
Linux OTC

8 個月前
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Linux OTC

Linux Off The Cuff!

We're the Linux podcast with no script!

Episode 16 - Bring Your Own Linux

This week Norbert couldn't make the show but we were joined by Majid, and Eric from mintCast fame. We get into discussions about bloat, Linux on mobile, user interfaces, and a whole lot more!

#linux #linuxotc #podcast #bloatware #gnome

Mon, 11 Sep 2023 04:00:00 +0000
Episode 15 - Bloat is Subjective

This week we get into some feedback as well as a discussion about system bloat, getting rid of it; and should we get rid of it. We get into Distrobox a little and discuss why it's different from other containerized application solutions. All of that and a whole lot more!

Mon, 14 Aug 2023 03:45:00 +0000
Episode 14 - Stand and Be Counted!

This week we're a man short, but we soldier on none the less. We continue our conversation about Red Hat's decision to limit access to their source code, and the impact that will no doubt have on the enterprise space. We also get into Fedora's recent "announcement" that they are considering working on building a frame work for "ethical telemetry." All that, and so much more!

Mon, 17 Jul 2023 03:45:00 +0000
Episode 13 - Red Hat's On A Roll!

This week we get into Red Hat's recent announcement that they're no longer going to provide direct access to their source code, potentially creating a problem for clones of Red Had Enterprise Linux, such as Alma Linux, or Rocky Linux.

#linux #linuxotc #redhat #centos #almalinux #rockylinux #rhel

Mon, 03 Jul 2023 03:45:00 +0000
Episode12 - "Reddit & Twitter deserve each other"

This week we're completely "off the cuff." We get into Lemmy, a federated alternative to Reddit - which leads to a discussion about the fedaverse in general. We talk a little about Docker. We do a call-out to the community for some feedback on possible methods to support the show. We then get into some feedback from previous episodes, and a whole lot more!

#linux #linuxotc #docker #lemmy #patreon #liberapay

Mon, 19 Jun 2023 03:45:00 +0000
Episode 11 - Oh Snap!

"Off the rails" would be one way to describe this episode. We start off with a discussion about the progression of Wayland, which leads us into Hyprland, and Wlroots. We then evolve back into containerization and immutability - all of that and a whole lot more

Mon, 05 Jun 2023 03:45:00 +0000
Episode 10 - Immutable? Well... Sort Of

This week we get into "immutable:" Linux distributions a bit. We talk a little about Fedora's Silverblue, and Kinoite projects, as well as a community spin that enables some additional functionality. A little feedback, and a whole lot more!

#fedora #linux #linuxotc #silverblue #kinoite #immutable #containerization

Mon, 22 May 2023 03:45:00 +0000
Episode 9 - "If Not For Nvidia"

This week we get into some of our Nvidia woes. Bill has to switch to Arch (at least temporarily) Leo and Norbert may build a Gentoo system in the near future. We also get into a short discussion about a recent article in Ars Technica describing Google's desire to retire the "Https" padlock in the Chrome browser.


#linux #linuxotc #archlinux #gentoo #nvidia #googlechrome #https #tls

Mon, 08 May 2023 03:45:00 +0000
Episode 8 - The Immutable Leo

This week we talk a little about the new flathub.org as well as the winbtrfs project which brings the advantages of the Btrfs filesystem to the Windows world. We also get into the state of things with Wayland as well as Fedora, and so much more.



#linuxotc #linux #wayland #fedoraproject #winbtrfs #btrfs

Mon, 24 Apr 2023 03:45:00 +0000
Episode 7 - Quick! Emu!

To call this episode an exercise in derailment is an understatement, but there you go. We go off about Cryptocurrency, Antenna TV, and Quickemu. We had a lot of fun. Don't forget to hit those "like" and "subscribe" buttons!

#linux #linuxotc #quickemu #antennatv #cryptocurrency

Mon, 10 Apr 2023 03:45:00 +0000
Episode 6 - TikTok Ya Don't Stop

This week it's all about TikTok... just kidding. We get into the emotional rollercoaster that is the decisions by Docker inc. We also go nuts about the new 16 inch Frameworks laptop that is in the works for the future. Oh and we talk a bit about TikTok.

#tiktok #frameworks #docker #linux #linuxotc

Mon, 27 Mar 2023 03:45:00 +0000
Episode 5 - What Is Linux?

This week we go off the rails about Nextcloud again. Norbert installs and gets on with DAVx5. We talk about what we think "Linux is." As well as a whole lot more!

#linux #linuxotc #nextcloud #DAVx5

Mon, 13 Mar 2023 03:45:00 +0000
Episode 4 - Self-Hosting

This week we start what we imagine will be a series on self-hosting. We go over some of the stuff we self-host and the methods we use. Norbert starts his journey in self-hosting where he describes the Nextcloud instance he just built.

#linux #docker #linuxotc #selfhosting

Mon, 27 Feb 2023 04:45:00 +0000
Episode 3 - Our Future, In A Container

This week we get into a bit of a discussion about where we are, and where we were - How much Linux has evolved and changed over the years, and perhaps how much it hasn't. We get into packaging, and containerization and such. And a whole lot more!

Mon, 13 Feb 2023 04:55:00 +0000
Episode 2 - The Apt Contention

This week we get into a discussion about Canonical possibly adding messages to the terminal when running apt. Conversations evolve into stuff like ChatGPT and a lot more!

Sun, 29 Jan 2023 16:45:00 +0000
Episode 1 - The Maiden Voyage

Our first installment of the Linux "Off The Cuff" series. In this episode we go off the rails about the future of technology, some predictions for 2023, and a whole lot more! #LinuxOTC #linux #linuxmint

Mon, 16 Jan 2023 04:45:00 +0000
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