
反叛的瓦格納,綜合實力正面碾壓俄羅斯正規軍,與車臣特種部隊五五開,戰鬥力不弱於歐洲國家,不如遠離烏克蘭戰場,去非洲自立為王!| 俄烏 | 頓巴斯 | 巴赫穆特 | T-72 | 紮波羅熱 | 反攻 |

10 個月前
(基於 PinQueue 指標)
Shoigu ordered Wagner to be incorporated, but Prigozin publicly refused. Now the right to decide Wagner's fate is in Putin's hands. It is to let Wagner continue to participate in the war, so that he will be exhausted and exist in name only. Or let it stay away from the Ukrainian battlefield and go to Africa to implement Russia's diplomatic strategy? Compared with Wagner, the regular Russian army and the Chechen army, whose combat power is higher?
#火力就是正義 #火力君
(基於 PinQueue 指標)
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