
Podcast UFO

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Podcast UFO

Podcast UFO is place where you can listen to audio podcasts about UFOs, close encounters and people associated with the UFO phenomenon. Witnesses involved in such things as sightings, views on cover-ups and more. Listeners are welcome to interact with guests, visit the website to find out how. Shows are recorded live on YouTube stream every Tuesday evening, 6:00 to 8:00PM ET.

2022-05-18 09:03:55

507. Ralph Blumenthal & Sean Cahill, House Panel Hearing on UFOs & More

GUEST ONE: Ralph Blumenthal on the House Intelligence subcommittee which held the first congressional hearing in more than 50 years on unexplained aerial phenomena which occurred on this day, GUEST TWO: Sean Cahill, continuing on the topic and much more, Sean is a Retired U.S. Navy Chief Master-at-Arms that was aboard the USS Princeton during the 2004 Tic-Tac UFO encounters, which he goes into details about, plus some past UFO encounters.

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2022-05-18 09:03:55

AUDIOBLOG: Violent UFO Encounters in Brazil

There are many UFO reports that involve injuries to witnesses. A particularly dramatic case from Hobbs, New Mexico, in 1964 involved an eight-year-old boy named Charles who was reportedly burned by a black, top-shaped UFO. While his face swelled up to where his nose reportedly disappeared, he felt no pain. Injury reports come from all over the world, but Brazil seems to have had more than its fair share. Bob Pratt, a UFO investigator who had a long career as a journalist that included a stint as the head of the UFO desk at the National Enquirer, traveled extensively in Brazil and collected UFO and occupant reports that have a common thread of violence to the witnesses.

Pratt wrote a book titled, UFO Danger Zone: Terror and Death in Brazil – Where Next?, that was published in 1996. In his acknowledgements, he thanks the many Brazilian citizens and investigators who helped him. In his introduction, he describes making over ten visits to Brazil between May 1978 and July 1993. He lists the elements peculiarly common in Brazilian reports, including: the sudden appearance of a UFO over a witness’s head followed by “a burst of sunlight” and a subsequent chase by the UFO as the witness runs, attempts to pull the witness up into the UFO using an unseen source and sometimes grappling hooks, and UFO occupants dropping hot liquids on the witnesses to make them let go of whatever they might have grabbed in an attempt to resist being taken away. Read more →

2022-05-16 00:03:28

506. Marc D'Antonio

Martin & Marc D'Antonio discuss what little they know about the upcoming Public UAP Hearings, and various UFO images, as well as astronomy, an upcoming eclipse, possibilities of life out there and more.


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2022-05-13 07:32:49

Ariel Phenomenon Movie Review

Please support this film, it is the best movie I have ever watched on the UFO topic! This review includes my interview clips with filmmaker, Randall Nickerson, and direct witnesses, Emily Trim, Francis Chirimuuta & Salma Siddick. Thank you, Martin

Video version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jY_K1E0eb98

Original Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OnFI1dDG6ZI&t=15s Official Website to pre-order and order: https://arielphenomenon.com

Randall Nickerson and a direct witness will be on our show on Tuesday, May 31.

2022-05-12 03:23:20

AudioBlog: UFOs and Creatures Reported in Varginha, Brazil

Brazil has a unique place in UFO history, not only for the abundance of high-strangeness UFO reports that come from that region, but also for the fact that people have been reportedly injured and have even died as a result of their alleged encounters. One such case comes from the Brazilian city of Varginha. In this case, not only is there a report of a witness dying, there are also reports that one, and maybe more, extraterrestrials ended their days here on Earth.

Bob Pratt, a UFO researcher who manned the National Enquirer’s UFO desk for a period and covered South American UFO reports extensively, presented a narrative summary of the case in his 1996 book, UFO Danger Zone: Terror and Death in Brazil – Where Next? He was in Brazil shortly after the events and his summary is based on witness accounts and reports from the primary investigators. Read more →

2022-05-09 04:48:17

505. On Location James Fox

On location in Vermont with guest, James Fox and Marco Leal to discussing Jame's latest to be released film, 'Moment of Contact' which is a documentary based on the 1996 Varginha UFO Crash, considered 'The Roswell of Brazil'. The town of Varginha was cordoned off by military and emergency response teams and two creatures were captured and much more. James also talks about the UFO encounter game changer video he viewed that is owned by Chuck Clark.

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2022-05-03 20:33:00

A UFO and Creature Report From Kofu, Japan: Part 2

In last week’s blog, we took a look at a case from Kofu, Japan, that involved two seven-year-old boys, Masato Kono and Katushiro Yamahata, who reported seeing a saucer-shaped UFO and its occupants in a vineyard in 1975. The creatures were described as having brown heads with pinky-sized, horizontal wrinkles where a face would be; three silver, metallic, two-inch fang-like features where a mouth would be; and two rabbit-like ears with a hole in the middle of each one. One of the creatures confronted the boys and emitted a noise like a sped-up tape recorder in what seemed to be an attempt to communicate. They ran away to Kono’s home where their parents were having dinner and they excitedly told their story. Kono’s mother thought they had made it up as an excuse for being late, but the boys insisted it was true and pleaded with their mothers to go with them and see for themselves. The boys would soon be forgiven for being late and would become the center of attention for many interested parties.

Masako Kono and Hanae Yamahata followed their boys out to a road on the west side of the Hinode Complex where the Konos lived. With them were Hanae’s one-year-old son and four-year-old daughter. From there, they had a view of the vineyard where the boys said they’d seen the saucer and the creatures. Read more →

2022-05-02 09:46:38

Bonus Podcast: Skinwalker Ranch, Brandon Fugal & Erik Bard

Everything Else Show guests, current ranch owner Brandon Fugal & on location at Skinwalker ranch, Principal Investigator and Chief Scientist, Erik Bard discuss the goings on at Skinwalker Ranch, why Brandon bought the place and tidbits the past and present.

Check out: https://www.skinwalker-ranch.com/

2022-04-30 08:00:00

504. Chris Lehto

A fascinating conversation with guest Chris Lehto who discusses what he has been up to in the UAP world since our last show together, and his involvement with the UAP Society which aims at discovering the secrets of alien life, by uniting dedicated enthusiasts and scientists from all over the globe, in the search for the truth.

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2022-04-27 08:34:34

AudioBlog: A UFO and Creature Encounter Report From Kofu, Japan

In 1975, two seven-year-old boys in Kofu, Japan, reported an encounter with a flying saucer and its occupants. They were taken seriously, and an investigation revealed not only other witnesses, but also physical evidence to back up their story. The case was re-examined almost 40 years later by investigators from the Space Phenomena Observatory Center, and in their opinion, still holds up. A report was given to the Aerial Phenomena Research Organization and the Center for UFO Studies by Matsushito Hayashi of the Japan Space Phenomena Association. Both organizations provided summaries (APRO here on page 5; and CUFOS here on page 13) in their publications. A two-part article using extensive Japanese sources was written by Otakupapa. It is titled Kofu Incident: A Creepy Alien Got Off a UFO and Tapped a Japanese Boy on the Shoulder and is posted on otakupapa.net.

According to the article, on Sunday, February 23, 1975, Masato Kono and Katushiro Yamahata were roller-skating on a concrete slab in a vacant lot at around 6:30 p.m. Looking up, they saw two lights moving towards them from the east. According to the version of events in one of Otakupapa’s sources (Kubota, Hachiro UFO to Uchu (UFOs & Space) June 1975, NO.12, 8-17, Universe Publishing Co.), the lights were seen by the boys to be orange objects as they got closer. At this point the boys could see that the objects were circular with three spinning structures on the bottom. The boys’ descriptions of the objects are very much like the “classic” Adamski-type saucer. According to writer Hiroshi Minamiyama (Otakupapa’s other source for this moment in the story) only one object came over to the boys while the other one flew off.

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2022-04-25 04:48:20

Bonus Podcast: Martin interviewed on MUFON What's Up!

Martin Willis joins Katie Griboski, Katie Cook and Chris Deperno on this week's MUFON What's Up! The interview starts about 30 minutes in.

2022-04-21 22:28:43

503. Dr George Gaines (replay)

Martin checks in and plays a an amazing 2016 show replay of Dr George Gaines as he speaks about his childhood UFO sighting and when Edward Ruppelt visited him to talk about it, and more.

2022-04-20 08:00:00

AudioBlog: A UFO Adduction in Cergy-Pontoise?

On November 26, 1979, police in the French agglomeration community of Cergy-Pontoise received a strange missing person report from two distressed young men. According to Jean-Pierre Prévost and Salomon N’Diaye, their friend, Franck Fontaine, disappeared after a ball of light that was accompanied by three or four luminous spheres engulfed the car he was in. This resulted in not only an investigation by the police but also GEPAN (Groupe d’Études des Phénomènes Aérospatiaux Non-identifiés), the unit of CNES (Centre National D’études Spatiales) tasked with dealing with UFO reports.

According to an article on the case titled L’Affaire de Cergy-Pontoise, posted on rrO.org, Fontaine, 18, Prévost and N’Diaye, both 25, were loading a Ford station wagon with jeans they were going to try and sell at Gisors market. They saw a light heading towards the ground at a “not too fast speed.” Fontaine drove towards where he thought it might have made impact after telling the other two to meet him there. Prévost and N’Diaye went back to their nearby apartments, N’Diaye to get a camera and Prévost to get another load of jeans. Read more →

2022-04-19 01:37:01

502. Micah Hanks

Guest, Micah Hanks coming to us from Brazil and discusses his longtime look into the UFO topic, the changes in the last few years, the success of the Debrief as a UAP news source and more.

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2022-04-13 09:09:02

AudioBlog: PART II: A Multiple Witness UFO Abduction

In last week’s blog, we wrote about an incident involving Filiberto Cárdenas, a Cuban exile living in Hialeah, Florida. Cárdenas was reportedly seen by his friend and his friend’s wife and daughter to float up in a beam of light into some sort of craft that then flew off. Two hours later, he was found 16 miles away on his hands and knees in the middle of the road. He was taken to a hospital and tested for radiation. The tests came up negative, but he experienced mysterious symptoms including an excessive thirst, shaking hands, and a sulfurous body odor. While this case might have been held up as an argument for the reality of the alien abduction phenomenon, it is rarely discussed and is overshadowed by more famous cases such as that involving Travis Walton. A possible reason for this is that Cárdenas, and then his wife, reported experiences that were similar to those of contactees, who have often been discounted by many in the UFO research community. Read more →

2022-04-10 21:47:34

501. Dave Beaty & Stan Gordon

Dave Beaty on USS Kearsarge UFO encounter then repeat guest, Stan Gordon to speak on his latest book, "Creepy Cryptids and Strange UFO Encounters of Pennsylvania" as well as recent and past UFO & cryptid cases that Stan has looking into since the 1960s

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2022-04-06 09:27:42

AudioBlog: A multiple witness UFO Abduction

UFO abduction cases have been controversial ever since the very first cases were reported. The main factor working against them is that most of them are single witness reports. There are exceptions, of course, the most famous being the 1975 Travis Walton case. In this incident, six of Walton’s co-workers (they were working in Sitgreaves National Forest in Arizona on an NFS Timber Stand Improvement contract) reported seeing Walton knocked back by a beam of light from a UFO and then lifted up by the beam. Walton was missing for five days and the Navajo County Sheriff suspected his co-workers of murder. They were subjected to lie-detector tests at the Navajo County Courthouse in Holbrook, Arizona, and all six of them passed. This case is still discussed and held up in support of abduction claims, but another abduction case with multiple witnesses that also seems worthy of consideration is nowhere near as well known.

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2022-04-04 08:52:08

500. Listener Call-In

Callers from all over the country and one from Germany talk about their encounters and more.

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2022-03-30 08:50:27

AudioBlog: Taken aboard a UFO and Turned Into a Mutant?

By Charles Lear

With UFO reports, there are common elements that give one a sense of the nature of the phenomenon. However, there are some reports that contain elements that are unique to the point that a researcher might be inclined to dismiss them. The case of Herbirito Garza is one of these.

Garza’s case was written about by Scott Corrales in his article “Abductions: The Crucible of Nightmares,” published in the May 2000 issue of Fate magazine (See page 5). According to Corrales, the case was investigated in 1972 by Jorge Reichert, Salvador Freixedo, and Ian Norris. Garza, a Mexican ceramics technician who lived in the city of Puebla, claimed to have been visited by an alien from the planet Auko and taken aboard a spaceship. According to him, he had just gotten into bed when he heard a noise in the living room. Thinking someone had broken in, he went to investigate. He came upon a “man” that was over two meters tall with a distinguished, almost-feminine-looking face. Read more

2022-03-28 09:35:46

499. Ted Roe & Jack Brewer

Ted Roe stops in for a few minutes to discuss the AIAA statement on UFOs, NARCAP, pilot encounters, then guest Jack Brewer got interested in the many overlaps between NICAP and intelligence agencies. Then, through the FOIA, various archives, newspaper clippings and so on, it got increasingly interesting, to the point that he wrote about it. Frankly, Jack was surprised how much material he has obtained that suggests the CIA facilitated the birth of NICAP.

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2022-03-23 08:42:48

AudioBlog: Cars lifted up and transported by UFOs

In the 1950s, the first reports of cars shutting down in the proximity of UFOs started hitting the news, most memorably those from Levelland, Texas, in 1957. Then, in the 1960’s, there were reports of UFOs chasing cars, sometimes hitting them, and in fair turnabout, reports of cars chasing UFOs. Things didn’t escalate until 1978, when the first reports came out of UFOs lifting cars up in the air, carrying them for various distances and periods of time, and then returning them to the ground.

In 1978 alone, there were four reports that this writer was able to find. The first of these occurred in July of that year and is described on the website of the Missouri Investigators Group.

According to the report, there was a UFO flap in Ellsberry, Mo., at the time. On July 27, Mrs. Clora Winscher, was driving towards her home in Arnold, Mo., after visiting her brother in Beaufort. At around 12:30 a.m., she was coming out of Union, Mo., when she saw what she thought was a tractor trailer coming straight at her. As she braced for impact, her car filled up with white light.

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2022-03-20 11:24:11

498. Dr. Garry Nolan & Lue Elizondo

Joining us for the first hour is, Stanford University School of Medicine professor, Garry Nolan discusses his years of research into the UFO phenomenon, as well as the study of alleged UFO crash materials. Joining us later in the discussion and for the remainder of the show is guest, ex-Pentagon official, Lue Elizondo for updates on what he has been involved with in the last year, what is upcoming book will entail and much more.

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2022-03-16 08:40:02

- 未知的檔案類型。

AudioBlog: UFOs and Strange Creatures in Harrah, Washington

When a nine-year-old boy in Harrah, Washington, approximately 12 miles west of the city of Toppenish, told his mother a story about seeing strange creatures and their vehicles on the morning of a school day, she heard him out, and then sent him to school. His story would likely have gone no further, had it not been for a teacher’s aide who went with him back to his house during recess after hearing his story and believing him. This lead to the discovery of physical traces that backed up his story and an investigation by members of the Center for UFO Studies and a reporter from a local paper.

According to the article “Harrah Youth Reports UFOs With ‘Greenish Creatures,’” written by Frances Story and published in the January 26, 1977 Toppenish Review, nine-year-old Jose Cantu woke his mother up at 6:30 a.m. on Wednesday, January 19, wanting her to explain a “little man” he’d seen outside. His mother, Martha, had had a rough night with her baby and sent him away so she could get some more sleep. Jose then went out to investigate on his own.

Jose came back in and told his mother what he’d seen. According to him, there were two greenish creatures in the yard that were about three feet tall, and instead of having feet, they rotated on round bases. He said he saw two “steely” craft, one sitting in the yard and one on a flat section of the roof, and that there was a creature in each one. He said he observed all this while hiding behind a washing machine outside next to a shed.

As he watched, the two creatures in the yard returned to the vehicles. He said they had “straight stairs” leading to doors that opened “in two parts, like a cross,” and that there were two chairs with tall bases inside. The vehicles then rose up and disappeared into some sort of vaporous cloud. Read more →

2022-03-14 19:57:22

497. Tom King, Phoenix Lights, a UFO Hotspot

Guest Tom King was in Phoenix during the Phoenix Lights event on March 13, 1997. He discusses his longtime interest, Phoenix as a UFO hotspot and his extensive UFO filming.

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2022-03-09 09:42:30

AudioBlog: UFOs and High Strangeness in Argentina

In mid December of last year, we wrote about a woman, Irma Rick, in the province of La Pampa in Argentina, who, after seeing a bright light outside her house, suddenly found herself the next morning almost 65 km (40 miles) away sitting on the side of the road in the town of Guatraché with no memory of how she got there. Most of us here in the United States got the news from INEXPLICATA-The Journal of Hispanic UFOlogy. A recent post on the site on February 6 tells of another report out of La Pampa that is just as strange�The sources are listed as Luis Burgos and the online La Pampa news publication InfoHuella. InfoHuella posted an article and a follow-up covering the story. On February 4, a couple and their adult son were travelling by truck on their way home to the town of Victoria. They were crossing the border between La Pampa province and San Luis province to the east. As they passed under the border arch they saw “many lights.” According to one of the witnesses, “When we saw the lights, the first thing we wondered was if it had to do with Victorica Agricultural School being lit up. We then realized this could not be the case, as we were far away.” Before they could make sense of what they were seeing, they found themselves entering the town of Victorica, 26 kilometers from where they were a moment ago. Their GPS still indicated that they were in their former position but then “zeroed out” within a few blocks.

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2022-03-07 21:00:00

Everything Else Show Special Edition: Ukraine Conflict with KONSTANTIN SAMOILOV

An authentic look inside Russia on the Ukraine conflict with Konstantin Samoilov, what everyday people have been told through controlled media, how Russians feel about the people of Ukraine, the, sanctions, what is happening to their country now and their fears of the future.

Link to donate to children of Ukraine: https://bit.ly/3MveFQk

The most reliable source for checking media bias and factuality: https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/

YouTube Link: https://youtu.be/zQbMz7G0iew

2022-03-06 21:50:00

496. Kevin Randle and Albert Wain

HOUR ONE: Kevin Randle discusses UFO encounter/vehicle stall incidents as well as his book, LEVELLAND, about a multiple witness and multiple encounters case of a red glowing object witnesses in 1957 and more. HOUR TWO: Albert Wain talks about some family UFO encounters including one he witnessed at 9 years old, plus elaborates on his sighting at 17 years old with multiple witnesses.

BIO: Kevin Randle is a prominent ufologist. Within the UFO community, he is often regarded as one of the preeminent experts on the reported crash of a UFO near Roswell, New Mexico in July 1947. He is a professional best-selling author with over 100 books to his name. He has a Ph.D. in psychology and was in the United States Air Force and the National Guard where he held the rank of Lieutenant Colonel before retiring in 2009.

BIO: At the age of nine, Albert was enjoying a summer evening with his parents and uncle when they all witnessed an event in the sky that, to this day, has challenged his beliefs on reality. Albert has spent a lifetime of curiosity with UFOs and other paranormal subjects from Massachusetts to Utah to Manitoba, Ca. Albert spent forty years in antique restoration and claims work, which he is now retired from, and currently resides in New York State, pursuing a career as a painter.

2022-03-02 09:00:00

495. UFOJane, Jane Kyle

Guest Jane Kyle (aka "UFOJane") has documented over a thousand UFO sightings in her home state of Texas, she speaks about her favorite historic cases and more.

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2022-02-23 09:22:00

AudioBlog: A 1976 UFO Encounter in Kentucky THE EVIDENCE

As mentioned last week, in part three of this four-part series, investigators from the Aerial Phenomena Research Organization, the Mutual UFO Network, and the Center for UFO Studies travelled to Liberty, Kentucky, to interview three women there who’d reported an unusual UFO encounter. According to the women, Louise Smith, Mona Stafford, and Elaine Thomas, they suffered physical effects after the encounter including one-inch-by-three-inch rectangular burn-like marks on the backs of their necks, a burning sensation on certain areas of skin when in contact with water, and red irritated eyes. They also seemed to have lost around 80 minutes. This was on January 6, 1976, so it was an early abduction case before the narrative of a “typical” abduction by beings that came to be known as “greys” became prominent.

Jim and Coral Lorenzen of APRO were told about the case by APRO Field Investigator Bill Terry. He told them that abduction might have been involved, and they arranged for APRO Psychiatric Consultant Dr. Leo Sprinkle to travel to liberty and interview the women at APRO’s expense. He was a specialist in hypnotic regression and APRO was hoping that the women would agree to undergo the procedure.

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2022-02-21 10:16:06

496. Chris Lambright, UFO Belief Systems, Father Gill Case, and Paul Bennewitz Case

Longtime UFO researcher, Chris Lambright gives his take on UFO beliefs, The Father Gill Incident of 1959, and goes deeply into the Paul Bennewitz Case, Rick Doty and the government disinformation.

2022-02-16 09:27:56

AudioBlog: A UFO Encounter in Kentucky - THE INVESTIGATION

In last week’s blog, we looked at a UFO encounter in Kentucky reported by three women, Louise Smith, Mona Stafford, and Elaine Thomas. According to them, they saw a craft that shone a blue light into their car and seemingly took control of it. They felt pain down through the tops of their heads and in their eyes, felt the car being pulled backwards and then suddenly found themselves almost eight miles away in what seemed like an instant. The UFO was gone. They continued on to Liberty, Kentucky and stopped at the trailer home of Smith, who had been the driver. They became aware that they all had a number of physical ailments, including burning and tearing eyes, skin that burned when in contact with water and one-inch-by-three-inch marks on the backs of their necks. There was also about 80 minutes they couldn’t account for. Smith looked to see if any of her neighbors were awake and she saw a light on in the trailer next-door belonging to Lowell Lee. The women went over to his house and Lee listened to their story. He looked at the marks on their necks, and then had them go to separate areas and draw what they said they saw. The drawings were almost identical. The story found its way into the press and it wasn’t long before interested UFO investigators approached the women to look into the case. Read more →

2022-02-13 23:13:35

493. Ron Felber - The Mojave Incident

Guest Ron Felber discusses his research while writing his book,' The Mojave Incident', which happened on the night of October 21, 1989, nine glowing objects appeared over an empty stretch of the Mojave desert---and turned Elise and Tom (real; names Dawn & Steve) Gifford's quiet weekend into an unearthly nightmare of terror.

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2022-02-09 09:32:35

AudioBlog: A 1976 UFO Encounter in Kentucky

In our last blog, we looked at a case involving three women in Kentucky who experienced actinic conjunctivitis after a UFO encounter. Since the blog was about multiple UFO-related conjunctivitis cases, we focused on that aspect of the encounter, but there was more to their story – a lot more.

According to the October 1976 APRO Bulletin (date from February 12, 1976 Kentucky Casey County Press) on January 6, 1976, Louise Smith, Mona Stafford, and Elaine Thomas were all sitting in the front seat of Smith’s 1967 Chevy, which she had bought the day before. Smith was driving and they were on their way back to Liberty, Kentucky, where they all lived, after having had dinner at the Redwoods restaurant 29 miles away, five miles north of Stanford, Kentucky. They had gone there to celebrate Stafford’s birthday (they reportedly didn’t drink any alcohol) and left at 11:15 p.m.

They were about one mile south of Stanford when they spotted a large metallic disc-shaped object with a glowing white dome. There were “three or four” lights on the underside that were red and yellow, and “a bluish beam of light issued from the bottom.” The object descended from their right to left and then hovered at tree level over the road in front of them. At this point, they were able to estimate its size. Smith said it was “as big as a football field,” and Stafford said it was about the size of two houses. It gently rocked back and forth for a couple of seconds and then moved off to their left.

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2022-02-07 06:48:24

492. Ron Meyer and Alan Megargle

Guests Ron Meyer and Alan Megargle to discuss the Skinwalker Ranch type phenomenon through their movies, "The Bigfoot Alien Connection Revealed" and caller Mardi from Washington state discusses encounters at her cabin, witnessed by her and family members, they also talk about their other films, Alien Contact in the Rockies and post-production film, "Paranormal Highway" and much more.

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2022-02-02 09:25:23

AudioBlog: UFOs and Conjunctivitis

For researchers, UFO trace cases make up a welcome, science-friendly aspect of a phenomenon that often eludes scientific study. Researcher Ted Phillips specialized in trace cases starting in the mid-1960s on the advice of Project Blue Book scientific consultant J. Allen Hynek. In the course of his investigations, Phillips was able to note commonalities, one of those being that soil samples taken from alleged UFO landing sites were unable to absorb water. While UFOs have been reported to leave physical traces on the environment, they’ve also been reported to leave physical traces on witnesses. A common report of this sort is what is medically known as “actinic conjunctivitis” or “klieg conjunctivitis.” This is a painful condition where the eyes become red and intensely irritated due to exposure to ultraviolet light. Read more →

2022-01-31 04:10:16

491. Dr Bob Davis & Dave Beaty, UFO & Consciousness

Dr Bob Davis and Dave Beaty are on this show to talk about their upcoming film: "The Consciousness Connection" where they discuss Interactions with Unidentified Aerial Phenomena; Neuroscience; and Near-Death and Out-of-Body Experiences; Healing with Intent; Extrasensory Perception and Psychokinesis; Astrophysics; and Quantum Theory, among others.

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2022-01-26 09:29:42

AudioBlog: The UFO Newsclipping Service

For UFO researchers, and especially those interested in UFO history, the internet is a treasure trove. There are many, easily accessible archives online, with Archive.org, and Archives for the Unexplained being two of the main go-to sites. There is also a lot of material available thanks to researchers who preserved it on their sites during periods of active research and investigation, and the material remains despite many having ceased any major activity. Two examples are the websites left behind (and looked after by caring former members) by the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena and the Center for UFO Studies. Among the archived material can be found articles on UFO incidents clipped out of newspapers. These were gathered, in many cases, by individual researchers in the area of a UFO incident, or through the efforts of a network of members of some of the larger organizations, such as NICAP and CUFOS. Then, in 1969, a young UFO enthusiast took it upon himself to start a news-clipping service devoted to UFOs and other things fortean. He copied, cut, and pasted the clippings to put together a monthly publication, available by subscription, appropriately named the UFO Newsclipping Service.

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2022-01-25 11:00:31

AudioBlog: A UFO and Occupant in Wheeling, West Virginia?

On September 12, 1952, a woman and six boys in the town of Flatwoods in Braxton County, West Virginia, reported that they’d had an encounter with a landed UFO and a strange creature. The woman, Mrs. Kathleen May, described the creature to a reporter as “a fire-breathing monster, ten-feet tall with a bright green body and a blood-red face.” She said the creature emitted an odor “like metal” that caused everyone to vomit for hours after the encounter. She added, “It looked worse than Frankenstein.” The witnesses all agreed that the figure had a red face with two openings like eyes that projected beams of greenish-orange light over their heads and that around the face there was a dark hood-like shape that came to a point like the ace of spades. The creature has become known as “The Flatwoods Monster.” By September 15, the case was reported in newspapers all over the country. It is likely that most readers are aware of this case, but many may not be aware of reports from nearby Wheeling, West Virginia, just a couple of days later. Read more →

2022-01-21 22:16:21

490. Monroe Nevels, Rendlesham Forest UFO Incident Witness

Guest, Sgt. Monroe Nevels, was with Colonel Charles Halt and others on December 27-28th, 1980 as a first hand witness of the Rendlesham Forest Incident. He operated the Geiger counter and confirms the Craft of Unknown Origin sighting. These events occurred just outside RAF Woodbridge, which was used at the time by the United States Air Force.

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2022-01-19 09:32:43

489. Cristina Gomez, Gen-Z on UFOs

Guest Cristina Gomez to discuss her fascination with the UFO/UAP topic, her dive into UFO video scrutiny and where her interest has led her.

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2022-01-12 09:32:31

AudioBlog: A UFO Lab in Japan

On June 24 of this year (World UFO Day), the International UFO Lab was established in Japan. It is housed in the UFO Fureaikan (UFO Friendship Center), a UFO center and museum that was built in 1992 in the town of linomachi (lower case spelling is apparently proper), which is now a prefecture of Fukushima. The facility is city owned and run by the Iinomachi Promotion Corporation. It was built using money from a regional development fund in an effort to help promote the area as a UFO hotspot after numerous sightings, starting in the 1970s, around nearby Mount Senganmori. The Lab is part of a new revitalization effort for Fukushima as a whole. Japan’s history of private UFO research goes back to the 1950s, but the official stance until 2020 was that UFOs weren’t worthy of consideration.

The material housed in the UFO Fureaikan comes from a donation of over 3000 items from early Japanese UFO researcher Kinichi Arai. Arai ran a bookstore in the early 1950s and developed an interest in flying saucers while reading books on the subject that were increasingly being published at the time. Arai felt there was need for serious discussion of the phenomenon and formed Japan’s first UFO organization, the Japanese Flying Saucer Research Association in 1955. Arai was a pacifist, and according to him, “I told myself that if we knew for sure that the aliens were watching us, we would no longer fight. Therefore, I decided to see if I could prove that the aliens were real.”

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2022-01-10 01:10:20

488. Paul Hynek, Growing Up with UFOs

Guest Paul Hynek, son of J. Allen Hynek, was one of the lead astronomers for the US Air Force program to investigate UFO sightings—and featured in History Channel’s Project Blue Book. Paul discusses what it was like growing up around UFOs as if it was a normal topic, he touches on some notable reports, his father's involvement with "Close Encounters of the Third Kind", and his thoughts on where UFOs may be coming from and who they could possibly be.

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2022-01-05 10:12:18


Mack Maloney co-hosting with guest Graeme Rendall. We often think of UFOs as post Roswell, 1947, Graeme discusses his book that researched UFOs prior, including Foo Fighters of WWII, listen in for an exceptional researched fact base show on this topic. HAPPY AND SAFE NEW YEAR!

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2021-12-29 09:18:02

AudioBlog: A UFO and Bigfoot Like Creatures in Pennsylvania

These days, more and more researchers are considering the idea that there is a unified theory for all things paranormal from Bigfoot to ghosts to UFOs. The idea that all, or at least many, things paranormal derive from a common source was considered as early as the 1940s by Meade Layne and other members of the Borderland Sciences Research Association. This has been popularized in more recent times by John Keel and Jaques Vallée. There was a great deal of resistance to this way of thinking among paranormal enthusiasts, but a case in Pennsylvania from 1973 has elements to it that that likely caused many to reconsider their positions.

The case is described by Berthold Eric Schwartz, M.D. in the July 1974 issue of Flying Saucer Review in his article, “Berserk: A UFO Creature Encounter.” According to Schwartz, he got a call on a Sunday in September from Allan Noe of the Society for the Investigation of the Unexplained (a New Jersey based organization founded by Ivan T. Sanderson) and Stan Gordon, director of the Pennsylvania based Westmoreland County UFO Study Group. They told him they were in the midst of a great deal of activity involving UFOs and creatures. Gordon, in the documentary, Invasion on Chestnut Ridge, describes the activity as “a major UFO-Bigfoot wave.” Read more →

2021-12-27 03:14:07

486. Navajo Ranger, Jonathan Dover

Guest, Jonathan Dover talks about Navajo oral history of Sky People, and his 11 years of officially investigating Bigfoot, Hauntings, Navajo Witchcraft, and UFO's. This includes some fascinating UFO encounters including his own.

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2021-12-22 09:27:54

AudioBlog: UPDATE: A Woman Transported by a UFO?

In last week’s blog, we looked at a recent report from the Pampas region of Argentina that involved a missing woman who was found the next day in a town around 65 km from where she was last seen. She reported being in her yard in Jacinto Aráuz, seeing a light, and then suddenly finding herself sitting on a road in the town of Guatraché with no memory of how she got there. The case caught the interest of a local UFO researcher, as it bore a resemblance to an alien abduction case reported in the area in 1983. The researcher was interviewed in connection with the story in the local paper La Arena and the woman’s disappearance was presented in the paper with the alien angle in mind. Since the last blog was posted, the woman has come forward and was interviewed for a video segment hosted on the web based news site Crónica TV. In case there might be any question of whether the presenters had any sort of bias towards the alien explanation for the woman’s experience, the segment is titled “Habló la mujer abducida por un OVNI en La Pampa” which in English, according to Translate at Duck Duck Go, is “Spoke the woman abducted by a UFO in La Pampa.” Read more →

2021-12-20 11:13:35

485. Shane Hurd & Christopher O'Brien

HOUR ONE: Shane Hurd on the Phoenix Lights, joined by Tom King who filmed the them as well as more sightings to this day, and the Shane talks about his book, "Unidentified Aerial Phenomena: A Beginner's Guide to Researching UFOs" and HOUR TWO: Christopher O'Brien on longtime UFO investigations, the current state of UFOlogy, and recent projects.

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2021-12-15 09:33:28

AudioBlog: A Woman Transported by a UFO in Argentina?

Just weeks ago, there was an intriguing incident reported in Argentina involving a woman who went missing and was then found a day later, 65 km from where she was seen last. She had no memory of how she got there, and local residents and Argentinian officials were mystified. The case aroused the interest of a local UFO researcher who noted a similarity to an earlier alien abduction case in the area.

The story first appeared on November 17, in the Pampas newspaper La Arena. An article headlined, “Buscan a mujer que desapareció en Jacinto Aráuz” (Looking for a woman that disappeared in Jacinto Aráuz) reports that police and volunteer firefighters were involved in an extensive search the night before for a woman in her 50s who had been reported missing by her husband. A relative of the woman told La Arena that several calls were made from the missing woman’s mobile phone to her relatives and children, but only the sound of wind was heard when they answered. Read more →

2021-12-14 03:09:21

484. John Ramirez, CIA Retired

Guest, John Ramirez Retired CIA Officer discusses an unclassified meeting he attended about ‘modern human origins’, his personal thoughts on the subject, his own personal experiences, and the UFO connection of him and several of colleagues that led to their careers.

Show Notes

Here is the Albert Wain complete UFO encounter noted: https://youtu.be/AdH4zfVEyUI

2021-12-07 22:11:00

AudioBlog: A UFO and Humanoid in Vilvoorde, Belgium

In 1973, there was a worldwide wave of UFO associated humanoid encounters. Arguably, the most famous of these was the alleged abduction in Pascagoula, Mississippi, of Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker. They reported being forcibly taken aboard a craft by three, approximately five-foot-tall, robot-like, elephant-skinned creatures with crab claw-like hands, no eyes, a slit for a mouth and cone-shaped protrusions where the nose and ears would be on an earthly creature. While the creatures described by Hickson and Parker are unique in UFO literature, what is common to the 1973 humanoid wave is that most of the creatures described were unique. One report that stands out came from the city of Vilvoorde in Belgium. It was investigated by the Societé Belge d’Etude des Phénomènes Spatiaux, and an article describing the reported encounter written by Jean-Luc Vertongen appears in the SOBEPS journal, Inforespace No. 18, 1974. It was translated by Gordon Creighton and included in Flying Saucer Review, Vol. 20, No. 6.

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2021-12-06 10:22:48

483. Peter Maxwell Slattery

Guest Peter Slattery discusses his encounters since a young age, how he interacts, and his thoughts on what this may be about. Not just UFOs, but other facets of what is considered 'paranormal'. He also discusses his film, Multidimensional which is out on various platforms.https://www.amazon.com/Multidimensional-Peter-Maxwell-Slattery/dp/B09JLB2ZGS

2021-12-01 09:30:00

AudioBlog: A UFO Falls to the Ground in Yorkshire, England

In 1957, the same year the Soviets launched Sputnik, British authorities, media, and citizenry had their attention drawn back down to Earth as they attempted to unravel the mystery of a flying saucer said to have been found laying in a moor. It was dismantled, studied, and opinions were divided between its having come from space and its having been manufactured right here on Earth. Over time, the saucer went missing, but the mystery as to its origin remained. Then, in 2018, pieces of the saucer and its mysterious contents were found in the archives of the Science Museum in London.

The case was first reported in the December 9, 1957 Yorkshire Post in an article headlined “Mystery Object Found on Scarborough Moors” with the sub-headline “Has Unusual Hieroglyphics.” It was written about in detail in the March-April 1958 issue of Flying Saucer Review.

According to the Flying Saucer Review article headlined “The Silpho Moor Mystery,” a man “who writes under the pen name Antony Avendel” had examined an object discovered lying in Silpho Moor near Scarborough. The object is described as being shaped like a top, weighing 35 pounds, having a diameter of 18 inches, and having hieroglyphics on its outside. It was made of a double skin of 3/16” copper. A “burnt powdery substance” was found inside along with a copper book rolled up and inserted into a coil of copper tubing. The book was made of 17 copper sheets containing over 2000 words “engraved in phonetic-type symbols.”

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2021-11-28 22:53:50

482. Dean Alioto

Guest, Dean Alioto discusses how he decided to take UFOlogy seriously when he truly realized there was something to it, and talks about how he looks at the phenomenon now, his journey along the way that all started from the McPherson Tape, the original "found footage" movie he crated in 1989. Callers with an encounter and one with an insight on nukes.

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2021-11-24 09:39:39

AudioBlog: UFOs Over Wytheville, Virginia

Beginning in October 1987, there was a UFO flap in Wytheville, Virginia. Thousands of people in the area reported seeing extraordinary things in the sky, but the most commonly told story that came out of the flap centers around a single witness who, it seems, was singled out for harassment by some unknown entity or organization.

On October 7, 1987, reporter Danny Gordon of radio station WYVE called the county sheriff, as he regularly did, to see if the sheriff had any news for him that day. The sheriff told Gordon that three deputies, all ex-military, had reported seeing a UFO that day. According to Gordon in the course of his appearance in a segment devoted to the Wytheville flap in Season 4, Episode 18 of Unsolved Mysteries, the story was used as what he calls a “ha-ha” piece at the end of that day’s newscast. Read more →

2021-11-21 03:15:24

481. Tenth Anniversary Show!

Show guest Luis Jimenez along to celebrate our ten years of Podcast UFO, we will be hearing from Stephen Bassett 17:52 (our very 1st episode guest), Alejandro Rojas 2:47:35 (former UFO newscaster) Michael Lauck 1:13:32 (former UFO newscaster, blog writer), Clas Svahn 4:08, Leslie Kean 1:36:52, Dean Alioto 15:00, Lee Speigel 1:01:12, David Marler 1:47:28, Bryce Zabel 1:06:40, Jennifer Stein 41:09, Peter Robbins 56:17, John Greenewald, Jr 36:44, Travis Walton 1:10:02, Kathleen Marden 33:00, Jr, Richard Cutting 55:27, Stan Gordon 1:04:37, Calvin Parker 1:16:30, Philip Mantle 1:16:30, Ben Hansen 1:20:55, Robert Powell 1:02:36, Chris Lambright 1:24:36, Kevin Randle 9:02, Sam Maranto 46:35, Linda Zimmermann 1:39:52, Dr Michael Masters 1:51:06, Irene Previn 1:32:22, Chase Kloetzke 16:12, Paul Eno 54:07, Greg Bishop 3:02:20, Ben Moss & Tony Angiola 1:42:45, Jordan Bonaparte 43:45, Preston Dennett 1:30:30, David O’Leary 1:54:56 , Bill Skywatcher 1:00, Dave Altman 14:05, longtime listeners Scott Sykora 34:10, Peggy Shunning 1:44:09, Bobby Hernandez, 1:49:52. ROUND TABLE DISCUSSION in the last hour starting at 1:59:15 (includes: Luis Jimenez, Chris Lambright, David Marler, Dr. Michael Masters, Irene Previn, Linda Zimmermann, David O'Leary, Ben Moss & Tony Angiola, Dean Alioto, Alejandro Rojas & Greg Bishop)

2021-11-17 00:18:00

AudioBlog: A Country Singer, UFO Occupants, and Men in Black

One of the most famous early abduction cases is that of Travis Walton in late 1975, which received a lot of attention and still fascinates many people to this day. Walton’s case was investigated primarily by the Aerial Phenomena Research Organization. In the midst of that investigation, APRO was contacted by Johnny Sands, a country western singer who claimed he had encountered two humanoids in the desert outside of Las Vegas, Nevada. It is perhaps because of the attention given to the Walton case, that Sand’s case has all but been forgotten. I might also be because it’s seriously weird.

According to Sands, in his report to APRO and in subsequent interviews with researcher Timothy Green Beckley, he was in Vegas to promote a new record with some live shows. He had been visiting the towns surrounding Las Vegas to see how much his record was being played on local radio and how many jukeboxes it was in, and on January 29, 1976 (Sands didn’t recall the exact date with Beckley), he had been in Pahrump, Nevada.

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2021-11-15 03:23:14

480. on location Phoenix MUFON Boot Camp

After observing the MUFON Field Investigator Boot Camp, Martin is broadcasting from location in Mesa, Arizona with Stacey Wright, Marianne Robb, Marc D'Antonio, Tara Diulus, Earl Door, Dave Rich with past show guests Matthew Roberts & Karen Brard along with local friends of the show, Dave Sestili and Jennifer.

2021-11-10 09:30:51

AudioBlog: UFOs, NICAP, and the CIA

by Charles Lear

Of all the private organizations devoted to UFO investigation, the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena was arguably the most ambitious and tenacious. This was driven in large part by its director, Donald Keyhoe. Keyhoe held the beliefs that UFOs are extraterrestrial and that the U.S. Government, particularly the Air Force, was keeping information from the public that could possibly prove the ET hypothesis. As effective as NICAP was at hounding the Air Force and convincing many in the U.S. Congress that UFOs were deserving of scientific study, there are indications that the CIA was involved in both the beginning and the end of the organization.

Todd Zechel wrote about the CIA – NICAP connection in the January 1979 issue of Just Cause, the newsletter put out by Citizens Against UFO Secrecy. NICAP was incorporated in 1956, and two men Zechel argues were covert CIA operatives were put into chair positions within the organization. One of these men was Bernard J. O. Carvalho, who was made the chairman of NICAP’s membership subcommittee According to Zechel, Carvalho worked as a “front man” for companies secretly run by the CIA. The other was “Count” Nicolas de Rochefort, who was made Vice-Chairman of NICAP. According to Zechel, de Rochefort worked with the CIA’s Psychological Warfare Staff. Zechel tells the reader “there is more than ample evidence to conclusively establish both de Rochefort and Cavalho were at least during certain periods of their lives covert employees of the Central Intelligence Agency.”

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2021-11-06 10:30:00

479. Chris Pittman

Guest Chris Pittman on historical North American UFO sightings, early mankind, the Bridgewater Triangle. Why took a break from the topic and where he thinks "THEY" may be from.

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2021-11-03 08:26:31

478. Dr Irena Scott

Guest Dr. Irena Scott on her new book ‘BEYOND PASCAGOULA-THE REST OF THE AMAZING STORY’ where she interviews newfound witnesses and she also speaks about her own encounters, one happened during the time she was traveling and at the time she had a top secret clearance for the DIA.

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2021-10-27 08:25:47

AudioBlog: A UFO Photographed in the Italian Alps

In the hunt for proof that strange vehicles are flying through our atmosphere, possibly under the guidance of alien pilots, researchers have long looked to photographs. There are some, such as the McMinnville photos, that have become classics that continue to spark debate. Many have been passed through time by newspaper articles, books, magazines, documentaries, and websites. Of course, along with the photo, there is the story of the photographer, though getting that story straight might prove difficult.

In October of 1952, a story went across the newswires that a man in Italy had claimed to have taken pictures of a flying saucer and its occupant while climbing in the Bernina section of the Italian Alps. He told reporters that he saw a flying saucer land on a glacier. According to him, “a human shape wearing some sort of diving suit” got out, walked around the ship, and then got back in. The saucer rose up and “it took off without a sound at breathtaking speed.” He said he sold the photos to a French magazine.

The man was 29-year-old Italian engineer Gianpietro Monguzzi. His story is told in detail and his pictures are presented in the Sept.-Oct. 1958 issue of Flying Saucer Review. According to the article “Monguzzi Takes Saucer Photos of the Century,” written by Lou Zinstag, Monguzzi (first name given as Giampiero by Zinstag) worked as an engineer in Monza, near Milan, and was a member of the Edison Society of Italy. On July 31, 1952, he was hiking in the Bernina Mountains with his wife when they came across an object, shaped like a flying saucer, sitting on a glacier. Moguzzi wanted to get closer, but his wife was frightened and insisted he stay with her. He did so and took a series of pictures showing the saucer on the ground, a humanoid walking around it, and two “excellent photos of the ship’s departure.” Monguzzi ended up with a total of seven photos. At the top of the article, in a photo with a number two written on it, the saucer and the humanoid are both seen to have antennas.

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2021-10-25 00:04:06

477. Alfred Quiroz

Vietnam War veteran, Alfred J. Quiroz his UFO/USO incidents while he served in the U.S. Navy during the Vietnam War. Alfred dropped out (neighborhood internet outage) and callers for the end of the show, including Linda Zimmermann.

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2021-10-19 23:46:00

AudioBlog: UFOs over Pine Bush, NY

by Charles Lear

In the 1980s, New York’s Hudson River Valley was home to a wave of extraordinary UFO encounters by thousands of people. It was explained away as a hoax perpetrated by a group of nighttime pilots in ultralights and this was enough to make it fade from the public consciousness, even among those in the UFO community. However, one town in the area has kept the memory of the events alive with a yearly fair and a recently opened UFO museum.

A book about the wave, “Night Siege” by J. Allen Hynek, Philip Imbrogno, and Bob Pratt, was published in 1998. Hynek died in 1986 before the book was published but actively investigated and contributed to the book. His wife, Mimi, helped edit the book after his death.

According to “Night Siege,” the wave began in Kent, New York, on New Year’s Eve 1982 with a sighting by a retired New York City police officer identified by the pseudonym,“Tony Vallor. He’d just christened his new house by smashing a champagne bottle against it, and his wife had sent him back outside to clean up the broken glass after he’d told her about it. As he was cleaning up the glass, he saw a group of red, green, and white lights to the south. At first he thought he was seeing a jet having trouble but it was moving too slowly to be a jet. Read more →

2021-10-17 23:30:43

476. Dr Robert Gross

Guest Dr Robert Gross talks about Native American culture and space exploration as well as changes in the last few years on how the world views the topic of UAPs/UFOs and the potential for learning.

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2021-10-13 08:34:29

AudioBlog: A UFO Landing and a Meeting with Eisenhower

From February 17 to February 24, 1954, President Dwight D. Eisenhower was in Palm Springs, California, on what was described to the public as a “vacation.” On February 20, he disappeared from public view and rumors spread to the point that the headline, “Pres. Eisenhower died tonight of a heart attack in Palm Springs.,” appeared on the Associated Press newswire. The story was removed two minutes later and the AP reported that he was still alive. UFOlogists have speculated on where he was that day, and some have come to the conclusion that Eisenhower went to Muroc Air Force Base for a secret meeting with alien visitors.

The earliest mention of Eisenhower and aliens being at Muroc appears in a letter from Gerald Light to Meade Layne, founder of the Borderland Sciences Research Association. Now a foundation, BSRF has preserved the letter, and the date on the link is April 16, 1954. The letter opens with this:

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2021-10-11 02:39:47

475. Neil Nixon

Guest, Neil Nixon with a skeptical view of the UFO topic, his thoughts on some well known and not so well known incidents, and his latest book: UFOs, Aliens and the Battle for the Truth, A SHORT HISTORY OF UFOLOGY.

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2021-10-06 08:51:27

AudiBlog: A UFO Landing at Holloman AFB

UFO documentaries, besides being informative and entertaining, also serve to preserve UFO history for future researchers. However, one documentary, “UFOs: It Has Begun.” has itself become a part of UFO history. One of its producers has claimed that the U.S. Department of Defense offered him and his partner the use of some film footage taken by the Air Force at Holloman Air Force Base. According to him, it showed a UFO landing and a meeting between its occupants and Air Force officials, and it was going to be the finale of the documentary until the DoD withdrew the offer at the last minute.

The movie was originally released in 1974 as “UFOs: Past Present and Future.” It was written primarily by Robert Emenegger, who also produced it along with Allan Sandler. It has Rod Serling as its main narrator, and there are appearances by Burgess Meredith, Jose Ferrer, Jaques Vallée. and J. Allen Hynek. In 1976 and 1979 it was re-released under its new title.

The story of the film’s beginning is as follows: Emenegger and Sandler had originally set out to produce a series of films about advanced military technology but were diverted by an intriguing piece of information offered by their military contact, Paul Shartle, with whom they were working at Norton Air Force Base. Shartle, Security Manager and Chief of Requirements for the Audio-Visual Program at the base, said he had seen a film of an alien craft landing at Holloman AFB three years previous. As discussions about possible projects continued, the idea that one of them be about UFOs came up and was encouraged by military officials who offered the producers the use of the footage. Emenegger and Sandler decided to go ahead with a UFO documentary, and the film was made.

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2021-10-03 23:29:37

474. Trey Hudson

Lee Speigel on for the first few minutes, then guest, Trey Hudson to discuss his book, “The Meadow Project: Explorations into the South’s Skinwalker Ranch” will take you along the amazing journey from its discovery to the most recent investigations. He also does a deep dives into UFO hotspots and areas of strangeness such as: The Hessdalen Valley in Norway, the Hoia-Baciu Forest in Romania, Japan’s Aokigahara Forest, the Mesa Verde dwellings in New Mexico, Stardust Ranch near Rainbow Valley, Arizona and of course the legendary Skinwalker Ranch in Utah, USA.

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2021-09-30 09:23:28

473A. Bryce Zabel & Kathleen Marden

Show guest, Bryce Zabel & last minute invite, Kathleen Marden on legendary UFO Encounter Anniversary of Betty & Barney Hill. Bryce broaches some controversy involving John Luttrell Sr from a journalistic view, speaks about his 10-part series featuring the Hills, and discusses his former series, Dark Skies and more.

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2021-09-21 21:31:00

473B. Deb Coyle, Schoolyard Encouter

Guest Deb Coyle speaking for the very first time, she grew up in South Africa and moved to the United States as a young adult. Around the age of eight she experienced a schoolyard close encounter of the first kind. In recent years she has felt a renewed interest in closely following the UFO phenomenon. She discusses her encounter and the lifelong impact of the event.

2021-09-21 21:10:00

AudiBlog: A UFO Invasion in England

by Charles Lear.

1967 was quite a year in UFO history. In Canada there was the Falcon Lake Incident, where a man with a grid pattern of circular burns on his torso claimed to have gotten them from an ascending UFO, and the Shag Harbour Incident, where a UFO was seen to plunge into the water by citizens and was subsequently searched for by Canadian officials. Meantime, here in the U.S., the Air Force funded UFO study at the University of Colorado headed by Dr. Edward Condon was underway as was a major flap, which included UFOs sighted around nuclear weapons facilities at Malmstrom Air Force Base in Montana. A bit of history that’s been all but forgotten is an incident that year that involved six grounded flying saucer-shaped objects in England. They caused quite a stir and were examined by the British intelligence service, the Army, the RAF, a bomb disposal unit and police.

On September 4, 1967, British authorities became alarmed as six identical saucer-shaped objects, approximately four feet in diameter and making beeping and hissing noises, were reported to be lying on the ground across England. They were roughly equidistant and lying along the 51.5° parallel running from Kent to Somerset.

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2021-09-19 09:39:52

472. Robert Salas & Martin Keller

First half hour, Robert Salas comes on to make an announcement about his fundraiser (Robert Salas UFO GoFundMe) for the National Press Club on October 19. His goal is for the U.S. Congress to hold public hearings on the Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon (UAP). The featured guest Martin Keller discusses that the world is hopefully witnessing the Big Thaw about the UFO/UAP subject in mainstream media, the military and in government. His book: The Space Pen Club – a timely historical, cultural and true personal story – takes readers on a compelling insider’s journey that provides fresh insights into how we got to this point.

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2021-09-15 08:27:43

AudiBlog: UFOs and Airplane Passengers

Pilot UFO sightings have been a constant in the world of UFOlogy ever since the sighting in 1947, that started the public fascination with the subject, by Kenneth Arnold, who was flying in his own plane near Mount Rainier in Washington State. Even though these are often single witness sightings, researchers generally take them seriously, as pilots, especially a commercial pilots, risk their reputations and continued employment by coming forward. But, what about airplane passengers? In the case of passenger sightings, you often have multiple witnesses, or at least one witness that can corroborate the pilot report. An instance where a passenger witness came forward to back up a pilot report occurred in 1948 in the case of the classic Chiles-Whitted UFO encounter. On July 24, 1948, pilot Clarence Chiles and co-pilot John Whitted, were flying a DC-3 over Alabama. At about 2:45 a.m., Chiles spotted a red glow up ahead and brought Whitted’s attention to what he assumed was an Army jet. It closed in on the DC-3 quickly, shot past the right side of the plane, and then, with a burst of flame coming out of its rear, climbed up into the clouds. The pilots reported that the object was torpedo-shaped, had no wings, was 100 feet long, and 25 to 30 feet in diameter. Passenger Clarence L. McKelvie added to the credibility of the sighting by reporting that he saw a bright light streak by his window at that time. He later appeared in the documentary, “UFOs: It Has Begun,” (A 1976 and 1979 re-release of the 1974 documentary “UFOs: Past, Present, and Future.”) and there he says he spoke with one of the pilots and his description matches theirs. Read more →

2021-09-12 05:27:29

471. Barry Greenwood, David Marler & Jan Aldrich

Special Monday show, guests Barry Greenwood, David Marler and Jan Aldrich together at David Marler's UFO Archives. Three icons of UFO research together for a fantastic show.

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2021-09-08 03:16:52

AudioBlog: A UFO Over Tucson

On February 9, 2021, at around 10:30 p.m., a helicopter pilot with U.S. Customs and Border Protection flying over Tucson, Arizona, reported to air traffic control that he had just had a near collision with a drone. A Tucson Police Department helicopter was sent into the area and the two helicopters followed the object and attempted to determine the location of whoever might be operating it. While it was described as a drone and a quad-copter, it was mostly tracked using night vision, and the only visual description was of a blinking green light. If it was indeed a drone, it attained an altitude well above the 400 foot limit set by the FAA, performed extraordinary evasive maneuvers, and had a power source that lasted far longer than a normal drone battery.

The story was first reported on May 20, 2021, by Dan Marries of KOLD News who described the “drone” as having attained an altitude of 14,000 feet, staying aloft for over an hour, and being “heavily modified.” A May 21, 2021, Associated Press article reports that the FBI had begun an investigation and was treating the incident as a case of illegal drone operation. It was thought that the “drone” had launched from an area about five miles south of Tucson.

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2021-09-06 09:12:08

470. David Marceau

Guest David Marceau witnessed in 1992 an Oblong-shaped UFO fly over the Canadian army base in New Brunswick where he was stationed. The otherworldly craft appeared to be over an acre long. David discusses what it was like then, how he felt about it over the years and why he finally decided to speak about it.

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2021-09-01 08:29:05

AudioBlog: A UFO Flap in Virginia in 1965

Throughout modern UFO history, there have been periods when a large number of reports have come from one area. These were termed UFO “flaps” by Air Force UFO investigators working for Project Blue Book. According to former Project Blue Book Director in his 1956 book “The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects,” in Air Force parlance, a flap was a state of confusion just below panic that could be brought on by any number of things. This week, we’ll look at a 1965 flap in the Virginia area that involved reported EM effects, creatures, and armed citizens ready to defend the planet.

Newspaper clippings and comments by investigators about the events can be found at the UFO History Group website. The flap actually began in 1964 with the December 21st sighting by Harrisonburg, Virginia, gunsmith Horace Burns. According to the report, he was driving on Route 250 near Fishersville when he saw a huge metallic object in the sky coming from the north. As it landed in a field to his right, his car stalled, and he drifted to a stop.

Burns described the object as shaped like a beehive, 125 ft in diameter, and 80 ft tall. He observed it as it rested for 60 to 90 seconds and then rose up and flew away to the northeast. He was able to restart his car and drive home.

Burns contacted the UFO Investigators Club at Eastern Mennonite College. Club President Ernest Gehman, who was a professor at the College and a member of the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena, checked the area with a Geiger counter and claimed to have found heavy radioactivity. He also reported that homeowners in the area had complained to the Virginia Electric and Power Co. that their radios and televisions stopped working for several minutes and that their lights dimmed. Read more →

2021-08-30 02:53:51

469. Avi Loeb, Marc D'Antonio & Ted Roe

Avi Loeb for an update on The Galileo Project, Marc D'Antonio on his new SkyTour LiveStream West's LIVE Arizona Observatory, as well as a new Alien Invasion: Hudson Valley documentary on Discovery+, joined by Ted Roe to elaborate on his recent discussion and recommendations of UAP research to the aviation and astronautic research community.

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2021-08-25 08:39:27

AudioBlog: UFOs and Missing Soldiers in Gulf Breeze, Florida

Many readers may be familiar with the controversial case of the Gulf Breeze, Florida, UFO photographs taken in 1987 by local contractor Ed Walters. The photos were clear and detailed and stirred up a great deal of excitement within the UFO community. Some, such as former Navy optical physicist turned UFO researcher Dr. Bruce Maccabee, believed the photos were genuine, while others believed they were hoaxed.

Then, in 1990, after Walters and his family had moved from their home at the time, the new owners found a Styrofoam model of a UFO in the attic. Pensacola News Journal reporter Craig Meyers was able to closely duplicate Walters’s photos using the model, and Walters responded to hoax allegations by claiming the model had been planted after he left.

What readers may not be familiar with is a saga that unfolded around the Gulf Breeze incident involving six soldiers, all intelligence analysts, who went AWOL from a U.S. Army Intelligence unit in Augsburg, West Germany. They became known as “The Gulf Breeze Six,” and their story is… something.

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2021-08-23 23:37:59

468. Don Heiden, 1990 Tic Tac UFO

Guest Don Heiden discusses while metal detecting near the Florida Panhandle thirty years ago, he and his friend had a very strange Tic Tac UFO encounter. When Commander Dave Fravor described what he witnessed in 2004, Don realized what he saw matched Fravor's description.

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2021-08-18 08:41:40

AudioBlog: A UFO & Creatures in the Mountains of Taos, New Mexico

New Mexico is famous for its reports of landed (and crashed) UFOs and associated creatures. While many might think that these sorts of reports have long since ceased since the golden age of UFOs, there was a report just a couple of years ago of creatures and a huge landed craft in the mountains of Taos, NM.

According to an article by Staci Matlock in the September 5, 2019 Taos News, days before, on September 1, two bow hunters, Josh Brinkley, 41, and Daniel Lucero, 26, were looking for elk on Pot Mountain northwest of Taos. Brinkley had been coming to the mountain for fifteen years while it was the first visit for Lucero.

They set up on opposite sides of a field and waited for three hours with no luck. At around 9:30 a.m., Brinkley became restless and went walking through the woods looking for elk there. He got to the top of the mountain, which was the rim of a collapsed volcano known as a caldera. There, he saw what he thought were two fellow hunters about 35 yards away. He was preparing to speak to them when they disappeared. According to him, “They were gone, just gone.”

The more Brinkley thought about the figures he had seen, the less like hunters they seemed. He saw only their torsos above the brush that covered their lower half. They seemed to have been wearing large hoods that had what looked like pairs of ribbons on both sides that came to a point at the top and bottom. The left side was white and somewhat shiny and the right side was black. He described their torsos as “kind of black.”

Brinkley went back down the mountain and met up with Lucero. He didn’t tell Lucero what he’d seen until they were back at camp.

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2021-08-16 06:10:55

467. Listener Calls

Martin Willis and Bill Skywatcher ramble on and take calls from listeners. Interesting encounters and opinions from listeners as well as Bill's personal sightings.

2021-08-11 08:39:57

AudioBlog: UFOs and Esotericism

From the days of flying saucers in the 1940s and 1950s, up until the present where many now prefer the term “unidentified aerial phenomena” (UAP), investigators and researchers have approached the mystery using scientific methods. However, this is not the case for all who have sought answers as to the source and purpose of the reported encounters with strange things in our skies. Many have turned to esotericism, in addition to science, as a means of inquiry. This approach has actually been present from the very beginning of modern UFOlogy and those interested in the subject might consider looking into it, even if only from a historical or sociological perspective.

Esoteric is defined by the Merriam-Webster dictionary as “designed for or understood by the specially initiated alone.” When one talks of esotericism in association with UFOs or the paranormal, one is usually referring to what has become known as “Western Esotericism” which is a term used to describe a loosely connected group of religious and philosophical ideas that deviate from Judeo-Christian beliefs and post-Enlightenment rationalism. By the late 19th century, organized groups and secret societies had developed around these esoteric ideas, two of the most prominent being the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and the Theosophical Society. Both of these adhered to the belief that there is a group of cosmic beings that can be contacted by adepts who wish to receive ancient wisdom and advice. The Theosophical Society still exists today.

Arguably, the first group to investigate claims of a mysterious flying object, was the Borderland Sciences Research Association. Formed in Southern California by Meade Layne along with Max Freedom Long, BSRA was an association dedicated to paranormal research and included parapsychologists, spiritualists, and Theosophists. Their research methods included Yoga, Qabalistic technique, and spirit channeling. Their main spirit channeler was Mark Probert, the “Telegnostic from San Diego.” The group put out its first newsletter, the Round Robin, in February 1945. It wasn’t long before they were investigating what they called, “The Ether Ship Mystery.”

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2021-08-09 08:41:54

466-B Ross Coulthart

Exceptional discussion with multi-award-winning investigative Australian journalist, Ross Coulthart to discusses inside information about what the Pentagon knows about UFO/UAP's. Apparently, if this is to be believed, the Air Force knows quite a bit more than it has let on.

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2021-08-04 09:37:46

466-A. Paul Ascough

Guest Paul Ascough discusses the bigger picture with all of its complexities and is interlaced with many of the authors own sightings throughout his life.

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2021-08-04 09:12:05

AudioBlog: Floated into a UFO

In the 1970s, New York artist and UFO investigator Budd Hopkins began to specialize in abduction research after being confronted by multiple reports. He wrote about his research in the 1981 book “Missing Time” and it wasn’t long after the book was published that people started to be featured in the press and on television with claims of their own abduction experiences. In an interview for the PBS series “Nova,” Hopkins stated that his “best case” was one that involved witnesses who claimed to have seen a woman accompanied by three small humanoids float out of a 12th story apartment in Manhattan and into a waiting craft close to the Brooklyn Bridge. The woman who was reportedly seen was originally identified by Hopkins as “Linda Cortile” (now known to be Linda Napolitano) and the case has become known as the “Linda Case” or the “Brooklyn Bridge Abduction Case.”

Hopkins described the “Linda Case” in his 1996 book, “Witnessed.” According to him, Linda had written him a letter in spring of 1989 after reading his 1987 book, “Intruders.” In the letter she described seeing strange nighttime visitors while lying paralyzed in bed as a child. She also wrote that she was asked by a doctor about what looked like evidence of surgery inside her nose as he was dealing with some built up cartilage that caused a lump that had concerned her. She wrote that she had never had surgery in her nose and that this was confirmed by her mother.

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2021-08-02 01:09:58

465. Chris Spark

Guest Chris Spark discusses why science is a tremendously valuable contribution to humankind, but it has limits when it comes to the deepest questions, like those about UFOs and other ways in which science can and cannot offer explanations for these type of things in our world.https://www.amazon.com/dp/1736910701

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2021-07-28 08:25:44

AudioBlog: The Allagash Abductions

Four friends studying at the Massachusetts College of Art, Chuck Rak, Charlie Foltz and twins Jim and Jack Weiner, set out from Boston for a wilderness vacation in late August 1976. They were dropped off in northern Maine by pontoon plane and canoed through the Allagash Waterway. On the night of Thursday, August 26 the men, all art students, were night fishing on Eagle Lake. In order to easily find their way back to their campsite in the dark, they had prepared a large log bonfire as a beacon to mark their camp. Shortly after they began trout fishing a glowing oval object was spotted rising above the forest. Charlie Foltz signaled to the object with a flashlight which apparently caused it to stop its ascent and slowly move towards the students’ canoe. Read more →

2021-07-25 00:45:00

464. Chris Lehto

After guest Lieutenant Colonel (retired) Chris Lehto heard that the FLIR1, GOFAST, and GIMBAL videos were debunked he came forward with his opinion. He was an F-16 pilot for 18 years and had done hundreds of these types of intercepts with this almost exact equipment. The "experts" that have been appearing on TV and YouTube have obviously never actually used these systems before.

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2021-07-21 10:12:26

AudioBlog: Government Funded UFO Study in France

Many countries around the world have active, state funded, long-term UFO studies. If the United States Congress follows up on the recommendation in the recently released Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force report that “additional funding for research and development could further the future study of the topics laid out in this report,” the U.S. may soon have one as well. The U.S. has had two acknowledged, publicly funded UFO investigations in the past. One was run by the Air Force under the name of “Project Blue Book” for most of its existence from 1948 until 1969, and the other by the Pentagon from 2007 until 2012 as the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program. While the 21-year run for the Air Force investigation may seem substantial, the investigation funded by the French government has lasted more than twice as long.

The group studying UFOs in France is now operating as Groupe d’Etude et Information des Phénomènes Aérospatiaux Non-identifiés or GEIPAN. The group was first called Groupe d’Etude des Phénomènes Aérospatiaux Non-identifiés, or GEPAN, when it was started in 1977, and then Service d’Expertise des Phénomènes de Rentrée Atmérique, or SEPRA from 1988 to 2004. GEIPAN operates as part of the French Space Agency, Centre National d’Études Spatiales, or CNES. Read more →

2021-07-19 12:18:15

463. Paul Kirsch

Guest Paul Kirsch, discusses a theory for the quantum physics of interstellar travel, ideas originally put forth by Michael Miller and Larry Maurer and assembled by Paul in his book: "Blueprint for Interstellar Travel". Paul also talks about his interest in UFOs, certain sightings and how ideas have began from observation and what the observers have claimed as downloads.

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2021-07-14 08:31:00

AudioBlog: UFOs in the National Enquirer

Stories of UFOs and aliens have long been associated with tabloid newspapers, often with ridiculous headlines, dubious claims, and photos that only the most credulous could take seriously. While these might be considered innocuous pieces of entertainment by many, for the serious UFO researcher they make it harder to convince a skeptical public that the subject is deserving of careful scrutiny. One of the most famous and long lasting of the tabloids is the National Enquirer, and while it might not be considered to be a bastion of journalistic integrity, it launched Bob Pratt, who was a staff reporter for the paper, into a lifelong occupation (not always paid) as a serious UFOlogist. Read more →

2021-07-12 22:10:00

462. On Location Berkshires UFO

THREE-HOUR SHOW. On location Warner Homestead, Great Barrington, Massachusetts. All first-hand witnesses, two of which will speaking for the first time. Featuring: Tom Warner, Author & Artist, Mike Sisino, Retired 30-year Vermont State Police, Marisol Lopez, Artist & Photographer and former neighbor, witness, Jane Shaw.

2021-07-07 08:53:00

AudioBlog: UFOs and Congress

It’s official: unidentified aerial phenomena exist, the Pentagon takes the subject seriously, but no there one can say if aliens are involved. This is according to the unclassified report from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence that was delivered to Congress this past Friday.

The fact that Congress is interested in the subject of what have long been known as UFOs has gotten quite a bit a media attention ever since the report was commissioned in legislation passed in 2020. But, this is not the first time Congress has shown an interest in the subject; in the 1960’s UFOs were discussed in Congress on two occasions, both times prompted by concerns that publicly funded UFO studies were not being taken seriously. Read More →

2021-07-05 03:18:14

461. Kevin Randle

A quick 15 minute show this week on Kevin Randle weighing in on the Preliminary Assessment: Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Kevin's book: https://amzn.to/3dzwLkk

Note: Interview with Zen Benefiel was removed due to the massive amount of listener complaints. For those who wish to watch it: https://fb.watch/6u5La1tsoi/

2021-06-30 08:41:00

AudioBlog: The Aguadilla UFO

Because of all the media coverage regarding the Pentagon UFO videos, an extraordinary video reportedly captured by Department of Homeland Security personnel has fallen into the background. It has become known as the “Aguadilla” video and the identity of the object caught on video remains a mystery.

The case was investigated by the Scientific Coalition for UFOlogy (now the Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies) and a report was written that is available on the group’s website. According to the report, at around 9:30 p.m. on April 25, 2013, the departure of a commercial aircraft was delayed due to an unknown object flying at low altitude across the runway at Rafael Hernandez Airport in Aquadilla, Puerto Rico. In the area at the time was an airborne U.S. Customs and Border Patrol aircraft and the crew managed to capture infrared video of the object

The SCU investigators describe having obtained a copy of the video from an official source who insisted on remaining anonymous. The authors state that the individual’s identity, background, and employment were all verified and that “extensive efforts were made to ensure that this video did not contain any classified information.” Read more →

2021-06-28 09:45:11

460. Preston Dennett

Preston Dennett back on to speak about his new book: Wondrous: 25 True UFO Encounters. Published for the first time, these true firsthand accounts cover the gamut of the UFO phenomenon: sightings, USOs, landings, face-to-face meetings with ETs, onboard UFO encounters, and whistleblower stories revealing shocking secrets the government doesn’t want you to know.

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2021-06-23 08:26:21

AudioBlog: UFOs in Indonesia

Wherever there are UFOs, there are UFO enthusiasts, and since there are UFOs everywhere, UFO enthusiasts can be found everywhere as well. This week we’ll look at Indonesia, where members of that region’s largest UFO organization have recently offered their opinion to the local press on the upcoming Pentagon UAP Task Force unclassified report due to come out later this month.

An article written by Wulan Kusuma Wardhani and posted online for The Jakarta Post on Monday, June 7, 2021, is headlined, “Not a cult: Indonesia’s biggest UFO-community BETA-UFO weighs in on U.S. government report.” The two people speaking for the organization are 55-year-old Nur Agustinas and 48-year-old Anugerah Sentot Sudono. Agustinus was a cofounder of BETA-UFO IN 1997 along with Bayu Yunantias Amus and several others, and Sudono is described as a “senior member” in the article.

BETA is an acronym for “Benda Terbang Aneh,” which is Indonesian for “Unidentified Flying Object.” The term was introduced in the 1960s by Jacob Salutan, founder of the Indonesian National Institute of Aeronautics and Space. Salutan was a vice air marshal in the Indonesian Air Force and started Studi UFO Indonesia (Indonesian UFO Studies/SUFOI). He wrote two books on UFOs: “UFO: Salah Satu Masalah Dunia Masa Kini” (UFO: One of the Current World Problems) and “Menyingkap Rahasia Piring Terbang” (Unveiling the Secrets of UFOs). As of this writing, SUFOI appears to be inactive.

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2021-06-22 03:14:36

459. Matthew Roberts & Kevin Knuth

Guest Matthew Roberts discusses when he was aboard the USS Theodore Roosevelt for the events that brought the now declassified Gimbal & Go Fast UAP videos then his own personal experience since that time and how it changed everything, then Kevin Knuth joins in they both discuss the upcoming UAP Task Force Report, as well as both speak on scientists lack of curiosity in what could be the greatest revelation of all time.

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2021-06-16 08:56:38

AudioBlog: R.I.P. Mr. U.F.O

This past Memorial Day, May 31, 2021, UFO and paranormal researcher Timothy Green Beckley passed on. He was a colorful character who stood out in a field full of colorful characters, and while he might not have been the most serious of researchers, he was part of a circle of legendary characters from the days of flying saucers that included James Moseley, Gray Barker, and John Keel.

Records of Beckley’s age at the time of his passing range from 65 to 69. According to the IMDb, he was born on March 4, 1952 as Jeremy Stone. In addition to his interest in the paranormal, he was an actor in and producer of soft-core porn/horror movies and was known to fans as “Mr. Creepo.” He wrote and published many books on the paranormal with a definite sensationalized bent and was active in the community up until his death. According to what is believed to be his self-authored bio, “Tim Beckley had so many careers that even his own girlfriend didn’t know what he did for a living… Timothy Green Beckley has been described as the Hunter Thompson of UFOlogy by the editor of UFO magazine Nancy Birnes.” His bio contains the claims that his life was saved by an invisible force at the age of three, he started having out of body experiences at the age of six, he had his first UFO sighting at age ten, and had two more after that in the course of his life.

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2021-06-14 04:34:35

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