
东京箱根镰仓富士山河口湖8天7夜旅游自由行攻略懒人包 Tokyo, Hakone, Kamakura, Mt. Fuji, Lake Kawaguchi travel guide 必打卡美景

8 個月前
(基於 PinQueue 指標)
第一天可以坐红眼飞机到成田机场。乘搭成田特快到新宿,然后再坐高速巴士去河口湖站。河口湖站就直接去附近的Lawson拍美美的富士山。后街的富士山也很美。我们住的酒店是河口湖站对面的plaza inn kawaguchiko,房间就可以看到富士山。之后用Suica card搭火车到下吉田站。下吉田站有两个景点,第一个就是新倉山浅间公园拍富士山,第二个就是Hikawa Clock shop拍富士山。
第三天我们就绕着河口湖拍富士山。第一站就是天上山公园,坐缆车上到公园拍绝境秋千。第二站坐红线巴士到终点站,大石公园拍满满的薰衣草和富士山。大石公园前面也有Mizunokaze餐厅吃tempura ,凉面。中午可以来到湖山亭拍逆富士山,可惜天气不好富士山没出来。河口湖大桥也可以拍富士山。接着去八木崎公园拍薰衣草和满满的绣花球。然后再去隔壁的大池公园oike park,这里秋天枫叶比较美。晚餐吃Hotou Fudo餐厅超大碗滚烫的乌冬面。
第四天我们就要换酒店了,从河口湖搭巴士前往箱根。第一站我们在忍野八海下车,看看清澈如镜子的湖水。第二站我们在花之都下车,看看用富士山当背景的花园去。满满的都是薰衣草和花朵。第三站我们就来到gotemba premium outlet购物。午餐就吃这里的shake shack。
gotemba premium outlet 后再继续搭巴士去强罗车站,这里开始使用箱根周游卷。到达箱根
今晚住在kinreisou ,榻榻米式房间超大,而且整个民宿只有我们,可以任意享受民宿的温泉。晚餐我们就来Tamaru Ginkatsu-Tei 餐厅吃热锅豆腐和热锅半生熟猪排,这里很出名,记得提早来拿号码排队。
第五天我们游玩整个箱根。今天全程交通工具用箱根周游卷。早餐我们吃贴心屋主做pancake和泡绿茶。来介绍箱根景点。第一站到箱根车站搭缆车到大涌谷吃温泉蛋和看喷烟的火山。接着再坐缆车到最后一站,仙台。仙台我们搭游轮前往箱根神社。这里拍摄最出名的景点就是这里了。午餐就到Gongen Karamemochi吃特别酱料的乌冬面。接着再搭巴士到odawara station然后地铁到fujisawa station。
今晚我们入住住fujisawa station 附近的smile hotel 。很新的酒店,超靠近地铁。而且附近也有donki可以购物逛街
晚餐我们吃附近吃长崎champion noodle restaurant日本炸面,champon noodle,nagasaki特产面。
第六天我们玩转镰仓一日游。今天镰仓周游卷用到底。一大早必须到镰仓高校前拍灌篮高手场景,不然中午去就只是拍人群。接着可以去极乐寺站的成就院打卡这个可以看海景的楼梯。接着可以搭火车到最后一站镰仓站,去鹤冈八幡宫看看。然后在附近小町通街道吃遍镰仓的小吃。接着可以去钱洗牟财天神社 ,把你身上的钱洗一洗,洗了后财运亨通哦。
然后去附近的佐助稻荷神社拜拜,这里门口的装饰好像京都的神庙,根本拍照好地点。然后再去最出名的镰仓大佛高德院看看。顺便前往Kannon coffee吃好吃的大佛可丽饼。接着搭火车到七里滨海边,享受日本海边的气息。然后在海边附近的Double doors吃和牛炒饭,吃了真的回味无穷。
然后再前往江之岛,这里可以走上半天。可以拍拍神社,以及拍摄出名的龙恋之钟。傍晚江之岛日落很美,可以拍到远处富士山。接着用suica card坐enoshima地铁回新宿。新宿开始可以使用Tokyo subway pass 48 hours。而今晚我们住在 apa hotel & resort nishishinjuku go home eki tower。这里可以免费使用温泉的酒店,只是东京酒店比其他地方酒店小太多,收拾行李有点不方便。
第七天我们在东京一日游。今天Tokyo subway pass 48 hours刷到底。第一站来到浅草寺看看,雷门前打卡是必须的。接着寻找拍摄晴空塔景点。然后在浅草寺的仲见世通街吃小吃。然后在元祖寿司吃超新鲜的寿司。
下午就去寻找拍东京铁塔的景点。包括sensoji temple 拍到的东京铁塔。还有在times car park拍的。当然路边的也不错。
然后就去Shibuya sky拍美景。这里可以从 日落拍到到夜景。日落美景。而这个是夜景。晚上就去新宿的歌舞伎町看看红灯区。晚餐也可以吃歌舞伎町附近的拉面。

How to play in Tokyo, Japan? Here I will take you to visit the beautiful scenic spots near Tokyo by means of transportation.
On the first day, you can take a red-eye flight to Narita Airport. Take the Narita Express to Shinjuku, then take the express bus to Kawaguchiko Station. Kawaguchiko Station went directly to the nearby Lawson to take pictures of beautiful Mount Fuji. Mount Fuji in the back street is also beautiful. The hotel we stayed at was plaza inn kawaguchiko opposite Kawaguchiko Station, and we could see Mt. Fuji from the room. Then use the Suica card to take the train to Shimoyoshida Station. There are two scenic spots at Shimoyoshida Station, the first one is Shinkurayama Asama Park to take pictures of Mount Fuji, and the second is Hikawa Clock shop to take pictures of Mount Fuji.
On the second day, you can take the earliest bus to the fifth station to climb Mount Fuji, and then take the latest bus back to the fifth station. The scenery seen when climbing Mount Fuji is completely different from the scenery seen at the foot of the mountain. Of course only for those who are interested in climbing Mount Fuji.
On the third day, we went around Lake Kawaguchi to shoot Mount Fuji. The first stop is Tianshangshan Park, take the cable car to the park to take pictures of the desperate swing. At the second stop, take the red line bus to the terminal, where Dashi Park is full of lavender and Mount Fuji. There is also Mizunokaze restaurant in front of Oishi Park to eat tempura, cold noodles. At noon, you can come to Kosan Pavilion to take pictures of Mt. Fuji, but unfortunately the weather is not good and Mt. Fuji did not come out. Kawaguchiko Bridge can also take pictures of Mount Fuji. Then go to Yagizaki Park to take pictures of lavender and full of hydrangea balls. Then go to Oike Park next door, where the autumn maple leaves are more beautiful. For dinner, eat a super bowl of piping hot udon noodles at Hotou Fudo restaurant.
On the fourth day, we will change hotels and take a bus from Lake Kawaguchi to Hakone. At the first stop, we got off at Oshino Hakkai to see the lake as clear as a mirror. At the second stop, we got off at the Capital of Flowers to see the garden with Mt. Fuji as the background. Full of lavender and flowers. The third stop we came to gotemba premium outlet shopping. Eat the shake shack here for lunch.
Gotemba premium outlet and then continue to take the bus to Gora Station, where the Hakone Free Pass will be used. Arrive in Hakone
You can go to Gora Park, and the pass can enter the park for free.
Staying in kinreisou tonight, the tatami-style room is huge, and we are the only ones in the entire homestay, so we can enjoy the hot springs of the homestay at will. For dinner, we will come to Tamaru Ginkatsu-Tei restaurant to eat hot pot tofu and hot pot half-cooked pork chops. This place is very famous, remember to come early to get the number and queue.
(基於 PinQueue 指標)
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