
廣州!燒鵝皇40元!應元路!竹溪酒家!平靚正粵菜酒樓!人均消費50元!豬雜煲58元!美食旅遊推薦!中山六路!光孝路!小食一條街!人氣排隊王!最貼地!Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou

1 個月前
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#廣州 #粵菜 #美食

GOOGLE MAP:https://maps.app.goo.gl/d5YkFRPZmPmVB3ZP9
BAIDU MAP:https://j.map.baidu.com/8f/HQk
餐厅消费:竹溪燒鵝皇 ¥40,台山菜花五花肉 ¥45,胡椒豬紅豬雜煲 ¥58,香煎海鱸 ¥48
應元路,全長本為解放北路到越秀山體育場止,由民國時期之清泉街、紀念堂路、鎮海路組成,於1952年建成。 後該路於1990年代中期向東延長至小北路,形成今日之應元路。
該路得名於「應元宮」和「應元書院」。 民國時期,三元宮以西至中華北路(今解放北路)一段作清泉街,三元宮以東至吉祥北路一段作紀念堂路,吉祥路口至五層樓(鎮海樓)作鎮海路 。 清泉街得名於越王井,相傳為南越王趙佗所開,以井水清澈甘美稱世。 清泉街一名在2002年清泉街小學停辦後徹底消失,該校址為今廣州市越秀區二中應元學校。 紀念堂路因路南之中山紀念堂得名。 紀念堂與越秀山隔路相連,沿著百步梯直達山腰處孫中山讀書治事處紀念碑,以及山頂的中山紀念碑。 鎮海路因鎮海樓而得名,越秀山體育場建成後該路重編為沿越秀山南麓、過鎮海樓之東西向道路。
清朝初年,「平南王」尚可喜麾軍南下廣東,兒子尚之信就在越秀山麓興建了「應元宮」。 後來,平南王捲入三藩之亂,被清政府平息以後,應元宮則曾先後被闢為佛寺和道觀,但後來在第二次鴉片戰爭中被毀。
「應元書院」為廣東佈政使王凱泰在應元宮原址於同治八年(1869年)興辦,當時只有舉人才能入學,逾年該書院舉人梁耀樞辛未科中進士,欽點狀元。 清末科舉式微,應元書院停辦改為廣東先賢祠。 光緒三十四年(1908年),兩廣總督張人駿在此創辦以保存國粹為宗旨的廣東存古學堂,宣統三年(1911年)停辦。 民國十年(1921年),在廢棄的應元學院處建立了執信中學,兩年後遷至執信南路現址。 1929年廣州市立第一中學遷往此地辦學。 對抗勝利後,1947年9月,廣州市立第二中學在應元路原市一中校址復辦。 現為廣州市第二中學初中部。
在應元路開闢之前,位於馬路兩旁的中山紀念堂和越秀山是連在一起的,遊人可在紀念堂的背後沿著百步梯直達山頂的中山紀念碑。 而在應元路建成後,「堂-山-碑」一體的格局被打破,兩者自此被視為各自獨立的兩個區域。
Yingyuan Road originally ran from Jiefang North Road to Yuexiu Mountain Stadium. It was composed of Qingquan Street, Memorial Hall Road and Zhenhai Road during the Republic of China. It was built in 1952. Later, the road was extended eastward to Xiaobei Road in the mid-1990s, forming today's Yingyuan Road.
This road is named after "Yingyuan Palace" and "Yingyuan Academy". During the Republic of China, the section from the west of Sanyuan Palace to Zhonghua North Road (today's Jiefang North Road) was called Qingquan Street, the section from the east of Sanyuan Palace to Jixiang North Road was called Memorial Hall Road, and the section from Jixiang Road to the fifth floor (Zhenhai Tower) was called Zhenhai Road. . Qingquan Street is named after the Yuewang Well, which is said to have been opened by Zhao Tuo, King of Nanyue. It is famous for its clear and sweet water. The name Qingquan Street disappeared completely after the closure of Qingquan Street Primary School in 2002. The school's site is now Yingyuan School, No. 2 Middle School, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou City. Memorial Hall Road is named after the Zhongshan Memorial Hall to the south of the road. The memorial hall is connected to Yuexiu Mountain across the road, and you can follow the hundred-step staircase directly to the monument of Sun Yat-sen's Study and Affairs Office on the mountainside and the Sun Yat-sen Monument on the top of the mountain. Zhenhai Road is named after Zhenhai Tower. After the completion of Yuexiu Mountain Stadium, the road was reorganized into an east-west road along the southern foot of Yuexiu Mountain and passing Zhenhai Tower.
In the early years of the Qing Dynasty, "King Pingnan" Shang Kexi led his army southward to Guangdong, and his son Shang Zhixin built the "Yingyuan Palace" at the foot of Yuexiu Mountain. Later, King Pingnan was involved in the San Francisco Rebellion, which was quelled by the Qing government. Yingyuan Palace was turned into a Buddhist temple and a Taoist temple, but was later destroyed during the Second Opium War.
"Yingyuan Academy" was founded by Wang Kaitai, the chief envoy of Guangdong, on the original site of Yingyuan Palace in the eighth year of Tongzhi (1869). At that time, only candidates could enter the academy. Over the past year, the academy's candidate Liang Yaoshu, Xinwei, passed the imperial examination and was selected as the number one scholar. At the end of the Qing Dynasty, the imperial examination declined, and the Yingyuan Academy was closed and renamed the Guangdong Pantheon. In the thirty-fourth year of Guangxu (1908), Zhang Renjun, the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, founded the Guangdong Cugu School here with the purpose of preserving the essence of the Chinese nation. It was closed in the third year of Xuantong (1911).








00:00 Intro
00:34 竹溪家宴(應元店)/讀餐牌時間
04:11 竹溪燒鵝皇/台山菜花五花肉/胡椒豬紅豬雜煲/香煎海鱸
10:06 應元路
14:46 中山紀念堂/古木棉樹開花
20:59 百靈路/六榕路/惠吉西
25:24 飲手沖咖啡
28:44 中山六路/光孝路/美食推薦
42:05 Ending
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