co-founder of Wondergrade, an app that helps both children and parents develop emotion regulation skills. Download the Wondergrade App HERE and follow us on Instagram here @wondergrade

    Thank you to our supporter the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro. The Neuro is the first health sciences institution in the world to commit to Open Science, an approach to research that ensures scientific knowledge is shared widely and transparently.

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on iTunes!

    Join our community:
    Instagram: @curious_neuron
    Website: www.curiousneuron.com
    Podcast website: www.curiousneuron.com/curiousneuronpodcast

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


    Facebook group:

    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

    Discounts for our community!

  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 08 Aug 2022 00:00:00 -0400
    Surrogacy & parenting with dads Bret and Stephen

    Trigger warning: pregnancy loss

    In today’s episode we meet with parents Bret Shuford and Stephen Hanna, Broadway husbands, who started a family by choosing surrogacy. We start with learning a bit about the couple and how they decided to use surrogacy over other methods of conceiving. We talk about building a connection with the surrogate and the newborn. We also chat about the parenting roles in same sex couples, as well as the barriers faced when living in a difficult social climate. Stephen and Bret talk about their experience with a newborn and how they deal with Maverick’s emotions – I love how they totally balance each other out in terms of parenting style.

    Join Bret and Stephen on Instagram or Facebook

    Check out their website: http://broadwayhusbands.com

    Book discussed in the episode: What Makes a Baby

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


    Facebook group:

    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

    Discounts for our community!

  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 01 Aug 2022 01:00:00 -0400
    Why boredom is important for kids with Susie Allison from Busy Toddler

    In today’s episode, we chat with Susie Allison, M. Ed., a former teacher and creator of Busy Toddler (1.8 million followers!). We discuss boredom, what it is, why it’s important for our children’s development and how to respond to a bored child. We discuss how to introduce boredom to a child that is currently constantly engaged in a realistic way. Susie explains what child-led play is, and how parents can actually get things done while their children play ALONE. You heard it here – you don’t have to be your child’s entertainment!

    We talk about screen time, good toys for your children & what a truly educational toy really is. Tune in to hear why Susie hates the term “boredom buster” just as much as some people hate the word “moist”!

    About our guest:
    Susie Allison is the creator of Busy Toddler and has more than 1.7 million followers on Instagram. She's also a former kindergarten and first-grade teacher with a Master's in Early Childhood Education. Susie shares ideas and tips on playing, learning, and parenting that she's developed through years of experience as a teacher and parent.

    Follow Susie on Instagram @busytoddler or Facebook HERE

    Visit the Busy Toddler Website busytoddler.com for easy activity ideas for your kids and for Susie's very popular Playing Preschool book - a new way to preschool at home. This is a 190 day program of hands-on, play-based learning. EXPLORE MATH, READING, SCIENCE, ART + MUCH MORE!


    Study about what an educational toy is:
    The power of play: A pediatric role in enhancing development in young children HERE

    Atomic Habits Book HERE

    I am excited to announce that I am the new co-founder of Wondergrade! An app that helps your entire family with emotion regulation.

    Download the Wondergrade App HERE and follow us on Instagram here @wondergrade


    Our sponsors:

    Thank you to our supporter the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro. The Neuro is the first health sciences institution in the world to commit to Open Science, an approach to r

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


    Facebook group:

    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

    Discounts for our community!

  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 25 Jul 2022 00:00:00 -0400
    Visual development in kids with Dr. Rani Banik

    In today’s episode Dr. Rani Banik is here to discuss everything about the visual system and the brain. First, we focus on the development of the visual system, then speak about our children’s screen time and how to best initiate their visual development. We touch upon the types of light, whether blue light blockers are necessary and the dangers and/or benefits of sun gazing. Listen in to hear how to choose the right pair of sunglasses to protect your child’s eyes. Dr. Banik explains why it’s not only important to have your kids eat vegetables for physical health, but also for their eyes! Lastly, we discuss the true difference between headaches and migraines and how you can help yourself when you feel one.

    You can find Dr. Banik on Instagram
    Facebook group for vision, click here
    Facebook group for migraines: click here

    Apps mentioned to reduce blue light:
    Iris Tech

    Thank you to our supporter the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro. The Neuro is the first health sciences institution in the world to commit to Open Science, an approach to research that ensures scientific knowledge is shared widely and transparently.

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on iTunes!

    Join our community:
    Instagram: @curious_neuron
    Website: www.curiousneuron.com
    Podcast website: www.curiousneuron.com/curiousneuronpodcast

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


    Facebook group:

    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

    Discounts for our community!

  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 18 Jul 2022 00:00:00 -0400
    How to mediate a child's aggressive behavior with Dr. Vanessa Lapointe

    In today’s episode Dr. Vanessa Lapointe, registered psychologist, joins us to discuss aggressive behavior in children and how to mediate it. We discuss how to be curious about your child’s behavior – zooming out can be informative about why your child is being aggressive. Dr. Lapointe answers important questions like: How do parents play a part in their child’s aggressive behavior? Should you feel guilty when your child acts out? How can aggressive play be beneficial to your child’s development?

    Dr. Lapointe explains that how we were parented as children influences how we parent our own children. She talks about how parenting couples need to embody both firmness and kindness to maintain balance within the home. We also touch on the idea of the “good enough parent” and what that could look like.

    Lastly, we chat about how screentime and friend groups can play into aggressiveness and how to draw your children back to you while still letting them experience life.

    Join Dr. Lapointe on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dr.vanessalapointe/ or on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/drvanessalapointe

    Visit her website: https://drvanessalapointe.com/

    Check out her books: HERE

    Hold on to your kids: HERE

    Thank you to our supporter the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro. The Neuro is the first health sciences institution in the world to commit to Open Science, an approach to research that ensures scientific knowledge is shared widely and transparently.

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on iTunes!

    Join our community:
    Instagram: @curious_neuron
    Website: www.curiousneuron.com
    Podcast website: www.curiousneuron.com/curiousneuronpodcast

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


    Facebook group:

    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

    Discounts for our community!

  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 11 Jul 2022 00:00:00 -0400
    Is Cocomelon addictive?

    In today's episode, I unpack a viral post on social media stating that Cocomelon is addictive.
    I know I am covering screen time for a second week in a row but when I posted about screen time on Instagram and used Cocomelon as an example of a TV that fit the criteria for quality TV shows, my DMs blew up!

    I address screen time for children under the age of 2 and answer these questions:
    -How much is too much screen time?
    -How screen time is excessive screen time?
    -What are the screen time rules in my home?
    -What can you do in your home if you just realized there is too much screen time?

    Today's episode is sponsored by:
    The team at Knowledge Kids (British Columbia's public broadcaster) has come out with a brand-new animated series for kids called Luna, Chip and Inkie: Adventure Rangers Go. It is their first original series and a great addition to their exciting slate of kids programming that includes Paw Patrol, Wild Kratts and Clifford the Big Red Dog. Luna, Chip and Inkie: Adventure Rangers Go is for 3-6-year-olds and is available free and commercial-free across Canada on the Knowledge Kids app and website (knowledgekids.ca). Within British Columbia, the series is also available to watch on television on the Knowledge Network station.

    In each episode, the trio of enthusiastic helpers tackle problems in their town, but not before they experience some hilarious flops that require them to look for different ways of unlocking a solution. Our heroes remind young viewers that even though they might feel overwhelmed as they face challenges, looking at the problem in a different way and having the resilience to try again are the keys to unlocking solutions.

    You can watch Luna, Chip and Inkie: Adventure Rangers Go by clicking the link below:


    You can watch the trailer here:

    Facebook: @KnowledgeKids

    Instagram: @Knowledge.Kids and @lunachipinkie

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


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    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

    Discounts for our community!

  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 04 Jul 2022 01:00:00 -0400
    Screentime is not just a passive activity with Cheryl Gotthelf

    In today’s episode, we chat with Cheryl Gotthelf, educator by trade and TV child development consultant. Cheryl shares her years of experience in terms of deciding whether a show is developmentally appropriate for a child. We discuss the criteria television channels evaluate to decide what age category to place a show. Take out your Curious Neuron notebooks because Cheryl gives us a list of questions to ask before deciding on a show to present to the children.

    We take some time to chat about screen time and positive/negative effects of spending time in front of a screen. We touch on the importance of balancing a busy schedule and trusting yourself as a parent. Most importantly, we speak about the amazing new Knowledge Kids television show “Luna, Chip & Inkie: Adventure Rangers Go”.

    Lastly, we discuss commercials and the appearance of fearful stimuli – are they bad for our kids?

    Resources from this episode:


    Luna, Chip & Inkie: https://www.knowledgekids.ca/videos/luna-chip-inkie

    TV Show rating platform: https://www.commonsensemedia.org/

    Thank you to our supporter the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro. The Neuro is the first health sciences institution in the world to commit to Open Science, an approach to research that ensures scientific knowledge is shared widely and transparently.

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on iTunes!

    Join our community:
    Instagram: @curious_neuron
    Website: www.curiousneuron.com
    Podcast website: www.curiousneuron.com/curiousneuronpodcast

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


    Facebook group:

    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

    Discounts for our community!

  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 27 Jun 2022 00:00:00 -0400
    Advice for new parents with Cindy Hovington

    3 tips or conversations I wish someone would have told me when I was expecting my first child.

    In today's episode, our host, Dr. Cindy Hovington, discusses some tips she wishes she would have received when she was expecting her first child.

    We often get advice as new parents. How should we hold our baby? How should we feed them? Where should they sleep? However, in today's episode, we move past this type of advice and dig deeper into what all new parents should think of.

    Thank you to our supporter the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro. The Neuro is the first health sciences institution in the world to commit to Open Science, an approach to research that ensures scientific knowledge is shared widely and transparently.

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on iTunes!

    Join our community:
    Instagram: @curious_neuron
    Website: www.curiousneuron.com
    Podcast website: www.curiousneuron.com/curiousneuronpodcast

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


    Facebook group:

    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

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  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 20 Jun 2022 00:00:00 -0400
    Supporting men on their emotional growth journey

    Trigger warning: physical and sexual abuse

    In today’s episode, we speak with two dads and men's mental health advocates Emmanuel Flores and therapist Travis Goodman, LMFT. We cover so many important topics, I think this is one of my favorite episodes. We talk about how men are often told to push their emotions under the carpet and be strong, while also being told they need to open up more. We highlight the importance of communication between couples, about your past, present, and future; it is so necessary to understand your partner’s behavior. Emmanuel shares with us his childhood experience, how it has influenced his parenting style, and how his wife helped him grow as a person. Travis gives us advice on how partners can support their men during their emotional growth journey. Take out your Curious Neuron notebooks, there’s so much great information here!

    Join Travis on his website https://www.therapy4dads.com/ and on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/therapy4dads/

    You can reach Emmanuel on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/emmanuelfloresabad/ and join his men's safe space https://www.instagram.com/bronchclub/

    Resources mentioned in this episode:
    The Four Agreements: https://www.amazon.ca/Four-Agreements-Practical-Personal-Freedom/dp/1878424319

    Justin Baldoni’s Man Enough movement https://manenough.com/ and book HERE

    Check out Curious Neuron episode 34 for more info https://www.curiousneuron.com/podcast/2021/9/16/ep-34-fatherhood-and-masculinity

    Thank you to our supporter the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro. The Neuro is the first health sciences institution in the world to commit to Open Science, an approach to research that ensures scientific knowledge is shared widely and transparently.

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on iTunes!

    Join our community:
    Instagram: @curious_neuron
    Website: www.curiousneuron.com
    Podcast website: www.curiousneuron.com/curiousne

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


    Facebook group:

    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

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  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 13 Jun 2022 01:00:00 -0400
    Parental & workplace burnout with Shelley Kemmerer PA-C & Dr. Jaclyn Margolis

    In today’s episode we chat with two experts about burnout. Dr. Jaclyn Margolis, PhD explains how to manage and prevent burnout in the workplace. Meanwhile Shelley Kemmerer, PA-C, sheds light on parental burnout and how to maintain wellbeing at home when demand is higher than your resources. We learn about the main symptoms of this syndrome and how to recognize when your stress has turned into burnout. Shelley helps us understand how family planning is burnout prevention while Jaclyn explains how to deal with an unmanageable expectations and setting boundaries at work. We talk about realistic ways to include self-care in your routine to restore your energy.

    Research paper discussed: The biology & consequences of burnout

    Join Shelley on Instagram and TikTok
    Visit the Run Tell Mom Website

    Join Jaclyn on Instagram

    Thank you to our supporter the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro. The Neuro is the first health sciences institution in the world to commit to Open Science, an approach to research that ensures scientific knowledge is shared widely and transparently.

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on iTunes!

    Join our community:
    Instagram: @curious_neuron
    Website: www.curiousneuron.com
    Podcast website: www.curiousneuron.com/curiousneuronpodcast

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


    Facebook group:

    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

    Discounts for our community!

  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 06 Jun 2022 01:00:00 -0400
    Being a parent is similar to being a CEO

    I think that being a parent is similar to being a CEO of a company. You need to be a great leader, you need to understand the members of your team and communicate goals and strategies you want them to execute.

    Listen to today's episode to get 3 tips that will change how you feel and think as a parent. Take out your Curious Neuron notebooks!

    Thank you to our supporter the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro. The Neuro is the first health sciences institution in the world to commit to Open Science, an approach to research that ensures scientific knowledge is shared widely and transparently.

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on iTunes!

    Join our community:

    Instagram: @curious_neuron

    Website: www.curiousneuron.com

    Podcast website: https://www.curiousneuron.com/curiousneuronpodcast

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


    Facebook group:

    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

    Discounts for our community!

  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 30 May 2022 00:00:00 -0400
    Can a child's teeth predict their mental health with Dr. Erin Dunn

    Trigger warning: early life stress, child abuse, spousal abuse.

    In today’s episode, we speak to Dr. Erin Dunn, social and psychiatric epidemiologist at Harvard University. We discuss the difference between stress, early life adversity, and childhood trauma. We learn about the long-term effects of adversity and what parents can do to mediate or buffer them. Dr. Dunn answers questions from the audience using scientific research as evidence.

    My favorite part of the episode is talking about TEETH! But why teeth? Dr. Dunn studies the layers within your child’s baby teeth to understand how early life stress can be recorded in tooth development. This discussion is absolutely fascinating, I’m so sure you’re going to love it!

    If you’re interested in donating your child’s teeth, visit

    Follow the Dunn Lab for updates on

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


    Facebook group:

    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

    Discounts for our community!

  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 23 May 2022 00:00:00 -0400
    How to teach young children to think critically with Julie Bogart

    In today’s episode, we are joined by Julie Bogart, author of Raising Critical Thinkers and The Brave Learner. We all know the story of the three little pigs, but have you heard it from the wolf’s perspective? Every story has two sides, Julie explains how we can use simple storytelling and poems to introduce the concept of critical thinking to our young children. She urges parents to stop with the “parental propaganda” and allow children to collect their own data and draw conclusions for themselves. Getting your kids to cooperate boils down to understanding why your child doesn’t want to cooperate, what is the WHY behind the meltdown? We take some time to understand the baby steps of learning to read and really realize how important reading is for success in all subjects. Julie has a very interesting stance on how important homework and testing are, tune in to see if you agree!

    “Follow your child but follow as his leader” – Maria Montessori

    You can join Julie:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/juliebravewriter/
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/BraveWriter
    The Brave Learner: https://thebravelearner.com/
    Raising Critical Thinkers: https://raisingcriticalthinkers.com/

    Books mentioned in this episode:

    Pedagogy of the Oppressed HERE

    Raising Critical Thinkers by Julie Bogart HERE

    The Brave Learner: Finding Everyday Magic in Homeschool, Learning, and Life by Julie Bogart HERE

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


    Facebook group:

    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

    Discounts for our community!

  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 16 May 2022 00:00:00 -0400
    The importance of community when you have a neurodivergent child

    In today’s episode, we are joined by Megan Champion M. Ed. Teacher, and mother of 3. She shares with us her journey being a mother to a neurodivergent child and we learn the difference between tantrums and meltdowns and define what sensory sensitivities are. Megan sheds light on how she would like mothers of neurodivergent and neurotypical children to support each other and explains what she looks for in parenting advice platforms online. She gives us an insight into how to beat “mom guilt”. Tune in to find out why Cindy labels her kids as air, water, and fire and understand what parenting the “Champion way” means. Today’s episode is all about giving yourself a break and doing what works best at the moment.

    Join Megan and other mothers on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/on.the.hard.days/?hl=en

    Mother Together support group: https://www.ontheharddays.com/motherstogether

    On the hard day's podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/on-the-hard-days/id1551044106

    TILT parenting podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/tilt-parenting-raising-differently-wired-kids/id1102055778

    The explosive child “what you could do”: https://www.amazon.ca/Explosive-Child-Understanding-Frustrated-Chronically/dp/0062270451

    The Highly Sensitive Person: https://hsperson.com/books/the-highly-sensitive-child/

    Thank you to our supporter the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro. The Neuro is the first health sciences institution in the world to commit to Open Science, an approach to research that ensures scientific knowledge is shared widely and transparently.

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on iTunes!

    Join our community:

    Instagram: @curious_neuron

    Website: www.curiousneuron.com

    Podcast website: https://www.curiousneuron.com/curiousneuronpodcast

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


    Facebook group:

    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

    Discounts for our community!

  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 09 May 2022 00:00:00 -0400
    This will change how you view your child's behavior

    In today's solo episode with Cindy, she helps you view your child's behavior in a way that will help you be more compassionate.

    It is easy to see whining, tantrums, hitting, yelling, and talking back as disruptive or bad behaviors, but when you add the word "because" after you describe their behavior....it sheds light on something very important.

    Listen to this episode to find out more.

    Thank you to our supporter the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro. The Neuro is the first health sciences institution in the world to commit to Open Science, an approach to research that ensures scientific knowledge is shared widely and transparently.

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on iTunes!

    Join our community:

    Instagram: @curious_neuron

    Website: www.curiousneuron.com

    Podcast website: https://www.curiousneuron.com/curiousneuronpodcast

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


    Facebook group:

    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

    Discounts for our community!

  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 02 May 2022 00:00:00 -0400
    Parenting that focuses on mutual respect with Alyson Schafer

    In today’s episode, we chat with Alyson Schafer, one of Canada’s leading parenting experts. Have you ever heard of Adlerian or democratic parenting? If not, this episode will teach you all about Alfred Adler’s parenting strategies founded on mutual respect. Alyson discusses how important it is to regulate your own emotions and learn to be uncomfortable so you can better parent your child. We touch on the importance of “me time” whether it be alone or with your children, and how therapy can be very beneficial. Overall, we discuss how parenting has changed over the years and where it's heading.

    For more resources, you can head to Alyson’s website https://alysonschafer.com/ where you can find a free “Home Responsibilities By Age” tip sheet.

    Parenting Teens Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/alysonschafersparentingteens/

    Books mentioned in this episode:
    Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers
    Atomic Habits

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


    Facebook group:

    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

    Discounts for our community!

  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 25 Apr 2022 01:00:00 -0400
    Encore: Eating real food during and after pregnancy with Lily Nichols

    What does "eat well" during pregnancy really mean? What is the difference between micro and macronutrients, and how to make sure my body is getting everything it needs to make sure my baby is developing well? What are the best foods, and what to avoid, according to recent research? Can I trust the conventional prenatal guidelines when it comes to nutrition? I am getting enough protein in my prenatal diet? What is choline, and why is important for fetus development? What about food cravings, what do they mean (and should I listen to them)? What if I crave junk food? If I follow a vegetarian or vegan diet during pregnancy, will my baby get all the nutrients he/she needs? What is gestational diabetes and what can I do to prevent it? Joins us as we chat with Lily Nichols, a registered dietitian/nutritionist, and certified diabetes educator to learn more about nutrition before, during, and after pregnancy.

    This is the most downloaded episode thus far for the Curious Neuron Podcast which is why we are sharing it with you again.

    Learn more about Lily on our website here:

    Follow Curious Neuron on Instagram at @curious_neuron

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


    Facebook group:

    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

    Discounts for our community!

  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 18 Apr 2022 01:00:00 -0400
    Teaching children about gratitude

    In today’s episode, I am solo and I discuss an article I found that explains how to teach children about gratitude. Reminding our children to say thank you when they receive a gift isn’t as impactful as we might think! We also need to keep in mind a child's development, we can’t expect a 3-year-old to say thank you every time! Take out your note pads because at the end of this episode I give you tips you can apply today!

    I also share a story from my home. If you have a child that looks up to their older sibling and does everything they do, you will want to listen to the first 7 minutes of this episode!

    Thank you to our supporter the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro. The Neuro is the first health sciences institution in the world to commit to Open Science, an approach to research that ensures scientific knowledge is shared widely and transparently.

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on iTunes!

    Join our community:

    Instagram: @curious_neuron

    Website: www.curiousneuron.com

    Podcast website: https://www.curiousneuron.com/curiousneuronpodcast




    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


    Facebook group:

    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

    Discounts for our community!

  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 11 Apr 2022 00:00:00 -0400
    Why parents should be child advocates with Anna Skates

    In today’s episode, we speak with Anna Skates, a child and family advocate, parent coach, and founder of Otterly. In a world where our kids are rarely considered, we need to take a step back and see them as human beings experiencing life. Why is my kid reacting this way? How is my kid experiencing this moment? Anna gives us some important mantras that can be repeated daily to improve how we react and understand heated moments. She explains why we need to be curious about how our child is experiencing the world and what we can do to support them.

    Kids are human and they deserve respect.

    Anna can be reached on:
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/anna_skates/
    Website: https://www.annaskates.co/

    You can find more information about her company here:

    Please take a moment to rate and review our podcast on iTunes. Send us proof of your review by email at info@curiousneuron.com or on Instagram at @curious_neuron and we will send you a free product from our online shop.

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


    Facebook group:

    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

    Discounts for our community!

  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 04 Apr 2022 00:00:00 -0400
    Tending to the physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of your life with Dr. Michele Kambolis

    In today's episode Dr. Michele Kambolis, mind-body specialist and author of When Women Rise, joins us to discuss how parents need to support themselves in order to take care of their children. Dr. Kambolis speaks about how self-care can be as simple as adding small daily doses of intentional pauses and breathing, no guilt necessary. Join us to learn about how 4-4-6-2 breathing, mindfulness and meditation can impact your life, body and mind positively. We discuss how women are brought up to fear the world around them and the differences between experiencing stress or anxiety. Lastly, we discuss why self-compassion is necessary and a big part of understanding that the “super mom” you see on social media doesn’t exist.

    To see everything Dr. Kambolis offers visit her website: https://www.michelekambolis.com/

    If you’re interested in reading When Women Rise https://whenwomenrise.ca/

    Follow @curious_neuron on Instagram and on Facebook.

    Please rate and leave a review for our podcast on iTunes and email us a screenshot to recieve a free parenting PDF from our online shop. info@curiousneuron.com

    The Curious Neuron podcast is supported by the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro. The Neuro is the first health sciences institution in the world to commit to Open Science, an approach to research that ensures scientific knowledge is shared widely and transparently.

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


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    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

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  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 28 Mar 2022 04:00:00 -0400
    The science of physical punishment and spanking

    I know this is a topic that might cause some controversy, but I think this is an important one to have.

    When it comes to parenting, I always suggest we follow our gut and trust ourselves, however, given the strong evidence that suggests we should avoid using physical punishment with our children, not spanking our children is something that I stand firmly behind.

    In today's solo episode with Cindy (which also happens to be our 50th episode!), we discuss why physical punishment may lead to several outcomes when our children are adults.

    If you would like to learn more about Adverse Childhood Events mentioned in this episode, please click below:

    If you would like to follow us on Instagram @curious_neuron click below:

    **If you rate and leave a review for our podcast, please send me a DM on Instagram or email me info@curiousneuron.com and I will send you one of our parenting toolkits from our Academy!

    The study I referenced in our episode can be viewed with the link below:
    Thompson et al. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. 2003

    One more article about physical punishment is below:
    Pediatrics 2012;130:1–9

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


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  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 21 Mar 2022 00:00:00 -0400
    Why I think positive parenting is misunderstood

    In today's episode, I discuss a conversation I had with my mother. She said that "our generation is too sensitive" when it comes to parenting.

    Let's just say that it was an interesting conversation!

    I think there is a misunderstanding about what positive parenting is. In this episode, I discuss the various types of parenting styles and the impact they each have on our children.

    Below is a link from an Instagram (@curious_neuron) post about this. It also contains the scientific sources if you want to read more about this topic:

    Please take a moment to rate the Curious Neuron Podcast and to leave a review.

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


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    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

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  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 14 Mar 2022 00:00:00 -0400
    Early childhood stress and brain development with Claudia Belliveau, PhD(c)

    Please Note: Today's podcast covers childhood trauma that may be difficult for some listeners.

    For today's episode, we are joined by Claudia Belliveau, a Ph.D. candidate, and researcher at McGill University in Montreal. She is conducting research on the physical changes to the brain after it has undergone trauma. We will discuss the observations that Ms. Belliveau has discovered as well as the impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) on parents and children, and how we can help overcome these traumas.

    Additional resources on today's topic:
    ACE Resources https://www.cdc.gov/violenceprevention/aces/index.html
    Book: The Power of Showing Up by Daniel J. Siegel and Tina Payne Bryson
    Book: What Happened to You by Bruce D. Perry and Oprah Winfrey
    Study: Child abuse associates with increased recruitment of perineuronal nets
    Study: ACEs are not equal

    Edit: During our chat, we mentioned that a score of 6 or more on the ACE scale is considered high. However, the cutoff for a high score is actually 4.

    The Curious Neuron podcast is supported by the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro. The Neuro is the first health sciences institution in the world to commit to Open Science, an approach to research that ensures scientific knowledge is shared widely and transparently.

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


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    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

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  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 07 Mar 2022 05:00:00 -0500
    Managing our child's difficult behaviours

    Happy Monday friends! In today's episode, I am offering you my best advice to help you manage your child's difficult behaviours. Whether it is hitting, biting, screaming, tantrums etc, my "Zoom out before zooming in" method will help you out!"

    Tune in to learn how you can apply this method to all behaviours and offer your child the right tools.

    To get a visual of this method, visit us on Instagram below:

    Please subscribe to the Curious Neuron Podcast for more science-backed parenting and leave a rating/review on iTunes to help support our podcast.

    Visit our website at www.curiousneuron.com or email us at info@curiousneuron.com

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


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    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

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  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 28 Feb 2022 06:00:00 -0500
    How to develop theory of mind through play with Dr. Mark Sabbagh

    In today's episode, Dr. Mark Sabbagh joins us to discuss the Theory of Mind. He breaks down the Theory of Mind for parents and how we can see it develop within younger children. Dr. Sabbagh explains false beliefs and how our children's minds develop an understanding of others' beliefs and feelings. We also discuss dopamine levels, executive functioning, and neurodiversity. Dr. Sabbagh reviews some practical games including pretend play to understand and develop your child's own Theory of Mind.
    Take your Curious Neuron notebooks out, this episode is filled with fresh information for many of our listeners.

    Follow Curious Neuron on Instagram @curious_neuron

    Join Dr. Sabbagh's studies:

    Thank you to the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro for supporting the Curious Neuron podcast.

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


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    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

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  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 21 Feb 2022 05:00:00 -0500
    Depression symptoms after I stopped nursing

    Happy Monday! Let's try something new today. Cindy unedited. I am not adding an intro song, not editing anything I say, and just chatting with you.

    In today's episode, I wanted to share my mental health journey after I stopped breastfeeding. I shared it on Instagram a year ago (@curious_neuron) but I wanted to share it with all of you.

    If you are about to stop nursing or if you experiences a period of not feeling yourself after you stopped, please have a listen to my journey and share it with a friend who might be feeling alone right now.

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


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    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

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  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 14 Feb 2022 01:00:00 -0500
    How does our child's nutrition influence behavior? With Dr. Nicole Beurkens

    In today's episode, Dr. Nicole Beurkens joins us to chat about our children's nutrition and how it can influence their behavior. She reminds us about the importance of balance. We might worry about what our children will eat when they are at their grandparent's house but she reminds us that we need to take a broad perspective.

    She offers advice to help us assess our kitchen and the food we offer our children. Stepping back and not micromanaging everything they eat will give them the power to make healthy choices.

    Take your Curious Neuron notebooks out, this episode is filled with TONS of tips about your child's diet!

    Thank you to the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro for supporting part of the Curious Neuron Podcast!

    Follow Curious Neuron on Instagram @curious_neuron.

    Follow Dr. Nicole Beurkens @drnicolebeurkens

    Visit our Academy for science-based parenting programs.

    Dr. Nicole Beurkens Bio:
    As a licensed clinical psychologist with advanced degrees in psychology, education, and nutrition, Dr. Nicole Beurkens is a leading holistic child psychologist. She has dedicated her 25-year career to providing parents with research-based strategies that get to the root of children’s attention, anxiety, mood, and behavior challenges so they can reach their highest potential. She runs a multi-disciplinary evaluation and treatment clinic and is a best-selling author, published researcher, award-winning therapist, media expert, and experienced mother of four.

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


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    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

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  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Thu, 10 Feb 2022 03:00:00 -0500
    Identifying sensory sensitivities in children with Laura Petix

    Does your child have meltdowns or struggles with getting dressed? Are they picky eaters or does their behavior change when they had too much screen time?

    In today's episode, we are talking with Laura Petix, an occupational therapist that specializes in sensory sensitivity. She describes what some of these sensitivities look like, how to seek help and how to support your child.

    Also, my 6-year-old joins me in today's podcast!

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


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    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

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  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Wed, 26 Jan 2022 23:00:00 -0500
    Is "mom brain" a myth with Dr. Jodi Pawluski

    In today's episode, we speak with neuroscientist Dr. Jodi Pawluski and chat about parental changes in the brain. Society uses the term "mom brain" to signify negative aspects of brain functioning, however, you will be surprised at which changes happen to a mom's brain and why they happen. Do these changes also happen in dads, same-sex couples, or couples that adopt a child? You will need to tune in to find out!

    Marion and Cindy also cover perinatal mental health with Dr. Pawluski and discuss medications and the research around taking them during pregnancy.

    If you would like to read some of Dr. Pawluski's studies, click the link below to visit our website.

    Enjoying our podcast?
    Please take a moment to rate and leave a review for the Curious Neuron podcast on iTunes.

    The Curious Neuron podcast is supported by the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro. The Neuro is the first health sciences institution in the world to commit to Open Science, an approach to research that ensures scientific knowledge is shared widely and transparently.

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


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    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

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  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Thu, 13 Jan 2022 03:00:00 -0500
    What are true educational toys and apps?

    Marion and Cindy are back and chatting about toys and play again! What does play look like in their homes? What do they bring with them during long car rides and at the doctor's office to keep their 3 kids busy? Which toys and apps do they recommend (you might be surprised at their answers). Lastly, are singing and flashing toys really educational, and do they support sensory development in babies? Drs. Hovington and Van Horn will answer all of these questions and more.

    Want to know how to support your child's development using simple play ideas? Get 25% off our Play and Brain Development course until January 15th. Use code PODCAST25 at checkout.


    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


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    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

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  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Thu, 23 Dec 2021 01:00:00 -0500
    Confidently help your child manage their emotions with Dr. Tina Montreuil

    In today’s episode, we are giving you TONS of tips to help you teach your child how to manage their emotions. Get ready to take some notes and to listen to this episode more than once! Dr. Tina Montreuil, psychologist and McGill University professor discusses her research around emotion regulation skills in children. We discuss the importance of regulating yourself first (as well as the reality that it is hard to always do this as a parent). This episode will leave you feeling confident and empowered the next time your child has a tantrum or big emotions. If you would like to read Dr. Montreuil’s research please click the links below to visit our website.

    Please rate our podcast and leave a review for your chance to win a coffee on us! 3 winners will be announced next episode.

    Thank you to the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro for supporting our podcast.

    Join our free Monthly Family Meetings:

    Join us on Instagram @curious_neuron

    Access Dr. Montreuil's research studies and publications on our website:

    Did you know that you could join a research study from labs around the world by visiting our website? Find out more below:

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


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    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

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  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Thu, 09 Dec 2021 00:00:00 -0500
    Raising children while working on child traumas

    In today’s episode, I chat with Emmanuel, the founder of the Bronch Club and a dad of 2. He shares with us the trauma from his past and how this was having an impact on his life as a husband and a father. He discusses the importance of therapy and of creating a safe space where men can be vulnerable and open up about their experiences. “By creating a safe space for men to be vulnerable, we are creating a safe space for women to be free”.

    Please subscribe to our podcast and leave a rating and review!

    Read some research related to this topic on our website:

    Get 35% off our courses between November 25-28th with code CURIOUS35

    Follow us on Instagram @curious_neuron

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


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    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

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  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Thu, 25 Nov 2021 00:00:00 -0500
    Social anxiety vs shyness with Dr. Cara Goodwin

    Social skills take time to develop and children need our guidance. In today’s episode, Dr. Cara Goodwin explains how a child develops social skills as well as what to look for in children who might have social anxiety. Dr. Goodwin also explains shyness and offers us tips to help our children if they are shy. We discuss the opposite case when a child isn’t shy at all and is very outgoing with strangers. I asked her about Selective Mutism and how a parent can differentiate this vs shyness. Lastly, she answers questions from parents including if we could help a child with social skills by placing them in daycare or preschool.

    Thank you to the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro for supporting our podcast.

    Join our free Monthly Family Meetings HERE and join us on Instagram @curious_neuron.

    Schedule a coaching call with us here or visit the Curious Neuron Academy here.

    The full episode can be found on our YouTube Channel.

    Visit our website to read science articles linked to this episode HERE

    Did you know that you could join a research study from labs around the world by visiting our website? Find out more

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


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    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

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  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Thu, 11 Nov 2021 00:00:00 -0500
    Are we supposed to bond instantly with our baby?

    In today’s episode, we chat with Ashleigh, a new mom that struggled with connecting with her baby. She walks us through her difficult pregnancy and sheds light on how we can support our partners and our friends after they had a baby. Please note that this episode may have some triggers for parents that experienced a difficult pregnancy or who struggled with bonding with their baby.

    Share your experience with us in the comments below or thank our guests for helping all of us feel less alone in our parenting journey.

    Thank you to the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro for supporting our podcast.

    Join our free Monthly Family Meetings HERE and join us on Instagram @curious_neuron.

    Schedule a coaching call with us here or visit the Curious Neuron Academy here.

    The full episode can be found on our YouTube Channel.

    Visit our website to take the Postpartum Bonding Questionnaire HERE

    Did you know that you could join a research study from labs around the world by visiting our website? Find out more

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


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    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

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  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Thu, 28 Oct 2021 00:00:00 -0400
    Does spanking really discipline a child? with Mr. Chazz

    In today’s episode, we discuss how to see, guide and trust our child with Mr. Chazz, an educator, and parent coach. We begin our conversation by discussing spanking and how we could be more mindful of these generational cycles. We then get into a beautiful conversation about behavior and discipline. What does it mean to discipline? How should we discipline a child that is hitting? Our conversation moves to the parent and how we may have been taught to suppress our emotions, which then makes it harder to teach our children how to handle their own emotions. Sometimes, parents are not on the same page when it comes to parenting. Mr. Chazz discusses how we need to remove judgment in our conversation with our spouse when having these types of conversations. Lastly, what should you do if you do not agree with how you were raised and your parents want to babysit your child? Such an important conversation for all parents! I hope you enjoy today’s episode.

    Get 50% off an entire year of Pok Pok Playroom with code CURIOUSNEURON

    Redeem offer here: https://bit.ly/3AensyC

    Pok Pok Playroom is a digital playroom filled with open-ended toys, each designed to spark imagination, creativity and learning while leaving kids feeling calm. There are no rules, ads or menus—it’s a completely safe, self-guided experience that kids can play with entirely on their own.

    Follow Pok Pok @playpokpok on Instagram

    Get access to the research articles and links to connect with Mr. Chazz on our website:

    Follow us on Instagram @curious_neuron

    Watch this episode on YouTube

    The Curious Neuron podcast is supported by the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro. The Neuro is the first health sciences institution in the world to commit to Open Science, an approach to research that ensures scientific knowledge is shared widely and transparently.

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


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    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

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  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Thu, 14 Oct 2021 00:00:00 -0400
    Birth Trauma

    In today's episode, we chat with 2 moms who experienced trauma during pregnancy and during delivery. This is a new series we are launching called "Am I the only one?". Please note that this episode might be a trigger. Katherine opens up about her emergency c-section when her epidural was no longer effective and Christine talks about her serious health issues during pregnancy that put her life at risk.

    If you enjoyed this episode and our podcast, please leave a rating and review on iTunes.

    Access the science and join the conversation on our website here.

    Thank you to the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro for supporting our podcast.

    You can support the Curious Neuron Podcast by joining our Patreon account here.

    Join our free parent support group here.

    Schedule a coaching call here or visit the Curious Neuron Academy here.

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


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    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

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  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Thu, 30 Sep 2021 01:00:00 -0400
    Fatherhood and masculinity with Justin Baldoni

    In today’s episode, we chat with actor, director, producer, father, and author of Man Enough to discuss masculinity and fatherhood. We need to make it ok for our boys to express emotions and to be vulnerable. This starts with us, in our home. We need to do the work so that dads can express themselves and feel that they are man enough. Join the conversation and comment on our website (link below) about how these topics have impacted you or your family.


    You can support the Curious Neuron Podcast by joining our Patreon account here.

    Watch the video of our interview with Justin on our Facebook page.

    Thank you to the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro for supporting our podcast.

    Follow us on Instagram @curious_neuron or @curiousneuronpodcast

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


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    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

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  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Thu, 16 Sep 2021 01:00:00 -0400
    A child's development is not dependent on "educational toys"

    Your child doesn't need all the best "educational toys" for their development and wellbeing. In fact, in this episode, we argue that you, the parent, are the best educational toy. Being present with our babies and responding to them when they coo or babble. Going for walks with our newborns and stimulating their senses. Teaching them about the world they live in. How do things move, sound, bounce, feel, taste is the type of play that should guide us. Want to learn more? Listen to the season 2 finale to get some advice about play for ages 0-5 years old.

    Thank you to the Sponsors of the Curious Neuron Podcast, the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro. To learn more, click HERE.

    If you would like to learn how to support your child's development through play, register for our Parent Play Camp by clicking (here)

    Want a free PDF about play and development? Click here.

    Join us on Instagram @curious_neuron

    Enjoyed what you heard in season 2? Please take a moment to rate our podcast and to leave a review on iTunes. Thanks for listening! Have a topic request or ideas for us for season 3? Email Cindy at info@curiousneuron.com

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


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    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

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  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Mon, 12 Jul 2021 12:00:00 -0400
    How to raise good humans with Dr. Bobbi Wegner

    What questions should I ask myself to raise a more conscious human being? What if a family member is teaching my child values that I don't agree with? My child is older, is it too late to start having such conversations? What if the conversation is uncomfortable to me? What are the gender stereotypes in my home? Where is the line between pushing an agenda and raising an open-hearted boy? Should I speak to girls and boys differently about gender? The COVID pandemic has affected my child's behavior, what do I do? How can we help my child to develop awareness and empathy towards others? Join us as we answer these and other questions in our chat with clinical psychologist Bobbi Wagner, author of the book Raising Feminist Boys. We talked about building trust with our children, supporting them in their socio-emotional development, and raising them to be self-aware, empathetic, and emotionally healthy human beings.

    To read our show notes or to access the links to research studies and other resources mentioned in this episode visit our website:


    Thank you to the Sponsors of the Curious Neuron Podcast, the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro. To learn more, click HERE.

    If you would like to learn how to support your child's development through play, register for our Parent Play Camp by clicking (here)

    Want a free PDF about play and development? Click here.

    Join us on Instagram @curious_neuron

    Please take a moment to rate our podcast and to leave a review on iTunes. Thanks for listening!

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


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    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

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  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Sat, 03 Jul 2021 13:00:00 -0400
    Helping parents harness their inner voice with Ethan Kross

    Does anybody have an inner voice? What to do when your inner voice becomes a source of anxiety, rumination, and negativity? What strategies can we use to calm the negative inner chatter when we are in distress? How does a child's inner voice develop, and how can parents help them to develop a positive inner voice? Join us as we chat about inner voice, chatter, and self-regulation with Dr. Ethan Kross, a psychologist, social-affective neuroscience researcher, and the author of Chatter, a book about the hidden power of our inner voice and how to harness it.

    Visit our website to get more parenting advice that is backed by science.

    To read the show notes, purchase Ethan's book Chatter, or read his scientific articles, click the link below:

    Thank you to the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro, for sponsoring the Curious Neuron Podcast. Learn more about their mission, HERE.

    You can follow Curious Neuron on Instagram at either @curoius_neuron or @curiousneuronpodcast.

    Want to learn more about the Better me, Better parent e-book? Click HERE.

    If you are enjoying our podcast, please rate it and leave a review on iTunes. Thank you!

    Make sure you subscribe to our podcast to get notified when a new episode is released. Thanks for your support!

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


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    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

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  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Fri, 25 Jun 2021 17:00:00 -0400
    How to support the development of executive function skills with Dr. Aliza Pressman

    What are executive functions skills, and how can parents support their child's executive skills development? How to identify a problem in your child's executive skills development? How can you help them overcome challenging skills if they are struggling? How can parent's own challenges with executive functions affect their child? Does becoming a parent affect your executive function skills? Is "baby brain" a real thing? Join us as we chat about executive functions skills development with Dr. Aliza Pressman, developmental psychologist, parenting management trainer, and host of the popular podcast "Raising Good Humans".

    To read the show notes or access the resources mentioned in this episode, click the link below:
    Episode 30: Curious Neuron Podcast

    To learn more about our sponsors, The Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro, click below:

    Follow us on Instagram @curious_neuron

    If you rate our podcast on iTunes AND leave us a review, send me an email and I will send you a part of our Better me, better parent e-book.

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    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


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    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

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  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Fri, 11 Jun 2021 14:00:00 -0400
    Talking to your child about body safety with Jayneen Sanders

    How do we teach body safety and consent to young children? How soon should we start? How to find the balance between teaching socially expected physical interactions while respecting the child's right to consent? How do we talk about private parts? What are the best terms to use? How to decide who is part of the safety network in which a child can trust to tell if abuse happens? What do you do if a child discloses sexual abuse to you? As a parent, do you have to ask for their consent every time you need to touch them? How to prepare your child to act if they face an unsafe situation? What are the signs that a child may have been abused? If you suspect that a child is being abused, what should you do? Join us as we chat about teaching young child body safety and consent with Jayneen Sanders, an educator, mother of three, and author of more than 100 stories for children with a focus on age-appropriate and empowering prevention education.

    ***If you are enjoying the Curious Neuron Podcast, please take a moment to rate it and leave a review on iTunes. Send me an email when you do (info@curiousneuron.com) and I will send you a thank you gift from our shop! (yup, that's how much it means to me!)



    The Curious Neuron Podcast is sponsored by Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro. The Neuro is the first health sciences institution in the world to commit to Open Science, an approach to research that ensures scientific knowledge is shared widely and transparently. Only through sharing our knowledge and collaborating openly can we unlock the mysteries of the brain and end the suffering caused by neurological conditions like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s Disease. The Tanenbaum Open Science Institute and The Neuro want everyone to be part of the Open Science revolution.

    Follow Curious Neuron on Instagram @curious_neuron

    If you would like to access the links and resources mentioned in this episode please click the link below:

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


    Facebook group:

    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

    Discounts for our community!

  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Fri, 04 Jun 2021 00:00:00 -0400
    What does mental health look like after having a baby?

    Have you asked yourself how you are doing today? Have your doctor asked about your mental health during your baby check-ups? How do you know if your mood is being affected by the pregnancy/postpartum hormone changes, or if what you're feeling are symptoms of depression or anxiety? Can dads have postpartum depression? How does self-care look like as a new parent? Join us as we chat about mental health and self-care during pregnancy and as a new parent, how to identify the signs that something is not going well, and the importance of having a "game plan" for challenging parenting situations, so you can keep your cool in moments of crisis.

    To read the show notes or to access the resources mentioned in this episode, visit:

    Join us on Instagram: @curious_neuron

    If you leave this podcast a review AND rate it on iTunes, send me an email info@curiousneuron.com and I will send you a thank you gift! (one of our parenting workbooks)

    The Curious Neuron podcast is supported by the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro. The Neuro is the first health sciences institution in the world to commit to Open Science, an approach to research that ensures scientific knowledge is shared widely and transparently.

    For more information, please visit https://www.mcgill.ca/neuro/open-science

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


    Facebook group:

    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

    Discounts for our community!

  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Fri, 28 May 2021 02:00:00 -0400
    Eating real food during pregnancy with Lily Nichols

    What does "eat well" during pregnancy really mean? What is the difference between micro and macronutrients, and how to make sure my body is getting everything it needs to make sure my baby is developing well? What are the best foods, and what to avoid, according to recent research? Can I trust the conventional prenatal guidelines when it comes to nutrition? I am getting enough protein in my prenatal diet? What is choline, and why is important for fetus development? What about food cravings, what do they mean (and should I listen to them)? What if I crave junk food? If I follow a vegetarian or vegan diet during pregnancy, will my baby get all the nutrients he/she needs? What is gestational diabetes and what can I do to prevent it? Joins us as we chat with Lily Nichols, a registered dietitian/nutritionist, and certified diabetes educator to learn more about nutrition before, during, and after pregnancy.

    Get the show notes and resources for this podcast episode here:

    Join Curious Neuron on Instagram @curious_neuron

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    Use this link to join Buzzsprout, which is what I use, and love how simple they make it, and get a 20$ Amazon gift card when you join them.

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


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    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

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  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Fri, 21 May 2021 00:00:00 -0400
    Evidence-based tools for supporting your child's brain development with Dr. Marion Van Horn
    In this episode, Marion shares what it’s like to be a neuroscientist studying developmental neuroplasticity.

    She obtained her Ph.D. in Neurophysiology from McGill University and is currently a postdoc researcher at the Montreal Neurological Institute, where she studies the molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying developmental neuroplasticity. She studies how external factors can influence how neurons explore and is trying to better understand the nitty-gritty signaling pathways underlying how neurons make synaptic connections with other neurons to make functional neural circuits. Marion is also a mom of three and is fascinated about how early life experiences can influence the development of her kids!

    Marion tells us about her research in the lab studying neuroplasticity in tadpoles and tells about how she applies what she has learned in her research to her own children’s development – including why she prioritizes getting her kids 1-3 hours outside every day!

    Want the links to the scientific articles we mentioned? Click the link!

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    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


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    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

    Discounts for our community!

  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Fri, 14 May 2021 00:00:00 -0400
    How to start a business while also being a stay-at-home mom with Curious Neuron founder Dr. Cindy Hovington

    We are re-launching the Curious Neuron Podcast! New episodes every Friday! We will keep them short and sweet because we know you are short on time. We will return our focus to summarizing research focused on parenting and child development.

    I have never taken the time to chat about myself and how Curious Neuron was created. Today, my new co-host, Marion Van Horn, interviews me! We chat about Curious Neuron’s humble beginnings and my research during my doctorate degree.

    If you enjoyed, this episode, please rate it on 5 stars and leave us a review on iTunes (it lets us know you want more episodes and feeds the podcast gods haha!)

    Thank you to the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro for sponsoring the Curious Neuron Podcast.

    To read the show notes and get the links to the research studies mentioned in this episode visit:

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    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


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    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

    Discounts for our community!

  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Fri, 07 May 2021 00:00:00 -0400
    Does your parenting style matter? With Drs. Jenna Elgin and Shanna Alvarez

    Which type of parenting do you follow? Positive parenting, conscious parenting, attachment parenting, authoritative parenting, authoritarian parenting...is your head spinning yet? There are many types of parenting described on social media but what do they mean? Are they backed by science? Which one should we be following? Join us as we chat with the psychologists behind Helping Families Thrive, Drs. Jenna Elgin and Shanna Alvarez to learn more about parenting styles and how to follow the style that leads to resilient children.

    Have a question you want us to answer? Leave a voice mail on our website:

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    Need support in your parenting journey? View our parenting programs:

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


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    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

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  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Fri, 30 Apr 2021 01:00:00 -0400
    Am I experiencing burnout? With Krysten Taprell

    This past week, we hit the 1-year mark for the pandemic. It has been a long and difficult year for many parents. Many are exhausted and overwhelmed with having to balance so much every single day without getting a break. This level of stress for prolonged periods of time can lead to burnout. This is a relatively new topic in the field of parenting. In today’s episode, I chat with Kryten, a psychologist, about burnout to help you identify if you might be experiencing this and what the next steps are.

    Join us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/curious_neuron/
    Join our free weekly meetings: https://www.curiousneuron.com/familymeetings
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    Visit our website: www.curiousneuron.com

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


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    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

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  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Thu, 25 Mar 2021 15:00:00 -0400
    Learning how to manage our emotions with Dr. Ann-Louise Lockhart

    Our automatic response to our child acting out or having a tantrum might be to yell. Then, we fall into a cycle of guilt and tell ourselves that we won’t do it again. Hello spilled milk and cue yelling! Sound familiar?

    There are ways to work on ourselves to help regulate our own emotions and according to research, regulating ourselves is one of the best ways to help our children learn to regulate their own emotions. Today, I am speaking with Dr. Ann-Louise Lockhart about emotion regulation. She offers you tons of advice and techniques you can start applying today! My favorite is visualization using our senses.

    If you are enjoying this podcast, please rate it and leave a review on iTunes. To continue the conversation, you can join us on Monday nights for our free parenting support group or join our membership to get the replay links along Parenting Toolkits to guide you.


    @curious_neuron on Instagram

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


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    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

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  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Sun, 28 Feb 2021 14:00:00 -0500
    Embracing Neurodiversity with Beck Spectrum

    If we want to learn more about people we share this planet with, we need to start listening to each other. Whether it is mental health or Autism, our journey to reduce stigma around these starts by listening to those who are living with these conditions. I wanted to interview an Autism person for the topic of neurodiversity so that we could begin to listen and learn. What is neurodiversity? How has a woman with Autism experienced life differently than neurotypical people? I learned a lot from Beck and I hope you do as well.

    To access the resources mentioned by Beck, click the link below:

    If you are enjoying the Curious Neuron Podcast, please leave a review and rate it on iTunes.

    You can visit us at www.curiousneuron.com to read our blog posts, join our membership, purchase parenting guides at our shop, or sign up for our free weekly parenting support groups called Family Meetings.

    You can email me at info@curiousneuron.com if you have any questions.

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


    Facebook group:

    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

    Discounts for our community!

  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Fri, 05 Feb 2021 01:00:00 -0500
    Cultivating a secure attachment with our child with Dr. Tina Payne Bryson

    Have you ever wondered, “How do I know if I am providing secure attachment?”. This episode is for you if you have ever asked yourself, “Why does my child cry when I leave?” or “Am I giving her too much attention?”. Does this mean you do not have a good attachment? Dr. Tina Payne Bryson and I dig deep into this topic and dispel the misconceptions of attachment. We also highlight the importance of making repairs in your relationships and the power of showing up. No matter what age you are, it is never too late to develop a secure attachment!

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at info@curiousneuron.com


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    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

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  • Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! https://playpokpok.com/redeem/?code=50CURIOUSNEURON
  • BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy http://www.betterhelp.com/curiousneuron
  • Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. Enjoy 20% off your purchase using the link below:
  • Thu, 21 Jan 2021 06:00:00 -0500
    The gut-brain connection in children with Dr. Bridget Callaghan

    In today’s episode we discuss the connection between our brain and our gut. Have you ever had a “gut feeling” or butterflies in your stomach? Ever had an upset stomach when you were nervous? There really is a connection between our gut and our brain. In this episode we discuss whether probiotics are helpful to boost our gut health, how our microbiota is formed as infants, the link between mental health and our gut health and the role of diet in maintaining a healthy gut.

    To access our Dr. Callaghan's studies and read the key points of this episode click below:

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    To join our 12-week better me, better parent challenge, click below:

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    Leave a rating and review on iTunes to support our podcast.
    Email me at info@curiousneuron.com for comments and questions (or to say hello!)

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  • Thu, 07 Jan 2021 06:00:00 -0500
    Stress during pregnancy with Dr. Suzanne King

    In today’s episode, I had the pleasure of speaking with Dr. Suzanne King, a scientific researcher from McGill University in Montreal. We discussed stress during pregnancy. Given the pandemic, many expecting moms might be going through lots of stress. Although it might be worrisome to think of what this stress can lead to, the take-home message of this episode is that we need to look for ways to minimize our stress and after the baby is born, we can create a stimulating environment for the baby to minimize the impact.

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    If you have any questions email Cindy at info@curiousneuron.com

    To read the episode summary or to access Dr. King's research articles visit out website:

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  • Wed, 16 Dec 2020 22:00:00 -0500
    Interest-led learning and homeschooling with Jen Lumanlan

    In today’s episode, I chat with Jen about homeschooling. Many of us have been homeschooling our children because of Covid. We might have the idea that homeschooling means sitting at a desk for hours and hours on end. We might feel that a child doesn’t socialize enough if they are homeschooling. Jen and I chat about some of these misconceptions around homeschooling and we dive into interest-led learning.

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  • Thu, 03 Dec 2020 08:00:00 -0500
    Positive parenting with Yehudis Smith: What is the best way to discipline my child?

    (missing intro from previous version has been added!)

    When we think of disciplining our children, we often think of punishing them for their bad behavior. However, this doesn't teach our child what to do when they are frustrated or which behaviour is appropriate when they are mad. My guest today, Yehudis Smith (Author of Rethinking Discipline) teaches us about conscious parenting. Learn how we should discipline our child according to conscious parenting. If you are enjoying this podcast please rate this podcast and leave a review. Thanks for listening! For more info visit curiousneuron.com

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  • Wed, 16 Sep 2020 22:34:25 -0400
    How does a father nurture their child’s development?
    Fathers play an important role in a child’s development. Some are similar to a mother’s such that research shows that when a father is sensitive to their child’s needs, it helps a child build their emotional skills and even helps them with academics later on. The roles are different such that when a father plays in a more risky way with their child. it helps build their confidence and autonomy because they learn how to push their boundaries. In this episode, I chatted with Patrick Greenwood, Founder & Inventor at Kontu www.kontukids.com, to learn a little more about how he invented a toy to help teach his daughter math skills in preschool.To access the articles I mentioned in this episode, visit:https://www.curiousneuron.com/podcast/2020/7/14/episode-15-father-play-and-child-development

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  • Tue, 14 Jul 2020 01:13:05 -0400
    Why are rules important for my child's development?
    Boundaries (also called limits or rules) are more important than we might think. They give children a sense of security, even if might think so given that they love to push boundaries! In today’s episode, I chat with Jess, a therapist and founder of Our Mama Village. She provides examples of boundaries, how to set them, reinforce them and how to control our own emotions when boundaries are pushed. Boundaries are linked to the parenting style called Authoritative parenting. I provide the details of a study that describes 4 different parenting styles (See resources below) and how authoritative parenting leads to a child feeling more confident during academic challenges.

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  • Thu, 11 Jun 2020 02:00:16 -0400
    School readiness is not about ABC's and 123's

    Is your child about to start Kindergarten? Have you ever wondered if they are ready to begin school? Which skills do they need to succeed not only in Kindergarten, but throughout their academic life? This week’s guest is Rebecca Weiner. She is an educational consultant and specializes in play-based learning. Rebecca and I discuss important brain skills that have been suggested, according to research, to be pivotal to a child’s academic success. Executive functions, self-regulation, resilience, problem solving skills, emotional and social skills and more. What is the best way to develop these skills? Through play!

    Join Curious Neuron on Instagram @curious_neuron

    Resources for this episode can be found on our website here:


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  • Fri, 29 May 2020 00:17:08 -0400
    Motor milestones in babies 0-12 months

    In today’s episode, we are talking about motor milestones in babies! Why is tummy time important? Why is it important for a baby not to skip crawling? What are some head-shape abnormalities? When should a baby start turning, crawling, or walking? What is W-sitting?

    Visit us at curiousneuron.com for more info about child development and learning! Join us on Instagram @curious_neuron to quizzes about brain development, Live interviews with experts in pediatrics, summaries of research studies, play ideas, and more!

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  • Thu, 14 May 2020 01:13:16 -0400
    Benefits of play for child development

    In today’s episode, we talk about play! There are so many opportunities for play with items around our home and Emma from @play_at_home_mummy has an Instagram account that beautifully illustrates this. We chat about setting up a playroom, different types of play, what to do when siblings argue, sensory bins, risky play, development, and more!

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  • Wed, 29 Apr 2020 01:39:59 -0400
    What new parents should know about baby development and the brain
    In today’s episode, I chat with Jenny and Carrie about their advice to new parents. We talk about the importance of a stimulating environment, which doesn’t mean having a lot around your baby, but rather being present, getting down on the floor with them during tummy time, and having zero screen time. We might not realize the importance of tummy time, skin-to-skin and the environment. We talk about why these are so important. Did you know that babies should not skip crawling? We discuss the brain in terms of developing and eliminating connections.

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  • Thu, 16 Apr 2020 00:38:25 -0400
    Understanding childhood anxiety before, during, and after COVID-19 pandemic

    In this episode, we discuss childhood anxiety. How do we differentiate between worry and symptoms of anxiety in a child? Symptoms of childhood anxiety can often manifest as challenging behavior or tantrums in young children. Dr. Yee explains the importance of providing children with a safe space to talk and express their emotions. Given that most of us are experiencing some level of stress giving the current COVID-19 pandemic, she also discusses stress in adults and children during a crisis.

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  • Wed, 01 Apr 2020 16:49:11 -0400
    Effective Use of Positive Reinforcement

    When we hear the term “positive reinforcement” we might get an image of giving a child candy or chocolate to get them to do what we want them to. However, in this episode, Courtney, a behavior analyst, explains that there is a lot more to it.

    She explains that praise and positive reinforcement are not the same. She describes how we need to assess our child’s behavior and determine why this behavior is happening. This will help us provide our children with an alternative and help them modify their behavior.

    When and how can a parent use positive reinforcement? All these questions and more are answered in this episode!

    For links and resources visit our Curious Neuron.

    Follow us on Instagram @cuious_neuron to vote for topics and send in your questions for the people I interview.

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  • Sun, 15 Mar 2020 15:39:02 -0400
    Dealing with our emotions when we feel triggered by our children

    As parents, we can feel triggered by our baby crying for long periods of time, by our toddler acting out or by our 5-year-old ignoring us. We can’t control if and when a trigger will happen, but we can control how we react to triggers. My conversation with Bryana, Director of South Bay Mommy and me, is all about how we regulate ourselves. We discuss what you can do to learn more about “why” you are responding a certain way to triggers, how certain ways of responding to a trigger can impact a child’s behavior, how you can bring yourself back down to a state of calm when you are triggered and how our past/upbringing can play into the way in which we respond to triggers.

    For links to the resources mentioned in this episode, visit our website:


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  • Thu, 27 Feb 2020 01:23:13 -0500
    ADHD and Students: Understanding the symptoms in and out of the classroom

    In episode 5, we focused on understanding when it might be the right time to have your child evaluated for ADHD. In this episode, we focus on "after the diagnosis". How can a child better manage their symptoms in the classroom, at home during homework and with friends? Also, we discuss various treatments and hoe ADHD symptoms can be similar to learning disorders and anxiety.

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  • Thu, 13 Feb 2020 15:36:42 -0500
    ADHD and Students: When to get evaluated

    Part 1: Please note that this episode on ADHD has 2 parts. In today's episode, I discuss ADHD with my guest, Dr. Audrey Benoit. Is your child showing signs of ADHD or do they simply struggle with inattention? What are some signs that you should get evaluated? Can children with ADHD be misdiagnosed? What are some aids provided in the classroom? Lastly, we discuss medications for ADHD, how they work and when it might be the right time for a child to start taking medication. For more info visit www.curiousneuron.com and follow us on Instagram!

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  • Tue, 28 Jan 2020 00:01:56 -0500
    Helping children learn to play independently
    If your child struggles with playing on their own, this episode will guide you on how to teach them this skill. Thank you to Jacinth, a parenting coach from Singapore and the founder of https://ourlittleplaynest.com/ and @ourlittleplaynest on Instagram for chatting with me!

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  • Mon, 13 Jan 2020 03:27:44 -0500
    Bilingualism and babies

    Can learning more than 1 language cause delays in a baby's first words? Will raising a bilingual child help them when they start school? What are some myths around bilingualism? In today’s episode, we will chat with a speech-language pathologist to learn more about bilingualism in babies.

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  • Wed, 18 Dec 2019 12:00:06 -0500
    Minimizing emotional outbursts

    According to science, what are some strategies we can implement when it comes to helping our children learn to control their emotions (emotion regulation) and minimize their emotional outbursts/tantrums? Follow us on Instagram to see next week's post about a calming corner or visit our website (podcast page) to get full details.

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  • Fri, 22 Nov 2019 01:28:06 -0500
    Benefits of reducing a toddler’s screen time

    Why is it important (according to science) to minimize screen time in children under the age of 5 and what can we do to replace screen time? In this episode, Dr. Kennedy and I chat about screen time and brain development in young children and I talk to the mother of a 2 1/2-year-old who completely stopped all screen time for one week. For links and more info visit the podcast page on our website

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  • Wed, 13 Nov 2019 01:41:35 -0500
    Introducing Curious Neuron

    The Curious Neuron podcast is an extension of our website. We provide science-backed information related to child development and education.

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  • Wed, 13 Nov 2019 00:17:38 -0500
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