Aliens, Ghosts and Bigfoot Oh My! Stranger Things Happen Everyday.

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Unexplained and Bigfoot Stories 2022

Alien abduction, sometimes also called abduction phenomenon, alien abduction syndrome or UFO abduction, is a personally held belief in which the alleged "abductee" describes "subjectively real experiences" of being secretly kidnapped by non-human entities and subjected to physical and psychological experimentation.

The X Files. Alien. E.T.. Films and TV shows like these about extra-terrestrials are so popular and so successful that they’ve become deeply embedded in our collective culture. And for as long as we’ve been enjoying scary movies about alien lifeforms,

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SYDNEY BLACK SERIES: I Was Contacted By A Serial Killer With Some Truths To Share! (DO NOT MISS!)
Wed, 18 Jan 2023 00:12:20 +0000
I Was Contacted By An ACTIVE Female Serial Killer With Some Truths To Share! (DO NOT MISS!)
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SYDNEY BLACK SERIES: I Was Contacted By A Serial Killer With Some Truths To Share! (DO NOT MISS!)
Wow! This is crazy! I've been contacted by one interesting woman - for real. She is with an "agency", she kills, and she is now talking to ME. What goes on behind the scenes of CATCHING KILLERS? This!
Do not miss this new series happening this year around one serial killer and catching serial killers. Truth is Scarier than Fiction!

I Was Contacted By An ACTIVE Female Serial Killer With Some Truths To Share

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Tue, 17 Jan 2023 19:45:46 +0000
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SYDNEY BLACK SERIES: I Was Contacted By A Serial Killer With Some Truths To Share! (DO NOT MISS!)
Wow! This is crazy! I've been contacted by one interesting woman - for real. She is with an "agency", she kills, and she is now talking to ME. What goes on behind the scenes of CATCHING KILLERS? This!
Do not miss this new series happening this year around one serial killer and catching serial killers. Truth is Scarier than Fiction!

I Was Contacted By An ACTIVE Female Serial Killer With Some Truths To Share

True Crime Podcast 2023 Police Interrogations, 911 Calls and True Police Stories Podcast
Tue, 17 Jan 2023 00:44:25 +0000
I Was Contacted By An ACTIVE Female Serial Killer With Some Truths To Share! (DO NOT MISS!)
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SYDNEY BLACK SERIES: I Was Contacted By A Serial Killer With Some Truths To Share! (DO NOT MISS!)
Wow! This is crazy! I've been contacted by one interesting woman - for real. She is with an "agency", she kills, and she is now talking to ME. What goes on behind the scenes of CATCHING KILLERS? This!
Do not miss this new series happening this year around one serial killer and catching serial killers. Truth is Scarier than Fiction!

I Was Contacted By An ACTIVE Female Serial Killer With Some Truths To Share

True Crime Podcast 2023 Police Interrogations, 911 Calls and True Police Stories Podcast
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Fri, 23 Sep 2022 00:07:53 +0000
After Living 10 Years Of A Happy Life Man Wakes Up And Realizes He Was Unconscious And Dreamt It All
After Living 10 Years Of A Happy Life Man Wakes Up And Realizes He Was Unconscious And Dreamt It All

One of the most daunting experiences a human can endure is being close to dying. While some escape the claws of death without experiencing any changes in them, others come back just not the same. There are many theories trying to explain what happens to us when we are dying. However, there is no definite answer. Yet, many people candidly share what they felt during their near-death experiences and what effect they had on them.

When somebody created a thread on Reddit asking “Have you ever felt a deep personal connection to a person you met in a dream only to wake up feeling terrible because you realize they never existed?” one user found a perfect place to share his chilling experience. He said that his near-death experience was so strange that it took him three years to recover. Scroll below to read his story and find out why. (Facebook cover image: Guian Bolisay)

Throw away account cause this is really personal.

My last semester at a certain college I was assaulted by a football player for walking where he was trying to drive (note he was 325lbs I was 120lbs), while unconscious on the ground I lived a dream life.

I met a wonderful young lady, she made my heart skip and my face red, I pursued her for months and dispatched a few jerk boyfriends before I finally won her over, after two years we got married, and almost immediately she bore me a daughter.

I had a great job, and my wife didn’t have to work outside of the house when my daughter was two; she [my wife] bore me a son. My son was the joy of my life, and I would walk into his room every morning before I left for work and doted on him and my daughter. I was living the best life possible.

One day while sitting on the couch I noticed that the perspective of the lamp was odd, like inverted. It was still in 3D but… just… wrong. (It was a square lamp base, red with gold trim on four legs and a white square shade). I was transfixed. I couldn’t look away from it. I stayed up all night staring at it, the next morning I didn’t go to work, something was just not right about that lamp.

I stopped eating, I left the couch only to use the bathroom at first, soon I stopped that too as I wasn’t eating or drinking. I stared at the lamp for three days before my wife got really worried, she had someone come and try to talk to me, by this time my cognizance was breaking up and my wife was freaking out. She took the kids to her mother’s house just before I had my epiphany…. the lamp is not real…. the house is not real, my wife, my kids… none of that is real… the last ten years of living the life are not real!

The lamp started to grow wider and deeper, it was still inverted dimensions, it took up my entire perspective and all I could see was red, I heard voices, screams, all kinds of weird noises and I became aware of pain…. a s**t ton of pain… the first words I said were “I’m missing teeth” and opened my eyes. I was laying on my back on the sidewalk surrounded by people that I didn’t know, and lots were freaking out, I was completely confused.
at some point a cop scooped me up, dragged/walked me across the sidewalk and grass and threw me face down in the back of a cop car, I was still confused.

I was taken to the hospital by the cop (seems he didn’t want to wait for the ambulance to arrive) and give CT scans and s**t.

I went through about three years of horrid depression, I was grieving the loss of my wife and children and dealing with the knowledge that this life experience never existed, I was scared that I was going insane as I would cry myself to sleep hoping I would see her in vivid dreams. I never have, but sometimes I see my son, usually just a glimpse out of my peripheral vision, he is perpetually five years old, and I can never hear what he says.

EDIT (24 hours after post): never thought anyone would read this life story, I changed a line so that it no longer seems that my 2-year-old daughter bore a child.

I have never seen Inception or the Star Trek episode so many have mentioned (but I will eventually)

I will not do an AMA

I’ve had many PM’s describing similar experiences while being in a coma and three posters stating such experiences are impossible, I’d say more research needs to be done on brain functions. Pre-med students don’t assume you know everything.

A few have asked if they can write a book/screenplay/stage play/rage comic etcetera, please consider this tale open source and have fun with it.”
Thu, 22 Sep 2022 17:15:18 +0000
Hidden Camera Shows Military Officer Discussing Different Types of Alien Races They May Encounter
Hidden Camera Shows Military Officer Discussing Different Types of Alien Races They May Encounter

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Thu, 22 Sep 2022 00:05:02 +0000
The Ghosts of Eastern Flight 401 SCARY TRUE STORY
The Ghosts of Eastern Flight 401 SCARY TRUE STORY

In December 1972, there was a deadly air crash in Florida’s Everglades. But that wasn’t the end of the story…

It was Christmas 1972 and passengers and crew onboard Eastern Airlines Flight 401 were making the relatively short journey between New York and Florida. They would never arrive.

This tragic air crash was the most deadly ever to have occurred in the US at the time and generated heartbreaking stories of loss, heroism and love. However, it also created a ghost story that has never really been explained to this day. Here, we’ll take a closer look.

A routine flight
The aircraft assigned to Eastern Airlines Flight 401 that December 29th was an L-1011 from Lockheed, often referred to as a Whisperliner due to its quiet engines.

It had been cleared for a 9PM departure from New York’s JFK airport to Miami, with Captain Robert Loft at the helm and Albert John Stockstill, a former Air Force flier, as his co-pilot.

Also on board were 25-year Eastern veteran Donald Louis Repo as engineer and second officer, maintenance specialist Angelo Donadeo, and Warren Terry, who was off-duty but hitching a ride to return from a duty assignment.

The manifest listed 153 passengers, but there were in fact 160 on board, as well as the close-knit cabin crew that included 25-year-old Beverly Raposa and her colleague Mercedes ‘Mercy’ Ruiz.

The flight was uneventful and had crossed the Palmetto Expressway as it cruised over West Palm Beach to Miami, with the captain already having told his passengers the weather in the beach-side city as he made preparations to land.

Trouble arises
It was then, just before 11:40 PM, that a problem arose in the cockpit. Stockstill voiced his concern that a light had not come on to show the landing gear in the plane’s nose was lowered as it should be.

Loft tried again to lower it, but nothing had apparently happened. The crew made a U-turn and told air traffic controllers they would circle again as they attempted to ensure the landing gear was correctly lowered.

They put the aircraft on autopilot and Loft climbed down into the avionics bay, a space beneath the flight deck, to see if he could personally check what was going on. Meanwhile, the others struggled with the cockpit display to see if the fault lay with one of its tiny light bulbs.

Suddenly, the cockpit voice recorder captured a chilling phrase from Stockstill:

“We did something to the altitude.”

The plane should have been at 2,000 ft, but it had somehow dropped dramatically. A moment later, the voice recorder captured Loft’s voice:

“Hey, what’s happening here?”

The phrase would be the last communication to come from Flight 401.

Devastating crash — and desperate rescue mission
At 11:43 PM, Miami air traffic control got a message from another aircraft to say they had seen an explosion close by. Flight 401 had crashed in the Everglades at 227 miles per hour, cartwheeling into the swampy water after the left wingtip hit the ground first.

The plane broke up into several sections upon impact and travelled more than a third of a mile before finally coming to a halt.

First on the scene was a local man named Robert Marquis, who had been trapping frogs with a friend on an airboat when he saw an orange fireball and knew instantly he was witnessing a plane crash. He turned his pleasure craft and swung towards the crash site, as did the Coastguard on a nearby helicopter.

Meanwhile, flight attendant Beverly Raposa had survived the crash and found herself flung into the mud of the Everglades. In a stoic display of professionalism, she gathered other survivors around her and shouted for more to come towards the sound of her voice.

After realising she was covered in jet fuel, she implored everyone not to strike matches for light and sang Christmas carols in a bid to keep their spirits up.

“These were my people. They were my responsibility, and this was my job as a flight attendant,” she later told the Official Eastern Airlines Flight 401 website.

The Coastguard’s helicopter tracked down the survivors after Mr Marquis swung his lamp around to attract attention, and rescue vehicles began to gather them up via a flood control levee.

Aftermath and investigation
In total, 75 passengers and crew survived. The eventual death toll would be 103, with some succumbing to their wounds after the event. Many drowned in the water of the Everglades before rescuers could reach them.

Stockstill was killed on impact and Captain Loft died in the wreckage of the flight deck. Repo survived the initial crash, but died later in hospital. Technical officer Donadeo, who was in the avionics bay with Repo when the plane went down, survived. Two of the ten flight attendants also perished.

An investigation was immediately launched into what happened that fateful night using the cockpit voice recorder. It was found that Stockstill had put the plane on autopilot after attempting to lower the landing gear and that it had continued its trajectory for 80 seconds.

A sudden descent of 100 ft occurred, followed by two minutes of steady flight. After this, the aircraft began to descend so gradually as to be imperceptible before the pilots saw they were far too low. Although they tried to pull up, it was too late and the wing hit the water.

Investigators realised the confusion in the cockpit over the landing gear light must have been enough to distract the pilots and mean an altitude warning chime wasn’t heard.

As to why the aircraft began to descend at all, other Eastern pilots testified to the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) that their altitude hold function could be disengaged by bumping the control column.

The NTSB therefore theorised that Loft had probably nudged the control column as he turned to talk to Repo about going down into the avionics bay to check the landing gear, which accidentally nudged the aircraft into a lower trajectory that it then automatically maintained.

In a sad twist, the landing gear was found to be down exactly as it should have been, meaning the crash was effectively caused by two burnt out light bulbs.

Officially, the NTSB cited pilot error, adding: “Preoccupation with a malfunction of the nose landing gear position indicating system distracted the crew’s attention from the instruments and allowed the descent to go unnoticed.”

Eastern Flight 401 was the first jumbo jet to crash and the loss of life was the worst in US civil aviation history at the time.

Not the end of the story — ghosts in the machine?
However, this wasn’t the last that was to be heard of the doomed flight and its lost crew members. It was widely reported that several parts of the aircraft were salvaged from the crash site and returned to the manufacturer to be used again on other L1011s.

Soon after, stories began to emerge that passengers and crew members on other Eastern flights were being visited by some of those who had died. At JFK, a boarding crew saw Loft sitting in the flight deck dressed in his uniform. Not realising who he was, they talked to him for a few moments before he allegedly disappeared in front of their eyes. The crew was so shaken that the flight had to be cancelled.

On another occasion, a flight engineer saw Don Repo and the apparition told him he had already done the pre-flight checks before he vanished. During a flight from Atlanta to Miami, a crew heard knocking coming from the avionics hold and opened it to see the face of Repo looking back out at them.

Perhaps the most startling episode was when a flight attendant on a trip from Mexico City to JFK saw Don Repo’s face reflected in an oven door and heard him tell her to beware of fire. As the plane climbed, the engine indeed caught fire and the pilot was forced to shut it down and make an emergency landing back at the airport. Fortunately, no one was hurt.

All in all, there were more than 20 incidents in which people reported having seen ghostly apparitions of dead Flight 401 crew members. Sightings had become so commonplace during 1973 that a report was published about them the following year in the US Flight Safety Foundation newsletter.

Keen to shut down the paranormal tales, Eastern Airlines is said to have removed all log books in which ghost sightings were recorded and warned employees who perpetuated the stories they could face dismissal.

Eastern Air Lines CEO (and former Apollo astronaut) Frank Borman spoke out to say the reports of sightings were “garbage” and a book published in 1980 called From the Captain to the Colonel: An Informal History of Eastern Airlines insisted no parts were ever salvaged from Flight 401 for reuse.

In an interview with Eliot Kleinberg of the Palm Beach Post in 1997, Eastern’s public relations representative Jim Ashlock also said the ghost stories were made up and that the airline had never hidden flight logs or intimidated witnesses.

However, Mr Kleinberg said Don Repo’s son Jay had told him he believed the stories about his father’s ghost returning. He reportedly claimed he had inexplicably found a pair of Eastern Airlines wings in a Miami hotel room, which he took as a supernatural sign of visitation.

Some still insist salvaged parts were behind the sightings of Captain Loft and his dead colleagues months after the loss of flight 401, and that Eastern Airlines was forced to remove them from the other planes to stop the spectres reappearing and allow them to rest in peace.

Regardless, there were no more reports of apparitions after 1974. Perhaps Loft and his team had finally decided it was time to hang up their uniforms for the final time.

The Ghosts of Eastern Flight 401 SCARY TRUE STORY

RSLASH Paranormal: BEST Of True Alien, Ghosts, Unexplained and Bigfoot Stories 2022
Wed, 21 Sep 2022 18:08:17 +0000
What's The Scariest Thing That's Happened To You While You Were Home Alone? (r/AskReddit)
What's The Scariest Thing That's Happened To You While You Were Home Alone? (r/AskReddit)
Sat, 10 Sep 2022 04:06:53 +0000
Creepiest Missing Person Stories that you won't be able to stop listening to
Creepiest Missing Person Stories that you won't be able to stop listening to
Sun, 04 Sep 2022 18:04:35 +0000
The mysterious disappearance of the Eilean Mor lighthouse keepers.
The mysterious disappearance of the Eilean Mor lighthouse keepers.

On the 26th December 1900, a small ship was making its way to the Flannan Islands in the remote Outer Hebrides. Its destination was the lighthouse at Eilean Mor, a remote island which (apart from its lighthouse keepers) was completely uninhabited.

Although uninhabited, the island has always sparked people’s interest. It is named after St. Flannen, a 6th century Irish Bishop who later became a saint. He built a chapel on the island and for centuries shepherds used to bring over sheep to the island to graze but would never stay the night, fearful of the spirits believed to haunt that remote spot.

Captain James Harvey was in charge of the ship which was also carrying Jospeph Moore, a replacement lifehouse keeper. As the ship reached the landing platform, Captain Harvey was surprised not to see anyone waiting for their arrival. He blew his horn and sent up a warning flare to attract attention.

There was no response.

Joseph Moore then rowed ashore and ascended up the steep set of stairs that led up to the lighthouse. According to reports from Moore himself, the replacement lighthouse keeper suffered an overwhelming sense of foreboding on his long walk up to the top of the cliff.

The island of Eilean Mor, with the lighthouse in the background. Attribution: Marc Calhoun under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic license.

Once at the lighthouse, Moore noticed something was immediately wrong; the door to the lighthouse was unlocked and in the entrance hall two of the three oil skinned coats were missing. Moore continued onto the kitchen area where he found half eaten food and an overturned chair, almost as if someone had jumped from their seat in a hurry. To add to this peculiar scene, the kitchen clock had also stopped.

Moore continued to search the rest of the lighthouse but found no sign of the lighthouse keepers. He ran back to the ship to inform Captain Harvey, who subsequently ordered a search of the islands for the missing men. No-one was found.

Harvey quickly sent back a telegram to the mainland, which in turn was forwarded to the Northern Lighthouse Board Headquarters in Edinburgh. The telegraph read:

A dreadful accident has happened at Flannans. The three Keepers, Ducat, Marshall and the occasional have disappeared from the island. On our arrival there this afternoon no sign of life was to be seen on the Island.

Fired a rocket but, as no response was made, managed to land Moore, who went up to the Station but found no Keepers there. The clocks were stopped and other signs indicated that the accident must have happened about a week ago. Poor fellows they must been blown over the cliffs or drowned trying to secure a crane or something like that.

Night coming on, we could not wait to make something as to their fate.
I have left Moore, MacDonald, Buoymaster and two Seamen on the island to keep the light burning until you make other arrangements. Will not return to Oban until I hear from you. I have repeated this wire to Muirhead in case you are not at home. I will remain at the telegraph office tonight until it closes, if you wish to wire me.

A few days later, Robert Muirhead, the board’s supernatant who both recruited and knew all three men personally, departed for the island to investigate the disappearances.

His investigation of the lighthouse found nothing over and above what Moore had already reported. That is, except for the lighthouse’s log…

Muirhead immediately noticed that the last few days of entries were unusual. On the 12th December, Thomas Marshall, the second assistant, wrote of ‘severe winds the likes of which I have never seen before in twenty years’. He also noticed that James Ducat, the Principal Keeper, had been ‘very quiet’ and that the third assistant, William McArthur, had been crying.

What is strange about the final remark was that William McArthur was a seasoned mariner, and was known on the Scottish mainland as a tough brawler. Why would he be crying about a storm?

Log entries on the 13th December stated that the storm was still raging, and that all three men had been praying. But why would three experienced lighthouse keepers, safely situated on a brand new lighthouse that was 150 feet above sea level, be praying for a storm to stop? They should have been perfectly safe.

Even more peculiar is that there were no reported storms in the area on the 12th, 13th and 14th of December. In fact, the weather was calm, and the storms that were to batter the island didn’t hit until December 17th.

The final log entry was made on the 15th December. It simply read ‘Storm ended, sea calm. God is over all’. What was meant by ‘God is over all’?

After reading the logs, Muirhead’s attention turned to the remaining oil skinned coat that had been left in the entrance hall. Why, in the bitter cold winter, had one of the lighthouse keepers ventured out without his coat? Furthermore, why had all three lighthouse staff left their posts at the same time, when rules and regulations strictly prohibited it?

Further clues were found down by the landing platform. Here Muirhead noticed ropes strewn all over the rocks, ropes which were usually held in a brown crate 70 feet above the platform on a supply crane. Perhaps the crate had been dislodged and knocked down, and the lighthouse keepers were attempting to retrieve them when an unexpected wave came and washed them out to sea? This was the first and most likely theory, and as such Muirhead included it in his official report to the Northern Lighthouse Board.

But this explanation left some people in the Northern Lighthouse Board unconvinced. For one, why had none of the bodies been washed ashore? Why had one of the men left the lighthouse without taking his coat, especially since this was December in the Outer Hebridies? Why had three experienced lighthouse keepers been taken unaware by a wave?

Although these were all good questions, the most pertinent and persistent question was around the weather conditions at the time; the seas should have been calm! They were sure of this as the lighthouse could be seen from the nearby Isle of Lewis, and any bad weather would have obscured it from view.

Over the following decades, subsequent lighthouse keepers at Eilean Mor have reported strange voices in the wind, calling out the names of the three dead men. Theories about their disappearance have ranged from foreign invaders capturing the men, all the way through to alien abductions! Whatever the reason for their disappearance, something (or someone) snatched those three men from the rock of Eilean Mor on that winter’s day over 100 years ago.

The mysterious disappearance of the Eilean Mor lighthouse keepers.
Sat, 03 Sep 2022 20:15:02 +0000
Valley of Headless Men: Mysterious Decapitations in Canada’s Nahanni Valley
Valley of Headless Men: Mysterious Decapitations in Canada’s Nahanni Valley

The Northwestern Territories of Canada are truly one of Earth’s last true wild places. One of its special National Park Reserves, called the Nahanni Valley, is however a little bit wilder than most. It is home to some strange myths and mysteries and boasts a fearsome reputation for being a haunted and deadly place. This remote wild valley is not just inhospitable due to its rugged terrain, extreme weather, and predators, but is also deadly due to some unexplained circumstances. Over the decades, many unfortunate travelers and explorers have gone missing, or they turned up dead and beheaded. The number of decapitated bodies found within Nahanni Valley have earned it the nickname “Valley of Headless Men”. What is the explanation to this mystery?

The Nahanni Valley is a vast expanse of land in Canada’s Northwest Territories. It’s a land of jagged mountains, harsh forests and eerie fogs – a place steeped in supernatural lore and mystery, best reflected in its better-known moniker: ‘Valley of Headless Men’.

The Dene people who lived in the Nahanni for at least 10,000 years prior to the arrival of European explorers in the late 18th century had long spoken of mythical creatures, hidden tropical gardens and rivers that should be avoided at all costs. There may be good reasons for that. At least four headless bodies have turned up in the Nahanni Valley since the early 1900s.

Just as ominous, yet harder to quantify, the general, eerie feeling you get in the Nahanni Valley, that something is off – and it’s looking at you.

Where is the Nahanni Valley?
The Nahanni Valley is a region in Nahanni National Park, in the Dehcho region of the Northwest Territories, about 500 kilometres west of Yellowknife. It’s a huge, remote and inhospitable area that you can only visit by plane or boat. It’s well known for the South Nahanni River and four 3,000+ foot canyons, called First, Second, Third and Fourth Canyons respectively, which line the river.

It has some of the most diverse landforms in the country, with canyons, caves, tufa mounds and a waterfall twice the height of Niagara Falls all in the valley.

Animals thrive here too, given its remote location and general absence of humans. Bears, wolves, bison, caribou, owls and even the elusive wolverine all call the Nahanni home, within the mountains, plains, spruce and aspen forests of this massive area.

What is the Nahanni Valley Mystery?
There are at least five mysteries tied to the Nahanni Valley, but the most famous and likely the one you’ve heard, is the mystery of the headless bodies. That’s where the Nahanni gets its rather creepy moniker ‘Valley of the Headless Bodies’. People have vanished here, be they explorers, miners, plane pilots and others who simply dared set foot in this foreboding region.

More abstract, however, is the Nahanni’s reputation as being a place of evil, where men disappear after going downstream, tribes mysteriously vanish without a trace, giants that cook meals in the valley’s hot spring, and harbingers of doom when that spring is empty.

Frank and Willie McLeod: The First Headless Bodies
In 1904, brothers Frank and Willie McLeod left Edmonton, Alberta and came to the valley in search of gold. Making the journey in a particularly cold winter, with primitive gear, by train, boat and land, they reached Gold Creek and struck gold later that year.

With their fortune struck, they headed back to their home in Fort Liard.

But greed can get the worst of men at times, and the McLeod brothers, unsatisfied with their winnings, headed back to the Nahanni Valley in 1905 for a second expedition.

They never returned. And their fates were unknown until 1908, when their brother, Charlie McLeod, found their headless bodies on the edge of the river – with one of the corpses arms outstretched, still reaching for his gun

Their demise led to the location’s new name: Headless Creek. And the broader region in which it sits, now called ‘Deadman’s Valley’, hints at what happened to the McLeod Brothers some 100+ years ago.

Martin Jorgensen: Third Headless Body
The McLeod brothers don’t hold the distinction of being the only headless bodies found in the Nahanni Valley. In 1917, Yukon prospector Martin Jorgensen went missing shortly after he’d sent notice to his home that he’d ‘struck in rich’ while in the Nahanni. When searchers eventually found his body, they noted his cabin had been burned to the ground – and on a more gruesome note, like the McLeod brothers, he too was found missing his head.

It was the discovery of Jorgensen’s body, coupled with the McLeod’s morbid fate, that gave rise to rumours of head hunters in the Nahanni Valley, according to Canadian newspapers. And it was this same mystique, combined with the Nahanni Valley’s reputation of being a ‘subarctic El Dorado’ filled with golden nuggets, that inspired myths of ‘The Lost McLeod Mine’ and hundreds of prospectors to make the journey – many of whom never came home.

Nahanni Valley Monster
The Nahanni Valley is rich in lore and tales of mythical, sometimes macabre creatures that feast on those who enter the region. The Nahanni Valley Monster is one of them. It’s actually a collection of creatures said to inhabit the Nahanni Valley, including:

The Evil Spirit – A story told by native hunters who entered the valley in search of food and lived to tell about it. The Evil Spirit of the Nahanni Valley is said to haunt the region and make its presence known with otherworldly shrieks on cold and windy nights.

Giants – Giants are said to live in the Nahanni Valley – and cook their meals in Rabbitkettle hotsprings.

Prehistoric Monsters – Hunters and native trappers speak of mammoths, mastodons and prehistoric beasts in the Nahanni Valley – their tracks visible in snow and creek beds. Some frontiersmen may have even returned from the Nahanni wilderness with precious ivory tusks, and flesh still attached to the bone.

The Waheela – A huge, wolf-like creature linked to deaths, accidents, the unexplained and weirdness that happened to geologists and naturalists that entered the Nahanni Valley with renewed interest in the 1960s.

The Nuk-Luk – No, it’s not the Canucks rather heart-breaking playoff performance over the past 50 years (C’Mon guys, a Cup already, please??). Nuk-Luk is a short, half-naked sub-human creature spotted around the Fort Liard, Fort Simpsons and Nahanni Butte areas. He carries a stone club and has a long, dark beard.

Naha: The Vanished Tribe
Google ‘Nahanni Valley’ and you may see rumours of a vanished tribe that disappeared from the region. That’s the Naha – a nomadic, war-like people who lived in mountain caves, and frequently descended to raid Dene villages in the lowlands around the Liard and McKenzie rivers.

After years of beatdowns by the Naha, a group of brave Dene warriors had finally had enough and journeyed into Naha territory for a surprise ambush. But instead of fierce Naha, they found abandoned teepees – and nothing else.

The Naha tribe had literally disappeared.

Perhaps wisely fearing the giant cannibals and evil spirits of Nahanni mythology, the Dene warriors fled back to their settlements in the lowlands. And they saw no trace of the Naha again.
Sat, 03 Sep 2022 15:55:07 +0000
What is the scariest thing you have seen out there?
What is the scariest thing you have seen out there?
Thu, 01 Sep 2022 18:43:13 +0000
What Is the Scariest Story You Know That Is 100% True? (r/AskReddit)
What Is the Scariest Story You Know That Is 100% True? (r/AskReddit)
Mon, 29 Aug 2022 00:10:41 +0000
[SERIOUS] Creepiest Things That Happened While Everyone Was Asleep (r/AskReddit)
[SERIOUS] Creepiest Things That Happened While Everyone Was Asleep (r/AskReddit)
Wed, 24 Aug 2022 22:00:20 +0000
What Is Horrifying To Think About When Considering ALIENS?
What Is Horrifying To Think About When Considering ALIENS?
Wed, 24 Aug 2022 20:59:21 +0000
Medical workers, what were the most haunting last words you’ve heard from a patient?(r/AskReddit)
Medical workers, what were the most haunting last words you’ve heard from a patient?(r/AskReddit)
Tue, 23 Aug 2022 00:22:28 +0000
People Who Were Clinically Dead, What Was Your Experience?
People Who Were Clinically Dead, What Was Your Experience?
Sun, 21 Aug 2022 22:01:14 +0000
Creepiest "Glitch In The Matrix" Moments Ever
Creepiest "Glitch In The Matrix" Moments Ever
Sun, 21 Aug 2022 19:54:43 +0000
[1 Hour] Alien Abduction Stories from People Who Claimed to have seen a UFO | Reddit Alien Stories
[1 Hour] Alien Abduction Stories from People Who Claimed to have seen a UFO | Reddit Alien Stories
Fri, 19 Aug 2022 01:14:17 +0000
People Reveal Their Most UNEXPLAINABLE Experiences (r/AskReddit Top Stories)
People Reveal Their Most UNEXPLAINABLE Experiences (r/AskReddit Top Stories)
Fri, 19 Aug 2022 00:12:46 +0000
Near Death Experience Or Trick Of The Devil?
Near Death Experience Or Trick Of The Devil?

#nde #neardeathexperience #lifeafterdeath

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Wed, 17 Aug 2022 21:20:02 +0000
Scariest Night Shift Encounters
Scariest Night Shift Encounters
Wed, 17 Aug 2022 04:30:03 +0000
Weirdest "Glitch In The Matrix" Stories
Weirdest "Glitch In The Matrix" Stories
Wed, 17 Aug 2022 03:30:02 +0000
Hunters, What Scary Things Have You Seen In The Woods?
Hunters, What Scary Things Have You Seen In The Woods?
Wed, 17 Aug 2022 02:40:01 +0000
Truckers, What Was Your Creepy Late Night Moment?
Truckers, What Was Your Creepy Late Night Moment?
Wed, 17 Aug 2022 01:30:10 +0000
After Living 10 Years Of A Happy Life Man Wakes Up And Realizes He Was Unconscious And Dreamt It All
After Living 10 Years Of A Happy Life Man Wakes Up And Realizes He Was Unconscious And Dreamt It All

One of the most daunting experiences a human can endure is being close to dying. While some escape the claws of death without experiencing any changes in them, others come back just not the same. There are many theories trying to explain what happens to us when we are dying. However, there is no definite answer. Yet, many people candidly share what they felt during their near-death experiences and what effect they had on them.

When somebody created a thread on Reddit asking “Have you ever felt a deep personal connection to a person you met in a dream only to wake up feeling terrible because you realize they never existed?” one user found a perfect place to share his chilling experience. He said that his near-death experience was so strange that it took him three years to recover.

My last semester at a certain college I was assaulted by a football player for walking where he was trying to drive (note he was 325lbs I was 120lbs), while unconscious on the ground I lived a dream life.

I met a wonderful young lady, she made my heart skip and my face red, I pursued her for months and dispatched a few jerk boyfriends before I finally won her over, after two years we got married, and almost immediately she bore me a daughter.

I had a great job, and my wife didn’t have to work outside of the house when my daughter was two; she [my wife] bore me a son. My son was the joy of my life, and I would walk into his room every morning before I left for work and doted on him and my daughter. I was living the best life possible.

One day while sitting on the couch I noticed that the perspective of the lamp was odd, like inverted. It was still in 3D but… just… wrong. (It was a square lamp base, red with gold trim on four legs and a white square shade). I was transfixed. I couldn’t look away from it. I stayed up all night staring at it, the next morning I didn’t go to work, something was just not right about that lamp.

I stopped eating, I left the couch only to use the bathroom at first, soon I stopped that too as I wasn’t eating or drinking. I stared at the lamp for three days before my wife got really worried, she had someone come and try to talk to me, by this time my cognizance was breaking up and my wife was freaking out. She took the kids to her mother’s house just before I had my epiphany…. the lamp is not real…. the house is not real, my wife, my kids… none of that is real… the last ten years of living the life are not real!

The lamp started to grow wider and deeper, it was still inverted dimensions, it took up my entire perspective and all I could see was red, I heard voices, screams, all kinds of weird noises and I became aware of pain…. a s**t ton of pain… the first words I said were “I’m missing teeth” and opened my eyes. I was laying on my back on the sidewalk surrounded by people that I didn’t know, and lots were freaking out, I was completely confused.
at some point a cop scooped me up, dragged/walked me across the sidewalk and grass and threw me face down in the back of a cop car, I was still confused.

I was taken to the hospital by the cop (seems he didn’t want to wait for the ambulance to arrive) and give CT scans and s**t.

I went through about three years of horrid depression, I was grieving the loss of my wife and children and dealing with the knowledge that this life experience never existed, I was scared that I was going insane as I would cry myself to sleep hoping I would see her in vivid dreams. I never have, but sometimes I see my son, usually just a glimpse out of my peripheral vision, he is perpetually five years old, and I can never hear what he says.

EDIT (24 hours after post): never thought anyone would read this life story, I changed a line so that it no longer seems that my 2-year-old daughter bore a child.

I have never seen Inception or the Star Trek episode so many have mentioned (but I will eventually
Tue, 16 Aug 2022 03:45:06 +0000
Scariest Home Alone Experiences Ever
Scariest Home Alone Experiences Ever
Tue, 16 Aug 2022 01:26:29 +0000
Urban Explorers, What Was Your "We're Not Alone" Moment?
Urban Explorers, What Was Your "We're Not Alone" Moment?
Tue, 16 Aug 2022 01:18:16 +0000
What's Your True "Real Life Glitch" Story?
What's Your True "Real Life Glitch" Story?
Tue, 16 Aug 2022 00:23:11 +0000
Woman Has NDE is Shown Future Trump Reelected in 2028, Crypto Takeover and China Invades USA.
Woman Has NDE is Shown Future Trump Reelected in 2028, Crypto Takeover and China Invades USA.

Millions of people have had Near Death Experiences (NDEs) and even more, claim to have had Out of Body Experiences (OBEs). These are their stories. If you have your own you would like to share we would love to hear it.

#cryptocurrency #Crypto #BTC #Bitcoin #dogearmy #ETH #Etherum #AMCAPES #SHIBARMY #ElonMusk #Altcoins #Solana #SolanaNFT #NFTCommunity #safemoonwallet

Sun, 14 Aug 2022 22:36:04 +0000
Near-Death Experiences: The Stories They Tell
Near-Death Experiences: The Stories They Tell
Sun, 14 Aug 2022 17:05:02 +0000
Secret Terrors of Airplane Pilots 1 HOUR Reddit Compilation)
Secret Terrors of Airplane Pilots 1 HOUR Reddit Compilation)
Sat, 13 Aug 2022 01:30:29 +0000
What's The Scariest Situation You've Been In? (r/AskReddit Top Stories)
What's The Scariest Situation You've Been In? (r/AskReddit Top Stories)
Fri, 12 Aug 2022 06:28:00 +0000
Radio Drama Podcasts - Audio Drama Podcasts Archive Twilight Zone, Star Wars
🔴🔵 LINK 🔴🔵

Radio Drama Podcasts - Audio Drama Podcasts Archive Twilight Zone, Star Wars and MORE! Celebrity Encounter Stories and Movie News.

Radio drama is a dramatized, purely acoustic performance. With no visual component, radio drama depends on dialogue, music and sound effects to help the listener imagine the characters and story: "It is auditory in the physical dimension but equally powerful as a visual force in the psychological dimension."

Radio drama or audio drama, audio play, radio play, radio theatre, or audio theatre is a dramatized, purely acoustic performance.
Wed, 10 Aug 2022 21:22:00 +0000
Doctors Reveal The Most Memorable "Last Words" From Patients (r/AskReddit Top Stories)
Doctors Reveal The Most Memorable "Last Words" From Patients (r/AskReddit Top Stories)
Tue, 09 Aug 2022 23:23:32 +0000

Episode 1 – Night Call
Episode 2 - Long Live Walter Jameson
Episode 3 - The Lateness Of The Hour
Episode 4 - The Thirty Fathom Grave
Episode 5 - The Man In The Bottle
Episode 6 - Night Of The Meek

The Twilight Zone is a nationally syndicated radio drama series featuring radio play adaptations of the classic television series The Twilight Zone first produced for the British station BBC Radio 4 Extra in October 2002. with the final show released in 2012 for 176 episodes in all.

Many of the stories are based on Rod Serling's scripts from the original Twilight Zone series, and are slightly expanded and updated to reflect contemporary technology and trends (e.g., the mention of "cell phones" and "CD-ROMs" which, of course, were not around when the television show aired in the 1960s) and the lack of a visual component. In addition to adapting all of the original episodes aired on the 1959-1964 TV series, the radio series has also adapted some Twilight Zone TV scripts which were never produced, scripts from other Serling TV productions, and new stories written especially for the radio series. Taking Serling's role as narrator is Stacy Keach. Different Hollywood actors, such as Blair Underwood and James Caviezel, take the lead role in each radio drama. In addition, several stars who appeared on the original TV series, such as H.M. Wynant, Orson Bean and Morgan Brittany, appear, although purposely not in the roles they originated on television. The series features a full cast, music and sound effects and is produced in the flavor of classic radio dramas but using today's technology. In addition to being an homage to the original Twilight Zone TV series (in many cases using the original music), the radio dramas pay tribute to the era of classic radio drama, including allusions to radio dramas such as Gunsmoke, the presence of radio legend Stan Freberg in many episodes, and the sons of radio drama personalities Stacy Keach, Sr., (director, Tales of the Texas Rangers) and Ed Begley, Sr., (actor, Richard Diamond, Private Detective) as stars in the series.

Licensed by CBS Enterprises and The Rod Serling Estate, The Twilight Zone radio series is produced by Carl Amari, CEO of Falcon Picture Group who hosts his own weekly nationally syndicated radio series, featuring classic radio, called "Hollywood 360." The scripts from the original Twilight Zone are adapted by Dennis Etchison and others, including one episode by Chas Holloway and several by British writer M. J. Elliott. New stories by Etchison and others that are not based on the original TV series are also featured. In Britain it has been heard on the digital channel BBC Radio 4 Extra. In the United States, it airs on nearly 200 radio stations including many large stations like WCCO-Minneapolis, KSL-Salt Lake City, KOA-Denver and WIND-Chicago. All of the stations and airtimes are available at the series official website. It also airs regularly on XM satellite radio channel 163 and Sirius channel 117, Sirius XM Book Radio. Most of the stations air two episodes each week, usually on the weekends and many times back to back.

The sound mix was produced at Falcon Picture Group studios and later at the Cerny Sound-to-Picture studio at Cerny American Creative in Chicago. The sound engineers that work on the series include Roger Wolski, Bob Benson, Craig Lee, Tim Cerny and Jason Rizzo. The episodes are produced and directed by Carl Amari.
Mon, 08 Aug 2022 21:01:17 +0000
Ghost Dog Protects Children and a Silver Deer That Saves Woman From Shadow People TRUE STORIES
Ghost Dog Protects Children and a Silver Deer That Saves Woman From Shadow People TRUE STORIES
Mon, 08 Aug 2022 16:53:09 +0000
People, who've found a secret passage, tunnel, or room, what's your story?
People, who've found a secret passage, tunnel, or room, what's your story?

secret passages in homes,secret passages,secret passageways,secret door,secret tunnel ,rslash
Mon, 08 Aug 2022 07:05:02 +0000
The Best Reddit Revenge Stories 2 Hour Compilation
The Best Reddit Revenge Stories 2 Hour Compilation

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Mon, 08 Aug 2022 04:48:30 +0000
Real Stories From Haunted Hospitals
Real Stories From Haunted Hospitals

RSLASH Paranormal: BEST Of True Alien, Ghosts, Unexplained and Bigfoot Stories 2022
Sun, 07 Aug 2022 01:03:50 +0000
People Who Lived in a "Haunted" House, What Are Your Most Unexplainable Paranormal Experiences?
People Who Lived in a "Haunted" House, What Are Your Most Unexplainable Paranormal Experiences?
Sat, 06 Aug 2022 22:38:52 +0000
Pilots, What’s the Scariest Stuff You’ve Seen While Flying?
Pilots, What’s the Scariest Stuff You’ve Seen While Flying?
Sat, 06 Aug 2022 20:30:12 +0000
Smoke Shop Clerk Stabs 1 of 3 Robbers with a Knife Multiple Times in Las Vegas
🔴🔵 Youtube Video 🔴🔵

Smoke Shop Clerk Stabs 1 of 3 Robbers with a Knife Multiple Times in Las Vegas

LAS VEGAS, NV—Three male suspects rushed into the Smokestorm Smoke Shop near the 4500 block of West Sahara Avenue on Tuesday around 3:30 p.m. and attempted to smash and grab the establishment.

While the three men attempted to rob the store, the clerk (possibly the owner) grabbed one of the suspects after he jumped behind the counter and started stabbing him multiple times throughout his upper body.

The other two suspects leave their accomplice behind as the Asian-American store clerk repeatedly stabs him.

Man Who Attacked Asian Family in Sam’s Club Sentenced
The suspect can be heard screaming “I’m dead, I’m dead…..” while getting stabbed and dragged out of the counter by the store clerk.

No information if the 3rd robbery suspect survived his injuries. Police are still investigating the incident.
Sat, 06 Aug 2022 01:17:57 +0000
People Who Have ‘Died’ and Been Resuscitated, What Was Your Experience?
People Who Have ‘Died’ and Been Resuscitated, What Was Your Experience?
Fri, 05 Aug 2022 23:14:13 +0000
What's The Craziest Unexplainable Thing That Has Ever Happened To You?
What's The Craziest Unexplainable Thing That Has Ever Happened To You?
Fri, 05 Aug 2022 07:45:16 +0000
People Who Have Been Clinically Dead, What Was It Like?
People Who Have Been Clinically Dead, What Was It Like?
Thu, 04 Aug 2022 23:30:31 +0000
Nurses, What Were the Most Haunting Last Words You’ve Heard From a Patient?
Nurses, What Were the Most Haunting Last Words You’ve Heard From a Patient?
Thu, 04 Aug 2022 19:53:24 +0000
What Was It Like Being Clinically Dead? What if anything did you experience on 'the other side'?
What Was It Like Being Clinically Dead? What if anything did you experience on 'the other side'?

People of Reddit who have experienced Clinical Death (and then been resuscitated, obviously), what if anything did you experience on 'the other side'?
Thu, 04 Aug 2022 17:05:01 +0000
Shocking Deathbed Confessions From History A MUST LISTEN!
Shocking Deathbed Confessions From History A MUST LISTEN!

When facing the end, it's time to come clean - at least that's what happened for numerous individuals who committed some pretty heinous and noteworthy acts. Admissions of murder, theft, and the forging of famous photos are just some of the shocking deathbed confessions that have come down to us through history.

It's hard to tell if all of these confessions are true, but several of them provided answers to seemingly unanswerable questions, offered resolutions to previously cold cases, or gave families much-needed closure. These last words definitely left an impression.

An Outlaw Biker Admitted To Slaying A Teenager And Feeding Her Body To Alligators
When 17-year old Amy Billig disappeared on March 4, 1974, the entire community of Coconut Grove, FL, was devastated. Billig reportedly made a trip home after getting out of school, changed clothes, and was seen getting into a van to visit her father's place of business. She never arrived.

Investigators looked for Billig, but to no avail, and even used her journal as a guide to try to figure out what had happened to the girl. Authorities found her camera by the highway, but there were no real leads as to her whereabouts.

Billig's mother, Susan, never stopped looking for her daughter and traveled around the world, following potential leads. She wrote a book about her investigation, detailing all of the tips called in and the motorcycle outlaw subculture she was drawn into as she searched for her daughter.

One of the strongest leads Susan possessed was that Billig had been taken by members of the Pagans motorcycle club to party in the Everglades. In 1998, a former "enforcer" for the Pagans, Paul Branch, confessed to the deed, admitting the club had picked Billig up, slipped her something, then taken her to their clubhouse, and repeatedly assaulted her.

Billig's heart stopped as a result of the substances and abuse, and the gang dropped her body in the swamps of the Everglades to get rid of the evidence, feeding her to the alligators to cover their tracks. According to authorities, Branch and other members of the Pagans had been questioned in Billig's disappearance, but repeatedly denied any knowledge of the event. Only at the end did Branch admit to his wife that members of the club were responsible.

It's unclear if Susan Billig ever believed Branch's confession or if an actual confession ever took place. Authorities were hesitant to believe Branch's widow, thinking she was trying to capitalize on the passings of Billig and her husband. Susan Billig continued to look for her daughter, indicating she wasn't satisfied with the widow's information.
Thu, 04 Aug 2022 00:01:12 +0000
Clinically Dead and Back to Life Experiences
Clinically Dead and Back to Life Experiences

A deathbed confession is an admittance or confession when someone is nearing death, or on their "death bed". This confession may help alleviate any guilt, regrets, secrets, or sins the dying person may have had in their life. These confessions can occur because the dying want to live the last moments of their life free of any secrets they have been holding in for a portion - or entirety - of their life. Or, if religious, the person may perhaps believe they will be forgiven by a higher power before they die, allowing them entrance to a better place, such as Heaven, after death. A deathbed confession can be given to anyone, but a family member is usually with their loved one during this time. Doctors and nurses may also hear a deathbed confession because they are often present in a person’s last moments.

These confessions can range from a confession of sins that have been committed to crimes that have been committed or witnessed. Often, these confessions are made to clear the dying’s conscience. A common type of confession is either religious or spiritually based. On the death bed, the dying will confess sins or mistakes they have made in their lifetime, and ask for forgiveness, so that they may move on to the afterlife according to their religion. Different religions have different protocols for the deathbed confession, but all religions seek to provide relief for the dying. People may also confess their feelings for another person while dying. This can relieve the dying of the internal struggle with hiding how they actually feel for someone. These emotions can range from hatred to love, and everything in between.

Many confessions have involved the admittance of a crime that the dying has committed, which obviously cannot be prosecuted once the perpetrator has died. On the other hand, someone can confess that they have knowledge of or witnessed a crime that has been committed: This kind of confession, known as a "dying declaration", can sometimes be admissible in court to get a conviction, depending on the circumstances of the statement. Another use for a deathbed confession in the criminal justice system is to re-open a case that may have gone cold to get closure for the victim's family or friends, even if prosecution is not an option.

Working in health care will teach you that death is inevitable. You’ll be one of those few people to know how life starts and how it will end.

1. “But I don’t know how to get there…” Grandpa in hospice. Hadn’t spoken in days. Died about two hours later.

2. Not a doctor but I overheard an old lady whisper this to her old husband dying of kidney problems.

“You are going to beat this, you got away with murder, this is nothing.”

3. I work in a cardiac ICU. We had a patient who had a pulmonary artery rupture (a rare, but known complication of a Swan-Ganz catheter).

One minute he was joking around with us and the next bright red blood was spewing out of his mouth. His last words before he died were “why is this happening to me?”

It still haunts me years later.

4. Nurse here – had a patient come into the ER with shortness of breath. He started deteriorating in the ER, and then quite rapidly on the transport up the ICU.

We got him wheeled into his room, replaced the ER lines and tubes with our own, and transferred him from the transport stretcher to his ICU bed.

He actually did most of the transfer himself. He didn’t say anything, but just before he died he pleasantly adjusted his own pillow, laid his head down, and then his eyes went blank. This man just made himself comfortable before laying down to die.

5. I’m a nurse and was previously working at an assisted living community on the dementia/Alzheimer’s unit.

My very favorite patient had been declining pretty steadily so I was checking on him very frequently. We would have long chats and joke around with each other, but in the last two weeks of his life, he stopped talking completely and didn’t really acknowledge conversation directed at him at all.

I finished my medication rounds for the evening and went to see him before I left. I told him I was leaving for the night and that I’d see him the following day, and he looked me in the eyes and smiled SO genuinely and said, “You look like an angel.” I thought it was so sweet because he had not seemed lucid in weeks.

He died the next morning. It really messed with me.
Wed, 03 Aug 2022 22:05:02 +0000
Most Interesting Deathbed Confessions
Most Interesting Deathbed Confessions

A deathbed confession is an admittance or confession when someone is nearing death, or on their "death bed". This confession may help alleviate any guilt, regrets, secrets, or sins the dying person may have had in their life. These confessions can occur because the dying want to live the last moments of their life free of any secrets they have been holding in for a portion - or entirety - of their life. Or, if religious, the person may perhaps believe they will be forgiven by a higher power before they die, allowing them entrance to a better place, such as Heaven, after death. A deathbed confession can be given to anyone, but a family member is usually with their loved one during this time. Doctors and nurses may also hear a deathbed confession because they are often present in a person’s last moments.

These confessions can range from a confession of sins that have been committed to crimes that have been committed or witnessed. Often, these confessions are made to clear the dying’s conscience. A common type of confession is either religious or spiritually based. On the death bed, the dying will confess sins or mistakes they have made in their lifetime, and ask for forgiveness, so that they may move on to the afterlife according to their religion. Different religions have different protocols for the deathbed confession, but all religions seek to provide relief for the dying. People may also confess their feelings for another person while dying. This can relieve the dying of the internal struggle with hiding how they actually feel for someone. These emotions can range from hatred to love, and everything in between.

Many confessions have involved the admittance of a crime that the dying has committed, which obviously cannot be prosecuted once the perpetrator has died. On the other hand, someone can confess that they have knowledge of or witnessed a crime that has been committed: This kind of confession, known as a "dying declaration", can sometimes be admissible in court to get a conviction, depending on the circumstances of the statement. Another use for a deathbed confession in the criminal justice system is to re-open a case that may have gone cold to get closure for the victim's family or friends, even if prosecution is not an option.

Working in health care will teach you that death is inevitable. You’ll be one of those few people to know how life starts and how it will end.

1. “But I don’t know how to get there…” Grandpa in hospice. Hadn’t spoken in days. Died about two hours later.

2. Not a doctor but I overheard an old lady whisper this to her old husband dying of kidney problems.

“You are going to beat this, you got away with murder, this is nothing.”

3. I work in a cardiac ICU. We had a patient who had a pulmonary artery rupture (a rare, but known complication of a Swan-Ganz catheter).

One minute he was joking around with us and the next bright red blood was spewing out of his mouth. His last words before he died were “why is this happening to me?”

It still haunts me years later.

4. Nurse here – had a patient come into the ER with shortness of breath. He started deteriorating in the ER, and then quite rapidly on the transport up the ICU.

We got him wheeled into his room, replaced the ER lines and tubes with our own, and transferred him from the transport stretcher to his ICU bed.

He actually did most of the transfer himself. He didn’t say anything, but just before he died he pleasantly adjusted his own pillow, laid his head down, and then his eyes went blank. This man just made himself comfortable before laying down to die.

5. I’m a nurse and was previously working at an assisted living community on the dementia/Alzheimer’s unit.

My very favorite patient had been declining pretty steadily so I was checking on him very frequently. We would have long chats and joke around with each other, but in the last two weeks of his life, he stopped talking completely and didn’t really acknowledge conversation directed at him at all.

I finished my medication rounds for the evening and went to see him before I left. I told him I was leaving for the night and that I’d see him the following day, and he looked me in the eyes and smiled SO genuinely and said, “You look like an angel.” I thought it was so sweet because he had not seemed lucid in weeks.

He died the next morning. It really messed with me.
Wed, 03 Aug 2022 21:05:02 +0000
World's Shocking Deathbed Confessions
World's Shocking Deathbed Confessions

A deathbed confession is an admittance or confession when someone is nearing death, or on their "death bed". This confession may help alleviate any guilt, regrets, secrets, or sins the dying person may have had in their life. These confessions can occur because the dying want to live the last moments of their life free of any secrets they have been holding in for a portion - or entirety - of their life. Or, if religious, the person may perhaps believe they will be forgiven by a higher power before they die, allowing them entrance to a better place, such as Heaven, after death. A deathbed confession can be given to anyone, but a family member is usually with their loved one during this time. Doctors and nurses may also hear a deathbed confession because they are often present in a person’s last moments.

These confessions can range from a confession of sins that have been committed to crimes that have been committed or witnessed. Often, these confessions are made to clear the dying’s conscience. A common type of confession is either religious or spiritually based. On the death bed, the dying will confess sins or mistakes they have made in their lifetime, and ask for forgiveness, so that they may move on to the afterlife according to their religion. Different religions have different protocols for the deathbed confession, but all religions seek to provide relief for the dying. People may also confess their feelings for another person while dying. This can relieve the dying of the internal struggle with hiding how they actually feel for someone. These emotions can range from hatred to love, and everything in between.

Many confessions have involved the admittance of a crime that the dying has committed, which obviously cannot be prosecuted once the perpetrator has died. On the other hand, someone can confess that they have knowledge of or witnessed a crime that has been committed: This kind of confession, known as a "dying declaration", can sometimes be admissible in court to get a conviction, depending on the circumstances of the statement. Another use for a deathbed confession in the criminal justice system is to re-open a case that may have gone cold to get closure for the victim's family or friends, even if prosecution is not an option.

Working in health care will teach you that death is inevitable. You’ll be one of those few people to know how life starts and how it will end.

1. “But I don’t know how to get there…” Grandpa in hospice. Hadn’t spoken in days. Died about two hours later.

2. Not a doctor but I overheard an old lady whisper this to her old husband dying of kidney problems.

“You are going to beat this, you got away with murder, this is nothing.”

3. I work in a cardiac ICU. We had a patient who had a pulmonary artery rupture (a rare, but known complication of a Swan-Ganz catheter).

One minute he was joking around with us and the next bright red blood was spewing out of his mouth. His last words before he died were “why is this happening to me?”

It still haunts me years later.

4. Nurse here – had a patient come into the ER with shortness of breath. He started deteriorating in the ER, and then quite rapidly on the transport up the ICU.

We got him wheeled into his room, replaced the ER lines and tubes with our own, and transferred him from the transport stretcher to his ICU bed.

He actually did most of the transfer himself. He didn’t say anything, but just before he died he pleasantly adjusted his own pillow, laid his head down, and then his eyes went blank. This man just made himself comfortable before laying down to die.

5. I’m a nurse and was previously working at an assisted living community on the dementia/Alzheimer’s unit.

My very favorite patient had been declining pretty steadily so I was checking on him very frequently. We would have long chats and joke around with each other, but in the last two weeks of his life, he stopped talking completely and didn’t really acknowledge conversation directed at him at all.

I finished my medication rounds for the evening and went to see him before I left. I told him I was leaving for the night and that I’d see him the following day, and he looked me in the eyes and smiled SO genuinely and said, “You look like an angel.” I thought it was so sweet because he had not seemed lucid in weeks.

He died the next morning. It really messed with me.
Wed, 03 Aug 2022 20:05:01 +0000
I Died And Faced Returning To An Alternate Universe | NDE | Near Death Experience
I Died And Faced Returning To An Alternate Universe | NDE | Near Death Experience

Millions of people have had Near Death Experiences (NDE's) and even more claim to have had Out of Body Experiences (OBE's). These are their stories.

#nde #neardaethexperience #theotherside
Wed, 03 Aug 2022 19:00:01 +0000
What U.S. Submariners Actually Say About Detection Of So-Called Unidentified Submerged Objects
What U.S. Submariners Actually Say About Detection Of So-Called Unidentified Submerged Objects

Big claims abound about mysterious objects submariners detect below the waves, so we went straight to the source and what we found out was surprising.

There has been a spate of high-profile claims regarding U.S. Navy nuclear submarines detecting and even interacting with the underwater equivalent of Unidentified Flying Objects, referred to in UFO circles as USOs, or Unidentified Submerged Objects. Yet when it comes to the covert world of naval warfare below the waves, it is easy for laymen to misinterpret things that may seem very much alien to them, but are actually quite commonplace. I reached out some of its submariner contacts, all of which have many years of experience aboard U.S. Navy nuclear submarines, to see if detestation of unidentified objects actually happens and what their thoughts were on the topic in general.

We were surprised by what we heard.
Wed, 03 Aug 2022 18:05:06 +0000
TRUE X Files Type Stories! Bigfoot, Aliens, Ghosts, Cryptids and more!
TRUE X Files Type Stories! Bigfoot, Aliens, Ghosts, Cryptids and more!

Reddit Aliens TRUE UFO, Bigfoot and Ghost Stories

RSLASH Paranormal: BEST Of True Alien, Ghosts, Unexplained and Bigfoot Stories 2022

Reddit Aliens TRUE UFO, Bigfoot and Ghost Stories
Wed, 03 Aug 2022 06:28:35 +0000
People Share Their Near Death First-Hand Experiences
People Share Their Near Death First-Hand Experiences

William Peters was working as a volunteer in a hospice when he had a strange encounter with a dying man that changed his life.

The man’s name was Ron, and he was a former Merchant Marine who was afflicted with stomach cancer. Peters says he would spend up to three hours a day at Ron’s bedside, talking to and reading adventure stories to him because few family or friends visited.

When Peters plopped by Ron’s beside around lunch one day, the frail man was semi-conscious. Peters read passages from Jack London’s “Call of the Wild” as the frail man struggled to hang on. What happened next, Peters says, was inexplicable.

Peters says he felt a force jerk his spirit upward, out of his body. He floated above Ron’s bedside, looking down at the dying man. Then he glanced next to him to discover Ron floating alongside him, looking at the same scene below.

“He looked at me and he gave me this happy, contented look as if he was telling me, ‘Check this out. Here we are,’ ’’ Peters says.

Peters says he then felt his spirit drop into his body again. The experience was over in a flash. Ron died soon afterward, but Peters’ questions about that day lingered. He didn’t know what to call that moment but he eventually learned that it wasn’t unique. Peters had a “shared-death experience.”

Most of us have heard of near-death experiences. The stories of people who died and returned to life with tales of floating through a tunnel to a distant light have become a part of popular culture. Yet there is another category of near-death experiences that are, in some ways, even more puzzling.

Stories about shared-death experiences have been circulating since the late 19th century, say those who study the phenomenon. The twist in shared-death stories is that it’s not just the people at the edge of death that get a glimpse of the afterlife. Those near them, either physically or emotionally, also experience the sensations of dying.

These shared-death accounts come from assorted sources: soldiers watching comrades die on the battlefield, hospice nurses, people holding death vigils at the bedside of their loved ones. All tell similar stories with the same message: People don’t die alone. Some somehow find a way to share their passage to the other side.
Wed, 03 Aug 2022 01:11:08 +0000
35 Creepy Last Words Uttered by Patients Before Dying as Shared by Doctors and Nurses
35 Creepy Last Words Uttered by Patients Before Dying as Shared by Doctors and Nurses

Working in health care will teach you that death is inevitable. You’ll be one of those few people to know how life starts and how it will end.

1. “But I don’t know how to get there…” Grandpa in hospice. Hadn’t spoken in days. Died about two hours later.

2. Not a doctor but I overheard an old lady whisper this to her old husband dying of kidney problems.

“You are going to beat this, you got away with murder, this is nothing.”

3. I work in a cardiac ICU. We had a patient who had a pulmonary artery rupture (a rare, but known complication of a Swan-Ganz catheter).

One minute he was joking around with us and the next bright red blood was spewing out of his mouth. His last words before he died were “why is this happening to me?”

It still haunts me years later.

4. Nurse here – had a patient come into the ER with shortness of breath. He started deteriorating in the ER, and then quite rapidly on the transport up the ICU.

We got him wheeled into his room, replaced the ER lines and tubes with our own, and transferred him from the transport stretcher to his ICU bed.

He actually did most of the transfer himself. He didn’t say anything, but just before he died he pleasantly adjusted his own pillow, laid his head down, and then his eyes went blank. This man just made himself comfortable before laying down to die.

5. I’m a nurse and was previously working at an assisted living community on the dementia/Alzheimer’s unit.

My very favorite patient had been declining pretty steadily so I was checking on him very frequently. We would have long chats and joke around with each other, but in the last two weeks of his life, he stopped talking completely and didn’t really acknowledge conversation directed at him at all.

I finished my medication rounds for the evening and went to see him before I left. I told him I was leaving for the night and that I’d see him the following day, and he looked me in the eyes and smiled SO genuinely and said, “You look like an angel.” I thought it was so sweet because he had not seemed lucid in weeks.

He died the next morning. It really messed with me.
Tue, 02 Aug 2022 23:38:04 +0000
Scariest thing that ever happened When Alone at Night TRUE STORIES
Scariest thing that ever happened When Alone at Night TRUE STORIES
Tue, 02 Aug 2022 03:13:39 +0000
Were The Lost Roanoke Colony Killed By Werewolves? Real RECENT Roanoke Werewolf Survivor SPEAKS!
Were The Lost Roanoke Colony Killed By Werewolves? Real RECENT Roanoke Werewolf Survivor SPEAKS!

In folklore, a werewolf, or occasionally lycanthrope, is a human with the ability to shapeshift into a wolf, either purposely or after being placed under a curse or affliction with the transformations occurring on the night of a full moon. Wikipedia

The origins of one of the America’s oldest unsolved mysteries can be traced to August 1587, when a group of about 115 English settlers arrived on Roanoke Island, off the coast of what is now North Carolina. Later that year, it was decided that John White, governor of the new colony, would sail back to England in order to gather a fresh load of supplies. But just as he arrived, a major naval war broke out between England and Spain, and Queen Elizabeth I called on every available ship to confront the mighty Spanish Armada. In August 1590, White finally returned to Roanoke, where he had left his wife and daughter, his infant granddaughter (Virginia Dare, the first English child born in the Americas) and the other settlers three long years before. He found no trace of the colony or its inhabitants, and few clues to what might have happened, apart from a single word—“Croatoan”—carved into a wooden post.

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Mon, 01 Aug 2022 22:33:45 +0000
I Died And Jesus Showed Me World War 3 During My Near Death Experience
I Died And Jesus Showed Me World War 3 During My Near Death Experience

Millions of people have had Near Death Experiences (NDE's) and even more claim to have had Out of Body Experiences (OBE's). These are their stories. If you have your own you would like to share we would love to hear it.

#nde #neardaethexperience #theotherside
Mon, 01 Aug 2022 18:30:02 +0000
4 Hours of Reddit's Scariest TRUE Stories
4 Hours of Reddit's Scariest TRUE Stories

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Mon, 01 Aug 2022 12:20:02 +0000
Chilling Deathbed Confessions
Chilling Deathbed Confessions

Nurse shares most jaw-dropping deathbed confessions she's heard - including murder
A nurse who works in the Intensive Care Unit has been sharing some of the most shocking deathbed confessions she's heard while working in hospitals over the last three years

We all have our own secrets in life, but there are certainly some whose secrets are much darker than others.

And if there's one person who can attest to this, it's a TikTok user known as Nurse JJ.

Posting under the username @graysymmetrical, the nurse shares behind the scenes tidbits from her job in the Intensive Care Unit of a hospital in the US.

Most notably she's gone viral for revealing some of the most jaw-dropping deathbed confessions she claims to have ever heard while working, which include murder, kidnapping and leading a double life.

Unsurprisingly some of the confessions are downright terrifying and Nurse JJ has said she wishes some people had taken their secrets to the grave instead of telling her as she now has to "live with it".
Mon, 01 Aug 2022 00:13:36 +0000
Jeremiah, a 1600's Cromwellian Soldier Killed in Battle Spirit Communication
Jeremiah, a 1600's Cromwellian Soldier Killed in Battle Spirit Communication

Spirit Communications: do Spirits really communicate with mortals? The answer to that question is a resounding “YES”! Spirit communications happens every single day to people all over the world. Nearly every major religion maintains, as a primary tenet, the belief in the afterlife. The major religious books, such as the Bible, Torah, Qur’an, Tripitaka, Bhagavad-Gita, and others are replete with references to spirit to mortal communication. After thousands and thousands of years of this communication, what would make you believe it would all suddenly stop? It hasn’t stopped, and it continues to this very day, every day around the world. This may leave you with more questions than you previously had. Questions such as: “why do spirits communicate?”; “what is a medium?”; “who can be a medium?”; “how to spirits communicate with mediums?” To answer the first question, most spirits that surround you are attractted to you because of some affinity, either a relative, friend, or loved one. The overwhelming reason they communicate is to give you messages of love. This site is dedicated to educating people on Spirit Communication, mediumship, and all it offers all of these spirit-related books, spirit messages, and more, free of charge. Click the “Learn more” button to read more about Spirit Communications through history until today.
Sun, 31 Jul 2022 22:47:02 +0000
Mysterious Phone Calls from Dead Relatives COMPILATION
Mysterious Phone Calls from Dead Relatives COMPILATION


Phone Calls from the Dead True Stories

Can the dead manipulate electronic devices? Can they reach back through the fabric of time and space, from wherever they are, and influence the workings of our communications devices -- our phones -- to leave one last message... to say one last goodbye?

#GhostStories #Paranormal #Podcasts #GhostHunters #GhostAdventures #GhostNation #DestinationFear #Scary #Paranormal
Sun, 31 Jul 2022 19:05:02 +0000
Strange Encounter with Alien & Paranormal Stories
Strange Encounter with Alien & Paranormal Stories

RSLASH: BEST Of True Alien, Ghosts, Unexplained and Bigfoot Stories 2022

Reddit Aliens TRUE UFO, Bigfoot and Ghost Stories

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Sun, 31 Jul 2022 05:05:36 +0000
TRUE Strange Stories that can't be Explained to this day
TRUE Strange Stories that can't be Explained to this day

Reddit Aliens TRUE UFO, Bigfoot and Ghost Stories

RSLASH: BEST Of True Alien, Ghosts, Unexplained and Bigfoot Stories 2022
Sat, 30 Jul 2022 23:20:02 +0000
Past Life Regression Therapist Dolores Cannon reveals her experiences as an Alien and U.F.O. investigator
Past Life Regression Therapist Dolores Cannon reveals her experiences as an Alien and U.F.O. investigator

Primarily known as a past life regressive therapist, Dolores Cannon reveals her experiences as an Alien and U.F.O. investigator, citing compelling cases of alien abductions and communications with E.T.s. Unaccounted time, the seeding of Earth, the E.T. cover-up, crashed U.F.O. cases, what the Greys truly are and mankind's future on the New Earth are but a few provocative topics Cannon discusses.

From the dawn of mankind, they have been here guiding us, monitoring us, perhaps helping us with our advancement, but also manipulating us to some kind of end game. No, we are not alone and never were. From the true stories of credible eyewitnesses, learn fascinating insight into the Alien Presence on Earth and what it may mean for mankind.

Past Life Regression Therapist Dolores Cannon reveals her experiences as an Alien and U.F.O. investigator

Reddit Aliens TRUE UFO, Bigfoot and Ghost Stories

RSLASH: BEST Of True Alien, Ghosts, Unexplained and Bigfoot Stories 2022
Sat, 30 Jul 2022 19:52:27 +0000
The Scariest Thing You've Seen In The Ocean (Scary Stories r/AskReddit)
The Scariest Thing You've Seen In The Ocean (Scary Stories r/AskReddit)

Reddit Aliens TRUE UFO, Bigfoot and Ghost Stories

RSLASH: BEST Of True Alien, Ghosts, Unexplained and Bigfoot Stories 2022
Sat, 30 Jul 2022 19:05:02 +0000
True Disturbing Stories to Avoid Listening to Before Bed
True Disturbing Stories to Avoid Listening to Before Bed

RSLASH: BEST Of True Alien, Ghosts, Unexplained and Bigfoot Stories 2022
Sat, 30 Jul 2022 03:13:32 +0000
TRUE Strange Stories that can't be Explained to this day
TRUE Strange Stories that can't be Explained to this day

Reddit Aliens TRUE UFO, Bigfoot and Ghost Stories

RSLASH: BEST Of True Alien, Ghosts, Unexplained and Bigfoot Stories 2022
Sat, 30 Jul 2022 02:32:00 +0000
Hunters, What's the Scariest Thing You've Seen In the Woods_
Hunters, What's the Scariest Thing You've Seen In the Woods_

Reddit Aliens TRUE UFO, Bigfoot and Ghost Stories

RSLASH: BEST Of True Alien, Ghosts, Unexplained and Bigfoot Stories 2022
Fri, 29 Jul 2022 22:53:33 +0000

Sheriff in the ancient Egyptian was a law-giver and his badge was always a six-pointed star which is a symbol of Saturn. US Sheriffs in the wild west up to today still wear the six-pointed star. It is interesting that Saturn’s symbol is the 6-pointed star, Saturn is the 6th planet from the sun, Saturn-day is the 6th day of the week, and now NASA is receiving images of “the Saturn Hexagon” (6-sided) atmospheric formation at Saturn’s poles. The 6th chakra of the human energy system is the 3rd eye/pineal gland (6, 3 times = 666). When your 3rd eye chakra opens you develop your 6th sense of intuition and spirituality. From a consciousness perspective, the 6th sense, your intuitions/hunches, are messengers of god, your guardian angels. Isn’t it interesting that angels have haloes/rings around their heads and Saturn is the only planet with a halo/ring around it?“That is why today, when you get married, you get married before God. And the symbol of that God is the ring that is put on each other’s fingers. The ring of Saturn. In the marriage phrases, one also begins to see what that has to do with Saturn. So when you get married, you get married with a ring and the symbol of that God is the ring, the ring of Saturn. You’re wearing God’s ring. And the yarmulke was the round ring that you wear on your head, for Saturn your God. Even in the middle ages, in the temples, Catholic monks would shave their heads in a round circle, and the Hebrews, instead of doing that, would wear the yarmulke. But it all had to do with the round rings of Saturn.” -Jordan Maxwell, “Matrix of Power”“The ancient name of Saturn was, as mentioned, EL. It is the reason why those that were chosen by EL, were called Elites. In fact the words, Elect, Elder, Elevated, Elohim, Temple, Circle, Gospel, Apostle, Disciple, Evangelists, etc., all derive from the Cult of EL. Angels are messengers of god. But god was EL, which is why we have the names of the Archangels bearing the ‘el,’ suffix – Raphael, Michael, Uriel, Gabriel, etc,.” -Michael Tsarion, “Astrotheology and Sidereal Mythology”The plural term Elohim appears over 2500 times in the Old Testament but is falsely translated in most versions. This fact of plurality explains why in Genesis ‘Gods’ said, ‘Let us make man in our image.’ As stated, Elohim refers to both ‘gods’ and ‘goddesses,’ and its singular form, El, served as a prefix or suffix to names of gods, people and places, whence Emmanu-El, Gabri-El, Beth-El, etc. Even ‘Satan’ was one of the Elohim.” -Acharya S., “The Christ Conspiracy” (67)

The gods of EL-o-him are ang-EL-s, the messengers of god. When witches cast a spe-EL, they put the “Hex” (6) on someone, and when chefs deep fry something, they “Deep 6” it. It is the EL-ites who run the world today. El-ite comes from the “Isra-El-ites” which came from the Egyptian worship of the Moon (Isis), the Sun, (Ra), and Saturn (Elohim), hence Is-Ra-El.In Islamic tradition, the “Rock” is where Muhammad ascended to Heaven accompanied by the ang-el Gabri-el. The Dome of the “Rock” was built in the 600 AD era and was won back by the Israelites on 06/07/67 after the “6 day war.” The Dome’s outer walls measure 60 (6×10) feet wide and 36 (6×6) feet high. The Knights Templar claimed the Dome of the Rock was the site of the Temple of Solomon and set up their “Templum Domini” adjacent to it during the 12th century.

“Saturn is an important key to understanding the long heritage this conspiracy has back to antiquity. The city of Rome was originally known as Saturnia or City of Saturn. The Roman Catholic church retains much of the Saturn worship in its ritual. Saturn also relates to Lucifer. In various occult dictionaries Saturn is associated with evil. Saturn was important to the religion of Mithra, and also the Druids.” –Fritz Springmeier, “Bloodlines of the Illuminati”Rome was known to the “Romans” as Saturnia, not Rome, and Saturn was one of their gods. Black is both Saturn’s color and Satan’s color. The black holy bible tells us Satan is 666. Saturn is the 6th planet, its symbol is a 6-pointed star, it supposedly has hexagon weather formations, and Saturn-day, the 6th day, is Ozzy Osbourne’s “Black Sabbath.”

Is this all just divine coincidence or is our perception of Saturn and the other planets being manipulated by the Masonic magicians at NASA?
Fri, 29 Jul 2022 20:15:02 +0000
People Shared their Most X-Files Like Experience in Real Life | True X-Files Stories 2022
People Shared their Most X-Files Like Experience in Real Life | True X-Files Stories 2022

RSLASH: BEST Of True Alien, Ghosts, Unexplained and Bigfoot Stories 2022

Reddit Aliens TRUE UFO, Bigfoot and Ghost Stories
Fri, 29 Jul 2022 04:28:36 +0000
What's One Unsolved Mystery You'd Like To See Before You Die?


🔴 Youtube Channel

RSLASH: BEST Of True Alien, Ghosts, Unexplained and Bigfoot Stories 2022

Alien abduction, sometimes also called abduction phenomenon, alien abduction syndrome or UFO abduction, is a personally held belief in which the alleged "abductee" describes "subjectively real experiences" of being secretly kidnapped by non-human entities and subjected to physical and psychological experimentation.

The X Files. Alien. E.T.. Films and TV shows like these about extra-terrestrials are so popular and so successful that they’ve become deeply embedded in our collective culture. And for as long as we’ve been enjoying scary movies about alien lifeforms,

Dive Into Anything

Reddit is home to thousands of communities, endless conversation, and authentic human connection. Whether you're into breaking news, sports, TV fan theories, or a never-ending stream of the internet's cutest animals, there's a community on Reddit for you.

Reddit is an American social news aggregation, web content rating, and discussion website. Registered members submit content to the site such as links, text posts, images, and videos, which are then voted up or down by other members

#Reddit #AskReddit #RedditStories #RSLASH

All types of Reddit content from mainly funny askreddit top posts and funny Reddit stories to Reddit AITA and Reddit relationships videos. We also post the following types of Reddit r/ videos: Reddit cheating stories, surviving infidelity, Reddit relationship advice, Reddit update, r/aita, r/entitledparents, r/relationships, Reddit relationship advice update, r/askreddit, reddit story, storytime with reddit, funny reddit stories, reddit cheating, reddit cheating stories, justnomil reddit, r/aita update, justnoso reddit, aita, reddit husband, justnoso reddit, r/ Relationship_Advice, r/justnomil, rslash

You Don't Live in The World You Think You Do: TRUE Alien, Bigfoot and Ghost Stories!

You Don't Live in The World You Think You Do is TRUE Paranormal stories told by people who have experienced Ghosts. From Nurses sharing terrifying last words of patients as they die to Demons who attack Military units in Iraq. Ghost Stories, Bigfoot Stories that WILL make you a believer in the Paranormal.

Reddit Aliens TRUE UFO, Bigfoot and Ghost Stories

RSLASH: BEST Of True Alien, Ghosts, Unexplained and Bigfoot Stories 2022

What's One Unsolved Mystery You'd Like To See Before You Die?
Fri, 29 Jul 2022 01:14:07 +0000
RSLASH: BEST Of True Alien, Ghosts, Unexplained and Bigfoot Stories 2022


🔴 Youtube Channel

RSLASH: BEST Of True Alien, Ghosts, Unexplained and Bigfoot Stories 2022

Alien abduction, sometimes also called abduction phenomenon, alien abduction syndrome or UFO abduction, is a personally held belief in which the alleged "abductee" describes "subjectively real experiences" of being secretly kidnapped by non-human entities and subjected to physical and psychological experimentation.

The X Files. Alien. E.T.. Films and TV shows like these about extra-terrestrials are so popular and so successful that they’ve become deeply embedded in our collective culture. And for as long as we’ve been enjoying scary movies about alien lifeforms,

Dive Into Anything

Reddit is home to thousands of communities, endless conversation, and authentic human connection. Whether you're into breaking news, sports, TV fan theories, or a never-ending stream of the internet's cutest animals, there's a community on Reddit for you.

Reddit is an American social news aggregation, web content rating, and discussion website. Registered members submit content to the site such as links, text posts, images, and videos, which are then voted up or down by other members

#Reddit #AskReddit #RedditStories #RSLASH

All types of Reddit content from mainly funny askreddit top posts and funny Reddit stories to Reddit AITA and Reddit relationships videos. We also post the following types of Reddit r/ videos: Reddit cheating stories, surviving infidelity, Reddit relationship advice, Reddit update, r/aita, r/entitledparents, r/relationships, Reddit relationship advice update, r/askreddit, reddit story, storytime with reddit, funny reddit stories, reddit cheating, reddit cheating stories, justnomil reddit, r/aita update, justnoso reddit, aita, reddit husband, justnoso reddit, r/ Relationship_Advice, r/justnomil, rslash

You Don't Live in The World You Think You Do: TRUE Alien, Bigfoot and Ghost Stories!

You Don't Live in The World You Think You Do is TRUE Paranormal stories told by people who have experienced Ghosts. From Nurses sharing terrifying last words of patients as they die to Demons who attack Military units in Iraq. Ghost Stories, Bigfoot Stories that WILL make you a believer in the Paranormal.

RSLASH: BEST Of True Alien, Ghosts, Unexplained and Bigfoot Stories 2022
Thu, 28 Jul 2022 23:58:27 +0000
UFO Documentary - The Secret KGB files


UFO Documentary - The Secret KGB files

Alien abduction, sometimes also called abduction phenomenon, alien abduction syndrome or UFO abduction, is a personally held belief in which the alleged "abductee" describes "subjectively real experiences" of being secretly kidnapped by non-human entities and subjected to physical and psychological experimentation.

The X Files. Alien. E.T.. Films and TV shows like these about extra-terrestrials are so popular and so successful that they’ve become deeply embedded in our collective culture. And for as long as we’ve been enjoying scary movies about alien lifeforms,

Dive Into Anything

Reddit is home to thousands of communities, endless conversation, and authentic human connection. Whether you're into breaking news, sports, TV fan theories, or a never-ending stream of the internet's cutest animals, there's a community on Reddit for you.

Reddit is an American social news aggregation, web content rating, and discussion website. Registered members submit content to the site such as links, text posts, images, and videos, which are then voted up or down by other members

#Reddit #AskReddit #RedditStories #RSLASH

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You Don't Live in The World You Think You Do: TRUE Alien, Bigfoot and Ghost Stories!

You Don't Live in The World You Think You Do is TRUE Paranormal stories told by people who have experienced Ghosts. From Nurses sharing terrifying last words of patients as they die to Demons who attack Military units in Iraq. Ghost Stories, Bigfoot Stories that WILL make you a believer in the Paranormal.

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Thu, 28 Jul 2022 23:05:02 +0000
TRUE Hospital Paranormal Stories Told By Doctors and Nurses


TRUE Hospital Paranormal Stories Told By Doctors and Nurses

Alien abduction, sometimes also called abduction phenomenon, alien abduction syndrome or UFO abduction, is a personally held belief in which the alleged "abductee" describes "subjectively real experiences" of being secretly kidnapped by non-human entities and subjected to physical and psychological experimentation.

The X Files. Alien. E.T.. Films and TV shows like these about extra-terrestrials are so popular and so successful that they’ve become deeply embedded in our collective culture. And for as long as we’ve been enjoying scary movies about alien lifeforms,

Dive Into Anything

Reddit is home to thousands of communities, endless conversation, and authentic human connection. Whether you're into breaking news, sports, TV fan theories, or a never-ending stream of the internet's cutest animals, there's a community on Reddit for you.

Reddit is an American social news aggregation, web content rating, and discussion website. Registered members submit content to the site such as links, text posts, images, and videos, which are then voted up or down by other members

#Reddit #AskReddit #RedditStories #RSLASH

All types of Reddit content from mainly funny askreddit top posts and funny Reddit stories to Reddit AITA and Reddit relationships videos. We also post the following types of Reddit r/ videos: Reddit cheating stories, surviving infidelity, Reddit relationship advice, Reddit update, r/aita, r/entitledparents, r/relationships, Reddit relationship advice update, r/askreddit, reddit story, storytime with reddit, funny reddit stories, reddit cheating, reddit cheating stories, justnomil reddit, r/aita update, justnoso reddit, aita, reddit husband, justnoso reddit, r/ Relationship_Advice, r/justnomil, rslash

You Don't Live in The World You Think You Do: TRUE Alien, Bigfoot and Ghost Stories!

You Don't Live in The World You Think You Do is TRUE Paranormal stories told by people who have experienced Ghosts. From Nurses sharing terrifying last words of patients as they die to Demons who attack Military units in Iraq. Ghost Stories, Bigfoot Stories that WILL make you a believer in the Paranormal.

Strange Unexplainable Stories that you can't reason

#paranomal #ghoststories #glitchinthematrix
Thu, 28 Jul 2022 21:41:00 +0000
What Conversation With a Stranger Left You Wondering if You'd Just Talked to A Non-Human or A Ghost?
What Conversation With a Stranger Left You Wondering if You'd Just Talked to A Non-Human or A Ghost?
Thu, 28 Jul 2022 19:20:03 +0000
Satan Gave Me Supernatural Powers REAL INTERVIEW

Satan Gave Me Supernatural Powers REAL INTERVIEW

All Carol Kornacki knew was rejection, molestation and violence as a child. She thought she found the truth in witchcraft, until the spirits turned on her.

Satan Gave Me Supernatural Powers REAL INTERVIEW

All Carol Kornacki knew was rejection, molestation and violence as a child. She thought she found the truth in witchcraft, until the spirits turned on her.

satan gave me supernatural powers,but god was greater,carol kornacki,carol kornacki testimony,carol kornacki exposing witchcraft,carol kornacki sid roth,sid roth classics,its supernatural! classics,sid roths its supernatural!,its supernatural
Thu, 28 Jul 2022 18:10:02 +0000
Strange Unexplainable Stories that you can't reason


Strange Unexplainable Stories that you can't reason

Alien abduction, sometimes also called abduction phenomenon, alien abduction syndrome or UFO abduction, is a personally held belief in which the alleged "abductee" describes "subjectively real experiences" of being secretly kidnapped by non-human entities and subjected to physical and psychological experimentation.

The X Files. Alien. E.T.. Films and TV shows like these about extra-terrestrials are so popular and so successful that they’ve become deeply embedded in our collective culture. And for as long as we’ve been enjoying scary movies about alien lifeforms,

Dive Into Anything

Reddit is home to thousands of communities, endless conversation, and authentic human connection. Whether you're into breaking news, sports, TV fan theories, or a never-ending stream of the internet's cutest animals, there's a community on Reddit for you.

Reddit is an American social news aggregation, web content rating, and discussion website. Registered members submit content to the site such as links, text posts, images, and videos, which are then voted up or down by other members

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All types of Reddit content from mainly funny askreddit top posts and funny Reddit stories to Reddit AITA and Reddit relationships videos. We also post the following types of Reddit r/ videos: Reddit cheating stories, surviving infidelity, Reddit relationship advice, Reddit update, r/aita, r/entitledparents, r/relationships, Reddit relationship advice update, r/askreddit, reddit story, storytime with reddit, funny reddit stories, reddit cheating, reddit cheating stories, justnomil reddit, r/aita update, justnoso reddit, aita, reddit husband, justnoso reddit, r/ Relationship_Advice, r/justnomil, rslash

You Don't Live in The World You Think You Do: TRUE Alien, Bigfoot and Ghost Stories!

You Don't Live in The World You Think You Do is TRUE Paranormal stories told by people who have experienced Ghosts. From Nurses sharing terrifying last words of patients as they die to Demons who attack Military units in Iraq. Ghost Stories, Bigfoot Stories that WILL make you a believer in the Paranormal.

Strange Unexplainable Stories that you can't reason

#paranomal #ghoststories #glitchinthematrix
Thu, 28 Jul 2022 00:36:27 +0000
People who have been clinically dead and came back, how was the other side like?
People who have been clinically dead and came back, how was the other side like?

Millions of people have had Near Death Experiences (NDE's) and even more claim to have had Out of Body Experiences (OBE's). These are their stories. If you have your own you would like to share we would love to hear it.
Wed, 27 Jul 2022 22:23:14 +0000
Occult and Supernatural Experience Stories to Creep the Hell Out of You
Occult and Supernatural Experience Stories to Creep the Hell Out of You

RSLASH: BEST Of True Alien, Ghosts, Unexplained and Bigfoot Stories 2022
Wed, 27 Jul 2022 18:25:02 +0000
Loch Ness Monster Existence 'Plausible' After Incredible Discovery
Loch Ness Monster Existence 'Plausible' After Incredible Discovery

The existence of the Loch Ness Monster may just be 'plausible' after all, a university has concluded following a fascinating discovery.

The mythical Scottish beast has been a part of folklore for centuries, and there have been countless apparent sightings of the mysterious creature.

But of course, very few among us actually think Nessie exists, partly because nobody has even managed to get a good picture of it, partly because the beast would appear to have a long-neck and a small head similar to a plesiosaur - meaning it wouldn't be able to survive in Loch Ness, because it is a saltwater creature.

However, scientists at the University of Bath, the University of Portsmouth in the UK, and Université Hassan II in Morocco have found small plesiosaur fossils in a 100-million year old river system that is now Morocco's Sahara Desert.

The fossils include bones and teeth from three-metre long adults and an arm bone from a 1.5 metre long baby.

They hint that these creatures routinely lived and fed in freshwater, alongside frogs, crocodiles, turtles, fish, and the huge aquatic dinosaur Spinosaurus.

These fossils suggest the plesiosaurs were adapted to tolerate freshwater, possibly even spending their lives there, like today's river dolphins.

Sharing the exciting discovery, the University of Bath stated that it makes the existence of the Loch Ness Monster 'plausible' - but the uni added the rather significant caveat that the fossil record 'suggests that after almost a hundred and fifty million years, the last plesiosaurs finally died out at the same time as the dinosaurs, 66 million years ago'.

So yeah, if you're already on route to Loch Ness with your binoculars, you may want to turn around.

Dr Nick Longrich, corresponding author on the paper, said: "It's scrappy stuff, but isolated bones actually tell us a lot about ancient ecosystems and animals in them. They're so much more common than skeletons, they give you more information to work with.

"The bones and teeth were found scattered and in different localities, not as a skeleton. So each bone and each tooth is a different animal. We have over a dozen animals in this collection."

He added: "We don't really know why the plesiosaurs are in freshwater.

"It's a bit controversial, but who's to say that because we palaeontologists have always called them 'marine reptiles', they had to live in the sea? Lots of marine lineages invaded freshwater."

Co-author Dave Martill, professor of palaeobiology at the University of Bath, added: "What amazes me is that the ancient Moroccan river contained so many carnivores all living alongside each other.

"This was no place to go for a swim."
Wed, 27 Jul 2022 18:15:33 +0000
Best Police Stories of Reddit (3.5-Hour Compilation)
Best Police Stories of Reddit (3.5-Hour Compilation)

Best True Crime Stories Podcast 2022 Police Interrogations, 911 Calls and True Crime Investigations
Wed, 27 Jul 2022 17:05:01 +0000
I Was Devoured By Demons During My Near Death Experience
I Was Devoured By Demons During My Near Death Experience

Millions of people have had Near Death Experiences (NDE's) and even more claim to have had Out of Body Experiences (OBE's). These are their stories. If you have your own you would like to share we would love to hear it.
Wed, 27 Jul 2022 15:30:02 +0000
True Ghost Stories to Fall Asleep to
True Ghost Stories to Fall Asleep to

Calling on only the bravest and boldest of ghost hunters. These stories are not for the faint of heart.
The best ghost stories feel so real, so believable, and so utterly chilling that they virtually guarantee you at least one night (if not more) spent tossing and turning while listening for creaking floors and the sound of ghostly moaning. Of course, that is the paradox inherent in ghost stories. The better they are, the worse you’ll sleep at night. This is true even if you’re a dyed-in-the-wool supernatural believer—you know, the type of person who has memorized details about Halloween’s origins, knows the backstory behind Halloween monsters, and spends Friday the 13th reading Ouija board stories.

In the spirit of the season, we’ve rounded up some spooky stories—all of them based on true events—that are guaranteed to haunt you. So turn off the lights (if you’re brave enough) and get ready for ghost stories so real and so terrifying that you won’t sleep through the night.
Wed, 27 Jul 2022 04:47:40 +0000
Strange Creatures Story
Strange Creatures Story

RSLASH: BEST Of True Alien, Ghosts, Unexplained and Bigfoot Stories 2022
Wed, 27 Jul 2022 00:59:51 +0000
People Shared their Life's Scariest and Creepiest Encounters and Experience | Reddit Scary Stories
People Shared their Life's Scariest and Creepiest Encounters and Experience | Reddit Scary Stories
Tue, 26 Jul 2022 19:49:19 +0000
Security Guard Encounters Enormous Green Alien TRUE STORY
Security Guard Encounters Enormous Green Alien TRUE STORY

On the frigid night of December 6th, 1978, night watchman Pier Zanfretta was on a routine patrol in the village of Torriglia, when he stumbled into a series of terrifying encounters with extraterrestrial beings that would make him question everything he had come to believe about reality. Zanfretta’s upsetting tale began when his car inexplicably lost power en route to a client’s unoccupied home. The confused security man glanced through his window and spied four lights moving in the garden of the house he was coming to inspect. Assuming that the beams were emanating from the flashlights of prowlers, Zanfretta climbed from his car with his revolver and flashlight in hand.

The watchman silently slipped through the gate and crept along a rock wall in an effort to get the jump on what he still assumed were ordinary burglars. Just as he prepared to leap out to confront these trespassers, he felt something touch his shoulder from behind. Zanfretta spun around, but instead of finding a human criminal he saw an entity that he described as being: “An enormous green, ugly and frightful creature, with undulating skin… as though he were very fat or dressed in a loose, gray tunic… no less than 10-feet tall.” It was flanked by two similar beasts.
Tue, 26 Jul 2022 18:00:02 +0000
Strangest Coincidence Stories that make me Question Reality
Strangest Coincidence Stories that make me Question Reality

Have you ever come across a coincidence that seems too weird to be true? These random events can totally catch us off guard and make us question reality itself.

Luckily, a few people captured these strange happenings on camera for us and now we get to witness these glitches in the matrix for ourselves.
Tue, 26 Jul 2022 17:25:01 +0000
Detectives Share Their CREEPIEST Cases (r/AskReddit Top Stories)
Detectives Share Their CREEPIEST Cases (r/AskReddit Top Stories)
Tue, 26 Jul 2022 14:05:01 +0000
Postmortem Sperm Retrieval Is Turning Dead Men Into Fathers

Postmortem Sperm Retrieval Is Turning Dead Men Into Fathers

In Israel, parents of slain soldiers are pushing for their right to be future grandparents. Critics call it planned orphanhood.

The Memorial Day gathering in Kiryat Shmona, like countless others across Israel in early May, begins in the morning at the local military cemetery. Everyone stands in silence as a siren blasts for two minutes. Wreaths are laid, speeches are made, and tears are shed.

Later, about 20 people, young and old, sit around the table in the main room of a public housing apartment in this city near the Lebanese border. They help themselves to pasta, shawarma, cakes, and coffee, and they remember German Rozhkov.

Rozhkov, a Ukrainian immigrant turned soldier, was killed 20 years ago, when he was 25. According to Israeli military authorities and press accounts, he tried to stop two gunmen shooting at motorists at the height of the second Palestinian uprising. Disguised in Israeli army uniforms, the shooters penetrated from Lebanon and opened fire on a main road. Rozhkov, passing by, engaged them in a 30-minute battle. Five Israeli civilians and Rozhkov were slain before the gunmen were killed, too. (The Palestinian Authority hasn’t publicly challenged this account and didn’t respond to multiple requests for comment.)

The paraphernalia from Rozhkov’s service forms a shrine in the apartment. His M16 rifle is framed on a wall with pictures of him wearing his green beret. On a desk sit military medals and trophies. Many of the mourners—now leafing through photos, gently mocking their younger selves—knew Rozhkov. They served with him and were his neighbors. His mother, Ludmila, a former teacher in Crimea who lives alone in the apartment, tells the group that their presence is comforting. “An apartment should be filled with children and light,” she says in heavily Russian-accented Hebrew. “Thank you for bringing them.”

One of the children darting among the mourners—sitting on laps and nodding shyly—is 5-year-old Veronica. She never met Rozhkov, of course, but she’s his daughter. Thirty hours after he was killed, his sperm was extracted, preserved in liquid nitrogen, and, 14 years later, used to fertilize the eggs of Irena Akselrod. She didn’t know Rozhkov, but she volunteered to bear and raise his child after meeting Ludmila. “I was moved by her story,” Akselrod says. “She’s alone in Israel, she lost her only son, and had no grandchild.”

Persuading a judge to grant Ludmila Rozhkov and Akselrod the right to German’s sperm included testimony about his desire for children. But there was no case law covering when a dead man’s sperm could be used to produce offspring. In his ruling, the family court judge wrote: “When the law doesn’t provide an answer, the court must turn to the principles of Jewish heritage. ‘Give me children, or I shall die,’ our mother Rachel cried out. This logic reflects man’s desire to continue through his offspring the physical and spiritual existence of himself, his family, and people. We are told, ‘Be fruitful and multiply.’ ”

When she gave birth to Veronica, the Russian-born Akselrod was 42 and divorced with a teenage son. She doesn’t consider herself German’s widow, only the mother of his child. But she makes a point of honoring him, taking her daughter to the monument the city recently constructed in his memory. She and Veronica, who starts first grade in September, live in public housing near Ludmila Rozhkov. When Akselrod is at her factory job, Rozhkov picks up Veronica from school. One room in her apartment is filled with toys. At the front door, there’s a crayon drawing by Veronica of a smiling man, woman, and child. She labeled it in Hebrew: “Daddy, Mommy, and Veronica.”

Being an active grandmother is something Rozhkov feared she’d never get to experience on that day in March 2002 when officers came to visit her with the unbearable news. When she saw them, she blocked the door in an attempt to avoid hearing the truth. Later, in grief, she shouted out in Russian, “We must get his sperm!” No one, including those who spoke Russian, knew what she was talking about.

Rozhkov isn’t sure herself where the thought came from. The procedure had never been done in the Israeli military. But German’s best friend, who was with her, contacted the army. The call was taken by Yaffa Mor, the chief casualty officer of German’s brigade, whose job is to help families of the dead and wounded. “It sounded bizarre and honestly insane,” says Mor, now a civilian.

It turned out, though, that the procedure existed. After a man dies, his sperm cells live up to 72 hours and can be retrieved with an incision to the testicle, then frozen. “We checked with legal and medical authorities and went ahead,” Mor says. “Today it is becoming routine.”
Tue, 26 Jul 2022 00:47:38 +0000
Campers and Park Ranger's Most Unsettling Supernatural Encounter in Woods | Askreddit Creepy Stories
Campers and Park Ranger's Most Unsettling Supernatural Encounter in Woods | Askreddit Creepy Stories

RSLASH: BEST Of True Alien, Ghosts, Unexplained and Bigfoot Stories 2022
Mon, 25 Jul 2022 22:21:58 +0000
What's The SCARIEST "Internet Rabbithole" You've Found? r/AskReddit Top Stories
What's The SCARIEST "Internet Rabbithole" You've Found? r/AskReddit Top Stories

RSLASH: BEST Of True Alien, Ghosts, Unexplained and Bigfoot Stories 2022
Mon, 25 Jul 2022 21:11:10 +0000

Hello dear listeners I finally have a twitter its linked in description. Please follow for news and other good stuff! I have posted a poll which is pinned on top its a simple yes and no. The poll is for a story about taking sperm from dead folks to create children. If you want me to put together that story its an absolutely true story. If you want me to do the story vote yes! If not no, I wont do it this way again by posting as a podcast episode so please follow me! I will make it worth your time by doing giveaways like Amazon Giftcards.

Also I have a patreon as suggested by some of you with perks like ad free episodes,, shout outs.. and IMDB Credits


link in description as well.

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I appreciate you folks more than you could ever know.

TRUE Cheating Wife and Girlfriend Stories 2022

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Sat, 23 Jul 2022 03:34:27 +0000
Wife Who Plotted Husband's Murder with His Best Friend, Then Married Him, Gets Life in Prison


He goes missing, his wife marries his best friend

Wife Who Plotted Husband's Murder with His Best Friend, Then Married Him, Gets Life in Prison

Denise Williams is not eligible for parole and will spend the rest of her life behind bars

In the months before Mike Williams went missing, Mike's wife took out a million-dollar life insurance policy on her husband. And making thing even more suspicious was the man who helped her sign the papers.

A Florida woman will spend the rest of her life in prison after being found guilty of helping to mastermind the murder of her husband in 2000.

Last month, a jury found Denise Williams guilty on three counts, including first-degree murder and conspiracy to commit murder, in the death of her husband, Jerry Michael “Mike” Williams. On Wednesday, she was sentenced to life in prison without parole, PEOPLE confirms.

During the trial, jurors heard testimony that the 48-year-old woman conspired to kill her husband with help from his best friend, Brian Winchester, whom she married five years later.

According to testimony, Mike Williams packed up his boat on Dec. 16, 2000, to go duck hunting on Florida’s Lake Seminole. The 31-year-old father had planned to spend a few hours out on the water and then return home for a weekend anniversary trip with his wife.

But he never made it back — beginning a 17-year mystery that was only recently solved. (The case was featured in a December 2018 episode of People Magazine Investigates.)

When Mike first disappeared, his father-in-law searched for him and found his abandoned boat. His vehicle was still on the shore. Police speculated that he had fallen into the water and been eaten by alligators.

Denise and Winchester, who married in 2005, had Mike declared dead after he vanished and collected on three life insurance policies worth more than $1.75 million.
Sat, 23 Jul 2022 01:23:36 +0000
GRAPHIC 911 call of Sarasota County alligator attack

GRAPHIC: 911 call of Sarasota County alligator attack released

Best True Crime Stories Podcast 2022 Police Interrogations, 911 Calls and True Crime Investigations
Fri, 22 Jul 2022 23:40:27 +0000
True Unexplained Stories of Places That Shouldn't Exist

True Unexplained Stories of Places That Shouldn't Exist?
Fri, 22 Jul 2022 22:40:12 +0000
Hikers, hunters and outdoors people of Reddit, what creepy things have you experienced in the forest

Hikers, hunters and outdoors people of Reddit, what creepy things have you experienced in the forest

RSLASH: BEST Of True Alien, Ghosts, Unexplained and Bigfoot Stories 2022
Fri, 22 Jul 2022 19:05:01 +0000
7FT Tall Praying Mantis Looking Alien Abduction Encounter! With SPECIAL GUEST!

7FT Tall Praying Mantis Looking Alien Abduction Encounter! With SPECIAL GUEST!

The cloaked figure looked up to the tall praying mantis type, as if it was confused as to what actions it should take next. The praying mantis turned its head towards the hooded one and made a series of high-pitched clicking sounds. I sensed this was the one in command, possibly the other was some kind of security guard. It's at this point I realized, I'm definitel
y not dreaming, I can hear them. I couldn't move but my brain went into a deep panic. "OH my god what is going on?" "What are they?" I don't want to look too closely at the mantis, so I just glance at it.

All I recall was that it was tall. At least 7 foot, it had to bend its neck because of the height of the ceiling. Its head was pointed with large eyes. Its for-arms were extremely long and moved in a jerky fashion. The cloaked figure was closer, crouching by my bed, so I couldn't tell how tall it was, but I could clearly see that it was wearing some kind of overlapping ridged amour? Including a metallic looking breastplate that had a series of circles on it. Its head was dome-like with emotionless facial features. Its eyes were large and surrounded again by detailed ridges. It acted in a way that reminded me of a robot or insect.

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Fri, 22 Jul 2022 18:10:01 +0000
RSLASH: BEST Of True Alien, Ghosts, Unexplained and Bigfoot Stories 2022

RSLASH: BEST Of True Alien, Ghosts, Unexplained and Bigfoot Stories 2022

TRUE Cheating Wife and Girlfriend Stories 2022

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RSLASH: BEST Of True Alien, Ghosts, Unexplained and Bigfoot Stories 2022

Gawid Entertainment Podcasts
Fri, 22 Jul 2022 18:02:52 +0000
What secret could destroy your life if it got out? r/AskReddit

What secret could destroy your life if it got out? r/AskReddit

Dive Into Anything

Reddit is home to thousands of communities, endless conversation, and authentic human connection. Whether you're into breaking news, sports, TV fan theories, or a never-ending stream of the internet's cutest animals, there's a community on Reddit for you.

Reddit is an American social news aggregation, web content rating, and discussion website. Registered members submit content to the site such as links, text posts, images, and videos, which are then voted up or down by other members.

#Reddit #AskReddit #RedditJStories #RSLASH
Fri, 22 Jul 2022 17:05:01 +0000
What Was It Like Meeting A Serial Killer Before They Were Caught?

What Was It Like Meeting A Serial Killer Before They Were Caught?

Best True Crime Stories Podcast 2022 Police Interrogations, 911 Calls and True Crime Investigations

Reddit Aliens TRUE UFO, Bigfoot and Ghost Stories

RSLASH Best Of Reddit Stories 2022

RSLASH: BEST Of True Alien, Ghosts, Unexplained and Bigfoot Stories 2022
Fri, 22 Jul 2022 15:10:02 +0000
Police, What Was The Worst Case You've Had To Respond To?

Police, What Was The Worst Case You've Had To Respond To?

RSLASH BEST Of True Alien, Ghosts, Unexplained and Bigfoot Stories 2022
Thu, 21 Jul 2022 23:04:34 +0000
Real Life Butterfly Effect Stories
Real Life Butterfly Effect Stories

RSLASH BEST Of True Alien, Ghosts, Unexplained and Bigfoot Stories 2022
Thu, 21 Jul 2022 18:45:02 +0000
Strangest Thing Seen Out in the Open Ocean True Stories
Strangest Thing Seen Out in the Open Ocean True Stories

RSLASH BEST Of True Alien, Ghosts, Unexplained and Bigfoot Stories 2022
Thu, 21 Jul 2022 15:20:02 +0000
Real Encounters with Shadow People
Real Encounters with Shadow People

Terrifying Encounters with the Dark, Mysterious Entities known as the Shadow People

Is it just because they are talked about more and more in paranormal circles, or are people really experiencing encounters with shadow people in increasing numbers? Or have these entities always been around? To be objective, we also have to consider that these experiences might be strictly illusions or psychological disturbances. However, you'd have a hard time convincing the people who offer the following stories that what they saw and felt - and what terrified them -- wasn't real.
Thu, 21 Jul 2022 14:35:02 +0000
Night Shift Workers Encounter with Paranormal Activity
#paranomal #ghoststories #glitchinthematrix

Night Shift Workers Encounter with Paranormal Activity

This Paranormal Stories 2022 Compilation contains some of the best Paranormal, Creepy, Mystery, and scary experiences. If you enjoy these paranormal stories 2022, Subscribe to my podcast for more such paranormal stories 2022. Comment which type of Paranormal Story 2022

Reddit Aliens TRUE UFO, Bigfoot and Ghost Stories
Thu, 21 Jul 2022 01:25:41 +0000
Law Enforcement Officers shared their Most Scary Paranormal Case Story [Serious]
Law Enforcement Officers shared their Most Scary Paranormal Case Story [Serious]

RSLASH: BEST Of True Alien, Ghosts, Unexplained and Bigfoot Stories 2022
Wed, 20 Jul 2022 21:15:13 +0000
UFO attacked Russian forces and set ablaze tanks, says CBN News' Ukraine Director
UFO attacked Russian forces and set ablaze tanks, says CBN News' Ukraine Director

As Russia is continuing its killing spree and attack in Ukraine, CBN News' Ukraine Director Kostyantine Lytvynenko has claimed that a UFO which appeared from nowhere unleashed an attack on Russian tanks.

Ukrainians prayed and UFO appeared

Lytvynenko made these claims while talking on the channel's The Global Lane program. According to Lytvynenko, one young man called his father over the phone as Russian troops neared him with deadly weapons.

The father apparently prayed to God to protect people belonging to his church, and the helping hand came from the outside world.

According to Lytvynenko, a UFO appeared from nowhere, and it launched a lightning attack on Russian forces and set ablaze a military tank, Daily Star reports.

Alien debate on

Even though an official confirmation is yet to be made, netizens have warmly welcomed the claims, and they believe that these events are solid proof of alien existence on earth.

Earlier, several self-styled alien hunters including Scott C Waring had claimed that aliens have been visiting the earth for hundreds of thousands of years to monitor human activities. Aliens are refraining humans from engaging in a nuclear war, and they used to proclaim their presence during the time of natural disasters and wars, Waring once wrote on his website.

A few months back, Haim Eshed, a former Israeli space security chief had also claimed that extraterrestrial existence on earth is real. Eshed also made it clear that world powers like the United States and Israel are working closely with an advanced alien species.
Wed, 20 Jul 2022 04:05:05 +0000
A mysterious radio signal has been detected from a distant galaxy, MIT says
A mysterious radio signal has been detected from a distant galaxy, MIT says

Astronomers have detected an unusual radio signal from a far-off galaxy, according to MIT officials.

The signal is a fast radio burst, an intensely strong burst of radio waves, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology said in a statement. Usually, the mysterious signals last for a few milliseconds at most. But this one lasted up to three seconds and included bursts of radio waves every 0.2 seconds, in a clear periodic pattern.

The discovery was reported last week in the journal Nature by members of the CHIME/FRB Collaboration.

The Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment, or CHIME, is a radio telescope in British Columbia, Canada. CHIME is designed to pick up radio waves emitted by hydrogen in the earliest stages of the universe. It also can detect fast radio bursts, or FRBs, and it has found hundreds of them, MIT said.

Coauthors of the paper include Calvin Leung, Juan Mena-Parra, Kaitlyn Shin, and Kiyoshi Masui at MIT, along with Daniele Michilli. Michilli led the discovery of the FRB, first as a researcher at McGill University and then as a postdoctoral researcher at MIT, the university said.

CHIME picked up a signal of a potential FRB on Dec. 21, 2019, and it immediately drew the attention of Michilli, who was scanning the data, the university said.

“It was unusual,” Michilli said in the statement. “Not only was it very long, lasting about three seconds, but there were periodic peaks that were remarkably precise, emitting every fraction of a second — boom, boom, boom — like a heartbeat.”

The burst, designated FRB 20191221A, is the longest-lasting FRB, with the clearest periodic pattern, detected to date, MIT said.

While the origin of FRBs is uncertain, astronomers suspect the signal could come from either a radio pulsar or a magnetar, two types of neutron stars, which are the collapsed cores of massive stars. The source is located in another galaxy, several billion light-years from earth.

“There are not many things in the universe that emit strictly periodic signals,” Michilli said. “Examples that we know of in our own galaxy are radio pulsars and magnetars, which rotate and produce a beamed emission similar to a lighthouse. And we think this new signal could be a magnetar or pulsar on steroids.”

The astronomers hope to observe more bursts from FRB 20191221A, which could help to refine their understanding of its source, and of neutron stars in general, the university said.

“This detection raises the question of what could cause this extreme signal that we’ve never seen before, and how can we use this signal to study the universe,” Michilli said. “Future telescopes promise to discover thousands of FRBs a month, and at that point we may find many more of these periodic signals.”

RSLASH: BEST Of True Alien, Ghosts, Unexplained and Bigfoot Stories 2022
Wed, 20 Jul 2022 03:20:23 +0000
2 Hours of Creepy Reddit Confessions
2 Hours of Creepy Reddit Confessions

RSLASH: BEST Of True Alien, Ghosts, Unexplained and Bigfoot Stories 2022
Wed, 20 Jul 2022 00:46:12 +0000
When Trusting Your Gut Feeling Saved Your Life!
When Trusting Your Gut Feeling Saved Your Life!
Tue, 19 Jul 2022 23:04:32 +0000
What’s The Best Theory On UFOs Or Aliens You’ve Ever Heard? (r/AskReddit)
What’s The Best Theory On UFOs Or Aliens You’ve Ever Heard? (r/AskReddit)

AskReddit People Share What’s The Best Theory On UFO's Or Aliens They’ve Ever Heard.

RSLASH: BEST Of True Alien, Ghosts, Unexplained and Bigfoot Stories 2022

Reddit Aliens TRUE UFO, Bigfoot and Ghost Stories
Tue, 19 Jul 2022 17:10:01 +0000
PLEASE, Help Make Me Whole Again - Death of Spouse

PLEASE, Help Make Me Whole Again - Death of Spouse

Hey folks I decided to make a whole Podcast Episode about Greg. I really want to help this guy. Please dont get upset with me for doing so as I know the stories I put out help you escape our current reality and by doing this I am just bring reality crashing back into it.

I just want to help those in the community who have listened to this Podcast and have been understanding about my own ability not to be able to speak properly because of my own medical issue.

After the death of his wife who he knew since Elementary school he just lost it and gave up on life.

I guess he made peace with it and didnt want to ruin his entire life as he knew she wouldn't want that.

I guess when you become homeless or just give up on life you let things go like dental health. Now he wants his life back he is totally roadblocked as he works with the public and who would hire him looking the way he does.

Celebrities and others get dental implants to look better and he just wants them or dentures to become self sufficient.

I respect that. If you are willing and able as we are all suffering right now it would be greatly appreciated even just sharing the fundraiser will show Greg that people are behind and pulling for him. At times we all need a hand up. Here is what he sent me and is on the Gofundme.

My Name is Greg, And I Was Homeless Due To The Death Of My Spouse and Need Dental Work To Become Employable As I Look Horrendous, and My Work Experience Is Working With The Public. I desperately need Dentures or, if lucky, Implants. I have never been more humiliated in my life and am thankful someone is willing to help me do this.

PLEASE help make me whole again.

If you would like to help Greg become whole again and get his life back the link to donate is below, If you are unable to help. Please share the fundraiser link. I truly appreciate you.

Again, I truly appreciate this community and will continue to constantly put out content to help you escape reality. I am here for you, I work for you. If you need me just reach out and I will be there for you.
Tue, 19 Jul 2022 15:05:04 +0000
People Shared their first hand experiences with Unexplained Phenomena
People Shared their first hand experiences with Unexplained Phenomena - #paranomal #ghoststories #glitchinthematrix

This Unexplained Phenomena Stories 2022 Compilation contains some of the best Unexplained Phenomena, Creepy, Mystery, and scary experiences. If you enjoy these Unexplained Phenomena stories 2022

#paranomal #ghoststories #glitchinthematrix

RSLASH: BEST Of True Alien, Ghosts, Unexplained and Bigfoot Stories 2022
Tue, 19 Jul 2022 14:25:02 +0000
I know someone that works for NOAA. The disclosure rumors are 100% true, and the species in aquatic.
I know someone that works for NOAA. The disclosure rumors are 100% true, and the species in aquatic.

TRUE Paranormal stories told by people who have experienced Ghosts. From Nurses sharing terrifying last words of patients as they die to Demons who attack Military units in Iraq. Ghost Stories, Bigfoot Stories.

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Tue, 19 Jul 2022 03:17:28 +0000
Creepiest Missing Person Stories that you won't be able to stop listening to
Creepiest Missing Person Stories that you won't be able to stop listening to

RSLASH: BEST Of True Alien, Ghosts, Unexplained and Bigfoot Stories 2022

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Tue, 19 Jul 2022 01:11:34 +0000
What Is The Creepiest "Glitch In The Matrix" You've Experienced?
What Is The Creepiest "Glitch In The Matrix" You've Experienced?
Mon, 18 Jul 2022 23:20:29 +0000
Scary Alien Abduction Stories & UFO Experiences - Ask Reddit
Scary Alien Abduction Stories & UFO Experiences

ufo video compilation,alien abduction,aliens,alien abduction females,woman abducted by aliens,alien hybrid baby,alien abduction stories,abducted by aliens,real alien abductions,an alien abduced me,i was abducted by aliens,alien baby,my alien abduction story,real alien abduction stories,alien abductions,real ufo sightings,strange aliens stories,true alien abduction stories,ufo abduction
Mon, 18 Jul 2022 20:09:19 +0000
Alien Abductions and Terrifying Alien Encounters True Stories
Alien Abductions and Terrifying Alien Encounters True Stories
Mon, 18 Jul 2022 18:42:31 +0000
Terrifying facts that will keep you up at night... (r/AskReddit Top Posts | Reddit Stories)
Terrifying facts that will keep you up at night... (r/AskReddit Top Posts | Reddit Stories)
Mon, 18 Jul 2022 00:51:53 +0000
Cops and Law Enforcement People Shared their Encounter with Supernatural

Cops and Law Enforcement People Shared their Encounter with Supernatural

RSLASH: BEST Of True Alien, Ghosts, Unexplained and Bigfoot Stories 2022
Sun, 17 Jul 2022 23:19:53 +0000
What Made You Believe In Ghosts? (r/AskReddit | Scary Reddit Stories)
What Made You Believe In Ghosts? (r/AskReddit | Scary Reddit Stories)
Sun, 17 Jul 2022 20:07:14 +0000
In 1676 A Possessed Nun Wrote A Message From The Devil. Now the Chilling Letter Has Been Translated
In 1676 A Possessed Nun Wrote A Message From The Devil. Now the Chilling Letter Has Been Translated

The message — indeed devilish — describes God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit as "dead weights," the researcher said.

It was penned by Sister Maria Crocifissa della Concezione, a 31-year-old nun living at the convent of Palma di Montechiaro in Sicily. On Aug. 11, 1676, she was found on the floor of her cell, her face covered in ink, holding a note written in an incomprehensible mix of symbols and letters, according to historical records. Sister Maria apparently said the letter was written by the devil in an attempt to get her to turn away from God and toward evil, historical accounts suggest.

The message, just 14 lines of jumbled, archaic letters, has for centuries defied every attempt at understanding its meaning.

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TRUE Paranormal stories told by people who have experienced Ghosts. From Nurses sharing terrifying last words of patients as they die to Demons who attack Military units in Iraq. Ghost Stories, Bigfoot Stories.

RSLASH: BEST Of True Alien, Ghosts, Unexplained and Bigfoot Stories 2022
Sun, 17 Jul 2022 07:18:36 +0000
SCARY CREATURE ENCOUNTERS 3 HOURS OF TERROR! RSLASH: BEST Of True Alien, Ghosts, Unexplained and Bigfoot Stories 2022
SCARY CREATURE ENCOUNTERS 3 HOURS OF TERROR! RSLASH: BEST Of True Alien, Ghosts, Unexplained and Bigfoot Stories 2022
Sun, 17 Jul 2022 05:41:20 +0000
Scariest thing that's ever happened to you, supernatural or not

Scariest thing that's ever happened to you, supernatural or not

#paranomal #ghoststories #glitchinthematrix

RSLASH: BEST Of True Alien, Ghosts, Unexplained and Bigfoot Stories 2022
Sun, 17 Jul 2022 00:50:10 +0000
US Naval Academy Police Officers True Ghost Stories From The USNA 👻 True Ghost Stories Compilation 2022
US Naval Academy Police Officers True Ghost Stories From The USNA 👻 True Ghost Stories Compilation 2022

I am a US Naval Academy Police Officer and I am telling true Ghost stories I personally saw at the United States Naval Academy while on duty. This is the first episode and I share the first Ghost encounter I had while at work. It involves a Black Mass!
Sat, 16 Jul 2022 23:12:59 +0000
Nurses and Doctors share CREEPY stories from their job... (r/AskReddit Top Posts | Reddit Stories)
Nurses and Doctors share CREEPY stories from their job... (r/AskReddit Top Posts | Reddit Stories)
Sat, 16 Jul 2022 21:41:46 +0000
I Was Kidnapped By a Bigfoot TRUE STORY
I Was Kidnapped By a Sasquatch TRUE STORY

In 1924, Ostman said he went camping in the woods of British Columbia. One night, he was sleeping in his sleeping bag. Suddenly, something lifted him up. It carried him through the woods while he was balled up in his sleeping bag. This went on for three hours. Then he was dumped out onto the ground. He looked up to see a family of four sasquatches looking down at him. The sasquatch family held him at their camp. They would not let him leave. After six days, he was finally able to escape.
Sat, 16 Jul 2022 20:49:22 +0000
UFO Reporting Center Telephone Recordings from UFO Encounter Witnesses #1
UFO Reporting Center Telephone Recordings from UFO Encounter Witnesses #1

National UFO Reporting Center - Information and Policies
The National UFO Reporting Center was founded in 1974 by noted UFO investigator Robert J. Gribble. The Center’s primary function over the past four decades has been to receive, record, and to the greatest degree possible, corroborate and document reports from individuals who have been witness to unusual, possibly UFO-related events. Throughout its history, the Center has processed over 150,000 reports, and has distributed its information to thousands of individuals.

The principal means used by the Center to receive sighting reports is this website, which has operated continuously since 1994. Prior to that period, the telephone hotline and the U.S. mail were the primary means of taking reports.

The Center’s independence from all other UFO related organizations, combined with its long standing policy of guaranteed anonymity to callers, has served to make it perhaps the most popular and widely accepted national UFO reporting facility anywhere. The website and hotline are well known by law enforcement agencies, FAA ARTCC’s and flight service stations, National Weather Services offices, military facilities, NASA, and many 911 emergency dispatch centers all across the United States and in many parts of Canada. Those entities routinely direct the calls they receive regarding possible UFO sightings to the Center.

UFO Reporting Center Telephone Recordings from UFO Encounter Witnesses #1

One of the Center’s policies, which distinguishes its operations from most other UFO organizations, is that it makes available to the public all of its data in summary form. Detailed information is made available to experienced UFO investigators.
Sat, 16 Jul 2022 06:32:09 +0000
Ancient Inner Earth Civilizations 🔴 Previous Earth Races
Ancient Inner Earth Civilizations 🔴 Previous Earth Races

Hyperboreans: An Ancient Alien Race That Lived On Earth

The word Hyperboreans comes from ancient Greek and means “beyond the North Wind or the North Pole-“.

In this fabulous kingdom of eternal spring, the sun shone 24 hours a day, but it was practically impossible to get there because this region was protected by huge transparent ice walls.

Nor could it be accessed by conventional means of transport, since this enigmatic “paradise” was guarded by powerful races of demigods called Hyperboreans.

This civilization has been described in many cultures as very tall beings, with blue, blond eyes and very white skin, having a very well developed and organized society.

One of their many talents is the arts, as well as science. Its inhabitants live in a state of permanent light and love, in fact, it is a race that has always lived free from war.

Here the concept of work used to be second to none. Its genetics do not know old age or disease. They are highly psychic beings.

Another part of Greek history connects the Hyperboreans with the foundation of several important religious sanctuaries in ancient Greece, and it is also said in their writings that the planet is connected by tunnels all over the interior of our planet.

Different cultures from all over the world agree in their ancient writings that all humanity has its origin from the Hyperboreans.

This ancient breed has the same origin as the Atlantean and Lemurian, of extraterrestrial origin. It is said that even today a part of this civilization remains hidden inside the planet.

Scientists have confirmed that there are openings in the poles and that they might be serving as entrances to a hidden world, and given this theory, the ancient Greek legend would make sense.

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👽 UFO News 2020
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TRUE Paranormal stories told by people who have experienced Ghosts. From Nurses sharing terrifying last words of patients as they die to Demons who attack Military units in Iraq. Ghost Stories, Bigfoot Stories.
Sat, 16 Jul 2022 05:53:35 +0000
Chilling Last Words Uttered By Dying Patients | Nursing Ghost Stories 2022
Chilling Last Words Uttered By Dying Patients | Nursing Ghost Stories 2022

Nurses share terrifying last words of patients as they die. Some are beautiful as family members come to get them. Others are not as lucky some scream they are burning or scream in sheer terror and ask for help. Nursing Ghost Stories 2022
Sat, 16 Jul 2022 01:13:55 +0000
Scientist Speaks Out About Grey Aliens and Secret Projects ACTUAL AUDIO
Scientist Speaks Out About Grey Aliens and Secret Projects ACTUAL AUDIO
Fri, 15 Jul 2022 23:09:10 +0000
Scary Alien Abduction Stories & UFO Experiences
Scary Alien Abduction Stories & UFO Experiences
Fri, 15 Jul 2022 20:19:08 +0000
Unexplainable Stuff That Happens in the Woods
Unexplainable Stuff That Happens in the Woods
Fri, 15 Jul 2022 19:58:29 +0000
Have you seen Bigfoot or other Humanoids? Aliens, Ghosts and Bigfoot Stories 2022
Have you seen Bigfoot or other Humanoids? Aliens, Ghosts and Bigfoot Stories 2022

Sasquatch, also called Bigfoot, (from Salish se’sxac: “wild men”) a large, hairy, humanlike creature believed by some people to exist in the northwestern United States and western Canada. It seems to represent the North American counterpart of the Himalayan region’s mythical monster, the Abominable Snowman, or Yeti.

The British explorer David Thompson is sometimes credited with the first discovery (1811) of a set of Sasquatch footprints, and hundreds of alleged prints have been adduced since then. Visual sightings and even alleged photographs and filmings (notably by Roger Patterson at Bluff Creek, California, in 1967) have also contributed to the legend, though none of the purported evidence has been verified.

Sasquatch is variably described as a primate ranging from 6 to 15 feet (2 to 4.5 metres) tall, standing erect on two feet, often giving off a foul smell, and either moving silently or emitting a high-pitched cry. Footprints have measured up to 24 inches (60 cm) in length and 8 inches (20 cm) in width. A Soviet scientist, Boris Porshnev, suggested that Sasquatch and his Siberian counterpart, the Almas, could be a remnant of Neanderthals, but most scientists do not recognize the creature’s existence.
Fri, 15 Jul 2022 18:49:50 +0000
If we made contact with aliens, how would religions react? - Aliens, Ghosts and Bigfoot Stories 2022
If we made contact with aliens, how would religions react?

The discovery of life on another planet might seem incompatible with faith in a deity. Yet many theologians are already open to the existence of extraterrestrials, argues the writer Brandon Ambrosino.
In 2014, Nasa awarded $1.1M to the Center for Theological Inquiry, an ecumenical research institute in New Jersey, to study “the societal implications of astrobiology”.

Some were enraged. The Freedom From Religion Foundation, which promotes the division between Church and state, asked Nasa to revoke the grant, and threatened to sue if Nasa didn’t comply. While the FFR stated that their concern was the commingling of government and religious organisations, they also made it clear that they thought the grant was a waste of money. “Science should not concern itself with how its progress will impact faith-based beliefs.”

The FFR’s argument might well be undermined, however, when the day comes that humanity has to respond to the discovery of aliens. Such a discovery would raise a series of questions that would exceed the bounds of science. For example, when we ask, “What is life?” are we asking a scientific question or a theological one? Questions about life’s origins and its future are complicated, and must be explored holistically, across disciplines. And that includes the way we respond to the discovery of aliens.

This is not just an idle fantasy: many scientists would now argue that the detection of extraterrestrial life is more a question of when, not if.

There are several reasons for this confidence, but a main one has to do with the speed at which scientists have been discovering planets outside of our own Solar System. In 2000, astronomers knew of about 50 of these ‘exoplanets’. By 2013, they had found almost 850, located in over 800 planetary systems. That number may reach one million by the year 2045, says David Weintraub, associate professor of Astronomy at Vanderbilt University, and author of Religions and Extraterrestrial Life. “We can quite reasonably expect that the number of known exoplanets will soon become, like the stars, almost uncountable,” he writes. Of those discovered so far, more than 20 are Earth-size exoplanets that occupy a “habitable” zone around their star, including the most recently discovered Proxima b, which orbits Proxima Centauri.

The upshot is that the more we’re able to peer into space, the more certain we become that our planet isn’t the only one suitable for life.
Fri, 15 Jul 2022 04:16:05 +0000
What's The Creepiest Thing That's Ever Happened To You?
What's The Creepiest Thing That's Ever Happened To You?

Aliens, Ghosts and Bigfoot Stories 2022
Fri, 15 Jul 2022 01:13:00 +0000
10 TRUE blockchain and bitcoin horror stories
10 TRUE blockchain and bitcoin horror stories

Gather 'round for this special blood-curdling crypto news flashback that will have you HODLing a blanket. Beware the death grip on bitcoin wallets!
Fri, 15 Jul 2022 00:26:40 +0000
Unsolved MYSTERIES that have NO explanation!
Unsolved MYSTERIES that have NO explanation!
Fri, 15 Jul 2022 00:09:58 +0000
What Is The Strangest Thing You've Seen That You Can't Explain?
What Is The Strangest Thing You've Seen That You Can't Explain?
Thu, 14 Jul 2022 20:45:52 +0000
The Devil, Lucifer Himself, Is Apparently Entombed In Somerset, New Jersey
The Devil, Lucifer Himself, Is Apparently Entombed In Somerset, New Jersey

This legend is super creepy.

New Jersey loves them some devil-related folklore. From the Jersey Devil to the Devil’s Tree to the Devil’s Altar, anything creepy in the Garden State get a luciferian nickname to go along with its local legend. This is certainly the case for an old stone building in Somerset County, which has been dubbed by locals and thrill-seekers alike as The Devil’s Tomb.

According to gossip, internet speculation, and one decades-old issue of a magazine called Weird NJ, this stone building was the location of a battle between some monks and the Devil himself. The story goes that they tricked the Devil into attending what he thought was a human sacrifice, then chained him to the ground and built the tomb around him to trap him inside. Certain more colorful versions of the legend claim that the nearby road, called “Jacob’s Ladder” or “Seven Bumps Road” is actually the burial places of people the monks killed for trying to free the devil from the tomb. (These monks were pretty hardcore!)

The monks are long gone, but it’s still not safe to visit this building, as it is located on private property and several teens have been arrested over the years trying to check it out.

The authorities claim it’s not a tomb at all, but rather nothing more than an old cistern, whereas at least one paranormal investigator with knowledge of the site says the metal beams on the roof of the structure and evidence that chimneys used to be there indicate that it’s likely the building was once a crematorium. Meanwhile, many argue the bumpy road is not hiding bodies, but rather was built that way as an easement for draught horses, to give them breaks when climbing such a steep road.
Thu, 14 Jul 2022 19:39:35 +0000
Scariest Home Alone Experiences Ever
Scariest Home Alone Experiences Ever
Thu, 14 Jul 2022 19:11:33 +0000
Alien Abductees Shared Their Experience with UFO and Aliens | Reddit Alien Stories
Alien Abductees Shared Their Experience with UFO and Aliens | Reddit Alien Stories
Thu, 14 Jul 2022 06:17:31 +0000
What's The Scariest Space Fact/Mystery In Your Opinion?
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What's The Scariest Space Fact/Mystery In Your Opinion?
Thu, 14 Jul 2022 05:46:02 +0000
Oklahoma Man Says Bigfoot Made Him Kill His Fishing Partner, Police Say
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Oklahoma Man Says Bigfoot Made Him Kill His Fishing Partner, Police Say

A day out hand fishing for catfish on the South Canadian River in Pontotoc County, Oklahoma, has turned into a murder investigation after a man claims Bigfoot forced him to kill his friend.

Larry Sanders, 53, stands charged with first-degree murder after allegedly admitting first to a family member and later to police to killing his noodling fishing partner Jimmy Knighten, who Sanders claimed wanted him dead by the hand of the mythical monster Bigfoot. Noodling is a popular fishing technique used in the southern United States to catch a fish by sticking one’s hand in its mouth.

The local sheriff, John Christian, told local media that Sanders “appeared to be under the influence of something” when he told police he had struck, strangled, and then drowned Knighten.

“So, his statement was that Mr. Knighten had summoned ‘Bigfoot’ to come and kill him, and that’s why he had to kill Mr. Knighten,” Christian told local reporters.
Christian said that the confession “always makes it easier,” but that the difficulty came in trying to find Knighten’s body, which had floated on the river currents and was not discovered until more than 24 hours after the deadly incident.

Christian said authorities first arrested Sanders on an outstanding warrant and charged him with murder only after Knighten’s body was retrieved from the river bed.

“You still have to prove all the elements of the crime, and what the suspect is telling you, you have to prove that that’s actually what happened,” Christian said.

Christian said that the local prosecutor would likely push for the death penalty if Sanders is found guilty in the case.

Larry Sanders, 53, stands charged with first-degree murder after allegedly admitting first to a family member and later to police to killing his noodling fishing partner Jimmy Knighten, who Sanders claimed wanted him dead by the hand of the mythical monster Bigfoot. Noodling is a popular fishing technique used in the southern United States to catch a fish by sticking one’s hand in its mouth.

The local sheriff, John Christian, told local media that Sanders “appeared to be under the influence of something” when he told police he had struck, strangled, and then drowned Knighten.

“So, his statement was that Mr. Knighten had summoned ‘Bigfoot’ to come and kill him, and that’s why he had to kill Mr. Knighten,” Christian told local reporters.
Christian said that the confession “always makes it easier,” but that the difficulty came in trying to find Knighten’s body, which had floated on the river currents and was not discovered until more than 24 hours after the deadly incident.

Christian said authorities first arrested Sanders on an outstanding warrant and charged him with murder only after Knighten’s body was retrieved from the river bed.

“You still have to prove all the elements of the crime, and what the suspect is telling you, you have to prove that that’s actually what happened,” Christian said.

Christian said that the local prosecutor would likely push for the death penalty if Sanders is found guilty in the case.
Thu, 14 Jul 2022 03:11:54 +0000
People Share Their Best ‘Instant Karma’ Stories
🔴🔴 WELCOME To OUR Community! 🔴🔴

People Share Their Best ‘Instant Karma’ Stories
Thu, 14 Jul 2022 01:32:07 +0000
Aliens, Ghosts and Bigfoot Stories 2022
🔴🔴 WELCOME To OUR Community! 🔴🔴

Aliens, Ghosts and Bigfoot Stories 2022
Thu, 14 Jul 2022 01:15:45 +0000
Hackers, What Did You See That You Immediately Noped Out Of

Hackers, What Did You See That You Immediately Noped Out Of

hunter biden iphone hacked 4chan #4chan anonymous leak leaked cellphone celebrity joe
Wed, 13 Jul 2022 23:53:03 +0000
Deep-Sea Divers Scary Stories that can't be explained
Deep-Sea Divers Scary Stories that can't be explained
Wed, 13 Jul 2022 22:20:33 +0000
Dear Lonely People, How Are You Doing?
Dear Lonely People, How Are You Doing?
Wed, 13 Jul 2022 19:01:29 +0000
The Clementine Conspiracy Theory (Project Golden Dragon)

The Biggest Secret Of Mankind: The Clementine Conspiracy A.K.A. Project Golden Dragon

From the Author: This project is based on a personal “theory” about a major conspiracy by the US Department of Defense, a whistle-blower who left cryptographic clues and finally complete exposure of the obfuscated object found in the Zeeman crater. This is no scientific build disclosure (yet). What I show you is the result of 14 years of collecting data, analyzing and making image enhancements using high-end forensic software. I needed a long time myself to see the strange shapes, so do not expect to see the machine immediately. Your eyes and mind will need time to adjust. Take your time and try not to think too hard of alien technology. You probably have some sort of expectation what “technology on the Moon” may look like but this machine is unlike anything you have ever seen. In order to see it you must clear your mind and try to “think out of the box”. I cannot promise you that you will see alien technology. Only those users who are open to extraterrestrial technology and who can watch the video without prejudice will have a better chance to comprehend the images.
Wed, 13 Jul 2022 15:35:01 +0000
Serial Killer Ed Gein (Butcher of Plainfield) Documentary
Serial Killer Ed Gein (Butcher of Plainfield) Documentary

Ed Gein, in full Edward Theodore Gein, also called the Butcher of Plainfield, (born August 27, 1906, Plainfield, Wisconsin, U.S.—died July 26, 1984, Madison, Wisconsin), American serial killer whose gruesome crimes gained worldwide notoriety and inspired numerous books and horror films.

Gein endured a difficult childhood. His father was an alcoholic, and his mother was verbally abusive toward him. Gein nevertheless idolized her, a fact that apparently concerned his elder brother Henry, who occasionally confronted her in Gein’s presence. In 1944 Henry died in mysterious circumstances during a fire near the family’s farm in Plainfield. Although Gein reported his brother missing to the police, he was able to lead them directly to the burned body when they arrived. Despite bruises discovered on the victim’s head, the death was ruled an accident. The death of Gein’s mother in 1945 left him a virtual hermit. In subsequent years, Gein cordoned off the areas of the house that his mother had used most frequently, preserving them as something of a shrine.

Gein attracted the attention of the police in 1957, when a hardware store owner named Bernice Worden went missing. Gein had been seen with her shortly before her disappearance, and, when law enforcement officials visited his farm, they found her body. She had been fatally shot and decapitated. Subsequent examinations of his home showed that he had systematically robbed graves and collected body parts, which he used to make household items, clothing, and masks. Also discovered on the property was the head of Mary Hogan, a tavern operator who had disappeared in 1954. In 1958 Gein’s “house of horrors” was destroyed by fire, the origins of which remain unclear.
Wed, 13 Jul 2022 05:51:07 +0000
The Secrets of Silicon Valley: What Big Tech Doesn't Want You to Know
The Secrets of Silicon Valley: What Big Tech Doesn't Want You to Know

Once a sleepy farming region, Silicon Valley is now the hub of a global industry that is transforming the economy, shaping our political discourse, and changing the very nature of our society. So what happened? How did this remarkable change take place? Why is this area the epicenter of this transformation? Discover the dark secrets behind the real history of Silicon Valley and the Big Tech giants in this important edition of The Corbett Report.
Wed, 13 Jul 2022 04:58:25 +0000
People Shared their Most X-Files Like Experience in Real Life | True X-Files Stories 2022
People Shared their Most X-Files Like Experience in Real Life | True X-Files Stories 2022
Wed, 13 Jul 2022 02:19:08 +0000
Night Shift Workers Encounter with Paranormal Activity
#paranomal #ghoststories #glitchinthematrix

Night Shift Workers Encounter with Paranormal Activity

Aliens, Ghosts and Bigfoot Stories 2022

scary stories to fall asleep to
true unexplained stories 2021
true scary stories to fall asleep to
true ghost stories to fall asleep to
true scary stories
scary stories to tell in the dark
true unexplainable stories
paranormal stories told in the rain
real ghost stories
scary stories
Wed, 13 Jul 2022 01:03:06 +0000
My Scariest Encounter with a Person Story
My Scariest Encounter with a Person Story

Aliens, Ghosts and Bigfoot Stories 2022
Tue, 12 Jul 2022 23:00:50 +0000
Most X-Files like Experience in Real Life | True X-Files Stories
Most X-Files like Experience in Real Life | True X-Files Stories

Aliens, Ghosts and Bigfoot Stories 2022
Tue, 12 Jul 2022 18:31:25 +0000
Horrifying Under Water Stories from Deep Sea Divers
Horrifying Under Water Stories from Deep Sea Divers

Aliens, Ghosts and Bigfoot Stories 2022
Tue, 12 Jul 2022 05:02:26 +0000
Deep-Sea Divers Scary Stories that will scare the hell out of you
Deep-Sea Divers Scary Stories that will scare the hell out of you
Tue, 12 Jul 2022 00:57:38 +0000
People Who Quit Their Jobs On The First Day, What Was Your “I’m Outta Here” Moment

People Who Quit Their Jobs On The First Day, What Was Your “I’m Outta Here” Moment
Mon, 11 Jul 2022 21:00:02 +0000
Scariest things WOMEN have done to MEN
Scariest things WOMEN have done to MEN
Mon, 11 Jul 2022 18:00:02 +0000
Sasquatch Tracked and Killed after Abduction TRUE STORY

Sasquatch Tracked and Killed after Abduction TRUE STORY

#Bigfoot #Sasquatch #Yeti

in North American folklore, Bigfoot or Sasquatch are said to be hairy, upright-walking, ape-like creatures that dwell in the wilderness and leave footprints. Depictions often portray them as a missing link between humans and human ancestors or other great apes.
Sun, 10 Jul 2022 22:15:41 +0000
2 Hour Compilation of the Darkest Secrets of Reddit
Sun, 10 Jul 2022 19:53:42 +0000
While In A COMA I Lived 10 Years In A Imaginary World TRUE STORY

After Living 10 Years Of A Happy Life Man Wakes Up And Realizes He Was Unconscious And Dreamt It All

One of the most daunting experiences a human can endure is being close to dying. While some escape the claws of death without experiencing any changes in them, others come back just not the same. There are many theories trying to explain what happens to us when we are dying. However, there is no definite answer. Yet, many people candidly share what they felt during their near-death experiences and what effect they had on them.

When somebody created a thread on Reddit asking “Have you ever felt a deep personal connection to a person you met in a dream only to wake up feeling terrible because you realize they never existed?” one user found a perfect place to share his chilling experience. He said that his near-death experience was so strange that it took him three years to recover.

My last semester at a certain college I was assaulted by a football player for walking where he was trying to drive (note he was 325lbs I was 120lbs), while unconscious on the ground I lived a dream life.

I met a wonderful young lady, she made my heart skip and my face red, I pursued her for months and dispatched a few jerk boyfriends before I finally won her over, after two years we got married, and almost immediately she bore me a daughter.

I had a great job, and my wife didn’t have to work outside of the house when my daughter was two; she [my wife] bore me a son. My son was the joy of my life, and I would walk into his room every morning before I left for work and doted on him and my daughter. I was living the best life possible.

One day while sitting on the couch I noticed that the perspective of the lamp was odd, like inverted. It was still in 3D but… just… wrong. (It was a square lamp base, red with gold trim on four legs and a white square shade). I was transfixed. I couldn’t look away from it. I stayed up all night staring at it, the next morning I didn’t go to work, something was just not right about that lamp.

I stopped eating, I left the couch only to use the bathroom at first, soon I stopped that too as I wasn’t eating or drinking. I stared at the lamp for three days before my wife got really worried, she had someone come and try to talk to me, by this time my cognizance was breaking up and my wife was freaking out. She took the kids to her mother’s house just before I had my epiphany…. the lamp is not real…. the house is not real, my wife, my kids… none of that is real… the last ten years of living the life are not real!

The lamp started to grow wider and deeper, it was still inverted dimensions, it took up my entire perspective and all I could see was red, I heard voices, screams, all kinds of weird noises and I became aware of pain…. a s**t ton of pain… the first words I said were “I’m missing teeth” and opened my eyes. I was laying on my back on the sidewalk surrounded by people that I didn’t know, and lots were freaking out, I was completely confused.
at some point a cop scooped me up, dragged/walked me across the sidewalk and grass and threw me face down in the back of a cop car, I was still confused.

I was taken to the hospital by the cop (seems he didn’t want to wait for the ambulance to arrive) and give CT scans and s**t.

I went through about three years of horrid depression, I was grieving the loss of my wife and children and dealing with the knowledge that this life experience never existed, I was scared that I was going insane as I would cry myself to sleep hoping I would see her in vivid dreams. I never have, but sometimes I see my son, usually just a glimpse out of my peripheral vision, he is perpetually five years old, and I can never hear what he says.

EDIT (24 hours after post): never thought anyone would read this life story, I changed a line so that it no longer seems that my 2-year-old daughter bore a child.

I have never seen Inception or the Star Trek episode so many have mentioned (but I will eventually
Sun, 10 Jul 2022 16:30:02 +0000
22 Nurses Share Their Scariest Paranormal Encounters

22 Nurses Share Their Scariest Paranormal Encounters

"There was a black shape standing over the bed, looking down at the patient. I was terrified, I'm sure it was something evil."

If there’s one place on earth which is guaranteed to be haunted, it’s got to be a hospital right? With people shuffling off the mortal coil on a daily basis, hospitals are generally pretty creepy places to visit. But what is it like to work in one?

Here are 22 of the most spine-tingling ghost stories shared by nurses from across the United States, which prove you don’t just need healing hands to work in a hospital, you also need balls of steel.

1. Don’t Let Them Take Me!
The best I have heard is from a nurse who said that one night she was floated to oncology at the hospital she used to work at. She was given a patient who was passing away and had been unconscious for several days. At one point during the night the nurse went into the room and the patient was at the top of the bed and looked at her and said, “don’t let them take me!”, the nurse was freaked out and asked her who was going to take her and she said that black thing up there and pointed up in the air. This patient died within minutes.

2. The Black Shape Standing Over The Bed
One night I was caring for a dying male patient. He was scared and I spent quite some time with him, trying to calm and reassure him. Eventually he calmed and I left the bedside and went over to the nurses station which was about 15 feet away. As I sat down I glanced over to him and there was a black shape standing over the bed, looking down at the patient. I was terrified, and am sure it was something evil.
Sun, 10 Jul 2022 15:30:02 +0000
Alien Abduction Stories | Reddit Aliens Stories
Alien Abduction Stories | Reddit Aliens Stories

This Alien Abduction Stories 2021 Compilation contains some of the best Redditor's Alien Abduction, Creepy, Mystery, and scary experiences. If you enjoy these paranormal stories 2021, Subscribe to my podcast for more such Alien Abduction stories
Sun, 10 Jul 2022 05:23:34 +0000
Time Traveler Reveals Future Map of the US After Devastating Events (2020 - 2025)
Time Traveler Reveals Future Map of the US After Devastating Events (2020 - 2025)
Sun, 10 Jul 2022 05:18:13 +0000
Cops and law enforcement People Shared their Encounter with Supernatural
Cops and law enforcement People Shared their Encounter with Supernatural
Sat, 09 Jul 2022 20:16:50 +0000
UFO & Alien Sightings From 1 CE – 1900's 👽 UFO and Alien Sightings Reports throughout History
UFO & Alien Sightings From 1 CE – 1900's 👽 UFO and Alien Sightings Reports throughout History

UFO and Alien Sightings throughout History from the beginning of reported history. The Birth Of Christ, The Middle Ages and many Wars. Favorite story is about an alien who suffocated in our atmosphere during the crusades!
Sat, 09 Jul 2022 05:27:41 +0000
This Tip Could Save Your Life!
This Tip Could Save Your Life!
Sat, 09 Jul 2022 01:15:18 +0000
UFO Attacks Family in Australia 👽 UFO Sightings In Australia
UFO Attacks Family in Australia 👽 UFO Sightings In Australia

It's a question many of us have asked ourselves: are we alone in the universe?

From flying saucers to balls of light rocketing through the sky, South Australia has had its fair share of reported UFO encounters.

One avid ABC reader has asked us to delve into the history of the state's major cases, as part of our Curious Adelaide campaign.

So we dusted off some of South Australia's oldest X-Files to find answers.

We'll start in the outback, where a traumatised family was allegedly lifted off the ground by aliens.

It was still dark in the early hours of January 20, 1988, when the Knowles family was driving along the remote Nullarbor Plain.

The seemingly mundane trip from Perth to Melbourne quickly turned to terror when they encountered an unidentified flying object that tormented them for 90 minutes.

A large glowing object "like a big ball" chased Faye Knowles and her adult sons Patrick, Wayne and Sean down the highway, before landing on their roof and plucking them into the air.

"It apparently picked the car up off the road, shook it quite violently and forced the car back down on the road with such pressure that one of the tyres was blown," a police spokesman told media at the time.

In a state of shock, Sean Knowles put his foot on the accelerator as his mother screamed but, according to reports, their voices distorted like time was slowing down.
Sat, 09 Jul 2022 00:49:36 +0000
UFOs and COPS 👽 Police Officer Shares His Experience with a UFO and Aliens TRUE STORY
UFOs and COPS 👽 Police Officer Shares His Experience with a UFO and Aliens TRUE STORY

🔴Amazon Prime 30-Day Free Trial🔵

Ken Storch, is a retired homicide detective who has been investigating UFO cases for 35 years. He has also done a lot of local research on Bigfoot or Sasquatch.
Fri, 08 Jul 2022 23:03:35 +0000
Alien Abductees "Experiencers" Say Extraterrestrials Abducted them and Haunt their Lives
Alien Abductees "Experiencers" Say Extraterrestrials Abducted them and Haunt their Lives

Abducted by Aliens: Believers Tell Their Stories

"Experiencers" say extraterrestrials abducted them and haunt their lives.

In a small New England town, members of a support group, which boasts a growing membership of 1,500, gather for a "secret" meeting.

"I wanna let you know that you're not alone," the group leader begins.

Twin sisters Audrey and Debbie, who have asked that their last name and hometown be withheld, have also come a long way to share their experiences.

"It was a long, tiresome battle," Audrey said. "It's impacted my life tremendously. I'm still in therapy."

The group that's assembled for this meeting is not struggling with alcohol, drugs, sex addition or gambling. They're part of Starborn, an alien experience and awareness support group, catering to those who say they've been abducted by aliens.

Many people have wondered: are earthlings living on a speck of dust -- alone in the infinite universe or are there other intelligent life forms out there in the cosmos?

Nearly half of all Americans and millions more globally believe we're not alone, according to a 2000 ABC poll. While 40 million Americans say they have seen or know someone who has seen an unidentified flying object, or UFO, a growing number believe they've actually met aliens.

Audrey and Debbie not only said that aliens exist, but that they've made contact with them. The twins said it started when they were young.

"I was probably about 5 years old or so ... and a bright blue light would come in to the room and the door would open, and there would be like, a foggy kind of misty blue light, just shining through the whole house," Audrey said. "And these two figures would come in. There would be a tall one, they had black capes, but they were bald and had big eyes."

Audrey and her sister call their visitors "The Bald Men," but they're better known in UFO circles as "The Greys," a race of extraterrestrials, categorized by the grayish color of their skin.

The twins' first encounter with aliens, they say, came during childhood and continued into adulthood. They also believe they've been abducted together on the same spaceship -- only to compare stories afterwards.

"We have been together on abductions," Audrey said. "We have been up in crafts and seen our house from above. So we realized they are not from here. They are very good at mind erasing or whatever you want to call it. They'll leave you with bits and pieces of things you can remember. So we do remember certain things of being there together."

When asked why aliens would continue to abduct them together, the twins had no explanation.

"That's the question I always ask myself," Debbie said. "A lot of times I'll wake up in tears saying, 'Why me? Why me? Why can't this happen to somebody else.'"

Extraterrestrials Can Embody People's Fears
No matter what anyone else believes, people like Audrey and Debbie are convinced that what they've witnessed is real.

"I remember one time being on a spaceship and standing there on the spaceship and the floor and the walls disappeared. And I was staring at the Earth," Debbie said.

They said they realize their stories sound too fantastic and, at times, like the stuff of sci-fi blockbusters.

In science fiction, aliens are often anthropomorphic and benign creatures, like "E.T.," "My Favorite Martian," the classic "Star Trek" television series or the hit movie "Close Encounters of the Third Kind."

But extraterrestrials can also embody people's fears, looking radically different from human life.

Pop culture depictions of aliens don't seem to be slowing down. On cable, there's the acclaimed mini-series "Torchwood: Children of Earth," where the aliens' sinister thoughts are spoken through possessed children. And this fall, ABC will add a new series to the list of those on creatures from outer space.

The members of Starborn believe, however, that this is not just the stuff of science fiction, but fact. They said that coming forward with their beliefs is challenging.

Terrell Copeland, a former U.S. Marine, traveled the farthest to attend the "secret" meeting, driving 600 miles from rural Virginia. Copeland's foray into the paranormal began two years ago with a UFO sighting he said was captured on his cell phone from his apartment in downtown Suffolk, Va.

"It was an orb of light," he said. "Just a big ball of light. It wasn't moving. One was solid white. The other was directly across the street from it ... up 300 feet above ground and was changing colors very rapidly.

"This is ... this is not usual. Something's wrong here. Maybe I am in over my head. I'm not supposed to be looking at this stuff," Copeland, 27, who drives forklifts at a warehouse for a living, recalled thinking.

But after the video of what Copeland said he witnessed in the sky was posted on YouTube, he said a strange visitor came to his front door.

"I woke up from the nap by the sound of someone trying to enter my apartment," he said. "And I said, 'Who is it?' There was no answer. Still just, you know, you could see the door knob moving and like a scratching at the door. And I keep a firearm. It was on my table. And my thought was to get up and check.

"I was in complete paralysis. The only things I could move were my eyes. And I heard a voice through the door say, 'You don't need that weapon. We won't harm.'"

Soon after, Copeland said he started experiencing what he calls "missing time." During a span of two nights, Copeland said, he missed four hours -- not as a result of sleep.

Spiritual Transformation
"When you see these object[s], and then you do the research and you see that there are so many people who have experienced the same thing as you ... you have to say to yourself ... maybe there is something to this," he said.

With the number of unexplained UFO sightings mounting, Copeland began keeping a log and sketching what he believes he witnessed during the "missing time" episodes.

"I was a in a room and I saw a woman who did not have complete human features," he recalled from the night he said he was abducted in 2006. "She had the typical black eyes that you hear about. She had an elongated skull. And that startled me. And the next memory I have is me standing on my balcony waving at this cylinder-shaped ship."

Copeland said that his experiences with aliens have spiritually transformed him.

"I just want to be a better person because if I feel if someone from above took notice of me ... then maybe I'm doing something right. And if I'm doing something right, maybe I can do it better," he said.

Copeland's otherworldly convictions are shared by thousands of believers. Hundreds flocked to the national convention of the Mutual UFO Network, or MUFON, in Denver this month to share their experiences with like-minded believers.

Stace Tussel, a single working mother and cum laude college graduate, has been reluctant to talk about her close encounters with extraterrestrials.

"I'm not necessarily fearful," she said. "I'm a bit nervous about how people may react. I do believe that I have experienced contact with non-human intelligence."

Tussel said she has videos and scars to prove it.

"I've had multiple witness sightings or experiences, but also marks that would show up on my body -- scars like the one on my finger," Tussel said. "I did wake up one time with three red diagonal lines. I've woken up with the handprints and fingerprints that I couldn't have made myself and nobody else could have made myself."

When asked if she's simply a more vivid dreamer than other people, Tussel said, "I don't know if dreaming would cause a stigmata-type effect where you're getting bodily scars or marks."

Tussel, an education consultant, blogs in her spare time about UFOs and crop circles. While many have been proven to be man-made hoaxes, she believes some crop circles could be the result of an alien spacecraft or extraterrestrial communication.

She doesn't care for the phrase "alien abduction," opting instead to call herself an "experiencer."

"I don't believe I was taken against my will," she said. "I believe that all my life, I've been prepared to share information, to experience information and contact with non-human intelligence."

Psychologists Say Media Images Re-Enacted in Dreams
But she prefers to leave the details of her experiences to the imagination.

"I don't want to go into too much detail on certain kinds of beings that I saw because of the graphic nature of some of the things that I saw and experienced," she said.

While Tussel and others are thoroughly convinced, psychologists say the media-generated images of alien kidnappings can become easily engrained in our subconscious and then vividly re-enacted in our dreams.

"What tends to be similar is they come in the night, they take you some place, you're in a spaceship," Harvard University psychology researcher Susan Clancy said. "The aliens tend to look the same, which is that sort of greenish, triangular head, big eyes and they perform medical or sexual experiments on you."

Clancy and Richard McNally, who conduct psychological research examining false memories, believe a common disorder called sleep paralysis can explain why so many self-proclaimed "abductees" are absolutely convinced what they've experienced is real.

"A lot of people who had it think they're going crazy or they think that there are aliens or they think that there are ghosts out there," Clancy said. "And they're kind of freaked out."
Fri, 08 Jul 2022 20:44:17 +0000
People Whose Families Are Destroyed By 23andme And Other Services, What Went Down?
People Whose Families Are Destroyed By 23andme And Other Services, What Went Down?
Fri, 08 Jul 2022 19:05:55 +0000
[Serious] Encounters with Aliens and Other Paranormal Creatures Beings Stories
True Encounters With Unknown Beings Stories

#paranomal #ghoststories #glitchinthematrix

[Serious] Encounters with Aliens and Other Paranormal Creatures Beings Stories
Fri, 08 Jul 2022 04:51:07 +0000
People Share their Aliens Abduction Experiences
People Share their Aliens Abduction Experiences
Fri, 08 Jul 2022 04:11:49 +0000
PLEASE, Help Make Me Whole Again.

PLEASE, Help Make Me Whole Again.

Hey folks I decided to make a whole Podcast Episode about Greg. I really want to help this guy. Please dont get upset with me for doing so as I know the stories I put out help you escape our current reality and by doing this I am just bring reality crashing back into it.

I just want to help those in the community who have listened to this Podcast and have been understanding about my own ability not to be able to speak properly because of my own medical issue.

After the death of his wife who he knew since Elementary school he just lost it and gave up on life.

I guess he made peace with it and didnt want to ruin his entire life as he knew she wouldn't want that.

I guess when you become homeless or just give up on life you let things go like dental health. Now he wants his life back he is totally roadblocked as he works with the public and who would hire him looking the way he does.

Celebrities and others get dental implants to look better and he just wants them or dentures to become self sufficient.

I respect that. If you are willing and able as we are all suffering right now it would be greatly appreciated even just sharing the fundraiser will show Greg that people are behind and pulling for him. At times we all need a hand up. Here is what he sent me and is on the Gofundme.

My Name is Greg, And I Was Homeless Due To The Death Of My Spouse and Need Dental Work To Become Employable As I Look Horrendous, and My Work Experience Is Working With The Public. I desperately need Dentures or, if lucky, Implants. I have never been more humiliated in my life and am thankful someone is willing to help me do this.

PLEASE help make me whole again.

If you would like to help Greg become whole again and get his life back the link to donate is below, If you are unable to help. Please share the fundraiser link. I truly appreciate you.

Again, I truly appreciate this community and will continue to constantly put out content to help you escape reality. I am here for you, I work for you. If you need me just reach out and I will be there for you.
Fri, 08 Jul 2022 00:35:28 +0000
Ghosts Chase Me Away From My Cemetery Job!
Ghosts Chase Me Away From My Cemetery Job!

What's the Creepiest Paranormal thing that’s Ever Happened to You?
Thu, 07 Jul 2022 23:23:43 +0000
911 Operator's Creepiest Experiences that Keep them Awake at Night

911 Operator's Creepiest Experiences that Keep them Awake at Night
Thu, 07 Jul 2022 19:42:32 +0000
What is The Goriest Thing You Have Seen in Real Life?

What is The Goriest Thing You Have Seen in Real Life?
Thu, 07 Jul 2022 18:07:50 +0000
What Is The Scariest Story You Know That Is 100% True? (r/AskReddit/) Scary Reddit Stories
What Is The Scariest Story You Know That Is 100% True? (r/AskReddit/) Scary Reddit Stories
Thu, 07 Jul 2022 06:41:40 +0000
Parents Of Killers, What's Your Story?

Parents Of Killers, What's Your Story?
Thu, 07 Jul 2022 03:59:09 +0000
People who have been clinically dead and came back, how was the other side like? PART 2

People who have been clinically dead and came back, how was the other side like? PART 2
Thu, 07 Jul 2022 02:49:29 +0000
People Who Went Missing, Where'd You Go?

People Who Went Missing, Where'd You Go?
Wed, 06 Jul 2022 23:44:54 +0000
Coma Survivors Reveal What It's Like

Coma Survivors Reveal What It's Like
Wed, 06 Jul 2022 21:59:29 +0000
After Death Experience of People Who Got Revived after Being Clinically Dead
After Death Experience of People Who Got Revived after Being Clinically Dead
Wed, 06 Jul 2022 18:03:08 +0000
People who have been clinically dead and came back, how was the other side like?
People who have been clinically dead and came back, how was the other side like?
Wed, 06 Jul 2022 03:03:57 +0000
[1 Hour] Strangest Glitch in the Matrix Stories | Reddit Glitch in Matrix
[1 Hour] Strangest Glitch in the Matrix Stories | Reddit Glitch in Matrix
Wed, 06 Jul 2022 02:56:52 +0000
Cops and Law Enforcement People Shared their Encounter with Supernatural
🔴🔴 PLEASE Support Us and Help us GROW! 🔴 🔴

Cops and Law Enforcement People Shared their Encounter with Supernatural
Tue, 05 Jul 2022 17:10:02 +0000
Military People shared their Creepiest Most Paranormal Encounters During their Service
Military People shared their Creepiest Most Paranormal Encounters During their Service
Tue, 05 Jul 2022 05:10:52 +0000
4 Hours of Reddit's Scariest TRUE Stories
4 Hours of Reddit's Scariest TRUE Stories
Tue, 05 Jul 2022 04:04:35 +0000
1 Hour Of "True" Conspiracy Theories
1 Hour Of "True" Conspiracy Theories
Sat, 02 Jul 2022 19:33:09 +0000
What's The Scariest Story You've Ever Heard? (r/AskReddit)
What's The Scariest Story You've Ever Heard? (r/AskReddit)
Sat, 02 Jul 2022 18:32:26 +0000
Grey Aliens Killed 60 US Soldiers And Civilians In Underground Battle In New Mexico
Grey Aliens Killed 60 US Soldiers And Civilians In Underground Battle In New Mexico

🔵🔴 PLEASE Support Us and Help us GROW! 🔵🔴

American engineer Philip Schneider was born on April 23, 1947. He is known as a person who worked for many years in collaboration with special services of the United States, had access to information of the 3rd level of secrecy, but at some point decided that people should know that they are kept in ignorance or are grossly deceived about everything happening to UFOs and aliens.

1. The American government entered into an agreement with the Grey aliens in 1954. This mutually beneficial cooperation agreement is called the “Greada Treaty”. Aliens do not comply with it.

2. The shuttle made special alloys in orbit. A vacuum is needed to create these special metals, and thus the mandate for the ongoing support of the manned space station is justified.

3. Most of the aircraft technology with Stealth technology was developed due to the study of an alien ship that crashed in the United States.

4. AIDS was invented at the National Ordinance Laboratory in Chicago, Illinois, and developed as a virus to control the human population.

5. It is a secret that the US government has a device for causing earthquakes. The San Francisco earthquake in 1989 and the Kobe earthquake in 1995 did not have a pulse wave, which confirms their artificial origin.

6. The bombing at the World Trade Center (09/11/2001) and the bombing in Oklahoma City (04/19/1995) were carried out using miniature nuclear devices. This is indicated by the melting and pitting of concrete with the displacement of metal rods that make up the frame of concrete structures (it is worth recalling that Phil was an engineer and explosives were one of his strengths).

7. Bikini Atoll was destroyed by nuclear weapons due to the fact that there was an underwater base of aliens.

8. The strategic defense initiative (SDI) was actually conceived as a defense against alien invasions.

👽 UFO News 2020
🛸 REAL UFO Footage
👽 UFO News 2020
🛸 REAL UFO Footage
🐵 TRUE Bigfoot Encounter Stories
🔵 TRUE Life After Death Experience Stories
👻 Ghost Stories That Will Give You Nightmares
👽 TRUE UFO Encounter Stories
🔴 TRUE Paranormal Reddit Stories
👻 REAL GHOSTS CAUGHT On Camera Compilation
🐵 Bigfoot Compilation
🔴 Unexplained Creature Sightings
🔴 Mysterious Creature Sightings
🐵 Bigfoot Compilation Video
🔵 Near Death Experience Stories
🔵 My Near Death Experience Story
🐵 Proof That Bigfoot Is Real
🐵 Best Bigfoot Pictures
🐵 Real Bigfoot Video 2020

TRUE Paranormal stories told by people who have experienced Ghosts. From Nurses sharing terrifying last words of patients as they die to Demons who attack Military units in Iraq. Ghost Stories, Bigfoot Stories.
Sat, 02 Jul 2022 00:30:51 +0000
Homeless Couple Calls 911 on Bigfoot ACTUAL AUDIO
Homeless Couple Calls 911 on Bigfoot ACTUAL AUDIO

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in North American folklore, Bigfoot or Sasquatch are said to be hairy, upright-walking, ape-like creatures that dwell in the wilderness and leave footprints. Depictions often portray them as a missing link between humans and human ancestors or other great apes.

North America has its own monster. While Scotland has its Loch Ness sea serpent and the Himalayas has its Abominable Snowman or Yeti, North America lays claim to Sasquatch or, as he has been nicknamed, Bigfoot. Sasquatch - a 7- to 8-foot-tall man/ape - has been sighted in North America for centuries. Before the European invasion, Native Americans were very familiar this "hairy giant" that lived in the wilderness.

One of the earliest recorded sightings of Sasquatch by a white man occurred in 1811 near what is now Jasper, Alberta by a fur trader named David Thompson. Since then there have been many sightings of the creature in Western Canada, and in many states of the U.S., especially the Pacific Northwest, Ohio, and even as far south as Florida, where the swamp-dwelling beast is known as the Skunk Ape.

Is Sasquatch mere legend or a remarkably elusive reality? What's the evidence? Personal accounts of sightings are plentiful and deserve weight because of their numbers. Physical evidence, such as footprints and hair samples, is rarer, and recordings on film and video rarer still. Here's a look at some of the best - and always controversial - evidence for the existence of Sasquatch.

#Bigfoot #Sasquatch #Bigfootsightings
Sat, 02 Jul 2022 00:18:35 +0000
What's The Creepiest Thing That's Ever Happened To You?
What's The Creepiest Thing That's Ever Happened To You?
Fri, 01 Jul 2022 22:23:06 +0000
Stranger Things 4 Inside the Real-Life Time-Travel Experiment That Inspired 'Stranger Things' Series
Stranger Things 4 Inside the Real-Life Time-Travel Experiment That Inspired 'Stranger Things' Series
Fri, 01 Jul 2022 18:50:46 +0000
Hunters, What Did You See That Made You Not Want To Go Back into The Woods? AskReddit Scary
Hunters, What Did You See That Made You Not Want To Go Back into The Woods? AskReddit Scary
Thu, 30 Jun 2022 18:33:29 +0000
Doctors, What Were the Most Haunting Last Words You’ve Heard? PART 2
Doctors, What Were the Most Haunting Last Words You’ve Heard? PART 2
Thu, 30 Jun 2022 16:56:48 +0000
Doctors, What Were the Most Haunting Last Words You've Heard?
Doctors, What Were the Most Haunting Last Words You've Heard?
Thu, 30 Jun 2022 15:56:25 +0000
People Share Stories of Extremely Distressing Paranormal Activity in their Homes
People Share Stories of Extremely Distressing Paranormal Activity in their Homes

Americans report on their paranormal experiences in their home.

Americans share their haunted house stories
Have you ever heard a noise in your home that you couldn't explain? Maybe you've even seen the lights flicker in a way that suggests something sinister. Or maybe, like some Americans, you're sure your house is haunted.

After speaking to over 800 people across the country who have had explicit, self-diagnosed paranormal experiences, we're ready to share their spooky data. We asked about the types of houses these hauntings took place in, what respondents' experiences were and how they reacted. We also turned to the population at large to see how Americans who hadn't yet had a supernatural experience would feel about it if they did. Keep reading, if you dare.

What does a haunted house truly look like?
Our study dives in with a look at the most common attributes of haunted houses. We also noted factors like house size, age, location and even inhabitants' previous beliefs about paranormal activity.

More than three-quarters of people who had experienced paranormal activity were still residing in the very same residence where it occurred, suggesting that hauntings aren't always as bad as the movies make them seem. That said, there were particular traits of haunted homes that people who want to avoid them should look out for.

Most hauntings occurred among respondents with free-standing homes (55%) as opposed to apartments and condos. Two-story farmhouses were also the most likely targets for horrifying happenings, which is reflected in mainstream pop culture. We also found that respondents in the South of the U.S. reported ghostly experiences most often.
Sun, 26 Jun 2022 19:56:05 +0000
What is the Scariest Story you know that is 100% true?
What is the Scariest Story you know that is 100% true?
Sun, 26 Jun 2022 00:03:45 +0000
[1 Hour] What's The Scariest, Most Bone-Chilling Moment You Have Ever Witnessed?
[1 Hour] What's The Scariest, Most Bone-Chilling Moment You Have Ever Witnessed?
Sat, 25 Jun 2022 20:31:05 +0000
What's A Scary Science Fact That The Public Knows Nothing About?
What's A Scary Science Fact That The Public Knows Nothing About?
Mon, 20 Jun 2022 03:25:09 +0000
Police Officers Who Responded to a Call for Paranormal Reasons
Police Officers Who Responded to a Call for Paranormal Reasons

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Sun, 19 Jun 2022 00:38:23 +0000
Encounter with the Unknown | Unexplained Stories 2022
Encounter with the Unknown | Unexplained Stories 2022
Wed, 15 Jun 2022 23:52:43 +0000
What's The Most Scary Thing You Have Seen That You Can't Get Out Of Your Head?
What's The Most Scary Thing You Have Seen That You Can't Get Out Of Your Head?
Tue, 14 Jun 2022 21:53:29 +0000
True UFO Stories that will make you believe | Reddit Aliens
True UFO Stories that will make you believe | Reddit Aliens
Tue, 14 Jun 2022 18:06:23 +0000
TRUE Encounters with Mysterious Mythological Creatures Stories 2022
TRUE Encounters with Mysterious Mythological Creatures Stories 2022
Fri, 10 Jun 2022 18:23:38 +0000
Encounters with Aliens and Other Paranormal Creatures Beings Stories 2022
Encounters with Aliens and Other Paranormal Creatures Beings Stories 2022
Fri, 10 Jun 2022 17:27:07 +0000
Thu, 09 Jun 2022 20:01:20 +0000
[1 Hour] Alien Abduction Stories from People Who Claimed to have seen a UFO | Reddit Alien Stories
[1 Hour] Alien Abduction Stories from People Who Claimed to have seen a UFO | Reddit Alien Stories
Wed, 08 Jun 2022 21:58:42 +0000

Bigfoot, also commonly referred to as Sasquatch, is a purported ape-like creature said to inhabit the forests of North America. Many dubious articles have been offered in attempts to prove the existence of Bigfoot, including anecdotal claims of visual observations as well as alleged video and audio recordings, photographs, and casts of large footprints.[2] Some are known or admitted hoaxes.[3] Tales of wild, hairy humanoids exist throughout the world,[4] and such creatures appear in the folklore of North America,[5] including the mythologies of indigenous people.[6][7] Bigfoot is an icon within the fringe subculture of cryptozoology,[8] and an enduring element of popular culture.[9]

The majority of mainstream scientists have historically discounted the existence of Bigfoot, considering it to be the result of a combination of folklore, misidentification, and hoax, rather than a living animal.[10][11] Folklorists trace the phenomenon of Bigfoot to a combination of factors and sources including indigenous cultures, the European wild man figure, and folk tales.[12] Wishful thinking, a cultural increase in environmental concerns, and overall societal awareness of the subject have been cited as additional factors.[13]

Other creatures of relatively similar descriptions are alleged to inhabit various regions throughout the world, such as the Skunk ape of the southeastern United States; the Almas, Yeren, and Yeti in Asia; and the Australian Yowie; all of which, like Bigfoot, are engrained in the cultures of their regions.[14]
Tue, 07 Jun 2022 21:39:26 +0000
Real Life Ghost and Demon Stories that Made Me Start Believing in Paranormal
Real Life Ghost and Demon Stories that Made Me Start Believing in Paranormal
Tue, 07 Jun 2022 18:39:45 +0000
People share TRUE Stories of Extremely Distressing Paranormal Activity in their Homes
People share TRUE Stories of Extremely Distressing Paranormal Activity in their Homes
Mon, 06 Jun 2022 21:43:17 +0000
What Conversation With a Stranger Left You Wondering if You'd Just Talked to A Non-Human or A Ghost?
What Conversation With a Stranger Left You Wondering if You'd Just Talked to A Non-Human or A Ghost?
Sun, 29 May 2022 22:58:57 +0000
Sun, 29 May 2022 16:00:03 +0000
Fri, 27 May 2022 21:26:07 +0000




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Fri, 27 May 2022 02:06:53 +0000
Sasquatch Or Demon? Police Officer shares terrifying Bigfoot Encounter 🔴 Bigfoot Encounter Story
Sasquatch Or Demon? Police Officer shares terrifying Bigfoot Encounter 🔴 Bigfoot Encounter Story

#bigfoot #Sasquatch #yetti

in North American folklore, Bigfoot or Sasquatch are said to be hairy, upright-walking, ape-like creatures that dwell in the wilderness and leave footprints. Depictions often portray them as a missing link between humans and human ancestors or other great apes.
Fri, 27 May 2022 01:00:00 +0000
Cops and EMTs encounter Ghosts and the Supernatural while working.
Cops and EMTs encounter Ghosts and the Supernatural while working.
Fri, 20 May 2022 06:01:33 +0000
Nurses and Doctors share CREEPY stories from their job...
Nurses and Doctors share CREEPY stories from their job...
Thu, 19 May 2022 00:57:04 +0000
Congress holds historic open hearing on UFOs
Congress holds historic open hearing on UFOs

House Intelligence Counterterrorism, Counterintelligence, and Counterproliferation Subcommittee to hold open hearing on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena.
Tue, 17 May 2022 15:54:49 +0000
I’m an Apollo Astronaut Who Went To The Moon, Ask Me Anything?
I’m an Apollo Astronaut Who Went To The Moon, Ask Me Anything?
Fri, 13 May 2022 02:28:45 +0000
Megan Fox goes to HELL!? What she says on Jimmy Kimmel will shock you

Megan Fox Said She Went to HELL!?

Megan Fox goes to HELL!? What she says on Jimmy Kimmel will shock you

Megan Fox says she opened some really unexpected doors of perception while drinking ayahuasca with Machine Gun Kelly in Costa Rica. The Till Death actress appeared on Monday's Jimmy Kimmel Live with guest host Arsenio Hall, and was very candid about her quasi-spiritual journey in the Central American wilderness with her boyfriend. She talks about going to HELL and what it was like and in this video we compare what Bill Wiese says about Hell and what the Bible says about Hell. This is NOT a video you wanna miss. Thanks for being here.

Megan Fox opened up about the very odd and life-changing experience she had drinking the psychoactive tea ayahuasca with her boyfriend Machine Gun Kelly.

Fox appeared on Monday’s "Jimmy Kimmel Live" where she got candid with guest host Arsenio Hall about their trip to Costa Rica to try the hallucinogenic tea in the wilderness alongside indigenous people there.

The "Till Death" actress noted that the intense experience lasted three days and took her on a spiritual journey that surpassed therapy and hypnotherapy.

"So we went to Costa Rica to do ayahuasca in, like, a proper setting, with indigenous people," Fox told the guest host.

The star noted that she was expecting a much more mellow experience given that the place they went to is known for shepherding celebrities and other high-profile people on their first ayahuasca journey.

"But you get there and you really are in the middle of the jungle, and you don't get to eat after like 1 p.m. You have to walk a very far distance to get your water, and you can't shower because they're in a drought," Fox recalled. "There was nothing glamorous about it, and it's all a part of making you vulnerable, so you sort of surrender to the experience."

Fox noted that she was worried about divulging too much information about the very personal experience but said that, despite the harrowing experience she was about to describe, she highly recommends doing it. She then explained that the whole experience begins with a sort of ritual to get participants to completely void the contents of their stomachs alongside 20 other strangers.

"You all line up at the edge of the rainforest, over this weird fence, and you go three by three and you drink lemongrass tea until you, not by your own volition, just vomit everything out of your body," Fox shared. "And you have to vomit a certain amount until they let you get back with everyone else, so you're like cheering on everyone as they throw up."

While she had reservations about throwing up in front of so many people, she said that afterward, it acted as a bonding experience that made them feel comfortable being vulnerable with each other before starting their ayahuasca ceremony.

"You’re like, ‘my vanity is gone, I’ve just done this in front of all these strangers and now I’m ready to open up.’"

Fox shared that her journey briefly took her to her own version of hell "for eternity" on the second night.

"Just knowing it's eternity is torture in itself, because there's no beginning, middle or end. So you have a real ego death."

Fox added that ayahuasca helped her understand more about herself and noted that it "surpasses talk therapy or hypnotherapy... because it just goes straight into your soul, and it takes you to the psychological prison that you hold yourself in."

When Hall asked her to describe how she knew she was in hell and that she would be there for eternity, the star explained that the point of the psychoactive tea is to help get at one’s spiritual side.

"So it’s your own version of hell, and I was definitely there," she concluded.
Tue, 10 May 2022 18:44:42 +0000
Chilling Last Words Uttered By Dying Patients #1 | Nursing Ghost Stories 2022

Chilling Last Words Uttered By Dying Patients #1 | Nursing Ghost Stories 2022

Nurses share terrifying last words of patients as they die. Some are beautiful as family members come to get them. Others are not as lucky some scream they are burning or scream in sheer terror and ask for help. Nursing Ghost Stories 2022
Tue, 10 May 2022 02:02:55 +0000
A CIVIL WAR IS COMING - He Died and Was Shown The Future of USA Democracy

A CIVIL WAR IS COMING - He Died & Was Shown The Future of USA Democracy

Ken Leth shares his Near Death Experience (NDE) that he had when he was 8 years old when he was shown the future and a civil war. This is his testimony

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Mon, 09 May 2022 23:24:44 +0000
Scary Men in Black Encounters Part 1 40'S AND 50'S The Real MIB

Scary Men in Black Encounters Part 1 40'S AND 50'S The Real MIB

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Mon, 09 May 2022 20:35:02 +0000
United Nations NWO PLAN This 1967 Recording Explains It All TERRIFYING

United Nations NWO PLAN This 1967 Recording Explains It All TERRIFYING

This recording was originally produced on a vinyl record in 1967, it talks about the Illuminati and various things surrounding that subject matter.

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Mon, 09 May 2022 13:36:20 +0000
Satan Gave Me Supernatural Powers REAL INTERVIEW

Satan Gave Me Supernatural Powers REAL INTERVIEW

All Carol Kornacki knew was rejection, molestation and violence as a child. She thought she found the truth in witchcraft, until the spirits turned on her.

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Sun, 08 May 2022 23:44:28 +0000
X Factor Winner Reveals World's Satanic Secret Religion Members Include Celebrities and Politicians PART 2
X Factor Winner Reveals World's Satanic Secret Religion Members Include Celebrities and Politicians PART 2

on freemasonry. X Factor Winner Reveals World's Secret Religion and Freemasons by Altiyan Childs Freemasons are terrified of the population finding them out. They use brainwashing with the help of their puppets; Hollywood actors, politicians, musicians and the like, to push their agenda.

free masons are slaves. Slaves to their sins. It is well known they partake in many abominable acts in relation to their occultic activity.
Where I live the city is well known to be full of these rodents. Their entire lives are a lie and they justify it by being hidden.
They make an oath and feel committed and end up wasting their lives and go to hell at the end.

Matthew 6:24 No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.

They serve status, money, pleasure, all of the world. They will trade their soul for any of this. Their goal is power, yet the irony is they are weakness incarnate.
You could take every male mason on earth and in their hidden fashion castrate them. They could live the rest of their lives like this and no one would notice the difference, they would still be the same ball-less lying cowards that they currently are.

#revelation #xfactor #christ #truth #music #religion #hollywood #satan #entertainment #secret #newage #celebrity #revelation #repent #grace ##media #cult #world #hell #eschatology #truth #mystery #sacred #hollywood #luciferian #babylon

The Illuminati[1] (plural of Latin illuminatus, 'enlightened') is a name given to several groups, both real and fictitious. Historically, the name usually refers to the Bavarian Illuminati, an Enlightenment-era secret society founded on 1 May 1776 in Bavaria, today part of Germany. The society's goals were to oppose superstition, obscurantism, religious influence over public life, and abuses of state power. "The order of the day," they wrote in their general statutes, "is to put an end to the machinations of the purveyors of injustice, to control them without dominating them."[2] The Illuminati—along with Freemasonry and other secret societies—were outlawed through edict by Charles Theodore, Elector of Bavaria, with the encouragement of the Catholic Church, in 1784, 1785, 1787, and 1790.[3] During subsequent years, the group was generally vilified by conservative and religious critics who claimed that the Illuminati continued underground and were responsible for the French Revolution.

Many influential intellectuals and progressive politicians counted themselves as members, including Ferdinand of Brunswick and the diplomat Franz Xaver von Zach, who was the Order's second-in-command.[4] It attracted literary men such as Johann Wolfgang von Goethe and Johann Gottfried Herder and the reigning Duke of Gotha and of Weimar.[5]

In subsequent use, "Illuminati" has been used when referring to various organisations which are alleged to be a continuation of the original Bavarian Illuminati (though these links have been unsubstantiated). These organisations have often been accused of conspiring to control world affairs, by masterminding events and planting agents in government and corporations, in order to gain political power and influence and to establish a New World Order. Central to some of the more widely known and elaborate conspiracy theories, the Illuminati are depicted as lurking in the shadows and pulling the strings and levers of power. This view of the Illuminati has found its way into popular culture, appearing in dozens of novels, films, television shows, comics, video games, and music videos.

Satanism is a modern, largely non-theistic religion based on literary, artistic and philosophical interpretations of the central figure of evil. It wasn’t until the 1960s that an official Satanic church was formed by Anton LaVey.

Prior to the 20th Century, Satanism did not exist as a real organized religion but was commonly claimed as real by Christian churches. These claims surfaced particularly when persecuting other religious groups during events like the Inquisition, various witch hysterias in Europe and Colonial America and the Satanic Panic of the 1980s.

Who is Satan?
The popular image of Satan is a horned, red, demonic human figure with a pointy tail and sometimes hooves. To Christians, sinners are sent to his domain—hell—after death. Hell is described as an underground world dominated by fire and Sadistic demons under Satan’s command.

Satan’s first appearance wasn’t in Christianity. He began as the Zoroastrian Devil figure of Angra Mainyu or Ahriman, which opposed the Zoroastrian creator god and tempted humans. Satan is later portrayed in Jewish Kabbalism, which presents him as a demon who lives in a demonic realm.

The name “Satan” first appeared in the Book of Numbers in the Bible, used as a term describing defiance. The character of Satan is featured in the Book of Job as an accusing angel. In the apocryphal Book of Enoch, written in the first century B.C., Satan is a member of the Watchers, a group of fallen angels.

Later established as a nemesis of Jesus Christ in the New Testament, the final book of the Bible, Revelations, depicts him as the ultimate evil. It’s the Christian figure of Satan that Satanism directly references.

Satan as Anti-Hero
In his 14th-century poem “Inferno,” Dante captured centuries of Christian belief by portraying Satan as an evil monster. But the Romantics of the 17th century recast him as an admirable and magnetic rebel, an anti-hero defying God’s authoritarianism. John Milton’s epic 1667 poem “Paradise Lost” is the pivotal text for establishing this interpretation in creative works. William Godwin’s 1793 treatise “An Enquiry Concerning Political Justice” later gave Milton’s depiction political legitimacy.

The most enduring Satanic symbol was created by occult author Éliphas Lévi. Lévi describes him as the horned goat deity Baphomet, in his 1854 book Dogme et Rituel, which linked Baphomet with Satan.

Probably a French misinterpretation of “Muhammed,” Baphomet was the deity the Knights Templar were accused of worshipping in trials in the 14th century.
Sun, 08 May 2022 19:59:07 +0000
X Factor Winner Reveals World's Satanic Secret Religion Members Include Celebrities and Politicians PART 1
X Factor Winner Reveals World's Satanic Secret Religion Members Include Celebrities and Politicians PART 1

on freemasonry. X Factor Winner Reveals World's Secret Religion and Freemasons by Altiyan Childs Freemasons are terrified of the population finding them out. They use brainwashing with the help of their puppets; Hollywood actors, politicians, musicians and the like, to push their agenda.

free masons are slaves. Slaves to their sins. It is well known they partake in many abominable acts in relation to their occultic activity.
Where I live the city is well known to be full of these rodents. Their entire lives are a lie and they justify it by being hidden.
They make an oath and feel committed and end up wasting their lives and go to hell at the end.

Matthew 6:24 No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.

They serve status, money, pleasure, all of the world. They will trade their soul for any of this. Their goal is power, yet the irony is they are weakness incarnate.
You could take every male mason on earth and in their hidden fashion castrate them. They could live the rest of their lives like this and no one would notice the difference, they would still be the same ball-less lying cowards that they currently are.

#revelation #xfactor #christ #truth #music #religion #hollywood #satan #entertainment #secret #newage #celebrity #revelation #repent #grace ##media #cult #world #hell #eschatology #truth #mystery #sacred #hollywood #luciferian #babylon

The Illuminati[1] (plural of Latin illuminatus, 'enlightened') is a name given to several groups, both real and fictitious. Historically, the name usually refers to the Bavarian Illuminati, an Enlightenment-era secret society founded on 1 May 1776 in Bavaria, today part of Germany. The society's goals were to oppose superstition, obscurantism, religious influence over public life, and abuses of state power. "The order of the day," they wrote in their general statutes, "is to put an end to the machinations of the purveyors of injustice, to control them without dominating them."[2] The Illuminati—along with Freemasonry and other secret societies—were outlawed through edict by Charles Theodore, Elector of Bavaria, with the encouragement of the Catholic Church, in 1784, 1785, 1787, and 1790.[3] During subsequent years, the group was generally vilified by conservative and religious critics who claimed that the Illuminati continued underground and were responsible for the French Revolution.

Many influential intellectuals and progressive politicians counted themselves as members, including Ferdinand of Brunswick and the diplomat Franz Xaver von Zach, who was the Order's second-in-command.[4] It attracted literary men such as Johann Wolfgang von Goethe and Johann Gottfried Herder and the reigning Duke of Gotha and of Weimar.[5]

In subsequent use, "Illuminati" has been used when referring to various organisations which are alleged to be a continuation of the original Bavarian Illuminati (though these links have been unsubstantiated). These organisations have often been accused of conspiring to control world affairs, by masterminding events and planting agents in government and corporations, in order to gain political power and influence and to establish a New World Order. Central to some of the more widely known and elaborate conspiracy theories, the Illuminati are depicted as lurking in the shadows and pulling the strings and levers of power. This view of the Illuminati has found its way into popular culture, appearing in dozens of novels, films, television shows, comics, video games, and music videos.

Satanism is a modern, largely non-theistic religion based on literary, artistic and philosophical interpretations of the central figure of evil. It wasn’t until the 1960s that an official Satanic church was formed by Anton LaVey.

Prior to the 20th Century, Satanism did not exist as a real organized religion but was commonly claimed as real by Christian churches. These claims surfaced particularly when persecuting other religious groups during events like the Inquisition, various witch hysterias in Europe and Colonial America and the Satanic Panic of the 1980s.

Who is Satan?
The popular image of Satan is a horned, red, demonic human figure with a pointy tail and sometimes hooves. To Christians, sinners are sent to his domain—hell—after death. Hell is described as an underground world dominated by fire and Sadistic demons under Satan’s command.

Satan’s first appearance wasn’t in Christianity. He began as the Zoroastrian Devil figure of Angra Mainyu or Ahriman, which opposed the Zoroastrian creator god and tempted humans. Satan is later portrayed in Jewish Kabbalism, which presents him as a demon who lives in a demonic realm.

The name “Satan” first appeared in the Book of Numbers in the Bible, used as a term describing defiance. The character of Satan is featured in the Book of Job as an accusing angel. In the apocryphal Book of Enoch, written in the first century B.C., Satan is a member of the Watchers, a group of fallen angels.

Later established as a nemesis of Jesus Christ in the New Testament, the final book of the Bible, Revelations, depicts him as the ultimate evil. It’s the Christian figure of Satan that Satanism directly references.

Satan as Anti-Hero
In his 14th-century poem “Inferno,” Dante captured centuries of Christian belief by portraying Satan as an evil monster. But the Romantics of the 17th century recast him as an admirable and magnetic rebel, an anti-hero defying God’s authoritarianism. John Milton’s epic 1667 poem “Paradise Lost” is the pivotal text for establishing this interpretation in creative works. William Godwin’s 1793 treatise “An Enquiry Concerning Political Justice” later gave Milton’s depiction political legitimacy.

The most enduring Satanic symbol was created by occult author Éliphas Lévi. Lévi describes him as the horned goat deity Baphomet, in his 1854 book Dogme et Rituel, which linked Baphomet with Satan.

Probably a French misinterpretation of “Muhammed,” Baphomet was the deity the Knights Templar were accused of worshipping in trials in the 14th century.
Sun, 08 May 2022 16:42:30 +0000
I Died And Faced Returning To An Alternate Universe | NDE | Near Death Experience
I Died And Faced Returning To An Alternate Universe | NDE | Near Death Experience

Millions of people have had Near Death Experiences (NDE's) and even more claim to have had Out of Body Experiences (OBE's). These are their stories.

#nde #neardaethexperience #theotherside
Tue, 03 May 2022 19:50:11 +0000
I Died And Jesus Showed Me World War 3 During My Near Death Experience
I Died And Jesus Showed Me World War 3 During My Near Death Experience

Millions of people have had Near Death Experiences (NDE's) and even more claim to have had Out of Body Experiences (OBE's). These are their stories. If you have your own you would like to share we would love to hear it.

#nde #neardaethexperience #theotherside
Mon, 02 May 2022 22:40:57 +0000
I Was Devoured By Demons During My Near Death Experience
I Was Devoured By Demons During My Near Death Experience

Millions of people have had Near Death Experiences (NDE's) and even more claim to have had Out of Body Experiences (OBE's). These are their stories. If you have your own you would like to share we would love to hear it.

#nde #neardaethexperience #theotherside
Mon, 02 May 2022 22:30:32 +0000
Most Compelling Stories of UFO Encounters of the 4th Kind… ABDUCTED by ALIENS Full Documentary
Most Compelling Stories of UFO Encounters of the 4th Kind… ABDUCTED by ALIENS Full Documentary

Are we being taken by beings from outer space or another dimension? Countless individuals have very real memories of being taken secretly against their will by Alien entities. We may never know the full agenda of the beings responsible for alien abductions, however, with each new case we gain more knowledge of the alien agenda, and we become better prepared for the day when we will have full disclosure that we are clearly not alone.
Wed, 06 Apr 2022 21:02:28 +0000
UFOs left 'radiation burns' and 'unaccounted for pregnancies,' new Pentagon report claims
UFOs left 'radiation burns' and 'unaccounted for pregnancies,' new Pentagon report claims

1,500 pages of UFO related research were just declassified as part of a FOIA request.

Encounters with UFOs have reportedly left Americans suffering from radiation burns, brain and nervous system damage, and even "unaccounted for pregnancy," according to a massive database of U.S. government reports recently made public through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request.

The database of documents includes more than 1,500 pages of UFO-related material from the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) — a secretive U.S Department of Defense program that ran from 2007 to 2012. Despite never being classified as secret or top secret, the AATIP only became known to the public in 2017, when former program director Luis Elizondo resigned from the Pentagon and released several now-infamous videos of an unidentified aircraft moving in seemingly impossible ways to the media.

Shortly after the AATIP's existence was revealed, the U.S. outpost of the British Tabloid The Sun filed a FOIA request for any and all documents related to the program. Four years later — on April 5, 2022 — the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) honored the request by releasing more 1,574 pages of material to The Sun.

According to The Sun, the cache of documents includes reports on the biological effects of UFO sightings on humans, studies on advanced technologies such as invisibility cloaks, and plans for deep space exploration and colonization. Some portions of the documents were "withheld in part" for privacy and confidentiality concerns, the AATIP told The Sun.

One standout document from the collection is a report titled Anomalous Acute and Subacute Field Effects on Human and Biological Tissues, dated March 2010. The report describes alleged injuries to "human observers by anomalous advanced aerospace systems," some of which may be a "threat to United States interests," according to the document.

The report describes 42 cases from medical files and 300 "unpublished" cases where humans sustained injuries after alleged encounters with "anomalous vehicles," which include UFOs. In some cases, humans showed burn injuries or other conditions related to electromagnetic radiation, the report said — some of them appearing to have been inflicted by "energy related propulsion systems." The report also noted cases of brain damage, nerve damage, heart palpitations and headaches related to anomalous vehicle encounters

It is unclear what kind of vetting process, if any, the AATIP used to investigate these alleged cases. The Sun has yet to share the full contents of the requested reports.

The report also includes a list of alleged biological effects of UFO sightings on human observers between 1873 and 1994, compiled by the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) — a civilian non-profit group that studies reported UFO sightings. The reported effects of UFO encounters include "unaccounted for pregnancy," "apparent abduction," paralysis, and experiences of perceived telepathy, teleportation and levitation.

The report concludes that there is sufficient evidence "to support a hypothesis that some advanced systems are already deployed, and opaque to full US understandings."
Wed, 06 Apr 2022 19:07:37 +0000
National UFO Reporting Center Call Recordings and UFO Footage Compilation
National UFO Reporting Center Call Recordings and UFO Footage Compilation

The National UFO Reporting Center

The National UFO Reporting Center, located in Seattle, WA, was founded in 1974 by noted UFO investigator Robert J. Gribble. The Center's primary function over the past two decades has been to receive, record, and to the greatest degree possible, corroborate and document reports from individuals who have been witness to unusual, possibly UFO-related events.
The principal means used by the Center to receive sighting reports is its telephone hotline , which has operated almost continuously since 1974. During that period, the hotline has processed many tens of thousands of calls, and the Center has distributed its information to thousands of individuals.

Several facets of the Center's operation have contributed to its international reputation. The fact that its hotline is staffed up to 24 hours a day makes it available at almost any time a sighting may occur (Please see below for preferred hours of operation.). In addition, the Center's independence from all other UFO related organizations, combined with its long standing policy of guaranteed anonymity to callers, has served to make it perhaps the most popular and widely accepted national UFO reporting facility anywhere.

The hotline is well known by law enforcement agencies, FAA ARTCC's and flight service stations, National Weather Services offices, military facilities, NASA, and many 911 emergency dispatch centers all across the United States and in many parts of Canada. Those entities routinely direct the calls they receive regarding possible UFO sightings to the Center.

One of the Center's policies, which distinguishes its operations from most other UFO organizations, is that it makes available to the public all of its data in summary form. Detailed information is made available to experienced UFO investigators. Monthly sighting report summaries are posted on this web site.

The National UFO Reporting Center is a non-profit Washington State corporation, and it is applying for federal 501 C (3) non-profit status. It supports itself through subscription revenues from its monthly newsletter, from sales of its vid

TRUE Paranormal stories told by people who have experienced Ghosts. From Nurses sharing terrifying last words of patients as they die to Demons who attack Military units in Iraq. Ghost Stories, Bigfoot Stories.
Sun, 27 Mar 2022 15:23:25 +0000
8 US Pilots Reveal Their Secret UFO Encounters
8 US Pilots Reveal Their Secret UFO Encounters
Sun, 27 Mar 2022 14:04:20 +0000
Alien Abductions and Terrifying Alien Encounters True Stories
Alien Abductions and Terrifying Alien Encounters True Stories

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Sat, 26 Mar 2022 17:48:58 +0000
People Shared their Aliens Abduction Experiences
People Shared their Aliens Abduction Experiences
Wed, 23 Mar 2022 19:48:13 +0000
In 1676 A Possessed Nun Wrote A Message From The Devil. Now the Chilling Letter Has Been Translated
In 1676 A Possessed Nun Wrote A Message From The Devil. Now the Chilling Letter Has Been Translated

The message — indeed devilish — describes God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit as "dead weights," the researcher said.

It was penned by Sister Maria Crocifissa della Concezione, a 31-year-old nun living at the convent of Palma di Montechiaro in Sicily. On Aug. 11, 1676, she was found on the floor of her cell, her face covered in ink, holding a note written in an incomprehensible mix of symbols and letters, according to historical records. Sister Maria apparently said the letter was written by the devil in an attempt to get her to turn away from God and toward evil, historical accounts suggest.

The message, just 14 lines of jumbled, archaic letters, has for centuries defied every attempt at understanding its meaning.
Thu, 17 Mar 2022 23:07:02 +0000
Police officers Shared Their Most Paranormal Experience
Police officers Shared Their Most Paranormal Experience
Tue, 15 Mar 2022 00:46:38 +0000
Ghost Dog Protects Children and a Silver Deer That Saves Woman From Shadow People TRUE STORIES
Ghost Dog Protects Children and a Silver Deer That Saves Woman From Shadow People TRUE STORIES

FREE Crypto Daily and FUN Gaming!
Thu, 03 Mar 2022 01:46:14 +0000
Cops and EMTs encounter Ghosts and the Supernatural while working.
Cops and EMTs encounter Ghosts and the Supernatural while working.

Cops and other law enforcement talk about cases they worked on that made them think that something supernatural/paranormal was going on.
Wed, 02 Mar 2022 00:51:01 +0000
Experts claim that as the foundations for a new railway are dug up, Roman ghosts will rise from the dead.
Experts claim that as the foundations for a new railway are dug up, Roman ghosts will rise from the dead.

According to a ghost hunter, the digging for the HS2 railway could bring back Roman ghouls from the dead.

During Britain’s largest ever archaeological project, workers on the £100 billion line have already come across decapitated remains and sliced-off heads.

However, Miki York is concerned that they will be confronted by ghosts who do not want to be disturbed on the route, which was once a Roman settlement.

“With the construction of the HS2 network, the tracks may pass through land where bodies are buried, and not all involved are aware of this,” he said.

“If this is the case, the spirits of the deceased may be reawakened or disrupted, and they will not be pleased.”

According to the expert, Roman ghosts could resurrect.

At Fleet Marston, near Aylesbury, Bucks, a team of archaeologists recently discovered the remains of 40 decapitated Romans.

The heаds of some skeletons were buried between their legs or next to their feet.

More thаn 70,000 bodies hаve been relocаted to new resting plаces аlong the HS2 line, which hаs more thаn 100 sites.

According to Miki, ghosts express their rаge when they аre disturbed by аtmospheric chаnges or unexplаined phenomenа.

“Any building work increаses the аmount of spirit аctivity in old аllegedly hаunted buildings,” he explаined.

70,000 people hаve been moved to new grаveyаrds.

(Imаge: PA)

“It’s becаuse the spirits аren’t hаppy with the chаnges thаt аre hаppening.”

“It’s the sаme with the bodies of the deаd.

“When it comes to how their deаd аre buried аnd kept, different religions hаve different trаditions.”

“Any disturbаnce to the lаnd where the bodies аre buried could result in аn increаse in strаnge аctivity in the аreа.”

“Rаther thаn Julius Cаesаr аnd his Romаn soldiers being seen, аtmospheric chаnges in the immediаte аreа аre more likely to occur.”

Over 300 аncient coins were discovered in west London during the project, аnd аrchаeologists hаve аnаlyzed them.

Experts believe the coins dаte from the first century BC аnd hаve been dubbed “The Hillingdon Hoаrd.”

The metаl coins could hаve served аs а property boundаry mаrker or аs аn offering to the Gods in а wooded cleаring or neаr а sаcred spring, аccording to the reseаrchers.
Tue, 01 Mar 2022 19:43:20 +0000
Woman Claims She Was Abducted By Aliens and Impregnated
Woman Claims She Was Abducted By Aliens and Impregnated
Thu, 24 Feb 2022 21:21:31 +0000
TRUE World War 2 Child Evacuee Ghost Story
TRUE World War 2 Child Evacuee Ghost Story

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Thu, 24 Feb 2022 18:52:20 +0000
Encounters with Bizarre Metal Men and Robotic Humanoids
Encounters with Bizarre Metal Men and Robotic Humanoids

Supposed alien encounters really run the range of the weird. We have everything from the ubiquitous “Greys,” to Reptilians, Nordic humanoids, and many others. At times it seems that we have a menagerie of different alien species allegedly going about their business on our world, but some of these are even weirder than most. Here we will look at a selection of cases of what seem to be inscrutable and very alien robotic humanoids or metal men of some sort, and they are quite the rare and very bizarre type of alien encounter, indeed.

On the evening of March 17th, 1978, a man by the name of Ken Edwards was driving to his home in Warrington, England from his job as a service engineer. It was a long, lonely stretch of road, with few cars and nothing but the lane lines flickering by, but as he stared ahead with his mind off on other things, something very bizarre would bloom out from the night to change his life forever and go on to become one of the weirdest humanoid encounters there is. As he drove along the M62 motorway past the nuclear facility in the nearby district of Risley, he noticed some movement on a nearby embankment, and when he slowed down to get a better look, he could see that it was a massive humanoid figure, 7 or 8 feet in height, and that it was walking in a robotic, disjointed fashion. As it came ambling closer to his headlights, he could see that it was even more bizarre than he had thought, covered in what looked like silver skin, with a black, featureless mask of some kind, glowing eyes, and two small arms that jutted out directly from its chest. Edwards would claim that he had the strong sense that this was some sort of otherworldly robotic humanoid, and it would only get stranger from there.
Tue, 22 Feb 2022 22:33:49 +0000
Real and Scary Encounters with the Grim Reaper
Real and Scary Encounters with the Grim Reaper

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Tue, 22 Feb 2022 01:53:16 +0000
🔴 Aliens Inside a UFO Caught on Tape 👽 UFOs Surround Astronaut On The Moon
🔴 Aliens Inside a UFO Caught on Tape 👽 UFOs Surround Astronaut On The Moon

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TRUE Paranormal stories told by people who have experienced Ghosts. From Nurses sharing terrifying last words of patients as they die to Demons who attack Military units in Iraq. Ghost Stories, Bigfoot Stories.
Mon, 14 Feb 2022 20:55:44 +0000
7FT Tall Praying Mantis Looking Alien Abduction Encounter! With SPECIAL GUEST!
7FT Tall Praying Mantis Looking Alien Abduction Encounter! With SPECIAL GUEST!

The cloaked figure looked up to the tall praying mantis type, as if it was confused as to what actions it should take next. The praying mantis turned its head towards the hooded one and made a series of high-pitched clicking sounds. I sensed this was the one in command, possibly the other was some kind of security guard. It's at this point I realized, I'm definitel
y not dreaming, I can hear them. I couldn't move but my brain went into a deep panic. "OH my god what is going on?" "What are they?" I don't want to look too closely at the mantis, so I just glance at it.

All I recall was that it was tall. At least 7 foot, it had to bend its neck because of the height of the ceiling. Its head was pointed with large eyes. Its for-arms were extremely long and moved in a jerky fashion. The cloaked figure was closer, crouching by my bed, so I couldn't tell how tall it was, but I could clearly see that it was wearing some kind of overlapping ridged amour? Including a metallic looking breastplate that had a series of circles on it. Its head was dome-like with emotionless facial features. Its eyes were large and surrounded again by detailed ridges. It acted in a way that reminded me of a robot or insect.
Sun, 13 Feb 2022 20:04:06 +0000
UFO Abduction and Terrifying Alien Contact TRUE STORY 👽 UFO and Abduction True Stories
UFO Abduction and Terrifying Alien Contact TRUE STORY 👽 UFO and Abduction True Stories

In 1992, the authorized account of "Greg's" encounters appeared in the appendix of a mainstream book by a well-known and respected author (More about this later). For the first time in print, "Greg's" identity was revealed. Tens of thousands of people now know what really happened to "Greg" and the truth is earth shattering! Read on as the young man who lived through this ordeal, Larry, shares his experiences in their entirety.
Thu, 10 Feb 2022 01:57:45 +0000
Ancient Inner Earth Civilizations 🔴 Previous Earth Races
Ancient Inner Earth Civilizations 🔴 Previous Earth Races

Hyperboreans: An Ancient Alien Race That Lived On Earth

The word Hyperboreans comes from ancient Greek and means “beyond the North Wind or the North Pole-“.

In this fabulous kingdom of eternal spring, the sun shone 24 hours a day, but it was practically impossible to get there because this region was protected by huge transparent ice walls.

Nor could it be accessed by conventional means of transport, since this enigmatic “paradise” was guarded by powerful races of demigods called Hyperboreans.

This civilization has been described in many cultures as very tall beings, with blue, blond eyes and very white skin, having a very well developed and organized society.

One of their many talents is the arts, as well as science. Its inhabitants live in a state of permanent light and love, in fact, it is a race that has always lived free from war.

Here the concept of work used to be second to none. Its genetics do not know old age or disease. They are highly psychic beings.

Another part of Greek history connects the Hyperboreans with the foundation of several important religious sanctuaries in ancient Greece, and it is also said in their writings that the planet is connected by tunnels all over the interior of our planet.

Different cultures from all over the world agree in their ancient writings that all humanity has its origin from the Hyperboreans.

This ancient breed has the same origin as the Atlantean and Lemurian, of extraterrestrial origin. It is said that even today a part of this civilization remains hidden inside the planet.

Scientists have confirmed that there are openings in the poles and that they might be serving as entrances to a hidden world, and given this theory, the ancient Greek legend would make sense.

TRUE Paranormal stories told by people who have experienced Ghosts. From Nurses sharing terrifying last words of patients as they die to Demons who attack Military units in Iraq. Ghost Stories, Bigfoot Stories.
Wed, 09 Feb 2022 22:42:00 +0000
Lt. Gorman's Dogfight with a UFO
Lt. Gorman's Dogfight with a UFO, 1948

One of the early "classics" of UFO history involved Lieutenant George F. Gorman of the North Dakota Air National Guard, who said he had a twenty-seven minute "dogfight" with a UFO in the skies above Fargo.
Date: October 1, 1948-Location: Fargo, North Dakota

Gorman, then manager of a Fargo construction company, told this story to Air Force investigators:

On the night of October 1, 1948, he had been on a cross-country flight with his squadron. Upon return to Hector airport in Fargo, he elected to log some night flying time, so he remained airborne after the other planes had landed. He had circled his F-51 over the lighted football stadium and around the city and was preparing to land about 9 P.M.
Wed, 09 Feb 2022 01:41:40 +0000
What Happened When You Lived In A 'Haunted' House?
What Happened When You Lived In A 'Haunted' House?

A haunted house, spook house or ghost house in ghostlore is a house or other building often perceived as being inhabited by disembodied spirits of the deceased who may have been former residents or were otherwise connected with the property. Wikipedia
Tue, 08 Feb 2022 21:09:06 +0000
👽 Three terrifying stories from people who genuinely believe they were abducted by aliens
👽 Three terrifying stories from people who genuinely believe they were abducted by aliens

The X Files. Alien. E.T.. Films and TV shows like these about extra-terrestrials are so popular and so successful that they’ve become deeply embedded in our collective culture. And for as long as we’ve been enjoying scary movies about alien lifeforms, people have been claiming that they’ve had real-life contact with other-worldly beings, often in violent and traumatic abductions.

Real UFO Footage 2020 NEW 👽 NEW UFO Sighting 2020

UFO Footage 2020 is a Youtube Channel that posts NEW UFO Videos and more. We have Compilation Videos.

👽 UFO News 2020
🛸 REAL UFO Footage
👽 UFO News 2020
🛸 REAL UFO Footage
👽 TRUE UFO Encounter Stories
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🔵 My Near Death Experience Story
🐵 Proof That Bigfoot Is Real
🐵 Best Bigfoot Pictures
🐵 Real Bigfoot Video 2020

TRUE Paranormal stories told by people who have experienced Ghosts. From Nurses sharing terrifying last words of patients as they die to Demons who attack Military units in Iraq. Ghost Stories, Bigfoot Stories.
Sun, 06 Feb 2022 19:26:26 +0000
The KGB Discovers Mummified Body Of Ancient Alien ‘God’
The KGB Discovers Mummified Body Of Ancient Alien ‘God’

In 1961, the KGB launched Project ISIS, a top-secret program designed to obtain alien technology. It culminated with the discovery of a 13,000 year-old alien body inside a tomb in the Giza Plateau in Egypt.

In the early years of the Cold War, Russian military officials feared the United States had gained a tactical advantage through reverse-engineering alien technology, presumably by studying UFOs such as the one that crashed near Roswell.
Sun, 06 Feb 2022 01:05:13 +0000
What U.S. Submariners Actually Say About Detection Of So-Called Unidentified Submerged Objects
What U.S. Submariners Actually Say About Detection Of So-Called Unidentified Submerged Objects

Big claims abound about mysterious objects submariners detect below the waves, so we went straight to the source and what we found out was surprising.

There has been a spate of high-profile claims regarding U.S. Navy nuclear submarines detecting and even interacting with the underwater equivalent of Unidentified Flying Objects, referred to in UFO circles as USOs, or Unidentified Submerged Objects. Yet when it comes to the covert world of naval warfare below the waves, it is easy for laymen to misinterpret things that may seem very much alien to them, but are actually quite commonplace. I reached out some of its submariner contacts, all of which have many years of experience aboard U.S. Navy nuclear submarines, to see if detestation of unidentified objects actually happens and what their thoughts were on the topic in general.

We were surprised by what we heard.

Real UFO Footage 2020 NEW 👽 NEW UFO Sighting 2020

UFO Footage 2020 is a Youtube Channel that posts NEW UFO Videos and more. We have Compilation Videos.

👽 UFO News 2020
🛸 REAL UFO Footage
👽 UFO News 2020
🛸 REAL UFO Footage
👽 TRUE UFO Encounter Stories
🔵 Near Death Experience Stories
🔵 My Near Death Experience Story
🐵 Proof That Bigfoot Is Real
🐵 Best Bigfoot Pictures
🐵 Real Bigfoot Video 2020

TRUE Paranormal stories told by people who have experienced Ghosts. From Nurses sharing terrifying last words of patients as they die to Demons who attack Military units in Iraq. Ghost Stories, Bigfoot Stories.
Fri, 04 Feb 2022 02:03:20 +0000
Truckers, What Scary Things Have You Seen At Night?
Truckers, What Scary Things Have You Seen At Night?
Fri, 04 Feb 2022 00:12:33 +0000
Hunters, What Scary Things Have You Seen In The Woods?
Hunters, What Scary Things Have You Seen In The Woods?
Thu, 03 Feb 2022 23:45:38 +0000
Did Bigfoot kidnap a missing California teenager in 1987?
Did Bigfoot kidnap a missing California teenager in 1987?

After reading this headline, you may wonder why I would start a true crime or strange disappearance story about a legendary creature referred to as either Bigfoot or Sasquatch.

If you’re not familiar with the lore, Bigfoot is a mythical creature allegedly seen by hundreds of people. Supposedly, he’s an enormous creature covered in fur. There is also the popular video taken on October 20, 1967, by Roger Patterson and Bob Gimlin at Bluff Creek in northern California. I have seen the footage often. The creature looks like a gigantic ape, but it’s not. Even today, cynics continue trying to discredit the footage.

On June 1, 1987, a 16-year-old teenager named Theresa Ann Bier, and a man named Russell Welch, 43, went camping in California’s Sierra Nevada mountain range. Allegedly, Welch has encountered the legendary Bigfoot creature in the past. After Bier and Welch entered the mountains, only Welch returned. He claimed to have last seen Theresa on June 2nd. He said they both encountered Bigfoot, and that Theresa chased after the creature. He didn’t see her again. Of course, authorities didn’t believe Welch. They launched a comprehensive search into the area where Bier and Welch allegedly camped. They didn’t find Bier. She had vanished.

Authorities arrested Welch on June 11th and charged him with abducting Bier. However, they couldn’t prove Welch had taken her against her will. Some of her friends said Theresa planned to skip school on June 1st and search for Bigfoot. They also found no evidence that Welch had killed Bier. Although authorities understood the Bigfoot abduction sounded absurd, they dropped their charges against Welch and released him. The prosecutor didn’t want to ask a jury to convict a man with no evidence. The prosecutor felt that once they uncovered evidence, they could always arrest Welch and prosecute him later. Over 30 years have passed since Beir vanished in the California wilderness. Authorities still haven’t prosecuted anyone for Theresa’s disappearance.

When authorities looked into Theresa’s background, what they found troubled them. She was considered a “slow learner” and bounced around foster homes for most of her life. She eventually ended up living with an uncle named John Richmond. He was an acquaintance of Russell Welch. Richmond contacted authorities after she didn’t return home on June 1st.

Today, Theresa Beir’s disappearance remains just as extraordinary as the Big Foot legend itself. After reviewing various details about this case, I had many questions. For one, why would Theresa be with a 43-year-old man? Supposedly, Welch told Theresa’s uncle he would drive her to school. Apparently, this wasn’t true because Theresa had informed her friends she planned to skip school with a friend and search for Bigfoot.

I also learned that Theresa was gullible. I suppose you could give Russel Welch the benefit of the doubt and believe his story. However, I just cannot believe Theresa chased after a mythical creature. If anything, I do believe it’s possible Theresa wandered away and got lost. She probably didn’t know the terrain, so this is possible. But I question why Welch would blame the teenager’s disappearance on Bigfoot and not just say she wandered off and got lost?

A realistic possibility is someone sexually assaulted and murdered Theresa. It’s also plausible to believe she never made it to the mountains because search dogs didn’t locate Theresa’s body.

Over 30 years have passed since Theresa seemingly vanished from the planet. Theresa Beir’s disappearance will always remain a mystery unless someone either confesses to harming her or the police prove that a large hairy creature abducted Theresa. My guess is that neither happens.
Thu, 03 Feb 2022 01:54:35 +0000
Sasquatch Tracked and Killed after Abduction TRUE STORY
Sasquatch Tracked and Killed after Abduction TRUE STORY
Thu, 03 Feb 2022 01:38:26 +0000
The Mysterious Alien Abduction Of A 8 Year Old Boy Near Sweden
The Mysterious Alien Abduction Of A 8 Year Old Boy Near Sweden

In 1922, an 8-year-old Swedish boy decided to play with a classmate after school and then walked home past a peat bog and a forest. Suddenly, he became an eyewitness to a very strange event, which he decided to tell reporters only dozens of years later.

Outside Sweden, this story is practically unknown, while it is very interesting for everyone who is fond of ufology.

It happened a very long time ago, in 1922. It was an ordinary spring day. 8-year-old boy Osten Engstrom lived with his parents in the small village of Orsta, southwest of the Swedish city of Kolsva.

Real UFO Footage 2020 NEW 👽 NEW UFO Sighting 2020

UFO Footage 2020 is a Youtube Channel that posts NEW UFO Videos and more. We have Compilation Videos.

👽 UFO News 2020
🛸 REAL UFO Footage
👽 UFO News 2020
🛸 REAL UFO Footage
👽 TRUE UFO Encounter Stories
🔵 Near Death Experience Stories
🔵 My Near Death Experience Story
🐵 Proof That Bigfoot Is Real
🐵 Best Bigfoot Pictures
🐵 Real Bigfoot Video 2020

TRUE Paranormal stories told by people who have experienced Ghosts. From Nurses sharing terrifying last words of patients as they die to Demons who attack Military units in Iraq. Ghost Stories, Bigfoot Stories.
Thu, 03 Feb 2022 01:25:17 +0000
After Living 10 Years Of A Happy Life Man Wakes Up And Realizes He Was Unconscious And Dreamt It All
After Living 10 Years Of A Happy Life Man Wakes Up And Realizes He Was Unconscious And Dreamt It All

One of the most daunting experiences a human can endure is being close to dying. While some escape the claws of death without experiencing any changes in them, others come back just not the same. There are many theories trying to explain what happens to us when we are dying. However, there is no definite answer. Yet, many people candidly share what they felt during their near-death experiences and what effect they had on them.

When somebody created a thread on Reddit asking “Have you ever felt a deep personal connection to a person you met in a dream only to wake up feeling terrible because you realize they never existed?” one user found a perfect place to share his chilling experience. He said that his near-death experience was so strange that it took him three years to recover.

My last semester at a certain college I was assaulted by a football player for walking where he was trying to drive (note he was 325lbs I was 120lbs), while unconscious on the ground I lived a dream life.

I met a wonderful young lady, she made my heart skip and my face red, I pursued her for months and dispatched a few jerk boyfriends before I finally won her over, after two years we got married, and almost immediately she bore me a daughter.

I had a great job, and my wife didn’t have to work outside of the house when my daughter was two; she [my wife] bore me a son. My son was the joy of my life, and I would walk into his room every morning before I left for work and doted on him and my daughter. I was living the best life possible.

One day while sitting on the couch I noticed that the perspective of the lamp was odd, like inverted. It was still in 3D but… just… wrong. (It was a square lamp base, red with gold trim on four legs and a white square shade). I was transfixed. I couldn’t look away from it. I stayed up all night staring at it, the next morning I didn’t go to work, something was just not right about that lamp.

I stopped eating, I left the couch only to use the bathroom at first, soon I stopped that too as I wasn’t eating or drinking. I stared at the lamp for three days before my wife got really worried, she had someone come and try to talk to me, by this time my cognizance was breaking up and my wife was freaking out. She took the kids to her mother’s house just before I had my epiphany…. the lamp is not real…. the house is not real, my wife, my kids… none of that is real… the last ten years of living the life are not real!

The lamp started to grow wider and deeper, it was still inverted dimensions, it took up my entire perspective and all I could see was red, I heard voices, screams, all kinds of weird noises and I became aware of pain…. a s**t ton of pain… the first words I said were “I’m missing teeth” and opened my eyes. I was laying on my back on the sidewalk surrounded by people that I didn’t know, and lots were freaking out, I was completely confused.
at some point a cop scooped me up, dragged/walked me across the sidewalk and grass and threw me face down in the back of a cop car, I was still confused.

I was taken to the hospital by the cop (seems he didn’t want to wait for the ambulance to arrive) and give CT scans and s**t.

I went through about three years of horrid depression, I was grieving the loss of my wife and children and dealing with the knowledge that this life experience never existed, I was scared that I was going insane as I would cry myself to sleep hoping I would see her in vivid dreams. I never have, but sometimes I see my son, usually just a glimpse out of my peripheral vision, he is perpetually five years old, and I can never hear what he says.

EDIT (24 hours after post): never thought anyone would read this life story, I changed a line so that it no longer seems that my 2-year-old daughter bore a child.

I have never seen Inception or the Star Trek episode so many have mentioned (but I will eventually
Wed, 02 Feb 2022 23:01:48 +0000
Creepy Encounters With Underground Humanoid Monsters
Creepy Encounters With Underground Humanoid Monsters

There is perhaps no creepier place than a long, winding tunnel or cave leading off into the darkness into the confines of the earth. It instills some sort of primal dread in us, a fear we cannot escape, and leaves us to wonder just where that dim passageway leads and what things lie within it. Of course considering the spooky nature of the tunnels, caverns, sewers, and other subterranean places of our world there are bound to be tales of something weird pacing about in those places beneath our feet, and there are plenty. Some of the most spectacular and bizarre of reports of underground monsters have to do with beings and beasts that are somewhat humanoid in nature, prowling about down there in the depths and beyond our understanding.

A very odd case of something odd lurking in dank underground tunnels has sort of an urban legend vibe to it, but is persistent enough to warrant a look. For this one we go to the U.S. state of South Carolina, deep down into the service tunnels that spread out under the the University of South Carolina, some of which date back to the 1800s, and which have long been said to be the haunt of something less than human. Sightings of something bizarre lurking down there begin in November of 1949, when a student of the university by the name of Christopher Nichols was walking along in front of Longstreet Theatre one evening when he was startled by a humanoid figure wearing a “silver suit,” who crossed the street, opened a manhole cover, and disappeared down into the tunnels below. When it hit the school newspaper, The Gamecock, they called it the “Sewer Man,” but this would not be the last sighting of whatever it was.

In April of 1950, a police officer was in the area when he had a rather frightening encounter of his own. As he went about his patrol in the same vicinity of the original sighing, he came across a pile of what looked like the discarded remains of dead chickens, still bloody, that had been mauled and mutilated by some animal. As he ran his flashlight over the scene, the beam caught the sight of a hunched over figure decked out in a silver suit in the shadows, which was described as having grey skin and being grotesque in appearance, and most oddly of all the officer reported that the thing had a third eye right in the center of its forehead. The humanoid creature allegedly scowled at the police officer and scurried down into the tunnel system below, leaving behind its macabre stash of mangled chickens.

The strange denizen of the tunnels would gain the name “The Third Eye Man,” and sightings would continue into the 1960s and 70s, with one particularly harrowing report describing the thing charging a group of university fraternity members with a lead pipe and seemingly murderous intent. With all of the reports coming in of some possibly deranged psychopath prowling the area the tunnels were thoroughly searched to find not a trace of what was being reported. In order to be safe, the tunnels were mostly sealed off from the outside world, but there are enough ways to get in for adventurous curiosity seekers, and there have supposedly been sightings of the Third Eye Man right up to the present. Considering that there is very little to verify these tales there is the distinct possibility that this is all an urban legend, but I would still stay away from those tunnels if I were you. What is this bizarre abomination? Who knows?

A very strange account with some other sort of humanoid comes from 1978 in Toronto, Canada. Here within the dark confines of the various networks of tunnels and caves under this sprawling metropolis, a 51-year-old man known only as Ernest had a strange and frightening encounter in August of that year. The witness claims that he had been out searching the neighborhood for a missing kitten from a litter he had been raising with his wife, when he had stumbled across a tunnel entrance and decided to get a flashlight and investigate where it led, perhaps to even find his missing cat in the process. He claims that he penetrated around 10 feet into the murk and suddenly came across a creature that looked somewhat like a long and thin monkey around 3-feet in height, with large teeth and covered in grey fur. The unsettling eyes which peered out of the darkness from deep sockets were described as being bright orange and slanted, and to make the whole ordeal even more horrific, Ernest reported that the creature actually spoke to him. He would say of the odd events:

I saw a living nightmare that I’ll never forget. It said, ‘Go away, go away,’ in a hissing voice. Then it took off down a long tunnel off to the side. I got out of there as fast as I could. I was shaking with fear.
Wed, 02 Feb 2022 01:16:26 +0000
REAL COLD WAR: Crazy claim of undersea battle between Russia and aliens emerges
REAL COLD WAR: Crazy claim of undersea battle between Russia and aliens emerges

A SECRET "cold war" in the icy depths of the ocean has been taking place between aquatic aliens and the Russians, a new book has sensationally claimed.

Files detailing the mysterious USOs – unidentified submersible objects – are kept tightly under lock and key at the Kremlin, according to UFO authors Paul Stonehill and Philip Mantle.

The pair claim to have obtained leaked details of some of the encounters between Russian submarines and giant unexplained objects.

They believe the Russian government has attempted to debunk any witness who went public to hide evidence of what was going on beneath the waves.
Wed, 02 Feb 2022 00:25:18 +0000
Cops and EMTs encounter Ghosts and the Supernatural while working.
Cops and EMTs encounter Ghosts and the Supernatural while working.

Cops and other law enforcement talk about cases they worked on that made them think that something supernatural/paranormal was going on.
Tue, 01 Feb 2022 20:38:32 +0000
Real Aliens Stories 2022 👽 UFO and Abduction Stories 2022
Real Aliens Stories 2022 👽 UFO and Abduction Stories 2022
Mon, 31 Jan 2022 22:44:03 +0000
Sasquatch Or Demon? Police Officer shares terrifying Bigfoot Encounter 🔴 Bigfoot Encounter Story
Sasquatch Or Demon? Police Officer shares terrifying Bigfoot Encounter 🔴 Bigfoot Encounter Story

#bigfoot #Sasquatch #yetti

in North American folklore, Bigfoot or Sasquatch are said to be hairy, upright-walking, ape-like creatures that dwell in the wilderness and leave footprints. Depictions often portray them as a missing link between humans and human ancestors or other great apes.
Mon, 31 Jan 2022 02:12:44 +0000
I See Dead People: Dreams and Visions of the Dying
I See Dead People: Dreams and Visions of the Dying

Dr. Christopher W. Kerr is the Chief Medical Officer at The Center for Hospice and Palliative Care, where he has worked since 1999. His background in research has evolved from bench science towards the human experience of illness as witnessed from the bedside, specifically patients’ dreams and visions at the end of life. Although medically ignored, these near universal experiences often provide comfort and meaning as well as insight into the life led and the death anticipated.
Sun, 30 Jan 2022 00:34:01 +0000
Scream: The True Story That Inspired The 1996 Slasher and Scream Movie Sequels with SPECIAL GUEST
Scream: The True Story That Inspired The 1996 Slasher and Scream Movie Sequels with SPECIAL GUEST

Was 1996's Scream based on a true story? Here's the creepy inspiration that Kevin Williamson credited to writing the movie about Ghostface.

Was Wes Craven's Scream inspired by a true story? The slasher movie that introduced the world to Ghostface debuted in 1996. The actual screenplay was written by Kevin Williamson and he had quite a bit of inspiration when developing the script.

Scream immensely stood out when it premiered in the mid-'90s due to its meta approach to the horror genre. The slasher pointed out horror cliches while subverting typical tropes when it came to killers on the loose. Even though Scream was heavily influenced by horror classics such as Halloween, Friday the 13th, and Nightmare on Elm Street, it was still unique enough to ingrain itself in the minds' of horror lovers when comprising the genre's best films

Before settling on Scream, the movie was titled Scary Movie. Williamson created a horrifying tale about a young woman that was home alone being taunted by a serial killer on the phone. The woman, portrayed by Drew Barrymore, went on to be featured in the film's opening scene. The central character, however, was Sidney Prescott (Neve Campbell), the true target of Ghostface, the Halloween-costume wearing madman. The basis for Scream came to Williamson when he learned about a real Florida serial killer, the Gainesville Ripper.

Danny Rolling, aka the "Gainesville Ripper", murdered five students over a four-day period in August 1990. During that period, the area in Florida fell into complete chaos as the murders struck fear across the community. Rolling was eventually caught after being linked to previous murders in Louisiana, but the terror stuck with those who were enthralled by the event in the '90s. Williamson has stated that he was watching a TV special about the Gainesville Ripper when he noticed one of the windows in his house was open. At first, he was overcome with fear, thinking how easy it would be for a killer to break in. But that fear quickly turned into inspiration.
Sat, 29 Jan 2022 23:11:34 +0000
10 Terrifying Real Life Monster Attacks
10 Terrifying Real Life Monster Attacks

Horror flicks are full of grisly monster attacks. Freddy Krueger chops up teenagers, Godzilla burns down cities, Dracula sucks blood, and the Gill-man carries off lovely ladies. But it’s all good fun because it’s just fiction . . . right? Perhaps. Throughout history, thousands of people, wide-eyed with terror, have claimed they were attacked by monsters, demons, and things with very sharp teeth. Maybe they were lying, confused, or just drunk. Or maybe they were telling the truth.

Ghosts That Hunt Back TV is a Youtube Channel that posts Ghost Videos, Bigfoot
Video and UFO Videos and more. We have Compilation Videos.

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TRUE Paranormal stories told by people who have experienced Ghosts. From Nurses sharing terrifying last words of patients as they die to Demons who attack Military units in Iraq. Ghost Stories, Bigfoot Stories.
Sat, 29 Jan 2022 22:02:14 +0000
People Who Have Been Abducted By Aliens, What Is Your Story?
People Who Have Been Abducted By Aliens, What Is Your Story?

Abducted by Aliens: Believers Tell Their Stories

The group that's assembled for this meeting is not struggling with alcohol, drugs, sex addition or gambling. They're part of Starborn, an alien experience and awareness support group, catering to those who say they've been abducted by aliens.

Many people have wondered: are earthlings living on a speck of dust -- alone in the infinite universe or are there other intelligent life forms out there in the cosmos?

Nearly half of all Americans and millions more globally believe we're not alone, according to a 2000 ABC poll. While 40 million Americans say they have seen or know someone who has seen an unidentified flying object, or UFO, a growing number believe they've actually met aliens.

Abducted by Aliens: Twins Tell Their Story
Audrey and Debbie not only said that aliens exist, but that they've made contact with them. The twins said it started when they were young.

"I was probably about 5 years old or so ... and a bright blue light would come in to the room and the door would open, and there would be like, a foggy kind of misty blue light, just shining through the whole house," Audrey said. "And these two figures would come in. There would be a tall one, they had black capes, but they were bald and had big eyes."

Audrey and her sister call their visitors "The Bald Men," but they're better known in UFO circles as "The Greys," a race of extraterrestrials, categorized by the grayish color of their skin.

The twins' first encounter with aliens, they say, came during childhood and continued into adulthood. They also believe they've been abducted together on the same spaceship -- only to compare stories afterwards.

"We have been together on abductions," Audrey said. "We have been up in crafts and seen our house from above. So we realized they are not from here. They are very good at mind erasing or whatever you want to call it. They'll leave you with bits and pieces of things you can remember. So we do remember certain things of being there together."

When asked why aliens would continue to abduct them together, the twins had no explanation.

"That's the question I always ask myself," Debbie said. "A lot of times I'll wake up in tears saying, 'Why me? Why me? Why can't this happen to somebody else.'"

Extraterrestrials Can Embody People's Fears
No matter what anyone else believes, people like Audrey and Debbie are convinced that what they've witnessed is real.

"I remember one time being on a spaceship and standing there on the spaceship and the floor and the walls disappeared. And I was staring at the Earth," Debbie said.

They said they realize their stories sound too fantastic and, at times, like the stuff of sci-fi blockbusters.

In science fiction, aliens are often anthropomorphic and benign creatures, like "E.T.," "My Favorite Martian," the classic "Star Trek" television series or the hit movie "Close Encounters of the Third Kind."

But extraterrestrials can also embody people's fears, looking radically different from human life.

Pop culture depictions of aliens don't seem to be slowing down. On cable, there's the acclaimed mini-series "Torchwood: Children of Earth," where the aliens' sinister thoughts are spoken through possessed children. And this fall, ABC will add a new series to the list of those on creatures from outer space.

The members of Starborn believe, however, that this is not just the stuff of science fiction, but fact. They said that coming forward with their beliefs is challenging.

'Experiencers' Come Forward With Beliefs
Terrell Copeland, a former U.S. Marine, traveled the farthest to attend the "secret" meeting, driving 600 miles from rural Virginia. Copeland's foray into the paranormal began two years ago with a UFO sighting he said was captured on his cell phone from his apartment in downtown Suffolk, Va.

"It was an orb of light," he said. "Just a big ball of light. It wasn't moving. One was solid white. The other was directly across the street from it ... up 300 feet above ground and was changing colors very rapidly.

"This is ... this is not usual. Something's wrong here. Maybe I am in over my head. I'm not supposed to be looking at this stuff," Copeland, 27, who drives forklifts at a warehouse for a living, recalled thinking.

But after the video of what Copeland said he witnessed in the sky was posted on YouTube, he said a strange visitor came to his front door.

"I woke up from the nap by the sound of someone trying to enter my apartment," he said. "And I said, 'Who is it?' There was no answer. Still just, you know, you could see the door knob moving and like a scratching at the door. And I keep a firearm. It was on my table. And my thought was to get up and check.

"I was in complete paralysis. The only things I could move were my eyes. And I heard a voice through the door say, 'You don't need that weapon. We won't harm.'"

Soon after, Copeland said he started experiencing what he calls "missing time." During a span of two nights, Copeland said, he missed four hours -- not as a result of sleep.

Spiritual Transformation
"When you see these object[s], and then you do the research and you see that there are so many people who have experienced the same thing as you ... you have to say to yourself ... maybe there is something to this," he said.

With the number of unexplained UFO sightings mounting, Copeland began keeping a log and sketching what he believes he witnessed during the "missing time" episodes.

"I was a in a room and I saw a woman who did not have complete human features," he recalled from the night he said he was abducted in 2006. "She had the typical black eyes that you hear about. She had an elongated skull. And that startled me. And the next memory I have is me standing on my balcony waving at this cylinder-shaped ship."

Copeland said that his experiences with aliens have spiritually transformed him.

"I just want to be a better person because if I feel if someone from above took notice of me ... then maybe I'm doing something right. And if I'm doing something right, maybe I can do it better," he said.

Growing Number Believe They Have Been Abducted
Copeland's otherworldly convictions are shared by thousands of believers. Hundreds flocked to the national convention of the Mutual UFO Network, or MUFON, in Denver this month to share their experiences with like-minded believers.

Stace Tussel, a single working mother and cum laude college graduate, has been reluctant to talk about her close encounters with extraterrestrials.

"I'm not necessarily fearful," she said. "I'm a bit nervous about how people may react. I do believe that I have experienced contact with non-human intelligence."

Tussel said she has videos and scars to prove it.

"I've had multiple witness sightings or experiences, but also marks that would show up on my body -- scars like the one on my finger," Tussel said. "I did wake up one time with three red diagonal lines. I've woken up with the handprints and fingerprints that I couldn't have made myself and nobody else could have made myself."

When asked if she's simply a more vivid dreamer than other people, Tussel said, "I don't know if dreaming would cause a stigmata-type effect where you're getting bodily scars or marks."

Tussel, an education consultant, blogs in her spare time about UFOs and crop circles. While many have been proven to be man-made hoaxes, she believes some crop circles could be the result of an alien spacecraft or extraterrestrial communication.

She doesn't care for the phrase "alien abduction," opting instead to call herself an "experiencer."

"I don't believe I was taken against my will," she said. "I believe that all my life, I've been prepared to share information, to experience information and contact with non-human intelligence."

Psychologists Say Media Images Re-Enacted in Dreams
But she prefers to leave the details of her experiences to the imagination.

"I don't want to go into too much detail on certain kinds of beings that I saw because of the graphic nature of some of the things that I saw and experienced," she said.

While Tussel and others are thoroughly convinced, psychologists say the media-generated images of alien kidnappings can become easily engrained in our subconscious and then vividly re-enacted in our dreams.
Fri, 28 Jan 2022 23:07:25 +0000
Where did the Moon come from? A new theory | Sarah T. Stewart
Where did the Moon come from? A new theory | Sarah T. Stewart

The Earth and Moon are like identical twins, made up of the exact same materials -- which is really strange, since no other celestial bodies we know of share this kind of chemical relationship. What's responsible for this special connection? Looking for an answer, planetary scientist and MacArthur "Genius" Sarah T. Stewart discovered a new kind of astronomical object -- a synestia -- and a new way to solve the mystery of the Moon's origin.
Fri, 28 Jan 2022 21:06:04 +0000

Sheriff in the ancient Egyptian was a law-giver and his badge was always a six-pointed star which is a symbol of Saturn. US Sheriffs in the wild west up to today still wear the six-pointed star. It is interesting that Saturn’s symbol is the 6-pointed star, Saturn is the 6th planet from the sun, Saturn-day is the 6th day of the week, and now NASA is receiving images of “the Saturn Hexagon” (6-sided) atmospheric formation at Saturn’s poles. The 6th chakra of the human energy system is the 3rd eye/pineal gland (6, 3 times = 666). When your 3rd eye chakra opens you develop your 6th sense of intuition and spirituality. From a consciousness perspective, the 6th sense, your intuitions/hunches, are messengers of god, your guardian angels. Isn’t it interesting that angels have haloes/rings around their heads and Saturn is the only planet with a halo/ring around it?“That is why today, when you get married, you get married before God. And the symbol of that God is the ring that is put on each other’s fingers. The ring of Saturn. In the marriage phrases, one also begins to see what that has to do with Saturn. So when you get married, you get married with a ring and the symbol of that God is the ring, the ring of Saturn. You’re wearing God’s ring. And the yarmulke was the round ring that you wear on your head, for Saturn your God. Even in the middle ages, in the temples, Catholic monks would shave their heads in a round circle, and the Hebrews, instead of doing that, would wear the yarmulke. But it all had to do with the round rings of Saturn.” -Jordan Maxwell, “Matrix of Power”“The ancient name of Saturn was, as mentioned, EL. It is the reason why those that were chosen by EL, were called Elites. In fact the words, Elect, Elder, Elevated, Elohim, Temple, Circle, Gospel, Apostle, Disciple, Evangelists, etc., all derive from the Cult of EL. Angels are messengers of god. But god was EL, which is why we have the names of the Archangels bearing the ‘el,’ suffix – Raphael, Michael, Uriel, Gabriel, etc,.” -Michael Tsarion, “Astrotheology and Sidereal Mythology”The plural term Elohim appears over 2500 times in the Old Testament but is falsely translated in most versions. This fact of plurality explains why in Genesis ‘Gods’ said, ‘Let us make man in our image.’ As stated, Elohim refers to both ‘gods’ and ‘goddesses,’ and its singular form, El, served as a prefix or suffix to names of gods, people and places, whence Emmanu-El, Gabri-El, Beth-El, etc. Even ‘Satan’ was one of the Elohim.” -Acharya S., “The Christ Conspiracy” (67)

The gods of EL-o-him are ang-EL-s, the messengers of god. When witches cast a spe-EL, they put the “Hex” (6) on someone, and when chefs deep fry something, they “Deep 6” it. It is the EL-ites who run the world today. El-ite comes from the “Isra-El-ites” which came from the Egyptian worship of the Moon (Isis), the Sun, (Ra), and Saturn (Elohim), hence Is-Ra-El.In Islamic tradition, the “Rock” is where Muhammad ascended to Heaven accompanied by the ang-el Gabri-el. The Dome of the “Rock” was built in the 600 AD era and was won back by the Israelites on 06/07/67 after the “6 day war.” The Dome’s outer walls measure 60 (6×10) feet wide and 36 (6×6) feet high. The Knights Templar claimed the Dome of the Rock was the site of the Temple of Solomon and set up their “Templum Domini” adjacent to it during the 12th century.

“Saturn is an important key to understanding the long heritage this conspiracy has back to antiquity. The city of Rome was originally known as Saturnia or City of Saturn. The Roman Catholic church retains much of the Saturn worship in its ritual. Saturn also relates to Lucifer. In various occult dictionaries Saturn is associated with evil. Saturn was important to the religion of Mithra, and also the Druids.” –Fritz Springmeier, “Bloodlines of the Illuminati”Rome was known to the “Romans” as Saturnia, not Rome, and Saturn was one of their gods. Black is both Saturn’s color and Satan’s color. The black holy bible tells us Satan is 666. Saturn is the 6th planet, its symbol is a 6-pointed star, it supposedly has hexagon weather formations, and Saturn-day, the 6th day, is Ozzy Osbourne’s “Black Sabbath.”

Is this all just divine coincidence or is our perception of Saturn and the other planets being manipulated by the Masonic magicians at NASA?
Fri, 28 Jan 2022 19:02:20 +0000
UFO Reporting Center Telephone Recordings from UFO Encounter Witnesses #1
UFO Reporting Center Telephone Recordings from UFO Encounter Witnesses #1

National UFO Reporting Center - Information and Policies
The National UFO Reporting Center was founded in 1974 by noted UFO investigator Robert J. Gribble. The Center’s primary function over the past four decades has been to receive, record, and to the greatest degree possible, corroborate and document reports from individuals who have been witness to unusual, possibly UFO-related events. Throughout its history, the Center has processed over 150,000 reports, and has distributed its information to thousands of individuals.

The principal means used by the Center to receive sighting reports is this website, which has operated continuously since 1994. Prior to that period, the telephone hotline and the U.S. mail were the primary means of taking reports.

The Center’s independence from all other UFO related organizations, combined with its long standing policy of guaranteed anonymity to callers, has served to make it perhaps the most popular and widely accepted national UFO reporting facility anywhere. The website and hotline are well known by law enforcement agencies, FAA ARTCC’s and flight service stations, National Weather Services offices, military facilities, NASA, and many 911 emergency dispatch centers all across the United States and in many parts of Canada. Those entities routinely direct the calls they receive regarding possible UFO sightings to the Center.

UFO Reporting Center Telephone Recordings from UFO Encounter Witnesses #1

One of the Center’s policies, which distinguishes its operations from most other UFO organizations, is that it makes available to the public all of its data in summary form. Detailed information is made available to experienced UFO investigators.
Fri, 28 Jan 2022 02:30:49 +0000
Mysterious object just 4,000 light years away from Earth releases a giant burst of energy three times an hour
Mysterious object just 4,000 light years away from Earth releases a giant burst of energy three times an hour – and is unlike anything astronomers have seen before

Mysterious object unlike anything ever seen in space discovered by astronomers

'Spooky' item was observed releasing a giant burst of energy three times an hour

For one minute in every 20 the discovery is one of brightest objects in night sky

Object may be a neutron star or a white dwarf with ultra-powerful magnetic field

A mysterious object that is just 4,000 light years away from Earth is unlike anything ever seen before in space, astronomers have said.

They think it could be a neutron star or a white dwarf – collapsed cores of stars – with an ultra-powerful magnetic field, also known as a magnetar.

As it spins through the cosmos, the 'spooky' object sends out a beam of radiation, and for one minute in every 20 it is one of the brightest objects in the night sky.

Observations show it releasing a giant burst of energy three times an hour.

Astrophysicist Dr Natasha Hurley-Walker, from the Curtin University, International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research (ICRAR) in Australia, led the team that made the discovery.

Her team was mapping radio waves in the universe when they came across the potential 'magnetar'.

She said: 'This object was appearing and disappearing over a few hours during our observations.

'That was completely unexpected. It was kind of spooky for an astronomer because there's nothing known in the sky that does that.

'And it's really quite close to us — about 4,000 light years away. It's in our galactic backyard.'

Dr Hurley-Walker added that the observations match a predicted astrophysical object called an 'ultra-long period magnetar'.

'It's a type of slowly spinning neutron star that has been predicted to exist theoretically,' she said.

'But nobody expected to directly detect one like this, because we didn't expect them to be so bright.

'Somehow it's converting magnetic energy to radio waves much more effectively than anything we've seen before.'

Curtin University Honours student Tyrone O'Doherty discovered the object using the Murchison Widefield Array (MWA) telescope in outback Western Australia.

He said: 'It's exciting that the source I identified last year has turned out to be such a peculiar object.

'The MWA's wide field of view and extreme sensitivity are perfect for surveying the entire sky and detecting the unexpected.'
Objects that turn on and off in the universe are not new, and astronomers call them transients, with some appearing over the course of a few days and disappearing after a few months, and others flashing on and off within milliseconds or seconds.

However, ICRAR-Curtin astrophysicist and co-author Dr Gemma Anderson said finding something that turned on for just a minute made the new discovery unusual.

Neutron stars are the collapsed, burnt-out cores of dead stars.

When large stars reach the end of their lives, their core will collapse, blowing off the outer layers of the star.

This leaves an extremely dense object known as a neutron star, which squashes more mass than is contained in the sun into the size of a city.

A neutron star typically would have a mass that's perhaps half-a-million times the mass of the Earth, but they're only about 20 kilometres (12 miles) across.

A handful of material from this star would weigh as much as Mount Everest.

They are very hot, perhaps a million degrees, highly radioactive, and have incredibly intense magnetic fields.

This makes them arguably the most hostile environments in the Universe today, according to Professor Patrick Sutton, head of Cardiff University's gravitational physics department.

The dense objects, in particular their cores, are key to our understanding of the universe's heavy elements.

The mysterious object that has just been discovered could also be a magnetar, which is an incredibly magnetic neutron star.
Fri, 28 Jan 2022 01:28:34 +0000
I know someone that works for NOAA. The disclosure rumors are 100% true, and the species in aquatic.
I know someone that works for NOAA. The disclosure rumors are 100% true, and the species in aquatic.

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Thu, 27 Jan 2022 03:05:02 +0000
5 Signs That You May Have Been Abducted By Aliens And You Don’t Even Know It
5 Signs That You May Have Been Abducted By Aliens And You Don’t Even Know It

Many people from around the world claim that they have been abducted by aliens. They claim that they saw creatures with a big head and big wobbly eyes performing operations and experiments on them in their spacecraft. We dug up to the core and researched on many interviews from around the world to see that what’s truth and what’s not. here are signs of alien abduction that can tell if you have been or are being abducted by aliens
Thu, 27 Jan 2022 02:38:07 +0000
🔴 US Naval Academy Police Officers True Ghost Stories From The USNA 👻 True Ghost Stories Compilation 2022
🔴 US Naval Academy Police Officers True Ghost Stories From The USNA 👻 True Ghost Stories Compilation 2022

I am a US Naval Academy Police Officer and I am telling true Ghost stories I personally saw at the United States Naval Academy while on duty. This is the first episode and I share the first Ghost encounter I had while at work. It involves a Black Mass!
Thu, 27 Jan 2022 00:05:02 +0000
Paranormal Encounters That Made Non-Believers BELIEVE!! True Ghost Stories
Paranormal Encounters That Made Non-Believers BELIEVE!! True Ghost Stories
Wed, 26 Jan 2022 21:15:02 +0000
SECRET SPACE WAR: Shock claim US Navy fighting intergalactic battle with reptile aliens
SECRET SPACE WAR: Shock claim US Navy fighting intergalactic battle with reptile aliens


THE US Navy has been fighting a secret space war against evil reptilian aliens hell bent on invading planet Earth, a new book has sensationally claimed.

Real UFO Footage 2020 NEW 👽 NEW UFO Sighting 2020

UFO Footage 2020 is a Youtube Channel that posts NEW UFO Videos and more. We have Compilation Videos.

👽 UFO News 2020
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👽 UFO News 2020
🛸 REAL UFO Footage
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🐵 Proof That Bigfoot Is Real
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🐵 Real Bigfoot Video 2020

TRUE Paranormal stories told by people who have experienced Ghosts. From Nurses sharing terrifying last words of patients as they die to Demons who attack Military units in Iraq. Ghost Stories, Bigfoot Stories.
Wed, 26 Jan 2022 20:11:25 +0000
UFO & Alien Sightings From 1 CE – 1900's 👽 UFO and Alien Sightings Reports throughout History
UFO & Alien Sightings From 1 CE – 1900's 👽 UFO and Alien Sightings Reports throughout History

UFO and Alien Sightings throughout History from the beginning of reported history. The Birth Of Christ, The Middle Ages and many Wars. Favorite story is about an alien who suffocated in our atmosphere during the crusades!
Wed, 26 Jan 2022 01:23:04 +0000
Police Officers share their Scary Paranormal Calls 2021
Police Officers share their Scary Paranormal Calls 2021
Tue, 25 Jan 2022 00:20:27 +0000
10 Terrifying UFO and Alien Encounters Part 2 👽 TRUE UFO Encounter Stories
10 Terrifying UFO and Alien Encounters Part 2 👽 TRUE UFO Encounter Stories

🔴 FREE KINDLE OR AUDIOBOOK 🔴 Bigfoot Frightening Encounters​

Think UFO and alien encounters are mere fictional "X-Files" fodder? These 10 true tales of extraterrestrial confrontations will make you reconsider.

Real UFO Footage 2020 NEW 👽 NEW UFO Sighting 2020

UFO Footage 2020 is a Youtube Channel that posts NEW UFO Videos and more. We have Compilation Videos.

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👽 UFO News 2020
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🔵 My Near Death Experience Story
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🐵 Best Bigfoot Pictures
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TRUE Paranormal stories told by people who have experienced Ghosts. From Nurses sharing terrifying last words of patients as they die to Demons who attack Military units in Iraq. Ghost Stories, Bigfoot Stories.
Mon, 24 Jan 2022 20:00:25 +0000
Chilling Last Words Uttered By Dying Patients "REAL VOICE" 👻 Dying Testimonies of Patients
Chilling Last Words Uttered By Dying Patients "REAL VOICE" 👻 Dying Testimonies of Patients
Mon, 24 Jan 2022 18:44:18 +0000
UFO's and Aliens in the Bible 👽 UFO Documentary Full Length
UFO's and Aliens in the Bible 👽 UFO Documentary Full Length
Mon, 24 Jan 2022 01:18:19 +0000
UFOs and COPS 👽 Police Officer Shares His Experience with a UFO and Aliens TRUE STORY
UFOs and COPS 👽 Police Officer Shares His Experience with a UFO and Aliens TRUE STORY
Mon, 24 Jan 2022 01:15:18 +0000
My Terrifying Encounter with a Bigfoot 🐵 TRUE Bigfoot Encounter Story
My Terrifying Encounter with a Bigfoot 🐵 TRUE Bigfoot Encounter Story
Sat, 22 Jan 2022 23:25:02 +0000
Security Guard Encounters Enormous Green Alien TRUE STORY
Security Guard Encounters Enormous Green Alien TRUE STORY

On the frigid night of December 6th, 1978, night watchman Pier Zanfretta was on a routine patrol in the village of Torriglia, when he stumbled into a series of terrifying encounters with extraterrestrial beings that would make him question everything he had come to believe about reality. Zanfretta’s upsetting tale began when his car inexplicably lost power en route to a client’s unoccupied home. The confused security man glanced through his window and spied four lights moving in the garden of the house he was coming to inspect. Assuming that the beams were emanating from the flashlights of prowlers, Zanfretta climbed from his car with his revolver and flashlight in hand.

The watchman silently slipped through the gate and crept along a rock wall in an effort to get the jump on what he still assumed were ordinary burglars. Just as he prepared to leap out to confront these trespassers, he felt something touch his shoulder from behind. Zanfretta spun around, but instead of finding a human criminal he saw an entity that he described as being: “An enormous green, ugly and frightful creature, with undulating skin… as though he were very fat or dressed in a loose, gray tunic… no less than 10-feet tall.” It was flanked by two similar beasts.
Sat, 22 Jan 2022 20:50:14 +0000
Time Traveler Reveals Future Map of the US After Devastating Events (2020 - 2025)
Time Traveler Reveals Future Map of the US After Devastating Events (2020 - 2025)

🔴Amazon Prime 30-Day Free Trial🔵

Al Bielek - "The Man Who Traveled Through Time And Space"
Say what you will about the concept of time travel. Some of us may think the mere though of it is pure nonsense. Regardless of what you think, I think we can all agree that it is awfully fun to think about. Take Al Bielek’s story for example:

“According to popular legend, in 1943, the US Navy undertook secret experiments based out of the port of Philadelphia. These experiments were designed to put Einstein’s unified field theory to practical use by making a naval ship invisible. While conspiracy theorists debate the existence of the Philadelphia Experiment, one alleged survivor of the scientific outing, Al Bielek, maintained that the Navy’s purpose was entirely different. According to Bielek, the true purpose of the Philadelphia Experiment wasn’t invisibility, it was time travel.

In 1990, Bielek claimed that he spent time in two separate periods of the future only to return to the present and tell his story. And that was just the beginning of the fantastic revelations of this totally, completely, absolutely, one hundred percent not fake time traveler. As if someone would make that up anyway.”
Sat, 22 Jan 2022 20:07:48 +0000
What's your true supernatural/unexplainable, downright creepy story?
What's your true supernatural/unexplainable, downright creepy story?
Sat, 22 Jan 2022 01:34:22 +0000
What’s the Scariest thing that’s ever happened to you 2022?
What’s the Scariest thing that’s ever happened to you 2022?
Sat, 22 Jan 2022 00:55:02 +0000
What’s an experience you’ve deemed supernatural and cannot find a rational explanation for?
What’s an experience you’ve deemed supernatural and cannot find a rational explanation for?
Fri, 21 Jan 2022 22:38:44 +0000
Sailors, What Is the Creepiest Thing You’ve Seen That Has Happened on the Sea Part 2
Sailors, What Is the Creepiest Thing You’ve Seen That Has Happened on the Sea Part 2

A newly leaked video from the U.S. navy appears to show an unidentified flying object diving into the ocean off the coast of San Diego in 2019, in a clip that officials say is authentic.

The clip was released last week by documentary filmmaker Jeremy Corbell, who also published leaked UFO videos and photos from last month. The Pentagon has confirmed that all of Corbell’s leaked footage to date is authentic.

The new footage shows a dark spherical object flying over the ocean as seen through an infrared camera at night. The sphere appears to move rapidly across the screen before stopping and slowly easing down into the water. Corbell says the footage was recorded off a monitor inside the USS Omaha‘s Combat Information Center, and a few military members can be heard remarking on the object in the video.

“It took off. It’s booking it,” one person says at the beginning of the clip, as the UFO moves from left to right on the screen. The object then stops and steadily moves downward.

The observers can be heard remarking on the choppy waves on the ocean as the object descends.

“It splashed! It splashed!” one person says as the object goes below the surface of the water.

Corbell says the footage was recorded on July 15, 2019, during an extended period in which members of the navy saw several Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) — the Pentagon’s term for UFOs. There were at least 14 solid objects measuring about two metres wide, and they moved at varying speeds between 74-254 kilometres per hour, according to an intelligence briefing obtained by Corbell from last year.

He says the object in the video appeared to be capable of travelling in air and water, and that a submarine search of the area found nothing.

“No wreckage found. None of the unknown craft were recovered,” Corbell said.
Fri, 21 Jan 2022 01:05:02 +0000
Sailors, What Is the Weirdest Unexplainable Object You’ve Seen? Part 1
Sailors, What Is the Weirdest Unexplainable Object You’ve Seen? Part 1

A newly leaked video from the U.S. navy appears to show an unidentified flying object diving into the ocean off the coast of San Diego in 2019, in a clip that officials say is authentic.

The clip was released last week by documentary filmmaker Jeremy Corbell, who also published leaked UFO videos and photos from last month. The Pentagon has confirmed that all of Corbell’s leaked footage to date is authentic.

The new footage shows a dark spherical object flying over the ocean as seen through an infrared camera at night. The sphere appears to move rapidly across the screen before stopping and slowly easing down into the water. Corbell says the footage was recorded off a monitor inside the USS Omaha‘s Combat Information Center, and a few military members can be heard remarking on the object in the video.

“It took off. It’s booking it,” one person says at the beginning of the clip, as the UFO moves from left to right on the screen. The object then stops and steadily moves downward.

The observers can be heard remarking on the choppy waves on the ocean as the object descends.

“It splashed! It splashed!” one person says as the object goes below the surface of the water.

Corbell says the footage was recorded on July 15, 2019, during an extended period in which members of the navy saw several Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) — the Pentagon’s term for UFOs. There were at least 14 solid objects measuring about two metres wide, and they moved at varying speeds between 74-254 kilometres per hour, according to an intelligence briefing obtained by Corbell from last year.

He says the object in the video appeared to be capable of travelling in air and water, and that a submarine search of the area found nothing.

“No wreckage found. None of the unknown craft were recovered,” Corbell said.
Fri, 21 Jan 2022 00:05:02 +0000
Serial Killer Elizabeth Wettlaufer's FULL Confession to Police CHILLING!
Serial Killer Elizabeth Wettlaufer's FULL Confession to Police CHILLING!

Ontario Provincial Police conducted a 2½-hour-long
interview on Oct. 5, 2016, in which the former nurse described the
killing of patients in her care.
Thu, 20 Jan 2022 21:10:02 +0000
Cheating Girlfriend Terrorized By the Ghost of Dead Boyfriend Who Took His Own Life REAL VOICE!
Cheating Girlfriend Terrorized By the Ghost of Dead Boyfriend Who Took His Own Life REAL VOICE!
Thu, 20 Jan 2022 00:15:51 +0000
What Is Something No One Seems To Consider In A Zombie Apocalypse?
What Is Something No One Seems To Consider In A Zombie Apocalypse?

Within the past couple days or hours, something very strange has happened. Maybe the Synthetic Plague the government was working on got unleashed. Maybe a voodoo priest's spell went awry. Maybe an alien space probe broadcast a weird signal at the Earth, or fell to Earth and brought radiation with it. Maybe there's just no more room in Hell.

Whatever the cause, the result is the same; the recently dead have risen, en masse, to feed on the living. With each victim they claim, their numbers swell, and no force on Earth can contain them. As society collapses, it's up to the Big Damn Heroes to fight their way to safety or keep shooting until things blow over.

The Zombie Apocalypse has arrived.

While Horror is assumed to be an inherent part of the zombie apocalypse, not all the horror and conflict comes from the zombies themselves. Instead it can come from the reaction of the living humans involved, and how they respond to the state of fear and violent chaos brought about by the zombies. Often, the answer is "not well". The breakdown of society, the fear that your Fire-Forged Friends could be infected and turned against you without warning, are at least as important to a zombie story as the zombies themselves, if not more so.

Common to virtually all Zombie Apocalypse tales is that, regardless of the reason zombies attack living/non-infected people, they never attack other zombies. Whether they'll attack animals other than humans varies, but it's rare for The Virus to affect other species, probably because it's cheaper and easier to film humans in make-up than to work with animals, whether trained, animatronic, or CGI.

Due to the threat that zombies pose (they did just become the apocalypse, after all), protagonists of more serious works are required to become very smart very quickly (but will be ignorant with regard to the word "zombie" itself). Failure is often the only option in these stories; rarely do they have an ending that could be considered "happy" by typical standards, or indeed one where humanity survives as a species. Another main staple is that things will always, always go From Bad to Worse. Either from the character's actions or circumstance which are out of their hands, no matter how improbable it is.

The Militaries Are Useless trope is usually a must in such a movie, if only to avoid the film ending in five minutes. If they ARE actually competent, they'll likely happen to be evil.

The collapse will also take place very quickly, over a period of weeks or months, instead of years. This prevents society and/or the main characters from adapting, and also makes Convenient Comas somewhat plausible. In the occasion where collapse occurs in a couple of months, a nuclear submarine, aircraft carrier, or other large vechile could realistically be expected to weather the entire outbreak start to finish in perfect isolation and safety. Characters may also assume that their portable radios have infinite reception and frequency range, and local dead air means a completely global collapse. The audience may not need to speculate about this, if a Spreading Disaster Map Graphic crops up in the opening credits.

Another common staple of the Zombie Apocalypse is that the zombies are often not the most dangerous enemy that a survivor will face. It's usually other survivors, power-hungry maniacs or regular-hungry people who want to attack you to get at your food and shelter. Sometimes Humans Are the Real Monsters will occur (after all, a zombie is just a degraded human!)

Subtrope of Our Zombies Are Different. A member of The Undead trope family. See Night of the Living Mooks for cases where zombies don't threaten the end of the world. See also Zombie Gait, Everything's Deader with Zombies. Raising the Steaks is what happens when humans are not the only creatures that can be infected by The Virus. The zombie apocalypse is almost always a case of Guilt-Free Extermination War requiring that everybody be armed. Expect a healthy dose of Improbable Infant Survival — for despite a population of millions of children at any given time in any human population very few will become (visible) zombies — and the few that do are for audience effect. Also expect the Incongruously Dressed Zombie to turn up for occasional comic relief. Contrast Friendly Zombie, who is not there to make an apocalypse. (Attractive Zombies also generally tend to avert this, due to Beauty Equals Goodness).

The trope Zombie Apocalypse refers to any kind of undead apocalypse, with the common traits of this trope are that the undead spread rapidly, wipe out humans primarily by eating or biting them, and are usually highly infectious — even if the undead happen to resemble vampires or yet another kind of monster more than zombies. Vampire versions of this nearly always involve Feral Vampires.

If you are looking for different types of Zombie, see Our Zombies Are Different. Not to be confused with Vampire Apocalypse: The Series by Derek Gunn. Sometimes the 'zombies' might be a case of the Technically Living Zombie, but the overall narrative usually plays out the same way regardless.

A Zombie Apocalypse can be considered a sort of Came Back Wrong on a very large scale.

Also known as a "Zombocalypse".
Wed, 19 Jan 2022 21:28:58 +0000
Lockheed Martin Senior Scientist Death Bed Confession of Aliens and Alien Craft
Lockheed Martin Senior Scientist Death Bed Confession of Aliens and Alien Craft

🔴 Ghosts That Hunt Back TV 👻 WEBSITE

Boyd Bushman (Lockheed Martin Senior Scientist), who died august. 7, 2014 disclosed in a very recorded interview before his death what he says is data about, and photos of, aliens and alien craft he obtained as a senior scientist at Lockheed Martin.

His designs include a system to find aircraft or missile exhaust plumes, a metal detection system, and equipment for detecting radiation.

Actual Document shown to David Sereda in 2008 by Lockheed Martin Senior Scientist Boyd Bushman showing the primary reverse-engineered craft from Roswell craft that first flew within the late 50′s!

During the interview, Bushman aforementioned that he had classified clearance. He showed photos supposedly taken of aliens and he described the aliens. These aliens are from Quintonia (spelled phonetically from the video), he said, that is sixty-eight light-years from Earth. Bushman said it ought to take a minimum of sixty-eight,000 years to jaunt Quintonia if a space vehicle cannot go quicker than the speed of light, as physicist prescribed. These aliens, however, were able to make the trip in forty-five minutes, Bushman said.

Ghosts That Hunt Back TV is a Youtube Channel that posts Ghost Videos, Bigfoot
Video and UFO Videos and more. We have Compilation Videos.

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TRUE Paranormal stories told by people who have experienced Ghosts. From Nurses sharing terrifying last words of patients as they die to Demons who attack Military units in Iraq. Ghost Stories, Bigfoot Stories.
Wed, 19 Jan 2022 20:08:04 +0000
Stranger Things 4 Inside the Real-Life Time-Travel Experiment That Inspired 'Stranger Things' Series
Stranger Things 4 Inside the Real-Life Time-Travel Experiment That Inspired 'Stranger Things' Series
Wed, 19 Jan 2022 16:32:54 +0000
Real Alien Abductions Shared on Reddit 2022
Real Alien Abductions Shared on Reddit 2022

Alien abduction (sometimes also called abduction phenomenon, alien abduction syndrome, or UFO abduction) refers to the phenomenon of people reporting what they believe to be the real experience of being kidnapped by extraterrestrial beings and subjected to physical and psychological experimentation.[1] Most scientists and mental health professionals explain these experiences by factors such as suggestibility (e.g. false memory syndrome), sleep paralysis, deception, and psychopathology.[2] Skeptic Robert Sheaffer sees similarity between the aliens depicted in science fiction films, in particular Invaders From Mars (1953), and some of those reported to have actually abducted people.[3] People claiming to have been abducted are usually called "abductees"[4] or "experiencers".

Typical claims involve forced medical examinations that emphasize the subject's reproductive systems.[5] Abductees sometimes claim to have been warned against environmental abuses and the dangers of nuclear weapons,[6] or to have engaged in interspecies breeding.[7] The contents of the abduction narrative often seem to vary with the home culture of the alleged abductee.[3] UFO, alien abduction, and mind control plots can also be part of radical political apocalyptic and millenarian narratives.[8]

Reports of the abduction phenomenon have been made all around the world, but are most common in English-speaking countries, especially the United States.[3] The first alleged alien abduction claim to be widely publicized was the Betty and Barney Hill abduction in 1961.[9] UFO abduction claims have declined since their initial surge in the mid-1970s and alien abduction narratives have found less popularity in mainstream media. Skeptic Michael Shermer proposed that the ubiquity of camera phones increases the burden of evidence for such claims, and may be a cause for their decline.
Wed, 19 Jan 2022 01:48:16 +0000
3 Hours of the Scariest Paranormal Experiences of Reddit
3 Hours of the Scariest Paranormal Experiences of Reddit

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👽 UFO News 2020
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🔵 My Near Death Experience Story
🐵 Proof That Bigfoot Is Real
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TRUE Paranormal stories told by people who have experienced Ghosts. From Nurses sharing terrifying last words of patients as they die to Demons who attack Military units in Iraq. Ghost Stories, Bigfoot Stories.
Tue, 18 Jan 2022 20:38:01 +0000
Homeless Couple Calls 911 on Bigfoot ACTUAL AUDIO
Homeless Couple Calls 911 on Bigfoot ACTUAL AUDIO

'I'm dead serious': San Antonio homeless couple calls 911 to report Bigfoot sighting

San Antonio police have released a 911 dispatch call reporting a "Bigfoot" sighting.

SAN ANTONIO San Antonio police have released a 911 dispatch call reporting a Bigfoot sighting.

The audio recording between a dispatcher and the homeless couple lasts more than eight minutes. In it, the primary caller appears sober and deliberate as she describes the beast Nov. 30.

And I know you guys are going to think I m crazy, but I m dead serious, she says on the recording. This big thing was 75 feet away from me, smelled awful, devoured a whole deer carcass, and then took off and screamed, screeched, and took off across the street

I m going to tell you right now, I ve lived in the woods six years. Swear to God, I ve never seen nothing like this. I m 6 feet 3 inches; it s bigger than me, said her 63-year-old husband.

The couple claims the creature walked upright as it carried the deer carcass off into the woods.

Police reports indicate dispatchers sent an officer by the location that night, but he found no sign of the couple or the beast.

The callers said they were living in a tent in the woods in northwest San Antonio, near the intersection of Highway 151 and Loop 1604. The area has acres of wooded terrain surrounding it.
Mon, 17 Jan 2022 23:20:01 +0000
US Soldier Alien Abduction Launches Military Investigation
US Soldier Alien Abduction Launches Military Investigation

Alien abductions have yet to be confirmed but that could be because the government is covering them up! Today we've uncovered an abduction story coming directing from a US soldier that witnessed a soldier being dragged away by tentacles in the sky. The military was quick to discredit the soldiers crazy alien story, that is until they found the body! You don't want to miss this insane new video that will make you wonder if there really is something else out there.
Mon, 17 Jan 2022 19:04:48 +0000
"Three legless Alien creatures examined both men aboard their ship." UFO witnesses speak.
"Three legless creatures examined both men aboard their ship." UFO witnesses speak.

'The story is very true. That's what has bothered me for 45 years.' UFO witnesses speak.

It's a story that has fascinated people for decades. Two Pascagoula men claim they were abducted by aliens while fishing on the Pascagoula River. As was expected by the two men — Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker — their story was often met with skepticism and ridicule..

Now, three more witnesses have come forward. All three of them say they saw some sort of flying object with a bright blue light at the same time and in the same area as Hickson and Parker.

One of the witnesses says she saw what she originally thought was a man in the water but now believes was one of the aliens.

Three legless creatures examined both men aboard their ship

"It was Oct. 11, 1973," Parker said. "We'd gotten off work that day, and a friend of mine, he and I went fishing.

"The old abandoned shipyard; they had a little pier out front and we were on that pier. I'm going to guess it was about six o'clock in the evening. It had just started getting dark, but it was kind of a bright moon."

Parker said he saw blue light reflecting off the water and thought law enforcement officers had arrived to tell them to leave the property. However, when Parker looked up, he realized the light was coming from a craft like nothing he'd ever seen.

"A big light came out of the clouds," Parker said. "It was a blinding light.

"It was hard to tell with the lights so bright, but it looked like it was shaped like a football. I would say, just estimating, (it was) about 80-foot. (It made) very little sound. It was just a hissing noise."

Parker said three legless creatures floated from the craft. One had no neck with gray wrinkled skin. Another had a neck and appeared more feminine. Parker described their hands as being shaped like mittens or crab claws.

When one of the creatures put one of its claws around his arm, Parker said he was terrified, but then another feeling came over his body.

"I think they injected us with something to calm us down," Parker said. "I was kind of numb and went along with the program."

Parker said the creatures floated him and Hickson into the craft and performed physical examinations on the two. Then they were taken back to the bank of the river.

Hickson, who died in 2011, was very public about his experience. Parker, who now lives in Moss Point, was not and spent much of his life distancing himself from the event. However, he published a book about his experience in 2018 and since, people who had been largely quiet about their experiences that night are now speaking out.

Maria and Jerry Blair of Theodore, Alabama are among them.

Couple across the river saw same blue light and a flying object

Maria and Jerry were sitting in their 1969 Pontiac GTO in the parking lot of Graham's Seafood on the opposite side of the river. Jerry worked for the business and was waiting on a boat captain to take him offshore. The captain was late and the Blairs waited for hours. Just after dark Maria saw something strange.

"I was looking at the sky and I noticed a blue light in the sky over where they were fishing," Maria said. "It started moving and it seemed like it was following along the Pascagoula River.

"I just seen the lights on it. It was just going back and forth. Sometimes it would just sit there. It went on for 20 to 25 minutes."

Maria said she initially thought it was a plane, but realized the flight pattern and hovering were not indicative of a plane. Jerry watched it also but didn't think much of it.

"I thought it was a helicopter initially and just blew it off," Jerry said. "It landed about 150 to 200 yards from us.

"I was just north of the bridge and it was just south of the bridge. I was there, but stupid me didn't pay much attention to it. I was just going offshore and thinking about other things."

Woman believes she saw one of the aliens in the water
After they lost sight of the craft, the two went to put Jerry's clothing and other items on the boat. While walking down the lighted pier, something else caught their attention.

"We heard this loud, thumping splash in the river," Maria said. "I looked over the side of the pier, and that's when I thought I saw a person in the river.

"I was looking right down on it. It looked like a person, but there was something different about it. It only came to the surface of the water. As soon as I saw it, it just went back down in the water."

Whatever Maria had seen, which she thought was a person in some sort of diving gear, did not resurface. Jerry, who was walking ahead of her and didn't see it, said it must have been a dolphin. She said she is positive it wasn't a dolphin.

Jerry went to work that evening and Maria returned home. In following days she heard reports of Parker and Hickson's experience. The descriptions of the aliens matched what she had seen in the water.

"I thought it was a person, but now I think it was an alien," Maria said. "What Parker described was exactly it."

Another woman said UFO made her radio go crazy, car to die
Later that evening, Judy Branning was sitting in a car a few miles away at a traffic signal with her roommate and their dates.

"We were on a double date that night," Branning said. "We were at a red light at Chicot and Highway 90, and we were basically sitting on the railroad track. I saw some lights, and I wasn't sure what I was looking at because it was so far away."

Like the Blairs, Branning thought it was an airplane at first, but as it came closer and flew over the car she was in, the four realized it wasn't.

"It didn't make noise," Branning said. "It had bright, bright lights.

"It got closer and it was hovering. It was kind of a saucer shape or disc shape with a rounded top. The radio started sounding like it was running through all the stations and the car went dead. We were freaking out."

Branning said after it passed over the car, the craft shot straight up at a rate of speed she'd never seen and disappeared. It left her shaken.

"I didn't sleep that night thinking about it," Branning said.

'When I saw what Calvin and Charles went through, I kind of backed down'
Branning said the four agreed not to say anything about what they saw. She said over the years she told a few people but not many because she was scared of people's reactions. Now 74 years old, she said she does not care if people believe her or not.

Maria said she told people what she'd seen but largely stopped talking about it in the weeks following that evening.

"When you talked about it back then, people thought you were crazy," Maria said. "Back then, when I saw what Calvin and Charles went through, I kind of backed down talking about it.

"The story is very true. That's what has bothered me for 45 years. It's been on my mind for 45 years."

Parker has met with the Blairs and Branning and said he's happy they are now telling their stories publicly.

"I checked the people out as best I could, and they seem credible," Parker said. "It means a lot to me that that they came forward."

Parker feels there are more witnesses out there.

"I definitely do," Parker said. "There's been two or three people that have contacted me privately that didn't want their names used.

"I believe there are more people that haven't come forward. Back in the '70s you just didn't talk about it."

A Look Back: Charles Hickson talks of his abduction by a UFO in Pascagoula
One of two men who claimed to have been abducted by a UFO in Pascagoula in 1973, Calvin Parker, has finally explained what he remembers about that night 45 years ago in a new book, "Pascagoula — The Closest Encounter, My Story"

The other man, Charles Hickson, told Clarion Ledger columnist Billy Watkins his account of the event in great detail 16 years ago at his home on the Gulf Coast. Hickson died Sept. 9, 2011, at the age of 80. During that interview, he revealed something he had never talked about publicly.

Here is Watkins' story from Oct. 20, 2002.

GAUTIER — Charles Hickson has no proof. No photograph he can pull from his wallet, no papers certifying his story.

Just his word that 29 years ago this month he and a fishing buddy were abducted by a UFO, examined by a machine resembling a giant eyeball, then released physically unharmed.

He has told his story under hypnosis, told it to Johnny Carson on national TV. Recently, while sipping coffee in his modest home in Gautier, he told the story to a Clarion-Ledger reporter. His account of that night never changes. He has passed numerous lie-detector tests.

What Hickson hasn't talked about publicly, until now, is that he believes whatever - or whoever - was on that craft has kept track of him.

"I think they know where I am at all times," he says. "Too many strange things have happened."

Hickson, a retired shipyard foreman with five children and a no-nonsense demeanor, is 71 and spends most of his time caring for Blanche, his wife of 48 years who suffers from rheumatoid arthritis. He is fighting health problems of his own, including clogged arteries in his neck.

Hickson says he is a God-fearing man who "believes Jesus Christ died for my sins." Whether people believe his UFO story doesn't seem to be a big deal to him. "If you were in my place right now, I'm not sure I'd believe you or not," he said.

But others saw something that night, too.

Several people later reported strange lights in the Gulf Coast sky just after sunset on Oct. 11, 1973 - about the time Hickson and then 19-year-old Calvin Parker say they were abducted.

Mike Cataldo, a retired Navy chief petty officer now living in Rotonda West, Fla., says he saw "a very strange object on the horizon" late that afternoon while driving on U.S. 90, between Pascagoula and Ocean Springs.
Sun, 16 Jan 2022 01:20:54 +0000
Kidnapped By A Family Of Bigfoot RARE Interview 🙊
Kidnapped By A Family Of Bigfoot RARE Interview
Fri, 14 Jan 2022 18:55:31 +0000
Grey Aliens Killed 60 US Soldiers And Civilians In Underground Battle In New Mexico
Grey Aliens Killed 60 US Soldiers And Civilians In Underground Battle In New Mexico

American engineer Philip Schneider was born on April 23, 1947. He is known as a person who worked for many years in collaboration with special services of the United States, had access to information of the 3rd level of secrecy, but at some point decided that people should know that they are kept in ignorance or are grossly deceived about everything happening to UFOs and aliens.

1. The American government entered into an agreement with the Grey aliens in 1954. This mutually beneficial cooperation agreement is called the “Greada Treaty”. Aliens do not comply with it.

2. The shuttle made special alloys in orbit. A vacuum is needed to create these special metals, and thus the mandate for the ongoing support of the manned space station is justified.

3. Most of the aircraft technology with Stealth technology was developed due to the study of an alien ship that crashed in the United States.

4. AIDS was invented at the National Ordinance Laboratory in Chicago, Illinois, and developed as a virus to control the human population.

5. It is a secret that the US government has a device for causing earthquakes. The San Francisco earthquake in 1989 and the Kobe earthquake in 1995 did not have a pulse wave, which confirms their artificial origin.

6. The bombing at the World Trade Center (09/11/2001) and the bombing in Oklahoma City (04/19/1995) were carried out using miniature nuclear devices. This is indicated by the melting and pitting of concrete with the displacement of metal rods that make up the frame of concrete structures (it is worth recalling that Phil was an engineer and explosives were one of his strengths).

7. Bikini Atoll was destroyed by nuclear weapons due to the fact that there was an underwater base of aliens.

8. The strategic defense initiative (SDI) was actually conceived as a defense against alien invasions.


Ghosts That Hunt Back TV is a Youtube Channel that posts Ghost Videos, Bigfoot
Video and UFO Videos and more. We have Compilation Videos.

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TRUE Paranormal stories told by people who have experienced Ghosts. From Nurses sharing terrifying last words of patients as they die to Demons who attack Military units in Iraq. Ghost Stories, Bigfoot Stories.
Fri, 14 Jan 2022 00:10:23 +0000
Convincing Witness Of A UFO Encounter with Aliens Occupants
Convincing Witness Of A UFO Encounter with Aliens Occupants
Thu, 13 Jan 2022 22:20:02 +0000
UFO Attacks Family in Australia 👽 UFO Sightings In Australia
UFO Attacks Family in Australia 👽 UFO Sightings In Australia
Tue, 11 Jan 2022 00:05:02 +0000
Scientist Speaks Out On Aliens and UFO's AUDIO 👽 UFO and Aliens Caught On Video
Scientist Speaks Out On Aliens and UFO's REAL AUDIO

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Fri, 07 Jan 2022 23:25:02 +0000
The Mysterious Alien Abduction Of A 8 Year Old Boy Near Sweden
The Mysterious Alien Abduction Of A 8 Year Old Boy Near Sweden

In 1922, an 8-year-old Swedish boy decided to play with a classmate after school and then walked home past a peat bog and a forest. Suddenly, he became an eyewitness to a very strange event, which he decided to tell reporters only dozens of years later.

Outside Sweden, this story is practically unknown, while it is very interesting for everyone who is fond of ufology.

It happened a very long time ago, in 1922. It was an ordinary spring day. 8-year-old boy Osten Engstrom lived with his parents in the small village of Orsta, southwest of the Swedish city of Kolsva.

Real UFO Footage 2020 NEW 👽 NEW UFO Sighting 2020

UFO Footage 2020 is a Youtube Channel that posts NEW UFO Videos and more. We have Compilation Videos.

👽 UFO News 2020
🛸 REAL UFO Footage
👽 UFO News 2020
🛸 REAL UFO Footage
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🔵 My Near Death Experience Story
🐵 Proof That Bigfoot Is Real
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🐵 Real Bigfoot Video 2020

TRUE Paranormal stories told by people who have experienced Ghosts. From Nurses sharing terrifying last words of patients as they die to Demons who attack Military units in Iraq. Ghost Stories, Bigfoot Stories.
Thu, 08 Apr 2021 06:16:27 +0000
Lt. Gorman's Dogfight with a UFO
Lt. Gorman's Dogfight with a UFO, 1948

One of the early "classics" of UFO history involved Lieutenant George F. Gorman of the North Dakota Air National Guard, who said he had a twenty-seven minute "dogfight" with a UFO in the skies above Fargo.
Date: October 1, 1948-Location: Fargo, North Dakota

Gorman, then manager of a Fargo construction company, told this story to Air Force investigators:

On the night of October 1, 1948, he had been on a cross-country flight with his squadron. Upon return to Hector airport in Fargo, he elected to log some night flying time, so he remained airborne after the other planes had landed. He had circled his F-51 over the lighted football stadium and around the city and was preparing to land about 9 P.M.

Real UFO Footage 2020 NEW 👽 NEW UFO Sighting 2020

UFO Footage 2020 is a Youtube Channel that posts NEW UFO Videos and more. We have Compilation Videos.

👽 UFO News 2020
🛸 REAL UFO Footage
👽 UFO News 2020
🛸 REAL UFO Footage
👽 TRUE UFO Encounter Stories
🔵 Near Death Experience Stories
🔵 My Near Death Experience Story
🐵 Proof That Bigfoot Is Real
🐵 Best Bigfoot Pictures
🐵 Real Bigfoot Video 2020

TRUE Paranormal stories told by people who have experienced Ghosts. From Nurses sharing terrifying last words of patients as they die to Demons who attack Military units in Iraq. Ghost Stories, Bigfoot Stories.
Thu, 08 Apr 2021 06:09:55 +0000
10 Terrifying UFO and Alien Encounters 👽 TRUE UFO Encounter Stories
10 Terrifying UFO and Alien Encounters Part 2 👽 TRUE UFO Encounter Stories

🔴 FREE KINDLE OR AUDIOBOOK 🔴 Bigfoot Frightening Encounters​

Think UFO and alien encounters are mere fictional "X-Files" fodder? These 10 true tales of extraterrestrial confrontations will make you reconsider.

Real UFO Footage 2020 NEW 👽 NEW UFO Sighting 2020

UFO Footage 2020 is a Youtube Channel that posts NEW UFO Videos and more. We have Compilation Videos.

👽 UFO News 2020
🛸 REAL UFO Footage
👽 UFO News 2020
🛸 REAL UFO Footage
👽 TRUE UFO Encounter Stories
🔵 Near Death Experience Stories
🔵 My Near Death Experience Story
🐵 Proof That Bigfoot Is Real
🐵 Best Bigfoot Pictures
🐵 Real Bigfoot Video 2020

TRUE Paranormal stories told by people who have experienced Ghosts. From Nurses sharing terrifying last words of patients as they die to Demons who attack Military units in Iraq. Ghost Stories, Bigfoot Stories.
Thu, 08 Apr 2021 01:13:21 +0000
Three terrifying stories from people who genuinely believe they were abducted by aliens
Three terrifying stories from people who genuinely believe they were abducted by aliens

The X Files. Alien. E.T.. Films and TV shows like these about extra-terrestrials are so popular and so successful that they’ve become deeply embedded in our collective culture. And for as long as we’ve been enjoying scary movies about alien lifeforms, people have been claiming that they’ve had real-life contact with other-worldly beings, often in violent and traumatic abductions.

Real UFO Footage 2020 NEW 👽 NEW UFO Sighting 2020

UFO Footage 2020 is a Youtube Channel that posts NEW UFO Videos and more. We have Compilation Videos.

👽 UFO News 2020
🛸 REAL UFO Footage
👽 UFO News 2020
🛸 REAL UFO Footage
👽 TRUE UFO Encounter Stories
🔵 Near Death Experience Stories
🔵 My Near Death Experience Story
🐵 Proof That Bigfoot Is Real
🐵 Best Bigfoot Pictures
🐵 Real Bigfoot Video 2020

TRUE Paranormal stories told by people who have experienced Ghosts. From Nurses sharing terrifying last words of patients as they die to Demons who attack Military units in Iraq. Ghost Stories, Bigfoot Stories.
Thu, 08 Apr 2021 00:43:54 +0000
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